The Woodland Stables

by UK Bastinado

30 Jan 2023 5441 readers Score 8.7 (37 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

It was the end of a beautiful summer day and the college was closed for six weeks. Plenty of time for the students to chill and relax. It had been a long drive to the English Lake District and to the private woodland owned by the father of Thomas Grey. They had access to a private boat jetty, complete with boat and acres of dead quiet private woodland away from the eyes of the world. It was going to be a great college break.

 The sun had set, the tent had been erected and the day ended, Thomas and his friends Josh and Harry settled in for the night and they dreamt of the day that lay ahead of them and the fun they were going to have.

 Darkness settled over the woodland and the sounds of nature became prominent for young Martin Fisher and Toby Matthews as they lay tightly bound, spread-eagle and naked on the woodland floor. The chains around their wrists and ankles secured their tightly outstretched bodies, fully vulnerable to the elements as the gentle breeze blew across their exposed naked flesh. They had no chance of escape and all they could do was lie in fear of what lay ahead.


 Martin read the letter again:

 “Hello Martin, inside your locker you will find a sealed envelope, I hope you enjoy the contents. Of course, you would not want this information made public, would you? If you want to preserve your reputation and prevent expulsion from the college you have to obey these very simple instructions. You are going to spend the next two weeks on a camping trip with a few “friends”. On Sunday morning at 12.00pm you will sit on the bench outside the college gates and wait for a white transit van to pick you up. You will wear the following clothing. Boxers, Jeans, Casual shirt with buttons and a lightweight jacket. You will not be wearing shoes and socks. You will take a small backpack with you. You will be joined by Toby Matthews, who has received an identical package. DO NOT be late and make sure you have your mobile phone with you. Fail to comply and the contents of the package will go live to the world at 12.05pm”

 There was no option, Martin had to follow the instructions and figure out a way to get this problem solved before the whole world knew what he had been doing. Sunday morning came, he dressed as instructed and packed a backpack and set off to meet with whoever had sent the letter. He decided to wear shoes since he had no intention of walking almost three miles to the college in bare feet. He arrived nice and early to find a barefoot Toby Matthews sitting on the bench. He sat down next to Toby and reluctantly removed his shoes and socks and placed them into the backpack. He felt uncomfortable and vulnerable he glanced down at his bare feet resting on the cold concrete paving stones and for the first time began to fear what lay ahead. It was then that the realisation that he was not alone gave him a glimmer of hope that the next two weeks would at least be a shared experience with a very close friend. It was Toby that broke the silence, “Hey, we will get through this. Come on Tintin we are in this together” Martin smiled, even when the day ahead would take them into the unknown Toby was strong and supportive. He even used Martin’s nickname. He usually hated being called Tintin but today it sounded good.

 Martin: “You get the photo’s Toby?”

Toby: “Yes, I got them. But it will be ok, don’t worry”

Martin: “Why do these people want us barefoot? What the hell are they going to do?”

 Toby was just about to answer when his mobile phone began to ring. Toby answered, “Well done guys. You appear to understand the seriousness of your position. Imagine how strange you look to people driving by. Two guys almost identically dressed sitting on a bench in their bare feet. Our van will be will you in around 10 minutes and I think we need to humiliate one of you a little more in that time. Put me on speaker phone so Martin can hear my instructions. Good, now Martin please take a coin and flip it, heads or tails and tell me who wins.” The two boys gave each other a worried glance as Martin searched his pockets for a coin. Toby choose tails and Martin flipped the coin. It was tails. “Oh nice, well done Toby, you get to make a choice. One of you is going to get down on your knees in front of your friend, you are going to take his feet in your hands and you are going to kiss and lick them until the van arrives. Everyone passing by will see you kissing your friends’ feet. Just a little extra humiliation for you and fun for me. If you do not do this the next thing that will happen is notification on your phones of the video and evidence going public. So, the question is simple. Are you going to kiss Tintins feet or is he going to kiss yours? You have 2 minutes to start kissing those feet and we want to see some genuine kissing, imagine those feet are your girls’ breasts or the world gets to know.” The call ended.

 Toby looked at Martin and said “Look mate, we don’t have time to argue or debate this.” He got down on his knees and took his friends feet into his hands and began to kiss them. He closed his mind to his surroundings and kissed his friends’ feet as passionately as he could while waiting for the arrival of the van to bring his public humiliating ordeal to an end. Around five minutes later a white Transit van with blacked out windows pulled up by the bench. Martin’s mobile phone bleeped, another text message, “Go to the van and open the back doors. Climb into the van and lie down face to the floor side by side, place your hands behind your back. You have 2 minutes, GO. I will close the van doors and we will set off on a long drive. DO NOT put on your shoes and socks. We can watch you from the drivers’ cabin. Just relax and obey and all will be well. Once the van is moving you are free to sit against the sides of the van. Understood? Reply YES and then get in the van”

 The boys obeyed, throwing their backpacks into the van and complying with the instructions exactly. Once the 2 minutes had passed the boys were lying face down in the back of the van. “Put your hands behind your back”. Toby and Martin’s hands were locked in handcuffs, the van doors closed and after a very short wait the van moved off. A small light in the roof of the van switched on and the boys could see that the van was carrying a few locked chests, two tents and a good supply of camping equipment. They sat against the sides of the van contemplating what lay ahead.

 Toby spoke first. “Martin, you do realise that these people know us very well. They could be friends playing a practical joke or friends with a grudge. But they know us really well.”

 Martin: “How do you know that?”

Toby: “Because they called you Tintin. Only your friends call you Tintin. You know each other.”

Martin: “But WHY would any of our friends do this to us?”

Toby: “Does it matter? They are doing this and we need to stay calm. OK?”

Martin: “I don’t like this at all, this is way beyond a joke.”

Toby: “Something tells me that this is no joke.”

 A small speaker in the roof of the van crackled into life “Enjoying the ride guys? (laughter). You got it in one Toby, this is no joke, and you guys better not treat it as a joke! You are wondering why anyone would do this to you, well, let me explain. Have you noticed how you two guys are so annoyingly perfect? Perfect in sport, perfect in class and everyone treats you as an example of student perfection? Well, it pisses everyone off and your attitude towards everyone is unacceptable! Two of your college colleagues have been assigned to bring you down to earth. To reduce you to servants and to teach you that everyone has had enough of your crap. The photographs that we have of you both would destroy your reputations and you would never recover. We are going to a very remote woodland location on private property. No-one will interrupt us, no-one will see us and no-one will hear us. You will be our slaves. You will serve us with manual labour and with sexual service. You will entertain us and you will suffer pain. You are paying the price laid down on you by your college peers for some of the incidents that has offended them. So, you guys have a choice. You can suffer and serve or you can walk home, barefoot of course, and you can pay the price after the images are posted. Two of your college peers are with me, Harry Lane and Joshua Field but during this time of punishment you will call them SIR. I have been asked to oversee your suffering. You will call me MASTER. Now I will leave you to think and to discuss. I will grant you privacy until we arrive at the camp site. The microphones and the camera will be turned off. See you later.”

 The small red light on the camera in the van roof went off and the boys knew that they had the privacy that “Master” had promised. After some time of silence Martin spoke first:

 Martin: “I can’t do this. How dare they do this to us?”

Toby: “Dude, we have kinda made fun of some of the guys. Maybe overstepped and been arrogant. Tintin, we have two more years to spend with these people and we need to be one of them not above them. We have no option, we have to go through what they have in mind for us. We have to correct our attitude and accept our punishment. Besides, they have those pictures. We have no choice.”

Martin: “So what you are saying is that we have to work our arse off working for these guys somewhere in the forest while they have a good time. And we have to call them SIR and go without shoes the whole time?”

Toby: “I don’t think you have understood our situation Martin. I think we will be forced to go naked the whole time. That guy said sexual service and pain. That means maybe flogging or caning, it means sucking cocks and maybe submitting to anal penetration. Freaking out will get us nowhere. We have no choice other than facing it or dealing with those pictures going public. Sorry mate but what choice do we have?”

 It was a long drive and the boys had plenty of time to prepare for what lay ahead. Toby knew that what lay ahead would not be easy but he also knew that he would have to help Martin keep himself from falling apart or doing something unwise. After what must have been a few hours the smooth running of the van changed into a bumpy noisy ride as if the tyres were running on a rough gravel track. The boys knew that they were approaching their destination and after a short while the van came to a stop. The rear doors opened and the order was given to get out of the van. The boys, hands still cuffed behind their backs, shuffled across the floor of the van and out onto the woodland track. The first impression of their surroundings was the sharp stones and thorny twigs that greeted the soles of their bare feet as they stood while the handcuffs were removed from their wrists. The van was emptied of two large backpacks and the van was parked besides a wooden chalet off to the left of the stony pathway. 

 The Master spoke, “So here we are. From this point onwards, you two are our slaves. You will do the work we tell you to do, you will perform sexually to entertain us, you will be used sexually by us and you will be punished painfully and without mercy whenever we feel that you need to be encouraged to work and perform better. I have just one question, do you agree to submit or are we going to have to make this even harder? give us your answer and drop down to your knee’s”

 Toby was the first to speak, “I don’t know what to say other than I am sorry that you feel this way about us. We never meant to upset anyone and we don’t think we are better than anyone else. I don’t want those photo’s going public and if you feel so disrespected by us then please accept my apology. I would rather not have to go through what you have planned for us but if it is the only way then I will submit. You will have no opposition from me.” Toby got down on his knees.

 The Master looked at Martin and asked, “and you?”

 Martin stood barefooted somewhere in a remote woodland and all he could think of was the arrogance shown in taking him by blackmail and forcing him into enslavement. “Who the fuck do you think you are?”, he shouted. “Because I get higher grades than you and because you are jealous of me, you think you can treat me like this!”  The slave Master glanced at Toby and gave the order to “Strip.” Toby obediently removed all of his clothing and knelt naked on the pathway. The Master looked at Martin and said, “See, your friend knows when he is beaten and when surrender is the only option. No-one is jealous of you and no-one gives a shit about your grades. One last chance then we post to social media. GET NAKED and kneel down by your friend. Be wise and surrender. You have two minutes.”  It took around thirty seconds before Martin began to remove his clothes but posting to social media was not an option and so he found himself kneeling naked on the ground by the side of his friend hoping that what lay ahead would be tolerable.

 Shackles were locked around the slave’s ankles preventing fast movement but allowing walking at a slow steady pace and Toby and Martin were given large heavy backpacks to carry. “You will carry the bags to our camping site, a clearing in the woodland about a mile or so along this pathway. You will walk along the path keeping your feet on the gravel and stones. You will not at any time walk on the grass verge. You will maintain a steady walking pace and you will remain silent”, the Master said as the two boys were loaded with luggage to carry. It would be dark in a couple of hours and the captures wanted to be at the camp site with the tents erected before sun went down.  

 It was a long harsh walk for Toby and Martin. The boys walked suffering in silence as the stones and thorns dug into the soles of their bare feet. After walking for almost two hours the group came across a large rock on the left of the pathway. The rock had been painted orange and a pathway led off into the woodland at this point. “Follow the path to the left”, the Master said and Toby and Martin obeyed, very willing to relieve the pain of walking on stones and gravel to walking on the cool hard soil of the woodland path that led to the campsite. The Pathway led to a large open area that was perfect for camping. The Master outlined the area where the large very well-equipped tent was to be erected and the two slave boys got to work.

 The slave master, Harry and Joshua sat and watched their two naked classmates empty the backpacks and begin the work of setting up camp.  No-one said a word but Harry enjoyed watching his two peers working for him with their genitals dangling naked for all to see. They had good bodies and he looked forward to what lay ahead.

 Thirty minutes later and a large eight bed tent complete with covered kitchen area was erected and ready to go. The two slaves stepped away from the tent and dropped down to their knees and waited while their captures inspected their work.

 “Good work boys. Now before we get some rest, we need to get you two settled for the night. Toby, you will lie on the floor in the area marked with the four white coloured spikes and Martin in the area marked with silver spikes,” the master ordered.

 The boys lay down and were instructed to spread eagle themselves between the spikes that had been hammered and cemented deeply into the ground. Their wrists and ankles were secured by metal cuffs attached to the spikes.

 Joshua knelt down by the side of his outstretched prisoners and gently ran his hands over Martin’s chest. “Never thought you were this attractive under all those expensive clothes” he said as he enjoyed Martin’s dilemma. He moved his hand slowly down to the scrotum and took his balls into his hands. “Hmm nice balls and for the whole of this week they are mine, yes mine to do with as I please”, he said as he squeezed the ball sac really hard. Martin whimpered in pain and tried hard not to give Joshua too much satisfaction. “Yes, I am going to enjoy this. One question for you Martin, do you want to swallow my cum tonight or shall we wait a while? Well! Answer me slave boy.”  Martin answered, “I would rather wait please sir.”  Joshua smiled and gave a few lights slaps across Martin’s face and said “My cock can’t wait boy” and he walked away laughing leaving Martin to think about what lay ahead.

 The guys in the tent sat in the kitchen area and brewed a jug of hot tea. They played music and chatted together enjoying the success of their plan to take Toby and Martin for punishment. Eventually the tent lights went out and everything went quiet.

