Toby's Journal

by 138b

5 Nov 2023 2577 readers Score 9.4 (42 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

As I was stashing away my now cum filled jock into my athletic bag, Jake comes into the bedroom and says, “whatcha doing O’Malley?”

I’m startled by him, so I try to lie by saying, “I heard the shower go off so I was just getting my sleep pants and stuff together before I shower as well.”

Jake says “right.  You were probably jacking off because the porn got you horned up O’Malley.  It’s ok ‘Altar Boy’ we all do it. At least I do.  Fuck I had a good quick cum in the shower and boy was it well needed.”

Jake chatting away about jacking off is getting me hard again but I don’t want him to see my boner, so I say to him, “mind if we knock off the sex talk.  I just want to shower and go to bed Jake?” as I grab my sweat shorts and a tee and go into the bathroom to shower.  I look down and my dick is fully hard again.

I quickly jack off again as I shower.  Jake just out and openly talked about what guys in private turned me on.

Once I’m done bathing, I brush my teeth and get into my bed.  I see that Jake is already in his and is trying to sleep.

I lay in mine and try to sleep as well but after fifteen minutes or so I hear Jake say, “hey Toby, you asleep?”  I tell him no.  He asked me, “want to watch a movie together until we can? It doesn’t have to be porn, just something to fall asleep to?” I said sure, but I don’t trust you Jake to choose so I’ll do it.”  Jake said “sure”.

Jake then suddenly gets out of his bed and into mine.  He is bare chested with only in boxer briefs as he gets into my bed with his tablet, unlocks it and says “I have all the streaming subscriptions, so you choose it” as he hands me the tablet.

I pick “Star Wars” and once I put it on, he says “seriously O’Malley? My younger brothers like it, but I don’t. Never got into it.”

I tell Jake, to just shut up and watch.

Jake and I watched the movie. He asks me why it’s called Episode IV.  I tell him that the middle story and to shut up and watch it.

We watch it together as the tablet is resting on my abs.  I occasionally look down to see Jake just lying there bare chested and in his white boxer briefs.  Occasionally he moves his left hand down to adjust his manhood some and every time he does so I notice that it gets a bit bigger in his shorts.

We watched the movie together for a bit more until I said to Jake that it was late and needed to get some sleep, but I as turn to him I could see that he has already dozed off.

I turned off his tablet and did him the favor of recharging for him but as I returned to my bed and stood over Jake, I could see that his dick was fully hard and making a wet spot in his underwear.

I stood over Jake and watched him sleep and admired his fine and toned smooth athletic bod.  I found myself getting stiff in my sleep pants just by watching him.

After a few moments I tapped Jake on the shoulder to say wake up and time to get back in his own bed.  Jake’s response was “oh shit O’Malley sorry. I’ll get out of it.

After switching beds, we both go to sleep.

The next morning, I wake up early and see that Jake is asleep. He has his bed sheets covering his whole body this time and I still have massive morning wood going on  so I go to the bathroom to take care of my man business. It didn’t take long but just as I was using the tp to wipe of my shot load from my dick head and the toilet, I hear a loud knocking on the bathroom door shouting “hurry up ‘Altar Boy’, you aren’t the only one that’s gotta jack off in the morning.  I shouted back “I fucking wasn’t Jake, and don’t fucking call me that.”

As I finished up I’m thinking that my new teammate is such a dick but I’m totally turned on by him.

As I exit the bathroom I say to Jake, who is impatiently standing at the door, “don’t fucking call me ‘Altar Boy’ or ‘O’Malley’, you fucking got that Jake.  You can call me Toby and nothing else” as I walked by him and got dressed to go have breakfast.

I went down to the guest area where the hotel served a breakfast and got some food.  My other teammates were there eating and chatting away but since I was the “new guy” on the team, we had yet to bond.  I found a lone spot and ate.  A few minutes later I hear a voice say “mind if I take a seat Toby?”  I look up to see that it is Jake and say “sure”.  He sat down and says right off “look I’m sorry I offended or upset you.  It wasn’t my intention.  I’m new to this school and the team as well.  I didn’t mean to goad you at all, so I do apologize.  I promise I won’t do it again.”

Jake continued on “we are the newbies on the team so we both have to prove ourselves to the other guys and should always have one another’s back” as he extended his hand over the table and said “so are we cool?”

I said to Jake “yeah we are cool, but now I need another refill of coffee.”  He said “don’t.  One cup is enough, get a tea instead, your stomach will thank me later” as I was about to get another coffee the coach stand up and says “you guys got thirty minutes to get packed up and be in the lobby to leave.  We are on a tight schedule.  Now hussle!!”

Both Jake and I scarf down our breakfast, pack up our stuff and board the bus to the game.  Once we are there we change into our lacrosse gear, have one quick team meeting where the coach point out our strategy and once the meeting is almost over he said “O’Malley and Smith, I’m counting on you guys to get us the win so I don’t have to boot your asses back to the JV team!!”

Jake and I shout out “yes Coach we will!!” at the same time and give one another a fist bump.

It was a tough game, we were playing the top team in the state and their home turf but Jake was a natural at it in that he could read the field and know when to attack and when to pass the ball to the other guy. 

Once the game was over, we won 4-2 with Jake having a goal and an assist, while I got an assist as well.  Our teammates high-fived us as we went to the locker room to travel back home.  The coach came in and said “good job guys but get ready cleaned up and ready to leave in 45 minutes because it’s a four-hour bus drive back home.

And this is the part of playing team sports that always frightens me especially now that I’m student in public-school and now I have to shower with my teammates.  I look around the locker room and see my fellow teammates strip off their gear until they are bare assed nude and go into the communal showers and I see all of their fine athletic bodies and manhood’s. It’s getting me a bit stiff.

I said to Jake “I just came from a church school; there we had private stalls to shower in it. I usually shower at home after the games.”  Jake said to me as he strips down to his jock strap “no worries.  Half the guys in there are chubbed up after that game anyways, its usual so no shame in that.  I know ‘cause I got a bit of one myself so just follow me in.  You can do this Toby.”
I said to Jake that I’ll just wait until I get home.  Jake said “the fuck you will.  I won’t be sitting next to your smelly Jawa ass for four hours and neither will the other guys so get your ass in the shower.”  Jake then pulls off his jock and stick it his athletic bag before wrapping a towel around his waist and heads for the shower.

As I sat on the locker room bench while Jake blessed me out and seeing Jake’s fine set of family jewels, my cock stiffens up in my jock and I see a wet spot happening in it.  I said “fuck”.

It took a few minutes before I mustered up the courage to strip off my jock, wrap a towel around my waist and enter the shower.  As I walked toward it I was thinking of the most sexually repulsive thought that I could think of which was the old ladies from the show “The Golden Girls” working as  strippers and pole dancers, with their saggy tits covered in tasseled nipple pasties.  That did the trick.

I go in and look for a free spot and shower.  As I did so Jake said to me, about time Toby, you gotta make it quick ‘cause coach will leave your ass here if you are late for the bus.  I said to him that will be on it.

As I wash my shoulder and chest I take a quick glance over to Jake.  He is washing his hair so he has eyes closed.  I allowed be to finally check out his finely lean muscular body and cock.  I thought to myself “fuck he is so fucking hot and that he was the one for me.” . .    

by 138b

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