The Taste of Revenge

by LittleBuddy

25 Jan 2024 2478 readers Score 9.8 (45 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Being a Good Boy

Monday morning finally came, and as I drove to work that morning, I had sex on my mind. Sex with Nando’s hot dad, who had offered to show up at 5:30 tonight to give me a “ride.” After seeing Nando sucking off our boss Frank, I wanted revenge: revenge on Frank for giving me up and trading me in for Nando even when he said he was done; revenge on Nando for doing what I wanted and having Frank again. But then Nando’s dad showed up, a perfect match for our big boss, and I was going to get mine tonight.

It was the typical start on a Monday, Frank appearing looking just as sexy as ever to me, bulging arms in his shirt, scruffy tired face, big brown eyes shifting from me to the others. I noticed that both he and Nando were trying hard NOT to look at each other, just the way I used to with Frank. But Frank seemed to be eyeing me more than usual, with almost softer eyes, like he was trying to apologize. I knew he saw me at the window, watching him explode all over Nando’s face. So maybe he was trying to tell me something this morning without any words.

But all I could think about was the big Italian business brute, coming to pick me up at 5:30.

Danny was quieter than usual this morning, hiding out in the back of the truck mostly whenever we were done cutting a field and closing his eyes as we headed from job to job. Jeff sat up front with me, looking more and more fit each time I saw him. His crew cut made him look like a preppy jock now compared to the skinny goth like figure from last year. He had a clean-shaven baby face that made him look just as cute as me, and I suddenly wondered what the four of us looked like to others as we worked. We would probably be some old geezer’s wet dream, in our orange shirts and tight work pants, sweating in the fields like the start of some porn scene. And as it turned out, it could very well have been quite the porn scene indeed that afternoon.

On our last job for the day, we went to work in our usual way, each of us taking a corner of the required filed to cut and starting with the trimmers. We had just started working in empty fields for the city for the time being, Frank hoping to snag the Hydro contract for the year. I usually went to the furthest corner, followed by Jeff on the other side. Nando started on the same side as Jeff, Danny nearest the parked truck on my side and the four of us would then work our way back, meeting in the middle and then reappearing at the truck.

It was getting cooler by the time we were finishing. It was nearly five so I finished up and took my time with the last few swipes near Danny. He stopped to let me finish up and headed off to the truck. As I cut the last few weeds, I turned to see the line of field behind me completed, figuring Nando and Jeff were at the truck already. It was only ten to five, so I slowly made my way back to the truck in the middle of the field.

But when I got there, only Danny was sitting in the back, the cab door open, his eyes closed.

“Where’s the other two?” I asked after tossing my weed eater into the back, leaving the tailgate open for the remaining machines.

Danny just shrugged and rested his head on the back seat, one leg bent in the open door.

I looked out over the field and couldn’t see either one of them, so without thinking I started to hike back up the tree line where they had been cutting to see if there was a problem or to at least tell them to get their asses to the truck.

But there was no sign of them at all.

I stopped around the middle, where I figured they would have met up, and turned to look in both directions up and down the tree line before looking into the thick forested area beyond the field. I noticed up a bit a section of grass flattened and saw a splash of red just beyond. Taking a few steps towards it quietly, I saw it was the butt end of the weed eater, lying in the grass. More flattened grass led me to a trail that went off into the trees and figured they were taking a leak or something.

But then I pictured Nando sucking Frank’s big cock in his office last Friday and I pursed my lips and thought no fucking way, as I quietly stepped through, following the flattened footsteps as my eyes darted around into the trees. I suddenly wondered what Nando was doing to Jeff.

And sure enough, there they were, up ahead. Jeff was leaning back against a tree, his dark blue work pants down around his ankles and Nando’s blonde head once again in between a pair of men’s legs working a cock.

“What a fucking slut,” I thought to myself, before giving a small laugh at the irony of me calling Nando a slut. Seeing Jeff’s dick in Nando’s hand made me want it just as badly.

I stood there for a moment, watching Jeff’s slack jawed face as Nando knelt before him. Jeff was holding his t-shirt up over his flat smooth stomach with one hand as his other hand was clutching Nando’s blonde hair. Nando had a fist wrapped around the base of Jeff’s dick as the other one was splayed out on Jeff’s white thigh. Within seconds, Jeff’s eyes opened and he let go of Nando’s hair and grabbed his own cock, his body shaking as he started to say “oh fuck” again and again quietly. Nando backed up and let Jeff jerk his own cock. An impressive spout of cum flew out of his cock, landing on the dirt around them, before Nando dove back on Jeff’s prick and sucked the rest out of him, leaving Jeff’s mouth wide open in shock as he steadied himself against the tree in surprise.