 The two slaves lay outstretched between the spikes gazing upwards into the clear night sky, the cool breeze blowing gently over their naked bodies. It was impossible for them to break free and they knew that the night ahead may be a very uncomfortable one.  The boys were aware that they were totally vulnerable to the weather and the wildlife, staked out as offerings to any passing creature who may have an interest in examining this strange sight that the woodland had to offer. Toby waited a while for everyone in the tent to hopefully be asleep before speaking to Martin.

Toby: “Martin, how are you doing?”

Martin: “I have always wanted to be staked out naked in a forest! How do you think I am doing? Toby, have you ever sucked cock before?”

Toby: “Mate, you have to stay calm and control your mouth. A few times now you have said stuff that could have made things much worse. I know you are afraid and that is nothing to be ashamed of. I am scared too you know. We just have to make things easier for us and we do that by minding our mouth and doing what we are told to do. Things we don’t want to do, things that will be embarrassing or painful. But what choice do we have? And, No, I have never sucked a guy’s cock before.”

Martin: “Yeah I know, I am sorry about my mouth. I don’t want to make things harder for you too. We aren’t getting out of these chains, we are here for the night. I feel so vulnerable, I mean my naked body just lying here for taking, you know animals and stuff. Do your feet hurt?”

Toby “Dude the soles of my feet are on fire. Those stones are crippling. I think this spread-eagle outdoors stuff is our lot for the whole week and we are not going to be given shoes anytime soon. This is just the first night of many. I don’t think we will have problems with the wildlife, they are more afraid than we are. He is right you know.”

Martin: “Right about what?”

Toby: “You have a great body. You are a good-looking guy. I think I might be gay but I have never taken any steps to find out. I guess this week might solve that problem, although forced sex is still not appealing to me and pain is never a good thing. But yes, you have a great body. Sorry if that sounds bad?”

Martin: “I have always known that you could be gay, that’s no surprise. You are my friend, gay or straight. Shame we are not shackled close enough to hold hands. It would be nice. Well this is not exactly comfortable ground but I suppose we should at least try to sleep?”

Toby: “I want to apologise in advance. I may want to experiment with gay sex but I know you don’t. We may have to fuck each other you know. I may have to suck you off and you may have to suck me off, you know, for their entertainment. I can’t lie, I am dying to get close to you. I kinda think that I might have feelings for you. I hope that won’t ruin our friendship?”

Martin: “Don’t worry, what are friends for (laughs) and you have a great body too. Enjoy me while you can (laughs) I won’t be offended.”

Toby: “Goodnight.”

Martin: “Goodnight mate and tomorrow will bring what tomorrow will bring.”

 The boys settled as much as possible for their first night under the stars and after a short while both of them fell asleep. 


 It was 7am, Thomas, Harry and Joshua lay awake in their well-equipped tent. It had been a quiet night with no yelling and shouting coming from outside. This was a good sign. It meant that their two captives had possibly come to accept their fate.

 Joshua: “Must have been cold out there all night, naked too. Wonder if they are OK? So what shall we do with them today eh?”

Harry: “They will be ok. A bit of cold and morning dew won’t hurt them. Remember why we are here Josh, don’t start feeling sorry for them. So how about some tea with eggs and bacon? Then we can think about the slave boys.”

Thomas: Remember guys that we won’t be doing too much to them. Each day maybe some kind of pain infliction, some sexual stuff and humiliation. Most of their punishment is the very fact that they are naked outdoors in all weathers, with no freedom and the worry of how this is all going to end. You guys asked me to set this up for you and we are going to have some fun. Now did someone mention bacon?”

Outside in the clearing Toby and Martin were lying awake, cold and wet soaked with morning dew. Despite their shackles and the hard ground, they had managed to get a good few hours’ sleep before the sky released a very fine mist of rain. The fine misty rain gently soaked the two naked slave boys before stopping just when the sun began to rise. The chains around their wrists and ankles secured their tightly outstretched bodies, fully vulnerable to the elements as the gentle breeze blew across their exposed naked flesh. They had no chance of escape and all they could do was lie in fear and anticipation of what lay ahead.

 Toby: “Martin, are you ok?”

Martin: “Yes, just cold and damp. It is so fucking uncomfortable spread out like this. Can’t say that I am looking forward to a whole week of sleeping like this. Toby, do you think we will get out of this ok? I have to admit that I am scared shitless.”

Toby: “One day at a time mate, one day at a time. Just do what you are told no matter how uncomfortable or humiliating it is.”

Martin: “do you think they will kill us?”

Toby: “No mate, no worries there at all. They want us humiliated and degraded. Watch your mouth when you speak to them, keep your anger under control and obey them. That’s what they want, they want us to obey and serve, take the punishment and show some humility. I think I can smell bacon.”

 The two slaves’ lay in their shackles cold and hungry listening to the friendly banter and joking coming from inside the tent. Toby and Martin had not eaten since breakfast the day before and feelings of hunger were beginning to set in. The tent entrance opened and Thomas, Joshua and Harry stepped out into the fresh morning air and stretched. Thomas walked over to where to boys were shackled and bent down and ran his hands over Toby’s naked body. “Hmm beautiful, you have a great body boy. Did you have a good night boy?” Toby knew that any comment that could be taken as being sarcastic would have been a good reason for punishment, he looked at Thomas and answered, “It was cold, wet and uncomfortable Master.” Thomas smiled, “Good boy, you even remembered to call me Master. Did you smell our gorgeous bacon and eggs this morning boy?”  Toby said, “Yes Master.”

 Master: “Now I want to remind you guys that whatever we tell you to do, YOU DO IT. No arguments, no resistance and no questions. We want OBEDIANCE without question every time. If you don’t then we will inflict pain on you. Nothing that will leave marks or scars, well maybe emotional scars, but pain that you will never forget. I am talking about pain that is additional to the pain we have planned for you anyway. So, if you want life to be easier this week then you obey. Do you understand?”

Toby: “Yes Master.”

Martin: “Yes”

 Thomas delivered a good hard kick to Martin’s ball sac. Martin screamed and his torso arched upwards with the shock of the sudden pain. His cock and balls were open and available for the second kick to hit the mark without any difficulties. Thomas placed his foot on Martins balls and applied downward pressure. Martin screamed and begged for him to stop.

 Master: “Let’s try that again. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!”

Martin: “Yes Master”
Master: “See Martin, that pain was not planned. There was no need for you to suffer it. You just could not bring yourself to call me Master, could you? You had to make a point. Well you carry on making those points and we will enjoy this next week so much more. Now if I am correct, you two have not had any food or water since yesterday morning. We need to fix that. But because you did not call me MASTER I think that your arrogance should be punished and I think Toby should suffer for your arrogance too. You need to learn that your actions and attitudes can affect your friends. SO, this morning you will both be given a very small bowl of cold baked beans, but instead of water, you will open your mouths and Harry and Joshua will piss in your mouths. You will swallow their piss. You will do this for two reasons. Firstly, because we have told you to and because if you don’t then we will be kicking and trampling those balls again. You got that? You don’t want to be responsible for Toby’s balls being kicked and trampled, do you?”

 There was a short pause before Martin answered, “Master, please, we need water.”

 Toby screamed as his ball sac took a hard kick from Thomas. There was no way he could protect his balls from the second kick and through his pain he managed to shout to Martin, “FUCKING HELL MARTIN” Thomas laughed and delivered a third kick to Toby’s balls. Martin begged him to stop kicking his friend. “Please Master, please don’t hurt him again. Please stop. I am sorry Master. Please punish me and not my friend, please.” Thomas stopped punishing Toby and he asked Martin, “would you like me to cover your friends cock and balls in honey and then cover them with ants? It would be so much fun to watch, and the squirming and begging would be joy for the ears.” Martin shook his head and said “No Sir”.  Thomas looked down at the two naked boys and said “well, we need to see some obedience and humility from you boys. Now enjoy your breakfast.”

 A few minutes later Harry and Joshua appeared each carrying a can of cold baked beans and a spoon. They were both stripped down to the waist and barefooted. Both the guys had seen Harry and Joshua naked many times before in the college gym shower block but on this day, they looked different, they looked intimidating and very eager to enjoy themselves. Harry turned to Joshua and said “Which one would do you want Josh?”  Joshua pointed down at Martin, “HIM of course”, he said laughing while undoing his trouser zip and taking out his cock. He looked down at his helpless victim and asked, “Beans first or piss first?” Martin did not want the taste of piss to be in his mouth for any longer as it had to be and so he thought that taking the beans last would be a better option. “WELL? and be polite” Joshua shouted. “Please Sir, can I take your piss first?” Martin asked as politely as he could under the circumstances and hoped beyond all hope that this was all just a bad dream. Joshua dropped his jeans and his underpants and stood naked towering over his spread-eagled victim with a grin on his face. “I am going to enjoy this Martin, I hope you do.”  Joshua knelt down with his legs spanning Martin’s body and his cock dangling just in front of his lips. “Fold my foreskin back with your lips boy, and tease my head with your tongue”, Joshua ordered. Harry knelt down and straggled Toby placing his cock close to his lips, “Let’s do this boy” he said to Toby, “Take my cock in your mouth and drink.” Toby reluctantly obeyed and Harry pissed filling Toby’s mouth with warm strong urine. Toby drank it down knowing that obedience would be the best option. Four mouthfuls of piss later Harry withdrew his cock and began to spoon feed his victim with a tin of cold baked beans. All Toby was worried about was drinking down the warm piss and the sounds of delight from Thomas as Martin caressed the head of his cock with his tongue just passed him by. Thomas was enjoying every minute of breakfast time and he fully intended to get everything he could from the mornings feeding time. “That’s cool boy now suck it” he said as he pushed his cock into the slave boys mouth. “Make me cum boy. Taste my cock and know that you are here to pleasure me.”  Thomas knew that Martin was hating each and every second of having to serve and pleasure him in this way and that only made Thomas want more and to see his naked victim squirm and suffer at his pleasure. Thomas was sensually lost in his thoughts as he face-fucked his slave boy dribbling salty pre-cum into Martin’s mouth. Finally, he came to orgasm and pumped Martin’s mouth full of sticky warm cum, “Swallow it boy and clean my cock”, what choice Martin have? He swallowed down the cum and obediently cleaned the cock as it released hot urine for him to drink. “Drink it down boy and feel blessed and honoured to take my cum and drink my piss.” Thomas withdrew his cock and spent the next few minutes French kissing his new boy. “You are mine boy and you are beautiful. Now let’s see about those baked beans.” Thomas fed the beans to his boy and placed the sole of his foot on Martins lips, “Kiss it boy. Kiss my feet and acknowledge your position as my slave.” Martin obeyed.

 After a short while Harry and Joshua untied Toby and ordered him to stand. Handcuffs were locked around his wrists and his ankles shackled together with enough chain to permit slow walking. A silver ring was placed around the base of the testicles and the order given to “WALK.”  Toby was obediently walking away from the campsite when a sudden shock of electrical power surged through his genitals. The pain caused him to drop to his knees in pain and completely disabled him. “You like that boy? If you disobey or try to escape we will fry your balls, understand boy?”, Harry asked. “YES SIR I do, please Sir stop the pain.” Harry obliged and turned off the power. “Now stand up and walk, not far left”  Harry said helping the crippled slave boy to his feet. They only walked maybe 40 feet from the campsite and Toby was handed a spade. “Dig a hole around 18 inches on each side and maybe 3 feet deep. No fucking around, just dig.” The ground was hard and the spade needed extra force from the sole of Toby’s bare foot to break the ground dirt could be moved. It was painful on the feet but Toby knew that he must comply or suffer. It took around 20 minutes for the hole to be acceptable to Harry. Harry examined the hole and said “Perfect, now crouch down over the hole and shit and piss. This hole is your toilet. Because I am being kind, you will find toilet tissues in this plastic bag, which will be left here for your use. You are both allowed to visit this hole three times each day. If you need to use the hole any more then you will be allowed to buy a visit with a forfeit of some kind.”  Toby used the hole to relieve himself and was returned and tied back down on the woodland floor as before. Martin was taken to the hole and returned and tied down. “We will see you later. We are going fishing. When we return we will need entertaining, so be ready.”

 The two boys were left lying tied outstretched while their captors packed their backpacks for their fishing trip to the nearby lake.

 For some time the two boys lay silently restrained, knowing that escape was impossible. Today had been the first morning of the rest of the week and already they had tasted a little of what was to come. They had no idea how long their captors would be gone but it was many hours before anyone spoke a word. They just lay on the forest floor contemplating their fate and passing in and out of sleep.

 Martin spoke first:

 Martin: “You Ok Toby?”

Toby: “I suppose so. If being forced to drink piss, have my bare bollocks kicked and electrocuted and forced to shit in a hole in the ground, is an Ok experience (Pause). I am sorry dude, yes I am Ok thanks, you?”

Martin: “I should be the sorry one. I think you are here mainly because of me. I had to suck him off this morning and swallow his cum. I think I have that to look forward to every morning. I wonder how we will be required to entertain them later?”

Toby: “Dude, I think they will make us fuck each other after lots of foreplay and entertaining sex acts. I think we will be the entertainment while they eat. What else could they mean?”

