Adventures in Egypt

by Lewis

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People were sprinting all over the camp, hopping in jeeps and driving off in a flurry of dust. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Idir; Phil was nowhere to be seen. I called out to him:

“Idir! Idir! What the devil is going on?”

“It’s the tomb!” Idir yelled. “The tomb, Mr. Simon. They’re about to open the tomb!”


Marcus and I arrived at the tomb with a swarm of other people; Egyptians and Englishmen alike. I spotted Tad’s ruddy head in the swarm of people; he caught my eye and waded through the crowd to stand beside me. Ruffling my hair, he smiled and spoke in awe:

“So they finally found the old Pharaoh's tomb, did they?”

“It certainly seems so,” I agreed. “Forgive me my manners, Tad. This is Sir Rodgers’ assistant, Marcus Calloway. Marcus, this is--” 

“Captain Thaddeus McCulloch of the Trans-Jordan regiment of His Majesty’s army. At your service.”

The pair shook hands.

“Captain McCulloch,” Marcus spoke sweetly. “Good to have a military man here. I was unaware of the British Army’s presence. You do realize this is a scientific expedition?”

“Certainly,” Tad replied grimly. “But you can never be too careful with all these Nazis out and about. Rumor has it, Hitler has eyes on the Suez.”

“Ah, of course.” Marcus smiled.

“Unfortunately, it’s just me and a few others for now.” Tad replied. “But the rest of the company should be arriving in a few weeks or so.”


“Quite so,” Tad continued, and launched into a needless explanation of the many bureaucratic anomalies of British military logistics. My eyes glazed over; thank goodness the man was attractive, otherwise I don’t know if I’d have been able to stand his endless lectures. Marcus graciously interrupted him with a polite excuse saying he was needed by Sir Rodgers, and disappeared into the crowd, leaving me to nod and smile as Tad talked.


A sudden hush fell over the crowd. Sir Rodgers stood at the front; Marcus by his side.

“Gentlemen,” Sir Rodgers spoke. “For months we have been on the hunt for the legendary tomb of Kakhor Ra. Some of us have been searching for even longer. I am pleased to announce that we have finally found it. Behind this door,” he laid a hand on the rough stone slab behind him. “Are the answers to all of our questions. Wealth beyond imagining. Secret truths on the verge of being revealed. Let us uncover it now!”

Sir Rodgers stepped away, and two burly Egyptian workers took his place. With rhythmic sensibility, they attacked the rock with pickaxes. Slowly, Marcus made his way over to us. The pickax men continued at their work. Chunks of rock were beginning to fall to the ground.

“Lewis, Sir Rodgers would be honored if you would join us in the first expedition into the tomb.”

I beamed. “I would be honored.”

Marcus turned to Tad. “You’re a military man, correct?” Tad confirmed this, and Marcus nodded. “Excellent. Sir Rodgers requested you join us to help manage any more dangerous threats within the tomb.”

“Certainly, sir.” Tad smiled. 

“Are you armed?”

“A pistol and my knife.”

“Bring them please; we have no idea what we’re up against. Now, if that’s all, please follow me, gentlemen.”

Marcus led us through the crowd to a beaming Sir Rodgers.

“Thank you very much, Marcus. This is simply splendid. Mr. Simon,” Sir Rodgers turned his piercing blue gaze upon me, and I blushed beneath it. “It is a pleasure to be working with you again.”

Though nearing 70 years of age, Sir Alexander Rodgers was full of fiery energy that captivated anyone listening. Tall and strongly built, his maturity only served to make him more elegant and virile. (This, I could personally attest to, having intimate experience taming his girthy eight-inch uncut member). He had a shock of white hair, cropped close, and a neatly groomed goatee and moustache, which were also white.

“The pleasure is all mine, Doctor,” I spoke shyly. He winked and turned to Tad.

“Captain McCulloch, eh? I received word you’d be arriving. I am pleased that you’ll be joining us on this adventure.”

“I am pleased to be at your service, Sir Rodgers,” Tad replied. 

“Very well then. Everyone ready?” asked Marcus.

We nodded and turned to face the tomb. It lay before us, a dark opening punched into the orange walls of the desert cliffs. Standing before it, we waited, perhaps for a sign. The air was still; the crowd behind us, silent. I looked to Sir Rodgers. The man seemed almost scared. We all were, but our curiosity and excitement was unbearable. This was truly a historical moment. After over two millennia, the tomb of Kakhor Ra was about to be laid bare before the world. It remained to be seen what treasures or horrors we might uncover inside. Finally, Marcus coughed slightly, startling us all out of our collective reverie. 

