The bus ride

by gary_4_u

31 Oct 2022 2332 readers Score 8.7 (47 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I was on a bus this evening, on my way home from work. I haven’t ridden a bus since I was a teenager. However my car was broke down and would be in the shop for a week being repaired.

This was the first day of using this mode of transportation to and from work and this particular bus was very crowded. My stop was near the end of the line so I would be stuck on it for at least an hour.

I had resigned myself to the fact that I would be pushed and jostled around and was just making the best of it as well as I could. I found myself being forced further into the back of the bus as it seemed there were more people getting on than off.

Once I was back as far as I could possibly be the bus once again started moving. As we moved along I was holding onto the top railing but was still being jostled around and could feel another man tightly behind me. I knew it was a man because I could feel his hardening cock poking against my ass every time we moved back and forth with the movements of the bus.

I tried to put a hand behind me to prevent him from poking me like he was but it seemed as though he just wiggled around a little and kept poking me. I also found I was starting to get hard myself from this. My mind was thinking of all sorts of nasty things.

After about five minutes of this I gave up trying to prevent it and tried to ignore his poking me from behind. As the bus rattled along the passengers began to diminish some as it made its regular stops and now more were disembarking than getting on it.

As the pressure forcing me back against this man’s hard cock I attempted to move forward some. But so did he, keeping a steady pressure against my ass. Finally my stop came up and I made my way to the front and got off the bus.

As it started moving past me I thought I noticed the man from behind me look at me through the window and smile. Was I imagining there was something more to this than just some unintentional contact?

The next day on my way to work I tried to see if that same man was on the bus again but didn’t see him. I forgot all about it until I was once again boarding the bus for my ride home. And once again I found myself being forced towards the back of the bus.

Again I was pushed back and against someone. It was the same man and he once again started deliberately began pushing against my ass and I could feel his cock hardening through his trousers.

Today though I decided to play some and when I felt his cock poking against my ass I wriggled my ass some and pushed back against it. This is when I felt his breath against my neck and he whispered into my ear. I knew you would like this as soon as you didn’t do anything about it yesterday.

He reached a hand around me and rubbed my own hardening cock through my pants. I felt him lower my zipper and take out my cock. He rubbed his finger over the head of it and could feel the slickness of it from the pre-cum.

Then he unzipped his pants and pulled my hand behind him placing it onto his cock. Feel how slick I am he said. Take my pre-cum and lick it from your hand he told me and I did. He then turned me around so our cocks were touching each other.

He started jerking his cock against mine and as we were getting close to my stop I felt his cock explode all over my own. As he put his cock back into his trousers he whispered to me that tomorrow he was going to fuck me right here on this bus and to make sure I was lubed and ready for it.

As soon as I got into my house I immediately jerked myself off. I couldn’t believe I had let this happen to me but was still excited by it. I had trouble sleeping that night as my mind kept replaying what had taken place.

All day at work the next day all I could think about was would I really let this stranger fuck me right there on the bus with all those people around us? But as it came time to leave work I found myself in the men’s room lubing my hole. I told myself it was just in case I couldn’t fend him off it wouldn’t hurt so much if I was lubed. But deep down I knew I really wanted it to happen.

I made way to the back of the bus without waiting for the crown to force me there. He was there, smiling at me. I was facing him and he rubbed my already hard cock as he undid the belt and lowered the zipper letting my cock out. He had already gotten his cock ready as he saw me approaching him.

He turned me around as soon as the bus had gotten crowded and what we were doing couldn’t be seen by everybody. He lowered my trousers exposing my hole to him. Then I felt it, his cock head rubbing against my lubed and slick hole. As he pushed the head into me I stifled a moan and he reached around to play with my cock as he began slowly fucking me.

He continued to fuck me like this until we were almost to my stop. But he didn’t stop as we got to it. Instead he held me against him with his cock deep inside me and wouldn’t let me move away to disembark.

by gary_4_u

Email: [email protected]

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