Vlad The Impaler

by Derek D

19 Nov 2022 640 readers Score 9.5 (18 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

How had the old man died? Detective Ross was quick to reply, “One would be quick to say natural causes if Joshua Barnes was in reality an old man, but though he looked ancient, Joshua was only forty years old”. Chris let that sink in and then grinned and said, “So, apparently the guy I gave a ride home to was actually this guy’s father”. Detective Ross shook his head and said, “I’m afraid not. They are one and the same. Joshua’s parents were killed in an accident and Joshua had been infected with the AIDS virus from the blood transfusions he’d received from the accident even though they were supposed to have been filtered and pretested. That’s why I’m taking this case personally”. Chris was both feeling compassionate and annoyed, “I feel bad for the guy, but what does his death have to do with me”? The other detective spoke up, “We need to know what occurred on that night that you dropped him off. What did he tell you”? Chris replied, “Just some crazy shit about some medieval guy getting cursed and impaling people”. Chris had expected Detective Ross to either smile or shake his head at the ridiculousness of what Chris had just said. Instead, with a sober face, Detective Ross said, “Tell me about this story he told you”. Chris looked at him and asked, “Seriously? You want to hear about some fairy tale Joshua told me”? Detective Ross, still non-plussed said, “Yes. Start from the beginning”. Chris shrugged his shoulders and then began, telling the detectives first about overhearing part of the story as Joshua was telling it to some guys who then began mocking Joshua, calling him delusional. Chris told them about feeling badly for the guy and offering him a ride home. Then he told them about Joshua swearing to him that the story was real and the Impaler was a real being. Then Chris told them about telling Joshua about his doubts that Joshua could have been impaled and Joshua’s explanation of how he was impaled. It was a far different definition than Chris had envisioned. Detective Ross then said, “We have a completely different definition of what that is; It’s called rape”. Chris hesitated before saying, “Good point. The weird thing is Joshua said the guy then would suck his cock and drain him of his cum”. Suddenly Chris had a vision flash through his head of feeling powerful while someone was sucking his cock and the sudden draining of all his energy after he’d been drained of his own cum. Detective Ross asked, “Are you ok sir? You just turned completely white”. Chris shook it off and said, “Sorry Detective, I’m recuperating from some kind of 24-hour virus. I’m fine”. Detective Ross said, “Just because the guy gets his jollies off by then performing fellatio on his victim, doesn’t mean it’s not a rape. In my mind, that’s a further insult to a straight man. Well, Mr. Thomas, we’re sorry to have bothered you. You’ve been very cooperative, and we may have some more questions later”. Chris said, “I’d be happy to answer any question that I can, but I’m afraid to say that was my only encounter with Joshua, so I’m not sure what else I could help with”. Detective Ross said, “We’ll be the judge of that Mr. Thomas. Have a nice day”.

The detectives left, and Chris thought about what all had happened in the last couple weeks, his encounter with Joshua, Jon’s and his own sudden illness, and Jon’s strange behavior last night. Were all these things related somehow? He tried to recall the images that had suddenly flashed across his brain while talking to the detectives and tried to make sense of it. Was he somehow projecting Joshua’s story onto himself? Chris then remembered that he was about to head over to Jon’s before the detectives interrupted. He grabbed his keys and headed out.