Martin: “Unless they want to inflict pain on us?”

Toby: “Yes, I can see that! Are you ready for maybe a bullwhipping? Or maybe something worse?”

Martin: “What do you think of our chances to get out of these restraints?”

Toby: “Are you crazy? The ropes and manacles are tight. We have no hope of escape. Besides we are miles from anywhere and totally naked. How far would we get, seriously?”

Martin: “I am sick of starring up at the sky, stretched out like this. Is the weather getting to you Toby?”

Toby: “Fortunately the weather is quite mild but that morning mist and dew was chilly. I feel so vulnerable lying here like this. We are so totally helpless. I mean what if they just leave us here like this?”

 “THEY WONT”, came the voice of an older guy who had quietly appeared in the camp. “Let me introduce myself, you can call me Dr Joel. I am a friend of a friend you might say and I am here from time to time to look after your health. The guys want you to suffer. I will be here to patch up wounds and to make sure that you are ok and that all will be well. The guys are honourable and they won’t release those images as long as you guys suffer and say nothing. Let me take my first look at you. Wow, well you are certainly nice guys with great bodies. I hate those body builder types. You guys are normal but so sexy. I am going to take your vitals, you know temperature, blood pressure and stuff. Just to make sure that you are OK.”

Dr Joel ran his tests and assured the prisoners that all was well. “Now listen to me guys, I am going to make sure that you will be Ok. There will be a few times when you might need some medical treatment but I will make sure that you are OK. Stay strong boys, it looks like it may rain soon so I am heading off home.”

 Martin shouted out “Wait please Sir. Please don’t just leave us here. You could set us free so we don’t have to suffer anything.”  The doctor replied “Oh no boys, I could not do that (Smile) if I did how would my son have his fun this summer?”

 The doctor left and the sound of his car starting up and driving away was all the evidence the boys had that he had left. A very light rain began to fall and the boys lay looking up into the late afternoon sky the rain gently bouncing off their naked bodies making them feel even more miserable.

 It seemed like many hours before their captors returned. The rain had stopped and the sound of happy friends returning to camp after their fishing trip filled the air. They heard Harry shout for the cookers to be fired up and the evening meal started. This only reminded the boys just how hungry they were. All they had taken in all day was a small tin of cold beans and a few mouthfuls of urine. They were so hungry and they wondered if evening meal would include food for them, but they were not too hopeful.

 Joshua and Harry stood looking down at the two naked slave boys and smiled. “Had a good day boys?”  Joshua asked. “As well as can be expected Sir”, Toby replied quickly preventing Martin from saying something stupid. Harry and Joshua stripped naked and knelt down straggling the boys bodies and dangled their cocks in front of the boys mouths. “Cum and cold tinned potatoes for your meal tonight boys, followed by a drink of water. So, open those mouths and take our cocks boys.” Harry said pushing the head of his cock against Martins

Closed lips. Both boys opened their mouths and allowed their captors to slide their cocks in so they could be pleasured. Both boys sucked cock really well and they did all they could to pleasure their Master. It was not long before both boys were tasting pre-cum and they knew that it would not be long before their mouths were filled with cum for them to swallow. Harry managed to shoot three full loads of cum and every drop was swallowed before his cock was cleaned and sucked by his boy. Joshua managed two full shots of cum but his cum was thick and creamy and was a challenge to swallow without gagging. Then came the urine. Both boys took a full piss load of warm urine before being fed a cold tin of really hard disgusting boiled potatoes. Both boys were untied and shackled for walking and taken to the shit hole that Toby had dug earlier in the day. “Crouch and shit boys.” Harry ordered. On the way back to camp Martin was fitted with a shock ring around the base of his testicles and given the pleasure of a test shot which left him crying in pain.

 The boys were taken back to camp and sat down with their backs against tree trunks. Their hands were cuffed behind the trunk of the tree and their ankles tied tightly together. The boys could feel the warmth from the camp fire and watched as Harry, Joshua and Thomas enjoyed an amazing smelling soup followed by a plate of roasted pork ribs. “Enjoying the aroma of our food boys?”  Thomas asked with a smile across his face. “Would you like some, or is cum and cold baked beans washed down by our piss all you are worthy of? If you want some, BEG and maybe if you beg hard enough we will let you lick a rib (Laugh).”  Toby was just about to say something that could be called begging just to give them what they wanted when Martin shouted out “FUCK YOU and your fucking pork ribs, we will never beg to you!”  Toby responded “No, Please, don’t punish me for that outburst, please. I am showing respect to you and trying to take my punishment like a man. Please Masters please don’t make me suffer for that.” He turned to Martin and shouted “What the fuck is wrong with you? You are fucking naked tied to a fucking tree, you stupid knob.”  Harry, Joshua and Thomas were clearly amused at the outburst and Thomas responded simply with, “So, you don’t think we can make you beg? We will see, oh yes, we will see. Time for coffee.” The guys brewed a large jug of coffee and enjoyed a hot drink in the cool of the evening.

 The guys finally finished their meal and cleared up the plates and washed the cooking utensils before sitting down to discuss how to close the evening with their slave boys.

 Joshua: “So what do we do with our boys tonight?”

Harry: “How about 24 lashes with the bullwhip for big mouth?”

Joshua: “I wanted to keep the whip until later. The Doc could cut his foreskin off maybe?”

Thomas: “Hmm circumcision without pain relief, just a knife and a needle and thread.”

Joshua: “Then we could force feed him his foreskin.”

 The three boys burst out laughing. “But we could actually do that you know. The doc could do the cutting and stitching. It’s a simple operation. Circumcise the arrogant bastard and make him eat his own foreskin. Or maybe circumcise them both and make them eat each other’s foreskins. I am off to call the doc to see if this is possible.” Thomas said and took his phone out of earshot of the slave boys and made a call. Thomas returned and gave the good news. “Doc says it could be done. Be very painful and would need careful handling but he could cut away a foreskin in the wild if we wanted him to. He suggested for the last day of captivity so he could go back to his flat and recover.”

 Martin shouted out “What the fuck are you talking about. You can’t cut my cock are you fucking crazy? I am scared shitless can’t you see that? Guys please I am naked in a fucking forest drinking your piss and sucking you off. I can’t handle this I am afraid of what you will do to me. Please let me go, I need to go, please, I can’t handle this.” Martin welled up and tears began to roll down his face.

 Joshua looked at the sobbing boy and said, “Would you call that begging?” Harry, Joshua and Thomas burst out laughing and triggered the electro device that was wrapped around Martins balls. Martin screamed and writhed in pain and begged for the pain to stop. After a few minutes the power was switched off and the boy hung his head and sobbed. Joshua laughed and said “Hmmm he begged twice in just a few minutes. I still think doc should cut his foreskin off.”

 Harry wrapped a chain around the necks of both slave boys and secured them to the tree trunk. He released their chained hands and handcuffed them in front of them. He poured two hot mugs of coffee and gave one to each of the slave boys. “Enjoy a hot drink boys and pay attention to me. When this week is over you will both go home safely you will face pain and humiliation while you are our guests, you will serve us sexually, you will entertain us and you will treat us as your masters. You are both going home after this. You have our word. Martin, you must stop all this wailing and aggression. You need to do what Toby is doing. Accept your fate. Allow yourself to be humiliated, take our punishment like a man and be degraded like a man. Now enjoy the coffee. I will be back in 10 minutes.”

 Toby and Martin were so grateful for the mug of hot coffee and they enjoyed every single drop.

 Toby: “Dude, are you OK?”
Martin: “I am sorry, so sorry.”

Toby: “Relax, I know you are freaked out by this. It will be Ok.”

Martin: “What do you think they will do to us?”

Toby: “They have told us. We will be whipped, caned, flogged or some other kind of corporal punishment. They will fuck us. Maybe we will have to fuck each other. But we will both be Ok my friend. We can handle this. Just keep cool and remember their promise. We will both go home safe. This is a lesson to us from our peers. They don’t want to kill us.”

Martin: “I wonder what a bullwhip feels like?”

Toby: “I think we are going to find out sometime soon.”

 Harry returned as promised ten minutes later and Toby and Martin were pushed down to their knees, wrists locked in handcuffs and ankles chained with a short shackle and told to kneel with their heads bowed and to wait.

 They were left waiting for well over an hour, long enough for their captors to enjoy a board game and another round of coffee.  Finally, Thomas walked over and stood over the two naked prisoners and said “OK guys now listen to me very carefully, especially you big mouth because you really don’t want to piss us off anymore tonight (he said kicking Martin). This is your first night and your first physical punishment is about to be inflicted on you. It is a warm up for you. Not too challenging but not too easy to take either. He took a flogger out of a bag that he was carrying and said “This is a leather cord flogger. It has 13 tails all made with top quality leather twisted into stiff cords. When this is lashed across your back you will feel a sharp stinging sensation. It can be very painful but will only leave thin red lines across your flesh. When called forward you will stand with your legs as far apart as possible with those shackles on. You will place your handcuffed hands on top of your head. You will brace yourself for punishment and then you will ask “Please whip me Master”. We will then lay the flogger across your back. We will deliver hard fast strokes. If you move your hands from your head or attempt to avoid the flogger, the punishment will start again and you will be restrained. Toby will receive 36 lashes and Martin will receive 48 lashes. Now you have 10 minutes to prepare yourselves. Martin, understand this, we can lay on 36 lashes or 136 lashes it means nothing to us. Fuck us about and only you will suffer. I hope you finally understand. I swear I will make you stand barefoot on thorns, broken glass and stinging nettles while taking your flogging if you step out of line just once.”

 Toby waited for Thomas to get far enough away and he spoke to Martin:

Toby: “Did you hear that my friend? Watch your mouth. Take the whipping and behave yourself. This will sting like crazy but I don’t think the pain will last. They said it was a warm up punishment. So, make sure you are ready and PLEASE obey them. Allow yourself to be punished.”
Martin: “I have to take more than you.”
Toby: “Yes and why is that? Because of your mouth. I can ask to take the same as you if it makes you feel better.”

Martin: “No that’s ok. My fault not yours.”

Toby: “Are you Ok, are you afraid?”

Martin: “Yes, I am really shitting myself. I hate pain and I feel so vulnerable. I am not sure I can go through this without doing something I should not do.”
Toby: “Close your eyes and go somewhere else in your mind. Separate yourself from your back and the flogger. Just let it happen.”
Martin: “I will try.”

Toby: “NO Martin, you have to do it. You have to man up before things get really bad. Turn your bursts of anger into defiance. Defy the pain and in doing so defy THEM. Show them that they cannot break you. Show them that you can take anything they hand out. Scream out in pain if you have to but NO WORDS. Just express yourself through dealing with the pain. They want you to fuck up, don’t give them what they want.”

 A short while later the three Masters were standing over the kneeling boys. They were stripped down to the waist and each one was holding a corded leather flogger. Joshua said in a loud determined voice “Slave Martin, present yourself for punishment.”

 Martin took a deep breath and without any hesitation he stood and walked forward. Joshua pointed to the place where he was to stand, legs astride and with his hands on his head. “You will remain standing in exactly this position during your flogging. If you move your feet, the punishment will restart. If you remove your hands from your head, the punishment will restart and if you twist your body away from the flogger, the punishment will restart. You are submitting willingly to this flogging and you will show us the respect that we deserve. You are permitted to cry out in pain. No-one will hear you. You have been allocated 36 lashes. I will deliver 15, Harry will deliver 15 and Thomas will deliver 18. We will give you a little time to prepare yourself for the punishment, a few minutes. When you are ready you are to ask politely for punishment. If you wait for more than 3 minutes we will begin without your invitation but we will deliver 80 lashes. Do you understand boy?” Martin responded with a firm “YES SIR” and Joshua started a 3-minute timer on his phone and waited.

 Martin pressed his bare feet hard into the ground and braced himself for a pain that he had never experienced before. After only 30 seconds or so he asked the question “Masters, will you please be kind enough to punish me with 48 lashes of your flogger.” He gritted his teeth and awaited the pain.

 It was decided that the flogging would be administered by Harry then Joshua and finally from Thomas. Each would give their allocated hard strokes and enjoy each and every one.  Harry took the flogger and positioned himself to lay the first stroke across Martin’s bare back. He wanted the first stroke to shock Martin into moving, he so wanted to have him standing barefoot on thorns and stingers. He started the flogging with the hardest delivery of the flogger that he could muster. The 13 braided leather cords lashed cruelly across Martins bare back and the boy screamed, but he stayed firmly in place awaiting the second lash. The lashes came hard and heavy but Martin stood his ground and suffered every one without a single insult. All three boys gave a good hard lashing and Martin stayed in place, hands on head, eyes closed for every lash. His mind was somewhere else and he had managed to distance himself from the pain. His back was covered with thin red marks caused by the flogger but Toby was right. The impact pain was stingy and very harsh but it quickly faded until the next lash contacted his skin. It was he first experience of being whipped but he had more to come and he knew that this was just an introduction.  

 Joshua spoke, “You took that very well boy. You can relax now and take your hands of your head. You will thank us and then you will be escorted back to your spikes to be secured for the night.”

