The Silicon Commando

by PCLatex

29 Aug 2022 2003 readers Score 9.4 (28 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The war with the Danogs was not going well for the Earth Security Forces. The enemy had taken several colony worlds, and what little could be discovered of the fate of the human colonists was not encouraging. The Danogs used android fighters and advanced weaponry, and the defence screens they used to defend their vast artificial moon-sized homes deflected or blocked all the Earth Security ships weaponry. Worse, the android ‘soldiers’ and autonomous weapons they deployed in their assaults were very difficult to detect, and then required an enormous amount of fire power to stop.

They were an aggressive humanoid race, a silicone based life form that could pass for human. Physically attractive, they were often described as being Elfin, evoking romantic images of ethereally beautiful and gentle people. In fact the were rapacious, destructive, cruel, incredibly self-centred and enjoyed tormenting those in their power. There was no sense among them of any other species having any equality with them, and it showed in the way the treated every species they had contact with. And then there was their penchant for modifying captives for their sexual pleasures … 

To pass as ‘human’ they required the use of some facial prosthetics to disguise their eyes, and their lack of hair. The sheen of their silicone textured skin was also a giveaway, but easily missed. It had taken humanity a while to realise that the aliens were not ‘benevolent’, instead being predatory in a number of ways, and that they had a range of abilities not widespread among humans. Eventually it had led to conflict, and now to a rather one-sided war, a war fought in the shadows rather than openly. A war which no one had officially declared, and in which humanity seemed to be fighting against itself thanks to the skill of the Danogs in manipulating human populations.

“Commander Coventry?”

“That’s me. Mister?” Commander Niall Coventry, Special Operations Director, Cyberwarfare Unit, Earth Security Forces, studied the tall man in civilian clothes.

“Captain Blewett, Earth Security Forces, Head of Medical Recovery Unit.” Indicating the vacant chair as the commander made to rise, he said, “Don’t stand. May I sit?”

“Of course, sir.” The Commander’s pulse quickened. Was this good news or bad news? Ever since his life partner, Erin Godiva had been taken captive on a secret mission some six months earlier, Niall Coventry had been fearing the worst. His captors had demanded Niall cooperate with them, to obtain his lover’s release.

Commander Coventry’s rank and his role in Earth Security as leader of a cyber unit and member of a rapid deployment commando unit, had been exposed by an unfortunate capture of a courier. That had resulted in his being targeted for capture, and when that failed, in the abduction of his life partner, Erin.

The aliens had demanded he provide them with the secret access codes to Security section’s programs. He’d known this was a risk when he and Erin had ‘married’ and so had Erin. They’d agreed then that whichever one of them might be at risk, the other would do nothing to save him. It was impossible for him to comply, and Erin had managed to convey, in the brief holocall his captors had allowed them, a plea to not betray the Force. It had hardened Niall’s resolve to do everything in his power to defeat this despicable enemy, and he’d thrown himself into learning everything he could about the Danogs, their biology, their culture, their origins, and their technology. 

It had been an intense, almost obsessive pursuit, but he was now one of the few officers in the ES that had as wide and as intimate a grasp of the enemy as the enemy themselves. What he’s learned had made him angry, then even more determined to bring about the Danogs ultimate defeat and humiliation. The Danogs were an enigma, and worse, their history was one of a trail of destruction and misery. Not because they actively killed those they conquered, but because they left a trail of ecological damage wherever they went. They wiped out entire ecosystems in pursuit of minerals or ‘playthings’ to satisfy their lusts — which focused, for humans, on sexual pleasure.

“Is this about Erin, sir?”

“Yes.” The Captain signalled he had more. “The good news is that we have recovered him and a number of others they’d taken, and we have taken out the human cell responsible for his abduction, and hopefully shut down their operation — at least on Earth. The bad news is that they have subjected him to their biological and psychological modification process — and taken it to a level we’ve seen only in a very few subjects. He’s been given features and modifications that will make any sort of ‘normal’ relationship impossible for him I’m afraid. We can reverse the psychological program, but the biological aspect is permanent.”

“I don’t care, you’ve got him back. That’s all that matters!” The commander’s relief was tangible. “Where is he? When can I see him?”

“He’s in our debriefing facility for the moment.” The captain paused. “The Danog never intended to release him, even if you had complied with their demand.” Watching the commander he asked. “How do you feel about fetish sex?”

“Fetish sex? We quite enjoyed a little bondage and we both find latex enhances our relationship.” Niall asked, his mind reviewing what he knew about the sexual tastes of the hermaphrodite Danog. “What have they done to him?”

“They put him through their siliconisation process, and programmed him to serve in their ‘recreation unit’.” He paused again, watching the commander. “He has several physical modifications as well as the biological change. He’s been modified to serve their sexual tastes and needs — which, you already know, are best described as extreme fetish and intense sexual stimulation and pleasure. It will be a few weeks before we can allow you to take him home, and even then he will be unable to live any sort of normal life. At present he is little more than a rubberised sex mannequin — a living sex doll. He is latex skinned from head to foot — the result of the siliconisation — and his sexual organs have been heavily modified. Even when he’s deprogrammed he will have a libido completely beyond even the most insatiable human sexual appetite.”

“Captain, with all due respect, he’s my life partner. My lover …” Niall swallowed, considering what had just been said. “He’s the love of my life. If what you say is true, I’ll find a way to deal with it. I want to see him immediately. I want to hold him, to help him while he’s deprogrammed, to be with him … The fetish I can live with, as I said, we both used to enjoy a bit of bondage and latex gear.” Holding the captain’s gaze, he said, “Dammit, sir, I insist on seeing him immediately.”

“Very well.” The captain smiled. “We thought you might. I have to warn you though, that any physical contact triggers his libido and causes arousal. The doctors hoped you would want to see him, given the depth of your knowledge of the Danog, you will know what the programming will have done to him. It will be very good for both of you if we deprogram him with your assistance. Very well Commander. I’ll wait while you pack.”

Niall Coventry stared at the shiny black silicone rubber statue secured to the examination table. The heavy restraints secured the figure’s legs arms and torso to the table and a U-piece held the neck. The face beneath the shiny, jet black, silicone was exactly as he remembered Erin, but the musculature of his limbs and torso seemed more defined, his head hairless and his genitals enlarged. He now sported a thicker, longer penis and huge scrotum. Erin’s penis, circumcised and always beautiful, was now about nine inches in length, almost double its former size. It lay curved over a large and firmly globular scrotum, its ‘head’ large and shapely. He moved slowly closer, taking in the enlarged and defined nipples, and noting that his lover’s lips appeared fuller, certainly ‘plumper’, than he recalled. 

“As you can see, he’s fully rubberised, and his genitals have been modified.” The doctor indicated Erin’s body. “He now has this silicone based rubber skin, and it lines his mouth and his anus. There are a few other features there as well, such as short protrusions lining his mouth and his anus, and he no longer has teeth and his tongue is longer and prehensile.”

“Fuck, they really modified him. Bastards.” Niall stared at his friends face, realising in shock that Erin’s eyes appeared to be open, but were covered, like the rest of him, by the same shiny black silicon rubber. “His eyes are covered! Can he see anything? Is he now permanently blind?”