"Shall we?" he asked politely.

Sir Rodgers smiled. "Ever onward, gentlemen."  

Then, we plunged into the tomb.


It was just the four of us; Sir Rodgers, the leader of the expedition. Marcus, his assistant. Tad, the military man. And of course, myself. It was a mystery to me why our eclectic group was selected to venture forth into the tomb. Nevertheless, we were off on what was bound to be an unforgettable adventure. 

The entrance led us down a long hallway plastered with hieroglyphics and ancient paintings. It sloped downwards, leading us deep beneath the desert's surface. The air was cool and thick with age: a world frozen in time. 

Sir Rodgers paused and stared at some of the drawings. He withdrew a cigarette lighter, and closely examined the pictographs beside it.

"Marcus, come here." He ordered. The assistant knelt beside him. 

"It's a depiction of Kakhor Ra, I believe." noted Marcus. 

"Correct," Sir Rodgers affirmed. I examined the wall as well. On it was a large image of a man seated upon a golden throne. He was stark naked, except for the tall, double crown of upper and lower Egypt. Most prominent was the man's phallus, which was depicted as fully erect, and engorged to an almost ridiculous size (although, having had experience several monster cocks myself, this didn’t seem entirely implausible). Kakhor Ra held a golden staff that was also phallus-shaped. Both he and his staff emitted a golden aura, and they were surrounded by legions of prostrate supplicants.

"And this?" I inquired, indicating Kakhor Ra's staff.

Sir Rodgers winked. "That, dear boy, is the Golden Phallus. It was the supposed source of Kakhor Ra's power, and is the chief prize we are seeking in this tomb."

He stood and smiled. "Gentlemen, shall we carry on?"

The hallway continued for what seemed like ages; every inch of it was richly decorated with depictions of the antique king's glorious victories and immense wealth. Finally, it ended in a large foyer, sparsely decorated with a few clay pots. 

Tad frowned. "This doesn't seem to be the tomb of a wealthy king."

"He's buried much further in," Marcus asserted. "This is only the beginning." 

"And what a beginning it is!" exclaimed Sir Rodgers. "Look at these Hieroglyphs!"

Marcus quickly joined him. “Hmmm...All who enter must begin as equals; drain your sacred seed to find the safe path onward”

"What the devil does that mean?" I asked. 

"Kakhor Ra was as paranoid as he was wealthy... it's rather likely that we must endure a certain selection of tests before we can achieve his treasure." Sir Rodgers replied. 

"Tests?" Tad asked. "What do you mean?"

Sir Rodgers shrugged. "Certain traps set in place to ensure that common thieves would be unable to steal his riches; and that only someone truly worthy could access his secrets." 

With that grim thought in mind, we all made our way across the threshold and into the room beyond. 


It was long and narrow, maybe ten paces wide, and twenty paces across. At the other end was the golden outline of the next room. We all paused, waiting for something to happen. Nothing. The place was as quiet and calm as a tomb, which, in fact, it was. Tad, being the boldest of us, strode forward with confidence. "Let's go. What are you waiting--" 

His words were abruptly cut off as the ground disappeared beneath him, and he fell into a chasm beneath.

"Tad!" I cried. 

"Good lord!" Marcus shouted. We both made to run after him, but were stopped by Sir Rodgers' shout.

"Don't move!" We froze in place. Sir Rodgers eyed the floor suspiciously. "We don't know what stones are safe and which ones will fall."

"How do we figure it out?!" I cried, distressed. "Tad! Tad! Are you alright??"

A muffled voice emerged from the hole: "Hurry please!!"

I exhaled in relief. Tad was alive. I stayed where I was. "We're coming!" I yelled back to him. 

Meanwhile Sir Rodgers scanned the room with a critical eye. The floor was made of large tiles, each big enough to fit a single man. It was through the first of these tiles, where the golden threshold succumbed to the drab gray of the stones, that Tad had fallen.

"There's a trick here," Sir Rodgers smiled. "Kakhor Ra, you old bastard, what is it?" 

His query was met with only silence. 

"Marcus!" Sir Rodgers ordered. "What was the exact phrasing of the warning again? There must be a clue there!"

