Tommy Loves His sub

by Robert Halstead

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Chapter 8

What Dylan didn’t know about Tommy

Over the years, Tommy’s cousin Mike used to fill his mind with kinky ideas. They never did anything together, but he and Mike used to pal around together from time to time and often Mike would tease Tommy about his friendship with dylan. One day he told Tommy that dylan had all the makings of a good “sub,” and explained to him what that meant. It was Mike, in fact, who suggested that Tommy might enjoy tying dylan up when there were playing together and Mike actually taught him a couple of useful knots to use. Once Tommy let Mike tie him up, but he didn’t like it at all and Mike quickly let him loose when he objected. Nonetheless, Tommy used his knotting technique whenever he had a reason to tie dylan up, like when they would play cowboys and Indians or cops and robbers or other similar games. One time, when Tommy was 13, he was with Mike and Mike had a buddy he used to tie up for fun. One time, Mike’s friend had his hands behind his back and Mike had put a collar and leash on him and he and Tommy walked through the woods leading that guy on the leash and they all had a good time with it. The guy (his name was Bobby) said he had to pee, so Mike pulled down his pants and had him pee right there off the path. Tommy got hard watching it. Then Mike had Bobby kneel on the ground and wanted Tommy to take out his dick so Bobby could suck it, but Tommy didn’t want to do that. But Mike took out his dick and made Bobby suck him off while Tommy watched. And Tommy realized that Bobby was sucking Mike’s cock more energetically than any girl ever managed to suck him. “Guys give better blow jobs,” he said to himself and began to wonder if a certain guy he knew would ever be willing to do for him what Bobby was doing for cousin Mike.

Mike told Tommy that Bobby would do anything he told him to do, that Bobby was a sub. Mike didn’t cum that time, but he told Tommy that he would do other things to Bobby later on, including spanking him. It was obvious that Bobby was turned on by the whole thing, but Tommy had seen enough and walked away from them and made his way back to the house alone, leaving Mike and Bobby alone to do whatever they planned to do. Tommy stored all of this away in his mind, and the next time he and dylan played cowboys and Tommy tied dylan up, he started thinking of things he might do to dylan if dylan would agree to it. But he kept these desires to himself, because he didn’t want to freak dylan out. He knew dylan was abused a lot at home so he didn’t want to do anything to make things worse. But that didn’t mean he didn’t have ideas about what he would want to do if dylan was agreeable.

Tommy did experiment with girls, but his main interest was in getting blow jobs the way he had seen Bobby blowing Mike. Sometimes when this happened, Tommy would think of dylan using his mouth to please him and this would always make him cum fast and hard, but most of the girls wouldn’t let him cum in their mouths.

One thing that Tommy and dylan did do was cross streams with each other when pissing and Tommy was pleased to see that his dick was bigger than dylan’s, but that dylan had a really nice dick with a cute head on it. A couple of times Tommy would accidentally “slip,” and ended up pissing a bit on dylan’s dick. dylan didn’t seem to mind.

And so what is important to note is that thanks to Mike, Tommy knew all about kinky sex and knew that even with girls he was dominant. Nonetheless, although Tommy has such ideas, he never followed through on any specific plans to do anything more to dylan. He figured that dylan had things rough enough and that it was mostly important to him to make sure that dylan always felt safe in his presence. Ever since they first met, Tommy took on the role of dylan’s protector, and he wouldn’t do anything to betray the trust dylan had for him. Needless to say, however, the recent developments between the two of them was encouraging for both of them. As dylan revealed more of his own submissive nature, Tommy was ready and willing to meet him on his own level.

The visit to Evander’s turned out to be a great experience. Now Tommy found himself thinking of incorporating more and more toys into the way they played together, much more than dylan realized. Tommy just bided his time. None of this was as important to Tommy than savoring the love he felt towards dylan, especially once he realized that dylan was gay, that dylan loved him as well, and that dylan showed a great deal of promise, not only as his boyfriend but also as his sub.

Tommy was content to let dylan take the “lead” in these things, and it was no surprise that Tommy quickly embraced every secret desire that dylan chose to make known to him.

