
by Ralphe Brandon

9 Jul 2019 10141 readers Score 9.2 (153 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The Morning After

I did it again. I can't believe I did it again. It was morning and I am in an unfamiliar room, in an unfamiliar bed, with an unfamiliar arm draped around my waist.

There were only three things I was sure about in this scenario. I was drunk last night, I am naked, and a hard dick was poking my still slicked up asshole right now. I didn't want to get fucked again, now that I'm partially sober, but the feeling of the large appendage trying to breach my clenched asshole felt nice.

"Maybe I should…" No. Stop! This is exactly the reason you're totally messed up. The constant craving for dick is making you do irrational things, stop!

I tried to move. Unfortunately, before I could get up and do my walk of shame, the guy behind me moved, causing his dick to finally break through and impale my already well fucked ass from last night.

"Uhhh." My moan emanated through the entire room. I couldn't help it. The dick just felt so good. But, I can't let it distract me from leaving, even though it's really doing a great job of doing so.

I tried again. This time, I tried removing his arm that was draped around me but instead, the guy held me tighter. "Babe, stop trying to leave." He whispered behind me, his other hand snaking down to my groin. When he finally reached my dick, he wrapped his hand around it, gripped it gently and started stroking. "See? This is a great morning indeed" He added.

I stopped trying to get out. Might as well just get it over with, so I pushed back against him and let him penetrate me even deeper. His deliberately slow movements were pressing repetitively on my prostate sending jolts of pleasure through my body. "Yes. Fuck me." I moaned.

I felt him smile behind me, peppered my neck with kisses as he increased his speed. I can feel every inch of his tool inside me which moved in unison with his hand that was slowly stroking my dick. I can feel my balls starting to rise as he continued his movements. "Fuuu…" I breathed out.
"I'm close, babe. I'm gonna cum inside you." He whispered in between soft moans of pleasure while continuing his steady rhythm.

"Ok." It was the only word I was able to mutter because the next thing I know, I was painting his hands with my cum. At the same time, I felt his dick go bigger inside me, followed by a warm, sensation. He was coating my insides just the way I like it.

His dick finally slipped out after a few minutes of us catching our breaths and when I finally faced the unknown man, I was surprised. "Good morning." He smiled at me and moved closer to kiss my nose then moved further back and stared at me.

He wasn't the usual type of person I normally sleep with. Well, he still is the same, just not with the age. He looked older than my usual conquests, by my estimate at least  10 years older. He still looks hot, though. I can't help but become mesmerized by his dazzling blue eyes as I stared back at him.

He moved his hands up and down my biceps and spoke again. "Last night was amazing." His smile was melting my heart and I couldn't help but smile back.

"I'm sorry. I really can't remember much. I just know that what we did this morning was amazing, and if that was the same as what happened last night, I wish I could remember all of it." I replied. He still didn't stop with what he was doing with his hands, this time, he moved further and started caressing my back and my waist, willing me to move closer to him, which I did.

"I wish I could make you stay. I feel like you're in a rush." He said. He's making me want to stay, and I really, really wanted to.

"I wish I could, but, I'm meeting someone for lunch." He raised his eyebrows and gave me a questioning smile. "It's not what you think." I smiled back.

"I'm just teasing. I also have a meeting later, but can you stay a while? I make really good omelettes." He said.
I smiled. "Sure. Why not."

"You know, before I cook someone breakfast, I gotta get to know their name first." He smirked and rolled on top of me.

"Liam. Liam Ridley."

"It's nice to meet you Liam. I'm Jack Lowden."

We smiled at each other and the next thing I knew, his lips were over mine and his tongue was doing a happy dance inside my mouth. It was deliciously epic.


Breakfast was uneventful. We just talked only because we fucked again in the shower after we got out of bed. It was nice. I kept thinking how this time, I found a mature individual who isn't just after my body or my dick or my hole. It was a really great conversation, adding the fact that I was staring at his gorgeous, well defined body while we ate the waffles he made from scratch.

In our conversation, his age came up. He's 38. I kept thinking that It really isn't that far from my 24 years of age and a lasting relationship can finally be on the table for me. I also found out that he's a surgeon who's an owner of a chain of cosmetic clinics in various states. He, however, practices only in Los Angeles and he's only in New York for a meeting.

It also seemed that he was interested in me. He asked me about my job, which is a fitness instructor and coach at a nearby gym. He also found out I graduated from sports medicine and was surprised that I was 24. He chuckled when I mentioned my age because he didn't think he'd hook up with someone whose age is not close to his, but despite that fact, before I left, we made out again, gave me his number and told me that he'd love for me to meet me again later after we're done with our respective meetings for the day.

I was ecstatic because I really wanted to meet him again. It's the first time in a long time that I haven't been kicked out of someone's house—or a hotel room, after a hookup.

But good things must come to an end because now, I have to face what I was dreading last night. The reason why I got so wasted is because today's the day I'm about to meet my biological dad and my lawyer said that the man would be waiting for me in a booth at the King Cole Bar at St. Regis.

The only reason I was going to meet my biological father was because it was my moms' wish before they passed away. Apparently this was stipulated in their will and I was not to be informed until they found him. They wanted him to find me just in case I needed family because they kept saying that family will always be there.

If they're always gonna be there, why the hell would they give me up for adoption? That was what ran through my mind the entire night with me ending up drunk and legs up is some older guys apartment who I really liked and is now taken from me because I had to meet this father of mine who gave me up for adoption a long time ago. Well, I just need to get this over with.

"His name is Adam and he's wearing a suit. Be nice. Your moms would want it that way." My lawyer's text read. It also included the exact place where to find the guy.

When I found the booth, I saw the guy, he was facing the other way and all I could see was his back that filled the suit nicely. Stop thinking inappropriate thoughts, Liam.
I kept thinking of how I was to approach him and kept practicing my speech on the way to the booth which kept me from realizing that I was already standing in front of it.
"Liam? What are you doing here?" I was surprised to hear that voice. When I looked at the person in the booth, it was Jack.

"Me? Wait… are you Adam?" It was all I could muster because I was confused.

"How did…My name is Adam Jackson Lowden. I'm here to meet William Cunningham." He said to me, his face was contoured with confusion.

The color on my face vanished in an instant. "I'm William Ridley Cunningham. I'm your son." It was the only words I was able to muster before puking all over his Prada shoes and rushing out of the hotel.
I got fucked by my father.

Hi guys! I'm back with a new story that hopefully you guys would like. I'd love to hear your thoughts so leave comments or feel free to email me at [email protected]. Have fun! 

by Ralphe Brandon

Email: [email protected]

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