“No, he can see, in fact into a light frequency range we can’t at both ends of the spectrum. Behind that film of latex his eyes are now compound — multi-lensed — and he has a much wider angle of vision, and, from our tests, is able to focus down to very small detail at distances up to three or four metres.” The doctor smiled. “Actually, some of the modifications are, according to some of the guys we’ve treated before, decidedly beneficial, certainly enjoyable.”

“Is he conscious now? Can he hear us?”

“He’s aware.” The doctor smiled. “And he can hear you, but he’s still programmed to be a sex toy.” He indicated the restraints. “Try a small test. Take his hand and speak to him. Tell him you’re here …”

“Erin, can you hear me?” Niall took his lover’s modified hand slightly surprised to discover that the fingers were longer and slimmer. The under side of the fingers now in contact with his, were delicately textured with what felt like small suckers. “I’m here, my love, and I love you. We’re going to get through this together.”

He felt the fingers tighten slightly in his, and the lips moved into a sort of smile. A black, rubber tongue with short hair-like protrusions extended and brushed the lips. “Pleasure Unit forty-six ready for use, Master.”

The voice was definitely Erin’s, but appeared to have a slight lisp.

Before Niall could respond, the doctor signalled. He glanced in the direction indicated and gasped. Erin’s penis was now rigid, pointed toward the ceiling. It had lengthened a little, the head now gleamed and flared, and the shaft was rigid.

“I should tell you that in this aroused state his entire body is as sensitive as the head of his glans, though it seems they have enhanced certain key areas, such as his nipples, and the glans itself, making them extremely sensitive. Oh, and he can have multiple ejaculations, but only when ordered to do so.” The doctor shrugged. “We can remove the sex toy program, but the biological and physical changes can’t be reversed.”

“Are all the guys the Danog modify like this?”

“Not to the same extent.” The doctor frowned. “Your partner seems to have had everything they could think of done to him. You saw his tongue? The whole inside of his mouth is like that, and so is his anus. Most of their victims end up with the enlarged genitals, the rubber skin, the modified mouth, a changed biology and a modification to the anus, but with Lt Godiva-Coventry they’ve gone a lot further. You’ve noticed his hands are modified? The ‘texture’ you feel gives him the ability to excite his partner’s penis. A few of those we rescued are like this, but they are apparently selected for special services or for high ranking Danog officials personal use.” He indicated the rigid erection between them. “I suggest you make use of that. I’ll leave you alone to talk to him, and I suggest you do talk. Tell him how you feel about him. Don’t release him please, as it will over stimulate him. See what using his features does to him, and talk to him about it.” He smiled. “He needs to know what you really feel about his new state. More than any thing he’s going to need your support as we deprogram him, and this is a very good way to start the process.”

“But he’s still …”

“Yes.” The doctor smiled. “We’ve started the process, and though he’s still responding as the sex toy they made him, he’s aware of who he was, and who you are.” He moved toward the door. “No one will disturb you. When you’re ready, simply press this pad at the door, and I’ll let you out.”

“Erin, I love you. Do you want me to use you like this?” Niall watched his lover for a response. “Can he speak?”

“Yes, but it appears you have to order him to do so. Use the number they assigned him, Unit Forty-six, he won’t respond to his name.”

“Unit forty-six, reply. Do you wish me to make love to you?”

“Yes, Master. Please use your toy for your pleasure.” The lisp was slightly more noticeable, and when the rubbered mouth opened to extend the long pointed tongue, Niall saw the absence of any teeth at the front of his lover’s mouth.

“No, Erin — Unit Forty-six — I will use you for your pleasure.” Niall kissed the rubber lips, surprised by having Erin’s modified tongue immediately slip into his mouth and engage his own tongue. He enjoyed it for a moment, then gently broke the kiss. “I love you and want you to enjoy this …”

“I’ll leave you with him.” The doctor opened the door. “There are no cameras active, you are entirely private here.”

As the door shut, Niall began to strip. “Erin — Unit Forty-six — I know you can hear me, and I know you understand me, so I’m going to make love to you in a way I hope will show how much you mean to me.” He folded his clothes and moved to stand next to his lover, searching his memory for Erin’s favourite sexual activity. “Forty-six, tell me how you would like me to use you.”

The strange black tongue caressed the lips again. “Feed me your penis, Master. Fuck my face and allow me to enjoy your cum, then my Master can enjoy my organ as he has always liked to do.”

“Erin, I love you,” breathed Niall. “Now I know we will beat this, and I love you as are, my shiny rubber mannequin.” Climbing onto the examination table, he straddled his partner’s chest, then leaned forward. “Open those gorgeous lips, my love, and let me in.”

The sensation was unbelievably intense. Niall had to fight to contain his ejaculation, but couldn’t hold back for long. The sensations Erin’s modified tongue and oral lining produced in his glans were beyond anything he’d ever experienced. He shot his load all too soon, and when he’d got his breath back, he changed position, and gave his attention to giving Erin the same pleasure.

It took a long time, but from the shudders and the moans it produced, Niall knew he was getting it right. But why couldn’t he get Erin to ejaculate? Then it hit him — because he’d not been ordered to do so.

“Unit Forty-six,” Niall ordered. “You are to release your cum. You are to ejaculate as many times as you can while I enjoy your penis!”

“Yeth, Mathter.”

Niall engulfed his lover’s glans with his mouth and almost immediately Erin erupted. Greedily Niall sucked down the delicious cream, and was rewarded by a further eruption even larger than the first. After four more, he released the still spurting cock, quickly mounted the table, positioned himself, enjoying the spray of warm cum now coating his butt, gripped the rigid shaft, and pushed his anal sphincter firmly against the big head. He felt it enter, he felt the warm gush of spunk, shortly followed by several more, and rode the rigid organ until his own cock erupted in sympathy.

“Unit Forty-Six, stop your ejaculations.” 

“Yeth, Mathter.” 

Niall felt the tremble that told him his lover was still experiencing orgasmic stimulation, and carefully removed himself. Then he bent down and kissed Erin tenderly on the lips. “Did you experience pleasure, beloved, Erin? Forty-Six?”

“Thankth …” Erin whispered, and Niall kissed him again, his heart leaping as he heard the almost inaudible, “Darling Niall.”

“Your session with Erin certainly helped him, Commander. He’s much more receptive to the deprogramming now.” The surgeon-captain had told Niall following an early session. Now, several weeks later, Niall visited Erin twice a day to give him sexual release.

It had been a long six weeks of daily visits, and learning how to cope with his partner’s nutritional needs, the special living arrangements he would need and, of course, his sexual requirements. This last had been Niall’s most rewarding part, a twice daily multi-dose of Erin’s very large cum shots. 

Slipping on the latex shorts he now needed to wear almost permanently thanks to the amount of cum Erin always filled him with, Niall grinned down at his restrained lover. “I leak your cum for an hour or so after these sessions, beloved.” Bending down he kissed the latex lips and accepted the tongue that penetrated his mouth. “If I don’t wear these shorts, I wind up with my pants showing off the wet spot.”