“Holy fuck Nando!” He breathed out as his body trembled. Jeff’s eyes closed again and his face tightened as he tried to control his body from shaking as Nando sucked his dick frantically. And when Nando pulled back again, Jeff’s eyes opened up wide and he stared down at Nando in amazement.

I didn’t want to hear what he would say, or get caught watching. So I quietly stepped backwards, trying not to make any sounds, feeling my own cock thick in my pants in an uncomfortable way. I cursed in my head and was more determined than ever to see Nando’s dad in just a half hour. Jeff’s submission to Nando surprised me. Even more so, Jeff himself looked rather tasty, with his boy next door crew cut and fitter body, and surprisingly big dick.

I stormed back to the truck with these images in my head of my two coworkers, and when I arrived Danny’s eyes opened slowly.

“Are they coming?” He asked groggily.

“One of them is.” I snipped sarcastically at him. Danny just frowned and shrugged, re-closing his eyes and folding his arms over his chest.

I went to the back of the truck and saw the two of them emerge from the tree line, carrying their weed eaters and grinning stupidly. They said nothing as they tossed their equipment into the back of the truck and got inside the cab as I slammed the tailgate shut and got in the driver’s seat.

“All done for the day!” I heard Jeff shout from the passenger side. I couldn’t help but look up in the rearview mirror and see Nando’s smirk as he wiped his lips. Jeff gave a slight look over his shoulder at Nando, but I said nothing. I just started the truck and stepped on the gas, hoping that Nando’s dad would be on time. And for a moment, wanted Nando to watch ME sucking on his dad’s big cock just to see how he liked it.

What made matters even worse, Nando did his usual hanging-around-the-shop routine, eyeing Frank’s office, waiting for us to leave as we arrived at the garage. Now I knew his dad didn’t pick him up till 6 every night, but I also knew what he and Frank could be up to. Given he’d already had a load down his throat, it made me mad that he was getting ready to take our boss’ next. I wondered if Frank knew what a little horny twink Nando really was.

At 5:25, I left the garage and threw my stuff in the car. No Nando’s dad as of yet. Danny and Jeff were long gone, and I watched a few other guys from other crews departing. I stood beside my car, watching a few vehicles going by, anticipating the arrival of the big hulk with growing hunger. So when I saw the truck turning into the yard, and the sight of the thick headed curly haired brute behind the wheel, I walked right over to the passenger side and opened the door before he even had it in park.

“Hey sexy.” His deep voice grumbled as I stepped into the cab. His large hand landed on my thigh as soon as I sat down and he gave my leg a hard squeeze before he held his hand up for a handshake. I smiled back and squeezed his hand feeling the softness of palm wrap around me.

“Hey stud.” I couldn’t help but respond, which made him chuckle.

“Stud huh? Been a while since anyone’s called me that.” His voice was so fucking deep and masculine my cock grew a few inches just listening to him.

“Oh yeah? I find that hard to believe, I mean look at you!” I couldn’t help but take him in, sitting there with his thick thighs spread a bit, tight dress pants concealing a thick cock that I couldn’t wait to taste again. He had on another dress shirt, this one white with small black squares all over it, his sleeves once again rolled up over huge hairless forearms. His face was sporting that five o’clock Italian perma-shadow, his curly hair cut short but looking wild and messy on the top. He was downright sexy, one masculine man on display. He had his other hand resting over his crotch, and as I stared at him I saw him give it a firm squeeze.

“Well, lately I get called a DILF. Or Daddy when I’m fucking a boy just right.” He growled at me. I saw his eyes roaming around the garage and it almost looked like he was going to lean over to kiss me. Instead he kept looking and took his hand off my leg to join his other at his bulge. Quickly he opened his button and fly and lifted his ass off the seat so he could release his cock and balls once again.

I actually moaned as soon as I saw the meaty looking cock, the thick mushroom cap begging to be swallowed.

“Here you go kid. Put your mouth on this while I drive to a spot I know.” He reached his hand back to me, but instead of my leg he grabbed the back of my neck and lowered me onto his cock forcefully. I opened up hungrily and heard him groan loudly as I swallowed his manly smelling cock. I felt the truck shift gears and he reversed quickly, backing out of the spot he pulled into. “Let’s get out of here before my boy sees me.”

