Ups and Downs

by Brock Archer

25 Nov 2021 1468 readers Score 9.8 (42 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


"Why are you going home?" Raphael demanded to know as he ran into my room behind Ron.

“Who’s going home?” asked Kim, hot on Rafael’s heels.

And then all three of my cohorts plopped down on my bed, trapping me with their bodies and their questions.

“I don’t think Mr. Block likes me,” I confessed.

“What the hell are you talking about?” scowled Kim. “He was practically falling all over you at dinner.”

“Hardly,” I scoffed.

“Kim is right,” insisted Ron. “He may have seemed reserved to you, but that’s just the way he is. The way he kept asking you questions about yourself and trying to engage you in conversations with the rest of us, that was his way of showing his approval. I’ve been here three years, and I’ve never seen him warm up to anybody so fast or so completely.”

“Well, he certainly didn’t warm up to me in his room tonight,” I lamented.

“What do you mean?” asked Rafael.

I explained that we had met in his room, not in his office. “He was wearing only a sheer robe, so I expected he would want to ‘audition’ me in bed, but he didn’t. In fact, I think he had his eye on one of the college kids out on the patio because he was looking out the window when I got there and again as I was leaving.”

“So, you think he doesn’t like you because he didn’t fuck you?” snickered Ron.

“Well, I’m glad you think it’s so funny, pervert,” which caused Rafael and Kim to burst out in laughter.

“I’m glad I found out what assholes you guys are before I got attached. I was actually starting to like you, but now I’m glad I’m leaving.”

“You’re not going anywhere, dickwad,” laughed Rafael. “Mr. Block didn’t take you to bed because he has a policy of not fraternizing with the permanent staff. The fact that he didn’t fuck you means that he wants to keep you.”

“Yeah, right,” I droned sarcastically.

“It’s true,” added Ron. “He sleeps with the college kids and the part-timers all the time—sometimes two or three of them together—but he has never slept with any of us, even though I for one wish he would. I think he’s fucking hot.”

“And Woody is even hotter,” swooned Kim, “but he won’t have sex with us either because he’s management. We’re allowed to have sex with each other, but not with them.”

So that’s why Woody boned that bellboy back in Atlanta but wouldn’t sleep with me. Damn!

“My god!” I exclaimed. “It’s gotta be hell living with these studs and not getting to touch them.”

 All three moaned their agreement.

“So, you’ve been stewing in your ball juices and feeling frustrated that you didn’t get your rocks off again,” observed Ron. “Well, we can fix that. Let’s go down to the patio and see what treats Mr. Block has left us.”

With that, Kim flung the bed covers off of me, exposing my naked body and my fledgling erection.

“I’ll need to put on some clothes,” I noted.

“Fuck that,” said Rafael as he threw a towel at me. “That’s all you need. Actually, you don’t even need that because it’ll be coming off very quickly,” he giggled.

The hour was still early, and the patio, pool, and spa were still populated with fresh meat. With nary a stitch of clothing in sight, the place looked like a nudist colony or a gay resort. The sexual activity I had witnessed there earlier in the day paled in comparison to what I saw that night. Guys were making out and screwing left and right.

I was a bit taken aback, though, when Ron ripped away the towel I was wearing and all eyes, it seemed, turned to look at me—more precisely, at my twitching cock—and not a few of the guys started licking their lips. Suddenly, I was the fresh meat, and I was totally ready for the picnic.

But if I was the object of most of the attention, my own eyes zeroed in on the fucking hot stud who approached the diving board, flew into the air, did a double flip, submerged into the water and surfaced at the other end of the pool where I was standing. When he emerged, he flung the water from his head with a quick shake before looking up at me with the bluest eyes I had ever seen and a smile that lit up the entire patio. It was like sunrise at 9:00 p.m.

“Hi.” That was all he said. Just that one word. But that’s all it took. He had me at “hi.”

I don’t even remember sliding down to the edge of the pool where I sat with my legs spread wide. I was just drawn there as if by some sexual magnet. And without even saying a word, the gorgeous hunk gripped my cock and sucked it into his mouth. Suddenly, the pool acted like a conductor of electricity, drawing all of the energy from everyone present into the stud’s body, through his mouth, and into my fired-up cock. My whole body literally shook from the sparks flying through me.

I never even saw the two guys who sat down on each side of me, cushioning my body as they leaned my torso backwards. Someone else slipped a folded towel under my head so that I would not bump my head on the concrete surrounding the pool. Then, as the hot stud continued to suck on my dick, the guys on each side of me began to work on my nipples, twisting them in their fingers and sucking on them.

Another guy knelt over me and sank his tongue into my mouth as another man approached me from the other side with his extra-long cock. As the first man yielded to the second one’s dick, the intruder alternated fucking his mouth and mine.