“Thorry, my love, but you always tell me to give you a good dose …”

“Yes, goof, and I love it.” Niall finished dressing. “I can’t wait to get you home so I can look after you properly.” He said this knowing that Erin still had a lot of adjustment needed, and their home required a lot of adaptation as well.

Erin could no longer eat human food, or consume it the way a human did. Three times a day he had to use a ‘nutrition’ unit which fed him a sort of puree, fluids and some sort of supplement. At the same time he needed a special plug inserted into his anal opening which emptied his ‘waste’, cleansed his anal cavities and dosed him with a special gel.

Since his new latex ‘skin’ also functioned sexually, he needed special seating and sleeping arrangements. Prolonged skin contact induced a strong sexual response, but their regular sexual contact had been, for Niall, fabulous and had started him considering his own options. He couldn’t stand the thought of not being able to share Erin’s life in full — just as Erin experienced it.

Niall went in search of his Captain, Head of Cyber Defence, with a major question on his mind. By coincidence, the Captain wanted to see him and had sent an orderly to make sure he did.

“Commander, the good news is that your partner is making remarkable progress, I’m told, thanks, in no small part, to your support.”

“Great to hear. But I’m not doing any more than he would do for me, sir.” Niall hesitated, considering how to frame his next question, aware that he was still leaking cum from the treble dose of cum Erin had given him the evening before. “When he was recovered, did the captured base include the technology they used to do this to him and the others?”

“As a matter of fact, yes.” The Captain wondered what his visitor was leading up to asking. “You have something in mind?”

“I think so.” Niall paused. “I need to think it through thoroughly, but I’ve been debriefing some of the other victims and think we may be able to form a special unit with them to infiltrate the Donag bases and take them down from within.” He smiled. “It would, however, need us to create some more ‘Trojans’ using the tech. One thing I’ve learned from the guys is that they can now see a nine colour spectrum — from low infrared right through to ultraviolet — and do so selectively.”

“Yes, that is correct, despite appearances their vision is far more acute than any human is usually.” The Captain paused. “When you say you want to form a special unit with these fellows — what have you in mind?”

“All volunteers, sir. The idea is that we would be infiltrated into a Danog base and then disrupt their control and defence systems by planting a disruption program.” Niall paused. “The difficult bit is delivering the program. It can’t be done from anywhere outside their spheres, but I think I already have a solution for that.” 

 “Okay, I think you may have something there. Did I hear you correctly? You are saying you would be one of the volunteers?”

“Yes, sir.” Niall smiled. “I’d need to undergo the full process, of course, but I think most of the recovered guys have partners who will be more than willing to join as well. Only two of the guys we got back weren’t ESF or ESF Special Forces like Erin.”

“I’ll want to talk this over with the medics and my superiors, but it certainly sounds as if it has potential. Give me a full work up of your idea and I’ll take it higher. I’ll also discuss the concept with some of the recovered people and get their feelings on ‘going back’ without the programming.” The Captain stood. “You planning to visit Lt Godiva-Coventry?”

“I planned to do that immediately we’d finished, sir.”

“Good. Then I won’t keep you. He’s in a new suite. His deprogramming is almost complete. He’ll be delighted to see you I should think.”

“Niall!” Erin leapt to his feet, his magnificent penis immediately rigid. “I hope you’re here for more than just a look …”

“I’m here for whatever you want to do, my darling.” Niall admired the magnificent jet-black latex figure of his lover and partner. “You look absolutely stunning, and you sound so much better …” They folded each other into an embrace, their mouths meeting and Erin’s modified tongue entering Niall’s mouth. “Mmm, from the feel of it, my love, I’d better get rid of the uniform and let you show me what you want to do with me …”

“I’ll help you, my love, and then I’m going to show you just how much pleasure I can give you …” Erin began to undress him, adding, “My darling, you have no idea what your support means to me …”

“I think I do, my love, but, if my proposal to the Captain is approved, I’m going to need your support, and then some …”

Niall surrendered to his siliconised latex mannequin lover, allowing himself be shown just what Erin’s modified fingers, tongue and cock could do to stimulate him, hold him in sexual ecstasy and feed him as much of his delicious cum as he desired …

Finally sated, he lay cradled in his lover’s smooth latex arms, savouring the feel of his lover’s cum filling his anus, and the lingering taste in his mouth, as he let the hormonal surge subside slowly. “Thank you, beloved,” he murmured, revelling in the feel and scent of his lover’s latex skin. “I just hope that the pleasure was not mine alone and that you …”

“Don’t, my love.” Erin kissed his cheek. “I got all I wanted, and holding you like this is almost as good as still giving you sex. I got everything I wanted in giving you as much pleasure as I could. As much pleasure as I have been modified to give to my lover.”

Niall turned in Erin’s arm. “And it was indescribable. But I have to know, Erin. Is it really as enjoyable for you as it is for me? What is it like for you? Do you feel the same level of pleasure?”

“It’s great, I promise you.” Erin chuckled. “You’d be amazed, Niall, really amazed. Look closely at the tips of my fingers. See these raised ringlets? When I stroke you with them, it sends signals straight to my cock, my nipples and my balls that prepare them to be enjoyed. It’s the same with my tongue and the lining of my mouth. When your cock is in my mouth my cock feels the sensations you create, and which match what you feel. It’s the same with my butt — when you fuck me my cock gets the same sensations you experience.” He grinned. “And each time you cum in my fuck hole or in my mouth it feeds my libido in ways you can’t imagine.” 

“But doesn’t that make you …”

“No. Only having my cock inside you can trigger my cum, and even that I can control — even deprogrammed — until my lover asks for me to release it.” Reaching across, he pulled Niall onto his chest, and held him close. “And best of all, I can raise it or relax it at will.” Their mouths met in a long kiss. “I’m a sex machine, Niall. So, yes, making love to you is good, is enjoyable, is what I want, and yes, it certainly does give me a hell of a lot of pleasure — but we both have to accept that for the rest of my life this is what I am — a living, rubberised, alien sex toy.” He paused. “And I would understand if you wanted to end our partnership …”

“What? No way!” Niall rolled free and sat up. “Where the hell did that come from? We’re married. I love you, and I swore to love and care for you no matter what happened …”

“I know, my love.” Erin placed and finger on Niall’s lips. “But you, we, never anticipated this!”

“So what? I’ve got you back, and what’s more I’ve got back the bravest, most amazing man I could ever have wished for.”

“Yes, but look at me, Niall. Look carefully. I’m not a ‘man’ — yes, I’m male — but I’m not human, I’m something else. Something no longer quite human, but not Danog either. Something with a latex skin, created to be a sexual plaything for a weird bunch of aliens who took a perverse delight in giving me anatomical features that made me different even to the other guys they modified.” Erin reached out and took his partner’s hand. “I’m not really much good now for anything else.”

“Rubbish!” Niall hesitated, thinking of his idea. “Look, I’ve got an idea kicking around in my head. I’ve got to thrash out the details, and the Captain says he’ll support it if I get the details sorted … It’s crazy, but I want to put together a special ops unit of volunteers from the guys we rescued, you, if you want to, myself and a few others willing to volunteer to go through this process, so we can be infiltrated into Danog bases and take them down from the inside …”

Erin fixed his latex covered gaze on his lover. “You want to be like this? That’s crazy. Absolutely mad. You don’t know what you’re even suggesting …” He laughed, and pulled Niall into a hug. “But, I like it! I’ll help you draw up the proposal and,” he grinned, “do I get to set the parameters for your conversion?”