One night, dylan is lying on the bed, naked, his wrists cuffed together and extended over his head. Tommy has just removed his cage, and is gently and lovingly bathing what had been locked up. Whenever he takes care of dylan’s body, he also makes love to dylan’s mind. “no one on this earth is as beautiful to me as you are right now, my boy, and I love you so very much. And when I touch you this way I know you have given all of yourself to me, and what you have given me is absolutely the richest gift I possess. Give yourself to me, my love, and let me savor you.”

dylan is now hard and throbbing. It’s been a while since Tommy’s let him cum. Tommy toys with him, encircling the head, wiping the slit free of dylan’s discharge, touching here and there, shaft and balls and inner thighs. This blissful torture goes on for quite a while and dylan is now writhing deep within a hidden place he goes to in his mind, reserved only for Tommy. Delirious, he cries out, “you own me, all of me, always, Tommy. Sweetheart. Daddy. Master.” He is getting close and Tommy has decided to let him spill himself out into his hands. dylan writhes and cries, “Oh Tommy, spank me, baby. Let me feel you, let me drink  pain from you, please, Master, spank your boy and own him.”

Suddenly, dylan explodes and trembles and it seems as if orgasms are taking complete control of his body. “That’s my boy,” praises Tommy, “give it all to my, baby, feel all of it passing through you and into my hands. I love you dylan, you are mine and you will be safe all the days of your life.”

Tommy remains motionless and watches the movements in dylan’s body, transfixed by the beauty of this boy he has cared for most of his life. Finally, they are both still. Tommy takes a hand and holds it to dylan’s mouth and dylan eagerly sucks and licks every trace of his nectar from Tommy’s skin. dylan has come a long way since that first time Tommy wanted him to eat his own cum. He knows how much it pleases Tommy’s kinky little mind, and so he has come to love doing whatever Tommy wants. Tommy takes away his hand and puts the other in its place. “Eat it all, dylan. There is so much of it this time; take all of it for me. That’s it, sub boy. Eat what I give you. Lick me clean, slave.” Tommy’s words make dylan work even harder, and before long Tommy’s hands are clean and dylan’s heart is throbbing with kinky love.

Tommy looks down at dylan smiling up at him. “You are such a good boy, dylan. I am so proud of you.” He takes the cloth and cleans dylan again. Then he reaches for the cage and begins to put it back on dylan. “Mine,” he says, looking into dylan’s eyes. dylan sighs and kisses the air. Tommy gets everything in place and locks dylan up again. Now he looks like a true sub.

“Tommy, can I suck your cock?” dylan asks. Tommy looks surprised. “Are you sure you’re not too tired?” “It doesn’t matter. I want to suck you after I’ve cum, so you know how totally I am yours for your pleasure.” Mike has told Tommy that most subs are not willing to keep serving after they’ve cum, so that he shouldn’t expect much after he lets dylan shoot his load. But now dylan’s desire to serve him is all the more meaningful.

“Your submission is turning me on and I’m already hard now. Sit up. Kneel down on the floor before me.” Tommy tosses a cushion on the floor for dylan to kneel on. dylan stands up first with his hands still in the air. Tommy reaches up and brings his hands down, unclips then, and then clips them back together behind dylan’s back. dylan turns around and kneels. “Please, Tommy? Please let me suck your cock?” Tommy nods and pulls down his boxers, letting his hard cock spring forth. He pushes it down a bit so dylan can get his mouth around it. dylan takes him into his mouth and toys with his head. Tommy sighs, “Yes, boy. Show me what you are for me. Service your Master.” dylan starts going further down. Tommy takes his head and guides it, making sure that dylan doesn’t lose his balance. dylan begins to gag and Tommy pushes his head even further down and tears come out of dylan’s eyes as he gags and chokes. “That’s right, boy. That’s how you make me so hot for you.” He lets dylan back off more and then relaxes his grip. “Take your time now, sweetheart. Finish me off slow and gentle. It won’t take long.” dylan, of course, obeys what Tommy told him to do and, sure enough, Tommy starts breathing heavily and suddenly shouts out dylan’s name, “DYLAN!!!!!” and empties himself into dylan’s mouth. dylan continues to suck and swallow. Finally Tommy pulls from dylan’s mouth. “too sensitive now!” he says. dylan falls forward and rests his face in Tommy’s pubic hair and Tommy just holds him there for as long as he wants. Once he starts to move, Tommy reaches down and takes him under the arms and helps him to stand up and keep his balance. He turns him around and unclips the cuffs, then turns dylan around again and tells him to keep moving his arms back and forth to restore circulation. Tommy, as always, is careful about his beloved. He lies dylan back on the bed and gets on beside him. dylan folds into his chest and Tommy puts his arm around him and kisses him on the forehead.

