Wedding Planners

by lotusprn

5 Nov 2023 4456 readers Score 9.4 (68 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

It was now evening. Grant and I found ourselves sitting on the living room couch again, half-watching a baking show on TV while on our phones. We could hear the voices of everyone and car doors shut in the driveway.

The two of us hadn’t exchanged a word since dad left earlier. We had eventually showered, got dressed and went about doing our own things throughout the day. Grant seemed to be acting like his usual self, but my head ran wild with thoughts. Still, I wouldn’t even know where to start if we had a conversation. Maybe he was processing it all too, just like me.

We heard a burst of laughter as the front door opened. Kate’s parents had come back to our house too. I’m assuming Mom invited them over for dinner or something. They were all bantering and reminiscing on their day spent together. 

“We looked like a funeral procession, all our cars following each other back here!” Kate’s mom, Rachel, joked.

“Well, we were going to carpool, but everybody was just ready at different times. And Marc left his wallet behind anyway, so it’s a good thing Kate and I left early,” my Mom said, glaring at Dad with an air of annoyance.

“Have you boys been on the couch this whole time?” Dad joked to Grant and I, trying to brush away Mom’s passive-aggressiveness. But he already knew the answer to that, based on our clean, clothed bodies.

I dodged his question, asking, “Is everyone here for dinner? Haven’t you guys been eating all day?”

Alex chimed in, “If you count a few sample plates as a meal, I guess,” rubbing his stomach to signify he was hungry, flashing his happy trail as he moved his shirt around.

Mom and Rachel headed over to the kitchen, quickly setting everything up to start cooking. Alex and Kate helped set the table, while Kate’s dad, Tom, talked to my Dad about the new car he bought.

“You have some scuffs on the floor here,” Kate pointed out while setting up the dining room table. My face immediately turned beet red, knowing that they came from earlier, when Grant and Dad had fucked me senseless.

“Oh, you can easily fix that,” I said quickly, getting up nervously to start buffing out what she saw. I felt Grant stare at my ass as I got onto my knees to polish the floor. I peeked over my shoulder. He was smiling, clearly proud of his work. I don’t know what came over me, but I arched my back in response, solely for Grant’s viewing pleasure.

I felt my dick starting to harden, imagining Grant coming up behind me to slide his cock in. No. Not here. I shook my head and finished up.

*30 minutes later*

Dinner was ready. We gathered around the table and began to eat, passing plates of food around. 

Kate was talking about one wedding venue she liked, when I felt a foot brush up my leg. Grant sat across from me at the table, winking as he moved his foot up to my groin. I cleared my throat and inconspicuously looked around to make sure no one had noticed. I started to get hard as he continued for a few minutes.

Alex, who sat next to me, then knocked his fork over. Without missing a beat, he bent down to pick it up. He lingered for a second under the table, but quickly popped back up. Had he seen Grant playing footsie with me? I guess not, since his face remained unchanged.

I nudged Grant’s foot, letting him know that was too close.

A minute later, his phone rang. “Excuse me,” Grant said, standing up and walking upstairs. He glanced over at me on his way up. Was he telling me to follow him?

Even if he was, I wasn’t sure that I should. There were so many people around. And Dad would’ve known exactly what was going on. And I still worried that Alex saw something under the table.

After a few minutes of debating, I finally said to myself, Fuck it.

I stood up. “I’ll be right back. My…stomach hurts,” I claimed as convincingly as I could. No one seemed to care too much and just continued on with their conversations.

I hustled upstairs. I closed the bathroom door loud enough to pretend that I was using it, in case anyone was listening. I then walked down the hallway to the guest room, which was cracked open.

I pushed on the door, and sure enough, Grant was on the bed, stroking his dick while on the phone. He made eye contact with me, basically telling me to come over, which is exactly what I did.

I was nervous. I had never sucked a dick before. But I couldn’t ask Grant for pointers since he was preoccupied, so I’d just have to do my best.

I sat down in front of him and began to stroke his cock. I examined it, not really knowing how I was going to fit it all in. Gotta start at some point.

I bent over and wrapped my lips around the tip. It was wet with precum. It felt huge in my mouth. I tried to take in as much as I could, but only got halfway before starting to gag. ‘Pussy,’ I called myself.

I tried to be as silent as possible while Grant was on the line, softly spitting on his cock as I tried to suck more of it.

I took another break to catch my breath, my eyes watering from getting about ¾ of the way down. He grabbed my chin and smiled. I looked up at him, quietly gasping for air. He winked and tapped my cheek twice in approval. Then he grabbed a chunk of my hair above my forehead.

He pulled my head back down. I continued sucking his dick as he guided me deeper. I had taken almost all of it by now, but could not suppress all of my choking. Grant spoke up a bit louder on the phone to cover up my sounds.

I needed a slight break from blowing him & began to lick his taint and suck on his balls. They were hairy and had a manly musk to them.

I kept stroking his cock in my hand as he slid his body down a bit. This gave me enough access to his ass. I began to lick it, and he hung his head back, closing his eyes. He breathed a bit heavier as I tongued his hole.

After a minute, Grant shifted over and stood up. He forced me to lay on my back so that I could hang my head upside-down off the side of the bed. He stood over me and began to fuck my throat. This position was much easier to receive his whole dick.

With his free hand, he played with his nipples for a bit. He began to face-fuck me a little faster. He lost his balance for a second, grabbing my neck to prevent his fall.

My throat was full of saliva and precum. He had barely given me any chances to breathe. Still, I maintained my position without complaint, allowing Grant to just use my mouth as a hole.

I felt spit dribbling out of my mouth as he started thrusting with more intensity. It wasn’t long before he started to grunt a bit more audibly. I felt a pulse emit from his dick down my throat, followed by another, and another. He unloaded inside me, and I gulped it all down.

Even though I wanted the moment to last much longer, we both knew we had to hurry back down to dinner before people would get suspicious.

I rolled over and cleaned off Grant’s cock, ensuring there wasn’t a trace of cum left.

Meanwhile, he ended his phone call, saying, “Well, I should head back to dinner. Have a good night babe.” He hung up, and I realized he was on the phone with his girlfriend this entire time. 

I had conflicting feelings about this, but didn’t have any time to sort through them. I would have to talk to Grant later. What were we? Was he straight? In the closet? Bi? Am I just a fuck toy to him?

I tiptoed down the hall and slowly opened the bathroom door. I entered this time so that I could wet my face and spritz some cologne to cover up any potential smell.

I headed back downstairs. Grant followed a few minutes after me.

I sat down, pretending like everything was normal and carried on eating food. I felt Dad look over at me from the other side of the table, but I acted oblivious.

Mom addressed me, “Ben, I was just reminding your brother, you two are going to the airport to pick up your grandparents this weekend. Don’t forget.” She reshifted her focus over to the group, noting that Grandma was “so excited to be able to help Kate pick out a wedding dress.”

I did forget, and sighed in this realization. “Can Alex just go by himself? I already made some plans.” Mom sharply responded, “No. Your grandparents would be happier to have both of you greet them.”

Alex kicked my ankle, angry that I tried volunteering him for the job on his own. Dad chimed in, “No fighting boys.”

We all finished up eating and talked for a bit longer before saying our goodbyes. Grant left too. I was hoping to talk to him tonight, but guess it would have to wait.

I headed up to bed, thinking about the events that occurred today. I laid there naked, jerking myself off, imagining Grant and Dad fucking me again, and quickly came. I scooped up my cum and tasted it. It was slightly saltier than the other loads I took earlier, but still good. I had a lot of self-discovery today, I thought to myself, before passing out…