“Yes,” Niall grinned. “But only if you do to me exactly what the Danog have done to you. Deal?”

“Deal.” Erin reached for Niall’s hands. “And now, my love, this sex toy wants your gorgeous organ pumping its man pussy. Take me face to face …”

Niall grinned. “With pleasure. But then my sex toy lover is going to give me a big dose of his cum in my man hole, another in my mouth, and then coat me in as much of his cum as he can …”

“Your proposal is approved, Commander.” The Captain handed Niall the signed order. “It seems that all the chaps we retrieved have volunteered, and some twenty more have come forward willing to be put through the process to join the squad. You are to take command as soon as your conversion is complete. In the meantime Lt Godiva-Coventry will start the preparations for training and get the unit organisation started.”

“Yes, sir. We’ve had to do a lot of screening.” Niall smiled. “Erin has been a huge help in preparing the proposal and in getting the others on board with it.” Glancing at the order in his hand. “Immediate? Oh.” He laughed. “Right, if that is all, sir, I’ll report immediately to the conversion unit. From what the others tell me the preparation is the worst bit, after that it’s something of a wild ride …”

“Enjoy it, Niall.” The Captain smiled. “I’ll send Erin down to the room they’ve set up for the  converter. I believe he’s going to program your conversion?”

“Yes, sir.” Niall stood and saluted. “He knows how the thing is programmed to do certain modifications and I want to have exactly the same features he has, sir. There are four more guys with very similar features, so we’ll be the core team.”

“Good for you.” The Captain pressed his communicator. “Lieutenant, you’re to report to the converter room. Commander Coventry is on his way.” He smiled at the response and released the link. “See you in your new form in six weeks, Commander.” 

Niall had to admit that the process was difficult, uncomfortable, sometimes painful, disturbing, and very stressful. At times he wanted to beg them to stop. To end the torment and let him out. He could do nothing. Needles in his arms and legs connected him to replacement fluids designed to change his biometry, forms in his mouth and anus kept him connected to a constant trickle of nutrients, oxygen, and fluids and dealt with his excretions. Mixed with these were the monitoring probes, and some ‘contacts’ whose purpose seemed to be to administer electric shocks at intervals. His musculature seemed to have taken on a life of its own, as they adjusted, developed, and he knew his sexual organs had altered. 

He could at times hear Erin speaking to him, encouraging him and assuring him all was well even as he desperately wanted to ask why his vision had changed. First it blurred, then it ‘shattered’ into multiple images, and then, slowly, became incredibly focused and everything he could see from his all encasing prison came into sharp detail — so clear he could almost see tiny flaws in the laboratory walls some six metres away.

Time had become meaningless, so it came as something of a surprise to realise he was being released. All the attachments removed and all the inserts and tubes detached. 

Niall felt himself lifted, then moved to a reclined chair, and strapped firmly to it. He tried to speak, but his mouth seemed different, his tongue prehensile, and his words became mere grunts and noises. Erin, moved to stand at his side, taking his hand.

“Don’t struggle, beloved. You look magnificent — you are magnificent — but you need to first get used to how your body feels and reacts to any stimulus.” Bending down, Erin kissed him on the lips, then gently extended his tongue to explore his lover’s modified mouth. “Did that feel good, beloved?”

“Yeth …” Niall retracted his tongue and sighed deeply. “I feel … amazing … what do I look like?”

“Amazing.” Erin laughed softly. “What you look like, my beloved, is the most desirable sexual mannequin anyone could wish for. The Donag’s will be all over you once we put your plan into action.” Stroking his friend’s rubberised body, he traced the chiselled musculature on display, gently stimulated the enlarged nipples, and trailed his fingers down to where his lover’s enlarged and modified penis stood rigid. “I’ll adjust the seat for you, so you can look at yourself in the overhead mirror.”

The seat tilted, and Niall focused on the image. “Ith that me?”

“That’s you, beloved. All you.”

Niall stared at the mirror above him, noting the chiselled musculature of his body, each muscle clearly defined beneath the shiny black of his latex skin. His nipples were huge, like Erin’s, the ‘teats’ thick and prominent, and in his crotch his perfectly formed penis stood rigid. Ten inches in length and around three inches in thickness, the ‘head’ was large and flared magnificently, while his scrotum was now the size of a large orange, the latex skin dimpled in the same manner. It rested on his thighs, but gave no indication of ‘hanging’ free in any other position.

“You wanted to be given the same enhancements I have, so we gave them to you.” Erin moved into his view again. “I can tell you that you not only look amazing, but you are. The med team are really pleased at how you’ve responded, and the next two candidates are entering the process right now.” He grinned. “Now, my darling, what do you want to try first? You’ve got a lot to learn about control of that magnificent organ you’re showing off …”

“Then thtart teaching me, my love. Show me what it is like to have someone enjoy my thexual optionth …” He grinned, and flicked out his modified tongue. “Feed me your cock, my love, I know you love that, and I need a dothe of your cum …”

“My pleasure, beloved.” Erin adjusted the seat, lowering it so he could stand astride Niall’s shoulders, his nine inch member rigid and ready to fill his lover’s mouth. “Take it slowly and gently, remember you will feel the same stimulation you’re giving me …” 

Niall opened his mouth, extending his tongue, and used the pointed tip to caress the rim of his friend’s flared glans, then realised that he could extend it further, just enough to grasp the shaft and draw that magnificent organ into his mouth. The sensations its entry provoked in the sensitive membranes in his mouth sent an electric sensation to his nipples. He felt these stiffen, the nubs hardening and extending, and then it reached his own penis, and he felt his huge scrotum tightening — but something else. Something inside his scrotum tightened, and he realised that until it was released ejaculation would be impossible.

He concentrated on giving Erin the best possible pleasure he could using his modified mouth organs, gradually becoming aware that, like Erin, he now lacked teeth in the proper sense. There were only ridges on either side of his upper and lower jaws, and nothing at all at the front. He learned the art of using his incredible tongue quickly, and used it to pull more of the delicious organ into his orifice, revelling in the sensations this produced in his own body. He discovered that the side ‘ridges’ in his mouth could be used in unique ways to increase the stimulation he was giving and getting and enjoyed his lover’s responses and the feel of those modified fingers as Erin gripped his head …

“Ready, beloved?” moaned, Erin. “I’m going to reward you …”

Niall sucked greedily as his lover’s spunk erupted. He made sure to swallow every drop and wrapped his tongue round the shaft to prevent withdrawal, then tease the sensitised glans further. As his lover’s cum filled him he felt his libido surge. Suddenly every sense soared to a new heightened state. His body tingled, his nipples became rigid, every movement in his muscles sending a wave of pleasure ripping through them.

“Greedy, my love?” Erin smiled down at him. “Yes, we can ejaculate multiple times.” He shuddered as he released a second load. “Feeling the supercharge cum gives you now?” He watched as Niall swallowed it, and then shot a third load. “And now it’s time to teach you how to use your organ.” 

