The seven victims of George Wallace

by Bo Fantasy

24 Oct 2023 2697 readers Score 8.3 (13 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Reader discretion is adviced, this story contain graphic content depicting violence and rape which may not be suitable to all readers. This is a fictional story and do not portray real events or real persons.

Victim 1: Eddie

“No, please don’t leave!” I followed her closely, tugging on the fabric of her sweatshirt.

“Seriously Eddie..” the girl stammered and turned to face me, “..let go of me!” she pushed and hit, tears falling down her face.

“I’m sorry!” I wailed after she broke free.

The girl, Haley, had uncovered my secret. When she found out, nothing I said would change her mind. She demanded that she leave, but I was so scared to let her. What if she told others? I’ve done such a good job up until now.

“Haley, please.” I pleaded once more. Her hand wrapped around the doorknob, looking back at me through teary eyes.

“Fuck. You.” she screamed from her gut, the sound made me cringe. It was so loud. Without another word, she was gone with the slam of the door.

The adrenaline pumping caused me to act out. I screamed profanities and kicked the sofa until it hurt. Why did this have to happen to me? Why can’t I be normal? It’s bad enough that I’m secretly gay, but now Haley knows too.

I shuddered at the thought of anyone finding out, though there’s no question that Haley will at least tell her best friend. Fuck. What a lousy Saturday night..


The rest of last night was an absolute shit storm. I feverishly harassed Haley’s phone with call after call, text after text. To no avail, after all. Haley stayed radio silent. I groaned when my third message to her went undelivered, most likely she blocked me. I pulled at my hair out of frustration, just itching for a distraction. All day I’ve been trying to keep busy. I did laundry and cleaned my room, mopped the kitchen and made myself breakfast and lunch. Now it’s getting late and all I could think about was Haley and the secret she now knew. What a bitch for looking through my things. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I found her.

Last night, we had just finished screwing and I ran downstairs to grab a glass of water. When I returned, two glasses in my hand, one for me and one for her. Haley was sitting at the edge of the bed with her hand covering her mouth, tears and rage in her eyes. She had my old iphone in her hand and my secret box was laying open on the floor.

Needless to say, she found my little secret. I’ve been talking to dudes on Grindr for some time now. Secretly, of course. The old black shoebox held a few toys I’ve been able to get online, a butt-plug and a small dildo. Haley didn’t read every message that night, I wouldn’t let her. I snatched my phone from her grasp as she started to beat on me, her hits were weak as she had been crying terribly. In a way I felt bad for hurting her. But also, I was mad too. How dare she look through my things, uncovering a secret that wasn’t hers to find.

Now, it’s late. My stomach rumbled as I clenched it, food is the last thing on my mind.

Riiiiiiiiing. The landline screeched through the empty house, did I forget to mention my parents were gone this weekend?

“Hello?” I answered the phone, the caller ID showed unknown.

“Hello. Who’s this?” a low man’s voice answered back.

“The person answering the phone..” I trailed off confused, “ called here. How can I help you?”

“Oh sorry! Maybe I dialed the wrong number. Is Jack home?” the voice sounded dark, sexy in a way.

“No Jack here, sorry. Goodbye!” I quickly responded, hanging up the phone on its dock.

Weird.. I can’t even remember the last time that phone rang. It’s a wonder why my parents continue paying for it.

Riiiiiiiiing. The phone went off again, stopping me in my tracks.

“Hello?” I asked almost teasingly, half expecting to hear the same voice again.

“Sorry, I did call the wrong number it seems.” that same low voice called out.

“So, why’d you call back?” I crinkle my eyebrows, ready to hang up the phone again.

“To apologize, of course.” the voice spoke softly into the phone, this suave elegance about him.

“Well, consider yourself forgiven. Bye now!” I hung up the phone again. Weirdo callers. I’ve never had that happen before.

I checked my phone on impulse, waiting for a message from Haley. Still nothing. Hanging my head, I trudged into the kitchen. I grabbed a bag of popcorn from the pantry, throwing it in the microwave and pressing the convenient popcorn button. The microwave whirred when it started, filling the silent house with white noise.