Marcus relayed the information and Sir Rodgers pondered it some more. 

"He wants anyone who enters to be as equal as possible in approaching his tests... and he was a horny prick." Sir Rodgers mused. "What does that tell you, Marcus?"

"I'm afraid I must admit I haven’t the foggiest." Marcus replied. 

"No? And you, Lewis?"

I shamefully responded that I was equally as perplexed as Marcus. 

"Really?" Sir Rodgers smirked. "Does that answer change when I tell you that the Egyptians used semen as an invisible ink of sorts?"

"But what does that have..." I began, then trailed off as the sudden realization came upon me.

Marcus was right with me. "You mean we have to…?" he spoke. 

Sir Rodgers nodded. "Will one of you gentlemen kindly volunteer for the task at hand? It seems we will need to use all of our power, including that of our dear friend, Thaddeus.

Marcus nodded in understanding and unzipped his trousers. He revealed his slender penis and began to stroke it gently until it reached full erection.

Sir Rodgers and I watched anxiously as Marcus masturbated himself to completion. He grunted slightly and his cum shot across several of the stones at the threshold. Where it landed, the stone was stained a darker brown. Sir Rodgers knelt by the stones and carefully smeared the cum across each tile upon which it had landed. Most of them just became dirty messes of semen and dust. However, on the stone immediately adjacent to the one where Sir Rodgers had fallen, the cum mixed with the dust to reveal a stunning golden color beneath. Sir Rodgers stood and tested it gently with his foot; the stone held. 

It was a simple matter to hoist Tad from his imminent doom. Rapidly understanding the situation in which we now found ourselves, the captain shamelessly wanked himself and ejaculated across several rows of tiles. His massive cum shot helped us to identify the next three safe stones.

It was my turn next. Maneuvering my dick from the depths of my trousers, I aimed it at the next row of stones and furiously rubbed myself. Under alternate circumstances, I would have had no problem arriving at my orgasm in the presence of such attractive men. But for whatever reason, the dankness of the cavern, the life-or-death nature of our situation, I could not even get hard. For several long minutes, I uselessly throttled my penis. Then, I felt the heat of Tad's body behind me. His moustache brushed my cheek as he whispered: "I figured you could use a helping hand." 

Our lips met, and with that electric touch, my cock sprang to attention. The soldier's rough hand slowly teased my body as I continued to masturbate myself: no longer for the sake of some secret passage into the tomb, but for the pure pleasure of it all. I moaned as Tad tweaked one of my nipples and thrust his tongue in my mouth. A fountain of semen erupted from the tip of my penis, indicating our path in little golden splotches. We made it the rest of the way with no further incident, but with well-drained balls. 

We entered the alcove before the next room, and Marcus pointed out another set of hieroglyphics; a new challenge from the royal sex-fiend. 

“The gods must deem you worthy of the gifts hidden within; the key with which they have blessed you must fit the lock I have left behind.”

We were silent; each imagining the possible meaning of the riddle. 

"Should we go on?" I asked. 

"I don't suppose there's any other way to figure this out." Marcus answered. "What do you think, Sir Rodgers?"

"No time like the present," smiled Sir Rodgers. "Let's try not to get ourselves killed, right?"


The next room was similar to the first: rather plain and featureless, save for a golden doorway at the opposite wall. However, the door was completely bricked in; there was no other exit save the one through which we had entered. Tad had removed his penis again, ready to find the golden path of safety, but Marcus stopped him. 

"We already passed that test. The riddle is different. Kakhor Ra wouldn't use the same solution twice."

Tad shrugged and put his dick away. "What's the trap anyway? There's absolutely nothing here."

“He said we have the key,” I noted. “But I’m not even sure what the lock he mentions is. This looks like a dead end.”

“It’s the only way forward,” Marcus said. All four of us stepped further into the room. We held our breaths, waiting for the ceiling to collapse or spikes to shoot out of the walls. Nothing happened. 

“So far so good,” I smiled cheerily, trying to hide the tremor of fear in my voice. We stepped further into the room. Gradually, we became more confident. Everything was silent; perhaps after thousands of years underground, the trap had fallen into disrepair. I chuckled slightly, then felt the ground shift beneath my feet. I froze and looked down, as my stomach dropped. The stone below me had shifted about an inch or so below the others. Gingerly, I lifted my foot up, and the stone slid back into place. Then it happened.