Erin changed position and adjusted the chair again, then applied his mouth to Niall’s rigid organ. With practiced skill, he worked to bring his lover to a fever pitch of desire, and Niall found himself frustrated as some internal mechanism in his scrotum refused to release his cum. He experienced repeated orgasmic climaxes, but could not ejaculate. Bringing his friend to yet another orgasmic climax, Erin removed his mouth and smiled. “Can’t ejaculate, beloved? Do you want to?”

“Pleathe!” Gasped Niall. The sexual sensations surging through his body made thinking difficult.

“Okay.” Erin gently played with his lover’s rigid organ. “Now do as I tell you. Focus your mind on the feeling in your balls. Feel the sensation there’s something strapped tight around the connection to your muscle?”


“Good. Now mentally undo it, and when I start to enjoy your gorgeous organ, release your cum … and when you want it to stop, simply tighten that ‘band’ again …” He applied his mouth to his friend’s beautiful glans, and a few seconds later, Niall moaned and his cock erupted. Erin swallowed greedily, working his lover’s cock, enjoying each fresh ejaculation until finally it stopped.

Standing, Erin grinned, his prehensile tongue licking the last traces of Niall’s multiple ejaculations from his lips.

“Here ends that lesson, beloved.” Erin laughed. “Next lesson; focus on your cock, and relax it, fold it down over your scrotum.” He watched Niall struggle to focus. “Take your time, beloved. It’s a muscle with a stiffening of a type of cartilage and the ability to hold the muscles rigid. It isn’t like a human organ anymore, erected by filling with blood, so just fold it … That’s the way. See I knew you’d learn fast!”

“Tho, if I want to cum, I have to release a muscle?”

“More a sort of valve. If you were programmed as I was that could only be done by whoever was enjoying me.” Erin grinned. “And the bastards used to deliberately withhold the release — sometimes for days.” 

“Bastards …”

“Yup.” Erin put a hand on his lover’s knee. “Next lesson. Raise your member, close the ejaculation valve.”

He watched as Niall’s penis rose majestically into the rigid position and checked it was now rigid.

“Good. Valve closed, love?”

“I think tho …”

“Good, now, my dear you’re going to be the dildo in my butt. Remember that my butt is now modified, like yours, and it’s like our mouths … “ He straddled his friend’s waist. “Ready? Now just remember, you control your ejaculations. Keep that valve closed as long as you like …” He grinned. “Than let me have everything you’ve got.”

Sinking slowly onto the rigid penis, Erin eased it inside him watching his companion’s reactions and enjoying his own …

“Oh! Oh yes, oh, Niall! You’ve no idea how I’ve longed for this moment …” he murmured to himself as he set his anal muscles in motion and enjoyed Niall’s response.

“Welcome back, Commander.” The Captain smiled as he studied the shiny rubber mannequin standing before him. The chiseled musculature gleamed as his eyes were drawn down to the huge steel codpiece that covered Niall’s ten inch organ and massive balls. “You’ve adapted magnificently they tell me.”

“Thank you, sir.” Niall had mastered his tongue sufficiently to minimise the lisp it caused. “It was tough adjusting at times, but well worth it.”

“So it seems. You’ve no regrets putting yourself through this?” He paused. “I have to ask. Is that thing a sort of chastity belt?”

“Chastity ..?” Niall smiled. “Oh no, sir. It does somewhat restrain us, but it’s mainly to protect the assets as it were, and to reduce the distraction we have caused, sir.” He hesitated. “Regret doing this? Absolutely not, sir. I have the most incredible vision now, incredible hearing and, of course …” He gestured at the steel codpiece.

“Ah, of course. I can understand that a lot of people would find your, ah, anatomical features distracting. Wouldn’t simply wearing a uniform suffice?”

“Afraid not, sir.” Niall hesitated. “Any light touch or brushing on our skin is arousing, but more importantly, we simply cannot wear anything that is not silicone based, sir. The Danogs engineered it this way so that their ‘toys’ could be kept in a state of permanent arousal.” He shrugged. “Skin contact, for us, is almost akin to having the sensitised skin of any non-converts glans stimulated, sir. We tried wearing a silicone based ‘suit’ …” He grinned. “It was, I think, best described as intensely erotic.”

“I see.” The captain leaned back. “Won’t this hinder your operations?”

“We think not, sir. We’ve been working on our tactics, and think we now have sufficient control to pull it off.” Niall paused. “We’re in the process of setting up our first operation, sir. We have a trader we use on other covert insertions, and know we can trust him.. It will be difficult, especially for those of us who have not actually been held in one of these Danog ‘recreation’ centres, so the team is made up of three who have and myself and two others who haven’t. Once we’re in we’ll have the chance to upload the disruption codes into the Danog system and we can then keep them distracted while our people strike.” Niall paused. “It’s strange, sir, but they seem to rely entirely on a weapons screen and androids for defence as well as attack. Once those are disrupted …”

“Excellent.” The captain frowned. “I don’t have to remind you how important this is to Earth Security. We have a real possibility of the Danog enslaving humanity unless we can find a way to stop their stealthy take over of colonies, stations and remote communities.” Rubbing his chin he mused, “We still don’t understand why they select only young men and turn you into these … sex mannequins and simply force the rest of the populace to produce the silicon based stuff they need. It doesn’t make a lot of sense. After all they can’t live on the worlds they’ve taken, or on any of the stations and satellites other than their own, but their activities invariably degrade everything to the point our people can’t survive on, or in, them either.”

“We know, sir.” Niall gathered his holdall. He was well aware that approval for this operation had been given only because the politicians, Command and everyone else had run out of options. This was humanity’s last chance to defeat the Danog and save both the human race and their worlds. The irony was not lost on him that the survival of the human race now depended on a group of men some prominent people in government, the media and other public offices regularly reviled as ‘freaks’, deviants or sexual predators now depended on a small group of men now the ultimate in sexual deviant form who could, if they succeeded, never themselves enjoy the freedom they would win for everyone else. “We will do our utmost to succeed, sir.”

“I know you will, Niall. I can only admire you and your team — especially in view of the attitudes in a lot of the societies you fellows will protect if you succeed.” The Captain stood and extended his hand, remembering just in time the effect of skin-to-skin contact on the converted men. “We will do our utmost to retrieve every last one of you as well as soon as we get the retrieval code.”

The plan was a simple one. Niall’s cyber squad had identified a weakness in the Danog defence screens, and their android defenders, but it could only be exploited from inside the screen. So the ‘Latex Commando’ as they’d dubbed themselves were to be delivered as replacement sex toys to the huge artificial moon that was home to the Danog people. Once delivered, they would be able to activate the tiny chips concealed in their nipples, and these would access the Danog systems, and allow the download of the program to shut down the defences to allow a full Earth Security assault.

“Here we go, dearest,” Erin mouthed to Niall, secured opposite him, as he felt the container he, Niall and the other four Danog sex toys were confined within shudder as it was lifted. “Remember everyone, they will use us as if we’re programmed. Remember to respond exactly as we trained you. From here on, we run only on program, no matter what happens.” 

