To Serve and Obey

by gtenny

3 Apr 2022 5174 readers Score 9.7 (128 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Day 1

Lukas woke up to his alarm going off and instantly felt the hangover headache. He had no desire to get out of bed or go for a run. But he knew he would have to push through for Steven. He reached for his phone to turn it off and realized there was a sticky note attached to it. He silenced his alarm and looked at the note, reading it in the dim light in his room.

Lukas no run today. Take the Advil and drink lots of water. Sleep as long as you need.

Lukas let out a sigh in relief he needed to sleep more to get rid of this hangover. He put his phone back, grab the Advil and water, chugging the entire glass before nestling himself back under his covers and going back to sleep.

He awoke awhile later feeling much better, no traces of a hangover. He got out of bed and made his way to the shower, freshened up and shaved everything before heading to the kitchen. Steven was already in the living room with a cup of coffee in work out clothes. Lukas guessed he had already worked out as he saw hints of sweat stains on the shirt. He assumed Steven had gotten up, worked out and eaten breakfast already. How he didn’t have a hangover was beyond Lukas’ understanding but he seemed to be his normal self. He grabbed his plate and made his way to the table before uncovering it. Standard food for him now, a large bowl of oatmeal, fruit and yogurt. He settled in to eat his breakfast and enjoy his much needed cup of coffee. He was about to take his first bite when he felt his prostate send an overwhelming signal to his brain. Steven had turned on the toy once again to the low vibration setting. Lukas was enjoying the sensation, his dick growing harder inside its prison. He had expected the sensation to stop after a few moments but realized that it wasn’t. So he focused himself and went about eating his breakfast all the while having his prostate stimulated and his dick pressing itself into the cage trying to break free. With effort he finished his meal and cleaned up. As he walked by the chair he saw he had leaked again on it. He went to the living room and got into position.

“Master I have leaked again. I wanted to see if you would like to watch before I cleaned it up sir.”

“Not right now Lukas, please clean it up though.”

Lukas headed to the chair and knelt in front of it. Just as his tongue was about to start cleaning the chair he felt the toy kick into a higher level, higher than it had been before.

“Jesus……Oh fuck……oooaaahhh.” Was all that left his mouth, he was pulsating with pleasure from this level. He put his hands on the chair to help center himself and pushed himself to clean up his mess. He was in ecstasy, he had grown to find pleasure in the task of cleaning up his pre-cum it turned him on and combined with the pulsating vibration on his prostate he was at the edge again. As he licked the last bit off the chair he realized how horny he really was. It had been forever since he had had any normal release and the two play times with Steven and everything Steven had been saying to him over the last few days were driving him crazy with desire. He stood on unsteady legs and made his way to the living room the toy never letting up. He got into position and sank into the sexual joy he was feeling coursing through his body. It was several minutes before the sensation finally stopped. He opened his eyes and saw Steven grinning at him.

“Did you sleep well Lukas?”

“I did master.”

“I would assume so, it is almost noon and you are just now up and functioning.”

“I apologize master.”

“No apology needed Lukas, I gave you permission to sleep as much as you needed. How is the hangover?”

“Gone master.”

“Good, I am giving you some leeway today Lukas. If you desire a work out you may head down to the gym and do so. If you are not up to it, you can take the day off.”

“I am glad for the leeway, but I will work out to keep my body in the condition you like master.”

“Very well Lukas, you may go workout for as long or as little as you like today. Oh and 15 points Lukas.”

“Thank you and yes master.” Lukas stood to head to the elevator running through what he had done to get 15 points. Maybe this was just one of those times Steven wanted to add points for no reason. As he was on the elevator down to the gym he realized he had spoken and moaned out loud as he was being stimulated with out proper respect shown to Steven who was in the room. Damn he had been so overwhelmed and turned on he had totally forgotten. No use dwelling on it he figured, it was done now.

He spent about an hour and a half working out, not because he worked out extra hard, he just didn’t go as fast as normal. And he spent the last twenty minutes on the rowing machine with the dildo built in just for the shear pleasure of it. Either way he returned upstairs sweaty once again. He stepped off the elevator and saw Steven had showered and changed and was on his chair with his iPad once again. Steven said nothing and made no movement so he started back to the bathroom to shower. He had taken maybe five steps,

“Lukas, come stand in one.” Lukas headed to his spot and stood in position. It was a few minutes until Steven set the iPad down and looked at him. After a bit of staring Steven stood and approached him. Steven ran his hands over his pecks and stomach before running back up his body and lightly rubbing his nipples, his own sweat providing a form of lubrication.

“I hope you understand how truly remarkable this site is Lukas. Your body is perfect, the sweat sexy and the light reflecting off it dazzling. From now on, after you work out and it is sunny you will always stand in front of me so I may continuously enjoy this beautiful site.”

“Yes master.” Lukas felt like melting right into Steven. He had always thought he was good looking but hearing it come from Steven held so much more power than just his own ideas of how he looked.

“Now go shower, remove the toy and return to your spot.”

“Yes master.” Lukas headed to his bathroom and showered, removing the toy beforehand, feeling a little disappointed that he would no longer get the stimulation he had so enjoyed. He headed to the living room and when he came around the corner he saw Steven had a cocktail and there was one sitting and waiting for him. More alcohol Lukas thought, before another one took over, day drinking with Steven could be fun. He took his spot and took a sip of his drink. The flavor burst in his mouth, it was incredible, strawberry tasting with some bubbles in it.

“Fleur of the Valley. Vodka based with strawberry puree and topped with Prosecco.”

“It’s delicious master.”