I felt a surge of lust as I lay between his massive thighs, sucking on his dick as he drove through traffic, his one hand on my head, playing with my hair as he encouraged me on. His other hand worked the steering wheel and I hung on to the base of his cock and licked and sucked my way to heaven as I bounced along with the truck, not having any clue where he was taking me.

“I know a spot.” He said quietly as he put his right hand on my ass, squeezing it and smacking my jock butt through my work pants. “Keep me nice and hard and I’ll fuck you with just enough time to get back to get Nando.”

I put my left hand on his thigh and shifted into a better position, keeping his cock wet and in my lips. He tasted so good, and smelled like a man who had worked a long day. I felt his hand lift up the bottom of my shirt and sink his hand into my pants, gliding down into my underwear to feel my smooth ass.

“Fuck boy. Nice smooth ass.” His sausage-like fingers worked in between my ass, removing them suddenly to spit into them and return, sliding a slick digit down my crack. “Want me to fill this smooth ass?” He moaned quietly as I heard him breathe in deeply.

He spun the wheel around in his palm just above my head, turning quickly into a side road and causing us both to bounce in the seat. Masterfully he steered the truck onto what was obviously a dirt road suddenly. I bounced more, and gripped his cock in one hand as I steadied myself in the seat, peering over the dashboard to see that he had spun the truck into a secluded spot, tucked in between a line of trees. I hadn’t noticed where we were, but as he pulled off his seatbelt quickly, letting go of my ass.

“Don’t move.” He said, smacking my half bare ass and opened his door and got out, his big thick cock still sticking out. I put my hands on the seat and stayed put as directed, my ass pointed towards the passenger door, my pants slightly pushed down.

I watched him walk around the front of the truck quickly and moved to the passenger door. Over my shoulder I saw him open it up and gaze in at me, leaving the door wide open and stepping up to pull my ass towards him.

“Mmmm. Fucking sweet looking boy right here.” He said quietly, pulling my pants down over my rump and kissing each cheek before he pulled me closer and moved his face into me.

I gave a quick look ahead as I felt his thick tongue slide out and lick me hard and I released a sudden moan. We were secluded, surrounded by trees, no sounds of cars or anything. Just us in this quiet truck, with my pants around my knees, bent over on all fours in this man’s cab of his truck as he stood outside the passenger door with his massive cock sticking out, rimming my ass.

“You want my cock in there boy?” He asked me between licks, a hard smack on my right cheek punctuating the question.

I nodded with a slight whimper, hearing the lust in my own voice as I turned over my shoulder to answer. “Yes please.”

“Get out.” He ordered, pulling me even further down the seat as I watched him undo the buttons of his shirt as he stared at me. I slid off the seat and stumbled my way out of the truck, my legs tied together at the knees as he peeled his shirt off his body. Everything I pictured was true: he was built, and smooth, with dark perfect looking nipples on a pair of solid pecs, his rounded beer gut firm and hairless barely larger than the rest of him. He looked like a massive wrestler who had a few too many beers, but could still win the fight. He had a tattoo on his right shoulder, and one on his left pec, but I didn’t get a chance to look at them closely before he pulled my shirt up over my head and tucked it behind my neck, leaving it still around my shoulders.

“Fuck.” He said quietly, moving both his big paws over my smooth torso. “Small but built. And so smooth like a baby.” He grinned as he felt my pecs. I stared at his beefy pecs, my own hands moving to his bubbled chest, seeing the reaction as I squeezed his nipples. His brown eyes met mine and he grinned, his lips slightly parted as he removed his hands from me and pushed his pants down to his ankles, showing off a pair of practically smooth legs as well, legs that were humungous and muscled.

“Turn around.” He whispered, helping me turn my body to the seat in the truck as he stepped up directly behind me.

As I put my hands on the seat, I felt his cock being slapped against my ass as one finger worked around my hole, applying his spit, making sure I was ready. I glanced at his muscular shoulders working hard as he moved closer and I suddenly realized I didn’t even know this man’s first name.

“Uh, Mr. Bonetti?”

He raised an eyebrow and looked over my own muscular shoulder at me, pausing his movements which made me stare at his handsome face. I could feel his cock pressing into my crack as he stared at me.