What better way to distract myself from despair? I’ll throw myself into someone else’s. That's right, scary movie time. I browsed Netflix’s sorry excuse of a horror section, frowning at most of its choices. The popping from the microwave started, getting more intense by the second.

Riiiiiiiiing. The landline rang again, startling me and I subsequently dropped the remote on the floor.

“Damn it.” I muttered to myself, bending down to pick the remote up. I threw it on the couch and ran for the phone once more.

“Hello?” I answered quite aggressively, this better not be the same guy again.

“Why don’t you wanna talk to me?” that same voice came over the phone.

“Why don’t you leave me alone, creep.” I stated a matter of factly. The microwave beeping sent my feet into the kitchen, the phone still up to my ear.

“That’s not very nice. I just wanted to talk.” the voice cooed. He was smooth yet jagged, I couldn’t tell how old he was.

“I thought you had the wrong number?” I grinned at my response, feeling like I’ve won some unknowing battle against this stranger on the phone.

“What’s that noise?” the voice asked directly, avoiding my question. He almost sounded seductively if I didn’t know any better.

“Popcorn.” I deadpanned as I shook the bag vigorously, steam pouring out the top of the bag.

“Popcorn!” the voice got excited, “gonna watch a movie?” I could just tell the guy had a smile on his face as he talked.

“Yeah, I am.” I answered with a head tilt. By no means did I expect to keep this man on the phone for so long, but in a way it was a nice distraction that I so badly needed.

“What kind of movie?” the voice asked lower, his voice gravelly and coarse.

“A scary movie..” I threw popcorn into my mouth, “any suggestions?”

“Oooo a scary movie! Let's see..” the voice trailed, though at first he seemed excited. “We have Halloween, Nightmare on Elms Street, Psycho..”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. They’re all old.” I cut the voice off. Of course I’ve seen those movies, but I craved something different.

“Old?” the voice questioned, still this sense of a smile could be heard through his tone. “You don’t like the classics?”

“Of course I like the classics!” I chuckled through my response, maybe the first laugh I’ve had since last night. “I just want something new and exciting.” I finished with a smirk, emptying the popcorn into a large mixing bowl and heading my way for the couch.

“New and exciting hm?” the voice teetered dangerously seductive. Something about his voice was awfully attractive.

“Yes..” I plopped back onto the sofa, the phone stationed between my ear and shoulder. “I should really get back to it now, thanks for calling!”

“Wait!” the voice urged from silence. “Why don’t we play a game first?”

“I don’t think so..” I trailed off with a smirk on my lips, grabbing the remote to aimlessly flick through more terrible choices.

“How about I help you pick a movie?” the voice hummed, casually. “Just a quick game.” he added.

“Okay, fine.” I responded after mulling it over for a moment, still intently browsing the options.

“You close your eyes and I’ll tell you when to stop scrolling. You have to watch the one it lands on.” he talked smoothly, his voice only rough when he wanted it to be.

“How do you know I’m scrolling?” I smiled again at my own wit. In a sense, I felt like this man and I were flirting.

“Lucky guess..” he dragged on, “ready?”

“Sure.” I held the phone now with my right hand, holding out the remote with my left.

“Close your eyes..” I followed the man's instructions, closing my eyes and holding the arrow key on the remote.I heard the options clicking by as I waited with a faint smile for the man to tell me to stop. “almost..” he started after a few seconds, “almost..” his voice ranged higher now, earning a smile from me in the process.

“There! Stop!” the man’s voice cracked, rasping as he got louder.

I opened my eyes to see the movie it landed on, “Cabin in the Woods” it read. How original. 

“Do you like my choice?” the man seductively asked and a sliver of tingles ran through my ear.

“Yeah..” I started, wanting to keep the man’s attention a bit longer. Though I did see an interesting movie right next to it, a movie called The Ritual. “Thanks for the suggestion.” I added, while selecting the other movie instead.

“You really like it?” the voice sounded pleased, like he earned something from his blind choice.

“Yes, thank you. Now I should be goi-” I was cut off.

“Then why’d you pick a different movie?” the voice ran dry, all emotion and flirtatiousness dissipated in a flash.

My muscles tensed as I froze in place, the movie I started now beginning to play. The Ritual, not Cabin in the Woods. How did he know that I did that? I twisted my head around, scanning my house on instinct.