“I am glad you enjoy it Lukas. Now we have the day together so I will allow you to ask a few questions. All the previous rules apply if I don’t want to answer I will not, but I will tell you to watch what you ask as this is a privilege and if you go into areas you know not to there will be points.”

“Yes master.” Lukas started running through all the questions he had.

“Jeffery has been with me for about three years now and Allen a little over five.” Lukas got his answer to his question from last night without having to repeat it.

“How many slaves have you had master?”

“That’s a tricky question Lukas.” Lukas felt his heart leap into his throat thinking it was crossing a line. “Not in a way that you are crossing a line but in how to answer.” Lukas felt his heart rate drop a bit and relaxed a bit more. “It’s tricky because what you may be asking is how many people have I had trying to become a slave versus how many actually achieved the level of becoming my slave. I do not consider anyone to be my true slave until they earn their first collar. In that situation I have had only three true slaves, four if we count yourself and only two were able to earn a second collar but one failed at earning any more and the other barely made it past his third nowhere close to the fourth. As for how many I have worked with to try and get them to earn the right to be my slave then twenty five.”

“How long does it take to earn each collar master?”

“There is no set time limit between collars Lukas. It’s about how the man preforms, what he takes, how he serves, how obedient he is. The two men that have earned additional collars, well the one took a few days to get his second and about three months to get his third. The other one got his second one after a month and even then it was a struggle on my part to give it to him as I wasn’t sure he had earned it. In the end thinking back on it, I realize now that he really hadn’t earned it and I should have never given it to him.”

This was all fascinating to Lukas, so few had achieved anything and he was already among their ranks. He was determined to be the first to get to the fourth collar.

“How many collars are their master?”

“Well again that can be tricky. Each master has their own standards and each master has their own amount. I personally have five right now. But if someone were to come along and actually achieve that level then I may have a sixth but as no one has ever gotten close I have not dwelled on it that much. However as a personal aside and something I do not say lightly to you Lukas, you are truly amazing. I have never seen anyone take to the role as well nor as quickly as you have, the other slaves took close to a year just to get their first collar. And since you informed me last night that we have not even come close to crossing a line with you, I believe and truly hope that I may have to start considering that sixth collar.”

Lukas felt joy exploded inside of him and a smile came to his face. It would mean the world to him, he knew, to earn all the collars Steven had to offer. He would take and do anything for this man.

“And for the parties sir, what is all involved, how does it all work master?”

“When and if that time comes Lukas we will discuss all of it before hand so you are well prepared. But to shed a little light on it, the party starts like any other party with drinks and socializing. After a bit the slaves are displayed and each master gets to inspect them, they may ask them to hold a position or complete some task and then they rank them. Those that are deemed worthy by the group would move on to another round which is more intimate and various things will be asked of these slaves. At the end, one or perhaps none will be chosen as the best slave of the evening.”

Lukas took this bit of information in and internalized it mulling it over. When, not if, he was finally at these parties he would prove his worth and be awarded the best, to show that Steven was the best.

“What is on the floor between here and the gym? The button doesn’t work on the elevator master.”

“I will not answer that question at this point Lukas.”

“Yes master.” Lukas felt a little deflated he had been getting responses so far and had hoped he’d get all his answers. He decided to go in a different direction, one that he knew he would have to be careful at approaching.

“Where is your office master? Meaning where do you go to work sir?”

“Here Lukas. I told you I own this building. Jeffery lives on the second floor, Allen the third and my office is on the fourth.”

“What company do you work for master?”

“You are getting very close to crossing a line Lukas, one that I am sure you know. I work for my own company, that is all you need to know.”

“Sorry master.” Lukas knew he was close to that line and knew he couldn’t ask anything too personal of Steven. He took the last of his drink before he was about to ask his next question.

“Come I think that is enough questions for right now. We have finished our cocktails and I feel the need for another.” Steven stood and headed to the kitchen, Lukas following close behind.

“Have you ever had a martini Lukas?”

“No master.”

“Very well, we already know you are not a fan of gin, however that is what I desire. Please make me a gin martini how I like it and I will make you two vodka martinis to see if you like them.” Lukas set about making Steven’s martini while he watched Steven in turn make two vodka martinis. Steven placed the finished cocktails on the counter in front of Lukas.

“The left is a traditional martini, the right is a dirty martini. Take a sip of both and see if there is one that you like, if there isn’t that is fine, it’s more of a curiosity.”

Lukas tried the traditional one first, while he liked it, he didn’t particularly like it overall. He tried the dirty martini next and the combination of the salty brine with the vodka was an experience, he could drink this, he could probably drink this all the time if given the option.

“I really like the dirty martini master.”

“Very well, do you like blue cheese Lukas.”

“No master.”

“Alright then traditional olives for you.” Steven placed three olives on a toothpick and placed it in his martini. He threw the traditional one down the sink and headed with his cocktail to the living room. Lukas was about to grab his and join Steven when he stopped and washed the glass first. They had some light conversation as they sipped their martinis, recalling the food from the night before and how great it had been. A question came to Lukas and he hadn’t been told not to ask any more questions just a pause while they made cocktails.

“Master, last night you didn’t pay the bill before we left. How is the restaurant going to get paid sir?”

“Lukas I bought out the restaurant so that we could have our privacy. I worked hard to get it completely empty but the two tables that were there couldn’t be convinced to change their reservation date no matter how hard we tried. There was no bill because the restaurant had already been paid, handsomely if I may add.”

Lukas realized that like before Steven was probably beyond wealthy. He owned his own company which Lukas assumed was very successful. He owned his own building that he worked out of, he had bought out probably one of the most expensive and exclusive restaurants in the city.