“I don’t even know your first name.” I said sheepishly.

He grinned, and I saw him drop a wad of spit straight down onto his cock, and then rubbed it between my cheeks. I was getting so turned on I leaned down, sticking my ass out for him which made him groan quietly. “Maybe you just call me Mr. Bonetti?”

I gave him a look as he spread his legs and motioned for me to lift my ass up a bit, his free hand grabbing my hip and raising me up. I did, moving backwards towards him. His hand guided his cock into my ass and then let go as I felt that mushroom head pressing into me. He grabbed my arm and held me still as he pushed forward, his other hand on the middle of my back as I froze, feeling that thick cock head spreading me open for him. I heard him take in a deep breath, and I closed my eyes.

“Domenico.” He said quietly, licking his lips. “Call me Dom.” He moved forward, pushing me into the seat and his cock popped beyond my ring and it was my turn to breathe in deeply.

“Oh God.” I moaned, turning over my shoulder to see his face staring straight ahead at me. His hands slid up my back to my face and he found my mouth with his fingers, and pulled me upwards into an arch.

“Good boy.” He moaned quietly, leaning into me as he pulled my head back. I craned my neck around, resisting the urge to suck his fingers down until I felt his thick chest on my back and his stubbled face next to mine. I felt his tongue push into my mouth as he cranked my head sideways and we got lost in a loud kiss as his cock sunk all the way into me. It was me that inhaled deeply through my nose as this man took my breath away, kissing me passionately. He broke free but held his fingers in my mouth and pushed himself the furthest he could into me, making us both moan. Then he slid his hands back down my back and grabbed my waist. “But you can call me anything you want.”

And then he started to move so slowly, pulling his cock back and sliding it forward in the slowest moves that I couldn’t help but look at him over my shoulder. He was naked from my vantage point, but I knew he still had his pants around his ankles and his shoes on. I still had my shirt on over my head and my pants around my knees, and seeing this hulk behind me slowly fucking me was driving me wild.

“You like that?” He nodded at me, licking his lips, watching me.

I nodded, taking him in, high pitched whimpering emitting from my throat. He was lost in the moment, slowly but purposefully fucking me, until he pulled at me again and he took a step back, pulling his fat cock from my hole.

I gasped, feeling his hands gripping my waist and pulling me out of the truck to stand in front of him. He wasted no time in pushing me into the side of the truck and stepping back up behind me to reinsert himself into my ass. I could see our reflection in the side of the truck, my bare chest pressed up against the side by the door, his massive muscular body behind me now slowly fucking me in this upright position. He leaned in and wrenched my head around to kiss me again, the feeling of his giant body pressed against me driving me wilder than before. He looked like a hulk, one solid muscular smooth man pounding relentlessly into my smooth smaller frame.

 He kissed me for a long time as he rocked back and forth into me, my own hand on my own cock slowly stroking it to match his rhythm. Both of us were breathing in deeply through our noses as they crunched together, our tongues filling in each other’s mouths as best they could in this position. My hands around behind me to grab at his thrusting ass, feeling the muscles working, wanting to claw at him even more.

Then he broke away again and he pulled out, and turned me around to grab my chin and pull me into his face for another breathtaking kiss. Man this guy could take my breath away with just his mouth. He smiled at me, keeping his face inches from mine and held my chin.

“You want to get on your back for Daddy?” He whispered softly, making me nod with his hand.

He lifted me back up onto the seat but this time facing me. With a quick move, he grabbed my booted foot and began to swiftly undo the laces, pulling it off my foot and tossing it to the ground, before he tugged my pants down over the free grey wool-socked foot of mine. My legs now free from the confines of my pants, he spread my leg wide and bent down to free the other foot in the same way.

He stood back up, his pecs flexing for me as he reached under my ass and pulled me to the edge of the seat. I pushed my legs skyward, and planted my socked feet to the top of the door frame and held still as I watched him line up his cock and slid into me again, his hands moving softly up my abs to my throat.

“Such a good boy.” He whispered to me, his eyes now on mine as he resumed his slow but steady movements into me.

I didn’t waste any time working my own cock as I faced him, seeing him between my legs, his massive pecs a wonderful sight for my eyes as his hands roamed over my smooth body. He was enjoying himself in his deliberate gyrations, and his smile was infectious.

