Wash All Over Me

by AngelSkywalker

2 Jan 2023 2261 readers Score 9.4 (46 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The lights of the Oak Grove Boarding School locker room flickered like a dying firefly, desperately clinging to its brief, mortal life. 

Xavier stood in front of a sink, aggressively brushing his teeth as his mind raced like a stampede composed of a million thoughts that threatened to overwhelm him. 

Then out of the corner of his eye he sees an all too familiar figure approaching. He quickly spat out whatever little toothpaste was left in his mouth out as the most recurring, frustrating thought within the stampede stomping and wreaking havoc within his brain takes human form.  

“What are you doing here?” He snarled, making a point to look at the outsider up and down with as much contempt in his eyes as he could muster. Goosebumps erupt across his skin as flashes of the past race by like pieces of shattered glass that could never fit together again. History. Their history.  

Frustratingly, the other boy appeared unaffected. There was no hitch in his steps, or twitch is his face as he kept approaching.  

“I uh... came to have a shower?” Tyler replied with not a single shred of defensiveness or sarcasm in his voice, his big brown eyes betraying the same unknowable darkness that had once pulled Xavier in like a moth to a flame... 

Afraid to be pulled in once again, Xavier breaks any eye contact and feigns even more indignity, despite his heart fluttering like a caged raven within his chest at the mere sight of him. “Yeah... you sure seem to love shadowing me still, for God knows what reason!”  


Finally, with that, the handsome jock seemed to stumble. His lips forming words that had no sound as a pained expression distorted his face.  

After what felt like an eternity of uncomfortable silence Tyler finally managed to mutter “We haven’t really spoken since...” 

Feeling like he’d been cleaved in the heart, Xavier held unto the sink in front of him to keep himself upright, he struggled to get the words out for a moment before replying far more candidly than he’d anticipated himself... “Since you stopped talking to me out of the blue... so your buddies wouldn't find out about what we were really up to... so they wouldn’t find out about... us” 


The locker room turned as silent as a mausoleum, even the flickering lights seemed to hush themselves as a chill permeated the air, like a literal ghost from the past had been invoked to settle its misdeeds.  

“I-I’m sorry Xavier. I wasn’t ready to... My dad, he’d kill me... My friends, they'd beat me to a bloody pulp if they knew the truth” Tyler admitted earnestly, a heartache that could not be faked coloring every word.  

Xavier knew he was being truthful, but it didn’t make it hurt any less. He balled his hands into fists and dug his nails into his own skin just to keep from bursting into tears. 

"I know that" He conceded, but it didn't make it hurt any less.

"If I could take it all back... I would" Tyler offered gently.

Xavier felt a blush creep of his cheek, the room seemed to be spinning all around him in a way that took him off-kilter. The unexpected sincerity in Tyler's voice making him bloom like a wilted rose that never expected to see sunlight again.

Tyler stepped closer to him, and in a hushed tone made a lascivious proposal “I can make you feel better...” 

Xavier’s eyes widened as he watched Tyler take his shirt off with the faintest of smirks on his face, yet it was full of devilish intent. He gasped as he watched the taller boy undo his belt and proceed to drop his pants onto the floor. His heart raced as he became intoxicated by such blinding desire that all his common sense evaporated into nothingness... 

By the time Tyler soundlessly worded “Come in with me” with a wicked glint in his eye as he entered the shower, Xavier had already started taking his own clothes off in a daze of unbridled lust that took away all his inhibitions. 


Xavier stepped into the shower, gasping softly as Tyler immediately embraced him, wrapping his chiseled arms around his waist and burying his face into the crook of his neck. His eyes fluttered close as he felt the warm water come dripping down his body, enveloping him in blissful warmth as they pressed their bodies together.   

He snaked his hands up Tyler’s torso. Sparks of heady arousal igniting as his hands roamed over the creases of his abs and eventually settled on his chest, his fingers splaying once they reached the broad surface as water poured over them both.   

Tyler grasped Xavier’s chin and tilted it upwards before giving him a gentle kiss that quickly deepened. Their tongues swirled around each other slowly as they luxuriated in simply getting to taste one another once more after so, so very long. It took an eternity before the kiss finally broke and they smiled contently at each other...  

Tyler slipped a hand around the back of Xavier’s neck, tangling his fingers into his wet hair as his lips brushed against the shell of his ear.   

“Fuck... You’re so sexy... I missed this” He purred seductively, making Xavier shiver with unbridled need against him.  

“I need you” Xavier whimpered helplessly in response, pressing his blushing face against Tyler’s broad chest.   

“I know you do baby, it’s ok. I’ve got you” Tyler soothed him while caressing his back softly.

A waterfall of uncontrollable shivers cascade down Xavier’s spine.   

Xavier could only tremble in Tyler’s arms in response as he became intoxicated by being entwined so close together like this, unable to hide his breathless desire for more.  The water dripping between them making everything deliciously wet and slippery, only adding to the sizzling pleasure as their hands roamed all over each other’s naked bodies.   

Xavier’s hands dipped down Tyler ’s waist until they reached his perky ass, and he gave it a tight squeeze, eliciting a heated moan from the taller brown-haired beauty as he pressed their hips together more insistently. Both grinding against each other. Their throbbing cocks dripping with precum as they rubbed and pressed together under the warmth of the drizzling water.    

It was all dizzyingly slow and languid as they took their time with each other, exploring every inch of skin they could with hungry lust-filled touches and wet slides of trembling hands. Both pried open and vulnerable as their mutual yearning left them completely bare, ripe for each other’s taking. Seeking comfort from the storm that had brought them together as they held on tight under the pouring shower.   