“You’ve all got your instructions, clear? Good. Erin and I will probably get the most use, but you never know. We’ve four days for the codes to take effect. We don’t have to be anywhere close to a system node for the chips to work, but it would help if we are in a command area. Take no chances, guys.” He grinned at Erin. “And enjoy the sex!”

The container stopped moving, then opened as all six mannequins went into the posture for ‘standby’ mode. A Danog ‘Master Recreator’ stepped into the confined space between their individual pods. In his own language he said, “Excellent! Yes, six prime replacements. Unload them and place them on display in the lobby. Make sure they are connected to the command system, and then prime them and give them nutrition.”

More Danogs appeared with several unmodified humans, and began the process of moving the individual confinement transport units out of the container. Niall watched Erin’s vanish into the main structure and prepared himself for what he knew would be a very demanding time until they could be retrieved. The Danog leader was suddenly in front of him. 

“Take this one to the Command levels. To the Governor’s suite. The Governor and his companions will be there in an hour. He wanted something new and different — this one will suit him. It has all the enhancements.” The hand gripped Nialll’s folded down organ. “Unit Eleven, prepare for sexual use.”

Obediently, Niall raised his penis into the rigid position and stiffened it. 

“Excellent response.” The Danog Recreation Master inspected Niall carefully, testing his responses, demanded verbal responses to direct questions, and even tried throwing in questions a Pleasure Unit was programmed not to answer. Niall managed to identify these and simply returned a standard ‘not understood’ as Erin had coached him to do. Satisfied, the Danog, ordered, “Lower your sex organ and extend your tongue, Unit Eleven.”

Niall did so, and submitted to a thorough examination his oral cavity, the Master taking perverse pleasure in causing him to be stimulated by the examination. He couldn’t believe his luck. The Command levels of this vast artificial moon would put him right at the perfect point for his chips to download into the station’s systems and embed themselves, ready for the ES to access and disable the station’s defences. Even better, his being in an enhanced state of sexual arousal would guarantee the download. Now all he had to do was maintain his ‘program’ act.

The journey, in his transport frame, took him through some of the more public parts of the giant station. He drew a lot of attention, with his human attendants cheerfully joking about how his modifications for giving sexual gratification would, they thought, be enjoyed by anyone wanting to hire him from the Recreation Centre. Two of the humans took delight in fondling his folded penis, and one in exploring his modified anus as they moved him. He caught sight of several more of his team being taken along other routes, and hoped they’d all be recovered once this was over. His heart skipped when he saw Erin also heading for the Command levels. The more widely dispersed they were the better for the plan, but that made recovering them all more difficult as well in a place as vast as this. 

Delivered to the large and luxurious suite, Niall had some idea of what to expect, and wasn’t surprised to have his butt plugged by a rigid insert, and another inserted into his mouth. He’d glimpsed a range of bondage and restraint furnishings and guessed the Governor intended to make use of these on him. Orally he accepted the nutrient gel he was now fed, while his anal opening was filled with another that he quickly realised caused his sexual desires to surge. His huge nipples tingled. So, the chips must have linked to the system. He allowed himself to relax. Whatever happened to him now, the Danog system was already being compromised. 

“Yes, Eleven, you’ll be very busy for the next several hours. The Governor and his companions will make good use of you.” He removed the oral and anal inserts, checked Niall’s restraints, and prepared to leave. “Oh yes, you’ll be a real money spinner here, Eleven. Make sure you give the Governor and his friends full satisfaction now or I’ll have to have you corrected — and you won’t enjoy that …”

Niall watched the alien leave. He could work out some of what he faced, and he’d made sure he and his companions had studied Danog anatomy, and everything they could regarding their sexual tastes — especially how they liked to use their siliconised human sex toys. Being hermaphrodites, the Danog possessed both sets of sex organs, and carried fertilised embryos in a sort of pouch until it could be transferred to an incubation unit. Most Danog preferred to use only their male organs for sexual enjoyment, but some enjoyed using both — and they particularly enjoyed sending their toys into sexually induced trances over and above their programming and then denying them any sexual climax. But he knew there was always room for something they’d not known, tried, or experienced … He schooled himself into ‘programmed’ mode as the door opened and three obviously high-ranking Danogs entered. He triggered his ‘ready mode’, raising his magnificently sculpted organ, tightened his scrotal ‘valve’ and waited.

“Ah, as usual Xanph has chosen a perfect specimen for our pleasure, my friends.” The leading Danog stopped in front of Niall. “Oh yes. Perfect. Let it remain here while we prepare to enjoy it.” The alien’s hand fondled Niall’s erect phallus, making him glad he’d trained not to react to the exquisite sensations this produced. “Yes, it is as I requested. A large pleasure organ. Good and firm, and very sensitive.” The black eyes bored into Niall’s. “And a fully loaded scrotum.” He smiled coldly. “You will beg for relief of your arousal, Eleven, and we will ensure that you reach levels of arousal your human system can barely survive.” 

‘How the hell does he know?’ Niall thought. ‘Of course, what he feels in his hand is a mirror of what I’m feeling … oh shit.’

The trio moved away out of his sight and he heard them shedding their garments, then something else. What were they preparing for him? He wasn’t kept long in suspense. Someone released the restraints holding him in the transport frame, and he stepped free of it when ordered to do so. The figure that now stepped into view wore a shiny latex suit, its strange alien penis extended, but now Niall focused his multi lensed eyes, he saw the textured surface of the suit.

“Bring it to the fucking couch, Txlyd. Make sure it feels your suit on its skin.”

“As you order, Gryxl.” The figure moved close and gripped Niall from behind, wrapping its long thin arms round him, and placing its open hands over his nipples. 

Niall felt the surge of sensation as his skin responded to the contact with the cunningly textured surface of the Danog’s suit. With a massive effort of concentration, he forced himself into a detachment of his ‘mind’, and, as he’d spent so many hours practicing with Erin and the others, let his body follow its own responses. Carefully he focussed his conscious thoughts on Erin, wondering where he was, and what he was enduring. 

His users were certainly creative. He’d been fucked multiple times, he’d had his organ used orally, anally and mechanically. He was also aware that there had been several changes to the people enjoying him over the very extended period broken only by his being ‘cleansed’ and ‘nutritioned’. He’d not been authorised to release his cum, and the state of arousal his body was enduring had reached the point of being barely functional for anything other than sex. It was in this state that he became aware of a change around him. They were in the process of preparing to release him from one of the restraint units to transfer him to another, when an alarm sounded.

The Danogs present left him, and hurried out. Shortly afterward two worried looking humans in Danog uniforms hurried in, and prepared to put him back into his transport frame.

“The bloody ES commandoes have managed to get in past the defences somehow, and His Eminence wants this toy taken to his escape yacht. He’s shitting himself — they can’t work out how the ES managed to get past the triple screens and why the other defences didn’t respond.”

“Hope there’s room for us on it. If we’re taken, you know we’ll be treated as traitors … Fuck, look at this guy. Wish I could have a session with him.” The man grinned, and played with Niall’s still rigid organ, sending a fresh wave of sensation through him. “These fucking latex fuck toys get all the fun. I wonder what it’s like …”

“Make the most of the chance we’ve got here. Their programming means they can’t refuse you.” The man laughed. “They’re permanently randy, and every touch anywhere is sexually exciting for them.” He ran his hands around Niall’s butt cheeks and pushed his fingers into his anal opening, triggering Niall’s response to the stimulation. “And they’re modified down here to give their users a really interesting fuck. Want try it? I can tell you it’s fantastic, and our friend here can’t object.”