The stud in the pool who had been sucking my dick so expertly, lifted up my legs, which were gripped and held aloft by the two guys working my nips. With my legs up in the air and my butt elevated, the stud turned his aggression to my rosebud, which he explored thoroughly with his tongue. With my dick now an open target, another guy lay down on the concrete and suctioned my man meat into his eager mouth.

As if on some silent cue, four guys lifted me up by my legs and arms and carried me over to a padded bench. With my head stretched back over the edge of the bench, several guys took turns skull fucking me while two more worked on my nipples. I was so dazed that I didn’t know if it was the same two guys as before or if they had been relieved by another team. Likewise, I didn’t know if the guy sucking on my dick was the same one as before or a substitute.

I also didn’t know any of the guys who suddenly unloaded the cocks they had been pumping all over my body, including at least three who flooded my asshole to provide lube for the pool stud who was about to penetrate me. Another pair of guys slurped up the cream splattered all over my chest and abdomen and dribbled it onto the cock that was invading my mouth so that each time that cock withdrew, it returned with a fresh dose of man pudding to shove down my throat.

My own cock ached to explode, but every time I tried to scream, “I’m coming,” the sadist who was working my cock suddenly withdrew his mouth and squeezed the base of my cock to prevent me from unloading. He was edging me to the point of torture.

Meanwhile the blue-eyed pool stud with the freshly lubed cock entered my tunnel with his weapon and fucked me good. Oh, he eased in slowly at first, but once he was satisfied that he had conquered his territory, he went full bore, drilling my ass like he was exploring for oil. And every time I thought he would shoot, he, too, pulled back, taking his own sweet time molesting my prostate. I think I achieved a prostate orgasm three time before the guy edging my dick ever took mercy on me and finally let me explode.

But that was merely the beginning. Four or five other guys fucked my ass and several more drenched my tonsils with their cum before the whole ceremony was over. Frankly, I lost count. I had been fucked before by a tag team in Atlanta, but I had never been gang-banged. It was a hell of an initiation.

When the blood finally began to return to my brain and I was able to comprehend where I was and what had happened, I surveyed the gang that had made me their toy, and I heard Rafael say, almost as an afterthought, “By the way, guys, this Joe. He’ll be around for a while, so you’d better believe he’s going to return as good as he got.” I never expected their response. They cheered and applauded.

I suppose I could have felt violated, as many men might have, but actually I felt just the opposite. I felt that I had been welcomed into the tribe, and for the first time in a long time, perhaps for the first time ever, I felt like I was home.

As Rafael, Ron, and Kim assisted me in getting up from the bench, the hot blue-eyed stud from the pool rushed forward and draped my arm around his shoulders. “Here. Let me help you,” he smiled. I was about to melt all over again. He escorted me all the way upstairs to my room and even tucked me under the covers. Exhausted, I began to drift into slumberland, but before I did, he kissed me very sweetly, romantically and whispered softly, “By the way, my name’s Tyler, and the next time, after you have recovered, I expect you to plant that beautiful dick of yours balls deep in my ass and fuck me into the next galaxy.” And I dreamed of nothing else until I awoke the next morning.

As my eyes slowly began to focus in the morning, I caught a glimpse of Rafael escorting Tyler out of my room. “Did he come back to see if I was still alive?” I mumbled to Rafael.

“Not exactly,” he replied. “He never left. He crawled into bed with you and cradled you all night. He wanted to make sure you were all right before he left.”

I was speechless. I just wanted to roll over and go back to sleep, hugging my pillow and dreaming that it was Tyler I was holding.

“No such luck, dude. You have an appointment with Mr. Block and Woody this morning. You were supposed to be there right after breakfast, but I stalled them. I didn’t tell them about last night, but I didn’t have to. I think they already knew. Anyway, they agreed to postpone the meeting until 11:00.

“Eleven? What time is it now?” I asked, still too groggy to read the digital light on the alarm clock in my room.

“Ten fifteen.”

“What?” I suddenly sprang awake. Well, sort of. I stumbled trying to get out of bed, and lucky for me, Raphael caught me. Too bad Tyler isn’t still here to catch me.

“Here, I’ll help you shower and get dressed. You’ll at least have time for a cup of coffee before your meeting, and Kim has promised you a big lunch afterwards. We know you must be starving after all of that exercise,” he tittered.

Ordinarily, I would have seized on the opportunity to have sex with Raphael in the shower, but it was all I could do just to stand up as my new friend bathed me and later helped me get dressed.

In the kitchen, I sipped on a cup of lukewarm coffee. My mouth and throat were too tender for anything too hot.

When Raphael ushered me to Mr. Block’s office, Woody met us, thanked Raphael for his assistance, invited me into the inner sanctum, and closed the door behind us.

To be continued..

by Brock Archer

Email: [email protected]

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