Once again, Jon did not respond to Chris’s knocking nor the ringing of his doorbell. Chris left himself in and not seeing Jon in the living room nor kitchen, made his way to Jon’s bedroom. He found him sound asleep at six o’clock in the evening and then came to the conclusion that he’d been that way since sometime in the early morning. “Yo, Jon! You gonna sleep all day”? No movement. Chris shook him by the shoulder and found it strange that just touching Jon’s bare shoulder gave him a tingling in his loins. Jon stirred slightly and asked, “What the fuck dude! Why are you waking me up so early”? Chris grinned and said, “Jon, it’s after six in the evening”. Jon rolled onto his back and with his eyes still closed, said, “Fuck! I feel like I was run over by a train. Give me another hour will ya? I think I’m having a relapse from last week”. Chris asked, “What the hell happened to you last night? You up and left and when Brad tried to talk to you, he said you just walked past him like he wasn’t even there”. Jon’s eyes opened and a confused look came over him, “I don’t remember. I went to take a piss. The Men’s room was out of order, so I went to find another. After that, nothing until you woke me up just now. Can I go back to sleep now”? Chris then said, “I had a visit from two detectives today”. Jon grinned and asked, “So, what did you do, drop a candy wrapper and get hit for littering”. Chris couldn’t help but laugh at Jon’s remark. Jon knew him all too well and knew he wouldn’t do anything illegal, “That old man, Joshua, I told you about. He’s dead and they told me he wasn’t an old man. They said he was forty years old”. Jon tried to sit up but flopped back onto the pillow, “You said he had to be seventy. I know drugs can age you but thirty or more years”? Chris said, “I know, right? That’s what has me thinking about what he told me about the guy sucking the life force out of his victims”. Jon began chuckling, “Yeah, but from your description of how he does it makes it sound like one hell of a blowjob”. Chris shook his head and grinned at his friend’s remark, then asked, “What if what he told me is the truth? What if this guy, this thing, actually exists”? Jon looked at Chris like he had three heads, “You’re not telling me you believe that fairy tale, are you”? Chris replied, “I don’t know. First it was the old man and his story and then there’s this strange stuff happening to us”. Jon asked, “What do you mean”? Chris said, “Last Friday night, we were supposed to meet at The Factory, but you weren’t there. You said you met some hot girl but can’t remember what she looked like and then spent the whole day sleeping. That night I went out by myself since you were recuperating. I can’t remember anything past sitting at the end of the ’quiet bar’ (their pet name for it). I ended up sleeping all day recuperating. Then last night, some guys mention that I left with ‘some hot chick’ which I don’t remember. You leave to take a leak and end up driving off. Do you remember where you went”? Jon replied, “I told you I can’t remember anything past when I left to take a leak”. Chris felt satisfied, “Strange, huh”? Jon said, “Putting it that way, I guess it is pretty strange”. Chris then suggested, “Look, I think we need to stick together. I go to the bathroom, you come along. You go to the bathroom, I come along”. Jon started laughing and Chris asked, “What”? Jon said, “We’ll look like girls, having to go everywhere together”. Chris laughed, “Yeah, I know, but that way if one of us wanders off the other one can follow to see where they go”. Jon was quiet for a few minutes before saying, “I would like to know where I went two weekends in a row”. Chris said, “Well, since you need more sleep, I’m going to head home”. Jon asked, “You’re not going out on a Saturday night”? Chris said, “No. This seems like it only happens when we were out. Since you’re in no shape to come along, I think I can wait until next Friday”. Jon said, “Your choice Chris. Goodnight”, and then he rolled on his side and curled up, falling asleep almost instantly. Chris just smiled, grabbed his keys and headed for his car. It was almost 8:30 when he turned on the ignition.