“Fuck boy.” He growled, letting his hands run over my torso. “So fucking smooth and ripped.” He groaned, moving his scratchy face into my chest to lick and bite each nipple as his hands roamed over me. His hands moved to his own pecs and I watched him squeeze his own nipples as he rocked back and forth into me, his eyes on me, watching me watching him.

I couldn’t speak, the sight too much for me. I was jealous of Nando sucking off Frank and here I was, getting railed by his dad, even hotter to me that Frank at this moment.

“You want to ride Daddy’s cock boy?” He asked me as he flicked his own nipples, his bottom lip hanging down begging me to kiss him.

I nodded and he backed away again, helping me out of the truck and taking my place on the passenger seat. He stroked his cock as he watched me step up and climb over him. I reached between my legs and grabbed the base of his cock from his own thick fingers and squatted back down on him, hearing him moan with me as I lowered myself.

And then he was kissing me again, grabbing the back of my neck as I rode him, faster than he was fucking me before.

“Oh yeah boy!” He said louder with more force as he began to stroke my cock. I was so hard, and so close to shooting my load just by riding him. So I must have looked shocked as soon as he grabbed my cock because his eyes widened, as did his smile. “You ready to cum boy?”

I nodded again, barely able to speak any words as I bounced up and down on him, knowing I could fuck myself on his pole and make myself cum without needing his hand. But he felt too good.

“Yeah? Then cum for Daddy boy.”

I leaned back, my shoulders on the dashboard. Just that leverage drove his cock into me deeper, at a different angle. Combined with his strong grip on my cock, I let myself go quickly.

I shuddered, seeing the first spray a giant one, shooting out of my cock in his fist up to my chin and all over my chest and abs. He groaned his pleasure, and used his free hand to rub the cum into me as it continued to explode from me, hearing his constant “Oh yeah boy” over and over as he watched me cum.

“You want Daddy’s cum boy?” He teased at me as I was trying to catch my breath and stop shaking in his grip. I folded myself into him, slamming my face into his and kissing him hard.

“Yes please!” I groaned into his mouth as his hands moved to my ass and he lifted me up and down on his cock faster than ever.

“Hold on tight then boy.” He mumbled into my mouth as I grabbed his thick neck and rode him like never before.

He was making me squirm with the feeling of his scratchy Italian stubble on my face. I hissed into his mouth as he roughly bounced me on that thick cock. Our eyes met as he fucked up into me. I saw his eyes close slightly and his lips parted slightly.

“Fuck I am so deep inside you.” He almost quivered a bit as he gently pushed his forehead into mine. “You want my cum boy?”

I nodded. “Yes Daddy.” I moaned. “I’ve wanted it all weekend.” I moaned as his tongue suddenly appeared and licked the bottom of my chin.

“Oh yeah?” He raised an eyebrow at me as he lifted a hand to my throat, pushing his cock into me more. “You’ve been fantasizing about me fucking you?” He gave me a sexy grin and dug two fingers into my mouth as he stared at me.

Our eyes didn’t move from each other’s as a soft breeze blew around us. I watched his face clench as he kept me still, both of us grunting loudly as the sound of him fucking my ass hard filled the silence around us.

I closed my eyes automatically as I felt him pummeling me, sending that feeling of fullness through me. I breathed through it as his breath increased, along with the thrusting of his hips upwards into me. His hand stayed at my throat, like he was holding me in place as I heard him moan out a series of fucks. I grabbed his thick wrist, my fingers not even connecting due to the width of it.

When my eyes opened again, he was grinning at me, watching me, waiting for me to look back into his brown eyes.

“Fuck boy. You feel so fuckin’ good. I think you’ve got Fernando beat.”

I registered this for only a moment as I wrapped my hands around his neck and held him tight. I heard him groan as I tightened my own grip, and felt him pick up the speed even more. I leaned into his lips. “Oh yeah? You fuck your son like this too?” I licked his bottom lip, and then kissed him hard as his own fingers tightened around my neck.

He nodded with a sneer. “Damn straight boy. I’ve been fuckin his ass since he was fifteen. He’s a little cunt. Gets fucked by a lot of guys.” He squinted at me. “You fucked his ass yet?”

I frowned, feeling his fingers slightly tighten around my neck. “No way.”

Dom bit his bottom lip and raised his head, releasing my neck and pushing me backwards again, sliding his big hand down over my chest to my waist. He moaned, and gripped the sides of me and really fucked into me. “What till he sees what a big fuckin’ dick you’ve got.”