“Enough questions for now Lukas. Let us finish our cocktails.”

“Yes master.” Lukas turned and grabbed his drink to take a sip and he saw Steven as he did, cocktail in hand, and he seemed to have drifted off to his own world like he did often. Lukas would give anything to know what some of those thoughts were. They sat in silence from then on sipping their drinks, Steven lost in his own world of thoughts. When Lukas was almost done he realized as he was setting his glass down how intoxicated he felt. Not shocking since he had had a cocktail and essentially straight vodka.

“Lukas, please wash the glasses, go clean yourself throughly and return.” Steven said once they had finished their cocktails.

“Yes master.” Lukas stood and did as instructed, he spent a little extra time in the bathroom making sure he was fully cleaned including a quick shower. He returned to his spot a short time later noticing Steven had changed into a t-shirt and his mesh gym shorts. Lukas felt a twitch in his loins. That outfit had always been on when Steven had taken Lukas into the little room behind the bookcase.

“It is time to start repaying points Lukas.”

“Gladly master.” Lukas felt another twitch down below.

“You will pay back your points over the next two days. Expect a lot of pain and prepare yourself.”

“Yes master.” Another twitch as Lukas started getting excited at the prospect of being used by Steven.

“You asked a little while ago what is on the floor between here and the gym. I am going to show you now.” Steve leaned down and grab something off the floor before standing and approaching Lukas. As he stood in front of Lukas, he saw that Steven was holding a chain leash in his hands. He took it and fastened it onto the loop of Lukas’ slave collar. Steven pulled up on the chain and Lukas felt the collar be pulled up and he stood along with the pull. No command was given to stand but he understood almost instinctively that he was being told what to do by the pull of the chain.

He followed close behind Steven as he was lead to the door at the base of the stairs. Steven pulled out keys and unlocked it before he turned on the light. Lukas saw the carpeted ramp he had stumbled on when he was blindfolded last time. He saw the landing down below. They descended the ramp, made the turn on the landing and proceeded down further to the next door. Steven unlocked this door and before he opened it he turned the lights off on the ramp, plunging them into darkness. Lukas heard Steven open the door and pull his chain forward. Lukas followed into the pitch black room. Steven led him forward a little before stopping him, handing the end of the leash to him to hold. He then heard Steven go and close the door, Lukas could see nothing, not even his hand that he held up in front of his face to test it, just complete blackness.

“Lukas prepare your eyes they will be shocked when the light is turned on. You are about to see where you will spend the next two days.” With that Steven turned on the light. The sudden shock of light hurt Lukas’ eyes and he instinctively closed them before slowly opening them allowing his eyes to adjust. When he finally opened his eyes he inhaled sharply. What he saw before him he could tell was massive, even if there were black curtains hung up obscuring parts of the room. He turned to his right and saw the wood boards hung on the wall with metal shackles hanging from the boards, clearly that was where he had been held immobile as Steven had applied the clamps. To the right of that he saw a small table and a tall stool, the table held a riding crop and the screw driver. The stool had a basket on top of it and Lukas could just make out that it was full of clothespins, that was what Steven had applied all over his body. Off to the left of that he saw what looked like a large black table. As he took it in, he realized it was a piece of plywood with legs and a black felt material covering it. At the top of the table he saw two leather cuffs each attached to a metal wire that was running to the wall. As he followed the wire he saw they were attached to a winch on the wall. Clearly those cuffs had been on his wrists and Steven had used the winch to stretch him. At the base of the ‘table’ he saw two more leather cuffs, again attached to a wire that ran up to the ceiling and over to a separate winch which would have been used for his legs. He saw the metal pole on the floor below the table that was used to spread his legs as well as a stool he assumed Steven had used to sit on and push the toys into his ass.

To the left of the first table he saw yet another table with four hooks in each corner of the table. Lukas could easily guess that the table would be used to spread someone spread eagle on it. Hanging on the wall behind that table Lukas saw various sized riding crops, an assortment of floggers, one of those stood out being a dark blue and black combination, he also saw whips of various lengths and tips. He also saw a few paddles, he felt a phantom stinging pain in his ass when he saw those. He also saw metal bars hanging on the wall, all different lengths all with hooks on each end of them. He looked around taking in more of the room there wasn’t much to see as the various black curtains were pulled shut blocking his view. He looked to the top of them and saw that they were hung on metal runners similar to hospital curtains, obviously there was more here he just couldn’t see it. As he was looking at the metal runners his eyes caught something on the ceiling and he turned his attention there. He saw various hooks connected to wires that ran across the ceiling, he followed them to winches placed at various points on the wall. He looked down at the floor which was concrete that was painted black. On the floor he made out at least two of what could only be drains and metal loops all over the floor as well.

He was mesmerized taking this all in so when he felt Steven’s warm breath next to his ear he jumped a little.

“I and I hope you will greatly enjoy your time here.”

“Yes master.” Lukas realized he actually was excited to see this room or a better description would be this floor. Just from what he could see he knew he was about to experience something totally new and from all the whips, floggers and paddles on the wall he knew he would be getting a lot of pain as well. Still he was excited and he hadn’t noticed it as he was taking in the room but his dick was pushing hard against its cage.

“The rules for the next two days are simple Lukas and they are the same as always. You will obey all commands, you will not cum unless given permission and you will call for a stop if anything becomes too much, but you are to take as much as you possibly can. Do you understand?”

“Yes master.” Lukas felt a shiver go through him as he continued to feel Steven’s breath on his ear and neck. He was so close and yet far enough away that they weren’t touching. Lukas just wanted to take a half step back to feel Steven’s body against his own.

