The accidental slave

by Sirflox

10 Jul 2022 2883 readers Score 9.4 (29 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Ed note- this is a very true story most of the names were changed to protect the not so innocent

...The KY jelly was damned cold, it felt like it had just come out of the freezer as it hit my private little pink hole, I am pretty sure that large volume of milky white fluid in the clear enema bag is cold too. It also felt like he stuck his whole fist up my ass not just one finger to lube my once tight little poop hole. Who would have thought that me running into a guy (literally) at Copper Star Coffee Company, spilling my iced coffee all over him (and the hot coffee he was carrying all over him and the floor) would get me naked, restrained buns up with my hands in leather cuffs behind my back- awaiting a series of punishment enemas and who knows what else he wants while I am serving him for 72 hours to pay off my debt and damages?

Let me backtrack a bit. It was a Long Weekend- I was at Copper Star Coffee Company- It’s my regular hang out, you know the place where everyone knows my name. I come into study, read, relax grab some coffee, latte, or Muffin- frequently --It's my hang. On this Saturday afternoon, all I had on my mind was the paper I just turned in and the reading I had to finish- I was definitely not in touch with what was going on around me. I had run to the counter to get a refill on my iced coffee, my earbuds in, and my mind on something for class -I was not in the moment and not paying attention to the old guy in line behind me. I have seen him at Copper Star many times, we always smile and nod in typical coffee house greeting and etiquette. All I knew of this old guy was he was well known by the regulars, big, salt and pepper haired and jolly and always reading off his red wrapped tablet. I saw a tender grandpa, I had no idea what lurked under that polar bearish appearance.

So me - Mr. into myself and not my environment. I Hand my cup to the barista for a refill and step aside as is the custom for Copperstar. Mr. Polar-bear steps up and orders a hot Coffee to go - I heard him say it was for baking brownies...the next thing I know I run into him spilling my drink, his drink, and making one hell of a mess of both of us and the counter and the floor.

After a few seconds, I realize just what I have done in time to hear the Polar-bear yelp about the hot coffee - the baristas run around the counter to see the swath of destruction two cups of liquid could do.

I immediately go to help Mr.Polar-bear, forgetting the fluids on the floor, I slip knocking him down and face planting into his belly and then crotch- this disaster keeps getting worse and worse- With all my dignity lost -and the assistance of a herd of people we were both able to get up. I immediately apologized to Mr. Polar-bear, thank the gods he was gracious in accepting my apology, but I knew he was keeping up an appearance, and inside was a seething angry monster.. (Or so I thought in my head. ) Mr. Polar-bear collected his keys, Fire tablet, and phone from the counter and started to walk, well actually limp to the door of the Copperstar. He had to sit down, I could see the grimace of pain on his face. The owner of Copper Star came over and asked if he was ok. I could see them talking and Mr. Polar-bear relaying that the pain will pass, He grabbed his phone and made a call, I could hear him telling the person on the other end that he had to cancel their date because of the coffee and the fall. Now I really felt like a heel, the old guy is limping, in pain, and had to cancel his date. About that time Bill - (the owner of Copperstar )came over with a fresh Iced Coffee and related that I might want to volunteer to Help Mr. Polar-bear home...Bill knew I rode the bus to Copperstar and knew I had a commercial driver's license-He explained that Mr. Polar-bear may have trouble with his right leg, post the fall…

I got myself together and went over to Mr. Polar-bear and suggested I drive him home and help him get settled post the fall, I offered to make up for what I had done to him in any way he wanted-including being his domestic house slave for the night until he felt better. Did I ever put my foot in my mouth this time?

I was expecting Mr. Polar-bear to say no, instead, I got an emphatic --yes. Bill and I helped Mr. Polar-bear to the passenger side of his SUV, I opened the door and we helped him in. I went to get into the vehicle as Bill the proprietor ran out with a large brown paper bag, and a drink carrier. (with an Iced coffee with no ice, a cup of ice, A shot of espresso “for brownies”, An Earl Grey Hot tea, and a large black coffee marked do what you want with it) Handing the items to me - for later. he said.   I settled in and started the vehicle, and followed Mr. Polar-bear's directions to get to his home just a few blocks away.