All around us, the room began to shake, dust trickled down from the ceiling and a horrible grinding noise greeted our ears: the sound of ancient gears finally rotating after centuries of silence. Slowly, yet steadily, the walls began to creep inwards. 

“The walls!” I yelled. Marcus sprinted back to the entrance, but a set of iron spikes flew down from the ceiling, and blocked the escape route.

“We’re trapped!” He cried.

“There must be some way out!” ordered Sir Rodgers. “We must find it! This is a test!”

Tad rattled the iron bars. He withdrew his pistol and fired at them uselessly. Marcus paced the length of the room as the width shrank from three meters to two.

“Look here!” Marcus shouted. He was at the blank wall at the end of the room. It was perfectly flat. Almost perfectly flat. Marcus had discovered a hole at about waist height. He was now probing it with his fingers. “I think I found your lock.”

“But the key…” I asked desperately. “Is there a stick or tool we can poke inside?”

“No,” Sir Rodgers said quietly as the walls shuddered ever closer. “But there is something we can use.” He carefully undid his pants, and withdrew his splendid specimen of manhood. It was already semi-tumescent and pearls of translucent liquid pooled from the tip. Rodgers gripped himself firmly and stroked up and down, up and down until the penis because further engorged. He positioned himself against the hole in the wall, and thrust inwards. Nothing. The walls were even closer now. 

“Try again,” Marcus directed, and Sir Rodgers obeyed, plunging further into the hole. Still, nothing happened. He grunted, desperately fucking the hole, but it was useless. We were going to die.

“I don’t understand,” Sir Rodgers frowned. “What are we supposed to do?”

“Maybe,” Marcus suggested quietly. “We’re doing the right thing, but maybe the key doesn’t fit the lock.”

“But…” Sir Rodgers was perplexed. “I’m the largest one here.”

I coughed slightly. “Not quite.”

All three of us glanced at Tad, who still was struggling with the iron bars on the other side of the room.

“Tad!” bellowed Sir Rodgers. “Get over here, man! We need your cock!”

Tad looked up and sprinted over, pants already around his thighs. Marcus directed him to the hole.

“Hurry. There’s not much time!”

The walls had shrunk to barely a meter of space between them. Tad grabbed hold of his already hardening rod, and gently pulled his foreskin over the massive purple head. Precum pooled out in a steady, faucet-like drip. He lined his penis up with the opening and thrust inside with as much power as he could muster. There was a slight click, and the walls gently shuddered to a halt, as the one before us swung inwards. We tumbled in a heap on the floor of a circular room.


We untangled ourselves and examined the room in which we now found ourselves. It was much more richly decorated than the others, elaborate statues and carvings. Similar to the last room, the only entrance was the one through which we’d come, although I suspected there must be some hidden mechanism for unveiling another secret chamber. Most prominent was the throne in the center of the room. It was tall and elaborate, constructed of solid gold and inlaid with jewels of all kinds. It stood upon a dais, around which was inscribed more hieroglyphics in shimmering gold, presumably our next clue. In the center of the throne’s seat was an enormous phallic protrusion, also of pure gold.

“Is that…?” Marcus breathed.

“The Golden Phallus!” murmured Sir Rodgers in awe. “It must be!” 

“What’s the next clue?” asked Tad.

Marcus pointed out the string of golden symbols on the dais of the throne:

“A king must never forget humility; leave your pride and honor behind in order to receive my gifts.”

“These clues don’t get any easier, do they?” I laughed.

“At least there’s no imminent danger this time,” noted Marcus.

We all took a moment to explore the room more fully, but still found nothing.

“Presumably, this is our last clue.” Sir Rodgers mused. “The Egyptians liked to do things in threes.”

Marcus was examining the Golden Phallus more closely. “According to legend, this was modeled after the discarded penis of Osiris.”

“What?” chuckled Tad. “Osiris’s discarded penis?”

“Yes,” confirmed Sir Rodgers. “In a fit of rage and jealousy, his brother Seth chopped him into pieces. Isis managed to collect all of them except one: Osiris’s penis. Later this was found by ancient craftsmen and molded in gold to create the Golden Phallus. It’s even imbued with some of Osiris’s powers.”

“Ridiculous,” snorted Tad. There was a pause as we all examined the Golden Phallus with a bit more suspicion. It was immense, nearly 12 inches in length and monstrously thick. It was, without a doubt, the largest cock I had ever seen. Rather fitting for an ancient god.