Chris stepped from the elevator and walked through the apartment to the bedroom where Vladimir waited. Vladimir had a sad smile on his face as he said, “I have seen your pain. To lose one’s love is a hurt that one does not forget. I know this pain as well. Though it’s been hundreds of years, that pain does not fade from my heart. It also pains me to see one like yourself as one of my life-givers. I wish it were not so. I wish I still had a choice, but the evil wizard took that away just before I took his life. Please forgive me for this. It is not by choice that I do this”. Chris found his voice and, his awareness, “So Joshua was telling the truth. You impale your victims with your cock and then suck the life force from them through their own cocks”. Vladimir nodded and then Chris recalled last week where he took Vladimir’s cock and the rush of power when he came. Suddenly the memory vanished. Vladimir was looking to the floor, seemingly ashamed, “I’m sorry. I should not have let you see that, for you see, that sudden rush of power and the pleasure that led up to it will eventually lead to your untimely death. Fleeting pleasure does not compensate for early death”. Chris began feeling sad for Vladimir. He was just as much a victim as was he. Chris asked, “Did Joshua know all of this. He may have been a victim, but when he talked about you, it almost seemed like he cared for you”. Vladimir gave a slight smile, “Josh was different from all the others. In the beginning I could choose the life-givers. I chose those who were heartless and wrought evil wherever they went. Then fearing I would choose the wizard; he changed the curse so I no longer had a choice. What he didn’t understand was that though I didn’t have a choice to make him a life-giver, I still had a choice to take his life. Then came Josh. Innocent and out of no fault of his own was about to lose his precious life and fate chose him as a life-giver. My seed has the ability to eradicate all sickness from whomever receives it, thus curing him of his affliction and prolonging his life for a while longer. I was happy to be able to give him that gift, happy that at least once I could extract some good from an evil curse. We spent a lot of time together and I used his life-giving essence as sparingly as I could, depending on others to keep me satiated. Alas, one day I realized he’d gone past the point where he was able to sustain himself and like all the others, began to age quickly. I took care of him the best that I could. Now he is gone”. Chris nodded. So, Vladimir had sensed his passing. Was this also his fate? “I’m afraid so Chris”, Vladimir said, having heard his thoughts, then continued, “I felt a need to share this with you. I have no choice in this any more than you do. You will not recall our conversation come morning, though you may see fragments in your dreams”. Chris needed to ask one more question, “Is there no cure for this curse”? Vladimir said, “None that have panned out thus far. I have tried. There is said to be one, but it is beyond my reach. Josh used to speak of it often, hoping it would come to pass before his death. Alas, it did not”. Vladimir didn’t elaborate beyond that and began undressing. Chris followed, removing his own attire. Chris had one more question, “Couldn’t another wizard remove the curse”? Vladimir smiled and replied, “Most wizards were employed to carry out the evil of those who had the money to pay for it. The people fought back and killed them all, even the good ones. I’m afraid they are no more. Magic in this world is all but dead”. Chris backed up to the bed. Vladimir moved forward to kiss him, but Chris said, “There is no need to paralyze me Vladimir”. Vladimir hesitated for a moment and Chris laid back on the bed and lifted his legs, then nodded to Vladimir. Soon Chris felt the slickness of Vladimir’s precum, followed by the numbing sensation to ease the pain of the penetration. This was a sensation Chris had never felt before, or at least remembered feeling. His insides were being stretched as Vladimir’s cock invaded his bowels. A brief thought of impalement crossed Chris’s mind though there was no pain. Soon Vladimir was buried fully inside him, and he slowly began tugging out and then back in. Chris felt Vladimir’s cock hitting something inside him which caused a jolt inside him. Vladimir grinned down at him and said, “That is your prostate”, and then seeing Chris was in no pain, began taking longer thrusts, slapping into Chris’s upturned ass. Chris was grunting, but not from pain. His prostate was getting a workout and it was sending rushes of pleasure throughout his body. Too soon, in Chris’s mind, it was over. Vladimir slammed into him one last time and Chris felt a new sensation, one of pure power overwhelm him as Vladimir’s seed pumped into him. Chris felt that if he wanted to, he could throw Vladimir off him and escape, but he recalled telling Vladimir there was no need for the kiss and doing it seemed like a betrayal. Vladimir looked up into Chris’s eyes as though he knew what Chris had been thinking and then slowly pulled his cock free before moving down and taking Chris’s rigid cock in his mouth and giving him the best blowjob he’d ever had (not that he’d had many). Soon Chris was yelling, “Oh fuck! Oh fuck! I’m cumming”! Chris’s orgasm was immense. Each pulse of his cock sent jolts of electricity throughout his body. When he was spent, Vladimir looked up into Chris’s eyes and Chris saw sorrow in them. Chris said, “It’s ok Vladimir”, before losing consciousness.

Chris awoke with someone shaking his shoulder, saying, “What the fuck dude! Get you lazy ass up. The first game is on in ten minutes”. It was Jon. “Give me a few more minutes”, Chris groaned as he rolled over, placing his back toward Jon. Jon then asked accusingly, “I thought you were staying home last night. Carl said he stopped at your place last night. You didn’t answer the door and your car wasn’t there”. Chris groggily said, “I told you I was coming home and I..”. Jon waited for a few seconds before asking, “And you what”? Chris replied in both an angry and confused voice, “I don’t remember! I remember starting the car and then….nothing”. Jon grabbed the blanket covering Chris and said, “At least join me in the living room so I have some company”. After pulling the covers from Chris, Jon saw he was only wearing briefs. Ordinarily, it would be no big deal, but for some reason, Jon’s eyes were drawn to Chris’s ass, filling those briefs. He was intrigued by the opening at the top of those briefs where the split in his buns began. Jon was thinking this is weird, but he couldn’t pull his eyes away from it. He was mesmerized. Chris just wanted to sleep, “Can’t you just put on the TV in here and watch the game”? Jon finally pried his eyes off Chris’s fine ass and thought for a second, then said, “The view from the chair is at too much of an angle”. Chris replied, “Then sit on the bed. I just want to go back to sleep”.