He roared out suddenly, hanging on to my waist to pump me faster and harder. I watched his arms and shoulders vein out, his neck thicken as he stared up at me and let his mouth droop open.

“Holy fuck you feel so good.” His eyes narrowed and he pressed his lips tight together, glaring down at me. “I’m going to fill this ass boy!” He suddenly shouted at me, fucking me harder.

I grabbed his shoulders to steady myself against him as the dashboard dug into my back and louder sounds of our bodies smacking together filled the cab.

And then he was grunting, slamming his body into me in a series of breathtaking shoves. I grabbed my cock as I felt my juices rise to the surface again and sure enough, after the fourth or fifth ram into me, I erupted a second load of my own cum straight up into the air where it landed back down on my own cock and abs.

“Oh fuck YES!” He yelled out, slamming his cock deep into me, hearing me grunt loudly as we both unloaded more cum.

We rode out the orgasms together, panting and staring at each other, before he pulled me into his body and curled me into his arms, shoving his tongue back down my throat in a hungry kiss. He held me tight, catching his breath as I caught mine, until I carefully tried to rise myself up off his cock. He watched me lift myself up, his cock still rock hard and leaking his own cum as his eyes glanced down at my body moving off him. He smiled and gave my ass a hard smack and then rubbed his fingers around my gaping hole as I hovered over his thighs.

“What do you say boy?” He suddenly asked me, shoving his fingers into my mouth and making me suck them.

I was confused for a moment, unsure of what he meant. I watched his eyes widen a bit and he glared at me.

“What do you say?” he said a little more firmly and slowly.

“Uh…thank you Daddy?” I panted as he removed his fingers and made sure my ass was not dripping anything else out. He smiled at me, and brought his hand back up to my chin.

“Good boy. You keep my babies in there.” He licked his lips as he played with my hole some more, shoving a finger into me, scooping up what was already dripping out and putting it back into me. “There’s more where that came from.”

He smacked my ass again and then helped me step sideways out of the truck, glancing around to make sure we were still alone. He squeezed his cock and then flung his hand sideways, ridding himself of any excess as I tried to stretch my legs at the side of the truck, hidden by the open door and bent over to pick up my discarded pants and boots. I watched him unfurl himself from the cab and jump from the seat. He bent down and lifted his pants straight up with a hop, and stuffed his still thick cock into his underwear and grinned at me as he reached over me to grab his shirt hanging from the handle of the truck door. With a shake of his head, he rested his ass against the seat as he started to button up his shirt that he had slid back on.

“Seriously boy, I’d fuck you again in a heartbeat.” He grabbed my right pec with his right hand and squeezed. “You’re a solid boy, more muscle than Nando. Mmmm!” He bit his lower lip again and then grabbed my neck and pulled me into his mouth.

It was another hungry kiss, a wide open, tongue stuffing sort of kiss that left me breathless. He pushed me back, still staring at me as if he was trying to decide what to do next. I bent over and hiked up my pants, feeling the stickiness of my own cum and his dripping around my body. I pulled my underwear up tight hoping that would suffice until I got home as I stared at this hunk of a man.

He checked his watch and then looked back over at me with a quick wink. “Just in the nick of time.” He lifted himself off the seat and walked around to the front of the truck, staring at me the entire time till he appeared at the driver’s side again. I followed suit, getting into the passenger seat and closing the door finally as he started the truck.

He put a heavy large hand on my left leg and turned to me. “Whattdya say I pick you up every Monday and fuck you silly somewhere?”

My mouth hung open, wondering if this was a good thing to do or not.

“Mondays I drive Nando to his mom’s, so we could go anywhere afterwards. I’d love to get you on all fours anywhere in my house boy.” He grinned at me, letting his thick tongue emerge and lick his lips as he waited for me to answer.

I shrugged. “Sure. Why not?”

He smacked my leg and put the truck in reverse and spun the tires as we hurled backwards out of the spot and headed back to the shop.

“What about Fernando?”

Dom looked over at me with a frown. “What about him? You want him to join us?”

I shook my head. “No, way. I just don’t want him to know….” I sort of trailed off, not finishing the thought. But before I could clarify, Dom’s big hand squeezed my thigh.

“Don’t worry. He knows.”

I went quiet, wondering what he meant by that exactly. All Dom did was turn to me and smile even wider.

by LittleBuddy

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024