 Martin thanked them for his whipping as humbly as he could and was taken back and spread out on the floor between the spikes and tied securely. He lay there listening to the whipping that Harry and Thomas were laying across the back of Toby. It was not long before Toby was tied in place and the two boys once again lay outspread naked under the mild summer night sky. Their backs sore from the flogging especially lying on the hard forest floor and their stomachs rumbling from the lack of good food. But they had got through their first day of enslavement and they knew that tomorrow would bring new challenges.

Toby: “Well done mate, you took that well. Let’s try to sleep. Goodnight.”

Martin: “Thanks, I could not have handled it without your encouragement. Goodnight.”

They could hear the music coming from the closed heavy-duty warm tent that their captors were using and they longed for a mattress, a sleeping bag and more coffee but that was not to be.



 It was 8.15am when two buckets of cold water were thrown over the sleeping prisoners. They awoke with the sudden shock of the cold water drenching their outstretched bodies.

 Harry and Thomas were standing over them, “Breakfast boys,” they said. The smell of bacon and eggs wafted from the campsite but the boys of course knew that all they could look forward to was a mouthful of cum and maybe a few baked beans.

 Harry and Thomas untied Toby and dragged him up to his feet. Harry pointed to Martin spread-eagled on the forest floor and gave Toby an instruction, “Feed him your cum boy and wash it down with your piss. Kneel over him and feed him.”  Toby knew that he had to obey and he knelt down over Martin’s restrained torso and dangled his cock in front of his friends’ mouth. “Come on my friend, let me feed you. You have to suck me off and take my piss.”  Toby said but before Martin could obey, Thomas shouted “STOP. I want you to kiss first. Make out before you feed him, make it a nice long romantic experience (Laughs).” Toby lay down by the side of his friend and began to gently run his hands over Martins tightly stretched out chest. The expression on Martin’s face was one of puzzlement but Toby knew that he and Martin will have to get much closer sexually and this was the start of the process. This is what their captors wanted and they had to comply, or suffer. Toby moved onto his friends’ nipples and gently licked and sucked until Martin responded with a satisfying grown of pleasure. Toby’s left hand moved down and took Martins cock in his hand and stroked the shaft into erection. Martin’s cock got very hard and he showed no distaste when Toby’s lips touch his and the two boys engaged in some very erotic kissing. It was the best thing that had happened to Martin all week and even though he was not gay and it was his best friend kissing him, he enjoyed the experience and did not want it to stop. After a while Toby slid his erect cock into his friends mouth and groaned with pleasure as Martin sucked and pleasured him. Toby began to gently fuck his friends face and after only a short while, pumped a few cock loads of cum down his friends throat. Their eyes met and it was clear to anyone watching that the two boys had entered a deeper level of friendship. Their eyes were smiling at each other. Finally, Toby let his urine flow into his friends mouth and Martin drank it down. It was the sound of clapping that bought the two boys back to reality. Harry was clapping the slave’s performance and said “Now that was worth watching. Two slave boys finding a connection. Now Toby, stand up and go kneel in front of Thomas. He will feed you this morning.”  Toby obeyed and Thomas enjoyed feeding Toby with his cum and piss. Martin was untied and both boys were ordered to stand with their hands on their heads.

 Dr Joel walked over from the campsite holding a mug of tea and he briefly examined the boys flogged backs. He was satisfied that all was well and he instructed the boys to kneel in front of him. He placed handcuffs and ankle shackles on both the slaves and told them to pay close attention to what he was going to tell them.

 “Have you boys ever heard of the Bamasaaba tribe? The males of the tribe aged between 16 and 20 go through a ritual which marks their growth to manhood. The ritual is called Imbalu and it involves cutting away the foreskin with a simple blade. If the boy makes any reaction during the process then he will never be considered a true warrior and will be unable to partake in some of the male activities of the tribe. If the boy shows any sign of weakness or reluctance to face the ritual then he is forced to go through it and is labelled a coward for the rest of his life. Of course, the process is not carried out in a calculated surgical manner and the boys are all left with very ugly cut cocks.

 My son is considering asking me to put you both through the Imbalu ceremony and to circumcise you. I am a very experienced surgeon and trauma consultant and so my skills will be required for your circumcision, IF of course, the guys want this to go ahead. I will cut a slit in the foreskin on the upper side of your penis. This will be done using surgical scissors, razor sharp and spotlessly clean and sterile, one snip is all it will take. I then make a second slit opposite on the other side of the penis. I will then cut away the foreskin around the coronal groove using a scalpel and the edges of the foreskin will be folded backwards. I will then tie off the blood vessels using absorbable stiches or maybe by diathermy. That is, heating the ends of the blood vessels using a special medical instrument. Finally, I will stich the edges of the foreskin. The whole procedure would take about 10 – 15 minutes. Of course, I will be using no local anaesthetic. My son wants you to feel every part of the process just like the boys from the Bamasaaba tribe. This is no problem. People from the Bamasaaba undergo circumcision without pain killers and without the skill of a top surgeon and it does them no harm. My procedure will of course be much safer because I will be using surgical equipment and everything will be clean and suitable for surgery. It will take about 2 weeks for the cock to heal and so I would move you into my lodge where I can oversee the healing process and make sure that you leave with a nice new cock without any infections. In fact, I think I would put you through the procedure at the lodge rather than outdoors. I have three prison cells in the basement of my lodge. The cells are equipped with a bed, a washbasin and a toilet. That would give you the final 2 maybe 3 weeks of your summer holidays to enjoy before you go back to university. Oh, and your cock would be cut professionally and so would look good, assuming that you lie still during the process of course” The doctor went to leave but stopped and continued speaking. “My son and his friends are sadists and they enjoy seeing their victims suffer. If you boys suffer well you will have satisfied their needs and you will go home to get on with your life. If you don’t suffer well, my boy might go too far and I will have to make you guys vanish. In fact, my boy is a complicated kinda guy. He enjoys taking pain and he enjoys inflicting pain. He enjoys being humiliated and he enjoys humiliating people. Let’s not get to the making you vanish stage eh? You guys are doing well but there is more to come. Serve and suffer and everyone will be ok, Yes? I KNOW you guys can take whatever he can give and I won’t let him go too far.”  Toby and Martin quietly nodded their heads knowing that they were not in a position to change their situation. If those photographs went public it would end any chance they would have of completing university. They had no choice but to obey and trust that the doctor would make sure that everything turned out well. Martin asked the doctor, “You were joking about circumcision, weren’t you? I mean how could I handle the pain of something like that? The doctor answered “No, unfortunately not. But if it comes to that remember that I am a top surgeon and I will make sure that everything will be ok. I am sorry guys. Your performance is key. Keep my son happy with your suffering and I will do all I can to prevent him from asking for circumcision.”

 Toby asked, “Doc, why do you help him do this? I don’t understand how a medical guy like you could help your son in this way?” The doctor sighed and said, “Yes, I know, and I am so sorry but I have to keep him from going too far and doing this every summer keeps him stable and satisfied. He looks forward to the summer torture camp. I also know that I have to find a way to stop it. He needs help but he is not ready to respond to help just yet. He knows this, there are no secrets between us. Now I must go. Suffer well boys. Use each other as a crutch, it helps.”

 Martin asked the doctor one more question, “Doctor, which one is your son?”

 The doctor looked down at the kneeling prisoner and said “I am sorry but I have to keep that to myself.” He walked away and the boys heard his car engine start and the noise of the wheels on the gravel path. They knew that he had gone.

 Harry took the boys to the shit hole and allowed them to relieve themselves. He then ordered the two boys to sit by the trees and once again they were handcuffed to their tree with their hands behind the trunks and their ankles tightly tied together. They could not escape. Harry said “You were really entertaining this morning boys. We enjoyed watching your first kiss. Hope you enjoyed your friends cum and piss Martin. Maybe you can bless him with yours tomorrow. Get ready for some more suffering later. We are going boating and maybe spend some time in a local town, watch a movie, visit a pub and maybe take in a good restaurant meal. The lake connects with two towns so we are off for another great day. We will see you later. Hope you are getting used to being naked, we are enjoying every minute. See you later”

Toby spoke first:

Toby: “No baked beans.”
Martin: “What?”

Toby: “No beaked beans, for breakfast. Just cum and piss. I hope you understand that I had to do that?

Martin: “Yes, I know. But if I am honest, I enjoyed it. You were great. You gave me some pleasure and I would never have thought that possible. You know, to get pleasure from gay sex. Am I gay?”

Toby: “You might be but I believe that all sexual contact is enjoyable in the right circumstances. You had no choice, so you lay back and enjoyed it. It was the best way to handle it. Don’t worry about me tomorrow. They may make you do the same to me. I will be ok. Just do what you have to do. They may want more tonight. They are going to make us fuck each other sometime this week, you know that don’t you?”

Martin: “Yes, I know that. But Toby, if I have to be fucked by a guy then you are a great choice (Laugh). See I laughed. How can I be tied naked to a tree and laugh? Please, don’t take this wrong but, I think I will enjoy being fucked by you. In fact, I think I am getting feelings for you, you know, romantic feelings. I can tell you here and now because you can’t thump me. You are nicely tied up (Laugh). I am sorry my friend, please don’t be offended.”

Toby: “Oh wow, romantic feelings for me eh! Martin, did you see how gentle I was with you, when I was kissing, licking and sucking on your nipples? Did you notice how passionate I was when I kissed you and did you see the look in my eyes? I love you Martin. I have done so since the first time I saw you naked in the shower. You are beautiful and I enjoy physical contact with you. I hope I get to fuck you my friend.”
Martin: “Really? Oh wow. I have never felt like this before. Just look at you and that amazing body of yours. I love you too. WOW! I cannot believe this.”

Toby: “They don’t need to know that we have feelings for each other. We need to keep that between ourselves. Look, my cock is erect just thinking about having sex with you. We need to control that too if we can. We don’t want to feed their fetishes. Can I ask you, did you enjoy taking my cum?”

Martin: “I was afraid the first time I had to swallow cum. Taking their cum is rape, I hate it. Taking your cum is wonderful. I never thought I would say that to anyone. I hope I get to give you mine tomorrow, if that is ok saying that?”

Toby: “Martin, my friend. I am longing to taste your cum, to have you kiss me and pleasure me. You are a wonderful person and I am so blessed to be going through this with you. Maybe we would have never shared our feelings if we were not forced into sex acts together and sharing naked time staked out in a forest. It is the pain that is worrying me. If that freak will cut off our foreskins what else will he do?”

Martin: “I think the doc will see that we are ok. Something about the guy. But I am afraid too. I hate pain.”

Toby: “If the doc is right then we could be in for some serious pain. There are ways to inflict pain without leaving permanent marks. What do you think of our chances to escape from this?”

Martin: “I don’t see how we can escape. These guys are way too good. There is no way out of these cuffs and when we are staked out we have no way of moving our hands or feet. Those stakes are cemented into the ground and our wrists and ankles are chained to them. We are screwed. We just have to see this through. You do realise that we will have no idea if these freaks will have destroyed those images. What if they don’t? Are we going to find ourselves here again next summer or maybe during the spring break?”
Toby: “Yes, I know. That thought had passed my mind too. Are we destined to be sex slaves and pain pigs whenever these guys want to use us? And when we are both lawyers will they have us in their pocket?”

Martin: “Maybe we should just bite the bullet and let them post the images?”
Toby: “Have you lost your mind? Those images will finish us at the university. Whatever happens we have to get our law degree finished before we can risk anything like that.”

Martin: “Yes, you are right of course (Pause). Is it too early to ask a relationship kind of question?”

Toby: “No of course not, ask away.”

Martin: “I know this is early and stuff but. Well, we are both renting flats. We could save money and maybe move in together. I understand if that is too quick for you.”
Toby: “There would have to be conditions. Like, you would have to spend time naked with me every day and that cock of yours would have to entertain me. No really, I would love that. Let’s do it. It gives us both something to look forward to when we get out of this mess.”

Martin: “The big question of course, are these freaks really going to cut off our foreskins? Would they do that?”

Toby: “I wish I could say no to that but I think that doctor is a genuine guy worried about his son and doing stuff that he really does not want to do. I think it is very likely that we will both be circumcised. I saw a documentary once about those tribesmen. It is true. They go through a cutting ceremony just like the doc said. Every male faces the blade and every one survives the ceremony. I know the whole thing is horrific but we would come through ok.

 The sound of a car on the gravel pathway told the boys that the doctor had returned. He entered the clearing carrying a few packs of sandwiches and a flask of hot tea. “I have some food for you guys”, he said. A chain was secured around their necks fastening them to the tree trunk. He unfastened their handcuffs and gave them both a sandwich pack and a mug of tea. “Now listen carefully, I DID NOT GIVE YOU THIS! Do you understand?” The boys responded with a very grateful “YES SIR” and they took the food and drink. The doctor warned the boys, “If they find out that I have fed you, you will really suffer some serious pain tonight. They will make you pay. So, this is between us. I wish I could do more for you but I cannot.”  The doctor restored their handcuffed hands behind the tree trunks and removed the chain from around their necks. He made sure that there was no evidence of the food and drink and drove away leaving the boys to face whatever the evening would bring.

