The Transport Plane

by Captive

4 Dec 2021 2390 readers Score 8.7 (27 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Thus, while Ivan pushed and strained to void his bowels into the overstuffed jumpsuits, and Howes and Ratherson squirmed uncomfortably in their own soil, Rodriguez was the first inmate ushered into the next element of my processing system for hardened, violent criminals. Once inside, his hands were uncuffed and resecured in front of him and he was directed to a small shower stall under the watchful eyes of two of my operatives.

Rodriguez’ first act was to try and remove the ball gag but my people are nothing but thorough and he soon discovered the tiny padlock that kept it securely fastened in place. The operative assigned to the Texan made a show of tapping his watch and Rodriguez got the message and waddled into the shower stall and started, awkwardly, to strip off the orange jumpsuit. The garment was beyond salvage and he stepped, gingerly, out of it and pulled down his loaded, and no longer even remotely white, briefs. He then stepped under the faucet and allowed the hot water to wash away the worst excesses of his recent struggles. The operative approached the naked man with a bottle of shampoo and Rodriguez put out his hands to collect the sweet-smelling liquid soap and began to lather up thoroughly; the hiss of the water and the clink of his cuffs the only sound in the cabin for a few minutes as he tried his best to clean his most intimate areas.

The burly inmate only became aware that something was awry when, as he rubbed himself, he came up with a handful of his own body hair; expertly removed by the shampoo. His eyes widened and he cried out in disgusted shock as he realised that everywhere that the lotion had touched was now completely naked of his thick pelt and he looked questioningly at the operatives as they turned off the faucet and approached the brute with towels. He had no choice but to submit and soon he was dried off and standing, hands covering his hairless penis, as the operatives moved, efficiently, to their next assigned task.

All of my team carry one of my patented pens with them at all times. They’re light, easy to administer, and can fell a rhino in seconds. Rodriguez barely noticed when the operative gave him the shot but immediately slumped to his knees and then further crashed to the floor of the cabin.

As is protocol, the operatives worked quickly; dressing the convict’s smooth frame in his next allocated uniform. As the shiny pink latex was stretched into place by one of the team, the sizeable dildo was gently worked into the unconscious hunk’s unresisting anus by the other. The penultimate item, the stimulation ring that went around the root of Rodriguez’ penis and balls, was attached and then the big Texan was ready for storage for the remainder of the flight. He was dragged through to another section of the plane where he was unceremoniously hauled up and strapped in position in one of our bespoke ‘docking stations’. Each of these stations was designed with a dual function in mind; the inescapable storage of an inmate and the further, amplified, humiliation of any convict who could not otherwise be managed through the traditional, pain/punishment routes.

When Rodriguez slowly came too, he soon discovered that he was strapped, upright, into an alcove and that movement was impossible. He was pinioned to the wall at the chest, waist, shoulders, wrists, thighs, and ankles. He remained gagged and had a nasal cannula strapped to his head and positioned within his nostrils.

He also became horribly aware that he had been dressed, for want of a better word, as follows; on his top half, he sported a bright pink, skin-tight latex, crop top that hugged his pectorals and left his midriff exposed. His lower half was also clad in the pink latex however only minimally. He wore only a pair of very tight pink latex shorts that hugged his thighs and butt but that presented his dick in all of its naked glory through a hole in the front of the garment. These shorts were firmly locked around his waist by an incorporated thick, rubber belt.

He could identify all of the above due to the large mirror placed directly in front of the alcove and designed to ensure that no convict could forget their predicament. The expression on his face made it clear he was aware of the invading dildo as well.

He shouted furiously against the hated gag and bucked helplessly against the thick straps that held him immobile, but to no avail. Rodriguez eyed the operatives murderously and then looked away and began huffing and groaning as he strained to eject the dildo. His face reddened and he started to sweat afresh as his predicament became increasingly clear to him. The latex underwear was sufficient tight and yet sufficiently yielding that he could, with a herculean effort, push out the offending plug to a degree. However, the dildo was explicitly chosen to be too long to fully expel in this way and, when the inevitable struggle abated, the offending object would simply, through the tautness of the latex, push its way back in; restuffing the helpless man’s bowel.