“Who are you?” I asked now scared, my voice tiny.

“Me?” the voice picked his seductive tone again, though now I’m not prepared to return it. “I’m just something new and exciting..”

I stayed silent after he spoke, the line went dry as my heart started to race.

“..Eddie.” the voice almost whispered my name.

My eyes went wide as I ended the call. I jumped immediately to my feet, disregarding the spilling popcorn. I ran to the kitchen and locked the side door, the one door we never really locked. I slid a large butcher knife out of the wooden block from the counter, tucking it to my chest as I slid down the island. My heart thumped rapidly against my chest.

Riiiiiiiiing. The landline startled me and tears started forming in my eyes.

“Hello?” I could barely talk, fear clear in my voice.

“Hang up on me again and I’ll cut those pretty eyes out!” the voice screamed, effectively making me wail. I cried out in terror while clutching the knife harder.

“Stop this, who are you?” I cried in fear, something felt off to me, I could sense I was in danger.

“I told you Eddie..” his voice grew low and seductive, “something new and exciting.”

Suddenly a window in the living room shattered as loud as you’d imagine. I screamed in terror, huddling further into the kitchen and away from the noise.

“Please s-stop..” my voice was broken, sobbing uncontrollably. “I’ll call the police.”

“Call ‘em.” I heard the voice again, but this time it wasn’t through the phone. The voice came from the living room.

I’m unsure what came over me, but running felt like a really stupid idea.

“Leave now fucker!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, now standing from behind the kitchen island, “cops are already on their way!” I lied.

My breath was shaky and my whole body trembled, living on this edge between reality and suspense. My eyes stared at the two entrances to the kitchen, both hallways went to the living room, who knows where he’d be.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” the voice rang through the house, the seduction clear in his tone again.

I started to see him, a blacked out figure rounding the corner into the left hallway. A long dark robe cascaded the tall man’s body, this creepy white ghost mask covered his whole face. I started to shake, blood pumping through my veins.

He stopped when he saw me, us both frozen in place and only a few feet from one another. He silently cocked his head, sending a shiver up my spine. Then his arm flew out next to him, revealing a large knife in his hand.

I started to scream, “Help!” I shouted as loud as I could. I was still frozen in place, staring at the masked man down the hallway.

Suddenly he broke into a sprint, straight for me. My eyes went wide as I dodged his attack, he jumped and slid across the island. I had time to run to the other side, booking it for the front door.

“Bitch!” I could hear him grunt in frustration behind me, all the while I’m screaming bloody murder.

I made it to the door, fiddling with the locks as quickly as I could.

“Ahh!” I screamed out in pain, the man was behind me now, his knife jammed into my side. The pain was excruciating yet I persisted on getting away. I turned how I could and shoved the man as hard as I could, ripping his body and knife off of me.

My blood dripped down my clothes and onto the floor. I clenched the wound, god it hurt so bad. I clammored around the fallen man, aiming up the stairs.

“Stupid whore.” I could hear the man grunting as he got back up, fast on my tail as he chased me up the stairs.

I ran as quick as my body could, the pain in my side was searing. I got in my bedroom and slammed the door behind me, locking it and backing away.


The noise made me jump as I cowered away, clutching my side as it bled through my hands.

“Go away!” I screamed in agony.

Then everything went silent, only my hard shaky breaths could be heard.


The door's lock was broken in an instant, the door swung open revealing the man who kicked it down. He stood there breathing loudly, his knife in his hand as he stepped inside my room.

“Please! Please!” I begged him as I backed up with every step he took.

“What’s wrong, baby?” the man cocked his head again, still making ground on me.

Then he lunged forward, my scream wouldn’t stop him. He sliced across my chest and another wave of pain went through me, knocking me to the floor. I couldn’t do anything as he towered over me, his knife stained in blood. He tilted his head the other way now.

“Afraid to die?” he asked quite softly. I stayed on the floor, reeling in pain as I watched. No one could save me, nothing could stop him. Everything hurt and my blood oozed into the carpet.

“Huh?” He yelled at me with a stomp to my stomach. I doubled in pain as I clenched where he just hit, my eyes blurry from tears.

