Turning The Tables On Dad

by BubbleButtLuvr

18 Nov 2006 8796 readers Score 8.6 (32 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Growing up all I ever heard was, 'As long as you live under my roof you'll do as I say, young man!' Yeah my Father was very strict. Up until the time I moved out of his house, at age 22, I had to toe the line or accept the punishment. Punishment was always the same. Dad would make me strip to my briefs with my hands at my sides as he lectured me. Then I'd have to lie across his lap and take some hard swats on my brief covered ass. Eventually he'd pull down my briefs exposing my round bare ass completely. He'd then go to work spanking my bare butt--usually until he brought me to tears. He always said that when I started to cry he knew he had broken my will.

So you can understand how glad I was when I got my own place. I could do whatever I wanted whenever I want and didn't have to answer to anyone. Don't misunderstand I love my Father. He did a fine job raising me on his own after Mom died. But it was time to be on my own. Now maybe he'd treat me like an adult.

Well, I couldn't have been out of Dad's house more than six months when I got the call. Dad was having the house painted and would need a place to stay for the week. I was a little annoyed. I mean I was finally getting to live my own life and now Dad was gonna come and cramp my style. But he had given up so much for me when I was growing up what could I do. I had no choice so I said, 'Yes'

The first day Dad was there he told me to just live my life as normal and pretend he wasn't there. He said he didn't want to be in the way. That's when I made some off handed joke about him being under my roof and having to follow my rules. You can imagine my surprise when he stopped, thought about it for a second, then nodded his head and said, 'Yes, Son I guess your right. Now it's my turn to toe the line.'

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. All my life I had dreamt of turning the tables on Dad and spanking his beefy ass. I have to say my Father is one attractive man. He is forty-three years old with slight flecks of gray sprinkled through his otherwise dark brown hair. Piercing blue eyes. He stands about 6'2' and is in excellent physical shape. He worked out religiously and it showed in his 30' waist and 42' chest. And below his waist was a perfectly round ass just right for spanking...WOH what was I doing thinking like this. After all this is my Father. I would never get to spank him. 'Snap out of it Kevin,' I told myself.

The week went along quit nicely and I forgot all about the comment Dad made his first day here. It was on the third day when I was reminded of it again. I was working at a local department store at the time and not making a lot of money but my review was coming up so I was going out of my way to do little things to be noticed. One of these things was to be sure not to be late for work like so many of my coworkers were.

As I previously mentioned, Dad works out a lot. Part of his routine is to go jogging in the morning. He was still out on his jog when I was ready to head out to work so I left a note telling him I'd see him tonight. When I got out to the driveway I realized that Dad's car was blocking me in. So I ran back into the house to get Dad's keys so I could move his car. But they weren't on the nightstand next to his wallet where he usually keeps them. 'Damn!', I cursed out loud. Now I was gonna be late.

I waited for Dad to come back. When he finally did 45 minutes later I was furious, 'Dad where were you!' I asked him.

'I ran into some buddies. What's the big deal? Why aren't you at work?' he asked.

'Because your car is blocking me in! Now I'm late and it's all your fault!'

'You’re right, Son. I guess I screwed up. I'm sorry. And after you were nice enough to let me stay under your roof.' That's when it hit me. Dad did screw up while staying 'under my roof'. That was grounds for punishment. This was exactly the kind of thing I used to get spanked for. And was I just imagining things or was that a smile on Dad's face? NO, I had to be imagining that.

I wasn't so worried about being late anymore but decided to play it up anyway. 'That was irresponsible of you Dad! When I was living with you that's the sort of thing I would have gotten spanked for!'

'You’re right, Son, it is,' he responded hanging his head low.

'Well, what do you think I should do?'

'Whatever you think is fair, Kevin.'

I couldn't believe it this was finally my chance. 'I think it's time I taught you the way you always taught me. Strip to your underwear! Hands at your sides!'

Dad did as he was told. He was still covered in sweat from his jog. First he peeled off his soaking wet tank top. Then he dropped his little blue running shorts to the ground. He now stood before me arms at his side, head hung low wearing only his sneakers and a pair of tiny white bikini briefs that barely looked big enough to keep him in. The briefs were drenched in sweat, which made them almost transparent. Was I imaging things or was Dad getting hard?

As he stood there before me I lectured him the same way he had done to me so many times before. I then ordered him across my lap. He complied without an argument. As he lay across my lap I got a good look at his perfectly shaped ass straining against the thin confines of his briefs. I raised my hand and SMACK!!! My hand came down hard on his ass. When I did I heard my Father moan in pain and watched his full meaty bottom bounce in my lap.



Over and over I took turns first on the left check then on the right. I couldn't believe it. It was like a dream come true; here I was spanking my own Father for being bad. As he wiggled in my lap his briefs started to ride up his ass exposing more of his beautiful bottom to me. SMACK!!! I was gonna take full advantage of this.

'All right Dad, stand up.' I ordered.

He did so and as he did there was no doubt that he had a full-scale erection. I yanked his small briefs down practically ripping them from his muscular body. As I did his hard dick poked out at me. He just stood there--hands at his sides making no attempt to cover himself. And I made no attempt to disguise the fact that I was looking. I then told him to get back over my knee. I instructed him to stick his large butt out for me again.

He obeyed and I started in on him again this time bare-assed. He started to man and squirm uncontrollably--kicking his feet and begging for mercy. 'Please, Son. I'll be good. Please, go easy on me.'

Then I used his own words on him, 'As long as your under my roof you'll do as I say.



Dad's ass went from a creamy white to a glowing red in no time. Then it happened Dad lost control and began to cry like a baby. 'I'm sorry, Son. I truly am. Please forgive me.'

I stopped spanking and had him stand before me with tears in his eyes and arms at his side. As he stood there I told him as long as he was under my roof he'd have to toe the line and accept his punishment. I asked him if he understood and he said 'yes'. I then warned him that if it happened again he'd get it worse.

Dad was good the rest of the week but he did come to stay with me on many more occasions in the future. And on each of these occasions I always took the chance to remind him that, 'When you’re under my roof you go by my rules.' But I've never heard him complain.

The End

by BubbleButtLuvr

Email: [email protected]

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