I thought quickly. “Well, if there are truly any powers to this artifact, then there’s only one way to find out.”

“And how’s that?” Marcus queried.

“Allow me to demonstrate.” I shucked off my trousers and undershorts in one motion, leaving my bottom bare. I shivered and my cock rose slightly, aroused by the situation in which I now found myself. As my three compatriots watched, I clambered onto the throne and gently touched the golden rod. To my surprise, it glowed with a kind of inner warmth. I quickly ran my fingers up and down its length, and then lowered my mouth on it. I slobbered up and down the metal pole, greasing it generously to prepare for my penetration. 

As I did so, Sir Rodgers leaned toward my exposed rear and spread apart my cheeks. His moustached tickled slightly as he dove into my sphincter licking it up and down and thrusting deep inside me with his long muscular tongue. I moaned through the hefty dildo in my mouth as precum dripped from my pisshole in generous proportions. Sir Rodgers continued his ministrations, at first gently licking my ass, then sucking and biting the hole viciously. I quivered under his touch, yelping in a strangled sort of pleasure at each new action.

Finally, Sir Rodgers came up for air, and smacked my ass playfully.

“That’s a good lad. Why don’t you let us all prepare you for the main performance?”

I withdrew from the now dripping dildo and nodded slightly.

“Marcus, my boy.” Sir Rodgers called. “You’re up.”

Marcus withdrew his slender penis and slid easily into my hole, well-lubricated by Sir Rodgers spittle. He grabbed my hips and cruelly thrust in as far as possible. I gasped under the sudden intrusion, but the shock was quickly replaced by pleasure as Marcus gyrated in and out of my hole. All too soon did I feel the warm effect of his explosion filling my body. He shuddered as he came, and continued to penetrate me wildly until his now flaccid penis slipped out of my body. 

I moaned and Sir Rodgers kissed me on the cheek. “Now, come on Lewis, dear boy. We’re just getting started. Be a brave little soldier. Tad!”

Tad already had his erect penis out and was stroking it in anticipation. The man had a seemingly endless sex drive. He lined himself up with my pulsing ass and pushed in slowly. Despite his comparative gentleness as opposed to Marcus, Tad was considerably larger. I writhed as I felt my body being speared upon his iron rod. He did not stop until I could feel his fiery pubes tickling my bottom. Tad withdrew himself halfway and then re-impaled me. His cockhead nudged against my prostate causing even more liquid to drain out of my straining penis. I squealed and he pulled out again, then reinserted himself, more quickly this time. He continued the process, in and out, in and out, his gigantic penis brutally fucking me while still eliciting the most intense pleasure. Finally, I felt his muscles tense, his penis throbbed painfully and shot a potent load of his thick cream inside me. It mingled with Marcus’s cum and the white goo leaked out of my gaping hole as Tad withdrew himself.

Finally, it was Sir Rodgers’s turn.

“A reminder of Paris, no?” smiled the archaeologist as he held his erect penis at my bum.

I smiled as well. “I assure you, I’ll never forget Paris, sir.”

Sir Rodgers plunged deep within me and I moaned again as I felt the shuddering penis throb within his hole. More semen leaked from my hole, and Sir Rodgers began to fuck me in earnest, stretching my battered hole even wider. It didn’t take long for him to orgasm and fill my ass with yet more cum. Sir Rodgers withdrew his penis, and I stood shakily. It was time for the final test. I clambered on top of the throne and positioned my ass upon the Golden Phallus. It was truly massive. It would be the biggest thing I had ever taken, if I were even able to fit it. I gulped and slowly let myself down on top of it.

There was a searing pain as the blunt tip pierced my asshole. It felt as if it would rip me apart. Gritting my teeth against the pain, I slid further down the rod, aided by the three fresh loads of cum in my ass. I gasped and more precum leaked out of my hard cock. Time slowed, and the pain faded to a dull ache. Still I went deeper, the Golden Phallus was touching parts of me that had never before been touched. It was owning me. More than that, I liked it. I enjoyed being fully commanded and controlled by my complete devotion to this monstrous effigy of a cock. A wave of pleasure washed over me. Beads of sweat dribbled down my face. I slid deeper down the cock. Suddenly, something went off within me. It was as if a little spark of electricity had been released into my body. I shook all over, shuddering under the sheer mass of the intrusion into my body. My ass pulsated and I involuntarily let loose a low groan. My penis stiffened and then suddenly ejaculated, cum erupting into the air. I moaned again as my cock shuddered again and again. My prostate twitched, cum dribbled out of my ass. Semen still exploded into the sky. Breathing heavily, I heaved one last time as my penis desperately jerked again, trying to evict every last drop of semen from my body. Then I felt it: the flared metal base of the Golden Phallus scraping my butt cheeks. Somehow, I had done it. The entire dildo was inside me. There was a slight click, as I sat back on my achievement. The room rumbled slightly, and then everything was moving.