Steven came around to the front of Lukas and removed the leash and walked over and hung it on the wall with the whips. He then made his way to the first table and unhooked the leather cuffs. He made his way to Lukas and put a cuff on each wrist and ankle.

“One.” Lukas spread his legs a bit and raised his arms to get into position. “Now you are a proper slave with your collar and cuffs on.” Lukas had to admit to himself that he felt better with the cuffs on, somehow seeming to make him feel more in his place as a slave.

“Come stand here in position facing that direction.” Steven said pointing to a spot on the floor and pointing in the direction away from the tables. Lukas moved to the spot and saw Steven walking to a portion of the wall that held several of the winches, which after Lukas was in position he could no longer see. His back was to the tables and the wall of whips, all he could see in front of him was a black curtain. He heard Steven at the winches and then felt two of the wires brush his skin as they descended from the ceiling. He then heard Steven grab something off the wall and approach behind Lukas. The wires were attached to his cuffs on his wrist.

“Spread your legs as wide as you can.” Lukas did as instructed. He felt as Steven attached something to his right leg cuff. “Wider.” Lukas moved his legs even wider, almost uncomfortably wide, before he heard something attach to his left ankle cuff. He looked down and saw a long metal pole had been placed between his feet and realized he wouldn’t be pulling his legs back from the position they were in. Steven checked everything making sure it was locked in place before Lukas heard him head toward the winches again. He heard them being turned on, clearly these ones were mechanical used for lifting heavy things unlike the one on the table which since Lukas hadn’t heard it last time, must be manual. Slowly his arms were hoisted into the air and spread apart as the wires were drawn up through two separate hooks in the ceiling. Just as Lukas felt he would cry out in pain the winches stopped. He was spread eagle in the air, arms almost as uncomfortably spread as he felt his legs were.

“Lukas since I am in a good mood and you look absolutely delicious hung and spread like you are I will allow you to choose what you would like first from the wall.”

Lukas ran everything that he had seen on the wall behind him as he had taken in the room. He settled on the one thing that had stood out to him.

“The black and blue flogger master.”

Lukas heard Steven grab it off the wall but outside of that he didn’t hear much of anything else. He had started breathing harder from the strain in his joints and his heart rate had kicked up as his arms had been raised, plus he remembered the room was sound dampening. So it was a total shock as he heard and then a split second later felt the flogger land a blow on his back between his shoulder blades.

“Jesus fucking christ……..MASTER!” Lukas screamed the last word as the pain hit its zenith as he said it.

“That was only one Lukas, surely you aren’t ready to quit already.”

“No master, just the shock of the first one.” As the last word left his mouth he felt a cry escape him as another blow was landed on his back slightly lower than the last. The stinging pain radiated out, bringing nerves to life. He had barely felt the lessoning of the pain from the last blow when another landed on his ass, sending another cry and a shock of pain. The blows landed one after another all up and down his back except for his kidney area. He realized through the fog of pain that Steven was expertly avoiding this sensitive and vital area on his body. He didn’t know when but at some point he realized he had started squirming trying to turn his body away from the blows Steven was landing on his backside. His back and ass were on fire once again, the pain overwhelming him. He realized he was also whimpering and screaming every time a blow landed on him, and despite it all he realized his dick was still pushing into the cage, he was enjoying it.

The blows finally stopped, Lukas breathing heavy, his heart pounding, head hung low as he felt the sting all along his back. He hadn’t realized Steven had come around to the front of him until he heard,

“Look at me.”

Lukas raised his head and looked into Steven’s eyes, he saw in those eyes a fire like he had never seen before, Lukas swore the fires of Hell were burning in those eyes.

“Are you ready to stop Lukas?”

“No master.” No sooner had those words left his lips before he watched as Steven raised the flogger and landed a blow across his chest.

“FFFUUUUUCCCCKKKK……..fuck fuck fuck master.” The pain shot out of his chest, stinging like a thousand insects had all bitten into his skin at once. Another blow landed on his chest adding to the fire of pain, mingling in his mind with the pain from his back, overloading all his synapses.

Steven kept landing blow after blow all along his chest, torso and stomach sending wave after wave of pain signals through him. The pain on his back long forgotten as his body dealt with all the signals coming from his front side. He was glad his dick was in the cage as he felt a few the tails of the flogger hit against the cage during a few of the blows. His mind became foggy as it was overwhelmed with all the signals coming in after each blow. He pulled his mind away and sank into the pain being delivered to him.

“Look at me.” Lukas hadn’t even realized the flogging had stopped until he heard Steven’s voice break through to him. He lifted his head once again and again looked into the fires of Hell burning in Steven’s eyes, clearly not finished or even getting close after the flogging session.

“Are you ready to call for a stop?”

“No master.” Despite all the pain he had just experienced and the feeling of his back and chest being on fire he knew he could take more. He would take more, he knew in his mind he was nowhere close to a line, knew he had enjoyed the pain, knew he would continue taking what Steven gave him. He saw Steven smile at him, clearly pleased that Lukas was willing to keep going. Steven walked up close to him, smile still on his face.

“Then we shall continue.” He then disappeared from Lukas’ view, but he heard him return the flogger and grab something else. Lukas was left spread eagle in the air unable to move, waiting, fire burning across his body from the flogging. He sensed that Steven was behind him and he took an inhale of breath and braced himself for whatever was about to come. He held his breath for awhile waiting for a blow to land, when none came he slowly let his breath out. There was a whistle in the air that Lukas detected a second before an intense overwhelming sharp pain shot out from his shoulder blades.

