Turkish Tales Series 2

by Gazzaq

7 Jun 2023 2063 readers Score 7.4 (6 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

“Damn hasn’t Erkan nephew’s got fat?”

“Nah has he? As I never notice it as he looks the same to me Glen!”

“No pal look at the size of him, as he put a bit of weight hasn’t he since we saw last saw him?”

“Has he, as he looks pretty much the same to me, since we last saw him in January, and it now May and I can’t see the difference.”

“Look at him properly man, as the young un’s ass has got so fat!”

“When we saw him last year and over the new year holiday, he was so hot. Don’t you remember as he wore a pair of tight jeans that were moulded to his perfect butt. Yeah I told you I would love to stuck my dick straight inside his virgin asshole!”

“Oh Josh man, I was totally in lust with this young fit hottie, as he looked totally fuckable. But now the lad looks like he has let himself go which is such a pity!”

“So Glen, are you telling me that you would not fuck him now then?”

“Nah course I would, but I prefer him as he was much slimmer as he is too fat now mate.”

“Oh, that a bit shallow Glen innit!”

“What’s the matter with you as this young lad is not my type, but gotta say what you saying mate, is bang out of order and pretty shallow to be fair.”

As they were speaking, Erkan’s nephew who was covering the café for his uncle that afternoon, had no idea that these two foreigners were talking about him like this and would be so upset if he had heard them.

Erdem was his name and the young man name was 24 year old standing at 5ft 8. He was fairly chunky with curly reddish blond hair, which badly needed cutting. His skin tone was pale, inherited from his  grandfather who looked just like he did at his age, and he had pretty sharp features with lovely pair of lips and the palest wide set pair of blue eyes, that were captivating, when they stared at you.

Today he wore a pair of pale blue jogging bottoms which were worn loose on his big fat butt, which had expanded over the last few months. Galen was correct in that he had put on some weight over the long winter months, as it has been exceptionally cold. Erdem had eaten loads and he could not be bother to exercise and quite frankly, he was happy with how he looked.

Usually Erdem assisted his father in the evening after his uncle Erkan finished his early shift. The café stayed open till the earlier hours serving all of the hotel and restaurant employees who finished working their late shift. He only did so every now and then and today he was supposed to be off and was not best pleased to be called in at such short notice that afternoon.

This was because he had plans that afternoon to relaxed with his friends after work, not be in here serving all of these people. Unlike the easy going evening customers, dealing with the day time ones were a pain in the backside. Thus far a number of them were being a completed pain, by being difficult and making him run around unnecessary.

Today was a hot day coming after usually cooler weather in the Southern Turkey, and he wipe the sweat off his forehead. He would rather be home studying than covering shift for his uncle who was unwell this afternoon, but these two older men, were pleasant enough and smiled at him. One of them he noted was particularly friendly, and he felt a bit self-conscious as he sure the man was gay.

The two men or the two foreigners as his uncle and father called them, were English. Glen 45 and Josh 50, two long term friends that used to be lovers, but had parted and stay good friends ever since. They had known each other for over 20 years meeting by chance at a mutual friends party and hit it off straightaway, although they had their differences.

Glen was black 5ft 11 had a dad bod and use to be lot bigger but had lost some bit of weight over the last 2 years, so he was a lot slimmer then he used to be. He was light skinned and his parents were from the Dominica in the West Indies. A lot of people mistook it for the Dominican Republic but no they were two separate places as he had to keep on telling everyone who asked him that.

His hair was greying and thinning which was bit of concern to him as he used to have a lovely thick head of hair. Josh on the other hand was white 5ft 10, also with dad body but was a lot slimmer and he had greying hair and some ongoing health issues. He was able to keep himself fit which helped his medical conditions.

He originated from Lancashire in northern England and was as forthright as they came. He could talk hindleg off a donkey. But was lovely generous man. But woe betide anyone that cross him as he did not take any prisoners. So he was not pleased to hear Glen speaking about the lad like that and told him so.

They were unaware that as they sat in the café discussing Erdem for quite a while, that they failed to notice him listening to them speaking. He speaking and understanding of English was more fluent that both of them realise. He heard his name and saw Glen looking at him directly and he heard him being what he consider very rude about him.

Glen said several times “like I said Josh, “damn hasn’t Erkan nephew got fat?”

“That backside of his, is  like his mothers who also worked in the café , so he takes after her in that department.”

Then he said some other things which were not nice and Josh told him he was out of order.

He said “ Glen you forget what you like when were, that lads age. As I remember that you had put lot of weight as well and was over conscious of this.”

“Don’t forget, we all get to stage in our lives that we can’t be bother to going the gym and carry on chasing after other fit lads, although you have not got out of the latter habit have you loving all of those 20 something blokes?”

