Tiny Nose

by PPP343

24 Sep 2022 2169 readers Score 8.8 (31 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

It was a hot Summer afternoon a couple of years back. I had to leave the comfort of my AC to go get something I do not recall, probably cigarettes. As I got to the front steps of my building, I had two options: to go left to the closest convenience store on the corner, or turn right and walk for two blocks to the second closer. As most times, I decided to turn right since that was the way of “infinite possibilities”. By that I mean that was the area where the homeless and junks hung out, looking for ways of getting their quick fixes.

For my surprise, I did not have to walk 10 ft to spot a prey. TN was lying down on the front steps of building, three doors from mine. He was young, blond, blue eyes, very skinny, medium height. He was literally sunbathing, therefore shirtless and BAREFOOT! It was not the first time our paths crossed. I had seen him before on the same spot with a guy who lived in that building. I remember noticing they resembled each other, though TN was shorter and thinner.

They happened to be brothers, as I later found out. My “neighbor” was a very friendly guy; every time we ran into each other, he would nod, greet me and smile. He was a regular looking guy but I saw him in sandals a couple of times and did not consider his feet attractive.TN was a whole different story.

Though not extremely good looking, he was a pleasant play toy to look at; as he laid there, almost in a spread eagled manner, facing the sun, I walked by and stared at his pink boyish soles, size nine I guessed, with grape like toes in total perfect alignment. I found myself drooling right on and couldn’t control myself. In a risky bold move, I approached those soles and lightly tickled one of them.

There was nobody else nearby and his reaction was predictable: he was startled, pulled his foot away and shouted “what the fuck?!” Well, I told you, it was a bold move. I calmly apologized and said I couldn’t resist touching his feet, his soles were so inviting and beautiful. It seemed he did not know how to respond to the compliment; instead, he said: “I know you; you are always smoking right there, right?” “Yes”, I replied. “I’ve seen you talking to my brother a couple of times, he lives here”. “I know him, nice guy”.“Listen, he told me to wait here till his roommate leaves so I can shower; the guy is a piece of shit; he hates me for no reason”.“Sorry to hear that”, I said.“It’s fucking hot out here; I’m dying for a shower and a cold beer.

If you take me to your place, you can do whatever you want with my feet. I’m fact, I’ve already fantasized about having them played with, but no luck so far”.Shit, that was music to my ears! I didn’t even bother going to the store any longer and lead the boy way to my lair. Guys, for the following hours TN surprised me with sexual requests I did not expect based on our initial conversation.

First, he asked me if he could have a bath, use the tub instead of the shower; this way I could join him at some point and slowly wash his feet. That would be a first for me at the time; how can one say no to that? I gave him a couple of minutes to fill up the tub and get ready. I undressed and, when I approached the tub, I could see the boy had a huge hard on, left foot hanging out of the tub, a clear “welcome” sign.

As I sank into the tub, he raised his right wet foot up into the air and wiggled his perfect toes. “So, show me what you can do with it”. That tease drove me nuts! I grabbed that toy and brought it close to my face; for a couple of minutes, I just stared at the foot, admiring its perfection, tracing the edges with my finger, poking its extreme high arch, salivating. In the meantime, TN was massaging his crotch, his prick throbbing, his balls gliding, what a view. He kind of jumped when I swallowed his big toe unexpectedly, and moaned. I sucked on each of his toes individually, taking my time to slightly bit each of them.

I played with the crevices between them, letting my tong slide, bringing tickling reactions out of the horny boy. It would be accurate to say that we were both in heaven at the moment. “Holy shit”, he said. “This feels as good as a blowjob!”. I had him, no ifs, ands or buts. I toyed with his toes a bit longer and, when I devoured his high arch and heels, he screamed, jumped and splashed water over the whole bathroom. What a sight! I held his foot I’m my hands, caressing his exquisite arch all along. I put my right foot on his crotch, sliding my sole up and down his now fully erect dick. Surprisingly, he grabbed it and copycatted some of my moves; this was going better and better by the minute. As an old saying states, “I shot what I saw and hit what I didn’t see”. This boy was a keeper.

He played with my foot for a while as I kept caressing his arch, occasionally smelling, licking and poking his pink sole. With his left foot still hanging outside the tub, he said: “Please do the same to my other foot; exactly the same things, taking the same time. I’ll stroke you with my other foot while sucking on your toes. If I let your toes out of my mouth, you can tickle me senseless as punishment.” I surely had opened the Pandora’s box. And I tickled him only once during the time the foot action in the tub lasted.

Without exchanging a word, we both realized it was time to move our fun to the bedroom. We got out of the tub, he asked me to dry him out with the towel, and taste his upper body while doing so: fucker! If that man wasn’t clean enough after the bath, my tongue surely did the extra trick. When my tongue reached his neck, once more he surprised me with a tender and long kiss, almost taking my breath away. I grabbed him by his hard dick and guided him to my bed. Precum was never ending and I slurped it all in a single attempt. “Lift my naked body over your shoulder and take me to the couch in the living room”.

What the hack?! I simply love when guys do that in wrestling. Pandora’s box! I obliged. The feeling of power and control made my dick even harder as I carried that lean body to its destination, his dick pressing my chest, his cute feet dangling. I carefully laid his body on the couch, as requested. He made himself comfortable, spread his arms over his head, rested his feet on the arm rest of the couch.

With a half smile on his face, he stated: “Now, do whatever you please to me, including my feet again; I’ve always wanted to be milked, and I think I found the right guy to do it”. That was my situation guys: I had a lean, horny boy, with one of the most beautiful pair of feet butt naked on my couch, spread eagled, feet slightly up, offering me his body to be played with, no boundaries, for as long as I wanted.

I never thought an ordinary Summer afternoon could turn into such a steamy adventure. I granted TN ALL his wishes as we went on, especially the feet related ones. Getting thee huge loads out of that big dick, while playing with his balls, navel, tits, pits and ass was a delight. I never saw him again for a long time, until he showed up on my doorsteps months later after serving a sentence for drug possession. Nobody touched his feet during that time, he told me. He saved them for me.

PS: It became clear why his brother’s roomie had his reservations about it.

by PPP343

Email: [email protected]

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