“GGGAAAAHHHHH……..FFFFUUUUUCCCKKK MMMMAAAASSSSSTTTTTEEERRR.” Lukas screamed out as the pain intensified, he started struggling against his bonds. His long drawn out screaming ‘Master’ prevented him from hearing the whistle again. But a scream joined on to the end of it as he felt another intense pain shot across his back. His mind was scrambled, had no idea where to focus, the smoldering fire that he still felt on his chest, torso, stomach and ass, or the intense overwhelming pain that was shooting across his upper back? His mind never got a chance to decide as another lash landed across his ass. His mind barely had time to register it before another lash was landed right below that one, followed shortly by one on the middle of his back. He lost count of how many times the stinging pain erupted across his back side as Steven landed lashing after lashing. Slowly, he pulled his mind up and out of the fog it was in as no other lashes were immediately landed and focused it on the pain from the all the lashings he had just received on his back. He thought the fire from the flogger was bad, but it was a small candle compared to the stinging burning pain from the lashings he had just received. As he worked to clear his mind he realized he was panting and had started sweating.

“Are you ready to call for a stop Lukas?” Lukas hadn’t even realized that Steven had come around in front of him. He lifted his head, looked his master in the eyes and said,

“Not unless you are finished master.” Lukas had never seen a grin on anyone like the one he saw come to Steven’s face. He could only describe it as the devil grinning back at him if he had to describe it at all. Lukas felt the grin had joined the fires of Hell burning in Steven’s eyes and the devil had just been released.

Steven didn’t pause or wait. The grin came to his face as Lukas had said it and he had taken two steps to the side while raising what Lukas clearly saw as a whip and delivered a lash across his chest.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” Lukas had no words just a scream as the pain exploded across his chest. He had no time to process all the signals as in quick succession Steven delivered three more lashes across his front, another to his chest, one to the torso and stomach. The stomach one flared the loudest in Lukas’ mind and he was sure he saw a white flash of light cross is eyes as his brain tried to process the pain. He squeezed his eyes shut, panting, sweating, pulling against his restraints, screams erupting as Steven landed lashings across his front. The stinging pain pulsing in his brain long after each lashing was landed, mixing in with the raw feeling of his back and front from the flogging.

His brain was taxed to its limit trying to process with little success all the pain signals coming in. He drifted in a fog as the pain slowly subsided. Gradually the fog lifted from his mind and he began to consciously process some of the signals that were coming in. He felt a smoldering fire that was all but extinguished emanating from his back and chest from the flogging. The lashings on his back and chest felt like they were pulsating with pain still. His shoulder and hip joints adding to his pain as they had been held in place, for how long Lukas hadn’t had a clue. It could have been five minutes or a day, he had drifted and lost track of anything as his mind was overwhelmed. He felt exhausted as the adrenaline left his body.

After the pain had cooled down, he slowly lifted his head and looked up expecting to see Steven standing in front of him. He wasn’t there, Lukas turned his head as far as he could to either side and saw no site of Steven.

“Master?” He called out, there was no response. He calmed his heart and tried to listen as much as he could, knowing it would be hard to pick up any sound. After what he was sure was a few minutes Lukas came to the conclusion that Steven had left the room. Left him spread eagle in the air, feeling the pain slowly pulsing over his body. He let out an exhale partly to calm himself, partly in relief that the whipping was over for now. He lowered his head to get a view of his chest. As his eyes traveled down his body he saw red everywhere along his chest before he saw two very distinct bright red marks from the whipping. He continued looking down, more red with more distinct markings from the whipping. Finally he saw his caged dick below the sea of red. “Holy Fuck!” He actually said out loud to himself when he saw his dick pushing against the cage, he was still fucking hard despite everything and if he wasn’t mistaken he was sure he saw a reflecting light shining back from a stream of pre-cum dangling from his cage.

“Holy Fuck!” Lukas cried out loud again. He had thought he had gone soft long ago but clearly he had been mistaken. He had gladly taken the pain from Steven, he had enjoyed most of it, if he was honest with himself, but he hadn’t thought it would have turned him on so sexually. Undoubtedly he had been mistaken. As he stood there looking down at himself he felt a fresh wave of horniness wash through him. His dick gave a bounce as it settled in his groin. Obviously he had been turned on during the previous episode. His heart and mind raced as he processed everything. He hadn’t called for a stop, he hadn’t cried, he had screamed yes, but he……yes he had enjoyed it, far more than he had ever expected. A smile came to his face at his own realization.

His happiness slowly faded as agony settled in to replace it. The pain had been slowly subsiding from the flogging and whipping. It was replaced by a dull burning agony in his joints as he was left standing in position unable to move. He tried moving as much as he could, he lifted his legs up and bent his knees which relieved them but made his shoulder joints burst with pain from having to hold his entire body weight. He tried doing a few pull ups to help relieve them but the cuffs didn’t provide any support and his wrists protested at him trying it too often.

How long had he been down here? There was no way of telling, no clock, no windows nothing. He didn’t even know how long the flogging and whipping had lasted, let alone being able to guess how long he had been left in this position. His joints and muscles were protesting against not being able to move. He had heard himself a few times growl in frustration before trying to center himself and push the pain away. It had worked in the beginning but as hard as he tried it wouldn’t work any more for him. He had also realized that he was sweating, the room was warm and he had been struggling, he also realized awhile ago that he needed to pee, the alcohol making it feel like his bladder was about to burst.