“Look at me” Tyler ordered, voice filled to the brim with desire as he cupped Xavier’s face gently with one hand.   

Xavier did as he was told. He looked up and was immediately spellbound by Tyler’s dark eyes… Nearly coming undone by the magnetic pull of his obsidian stare. One of Tyler’s hands roughly cradled his face as the other reached down to grip both their slippery cocks. At once beginning to jerk them off as the warm water dripped down between them, making the sensation all the more deliriously pleasurable as Tyler slotted their cocks together and started sliding his hand up and down their lengths slowly. 

“D-don’t stop!” keened Xavier, pressing himself tight against Tyler as he instinctively thrust into the palm of his hand. 

His hands desperately gripped unto Tyler's biceps as his knees began to buckle under the mounting pleasure.   

“Beautiful...” Tyler cooed, the soft timbre of his voice nestling its way deep into Xavier’s heart for good.   

“You’re so beautiful...” Tyler repeated once more breathlessly, like he couldn’t believe Xavier was real as he glided his slicked wet hand up and down both their hardened shafts.    

 Tyler burned like the sun admiring a precious glimpse of the stars in the afternoon sky before he’d be forced to disappear beyond the horizon. The heat of their connection enveloped Xavier in a dangerously all-consuming manner that he wouldn’t trade for anything in the world.  

Tyler kissed and licked a wet line up his neck, across his earlobe and cheek before finally finding his mouth once more. His tongue darted in as achingly slow and tender as the movement of his hand on their cocks. Pulling and stroking their dripping lengths. Tyler’s body enveloped his own, keeping him whole and holding him there to ravage him softly. The rising steam from the warm water making the room seem like it was filled with the heat emanating from their gentle lovemaking.   

“Fuck!” Xavier moaned out, thrusting into Tyler’s warm hand with growing fervor.  Their gaze connected once more and he practically melted unto his strong arms as he was enraptured by the rampant lust thundering across Tyler’s eyes.   

 “That’s it baby... Just keep going.  Keep your eyes on me... I wanna see your face when you fall apart for me” Tyler demanded biting his lower lip, tightening his grip on their dicks as he unabashedly longed to watch Xavier come undone by his touch.  

“Oh my god” Xavier mewled, being driven closer and closer to the edge, beginning to thrust into Tyler’s palm with heady desperation.    

It took everything he had to keep their eyes connected as Tyler had ordered, even when his legs were shaking and his vision began to blur at the edges as he was driven to the edge of insurmountable pleasure by Tyler’s hand alone. But he did.  Even as he shook under a gaze teeming with searing desire. Even as the water washing over them made everything that much more hypnotically blissful.   

He held unto Tyler’s shoulders for dear life as an endless string of whimpers and breathless moans came pouring out of him as his pace grew feverish.  Chasing his peak uninhibitedly.  Drunk with need as Tyler stroked him. The water cascading over them wrapping them in a warmth that seemed to beckon them towards both release.   

“That’s it...such a good boy for me” Tyler smirked smugly, looking down at Xavier with ravenous hunger.  

"I'm—I wanna cum" Xavier pleaded, glossy eyed and gasping as the heat within him simmered to a boil, trembling against Tyler ’s tight hold as his piercing gaze carved its way into his soul.   

“Cum for me” Tyler ordered softly. “You’re so fucking beautiful when you cum Xavier...Cum for me!”  

Tyler picked up his pace, stroking them both off more rapidly as he wrapped his hand even tighter around their leaking cocks.   

The heat, pleasure and friction finally reached its peak.  Xavier chokes on a moan as he bursts all over Tyler’s pumping hand and both their cocks, the warm splashes of his cum making a mess between them as it sprayed across their skin and dripped down their thighs. He shivers uncontrollably against Tyler, hips bucking and stuttering through his powerful release as ripples of ecstasy flowed through him.  

“Fuuuuuucckk!” Xavier cried out, clawing at Tyler’s shoulders to keep himself upright as his knees buckled from the beautiful agony of having such pleasure coaxed out of him.   

Drowning in pure bliss, he held unto Tyler as he went light-headed, dissolving into a puddle of rapturous gratification.   

Tyler let go of Xavier’s cock just as the last wave of his orgasm subsided and re-wrapped his hand around his own, jerking off at a frantic pace as he chased after his own splintering climax. Xavier’s spent was acting as the most perfectly sinful of lubricants, making the glide of his own hand all the more unbelievably pleasurable.   

“-Xavier!” Tyler shuddered breathlessly, pressing an open-mouthed kiss to Xavier’s wet temple as he sprayed his load all over both their torsos, jerking wildly and moaning wantonly as he came at last.   

“I’ve got you” Xavier soothed him, reaching up with his hands and tangling them into Tyler’s messy brown hair as he crashed their lips together, kissing him sloppily through his shattering orgasm.   

“You’re so fucking amazing” Tyler whimpered once their lips finally parted, shaking like a leaf as he buried his face into the crook of Xavier’s neck, his vulnerability absolutely intoxicating.  

“Mmmhmm you too” Xavier hummed in response, a pleased smile on his face as they hugged each other through the misty haze of their euphoric release.   

They stayed there in a warm embrace for what felt like an eternity just letting the water wash over them as time seemed to slow down all around.  Neither having a care in the world as they simply let themselves enjoy the moment and each other. Their hands drifting across warm flesh as they washed one another clean without any hurry...  

“What happens now?”  Xavier muttered, as reality started to break through the fog of their shared passion.


To be continued?