 It was many long hours before Harry, Joshua and Thomas returned from their boating trip. It was quite apparent that they had enjoyed a great day out on the lake and in the towns, they had visited. They gathered around the camp fire and set it alight before getting out of their heavy clothing and cooking themselves an evening snack. Thomas looked at his watch, it was 9pm and time he thought for some fun with the slave boys. “Time for some fun with you guys again.” He said to Martin. He took a coin from his pocket and asked Toby, “Heads or tails?” Toby responded with “Tails” and won the toss. “I am going to give you a choice and the choice you make will depend on your punishment tonight. I will give you your options and then leave you both for a few minutes to chat BUT the choice will be made by Toby, he has the final say. OK? Here are your options. SOLES OF YOUR FEET or COCK AND BALLS. I will be back for your decision in about 10 mins. I need a coffee.”, Thomas said leaving the boys to consider the choice that Toby had to make.

 Martin: “It’s ok, I understand. You have no choice. No-one would choose to have their cock and balls tortured. It’s Ok mate.”

Toby: “Hang on mate, let’s just stop and think. I think they are going to cane the soles of the feet. It’s fucking painful and I am not sure that I could take it for too long. I think that maybe they are going to use some electric shock punishment to the cock and balls. Just a guess but how can I choose without upsetting you and maybe giving you the worst punishment. Why should this be on my shoulders?”

 Martin: “How about we make him choose, but make him think that you have chosen? If he comes back to us using the path on the right, past the big tree, then you choose feet. If he uses the path on the left then you choose cock and balls? That way no guilt because HE has chosen for you. But if he comes down the left path and you can’t face having your cock and balls punished, just pass it on to me, I understand bro.”

 Toby: “Hmmm OK that sounds good. Let’s do that, and whatever we get, we get.”

 Ten minutes later Thomas leant against the big tree on the right-hand path and asked “Well Toby, are we going to punish your feet or your cock and balls?”

Toby: “Sir, I have chosen to have my feet punished.”

Thomas: “Interesting but boring. I was expecting you to show some mercy to your friend and hand your cock and balls into our hands. Disappointing if not expected. I mean who would take punishment on their genitals when they can receive pain to their feet. You have another choice now boy. Do we remove your toenails or do we cane the shit out those soft tender soles of yours? THINK before you answer. Which one of those punishments can you handle without making too much noise? It’s important. 30 seconds to think boy.”

Toby: “Cane on soles Sir.”

 Thomas turned to his two friends and instructed them, “Take Martin to the restraints and get him ready.”  Martin was led away to the spread-eagle restraints and secured tightly spread eagle on the woodland floor. Harry sat down on the floor by his side and began to gently stroke Martin’s balls and wank his cock quickly bringing young Martin to full erection.  While in full erection Harry took great delight in inserting a metal sounding rod deep into Martin’s cock. Harry then fit a metal ring to the base of the testicles. Martin was now ready for the wires to be attached to the end of the sounding rod and to the testicle ring ready for some enjoyable electro torture. Josh eagerly fixed the wires in place and ran a short low voltage test just to check that all was well. A gentle flow of low voltage ripples travelled along Martin’s erect cock and Martin responded with a low moan. Josh pressed the high voltage shock button and for what must have been only maybe three seconds the high stabbing voltage caused young Martin to scream. Josh laughed and goaded Martin, “Enjoy that? Well there could be lots more ahead. But that will be down to your friend and how well he can control pain.”  Martin opened his eyes and looked at Josh and asked, “what do you mean Master?”  Josh say beside the restrained boy and gently ran his hands over the outstretched torso. “I mean Martin that I am to be denied the enjoyment of inflicting this torture on you myself. Martin, you are a beautiful young man, your body is outstanding. I have always enjoyed seeing you naked in the gym showers but to have the pleasure of caressing your body is just amazing. There is nothing I enjoy more than to inflict pain on beautiful young men and to soak up their discomfort, their pleas for mercy and the sight of naked surrender. But alas, tonight Toby will be your torturer.”

Toby was also tightly tied arms stretched out between the two wrist restraints. His ankles had been tied together, soles sitting side by side ready for caning. Thomas was busy tying his two big toes together, preventing Toby from moving his feet apart and away from the canes and straps. Finally, his bound feet were tied to the middle of a broomstick ready for Josh and Harry to hold the feet in the air while Thomas was going to enjoy whipping Toby’s vulnerable soles and he practising switching the cane through the air. Martin lay on the woodland floor bracing himself for the pain that was coming his way in just a few minutes time. He knew that this punishment was going to be challenging but there was one thing bothering him. Why did Thomas say “Which one of those punishments can you handle without making too much noise? It’s important?”  For some reason he knew that he was expected to take his punishment without crying out in pain, or at least to make as little noise as possible. Harry looked at the two boys and said, “Just one more thing to setup and we are ready to have some fun.”  Harry sat down by Toby and put a headphone microphone on his Toby’s head. The cables from the headphone went to a black box which in turn was connected to the power control for the electro machine connected to Martin’s genitalia.

 Josh explained, “Ok guys now for the fun. This is how everything is going to go down tonight. We are going to strap and cane the soles of Toby’s feet. This may not sound all that painful but believe me it really is. The soles of the feet have many nerve endings and only light blows with a cane can inflict unbelievable pain, especially when the blows are short, sharp and quickly administered. We will be using three different implements tonight to whip your soles Toby. We will start with a rubber hose. This will warm the soles and prepare them for the rattan cane. The strokes from the hose will be a challenge but nothing like a fast-moving rattan cane. The cane will sting like hell and believe me, unless you have a high pain threshold, you will scream with each and every stroke. Finally, we will deliver a few lashes using electric cables. This will potentially be the most painful experience you will ever have in your life. But as for you Martin, we are going to do nothing at all to you. Your cock and balls are wired to an electro torture machine which will deliver pulses of electricity at varied intensity.  Light pulses that will cause the cock to be stimulated and maybe drive you to cum right through to stabbing electric shocks of high intensity which will hurt like hell. So, what will control the shocks you may ask? You will see that there is a microphone in front of Toby’s mouth. The more sound he makes as the straps, canes and cables strike his soles, the louder he will scream. The louder he screams the more signal reaches the electro control box and the more power goes through your cock and balls. Yes Martin, Toby is going to torture you tonight when he is unable to contain his pain. One more thing for you to think about Martin, You are lying next to Toby and your screams may also be picked up by the microphone. The more you scream the more chance there is of the microphone turning up the power. So, you too need to think about controlling your screams and shouts. You see a person screams in pain in order to release endorphins into the body, which are naturally occurring opiates which help us to resist and handle the pain. We sometimes allow a rubber dog bone to be placed in the mouth when we whip a person’s soles but tonight that would spoil the fun and the challenge. Are you both ready to release those opiates into the body and get the power flowing?”

Martin and Toby replied, “Yes Sir”, knowing that they were nowhere near ready for what was about to take place.

 “Ok guys”, Thomas said “lift the slaves’ feet in the air.”  Josh and Harry took hold of the broomstick and lifted it to waist height. Toby’s soles were positioned for whipping and Thomas gave his soles a short massage. “Wow, Toby. Your soles are tense, we need to get them a little more relaxed ready for punishment. We don’t want hard tense muscles and tendons to reduce pain now do we? We want nice soft tender soles to beat. Have you any idea how dirty your feet are (laughs)? Come on stretch those toes and loosen up. You have a job to do tonight my friend. You have to stop that machine from frying your friends’ genitals. That means you being in full control of your body. Soak up the pain and find a way to deal with it other than by screaming and wailing. I want to read something to you from a manual of torture survival. Listen carefully now. “There is no part of the human body that does not contain nerves.  Abusing any of those nerves causes pain.  The feet are particularly sensitive, and interrogators have taken advantage of that for the purpose of torturing people for centuries.  Beating the feet is exceptionally painful. By all accounts the pain is unbearable, and there really is no way to cope with it.  In the case of foot torture, coping must continue after the initial pain wears off.  Removing your mind from the immediate perception of the lingering pain, must be of primary concern to the victim.” So, I hope that will help you. Clench your fists and concentrate your mind elsewhere other than on the source of pain, in this case your soles. Are we ready? Of course not, would we ever be ready to endure the soles of our bare feet being whipped. Oh, I nearly forgot, just one more thing to do before I start the punishment.” Thomas placed a black hood over the boys’ head. “Might be harder for you and more enjoyable for us if you cannot see when to expect the pain. We are switching on the electro shock machine and your headset microphone now, so best to stay as quiet as you can. Oh, and we may do a few other things to those lovely bare feet of yours while we have them at our mercy”

 The Doctor watched the evening punishment from a distance. Amongst all the punishment inflicted by the boys, whipping the soles of the feet always caused the loudest screams for mercy. Of course, there was no mercy on offer for the two unfortunate victims as Thomas whipped Toby’s soles with vigour using various implements. It was impossible for Toby to not cry out in agony and after each lash, every stroke across his soles delivered the worst pain he had ever experienced, and his cries of pain fired a painful jolt of electricity through Martin’s cock and balls. The next 45 minutes delivered the Doctor a symphony of screams and pleading that would enhance any torture chamber. He leant against a tree and sighed, knowing that there was no way his son would permit only one of his victims to enjoy having his soles whipped, and he was right. The screaming stopped and all that could be heard from the Toby and Martin were quiet whimpers and sobs as they dealt with the pain. Thomas lit up a small candle and allowed the flame to dance between Toby’s toes and across the balls of his feet. He was very expert at using the candle for foot torture and the intense pain was delivered without any burning. Once again screaming filled the air from both the victims as Thomas, Josh and Harry enjoyed the torment they were inflicting. The punishment stopped and Thomas said “Coffee time. I will make the coffee while Harry and Josh change you guys over. I think we should see if Martin could do better and I want to see Toby’s cock dance too.” Toby was untied first and dragged back to his sleeping place shacked spread eagle between the four posts on the ground. The electric sounding rod and cock ring were put into place while Martin was taken and secured with his soles in whipping position. The Doctor waited patiently while the torture session was repeated Martin handled the foot whipping a little better but there was enough noise to give Toby’s cock and balls a good taste of electricity. After around 20 minutes Thomas stopped the torture and ordered the slaves to be tied down for the night. This was the Doctors opportunity to check them over and see if they needed and treatment. “Good evening boys”, he said as he began to examine the soles of the boy’s feet. “Hmmm nice bruising, a few small blisters but nothing serious. That was not easy was it lads? But you did well. Of course, there was no way you could take a foot whipping without screaming out in pain. A very unfair task. My son likes challenge, he likes pain to challenge every part of your being to become the centre of your world and whipping the nice soft soles of a guy’s bare feet is a great way to inflict that upon him. Of course, your soles are dirty and already sore from walking barefoot over the last few days but still nice and soft, vulnerable, helpless and at his mercy. Your feet are Ok boys, nothing to worry about. The bruising will go down eventually. Going to be a touch more painful walking for a while buts that’s about all you have to contend with. There is maybe some good news for you tonight. We are expecting a very heavy downpour of rain, a storm with maybe thunder and lightning. I have persuaded your hosts that it would be a good and sensible precaution to have you under cover tonight. Until we meet again, goodnight”

 Thomas, Harry and Josh spent quite some time checking their tent and fixing it down more securely and making sure everything was out of the open. They then turned their attention to the two slave boys lying naked and shackled, spread eagle on the woodland floor. The weather was beginning to cloud over and the oncoming storm could be felt in the air. It took them a good 15-20 minutes to erect a good strong tent over the slaves, covering them and giving them shelter from the storm. “We need to give you some storm protection tonight. I will pop a nightlight in the tent and zip the doorway closed. No camp beds or groundsheets of course. Tomorrow you will show your appreciation for the covering and the light. Goodnight slaves.” Josh said before joining Harry and Thomas for a stormy night’s sleep. It was not long before the sky opened and the rain came down, light rain at first getting heavier as the night progressed. The sound of the rain bouncing off the tent was in some way soothing and it was not long before the two boys were sleeping.

 Thomas, Harry and Josh were lying in their tent contemplating the next few days. They knew that the weather had taken a turn for the worse and according to forecast it was going to stay rough for maybe the next week. Josh felt that a change of location was needed.  Thomas said, “We should head off for the cabin tomorrow I think. It is such a good location and fully equipped for having fun with slave boys. But most important is that we get a nice cabin with a log fire and proper beds, oh and a freezer packed with good food. Also, the path to the cabin has recently been covered with a layer of tiny micro shards of sharp rock chippings. Walking will be so painful for them. Are we agreed? Tomorrow we set off for the cabin?”  Everyone agreed and, in the morning, they would move to the cabin.



 Come morning, the rain had stopped but the sky was full of dark grey clouds. The slave masters enjoyed a good hearty full English breakfast (or as close as possible from a camping stove) and enjoyed a nice hot cup of tea before heading off to see their slaves. Martin and Toby were still sleeping so the masters spent a little time taking down the tent that covered the two boys. They soon awoke when the cool fresh moistened air blew gently across their exposed naked bodies. It took a short while for the two prisoners to awake enough to feel the throbbing pain still evident in the soles of their feet from the previous night’s whipping. Martin let out a moan of pain followed by a plea for mercy, “Please guys, Sir’s, Master’s, PLEASE can we end this now? We have suffered and we have served please it is getting really scary now, we are afraid this might go too far. Please let us go? We can find our own way home.”  Thomas looked down at the begging slave, ignored his pleas and asked him if he was ready for a cum and cold baked beans breakfast. One by one Harry, Thomas and Josh pumped their cock juice down the throats of the two slave boys and fed them a tin of cold baked beans all washed down with a drink of piss.

