The blackmailed slave

by Derekhello

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Master Control

It had been a while since Master Control or Commander Sharp had messaged me. I had an unbelievable urge now to be owned and humiliated. The blackmail was no longer necessary I longed to be humiliated, controlled and put in my place. Then another reader like Filth texts me. An American this time.

Like me he is desperate to serve. He wants to serve me. I had got some experience with Filth and was starting to enjoy ordering people around. This slave seemed eager too. He contacted me on Kik as some many have before. Well while I wait for my master I might as well humiliate him.

I decided that I wanted some potential public humiliation for my new slave. I wanted him to risk things I’d never do. I asked him about his surrounding area and if there were any woods nearby. I was delighted to learn there was. My imagination ran wild and I had the perfect idea for him.

I asked him when he would be free for a day. In two days’, time he replied. I ordered him to go to the woods. Bring a blindfold and get ready for some risky behaviour. He was so eager he didn’t even ask what was about to happen. He drove there and text me to say he is here Sir. I like been called Sir.

I was getting more and more devious and annoyed at my master for constantly disappearing. Ignoring me. I wanted this slave to be utterly humiliated. So, I had a plan it would be left to the gods on how much humiliation he received.

I told him to go deep into the woods and to find a spot that looked completely identical. No recognisable features to see. He was nervous I could tell but I didn’t really care. I wanted to test this boy see how far he would go.

I ordered him to strip and put his cloths and keys in a bag and put on the blindfold. He did as he was ordered and as expected. I then instructed him to throw over his shoulder the bag containing his cloths and car keys as far as he possibly could. Then to spin around ten times whilst blindfolded.

I then instructed him to walk straight for 120 seconds. Not to look around not to look for the bag. He told me walking naked blindfolded was difficult and he al most tripped a couple of times. I kind of wished he tripped into a big pile of mud but didn’t happen.

He did as he was ordered to do. I hoped so much that with the spinning blindfold and large bush that he would struggle to find his cloths. I hoped he would be found naked by a passer-by. I obviously wasn’t there or saw pictures of the event but the pathetic slave sent me a voice message of his ordeal later that day.

To start I have to say while he denied it, he was clearly masturbating as he sent me a recap of his adventures. The heavy breathing in his voice as he excitedly explained the events made me hard. This desperate slut was yet another victim of what started with Master Control.

“I did as I was told sir”. He said heavy breathing sounding through the message. “I stripped completely naked, I put on the blindfold and threw the bag over my head. I span around, I was dizzy and almost fell but luckily, I maintained my balance. Then I realised I needed to find my cloths and quick.

I looked around and had no idea where to look. Every sound that came made me worried I’d be discovered. I was afraid but also so very horny” the breathing he denied was him masturbating got heavier and heavier. It was clear. He was getting close.

“I started to get worried sir. Daylight was escaping me and it started to get dark. I didn’t even think before I did it. But now I was naked no car keys, miles from home and naked. I looked for half an hour before finally I stumbled upon them. I was so happy sir and so fucking horny”

The thought of this young American barefoot and naked in the middle of the woods made me so hard. The recount of the events as he masturbated was too much. I replayed the voice message masturbating in sync with his breathing. I knew at that moment I needed to be owned again.

I waited for a long time for Master Control to text me but he so rarely did there would be times where he would. He would text me and make me go on cam and within twenty minutes would disappear for another few months I decided I needed a new master. One I would willingly submit to.

I searched all the usual sites, desperate to find a good strict master. Clearly Master Control had changed me what started off as me been blackmailed has turned into a desperation to find a master. Someone I can submit too. I read many different ads before I found one, I liked.

The ad was very detailed. He wanted complete control not just sexual but in my everyday life. He would control everything. He is English so the time difference would be easy. I quickly text him and then awaited a response. It didn’t take long.

He asked me more questions than normal. It was clear that he wanted complete power exchange. This worked for me. I just wanted to be controlled and humiliated again. I missed Master Controls dominance but he never texts so time for a new master.

I told him of all my toys, leg spreader, leg cuffs, ball gag, nipple clamps and chastity devises. He was very intrigued and also liked the idea of auto answer on Skype. He agreed to take me on as a slave but told it won’t be easy. He said eventually he will own every aspect of my life but will start slow to build up.

I was ordered into my chastity devise. I immediately regretted not Cumming that day. I will start off on day two of frustration with no idea when I’ll be uncaged. It was just after lunch and working from home allowed me freedoms most don’t get in their day to day lives.

I was told to strip put on my collar and leg spreader. The leash was to be attached to the chair and I had to tie my waist around the chair. For the next 4 hours I would not be allowed to move from it. I worked for the remaining of the day answering calls naked and caged to high-ranking superiors. If only they knew.