The Texan tried this a couple of times, screaming as he toiled, before slumping in his bonds; his breathing ragged. To add to his humiliation the mirrors were placed at such an angle that he could see the dreadful item as he pushed it out, tenting obscenely the rear of the shorts, and then had to watch, helplessly, as it slowly reinvaded him.

Murderous intent turned to frank begging as he entreated the operatives to release him but the lead operative on his case instead decided that the time was correct and pressed two buttons on a small remote. The first had an immediate effect on the Texan as the ring around the root of his dick began its work and he felt arousing sensations start to course through his manhood. Within seconds he was fully erect with no way of concealing his predicament. The control ring is another of our in-house designs and is specifically programmed to provide maximum stimulation with absolutely no chance of actual ejaculation in the wearer. Sensors identify and dial back the stimulation whenever scrotal contraction, that presages orgasm, is identified. The wearer does, however, in our experience, create an enormous volume of pre-cum.

He was oblivious to the effect of the second button and would remain thus. The second button began the imperceptible, and clinically measured, release of amyl nitrite through the nasal cannula. Barely noticeable, the effect of the poppers would quietly make itself felt over the next half an hour and the hapless prisoner would ultimately find himself helplessly, and unstoppably, fucking himself with the dildo in a desperate bid for release and stimulation – all the while watching, in the mirror, his degradation in the shiny pink rubber apparel.

My studies have shown that by this point in the programme there is little to be gained by maintaining the prisoners in simulated isolation. In fact, I have noted that the shared realisation of their predicament, and the desire to not humiliate themselves in front of one another, make the ultimate loss of control and associated debasement, in the face of overwhelming sexual stimulus, that much more impactful.

Even the most hardened inmate, well versed in the giving and taking of pain, cannot shrug off the knowledge that he actively buttfucked himself and groaned for release in front of other men (albeit in the same predicament). For this reason, my programme only accepts group intake – it is a much more effective use of the four hours from runway to runway and ensures compliance for the next steps upon arrival at one of my facilities. As I may have mentioned, I have a 100% success rate in rehabilitation and strict adherence to the programme ensures this.

Thus, Howes was the next inmate to be dragged, heavily, into the cabin and secured into a docking station. Rodriguez's eyes widened as he realised that his compatriot was undergoing the same experience as himself.

Ratherson was the next in and had been secured just as Howes awoke in horror; taking in the shiny, rubber vision that the mirror in front of him presented and realising that he had been penetrated while he slept.

Ivan was the last to be brought into the cabin and, as operatives secured him in place, Ratherson awoke in shock. By this point, Rodriguez was dripping pre-cum and, as discreetly as he could, trying to gain relief from the phallus invading him; pushing the dildo as far as it would go into his latex pants, but trying not to groan his efforts or moan in frustration as it inexorably re-entered his weakening sphincter.

Howes was by now massively erect for all the room to witness. He watched in fascinated horror as the Texan tried again to excrete the plug; all the while aware of his own need to void his own intruder.

Time passed and when Ivan finally awoke it was to a room full of sound. Straining grunts of effort, mixed with moans of longing, were counterpointed by groans of defeat. Ivan came to his senses and took in his own, appalling, predicament and then noticed the other men in the cabin in various stages of abandonment.

Ratherson’s face was a grimace of effort as he tried to push the dildo out and sweat ran freely down the man’s face as he huffed and puffed against the cursed latex; his dick pulsing and bobbing violently as he bore down.

Ivan turned his gaze to Howes just as the blonde man lost the battle. The one-eyed inmate watched as the huge bulge in the back of Howes’ shiny pink pants slowly started to re-enter the helpless thug and Howes made a low noise somewhere between distress and the overtures of a rutting bull; his thick dick jerking spasmodically.

Rodriguez, however, was the inmate who gave Ivan the most gruesome portent of what he was about to endure. All semblance of shame or control was lost to the burly Texan; his dick spraying pre-cum wildly as he bucked and thrashed in his bonds. The dildo in his pants was truly fucking him and the Texan’s face was screwed up in carnal abandonment as he pushed the plug out and it retreated back in, instantaneously, again and again; pumping his arsehole furiously.

Ivan looked away from the man systematically fucking himself and, my operatives noted, a tear ran from his single eye.

As always, my team run a tight ship and had achieved target, with the prisoners in place, for the remaining two hours of the flight to my facility.

by Captive

Email: [email protected]

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