“Have we got time?” The second man licked his lips. “Oh fuck it, this I have to try.” Opening his fly, he released his cock, positioned himself and rammed his penis into Niall’s exposed opening. “Fuck, you’re right,” he gasped. “Oh fuck, it’s fantastic!” He moaned as Niall used his anal muscles, to tease the intruding penis. “Far better than my wife’s pussy …”

Niall played his anal muscles to increase the man’s experience and felt the guy shoot his load, thinking as soon as you bastards release me …

“See what I meant?” The leader laughed. “You want to try his mouth next, that’s modified as well.” He singled his companion, now we better get him out of this and into his transport cage so we can get the hell away.” He grinned. “And if his high and mightiness has left already, we can take this souvenir for ourselves.” 

The pair released the last restraints holding Naill. “Up you get, Eleven, into your transport cage.” 

Niall stood and then exploded into action. The first man went down in a heap. The second turned just in time to avoid the full force of a punch. Niall grabbed him, lifting him and slammed him over a bench. Before he could protest he was locked in the neck and wrist stocks Niall had himself endured not long before. Grabbing the first man, Niall ripped his trousers off him and slammed him down on the fucking couch, snapping the restraints closed on his victim.

“You want to know what it is like to be a sexual toy? What it’s like to be fucked and not allowed to cum, to climax?” He positioned himself. “Well, now I’ll show you. Did they tell you I can cum as many times as I’m ordered to? No? Well I’ve been here two fucking days … And they didn’t allow me to cum once …”

“Please …” The man squealed as Niall entered his anus. “Oh fuck … please, we had no choice …” He whimpered as Niall thrust himself full into the guy, then increased his thrusts. He needed to release his cum, but wanted this bastard to beg for it.

“Everybody has a choice. I volunteered for this after your fucking Donag pals did it to my partner, and he didn’t get a choice in it. The guys like me in this didn’t fight for these bastards, and didn’t help them enslave others.” He released his first ejaculation, feeling the surge of relief as it flooded the pleading man’s anus. Pulling out, he moved to the second man. “Open wide …”

Protesting the man tried to plead. He didn’t dare bite, and Niall didn’t waste time. He almost drowned the guy with a second massive cum. Finding some of the toys the Donags had used on him, Niall quickly gagged and blindfolded them both and then plugged them for good measure. Then, having secured the access, he left the pair, and explored the suite carefully after first activating the beacon concealed in his transport frame. 

“Bingo,” he said softly as he located what he’d hoped the ‘governor’ might have in his secure suite. Having found the secure safe, Niall examined the encoded lock, and adjusted his vision through the spectrum. He was about to give up when he realised he could faintly see the code symbols in his ultraviolet range. 

“Got you!” He concentrated, despite his supercharged sexual desires, and the door swung open. It took a matter of seconds to rip out the contents and study the Danog labels. “Jackpot,” he breathed.

Packing the contents of the security unit into a slim container, he carried it back to his transport frame and slipped it into the hollow space below where his feet would be when he was placed in it. He grinned as he saw that one of his victims had an erection. “Well, you wanted to know what it’s like …”

He helped himself, bringing the man off very quickly, and savouring the different taste of human versus Donag sperm, then for good measure removed the man’s plug and fucked him. He was still riding incredibly high on the sexual surge, so, having plugged the whimpering traitor, he unplugged the second guy and repeated the exercise. For good measure he then walked to the guy’s head and whispered, “Getting some idea of what it’s like to be a sex toy?” He gripped his cock and aimed it at the guys face. “Here’s another small reminder.”

The stream of creamy white cum covered the man’s face and head. 

The ‘rescue’ team arrived to find Niall seated and enjoying the situation of his two ‘captives’. He’d found the nutrient feeder and fed himself, and dosed his anus with a cleansing gel. 

“I guess this means you guys have control of the station?”

“Just about.” The leader eyed Niall and the two captives. He consulted his guide instrument. “Commander Coventry?” He smiled. “These guys tried something?”

“That’s me.” He stood, and remembered to lower his penis. “Did you get the Governor? This is his suite and these two,” He gestured. “Were his servants or something. Thought they could have a bit of fun with their Bosses ‘toy’. Afraid I got a bit carried away.” 

The leader laughed. “Looks like they deserved it then. If you’re ready, sir, we’re to get you directly to our ship.”

“I’m ready.” Niall hesitated, smiling. “Only I have to travel attached to that thing. I’m afraid it’s the only way I can travel any distance without …” He raised and lowered his organ. “Which can be awkward.”

“Er, quite, sir. Right, if you’ll take your place?” He watched as Niall did so, and then showed a man how he had to be secured. “Ready? Then let’s go. Bring those two along as well.”

The route back to the landing dock was almost deserted. The only Danogs they encountered were looking terrified and huddled in groups under guard. To Niall’s relief they were joined along the way by other members of the ‘Latex Commando’, like him, all in their transport frames, but he wasn’t reunited with Erin until they reached the transport.

“Piece of luck.” Erin grinned. “The put all six of us ‘specials’ in their Command levels.” He blew a kiss. “Was it rough?”

“Definitely not as good as I get at home.” Niall grinned. “But I’ve got some crazy ideas for furniture for the future!”

“Commander?” A Commando Major joined them. “Captain Derius sent me. He’d like to see you, sir.”

“Certainly, Major. But you’ll have to release me and find out where our ‘equipment covers’ are stored …” He raised and lowered his penis. “It disturbs folk when we walk around without something covering our weapons.”

“I bet.” The Major laughed. “I’ll send someone to fetch the, er, cover. Better tell me how to get you out of that.”

“Thanks.” Niall grinned. “It’s straightforward actually, just use the sliders on the various cuffs.”

The major checked, and a few seconds later, Niall was free.

“Excuse me a moment, Major.” He stepped across to Erin’s frame and kissed him firmly. “Thinking of doing that to you kept me stable while they used me. Thanks!” Stepping back he accepted the steel and silicone latex codpiece. “Want out, love?”

“No, leave me here. I’m still a little too aroused, love. Go and see the Captain.”

“Right, but first I need to retrieve what I got in the Governor’s quarters.” He opened the base of the frame and slid the container out. “Did you guys catch the Governor and his chums?”

“We did.” The major grinned. “Wearing a very fancy latex outfit and trying the get dressed in his robes as he ran to catch a flight. You wouldn’t know anything about his outfit would you?”

“I think the answer is, I know it intimately …” Niall laughed. “Where is the bastard? I’ve got a load or three to deliver — into him.”

“In isolation.” The major laughed. “I won’t ask what the load is.” He stopped at a small two person transport. “Are you okay to ride in this with me?”

“I’ll manage.” Niall grinned. “I did manage to unload at least some of my frustration just before your people got to me.” Catching the major’s eye, he licked his lips suggestively. “As long as we don’t have body contact, I’ll be fine.”