“Please don’t kill me.” I whimpered with my eyes closed, clutching my stomach and weeping to myself.

I couldn’t see him but I could feel that his head tilted again.

“But we haven’t had any fun yet.” his voice turned seductive again, something was seriously wrong with this man.

He grabbed my shoes and tore them off effortlessly, I could only scream in response.

“Please..” I tried again, looking in his direction, the masked figure looked down upon me like prey. No one was going to save me.

He sliced my leg with his knife swiftly and I cried out in pain again. It seems he only did that so he could pull at the tear in my pants. My loose sweatpants tore apart as he ripped them off my body, revealing my lower half in just boxers.

“Mmm” he moaned at the sight. My eyes widened at the sudden realization. Did this man want to rape me? Kill me? Or both?

I shook in fear and pain, my arms still covering my stab wounds. He kicked me again but this time in the face, his large boot rattled my brain, my vision going blurry.

“Buckle-up, buttercup.” I could sense a smile on his wicked face as he spoke.

He basically landed on me as he fell to my body on the ground, pinning me down. I shook my head in fear, afraid that another word might mean an instant death sentence. He stopped my violent shaking by tracing his knife up to my neck, holding it there so I'd have to crane my neck to not be impaled. The cold steel felt wet with blood, my blood, as he pressed it harder into my neck.

“You sure are sexy..” he muttered slowly, the knife staying in place. “ more screams, understood?” he cocked his head again.

I stayed completely still and silent, the slightest movement from my head would spill blood from my neck.

“Good boy.” he grunted his words.

He removed the knife from my neck, allowing me to breathe again. He traced his knife down my body, no sympathy as he dragged it across my open wounds. He traced it all the way down to my boxers, moaning a little bit as his knife rested at the waistband.

Another slash, he cut the boxers off me, not caring that it sliced through my abdomen too. I cried out in pain again before he reached and punched me in the face, silencing me. He revealed my soft dick, flipping it over with the edge of his blade. He started chuckling to himself.

“Smaller than I hoped.” He seemed to be talking to himself.

Without another word, he hoisted my legs in the air, resting them on his shoulders. Without thinking, I tried to kick and trash. He ended my movement with another punch to the face, the pain seared my whole body. His knife traced under my dick now, down my taint and right at the entrance of my asshole.

I whimpered again, fearing the worst.

“Ahhh!” he moaned loudly as he plunged his knife in my asshole, splitting it open and sending the sharpest pain through my whole body. I couldn’t help but scream, the pain was unimaginable.

He pulled the knife out, seemingly admiring the blood dripping from my hole. All the while I screamed in agony.

“Shut up, bitch!” he hit me again then pulled his knife back up to my throat, nicking it and keeping it there to sear. It shut me up, but my whole body trembled.

He took this time to slip his own pants off, he wasn't wearing anything underneath. His massive cock sprung out and landed on top of my soft dick. I stared at it terrified, that thing must be at least nine inches and thick. He took hold of his hard cock, positioning it at my hole and sliding it over, back and forth. The blood ran free onto his monster cock as he stroked the blood all over it.

“Ready?” he asked with nothing behind the voice. He knew I couldn’t run, he knew I wasn’t ready.

Forcefully he jammed his entire length into my hole at once, the pain shot so clear throughout my body. I couldn’t help screaming again. My hole was on fire, torn and bleeding, now being raped by a monster with a knife to my throat.

He laid on top of me for a while, panting and grunting as he raped my hole. I cried helplessly, the pain was unbearable. Soon my vision was fading and my mind wasn’t clear.

“Don’t die yet, sunshine.” he muttered through labored breaths.

He continued fucking me, getting louder and louder with each thrust. My head was spinning and in a way I couldn’t feel a thing, the pain was gone and replaced with confusion.

“Fuckk!” he exclaimed as he slammed his cock one last time as far in as he could. His hot cum filled my hole, mixing with the blood.

He stood up now, his knife in hand and his cock in the other. The white mask looked foggy, his knife and cock were covered in red.

“G’night, Eddie.” he tilted his head one last time.

Then his knife slashed over me. I’m unsure where it hit, my brain couldn’t register. Everything went black as I bled out on the floor.