Rocks and carvings were shifting position, making way for something. We all braced ourselves, preparing to be crushed, torn apart, smashed or smothered somehow. But death never did arrive. Dust gently drifted down from the rafters as everything settled into place, then all was still. Behind us, where there once had been a solid wall, there was now a large entryway into the next room. I withdrew myself from the Golden Phallus, and it toppled over as I did so. Instinctively, I picked it up. It was lighter than I expected and still slick from the cum and spittle with which I had used to penetrate myself. I slid it into my satchel, and we all progressed into the next room.

The first thing that struck us was the light. The entire room shone as if electrified by Mr. Edison’s genius. We squinted in the dazzling splendor. When our eyes adjusted to the sudden change in light, we saw the source of this brightness. The entire room was gold. Everything from the ceiling to the floor had a thick layer of golden lacquer over it. Statues, artifacts, and most dazzling of all: a large, engraved, rectangular box in the center of the room. The sarcophagus of Kakhor Ra.

“It’s him!” Marcus breathed.

We all approached it. Similar to the rest of the room, the Sarcophagus was gilded in layers of gold, and intricately carved, with pictures of Kakhor Ra and his incredible achievements.

“What are we waiting for?” asked Sir Rodgers. “Let’s open it!”

We surround the sarcophagus, Tad and I at one end and Marcus and Sir Rodgers at the other. We took hold of the heavy lid and slid it to one side. Another massive plume of dust rose from the interior, which smelled musty. Inside was Kakhor Ra, He lay silently on his back, arms crossed, covered in jewelry and an elaborate funeral mask. One hand held a long golden rod, and the other held a small bottle of what seemed like perfume.

“Lewis,” asked Sir Rodgers. “You have the Golden Phallus?”

I withdrew it from my bag and handed it to Sir Rodgers, who carefully removed the golden rod from Kakhor Ra’s hand. The Phallus slid easily over the top and locked into place.

“What’s in his other hand?” asked Tad.

Sir Rodgers carefully reached down and withdrew it. The bottle was rather dull, crafted of translucent glass, and inscribed with certain hieroglyphic characters.

“What does it say?” I asked.

“The Seed of Osiris,” replied Sir Rodgers. 

“The Seed of Osiris?” I replied. “I thought that was just a legend?”

“It was supposed to be,” replied Marcus. “But…”

“But here it is,” mumbled Sir Rodgers.

“What’s the Seed of Osiris?” Tad asked.

“It was supposed to be a legend.” I began. “A terrific elixir of power that would turn any man into a beast and leave others helpless and trembling at his feet. It’s supposed to be the way Kakhor Ra took over Egypt. He fought the Pharaoh and the Pharaoh’s personal guard single-handedly, and won. It was said to be the source of his power along with the Golden Phallus. The two were intimately linked.”

“And here it is now…” pondered Sir Rodgers. He came to a decision. “We’ll take it back to the camp, and analyze it. Then we can get some more archaeologists in here to finish the excavation. But it’s high time we return to the encampment. We’ve got much work to do.”

We all agreed, and began the slow progression out of the tomb. It was considerably easier, seeing as we had disarmed all of the tomb’s traps. We slipped through the narrow hallway where the walls had tried to crush us, then danced across the golden bricks to safety. Finally, we reached the last hallway. Up ahead, the orange light of sunset gleamed. Marcus exited first, then Tad, then Sir Rodgers. I was the last one up. I clambered out of the dusty hole and grabbed the hand Sir Rodgers proffered to help me out. As I stood, there was a slight, metallic click. I looked up to find the long barrel of a revolver pointed in my face. On the other end was the cruel, smiling face of a soldier in a tan colored uniform, and the characteristic red armband with a swastika emblazoned upon it. My stomach plummeted. The Nazis had found us.

Inspirations, suggestions, and constructive criticisms are all welcome at: [email protected].

by Lewis

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024