 For the next 30 minutes Harry, Josh and Thomas took down their tents and packed everything away ready to move on to the cabin.

 Thomas knelt down by Martin and Toby and released their hands and feet from the spikes. After connecting the two slaves together by a length of chain around their necks, the hands and feet were once again locked in cuffs and shackles. “There is more to do, more punishments for you, more suffering. We are moving you both today. We have a long walk, hmmm shame that you are walking barefoot on whipped and beaten soles but that’s life. However, because we are nice and kind we will permit you to walk in the stream when we reach it. That will give your soles some cool relief, you can thank us later. Now listen carefully, during the walk to our second camping spot you will walk at a steady constant pace. You WILL NOT stop for ANY reason. You will not attempt to clean the soles of your feet by rubbing them on your legs. Any stone or thorn that may stick to your soles while walking WILL NOT be brushed away. You will walk without any pausing unless we tell you to stop. Is that clear?” Martin and Toby acknowledged understanding and the walk began. The five boys walked quietly, the masters enjoying the woodland walk and the slave boys coping well with the rough paths and woodland debris digging into the soft soles of their bare feet. They knew that all they could do was to endure and tolerate the hard conditions if they did not want to pay the price later in the day. They found that quickly shuffling their feet would remove small stones and other painful debris from their soles and bring temporary relief before the next stone dug into their soles making each step one of faith, hope or pain. The boys had also learnt that focusing their attention elsewhere away from the point of pain helped them to tolerate it much better. They had endured much worse over the past few days than stones digging into their soles as they walked and they knew full well that any complaints or hesitation in walking would just bring out the whips and that was the last thing they wanted. Just over an hour into the walk they came across a stream crossing their path. Martin and Toby were instructed to follow the stream to the left and to walk in the water. “A chance to cool and relax your feet boys. Much easier than walking on stone pathways I would imagine? Keep up the pace lads.” Josh said, as he guided the prisoners towards the fast-flowing stream of cool water. Toby and Martin glanced at each other knowing that they were both thinking exactly the same thought. Was the stream loaded with broken glass or other sharp objects that they would be expected to tread on? But they had nothing to worry about, the stream was crystal clear with soothing cool water. Both the slave boys enjoyed the opportunity of soaking their beaten feet and being excused the harsh pathway that they would otherwise be suffering. For the next 40 minutes Martin and Toby enjoyed the cool water as they followed the stream but took a flogger lash across the back every now and again just to let them know not to get too comfortable. It was a long 40 minutes for Martin and Toby. They walked with their heads bowed looking down at their feet as they walked. The clear water allowed them to direct their steps making sure that they would not be treading on anything sharp that they could see. They had to take the chance that there was nothing nasty hiding under the mud at the bottom of the stream. Finally, the stream was crossed by a pathway, the stream making its way under a small bridge and the walk in the stream came to an end. Thomas shouted “STOP” and the two slave boys stopped. They stood in the water waiting for the next instruction and they did not have to wait long. Harry took a coin from his pocket and explained what was about to happen. “We are almost at our woodland cabin. It is an amazing cabin fully equipped with King size beds, open log fires, an amazing kitchen with freezers full of great food and various entertainment systems. We have had enough of camping and so we decided to move so we can all enjoy some comfort. You will of course still be tied outdoors and nothing will really change for you. We do have a few interesting challenges coming up for you, the first one is about to take place. I am going to flip a coin and Toby will call heads or tails.”  Harry flipped the coin, looked at Toby and asked, “heads or tails.” Toby called “tails” and won the coin toss. “So, the challenge is for you Martin and it won’t be easy. If we walk at a normal walking pace, we are about 30 minutes away from the cabin and relief for Martin. The real reason for allowing you to walk in the water was to make your soles wet and soft. The path that you will be walking on has been covered with tiny micro shards of sharp rock chippings. Because your soles are wet these shards will stick to your soles and make walking barefoot pure torture. As usual, you will not slow down or stop. You will stop be permitted to clean the chippings from your soles and you will be expected to walk quietly, no moaning about the pain in your soles. Of course, Toby won the coin toss and so he should not have to walk barefoot on what will feel like a pathway of glass. So, you will carry him on your back. Yes, we could let him walk on the grass verge but where would the fun be in doing that. If you drop him then you will be punished. You will have a choice of starting the walk again from the start of the path or taking 12 lashes with a bullwhip. You will complete the entire walk carrying Toby no matter how many attempts you have to make. So now is the time to prepare yourself for tolerating pain and a real challenge.”  Martin and Toby stepped out of the water and stood on the grass by the side of the stream. Using a fireman’s lift Martin lifted Toby and rolled him across his shoulders. With Martin’s right hand around Toby’s legs and his left hand around Toby’s arms this placed Toby’s weight across Martins shoulders. This is the safest way to carry someone and Martin knew that he was strong enough to carry his friend to the cabin. Martin also knew that controlling your mind was the secret to being able to tolerate low to medium levels of pain. He had been barefoot now for four days and his soles had suffered much higher levels of pain than he was about to experience. This was about tolerating relatively low pain levels while maintaining a walking pace and while carrying a weight, which is a mind game and one that Martin was sure that he could handle. He took his first steps onto the pathway and began the walk. As expected the wet soft soles of his feet were covered in the tiny micro shards of sharp stone and they it felt like walking on a bed of tiny 1mm pinheads. It hurt and each step quickly became the challenge that his captures had planned for him. He locked his mind onto bearing the weight of his friend on his shoulders and mentally put his soles out of his mind. Occasionally a larger sharp stone would dig into his feet and he would shout out in pain and lose the mental lock that he had. This was not going to be an easy challenge. Each time he made a noise Harry would lay a hard-stinging flogger blow across Toby’s back. Toby would jerk backwards and Martin had to hold on tight to prevent him from dropping to the floor. Even the smallest sound from Martin would get Toby a whipping and the walk quickly became a nightmare. If he dropped Toby he knew that the price would be high. He began to expect this scenario to happen. If he could not control the pain of the chippings and the sudden unexpected pain of the larger chippings then he could him having to take a whipping with a bullwhip. He saw no sense in starting the walk again. He felt that if he did this the walk would take a very long time. He noticed that he was sweating and naked flesh carrying naked flesh began to get harder the more he lost concentration and submitted to the pain with an outcry or Toby squirmed on his shoulders as the sharp flogger strokes lashed across his back. After what felt like forever Harry shouted “Half way boys.”  Martins heart sank because he was hoping that he was much closer than just half way but he decided to turn his mind to thinking that half way is half way and if he managed to deal with the first half of the walk, he could deal with the second half. The whole game was nothing more than a mind fuck. He had to control his outward expressions of pain and tolerate the pain step by step, it really was that simple, tolerate and control. He had to inwardly scream when his soles were pierced and press on. He kept reminding himself that he was a man not a wimp and he repeated that over and over again in his mind, “man not a wimp” over and over in his mind. Each step was a step closer each sharp agonising pain was one less to deal with “not far left” over and over he repeated to himself “Not far left, there is no pain.”  It seemed like Toby was putting on weight the further he carried him the heavier he got. He realised that Toby was only whipped when he failed to control and tolerate. He failed and Toby was whipped, Toby was whipped and he could drop him, drop him and he would be bullwhipped. “Can’t happen, won’t happen, control and tolerate,” over and over in his mind. Every step became a challenge and every step was like stepping on needles with the knowledge that the next step would feel the same. The physical challenge was tough enough but the mental challenge was even harder. Eventually, to his shame, tears began rolling down his face as he fought the fight to get to the cabin. He looked down at his bare feet as he walked, looking down to try and hide his pain from the very happy slave masters. Taking the walk in the stream made this so much harder and he learnt that there was nothing merciful where Harry, Josh and Thomas were concerned. Suddenly Harry shouted “Stop and place Toby on the pathway, we have reached the cabin.”  It was over, Martin was so relieved that he dropped to the floor and openly cried like a baby. Thomas looked down at Martin and said “sort your feet out boy and get yourselves over to the cabin on the left of the path.”  Martin examined the soles of his feet and wiped away all the offending sharp chippings and stones that were pressing into his flesh. Toby shook his mates’ hand and congratulated him for what had to be a real hard challenge. He had never seen Martin cry before and he knew that he had to have been under a lot of stress, he gave him a quick hug and said “you are a good friend and a brave guy.”

 Martin and Toby were led to a place by the side of the cabin where the familiar stakes had already been secured into the ground. They lay down spread-eagle and were once again chained nice and secure while Thomas, Harry and Josh went into the cabin to cook themselves a meal. It was the first time since the walk that they had a chance to talk.

Martin: “How are you Toby? Is your back ok?”

Toby: “Yes mate, you did a great job I only took a few lashes”

Martin: “Dude, you took more than a dozen all because I could not stay quiet.”

Toby: “You were great my friend, don’t blame yourself”

Martin: “What next? This is getting too much? We can’t go on like this.”

Toby: “We don’t have a choice mate. They have us by the balls with those photographs and we are naked in chains in a private woodland somewhere. What can we do to stop it? We have to let it play out. We have no choice.”

Martin: “Yes, and surviving on a tin of cold baked bean and their cum for food. I am starving.”

Toby: “They have to feed us soon surely?”

Martin: “Really? You think they care that we are starving?”

Toby: “I don’t know but we can survive. I have a feeling that the next challenge will be coming my way. They have tormented you all morning, it has to be my turn next.”

Martin: “Sadistic bastards. Our suffering is a turn on for them. They enjoy seeing us in pain. They get off on this.”

Toby: “Well, we are helpless my friend. Nothing we can do about it. All we can do is obey and suffer. Let’s hope that we satisfy them.”

 Three hours later the three slave masters stood over the outstretched slaves and asked the question that Martin and Toby had been waiting for. “Would you guys like to enjoy a nice hot bowl of soup and a hot chicken sandwich?” Thomas asked. Toby replied, “Oh yes please Sir. Thank you, Sir.”  Harry gave a little laugh and said, “Don’t thank us yet, you have to earn it first. We have a nice challenge for you Toby, it will only last for 15 minutes and if you both pass then you can both have some hot food, yes, we figure that where food is concerned both of you should play a part. Fail and all you get is a tin of cold baked beans and a throatful of cum, as usual.” Martin was unchained and led over to one of the trees that surrounded the cabin. The tree was equipped with a winch which had been fixed to a strong thick branch of the tree about 12 feet off the ground. The equipment was powered by buttons at the base of the tree. Martins hands were tied together and the hook on the winch line was lowered. The hook was locked around the ropes securing the wrists and Martin was hauled upwards until he was standing on tiptoe. His feet were spread wide and secured tightly with ropes around the ankles secured to metal hoops in the ground. “Almost ready, just one more thing to do” Harry said as he secured one end of a 8-inch chain to the metal ring that was around the base of Martins ball sac. Martins cock and balls were dangling helplessly at the mercy of anyone who wanted to play. Toby was dragged over to where Martin hung suspended from the tree. His hands tied tightly behind his back he was told to lie down on the floor with his feet underneath Martins legs. His ankles were tied together and a strong double opening clamp fixed to the rope.

Joshua explained what was going to happen and what the challenge was that they were about to face. “So, we have an interesting scenario here (smile). You guys would like to enjoy some hot food and we are happy to provide, on condition that you pass our simple challenge. Martin is nicely hanging from his wrists, his legs wide apart and a chain hanging from his bollocks. Toby is lying on the ground face up with his hands and ankles tightly tied together. The challenge is a simple one. You have to remain totally silent for the next 15 minutes. Simple. One sound, just one small tiny little sound leaving your lips and it will be baked beans and cum instead of hot soup and chicken sandwiches. A really simple challenge. There will be of course a few distractions designed to make you squeal. Let me explain what they are and how we will carry this out. Toby’s feet will be raised to just under Martins balls and the chain that is attached to his balls will also be attached to Toby’s feet. Harry will hold Toby’s feet in this position until we are ready for the contest to begin. We will then attach very sharp tight-fitting nipple clamps to Toby’s nipples. The long chain connecting the clamps will then also be attached to Toby’s ankles. We will give Toby a little time to get to grips with the pain from the clamps and when he is silent Harry will let go of his feet. If his feet drops more than a few inches Martins balls will be pulled downwards causing pain. But the action of lowering the feet will also pull on the chain connected to your nipples Toby, causing you pain.  So, Toby, you will have to handle the muscle pain relating to holding your feet in the air for 15 minutes and trust me that is a huge challenge, if not impossible. If you fail then you will have to deal with the pain from pulling on the nipple clamps and Martin will have to deal with the pain of the metal ring pulling on his bollocks. Martins second pain challenge is to deal with the pain from a 15-minute flogging on the back with a medium weight flogger. He may also find that because he s strung up on his tiptoes that the rope around his wrists may also start to cause discomfort. If either of you make as much as one single sound after Harry has released Toby’s feet then you will have lost the challenge. You won’t be able to hold your feet in the air for 15 minutes, so it is pain toleration we are talking about here but you really do need to keep those feet up as much as you can otherwise Martin’s manhood is going to take a huge hit. Oh, by the way the chain attached to Martins balls is 8 inches in length and your feet are much higher than that! Don’t go ripping his balls off, now will you?  Any questions?” No-one said a word. “Martin had experience earlier today of fighting the urge to cry out in pain and now Toby it is your chance to gain the same experience. I have a feeling it will be cold baked beans for you tonight. You will suffer for 15 minutes regardless of how quiet you manage to be. You really won’t be enjoying that hot food, shall we proceed?”  