He wiggled his body once again against his bonds and knew he couldn’t get out and hung his head in resignation. When he finally opened his eyes he saw on the floor one of the drains he had noted earlier. He couldn’t hold it any longer he was going to burst and he figured if he got points it would be worth it, so he started pissing. The relief he felt from his bladder emptying was joyous to him, he watched as it left him and slowly made its way to the drain. He had no idea why he had waited so long to do it, but he was so glad once he had finished. The joy didn’t last long as the rest of his body reminded him of their lack of movement.

Finally after what felt like a decade of being held in place he heard Steven enter the room. The door was easy to hear. He lifted his head and saw as Steven came and stood in front of him, a smile coming to his face as he looked Lukas up and down. He said nothing before disappearing from Lukas’ view. A moment later Lukas felt his arms being released and he let out a sigh of relief, followed by a sharp inhale as a jolt of pain shot from his shoulders moving for the first time in forever.

He nearly collapsed as his arms were lowered further and his knees protested having his full weight suddenly added back to them. He moaned lowly as he felt the aches in his body. Once there was enough slack in his arms he didn’t put them to his side, as much as he wanted to, he decided to show Steven his obedience and put them up to hold position one for him. Steven approached behind him and removed the wires from his wrists. He came around to stand in front of Lukas.

“This will be difficult but I want you to turn, go to the table behind you and bend over it.”

“Yes master.” Lukas used all his inner core strength to turn his body and maintain his balance with his legs still spread by the bar connected to his ankles. It was slow going, he couldn’t move his feet that far but he was successful. He slowly made his way over to the table that just had the the hooks on it as Steven had indicated. He had stumbled twice on his way to the table, but Steven had caught him under his arms to steady him, and just the brief touch of Steven sent a shiver through him. He knelt over the table as Steven had directed him to, arms up around his neck, his feet still spread wide by the bar. Steven took first his right then his left arms and using the cuffs, attached them to the two lower hooks in the table, once again Lukas was spread and immobile, leaning over the table. He watched as Steven walked to the wall and chose first a riding crop, then a flogger followed finally by a paddle that looked like a ping pong paddle from the wall and walk behind him and place them on the floor out of Lukas’ view. He braced himself for the pain, but instead heard Steven grab the stool and place it behind Lukas, before he saw him walk to the wall and place the leg spreader that had been on the floor back on the wall.

Steven once again disappeared from Lukas’ view and he braced himself once again for the pain signals to arrive. Instead he made out some noise coming from behind one of the curtains followed shortly by Steven appearing in his vision again.

“I have learned you do better when you can see what is going to go into your ass.” He said this as he placed three toys on the table in view for Lukas. They were nothing special and nothing too large, just two dildos one slightly wider than the other and neither overly long and a butt plug that was about as wide as the larger of the two dildos. The larger of the two dildos being less wide than his favorite toy. Lukas felt excitement go through him knowing that Steven was about to use some toys in his ass. He was so ready to be fucked, so horny he was glad to get anything in his ass. His dick agreed with his mind as he felt it grow in its cage and give a solid bounce in anticipation.

Steven grabbed the smallest toy from the table and then disappeared from Lukas’ view as he walked behind him. Lukas felt a course of energy go through him as he got excited at being fucked again, even if it was a toy. He heard the unmistakable pop of a bottle being opened, lube he figured, before he felt Steven’s warm fingers run on the outside of his hole lubing it up. He let out an excited exhale at the feeling. The fingers moved away and he felt what could only be a lube injector slide into his ass, even that small device sent a shiver through him, he was so ready, so horny.

Suddenly there was a stinging pain shooting out of his left ass cheek followed shortly by one from his right. He inhaled sharply through clenched teeth, more from the surprise than the pain. Yes it still hurt and his ass was still tender from before, but strangely it felt good to Lukas. He heard a moan escape his mouth after two more were felt on his ass. Another moan of pleasure as two more were landed on each cheek. He was swimming in the pleasure that each tingling sting left on his ass. He thought that in this position he could handle more and it wasn’t as painful as when he had been strung up. Another low moaning exhale as he felt two more slaps on each cheek. Yes he could take more and yes he was enjoying this pain.

Those yeses started turning to doubt as Steven began landing more blows, faster and more forcefully on his ass. He felt the low stinging start to turn into the brush fire he was familiar with. He heard his moans start to turn to whimpers as the pain flared along his ass. It wasn’t long before he heard a cry escape his lips, followed by more cries as more lashes were landed on his ass. When the blows finally stopped he realized he was breathing heavily through clenched teeth, he felt the fire burning on his ass.

He didn’t have much time to process the pain from the lashings for as soon as Steven had landed the last blow Lukas felt him ram the dildo into his ass. There was no easing in or slow insertion Steven had pushed the entire thing into his ass all at once. He let out a whimpering cry from the sudden thrust of the toy. It was caused by the fact that he had had his ass muscles clenched against the blows landing on his ass. If he had had time to react he could have relaxed and taken the toy no problem, it wasn’t that large. But Steven had given him no time and had driven the dildo in, and just as quickly as it was driven in, it was pulled out before being shoved back in. He let out another small cry still not having time to really react or adjust his body to the toy.

Steven continued to move the dildo in and out of his ass, his cries turning into moaning as he adjusted, relaxed and sank into being fucked by the toy. His mind was confused, it was still getting pain signals from his ass from the flogging and yet there was pleasure signals from being fucked by the toy. It didn’t know which one to focus on and after a few minutes the signals blended together in his mind to become one overwhelming signal of pleasurable pain.