Master called on Skype a few times to check on me. I forgot the shame and humiliation of seeing my naked body randomly pop up on screen. I could tell that this new master was going to giving me a lot more attention than I am used to. This excited me.

The rest of the day I could remove the rope around my waste but had to remain naked. He showed me the poses he expects from me when he asks me to present myself. I knew that I would be spending a lot of time naked and a lot of time caged in the immediate future.

The next day was another work day. I was given ten minutes to make a cup of tea and to get tied in the same position as the day before. Since I lost wrote one of these, I’ve bought a house and have rented out two rooms. Well one of the tenants stopped me in the kitchen with questions that she needed answering.

She thought it was weird that I was in pyjamas and barefoot but of course that is all I’m allowed to wear in the house and of course naked when alone. It took almost 20 minutes to answer all her questions making me late. This did not please my new master and he was very quick to punish me.

He told me not only will I be tied to the chair but will also need to wear the ball gag until further notice. I told him it makes me drool a lot but he simply replied I guess you are going to drool a lot. Do it now! he insisted and warned he will be checking in on me.

Luckily, I didn’t have many calls to make or take. I did have one and had to remove the ball gag. I spoke to a colleague naked, tied to a chair and drool all over my chest and caged cock. It seemed to be much more humiliating speaking normally to someone in my current state.

My master called and finally allowed me to remove the ball gag. I was relieved the amount of saliva that had dropped on my naked body was unbelievable. He allowed me to ask any questions I wanted but told me this would be rare. I had one question and request.

Ireland was to play that evening in football so I requested if I could buy a bottle of wine for it. He agreed but with a twist. He said I can go to the shop but need to do so barefoot. I can wear shoes in the shop but must be barefoot there and back.

I couldn’t believe it. He wanted me to walk through the streets of my new area barefoot. I really wanted wine and figured I could cheat. But no, he ordered me to take videos showing me walking barefoot through the streets. There was no way to get out of it and I really wanted some wine.

The walk was cold. Luckily it was dry and not raining. Everybody I passed seemed to stare ate my unshod feet. At least I think they did. It was so humiliating walking barefoot in public. It was cold and the ground seemed so dirty. I took videos and pictures and sent them to my master.

When I returned, I stripped naked as always and looked at the bottom of my feet. They were black and filthy. My master didn’t seem to care was just happy at the level of humiliation I received. But I had my wine and as reward was allowed to chill and enjoy the football. Naked of course.

The next day which would be the 4th day without masturbating. I had to work naked with the leg spreader but he wanted me to drink lots of water and tea. I knew at that moment I would be drenched in pee again. I had learned how theses masters work and what they like.

I drank about 6 cups of tea and a few glasses of water. He hadn’t told me what I needed to do yet but Master Control had made me pour over 20 litres of piss over me so I thought how bad can it be. I tried to hold it in for as long as possible but eventually I just had to go so I asked permission to pee.

He told me to go to the bathroom. I had to wear collar and leash and lie on the bath with my legs high in the air. He told me to attach the leash to the water pipe so I couldn’t move. The bath in the new house is very narrow so I had very little movement available.

I started to pee and clearly my master knew what he was doing because of my position the pee went directly onto my face. Because of the cage it sprayed it all over my face at first before turning into a normal stream of piss I of course was ordered to record it all.

The pee was going onto my mouth but I had it firmly closed. However, after a while I needed to breath and couldn’t move my head because of the position of my body and the leash. I had to open my mouth to breath and when I did, I got a mouthful of piss that went straight down my throat.

I tried to spit it out not thinking of the fact I was still peeing and again pee entered my mouth but this time it just went straight down my throat I barely tasted this. I had lapped up pee before but had never had this amount in my mouth at one point it was humiliating.

I was made to wait 15 minutes covered in my own pee before a cold shower. The cold shower was brutal but compared to the taste in my mouth it didn’t seem so bad, I showered and then went to my room to send my master the video of my ordeal.

Before sending the video, I watched it. It was humiliating you could clearly see the two times that pee directly entered my mouth and this wasn’t a Skype call he would have this video forever. I sent it to him knowing I was risking blackmail but at this point I was in too deep.

He liked the video and congratulated me for being a piss drinker. I was humiliated but had nothing to say. He needed to go to work but assured me he would check in to make sure I am naked and have the leg spreader on.

I sat there naked but happy to be owned again. I have now been naked with a leg spreader on for almost three I haven’t cum in almost four but I was very excited about it. I am a slave even if I tried to be a master for a while. There is so much to be excited for now. A new house, a new master a new beginning.