For most of us though is too much hard work so we all pile on the pounds and just get on with our lives don’t we?”


“Yeah that true Josh, as I put on loads of weight and finally manage to lose it a short while ago.”

“Exactly so give the poor lad break for goodness sake, as not every 20 something lad, that I know you are into, is the perfect ideal body conscious Adonis. Yep neither are they all the perfect gym boys, that gay and straight social media say we have to be into as older gay vintage queens!”

“Frankly Glen, I think that this young lad is great shape, and he is nice guy and would make lovely loving partner.” And he shook his head at his good friend, who he felt could be just a little too shallow at times, chasing after the impossible and being continuously disappointed.

So after a short while later Glen went to pay Erdem, at the counter and he smiled as he paid him and he received a smile back and pleasant thank you. The lad was upset but was professional and did not show this. As they left and turn back and waved s they exited the café,  Josh notice his face, which had changed as he was looking upset.

He turn and said to Glen, “I think the lads upset with us mate and he may have heard us speaking about him?”

But by the time Glen looked round to see what Josh was referring to, Erdem was busy clearing tables and had smile on his face as he spoke to one of the other customers, so he shrug his shoulders and said “oh he can’t understand what we were talking about, I did not think his English was that good. Anyhow so what, I aint worried about it that his issue not mine yeah!”

But Glen had been fully understood and was unaware that Erdem understood and spoke a number languages fluently including, English, German and French alongside his own native tongue. So later on he spoke to his uncle Erkan about what he had overheard. He chose not speak to his father, who he knew would over react, as he hated these two foreigners, calling them “gay homosexual bastards perverts.”

His uncle on the other hand, was surprised to hear this news, as he always found the two men to be very polite and friendly. They certainly did not seen the sort to be as rude as they were at the things that they were saying. Erdem clarified it was Glen not Josh who was particularly disrespectful.

Erkan was not impress and did not like the fact that the older black man who was old enough to be his young nephews father was speaking about him like that. “No that will not do at all” he declared. He said to his nephew barely controlling his temper, “don’t worry I will speak to them about it.”

“No it ok uncle, that’s ok, and please don’t tell fathers ad you know how he detested those two foreigners, as he keeps telling me “why do those gay bastards keep on coming in here, and why can’t they do somewhere else?”

“Yes Erdem I know you father can be difficult.”

To be honest Erkan disliked his brother in law, who was married to his younger sister who he adored. Ever since their parents had passed, they had grown closer. He has his own family but was close to his nephew who was a ‘good boy’ always polite and helpful and helped them out whenever they needed him to.

He had noted over the last couple of years, Glen staring at the boy ever since he had laid eyes upon him, like he could eat him, but he did not say anything to him as he like the man and Josh. Erkan could talk to them and practice his English and they were a nice and friendly, but he was not happy that his nephew was upset like this. So he planned to speak to the man when he came back into the café.

A few days later he took his chance , when Glen came in without Josh who was having lunch with one of his other friends. Glen did not get on with the man, another expat, so and he decided to go for coffee in the café by himself. He noted at once that that Erkan was not as friendly as he usually was, and then as he served his coffee and a pastry he said to him, “is it ok, if I have a word please?”

“Yeah sure is everything ok Erkan mate?”

“No it is not ok as you been talking bad about my nephew Erdem!”

Glen face dropped and he replied “shit ergh I….”

The older Turkish man said looking at him, “I am ok with you and your friend coming in here even though my brother in law is not, but saying such things about Erdem like he is ‘too fat, his backside is too big like my sisters, and he had let himself go is not a nice thing to say man!”

“In fact after today, I don’t want you to come back in here as this is very disrespectful to me and my family!”

And with that he got up and went back to serving his other customer who had come in and left Glen stunned by this conversation  since he could hardly deny and he sat there with his head in his hands, as he  said to himself his face flushed and all red, “oh no  Josh will be upset as he like this café”

The two of them had been coming in here for a few years now, as they usually sat and watched the world go by. Yeah there were loads of other café like this in the area, that they could go to like this one, but Erkan was always so friendly and greeted them which made them so happy.

“Oh shit I totally fucked up and that poor lad he must be hurting”, and he knew the Turks well and was aware that they were generous hearted caring people. but they did not suffered fools gladly and if you disrespected them, man you would know about it no question as some of his fellow Europeans had found out to their cost!

No Glen was bit of idiot but he was mortified that he had upset the lad and he knew he had to sort this out, so he hung round until the café was quiet and went over to Erkan and said “I am so sorry mate, I need to speak to your nephew Erdem, please give him my number and ask him to call me alright?”