“I bet most guys couldn’t do that,” he whispers to dylan. “Couldn’t do what?”  “Kneel down and blow a guy right after he just shot his own load.” “It was for you,” dylan answers back. “always for you, Daddy.” Tommy cuddles him closer and dylan quickly falls asleep. Together they nap for a while. As Tommy falls asleep, he begins to realize that he has taken on an enormous responsibility. This isn’t just some cocksucker who helped him get his rocks off. This is his soul. This is his . . .mate. He chuckles to himself and reminds himself of what he told Dylan: no labels right now. Let’s see where it takes us.

And with that, he drifts off to sleep, promising himself that things will be well. Things will be well.

Later, they have a nice chat.

 “dylan, I know you want me to spank you.”

“Yes, Tommy. sweet and sexy though.”

“I find that strange.”


“Because after all you’ve been through at home, I would think hitting or spanking would not be something you’d want to have any more in your life.”

“Tommy, at home I never got spanked. I got BEAT! Awful bad. Kicked too. And all sorts of other awful stuff. This is different.”

“How so?”

“Because it’s you. And because I want you to have that part of me, and I know you can get into it . Besides, you have always had a lot of Dom in you, even when we were kids. All those games when I got tied up and you’d be over me. And even threatening me, but all in fun. But I have to tell you a secret: even when we were just boys, whenever you would tie me up I was always secretly wishing that you would touch me anywhere you wanted to and do anything you wanted to do. But now it won’t just be for fun. It will be part of the way you make love to me.”

“Are you sure it wouldn’t panic you?”

“It won’t, Tommy, I promise. Because I trust you. And because it will make me feel warm. Not only on my ass, but also on the inside. And when I lay in bed to go to sleep at night, hopefully in your arms, my throbbing bottom will help me realize how much I love being your boy.”

Tommy thinks hard. Dylan remains naked with his head in Tommy’s lap, feeling so much at peace. So happy. “You know what, Dylan?”

“What, Daddy?”

“You’ll get your wish some day. All of your dreams and secrets.”

 “I love you, Tommy. I always have. Ever since I was a little kid. And when I got sexual feelings, Tommy, they were ALWAYS for you. Never for anyone else at any time. I know I’ve fooled around with a lot of guys, but Tommy, this is God’s honest truth: I was always just getting myself ready for you, hoping that some day you would want me that way, hoping it would come soon.

“Only me?”

“Only you. But what if one of our friends comes by when I am naked?”

“Who around here has never seen you naked?”

“Well, I guess everyone has at one time or another. But it’s different when I’m naked and no one else is, don’t you think?”

“I’ve read that a lot of guys get turned on by it. They call it CMNM.”

“CMNM?” Yes. Clothed men, naked man. So you’d get off on having me be that way?”

“Definitely, baby. As much as possible., as long as you feel safe.”

“I hate to say it, but the IDEA is a turn on.”

““So then, that’s the way it’s gonna be.”

“Yes, Master. I’m your naked slaveboy, naked even when everyone else is dressed.”

“That’s what happens to slaveboys, Dylan.”

“Yes, Master.” They both giggle.

“And if a stranger knocks on the door, maybe I’ll let you throw on a pair of shorts.”

“Thank you, Sir.”  But what if my ass is red from spanking?”

“then someone will know I spanked you. You ashamed of that? think about it before you answer.”

. . . . . . .

“This is really weird, tommy.”


“That I feel PROUD that you will spank me. PROUD that you . . .”

“. . . own your ass.”

“Well, in some ways, I guess. And I really like it this way.”

So that’s the way it was, for weeks on end. dylan was always naked in the room and in the dorm wing. When Tommy was away, he had to find other things to do since he wasn’t going to go to Dillinger Hall any more. He spent most of my time in the Internet, reading those stories, picking out ones he liked and saving them for Tommy, finding Dom/sub websites and keeping a list of them for Tommy. He blew his lover several times a week. Sometimes Tommy let him cum afterwards but he had to eat it. He hated that at first, but got used to it eventually. And you know what? Besides all that, they grew even closer. dylan wasn’t afraid to tell Tommy how hefelt about him. And Tommy was even nicer to me than he had ever been, which was pretty awesome. The boy was in heaven.

by Robert Halstead

Email: [email protected]

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