Jon left the room and returned with a beer and some snacks and then turned on Chris’s bedroom TV. It was only two inches smaller than the one in the living room. Jon noticed that Chris must have been so tired that he hadn’t pulled the covers back over him. Jon thought that was fine since he didn’t want it to be too warm as he watched the game. Jon slid off his shoes and climbed onto the bed next to Chris. The game came on and Jon watched, every now and then telling an unconscious Chris what was going on. At times, Jon’s eyes wandered to Chris’s smooth, wide shoulders which tapered down to a tight, narrow waist. Jon wondered how far the tan line went below the blue elastic band of Chris’s briefs. Jon shook his head and forced his attention back to the game. Jon reached back and grabbed his beer then took a sip and after setting it back down, turned back toward the TV. Accidentally, his leg wound up pressed against Chris’s firm buns. At first, he quickly pulled away, but little by little, as he watched the game, his leg wound up against Chris’s firm buns. To make things worse, Chris unconsciously pushed harder against his leg. As the game got to halftime, Jon realized the temperature in the room seemed to have risen. Jon got up to take his empty out and retrieve another beer. On his way back, he stopped to relieve his bladder and realized he was slightly aroused. He shrugged it off, but as he returned to the bedroom, and saw Chris lying there in his briefs, he felt the heat once more, even though the rooms were all at about the same temperature. Jon decided to shed his shirt and before returning to the bed, slid off his pants as well. After all, it was hot in here. He climbed onto the bed, attempting to avoid Chris’s buns, but his leg ended up pressed in the crack between the hard buns anyway. Jon couldn’t bring himself to pull his leg away. He tried to concentrate on the game, but his eyes continued to wander back to the sleeping form of his friend. As the game was coming to a close and it was beginning to grow dark in the room, except for the light from the TV, Jon just relaxed flat on his back with his head propped on a pillow where he could watch the game as well as his friend’s semi-nude form. Suddenly Chris stirred and turned over onto his other side. Jon asked, “Finally waking up”? Chris didn’t respond but surprised Jon when he placed his head on Jon’s chest and his right hand wound up on his stomach at the waistband of his briefs. ‘Holy shit!”, Jon thought to himself as he felt his cock convulsing in his briefs. “Fuck”, Jon cried out and then put his hand over his mouth as he filled his briefs with his cum. ‘Shit! Fuck! What the hell just happened’, Jon thought to himself as he pondered a way out. If he tried to push Chris off of him, he might wake up and discover his best friend had just creamed his briefs while in his bed. If he did nothing, Chris might wake up anyway and discover his soaked briefs. Jon decided to chance the latter as he knew he had slept through the night during these strange occurrences. Hopefully he’ll roll off of him after a while. Chris did feel good laying on his chest and his hand still resting on his abdomen felt awesome, awesome enough to cause him to ejaculate in his briefs. Jon’s cock began to stir again, but this time he shrugged it off. Chris’s body felt too good draped across his chest. Chris suddenly stirred and moved his head slightly, finding another spot to rest on and then his hand moved further down across the wet area of Jon’s briefs and stopping with his hand palming Jon’s balls. Panic struck Jon as he was now fully hard, and his cock was throbbing. He kept repeating to himself, ‘Down boy. Down boy’, but to no avail. He had never cum in this manner. Hell Chris was asleep, and his body contact alone had caused him to cum in his briefs. What the fuck was happening? Chris was still asleep, but his hand squeezed Jon’s balls and Jon once again was firing his cum into his briefs. Jon thought he must have done something really bad for karma to be playing this joke on him. “Fuck”, he sighed, finished his second beer and tried to think of how he could dig his way out from under Chris. As he pondered his escape, sleep overtook him.

