Uncle Joe's Story

by Lee Obrien

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Chapter 2

After I had my little man back to sleep, I was trying to wrap my head around the fact that my favorite Uncle Joe may have been gay. Hell, it doesn’t bother me, but I just never thought of him that way. Why had he never told any of us? I opened the laptop once again to pick up reading where I had left off.


I was feeling guilty for all the feelings I was having, wanting to see more of Brett, checking out my classmates in gym class more often. Oh, who am I kidding, checking them out all the time. And now, I couldn’t go more than 2 or 3 days without pleasuring myself. I needed to get this out of my mind, this can’t be normal.

Over the rest of the school year, I noticed that I and my classmates were developing rapidly. Hair was growing in new places, balls were dropping, dicks were getting bigger, and voices were getting deeper. A few of my friends were also starting to date some of the girls in our class, stirring feelings of jealousy. The worst part was, I wasn’t jealous of the guys, I was jealous of the girls. They got to spend time with the guys that I was suddenly attracted to. I kept telling myself, this was just normal curiosity, just a phase, I would grow out of it. I am certainly not gay.

I took my first shop class and was hooked on building things. I started asking my dad what buildings he needed fixed on the farm and was spending all my free time on that. It did help keep my mind off the whole gay thing, at least while I was working. My brother had graduated high school the year before and was working in town at the feed store. He was planning on farming with my dad, but needed a job to save up money to buy the equipment he would need. He was still living at home while he saved up. While he was out on a date with his girlfriend, my mom folded a load of laundry and I had just come in the house from building a new door for the barn.

She said, “when you go upstairs to your room, take your brother’s and your laundry.”

I took the basket of clothes upstairs and pulled mine out and put them away. I took the basket into my brother’s room and set it on his bed. As I turned to leave, I noticed he had left one of his dresser drawers open. There were a couple of magazines under the shirts in the drawer. I pulled them out and turned them over to see a naked woman on the cover, with her hands strategically placed. Ok, maybe this is what I needed, see some hot babes, that would get all the thoughts of dicks out of my head.

I took the magazines and snuck across the hall to my room and shut the door. I sat on my bed and started to turn the pages. The girls were all very hot, big boobs and spread legs filled the pages, the next page had her turned with her ass in the air. None of the pictures left anything to the imagination, they were showing everything in vivid color. I continued flipping the pages, each girl was hotter than the last, of course the centerfold had the biggest tits and biggest smile. I was a little relieved when my dick was half hard by the time, I got to her. I turned a couple more pages and came to the next photo layout, my heartbeat even faster when I saw the girl was posing with a guy. I turned to the next page, they were both naked and kissing. Then she was sucking his cock, then he was fucking her. Holy shit, that guy was so sexy, a big dick, full balls, and a hairy ass. My cock was now harder than it had ever been before.

I left the magazine open to that page and started to flip the pages of the second magazine. I quickly turned them until I got to the pictures of another couple having sex. This guy was even hotter than the last one, before I knew what I was doing, I had my hands down my pants and my cock in my hand. I set the magazine next to the other one and pushed my pants to my ankles. My eyes went back and forth between the two hot guys fucking the girls. It only took a few more strokes and my hand was covered in that white creamy liquid that I first discovered a few months ago.

Damn it, maybe it wasn’t a good idea to look at my brother’s magazines. I cleaned up and snuck them back into his room. After that, I would take them whenever he was not home and as he brought new ones home, I would look at them too. Soon it got to the point that I skipped right to the layout that included the guy. To this day, I can’t tell what any of the women looked like, but I remember every detail of the cocks they were getting fucked with.

I needed to get this under control, or I was going to get caught. Fortunately, by the end of Jr. High, my brother was moving to his own place, and he took his magazines with him. Now maybe I could put all this behind me.


 Just as I finished reading the “Jr. High” file, my wife walked in the door.

She gave me a kiss, “how were the boys tonight?”

I smiled, “they were good, we ate dinner, played Legos, took a bath, and I read them a story, they were out like a light. How is your sister?”

She said, “she’s good, she told me they are trying to get pregnant, so the boys may finally get a cousin.”

I chuckled, “that’s good, it’s about time.”

She looked over my shoulder, “what are you working on?”

I said, “well, this is Uncle Joe’s laptop, you aren’t going to believe what I found.”

I filled her in on what I had read so far, she sat next to me with wide eyes, she asked, “are you serious?”

I nodded, “I just finished Jr, High, I was just going to start on High School now.”

I clicked on the “High School” file.


I was going into High School this fall, I was glad that dad kept me busy on the farm all summer. It kept my mind off this sexuality thing. Besides, I knew I couldn’t be gay, I liked to build things, I liked sports, I liked cars. Gay guys don’t like those things, do they?

I was going to join the football team when school started. In our small town, you didn’t have to try out, if you showed up on the first day of practice, you were on the team. Practice started two weeks before school and the first week was mostly just conditioning. We wouldn’t be working on our offensive or defensive plays until next week. We checked out our pads and hit the field. I was in awe of the upper classmen, they were so much bigger and faster than us first year players. Coach blew the final whistle and told us to hit the showers.

I faced my locker as I undressed, then I turned to go to the shower. Suddenly there were about 35 naked teenage guys walking around in front of me. Shit, I had to hold it together and hope my dick didn’t betray me. I took a deep breath, wrapped my towel around my waist and walked to the shower room. I tried to keep my head down, but I couldn’t help but take a few sneak peaks. Rob, the star quarterback was the first I noticed, expecting to see a big dick, I saw a rather short but fat member and relatively small balls. Dean, the big running back, was also much smaller than I would have imagined, but Will, the speedy wide receiver, did not disappoint. He was the oldest of the three Powel brothers, along with Greg and Roy, they apparently had good genes. They all had very similar sized dicks both in length and girth, they were anything but small. They also had six-pack abs and perfect round asses.