 Harry dragged Toby so his bound feet were positioned underneath Martins dangling testicles. He took a nipple erector and extended Toby’s nipples so they were erect and ready for the clamps. The clamps were strong with a tiny pinhead that would pierce the nipples when they were in use. The moment the clamps closed and the tiny pin made itself known. Toby’s reaction was a painful intake of breath. It was obvious that it was not going to be easy for him to handle the pain. Like most people Toby had never experienced nipple clamps before and did not expect the sharp almost stinging pain that they administered to a very sensitive part of the body. After a short while he got to grips with the pain and managed to control it in his mind but of course there was more to come. Harry took a hold of Toby’s bound feet and raised them into the air around 6 inches underneath Martin’s balls. He took the chain dangling from Martins balls and attached it to the clasp that was attached to the ropes around Toby’s ankles. Harry shouted, “Get a grip on any pain, be silent and Toby, hold your feet up.” He waited for silence from the slaves and he let go of Toby’s feet. He said, “15 minutes from now,” and the game began.

 Thomas headed back to the cabin and made himself a nice hot mug of tea. Harry and Joshua could easily oversee the afternoon torment session. Joshua was laying a flogger across Martins back. From where he sat the guy appeared to be handling the flogging quite well and could be suffering more from the rope around his wrists. Harry was listening for that tiny sound that would stop the slaves from eating that evening. This was the first time that he had been involved in anything like this and he was beginning to get worried about how it would all end. He sat and watched poor Toby desperately trying to fight the pain in his legs, which would soon turn to cramp, as he struggled to keep his feet in the air. It too less than 5 minutes before one of the slaves let out a small cry of pain and the evening meal was lost. The punishment challenge however did not stop until the 15 minutes had passed. It was Martin who cried out in pain when his balls were pulled too far downwards Toby could no longer hold his feet at the right height. Of course, within seconds he was once again lifting his feet and bringing relief to Martins balls, only for the predicament to start all over again.  When the 15 minutes were over Toby was released from the nipple clamps and ball chain and sat down on the woodland floor, hands still tied behind his back. Harry said, “Martin, you let the team down today. If you could have held in the expression of pain, you would be eating a hot meal now. You will be punished overnight for your failure.” Martin was released from his suspension and taken behind the cabin where a pillory restraint was waiting for him.  “Head and wrists in the pillory Martin, NOW.”  Martin bent down and placed his head and wrists into the pillory as ordered and knew that a very difficult night lay ahead. The pillory was closed and the wrist holes adjusted so that Martin could not get free. “We will be feeding you soon. Enjoy the Pillory” Thomas said.

 Harry headed back to the cabin to make a few phone calls while Thomas and Joshua fed the slaves a tin of cold baked beans and a throatful of cum.

 Harry, Thomas and Joshua remained in the warm cosy cabin until 8pm when they decided that a drive to a pub for a pie and a pint would be a great way to close the day. Before they drove away they checked that Martin and Toby were secure. “Well we are off to the pub for a pie and few pints. Oh, you may get a few visitors while we are gone. Just a few of our workers looking to fuck some arse and a blowjob. Enjoy your evening guys.”

The slave masters drove away. It was about 30 minutes later when 6 guys wearing balaclavas arrived looking to have a good evening with two naked slave boys.


 Overnight the rain clouds opened and there was a gentle drizzle of light rain throughout most of the night. Toby lay on the floor spread-eagle, chained and vulnerable as he was the evening before when he was at the mercy of the six visiting men. He had a spider gag which was keeping his mouth wide open, making it easy for the visitors to face fuck him ramming their cocks down his throat without the ability for him to resist. There was a sounding rod inserted in his urethra and a number of very thin extremely sharp needles still sticking in through his nipples. Cigarette burns were on the soles of his feet and flogger marks across his chest.

 On the other side of the cabin Martin was still locked in the pillory. It was hard to know if he had any sleep. It could not be easy to sleep while restrained in this device and he must be suffering muscle pain being bent over at almost 90 degrees. He had a large dildo pushed firmly up his arse he also had a device fit that prevented him from closing his mouth. He would have been fucked by maybe all six visitors and would have swallowed a lot of cum during their visit. His back was covered in thin welts from a whipping and there were obvious cane welts across his backside.

 Both the slaves were set free from their overnight restraints and cleaned up from the night before. “You are lucky Toby. Sometimes our workers like to use a barbed sounding rod. They tear the inside of your urethra to shreds when pulled out. Your lucky day.” Thomas said as the dildos, nipple clamps and other sex toys were removed from the slave boys.  They were placed in simple handcuffs with their hands cuffed in front of them.

 They were taken and allowed to enter the cabin and told to take a seat at the kitchen table. The warmth of the cabin and the soft carpet under the soles of their feet gave hope that this was good news. Harry said “Sit down at the table. You need a good hot meal.” Thomas placed a large plate in front of the slaves containing a full English breakfast. “You have had a hard few days and clearly last night was a tough one for you both.  But you were both bought here to suffer and so far, we are pleased. We know last night was maybe your worst. Buggered, whipped and tortured by our work crew. So, you deserve a good meal today. After all, we need to make sure you are ok for what is to come.”  Toby and Martin enjoyed a good meal knowing that it could be their last before this whole thing came to an end. Harry said “So today we are going hiking up a mountain pass and we will be out for most of the day. We aim to be back here maybe between 6pm and 7pm. So, for the rest of the day you will both be locked in pillory stocks and left for the workforce to enjoy. This evening you have to entertain some guests, so do your best to stay in good condition. Yes, I know that our guys will fuck you again and have some fun but tonight is an important evening and we expect you to perform well. So, have a good day.” Toby and Martin were led away and locked securely in pillory stocks. Their mouths, anus, genitals, nipples, back and backside were all vulnerable and everyone knew that the workforce were going to have a great day enjoying themselves with the two naked prisoners. With backpacks loaded for a great day of hiking with the doc, Harry, Thomas and Joshua set off, leaving behind two guys who had already experienced the workforce dreading what lay ahead.

 It was not long before the workers arrived. Again, they were wearing balaclavas so as to protect their identity. They spent maybe 15 minutes slapping Toby and Martin across the face, really hard. Then the spokesman for the workers said, ”We will be working until midday then we will spend some time with you and have some fun. But we don’t want to deprive you while we work. So, we will set up something to keep you thinking about us.” Silicon rings were put around the cock and the base of the ball sac and a metal probe inserted into the anus. A power box was attached to the side of the pillory and wires connected. The device would apply a few minutes of high power but safe electro shocks to the boys cock, balls and anus at 20 minute intervals throughout the day.

 Out on the hiking tracks Harry, Joshua, Thomas and the Doctor were having a good time. They had agreed to meet for lunch with 8 of the workers from the woodland and were heading to a favourite pub for a good pub lunch. The doctor was good friends with the pub owner and so had access to a private room at the rear of the building for him to use. It was a good lunch and everyone was in high spirits when the doctor said that he needed to bring this weekend to a close and he wanted to go over the details. He said, “Ok so as we speak we have a team of workers giving Toby and Martin their final day of punishment. We did intend to keep them for seven days but something has come up and we need to finish early. Last week I was contacted by a Middle Eastern gentleman who represents a group of incredibly wealthy people from around the world. These people have the ability to keep slaves in their very private and expansive homes. The slaves would of course be used for sexual gratification and for the enjoyment of watching and administering all kinds of punishments, but they would also have daily routine of chores to perform for the Masters household. These gentlemen will be flying in tomorrow to attend a slave auction, where we will auction our slaves to the highest bidder. It is expected that a good, fit and good-looking guy under the age of twenty-five could easily sell for between £50,000 and £125,000. Problem is that there are a few things that we need to get done before 6pm tomorrow evening. Right now, our team of workers back at the woodland are converting the woodland summer house into a sales venue. Nice carpets, gorgeous lighting, tables and chairs for us to serve food, a stage for the auction with slave posts for us to chain the slaves to for inspection and a PA system so everyone can hear the auction. This modification to the summer house will mean that we can seat up to thirty delegates with a stage and buffet area. The second problem is that they want us to auction four slaves, which means that we need to get a few more, but I already have a solution to that one. If the slaves are auctioned professionally and they enjoy our services then this could become a regular event. Maybe we hold a slave auction every twelve weeks. The transportation of the purchased slaves will be arranged and co-ordinated by our buyers. They have access to means of transporting people without fear of being caught. This would mean that the boys we take, train and sell, would just be another statistic on the missing persons list. When they are no longer of service to their masters then they would be suitably disposed of and replaced. The thing is that in the eyes of the buyers there are two types of slave boys. First there are the boys who have had some training in serving a Master. Martin would fit into this category (just) while other boys have just been taken off the streets, stripped chained and sold. Some people prefer boys who have had no training so that they can train them the way they want them to serve and behave the way they want them to behave. We are going to make some serious money. We have the perfect set up. We have a remote woodland location for slave training and before the next auction we will have a really nice venue built deep in the woodlands for us the use for auctions. I have a staff of people who are loyal and very well paid. We have something good happening here.”

 It was Joshua who signalled that he wanted to ask a question. He said, “You mentioned that you have Martin to auction but you did not mention Toby, is he not good enough?”

 The doctor responded, “Yes for sure Toby is good enough to sell. But what father would sell his own son into slavery?”

Harry, Thomas and Joshua looked at each other with shocked looks on their faces. Joshua said, “TOBY IS YOUR SON? What the hell! Why would you put him through that?”

The doctor explained, “Toby has a deep-seated need to be sexually used and tortured. This is a way to fulfil his needs and keep him safe at the same time. I am a multi-millionaire and can make this happen for him. Yes, I know what your next question is. Why would I want to make more money by selling slaves? Well, I have a deep desire to make as much money as I can. I have a loyal staff, most were recruited the way I recruited you. They are paid well and looked after. I was going to offer you three guys jobs too but I have had to change my plans.”

 Thomas said, “We would love to work for you doctor and we would be loyal”

 The doctor responded, “Yes you guys would be great on the team but since I will be selling you into slavery tomorrow, I can’t see that happening.” Harry, Thomas and Joshua screamed out in pain as the 50,000 volt taser took them to the floor. Before they knew what was happening their hands were cuffed behind their back and each one had a guard who took charge of them. “Always easier to control cuffed prisoners. Now you have to accept your fate guys or things are going to get very uncomfortable for you. You will be taken back to the woodland stripped and imprisoned in our cell block. Tomorrow you will be displayed naked for the delegates to inspect. You will be joined by Martin for this of course. Then after our guests have enjoyed a meal, you will all be sold to the highest bidder. I strongly suggest that you co-operate fully. If you don’t, you will be sold anyway and treated as hostile. This will prove to be extremely painful for you and make your enslavement so much harder. The guys looking to buy themselves a new boy are not people to mess with. I have £314 million in the bank and these guys make look like a beggar. There is nothing they cannot make happen, including a very long torturous death for slaves who resist the inevitable. You are slaves, your past life has gone and you are about to enter training with your first Master. That is what it is and nothing will change that. So overnight you need to decide how you are going to handle this. Will you resist and die or comply and serve? Know one thing, the slave Masters are not to be messed with. Obedience will mean that you live a new life in slavery, working, sexually serving, accepting punishment for failure and entertaining. Resist them and eventually you could find yourself nailed to a crucifixion cross, being burnt alive or maybe being fed to lions. Nothing is impossible with these people. They have no mercy, no compassion and no interest in slaves who refuse to accept their fate.”

 The three boys were on their knees taking in the information knowing that there was no way out of the situation they were in. Before anyone could say anything, the boys felt the sting of an injection needle going into their necks. The world began to go out of focus and the boys collapsed unconscious on the floor.

 About an hour later they began to slowly come back to consciousness. They awoke with a thumping headache and blurred vision. It took a little time for them to realise that they were totally naked and chained firmly to a wall with a 1 metre chain shackled to their ankle. Their hands were cuffed behind their backs. Once the medication had diminished enough for them to be clear about where they were, they could see that Martin had joined them in the cell. There was no sign of Toby. 

 Martin spoke first, “What the hell is going on? Why are you naked and chained? Where is Toby?

 Joshua: “Toby is not who you think he is. He is the son of that doctor guy. He has a fetish for being raped, used, tortured and all that shit. This whole thing was set up to entertain him. He also enjoyed seeing guy’s going through the same shit and so he involved you. We were all broke and in need and we were offered £5000 each to work for the doctor over a couple of weeks in the summer. Now we are also facing enslavement.”