His moaning grew louder, the time between each shorter as Steven picked up the pace of fucking him with the toy. Then a cry mingled in with the moans, followed by more mixing of whimpers and moans as Steven began smacking his ass with his hand with each thrust. His brain once again mixing the signals into one. Suddenly the dildo was pulled out of his ass, the smacking stopped and he felt as Steven leaned over him, as he grabbed the next toy. It was quickly lubed and rammed into Lukas’ ass. He cried out, not so much from pain but at the suddenness of it all, it had taken maybe thirty seconds for all of that to happen.

Steven once again didn’t wait for Lukas to adjust to the change in toys, he just started ramming it in and out of Lukas. He was swimming in pleasure, the feeling overwhelming him, his dick proudly pressing into his cage, wanting attention, wanting release. The thrusting went on for several minutes, Lukas deep into his moaning at the pleasure of it all, when he felt a sharp stinging pain shoot up through his body. Once again Lukas was whimpering and moaning as with each thrust Steven used the riding crop on his ass. Once again his mind taking the two signals and combining them into one. He didn’t know when it had happened or even that it was close, he had been so lost in the pleasure/pain signal in his mind that he hadn’t even really noticed it.

“I’m going to cum master.” Lukas screamed out. Everything stopped and Lukas clenched his pelvic muscles, clamping everything down to avoid cumming, he hadn’t been given permission. He struggled to hold back, heard a few grunts leave his mouth against the effort, but he was sure he had been successful as he felt the orgasm recede from his body.

“Lukas, Lukas, Lukas…….I told you no cumming unless given permission. Every drop in precious and we must save it for the correct time!”

“I am sorry master. I tried as hard as I could, I didn’t realize I was so close sir.” Lukas was sure he had held back, but against his best efforts it seemed he had released a bit of cum.

“Twenty five points for that indiscretion.”

“Yes master.”

There were no more words exchanged and Lukas prepared himself for the next onslaught of stimulation. He relaxed his body to be prepared for the return of the dildo, prepared himself for the smacks against his ass. None came and he barely heard the door open before closing softly.

Lukas abruptly cried out as his ass suddenly flared with pain and pleasure. He must have fallen asleep at some point because he hadn’t heard Steven reenter the room or grab the butt plug off the table. He had only awoken when he felt it being driven into his ass. His eyes had shot open and he clenched his teeth against the sudden stimulation. He breathed deeply and mentally relaxed. The butt plug wasn’t that big, it had just been a surprise happening while he was asleep. Slowly as he relaxed and breathed his body adjusted to the butt plug in his ass and he felt a sense of fulfillment having the toy in place.

He heard Steven unhook the bar that was between his legs, before he felt him release his wrists from the table.

“Turn and lean against the table.” Lukas did as instructed, slowly, as he began to move he felt all his joints protest, sore against being bound for so long. He turned and leaned against the table, stretching his joints as much as he could, a flare of pain rising from his ass from how raw it was. Steven began picking up everything and returning it to its proper place as Lukas stood and stretched and waited for what was next. He hoped bed, because he had become acutely aware of how tired he was, obviously he hadn’t been asleep that long before Steven’s return. He had no idea how long each session had been, but his body had been throughly used, the adrenaline had left his body and he felt he could sleep where he was standing, leaning against the table.

“Do you feel able to move Lukas?” Steven said as he came around to stand in front of him.

“Yes master.”

“Then I suggest you clean up your mess from earlier so we can get you into bed.”

Lukas looked down and saw the puddle of pre-cum mixed with the tiniest bit of cum on the floor. The edges of it had started to dry from his time left alone on the table. He knelt down and set to work licking up the fluid, Steven knelt and watched as he did so. Task completed both he and Steven stood.

“You have done very well thus far Lukas, aside from your small accident.”

“Thank you master.”

Steven stood and stared at him for a moment before turning, walking to one of the curtains and pulling it back. What was behind it confused Lukas as he took it in. It was easiest to describe as a large dog cage that had blankets and pillows inside of it. As he looked closer Lukas realized that it had also been modified. At the one end of it near the bottom were two padded holes with a bar running between them, and along either side closer to the top were two more padded holes with boards or something sticking out to the side. Lukas had no idea what to make of this contraption, and he watched as Steven opened the door at the end of the cage.

“This is where you will sleep tonight Lukas. Please get in and get as comfortable as you can. You will lay on your back, place your arms through these holes and then place your legs through these holes.” Steven had pointed to the two holes at the end opposite the door first followed by the two on either side near the top, closer to the door.

Lukas walked to the cage, apprehension in his mind and crawled in. He maneuvered onto his back, another flare of pain as his back reminded him of its abuse earlier, and put his arms through the two holes, then lifted first his right then his left leg through the holes indicated. He had to squirm around a bit to get everything in place and get comfortable, pain flaring with every move he made. Lukas noticed that it was well padded, he had a pillow and the boards for his legs were soft. He then watched as Steven reached for each ankle cuff and lock them to the boards. He then came around to the top of the cage and locked his two wrist cuffs together. Lukas realized he was bound in place once again. His arms stretched above him, through the holes and locked in place. He couldn’t pull them down because of the metal bar, and obviously he couldn’t pull his legs down because they had been locked into the boards. It made no difference to Lukas, he felt so tired he could sleep in this position without issues. He may wake up at some point wishing he could move but honestly he felt so exhausted from earlier he didn’t think he would wake up for anything.

Steven disappeared for a moment before returning to Lukas’ view carrying what looked like a black box with a two wires running out of it. Steven placed the black box near the top of the cage close to Lukas’ head. He then grabbed the wires, ran them down the side of the cage, pushed them through the door, before he attached them to the butt plug that was still firmly planted in Lukas’ ass before closing and locking the door. What was this contraption Steven was hooking up? Steven walked back up to the black box and started pushing a few buttons. Lukas saw a red light come on a moment before he felt his pelvic muscles contract slightly. It only lasted for maybe a second before it disappeared, only to reappear a few moments later.