Erkan looked at him and said being direct, “what for Glen, so that you can fuck my nephew in his fat ass?”

“Glen as you did say that he was how did you put it oh yes, let me show you this so that you can hear it for yourself.”

The café owner said “here come round and listen” he played the footage from the day on his CCTV system. Glen to his horror, watched growing more embarrassed by the second as he was looking at the man’s nephew with open lust. He looked like dirty old leering bastard, an older man lusting after a man young enough to be his son.

He went crimson, as he saw and heard himself saying the following, “oh man I was totally in lust with this young fit hottie, as he looked totally fuckable but now the lad looks like he has let himself go which is such a pity!

Josh replied looking unimpressed “so you saying you would not fuck him then?”

Glen eyes opened wide, as he watched and listened to his response, “nah course I would but I prefer him as he was much slimmer as he is far too fat mate.”

The recording was stopped and Glen said “oh no has his dad seen this Erkan mate?”

Erkan looked at him and was direct “no are you crazy the boy’s father would have attacked you. Talking bad about his boy and his wife who is my sister. No I recorded it onto a usb stick and wiped it off the system. Usually the voices are not picked up but that day my nephew put this function on.”

“So I ask you again Glen, what do you want to see my nephew for?”

“Is it to fuck my nephew in his fat ass?

“If it is, I cannot have this as he is not homosexual and needs to marry and have family Glen, not to have gay sex with you!”

Glen flushed and said “nah Erkan mate it just to apologise.” And the Turk looked at him and rolled his eyes not believing a word that the black foreigner had stated as he could see how he looked and leered at his nephew and he said “I will think about it” and Glen paid up and left.

Later on he spoke to Josh who was very angry with him and told him that “he was bloody idiot, as I told you that Erdem was upset.”  The next day he went and spoke to Erkan and apologised on behave of his friend Glen, and he said “I totally understand your, not wanting us to come here anymore. I sincerely apologise for my idiot friend.”

Erkan liked Josh and he said “no come sit and coffee with me” and they did and chatted about the changes to the area amongst other local issues. A few days later Glen received a text from Erdem and then he called him straight away. He invited him to go for a lunch in restaurant in another part of the city.

He was going to ask him to come to his apartment but was mindful on his uncle words re his wanting to have ‘sex ‘with the lad, which is course he did. However  but he did not want any further aggro as he knew if he upset Erkan he would kick his butt for him big time.

So a tad nervous Glen arrived early and sat waiting for him and he took in the sight of his ‘date’ which he decided it was going to be as soon as Erdem turned up. He was dressed in pair of shorts which fitted him perfectly, showing off his large ass perfectly. This was topped with a dark t shirt which was a bit to big for him.

Being unable to help himself Glen eyes started eating him up and he was perspiring in the cool restaurant. He stood up and cried “hey thanks for coming” he greeted Erdem and kissed him in both cheeks as was the custom ,and received the same back and he hugged him.

“God he smells absolutely gorgeous” he said to himself and cock was stiffening and he started perspiring even more. “Shit keep it together you fucking idiot, what wrong with you?”

Erdem cleared his throat and said “shall we sit down” and Glen said “sorry yeah mate, em sorry yes lets sit” and they did.

When they were sat and the waiter brought them the menu and spoke to Erdem in Turkish he smile and they both looked at Glen. The waiter walked away and he asked him” what did he say “and the response was an amused nothing.

Glen was starting to feel uncomfortable and looked it and his facial expression changed. He said to himself “perhaps Josh was right and I should have not arranged this meeting. This is a mistake, let me apologise and leave.”

So as he thought this and was about to do just that he felt the lads had cover his and he looked up at him and he was stared right back at him. And his heart melted and he listened as he was told “don’t be upset ok.” Glen was told “we are having fun, just like you were with your friend when you both spoke about me in my uncles café.”

Glen looked at him and said “I am so sorry Erdem, I was totally out of order and that was rude of me to talk about you so disrespectfully like that.”

“I was being a rude bastard.”

“Yes you were calling me fat and all of those other things, that you said about me, I feel so bad that you say such thing.”

Before Glen could respond, they were interrupted by the same waiter who could see that they were talking seriously ,and he looked at them both and said to himself, “the old black foreigner who I have seen before with the old white man is into my friend here. Yeah he is always staring that the other waiters like me, but not like he is looking at Erdem.”

“Yes he has the hots for Erdem bad here” Halit was the waiter name, that knew Erdem from his old neighbourhood.

“Yes Those two are gonna have gay sex, I can tell the way the man looked at his ass and body and the way he held him and could hardly concentrate after they hugged.

“Yes these two are most definitely gonna fuck tonight!”

To Be Continued