I found an empty shower and quickly cleaned up and headed back to my locker to dress. I was amazed at all the different sizes and shapes, every cock I saw was hot in its own way. I also noticed how different everyone’s body was, the seniors were mostly fully developed and a few of them already hair on their chests, while us freshmen were just starting to fill out.

I crawled into bed that night, stiff and sore from the day’s workout, thinking that I would fall asleep quickly. Instead, every time I closed my eyes, every dick I saw that day played back in my head. The long ones, the short ones, the thick ones, the thin ones, damn, why was I thinking about this? My hand worked its way down to my stiff rod. I couldn’t stop myself from pulling my underwear off and I started to stroke my dick. I reached down on the floor beside my bed and found a sock, my socks had become my go to cum rag over the last year. I gave my cock a couple more pumps and spilled my seed. I threw the sock into the hamper and got back into bed, I didn’t bother putting my underwear back on. From that time on I started sleeping in the nude. Thankfully, since I relieved myself, I was now able to fall asleep.


I looked over at my wife as we finished reading this page, she was just sitting there with her mouth half open.

She looked at me, “wow, Uncle Joe.”

I chuckled, “yeah, and I thought my teenage years were confusing.”

She nodded, “I can’t image dealing with my sexuality along with all the other things teens worry about.”

I said, “I know, right?”

She asked, “do boys really check each other out in the locker room?”

I think I blushed, “maybe a little, why, don’t girls?”

She shrugged, “I mean not really, I guess we maybe compared our boob size to others, but down below all looks pretty much the same.”

I chuckled, “yeah, I guess that’s true, guy’s equipment is all so different, it’s hard not to compare.”

She laughed, “oh God.”

I asked, “what’s the matter?”

She looked at me, “when our boys get to be teenagers, you have to pick up their dirty clothes, I don’t want to pick up a cum rag.”

I laughed, “I’ll buy you a pair of tongs.”

She asked, “did you have a cum rag?”

I scrolled to the next page, “I plead the fifth. Do you want to keep reading.”

She nodded and we both started to read.


 I was enjoying football and was doing pretty well, I wasn’t starting but the coach was giving me some playing time. I was even earning respect from some of the upper classmen. I was able to keep my urges under control and saved my fantasizing for when I was alone in my bed at night.

I was doing well in my classes and of course my favorite was shop. I had many friends, I wasn’t Mr. Popular, but I was able to fit into several cliques. I was able to hang out with the jocks because I was on the football team, and I fit in with the nerds because I got good grades. I wasn’t in band or a drama geek, but I was friends with a few of them as well.

Once football season was over, I was able to slow my stroke sessions down to a couple times a week. Not seeing my teammates naked every day, at least for now, allowed me to think about other things. I was still sure I wasn’t gay, it was the fact that I was seeing all these guys naked every day that caused my curiosity to get the better of me.

We were given a project that we had to complete with a classmate. I was paired with Tim Matthews, he was one of those kids that really didn’t fit in any group. We weren’t best friends but got along fine. He didn’t seem to have many friends, he was sort of a loner. I wasn’t sure he had the best home life. We made arrangements to meet at his house after classes to work on the project. He opened the door after I knocked, he said, “come on in, sorry about the house being a mess.” As we worked, I found out his dad would leave for months at a time and didn’t spend much time with him when he was home. His mom worked all the time, and his sister was always at her boyfriend’s house.

We finished our project and Tim offered me a Coke, I could tell he spent a lot of time alone and was looking for a friend, so I accepted. I sort of felt sorry for him. We sat on the couch in his living room and talked, he asked if I wanted to watch a movie. I said sure as he hit the play button on the VCR.

We were both a little shocked when the scene that started to play was a big, boobed blonde sucking a big black cock. Tim started to stutter and was trying to get to the VCR to shut it off. He said, “my sister’s boyfriend must have left this in the VCR, he is always bringing these kinds of movies over.” He saw that my eyes were glued to the TV, he asked, “do you want to keep watching it?” I just nodded. We both sat back in silence watching the movie. My eyes never left that huge black dick, how did she get that thing to fit in her mouth. I saw movement out of the corner of eye, I glanced over to see Tim rubbing his cock through his jeans. His cock appeared to be just as hard as mine, I was also rubbing my dick. I was surprised when I heard Tim unbuckle his belt and then his pants. What the hell was he doing? Then I heard the sound of a zipper. I turned to look at him just as he pulled his dick out. He shrugged, “sorry, I can’t help it. If you want to do the same, I promise I won’t tell anyone.” I guess that was all I needed to hear, I had my pants down to my knees in a matter of seconds. While I kept my head turned to the TV, my eyes were darting back and forth to the big cock on the screen and Tim stroking his equally impressive dick. It took all I had not to reach over and help him. I’m not sure what was turning me on more, the TV or Tim. I was watching the guy in the video, he pulled his cock from the blonde’s mouth and began to stroke as a fast as he could. I copied the action and picked up the speed that I was stroking my own cock. His dick erupted and his cum covered the blonde’s face, I instantly shot my load at the same time. From the sound coming from Tim, he did too. Once my spasms stopped, I glanced over and saw Tim’s hand covered in his jizz, just like mine. We didn’t say a word, he reached over to the table beside the couch and pulled a couple tissues from the box and handed them to me. He took two more for himself. We cleaned up and pulled our pants up and I headed home.


My wife and I looked at each other, she asked, “did Uncle Joe just jack off with his friend?”

I nodded, “yes, yes he did.”


To be continued…

by Lee Obrien

Email: [email protected]

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