“This will cycle through a pre-programmed cycle, good luck and good night Lukas.”

“Good night master.” With that Steven turned to the door. He turned the lights off and Lukas was plunged into darkness as Steven closed the door. It was quiet and warm, Lukas felt comfortable for the most part and he was exhausted, he knew he’d fall asleep shortly. His attention was drawn to the left as he saw a red light appear a moment before he felt his pelvic muscles contract slightly and then relax as the red light disappeared. The red light came on again a second or two later and he felt the contraction. Lukas made the determination that the butt plug was sending electric currents into his ass every time the light came on. It wasn’t dramatic and as he laid there and it happened a few more times he was actually finding the pulsing contractions to be hypnotic to him, they weren’t painful in any way. It took him longer than he had anticipated to fall asleep. Every time he got close to drifting off, the red light would come on and his pelvic muscles contracted, but eventually he adjusted to the feeling and did drift off to sleep.

“AAAAAAAAAAA” Lukas screamed shooting out of his sleep. He felt a violent contraction rip through him, causing all his abdominal muscles to contract. After a few seconds the red light went off and his muscles relaxed.

“Fuck.” Lukas said out loud to the empty dark room in a panting breath. He had been peacefully asleep when the current had gone up and shot through him. The contraction of his muscles had been intense making it hard to even breath during the shock. He was working on getting his breathing back under control.

“AAAAAAA.” He screamed again as a second after the red light came on another intense contraction in his abdominal area happened. It lasted longer than the last one and Lukas struggled to take a breath, fighting against the tight contraction he felt in his body. Finally the red light disappeared and Lukas was once again panting trying to catch his breath. Only he never got to completely catch it as the red light flashed on again, the contraction happened and Lukas struggled to breath again. It lasted even longer and even though Lukas could get a few short breaths in, his brain was telling him it wasn’t enough and his survival instincts kicked in urging him to move, to get away, to find a way to get a deeper breath. He pulled his arms down but instantly met the resistance of the bar, he tried his legs with no success there either. He was stuck, locked in place. The red light went off and Lukas breathed deeply, brining as much oxygen in as he could. He was deep into his third breath when the light came on and the process was repeated. Over and over again the light would come on, a little longer each time, his muscles contracted, he struggled to breath against the contraction, his instincts would kick in, he would struggle and just when he was sure he would pass out, the light would go off and he’d be panting. He didn’t know how many times it happened or how long, but his eyes were now glued to where the red light was, waiting, dreading when it would appear, trying to prepare himself as best he could.

The red light appeared and Lukas mentally had half a second to prepare for the shock and contractions. Only this time it wasn’t intense, it was the soft, mild pulse and light contraction. Lukas breathed out in relief. The red light went out after a few seconds and Lukas waited not knowing what would come with the next red light. After a few minutes of nothing happening he started to relax, feeling the weight of exhaustion wash over him and slowly starting to drift off. He almost had his eyes closed to drift fully into sleep when the red light made his eyes shoot open. Another mild pulse in his abdomen. Slowly the pulsing grew further apart and Lukas, exhausted from everything from early and his sudden awakening slowly drifted back into sleep, as the rhythmic mild pulsing lulled him.

There was no screaming, just a short intake of breath as Lukas shot out of his sleep. This contraction was more intense, the electricity coursing through him. His entire abdomen contracted, his pelvic muscles contracted, even his thigh muscles contracted, he couldn’t breath if he tried. It only lasted a few seconds but it had been intense and woken Lukas out of a deep sleep, when the red light went off he was panting already.

“Fuck…..Fuck…..Fu…..” Lukas never got the third fuck out of his mouth, the light came on and the intense contractions started up. Lasting longer, he struggled for air, body commanding him to escape, he pulled his limbs to no avail. He was stuck. Finally the light went out and he panted desperately for air. Each lung full greedily taken up by his body, but it didn’t get enough as the light came on again and Lukas was grunting at the pain, struggling to move, trying to breath against the forced contractions. Suddenly it ended and Lukas was once again panting, trying to make up for the lack of oxygen. Once again he didn’t have long enough to breath as he first saw the red light before the intense pain shot through him and all his muscles contracted. Longer than the first two it went on for longer than Lukas wanted and when he finally saw the red light turn off he began panting, pulling his arms uselessly agains the bar, pulling his legs that were locked in place.

Lukas tried to prepare for the fourth, the fifth, each time he saw that red light come on he had tried to prepare. He failed each time, each time the light lasted longer, the time between breaks got shorter and each time Lukas sucked in lungful after lungful of air. He had lost count of how many times he had to suffer from the contractions. When the last red light went out Lukas was viciously panting, trying to get as much air as he could, his body had started to sweat. He saw the red light appear again and he gritted his teeth in preparation only to feel the what now felt like a dull pulse in his ass. He exhaled in relief and almost cried from the relief of not having a current rip through his lower body causing his muscles to contract. Exhaustion washed over him and he drifted off to sleep faster than he did previously.

Lukas woke several more times over the course of the night. Sometimes the pulse would be more intense, enough to tolerate but high enough that it woke him up. Other times he woke grunting as the torrent of current ripped through him making everything contract. Sometimes is lasted a few minutes, others Lukas swore it went on for over half an hour. Each time the current would settle into the dull pulsing and each time Lukas would pass out from exhaustion. Over and over it went on, Lukas had no idea how long it was between each new intense pulse that woke him, but each time he fell asleep from sheer exhaustion.