We pulled into the drive of a nice little duplex in a Historic District. I put the SUV in park, turned it off, and came around to help The Polar-bear get out of the passenger side. We were both a mess. I helped him to the door and he unlocked it and went in - I went back to the SUV and grabbed my backpack and the big brown sack and the beverages.

I heard Mr. Polar-bear yell from the back of the house he was crawling in the shower and if I hear a loud crash come running.- I put the bag and beverages on the counter, the cold coffee into the fridge, and settled into the well-worn leather chair. I opened my backpack and grabbed my reading and tried to pick up where I had left off.

About 15 minutes later The Polar bear arrives back freshly showered in sport shorts and a polo carrying a white clothes basket. He sits down and sizes me up. The next words were “Strip it all off boy, I will throw all those clothes in the washer before the stains set, you go crawl in the shower- do a good "S-3" - you know shit, shave and shower.  I left you some clean briefs, a fresh towel, a new razor, and a toothbrush on the bathroom sink.”- Up to this point, the duplex looked pretty normal...I took off my shoes and stripped down, shirt, shorts, black boxer briefs, and socks, and added them to the pile already in the basket. He pointed me to the shower. I walked to it as I saw him bend over and heard him grunt and close the door. I was in a Typical bathroom, sort of small, but it had a great octopus shower curtain- a nice print, a sign that says “backdoor guests are best” and a horse head towel holder. - I hit the head- took a long piss and dropped the kids at the pool (evacuated my bowels) then I got in the shower, pulled the curtain, and was about to turn the water on When I noticed it- His shower had a douche attachment. And on it was a note “Coffee spiller, use this before you come out to make sure your ass end is squeaky clean your punishments will be waiting. “ Oh shit, I thought to myself what have I gotten myself into? Being the good gay boy I am -I had a good understanding of the shower shot. I grabbed the Doc Bronner's, greased the nozzle with it and slid it up to my ass, and turned the valve to let the fluid flow- I felt the blast of warm water fill me, slowly building the pressure, and with it the need to evacuate. I stop the flow, pop the nozzle out of my ass and take the two steps to the toilet where I release the fluid and lord knows what else… When I was drained I got back into the shower and repeated the process a couple more times until I was pretty confident I was well cleaned in there. I grabbed the Lavender scented soap and washed from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet and everything in between, paying close attention to my ass, nuts, feet, pits, and cock.

I got out and dried off, making sure to mop up the floor, I found the briefs (classic white Hanes size 32 -perfect fit) on the sink and a new toothbrush- I grabbed the Pepsodent and proceeded to brush my teeth until my mouth and tongue were Pepsodent fresh. I hung the towel and made sure I hadn't left a mess I looked around for a robe when I didn't find one -I just walked out.

I didn't know what to expect, the douche, the note about the punishment, the briefs...I felt something was brewing. The sun had gone down while I was in the bathroom- when I got back to the living room I noticed candles burning and instrumental music on( I think it was the sound track to Battle Star Galactia by Bear McCurry). The Polar bear was nowhere to be found- just a note on the ottoman with a blindfold on it -- “Put this on and kneel, don’t speak until spoken to-- you are mine for the next 72 hours... “

I put the blindfold on and kneeled down, the blindfold smelled of holiday scents, clove, cinnamon, anise, orange- I kneeled, and the scents took me away, suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulders, “Good Boy” --I heard-- “Don’t Talk-, just listen and nod” -” I know this was an accident- I know you want to make good-- So since I canceled the date with my sub boy you get to take his place- taking care of my needs, being domestic and of course being my sex slave doing all the things I had planned to do with him. Do you understand boy? “ I wait a second replaying the words in my head, I finally nod. He goes on - “I promise I won't cause any permanent damage, you might experience some discomfort, humiliation, and feeling of worthlessness- but it will be all good - you will be fed, watered, rested, and respected. Do you understand?” I nod my head- “I assume you are a gay bottom, It appears you had no problem using the shower shot- and my gaydar says you are as queer as a three-dollar bill - am I right?” I nod yes -” Even better, we are going to start your punishment -well training off with some good old-fashioned clean fun, a series of progressively larger enemas to deep clean you beyond the shower shot and make that hole fresh, clean, and edible” I couldn't help it I gasped - AS he said “Is that a yes SIR? - I nod… He stands me up and instructs me to grab on as he leads us to the back of the house. 

To be continued…