Chris woke up around 2AM with his head on something firm. It wasn’t a pillow. The TV was still on, playing some infomercial and providing enough light to see he was laying on someone’s chest, Jon’s bare chest. He then felt his hand was, oh shit! He pulled it away and then noticed Jon’s semi-wet stained briefs. Chris thought, ‘What did I do last night’? He could smell the pungent odor of cum emanating from Jon’s briefs. That pungent odor seemed intoxicating to him. What had he done? Did he jerk off his best friend in his sleep, or worse? What should he do? At first, he did nothing but inhale the pungent odor deeply. It was wrong, he thought. It should have grossed him out at the discovery, and yet he continued to inhale. Eventually Chris realized he needed to figure out what to do. Was Jon awake when this happened? He hoped for the best that Jon was not. Chris’s plan would be to roll over onto his side and after Jon woke up, he’d pretend he slept through the night.

Around 5AM, Chris felt Jon stirring. He slowly rose from the bed and then Chris heard some clothes shuffling and then Jon leaving the room. Jon returned a short time later and began cleaning up his beer can and empty bags of snacks. Chris took this opportunity to feign waking up, “Morning Jon. Good game? Sorry I slept through it”. Jon grinned as he figured Chris had indeed slept through the night. He smiled and replied, “I did enjoy the game. Our team lost though”. Chris wondered what Jon really meant by that. Usually, any time their team lost; it was a terrible game in Jon’s eyes. Jon was thinking, ‘I did enjoy the game we played even though you slept through the whole thing, fortunately. Chris was thinking, ‘Fuck! What did I do to him last night? He knows. I’m sure of it’. Jon said, “I’d stay for coffee, but I need to go home, shower and get to work”. Chris replied, “No problem, Jon. I need to do the same”. Before Jon turned, Chris glanced down at his crotch. It was dry, but was he going commando? Jon left and as he heard Jon’s car heading off, he returned inside. As he passed through the laundry room, he noticed one of his socks hanging off the side. He always made sure everything was inside so it would seal out the dirty clothes odor. He opened it and started tucking the sock back inside when something caught his attention. There was the faint odor of dirty clothes, but there was something else. The odor of cum, and Chris knew it was Jon’s cum. Chris dug around in the hamper and soon felt the dampness. He pulled out Jon’s briefs. They were still damp and weren’t in the hamper long enough to absorb any of the dirty clothes smell. Chris then thought, ‘What the hell am I doing’? He was about to jerk off while smelling his best friend’s cummy briefs. This was wrong. He should put the briefs back and wash them when he did laundry. He sniffed them once thinking he’d put them in the hamper afterward. He sniffed them again as he wondered what had happened last night. He opened the briefs and placed the pouch at his nose and inhaled deeply. It was stronger up this close. His tongue snaked out and he licked the pouch, tasting the sweetness and saltiness of it. He continued to inhale the pouch as he found himself stroking his hard cock. He was soon about to cum when he decided to do something really strange. He pulled on Jon’s briefs and began stroking his cock again until his cum burst forth into the pouch, mixing with the remnants of Jon’s own load. Before he climbed into the shower, Chris picked up Jon’s briefs once more and sniffed. It still had a musky smell, but his own cum wasn’t as intoxicating as Jon’s seemed to be. He placed the briefs on top of the hamper and went in for his shower. As he showered, Chris thought about what was happening with he and Jon. They were missing whole nights from their memory and now he was feeling attracted to his best friend, a guy. What the fuck was happening and what specifically happened last night?

As Jon drove to work, he was breathing a sigh of relief. How would he have explained his cum-soaked briefs had Chris woken up. Hopefully he wouldn’t notice the briefs until Chris was removing them from the washing machine. What was happening between them though or at least with him? He had cum with Chris just putting his head on his chest and his hand on his abs, and once more when Chris’s hand found Jon’s balls. What if that wasn’t an accident? What if Chris woke up and found his head on Jon’s chest and decided to tease him and then regret it once he realized Jon was cumming. Just thinking about it caused Jon’s cock to stir.

End of Chapter 3

by Derek D

Email: [email protected]

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