 Martin: “But he can’t keep us enslave forever! He can’t get away with this.”

 Harry: “Yes but you don’t know the worst bit. Tomorrow all four of us are being sold at a slave auction to incredibly wealthy people. We will vanish from the world and enter into service as slaves somewhere in the world.”

 Martin: “What? I am going to be sold into slavery to a powerful guy who will use me for sex and labour? Is that what you are telling me?”

 Harry: “Yes, that’s about it. We are fucked. We have been told that these people are so rich that they own huge estates with their own guards and stuff. If we serve well, we may be sold again when our Master has had enough of us. But, if we are a pain for him then we would more likely be killed. Crucified, burnt alive or fed to lions was the suggested methods.”

Thomas: “Dude, we all owe you a huge apology. We treated you so badly for £5000. So sorry dude. We actually deserve this, you don’t.”

 Martin: “Yes not nice as you will find out! But, no-one deserves this. Toby, the little cunt, he planned to get me kicked in the balls. Did you enjoy kicking a naked helpless guy in the nuts? It hurt man.”

Joshua: “We deserve everything you say Martin. We don’t have an excuse. SHHH, I hear someone coming.”

The door was unlocked and the doctor entered the cell. He examined the boy’s cocks and looked pleased. “Great news, two of you are circumcised. That will save me having to cut any of your cocks. Chin up boys, a new life of slavery awaits. I would STRONGLY suggest that tomorrow when the buyers are inspecting your bodies, you comply fully. You can do NOTHING to stop yourselves from being sold and the person buying you may be a sadomasochist who will enjoy seeing you in pain. Accept your new slave status, obey and behave. Show your new master some reverence and SERVE HIM. If you do this then you will have a decent enslavement and as comfortable a life that you can get, but if you are volatile, disrespectful, lazy and downright awkward then you boys are in for a life of HELL. See you tomorrow.”

 Thomas: “Fuck this, I am not going to be a rich man’s slave. No way, no way.”

Martin: “Dude, you have no choice. When you guys took me prisoner you quickly got me to obey you by inflicting pain. BUT, you were holding back. These guys will use whips that will cut into your flesh. They will do horrendous things to you that we cannot even imagine. In their eyes you belong to them. There are no police to cry to, no-one who will set you free, no-one who will manage the activity to keep you safe. You are their bitch period. These people can pay £50,000 for a slave or £50,000 for someone to burn alive on a bonfire during a BBQ. They don’t care. The ONLY way we are going to have a life that we can tolerate is to obey and accept slave status. Sorry but that is how it is. You are naked and chained my friend, HOW are you going to avoid this? There are guys out there who will track you down before you could clear woodland. Which way would you have to go to clear woodland? Trust me you won’t be able to run fast barefoot, not in this woodland. They have dogs that will hunt you down. When they catch you, they will sell you anyway, maybe after giving you a bloody good whipping. You are fucked mate. Accept it. We are all fucked.”

 The prison door opened again and a guard entered the cell with food for the slaves. It was good food. Clearly the doctor wanted them not to be hungry when they were being inspected tomorrow.  “It’s 8.30pm boys and the light in this cell will go out at 11pm. You will be woken at 9am and you will be given breakfast. You will be showered. You will then be shaved of all your pubic hair. At 1pm you will be taken to the Auction room and chained to your sales post. The post will have your name so the buyers know what to call you if they choose to speak to you. If they do then you address them as either SIR or MASTER. You will not react negatively when the buyers inspect your body. They have full access to inspect you in any way they wish. At 4pm. The buyers will arrive and enjoy a sit-down meal. The meal will be over at 5.00pm and drinks will be served. The auction will start at 5.30pm. One by one you will be auctioned and sold to the highest bidder. Once purchased you will be taken and secured in the buyer’s vehicle ready for transportation to your new home. We expect you to behave BUT if you don’t then the only person who will suffer will be you. See you in the morning.”

 Harry: “I see only one way to save ourselves from a life of servitude and sexual abuse. We did to die.”

 Joshua: “Are you suggesting suicide?”

 Harry: “Yes. What else can we do?”

 Martin: “We can man up and face what lies ahead and hope that we will find a way in the future to get away from this shit. That’s what we can do. Besides, there is a camera in this cell and guards outside. Right now, we are worth a lot of money and no one is going to let us roll over and die. Forget it. You are just saying that because you are afraid of tomorrow. Well, I was afraid when you made me strip, when you fed me your cum, when you whipped the soles of my feet and during all that you had a fucking stupid smile on your fucking stupid face. So, is it ok for me but not ok for you? Karma my friend fucking karma.  Now you know what I was going through. Being someone’s slave is much better than the death that I was expecting at your hands. I was convinced that YOU would kill me. I was terrified every time I heard you approach me while I was chained down naked and vulnerable. But that did not bother you then, did it? Now it’s you chained naked in a cell, all we get is poor old me. Tomorrow we will be sold into slavery and that is it. Fucking nothing we can do about it. So, enjoy your life with another man’s cock down your throat and up your arse, with his whips cutting into your flesh, with your lips caressing his bare feet in worship and with you being used to entertain his guests. Is that not what you have put me though? Man up and take what you give out. I hope you get bought by a guy with a huge cock that will rip your anus to pieces and be rammed deep down your throat. (Started to cry), you destroyed me and now we all face the same fate but for real. No play whippings or play sex, everything for real, for fucking real.”

 Thomas: “Martin, you are right and sorry does not cover it. But it is all we can do, say sorry. Now we face an uncertain future in captivity. I hope that you guys all get a good Master who is fair and responsible.”

 Martin: “Yes, I know. I have to forgive you guys for my own sake. Shall we try and rest, tomorrow is a life changing day?”

 No beds, no pillows or covers of any kind. All they had was a stone-cold floor and their own arms to rest their head on. Sleeping was not easy but eventually it came to each of the slaves and at 11pm the cell lights went off.



 The summer house conversation had turned out beautiful and later it would house the doctors first slave auction. He had planned to replace the summer house with a new building. The building would be a purpose-built luxury venue for housing the slaves in a cell wing, a conferencing room with a stage for the auctions and eight opulent bedrooms for the guests to stay in. It would also have a separate slave inspection room where the buyers could spend time with their prospective new slave boys. It was an exciting expansion of the doctor’s business empire and one that he was going to get great enjoyment from. Maybe he would even consider owning his own slave.

 The slaves were given a good breakfast and a hot shower before being taken to a room to be groomed ready for sale. Each had their own guard equipped with tasers and restraints if needed. The slaves knew that there was no way to escape and any attempt would be a painful waste of time. Hair tidied, body hair trimmer or removed, cock and balls cleaned under foreskin, nails trimmed and cleaned and finally body oiled. They were taken down the pathways to the sales venue. On the stage were four poles with signs on the top describing the merchandise.

 Pole 1: MARTIN: New slave age 19. Small amount of experience. Sensible and compliant. Uncut cock. Good looking with gay tendencies. Has given sexual services. Minimum asking price £65,000

 POLE 2: HARRY: New slave age 21. No experience of enslavement. Appears to be sensible. He has a really nice cut cock. Good looking guy. Gay sex virgin. Minimum asking price £65,000

 POLE 3: THOMAS: New slave age 20. No experience and is resistant to enslavement. Training may need to be firm and demanding. Gay sex virgin with uncut cock. Good looking guy with an attitude. Minimum asking price £45,000 due to more training being needed to iron out an attitude problem.

 POLE 4: JOSHUA: New slave age 18. No experience of enslavement. Appears to be sensible. Gay sex virgin with beautiful cut cock. Good looking. Minimum asking price £65,000

 The slaves were chained to their poles, hands chained to a metal ring at the back of the pole.

 One of the guards gave the slaves their final instructions, “You will stand still with your feet side by side. When you are being inspected by the buyers you will be 100% compliant. Any violent or disrespectful behaviour such as bad language, speaking without using Sir or Master, spitting, kicking or any other similar behaviour will result in very unfortunate disciplinary action. I hope you take this warning seriously, for your own sake. You will remain silent unless spoken to. You will always stand up straight, no slouching. You will keep your heads up, no looking down. Because you have walked on a dirty path to get in here, we will clean the soles of your feet before letting in the buyers in around 20 minutes. Do you all understand?”  The slaves all responded with “YES, SIR.” People arrived with bowls of water and scrubbing brushes and scrubbed and dried the soles of the slave’s feet. They were now ready for inspection.

 Around 20 minutes later spotlights were turned on above the slave poles, highlighting them to the entire room. After a short while six men who were clearly the buyers entered the room and began their inspections. An American buyer appeared to be very interested in Harry. He ran his hands over his body, pinched his nipples and watched the reaction, squeezed Harry’s balls and lifted his feet and inspected his soles. The American spoke, “You look like a nice boy, would you enjoy having my cock in your mouth boy?” Harry responded quietly and respectfully, “Sir, I have never sucked a cock before. I was taken yesterday and have no experience of any of this. But I would do my best to please you Sir.”  The American responded, “Hmm honesty, I like that. Only taken yesterday eh, I would be resisting and fighting like hell, why are you not doing that boy?” Harry looked at the American and asked, “Is it really worth doing that Sir? I don’t think so Sir. I think that there is no way out of this for me? I am a slave now and I have to try and embrace that, Sir” The American looked impressed and said, “You are open and honest boy. Don’t worry about embracing enslavement, our whips and training methods will help you with that.”  Harry said “Yes Sir” and the American moved on to take a look at Martin.

 A Scottish slave master was taking a look at Thomas. “Oh according to your write up you have an attitude problem, tell me more boy”  Thomas looked at the master and replied. “You think that I have an attitude problem? You are the one buying slaves, thinking you are better than everyone else. You are so fucking weak that you need an enslaved guy to pleasure you because you can’t do it yourself. Fucking scum that is what you are. Put your cock in my mouth and will fucking bite it off you perverted piece of shit.” The Scottish buyer looked at Thomas and smiled, “If I buy you boy, and I might, I will be buying you for one purpose only. I will put you to slow torture that will last for weeks. You will suffer each and every second of every day I allow you to breathe. I will be buying you in order to see how long you can stay alive under extreme treatment. If I did not have respect for the seller today I would slice your balls off right now and make you swallow them. But, I can wait for that. Can you wait for me to peel the skin off your body, to peel your cock with a potato peeler, for me to blind you with a soldering iron and for me to slowly feed you to my dogs, one limb at a time and then for me to mount your head for my wall and burn your torso to power my BBQ?” You don’t want me to buy you boy.”

 After a while the buyers took their seats and the auctioneer took the stage to begin the auction. The auctioneer was none other than Toby, the doctors son.

 Toby began the auction. “Good afternoon everyone, it will be my pleasure to oversee this auction today. I myself have subservient tendencies and have recently worked and served with the boys you see on sale today. Are there any questions you would like to ask me today about serving with these boys in order to help you decide who to bid on?”

 The Scottish buyer asked, “Is Thomas always a rude arrogant little shit who needs to know the meaning of extreme pain?”

 Toby answered, “Sir, Thomas is a guy who will always respond before stopping to think. Yes Sir, he will need some extreme training but I do believe that once bought to heel, he will serve well. He is the boy on stage who will need more training than the other boys on offer.”

A Syrian buyer asked, “If I was to purchase a boy would your medics we willing to remove his balls for me? I like my boys to be eunuchs.” Toby answered, “Of yes sir of course we could castrate him for you.  We have a full surgical team and theatre on site. Would you like us to dull the pain of castration or would you like your new boy to feel the removal of his balls?” The Syrian gentleman answered, “I don’t really care as long as you deliver me a boy with no balls. Thank you, very helpful and a great service.”

 Toby said, “Shall we begin gentlemen?”

 The spotlights above Harry, Thomas and Joshua were switched off and Martin was the only slave illuminated on the stage.  Toby began he sale of Martin, “Martin and I served together. For those of you who enjoy a guy’s feet, Martin has gorgeous feet that has and can take a good whipping when necessary.  He is a lovely guy and very responsive, obedient and submissive. Can we start at £65,000 please?”  The initial £65,000 was offered immediately but there were two other people in the room who wanted to add Martin to their slave stock and the price continued to rise until a final selling price of £175,000 had been reached.

Martin was removed from stage and taken away to be prepared for transport to his new Masters home.

 The auction was a great success. Harry was sold to a wealthy Indian industrialist for £138,000, Joshua was sold to the Syrian buyer and after castration was delivered to his new master while a deal was struck with the Scottish buyer. He would be paid ££50,000 to take Joshua and train him for slavery over the next few months. Joshua would then be returned to the auction house and put back on sale. 

 Before Martin was taken away Toby paid him a visit to try and clear the air as much as possible. “Martin, I am sorry it went this way. I used you and now have sold you. You are. A great guy and     I hope that your future in slavery will not be too harsh. Goodbye my friend.”

 Over the next few months the new “Woodland Stables” was developed and began to make a good reputation with the underground slave marketplace.  

 Toby set his eyes on an 18 year old footballer called Damien to suffer with and he was convinced that he could tempt a 20 year old Cody, a 17 year old Nathanael and a 19 year old Robert to take £5000 each for a camping trip over the spring, after which they would all bring a great price at Woodland Stables.