“Commander, congratulations!” Captain Derius stood and hurried forward holding out his hand. Just in time he remembered, and lowered it again. “As of this moment, you’re promoted. Full Captain, and Lt Godiva-Coventry to full Commander. We’re promoting all the rest of your team as well!”

“Thank you, sir.” Niall felt a little stunned. He’d learned that it had been almost three days he’d been used by the Governor and his friends before the assault had gone in and freed them. He was still sexually ‘high’ from it. “My guys performed very well I think. I haven’t had a chance to debrief them yet, but we were lucky — the Donags put all six of us ‘specials’ in their Command Level for the enjoyment of their senior people …” He grinned. “The perfect place for our disruption program to upload …”

“Either way, luck or not, you all got in, you all activated the disruption chips, and you all let the bastards have their fun while the disruption program infiltrated itself. It was far more successful than we dreamed possible. Our assault teams met only minimal resistance and as a result we’ve captured this entire artificial world intact.” The captain’s delight showed. “The admiral wants to meet you and your fellows as soon as he has sorted out what to do with all the captured Danogs! We seem to have captured the entire bloody population of this artificial planetoid.”

“I suppose some of my guys could suggest a few things to do with them, sir. Personally I’d like a couple of days with the ex-Governor — but I guess that’s not an option. There’s also, I think, quite a human contingent to deal with.”

“That’s correct.” The captain frowned. “A few of them seem to have tried ‘enjoying’ some of your, um, features.”

“Could be, sir. I’m afraid that the Danog take pleasure in getting their ‘toys’ to a pitch of sexual desire and frustration that we enter a sort of uncontrollable trance. I’m still not fully recovered, and some of the others need a bit longer to get down to normal. Any one who attempts to ‘enjoy’ us once we’re in that state is very likely to get more than they bargained for.” He put the case he was carrying on the coffee table.

“What have you got there?”

“The technical specification for every system on the Danog Station, and for the Station itself, sir.” Niall smiled. “I retrieved them from the former Governor’s suite — he and several of his officials had been using me —when he ran for the escape ship. I think you’ll find we have everything there to take down all the rest of these mobile worlds, sir.” 

“You have what?” The captain forgot himself and placed his hand on Niall’s shoulder. “My gods, this is absolutely bloody priceless.” He realised he was gripping Niall’s naked latex shoulder as he felt the tremor run through Niall. “Damn, I’m sorry, Niall, I forgot …”

“It’s okay, sir.” Niall smiled, indicating his now strained codpiece. “It’s contained.” He focussed with an effort. The Captain was a very handsome man, and the scent of his sex was strong in Niall’s nostrils … “I discovered something that may be important, sir. Our vision has a property we hadn’t realised, or I hadn’t. This was all in a secure safe, but I could ‘read’ the code to open it in the far upper end of my vision spectrum on the contact pad.” He paused. “It would be useful to know if the others can see at that range — and perhaps more importantly, if the Danog can.”

The trial confirmed what Niall had discovered. The siliconised humans could see otherwise invisible symbols on the coded door pads, and identify which symbols were frequently used and the order if they focussed on the ultraviolet. Curiously, the Danog captives couldn’t. 

“Our tests show another anomaly. Their eyes are like yours, but the frequencies they see cut out the upper part of the visible spectrum. They can only see the lower edge of the blue range, but you can see beyond that and into the ultraviolet.” Captain Derius handed the admiral the report and smiled at Niall.

“That saves us a lot of effort, Captain Coventry,” the admiral told him. “There are coded door locks on several levels and we need access. I want you to deploy your people to get them open for us.”

“We’ll do what we can, sir. Some of my lads are still recovering from our ‘distraction’ operation. I’ll call for volunteers to get started immediately.” 

“I appreciate that.” The admiral studied Niall. “I should tell you that the Danog are being evacuated from this station and will be shipped to a prison world we’ve found for them. Ours is not the first race they’ve done this too, nor the first planet they’ve destroyed. Humanity has had a very lucky escape.” He shrugged. “Thanks to what you retrieved from that safe we also know that they are not a very large population — in fact this is their largest ‘home’ and there are only two more. We plan to adapt this one to human use, the others as well if we can capture them intact. They’re a dying race, barely able to maintain their present population, and they’re losing their ability to innovate and develop anything. For the last couple of centuries they’ve been taking their victim’s tech and adapting it.”

“I see, sir.” Niall studied his latex skin. He’d learned something else in the data he’d retrieved from the safe — that the technology the Danogs had used to siliconise Erin and the other sex toy slaves was part of a larger effort to find ways through conversion to increase the Danog population. “Yet I think there were enough humans willing to work with them to keep them well supplied with technology and other things for them to continue for a long time, perhaps long enough to reverse their decline.”

“So you’ve seen that data.” The admiral smiled. “Yes, but, no. The converter unit proved to be a dead end — for them. So they simply turned it to another use, which produced you and the others.” The admiral paused. “Do you regret your choice, Captain?”

“Regret it?” Niall studied the admiral. “No, sir. I knew my partner could never live in any human society ever again, so I considered my position carefully. When I examined the problem of defeating the Danog protection shielding and defences I realised the solution was to exploit their penchant for the sort of sex they were converting us to supply. Taking down their defence systems could only be done from on board the station — and as it would not be possible, I thought, for any human to get to where it would be most effective, I had to consider asking the guys we’d rescued to go back. I couldn’t ask them to undertake something I knew might mean destroying everything for them, so I opted to be like them and lead the team.” He smiled. “It has its drawbacks, being like this, but it has advantages as well, sir — one being that my partner and I can now live together even if we have to accept some restrictions. No, sir, I have no regrets at all.” 

“The last of the Danogs has surrendered. Their leaders have all been captured. The ordinary Danog didn’t even fight it.” Niall perched on a chair opposite Erin. “Strange, but their technical ability is way below what we expected. They relied almost entirely on captives for maintenance, construction of anything, and even development and supply of everything for themselves. It seems they made absolutely no attempt to defend themselves once their screens and android defenders failed.”

“Even the equipment they used to create us isn’t theirs,” Erin agreed, frowning. “And it was some of our own people that operated it for them!”  

“So the boss told me.” Niall smiled. “They did a good job on us though. I wonder if they know that some of the oldest guys we’ve released and deprogrammed are nearly a hundred years old?” He laughed. “And still fucking like a youngster.”

“I doubt it. Too busy making sure it wasn’t them getting the treatment.” Erin laughed. “Something we can look forward to then. How many of us are there now?”

“Last count we were a handful over a thousand.” Niall frowned. “Far more than anyone knew, and now, of course, the politicians are making noises about what to do with us …”

“I heard that. What does Command think?”

“The admiral has a plan to turn over the smallest of the Danog ‘Moon’ Stations to us. It has everything we would need to survive and live very comfortably.” Niall smiled. “It has the support of the Council, so it will probably happen.” He stood and moved to where Erin rose to meet him. “And all our guys have returned, been debriefed and recovered from distracting the last Danog Governor and council …”

“I think a celebration is in order then, my Captain.” Erin put his mouth to Niall’s and their tongues entwined. “We’re now on leave, my love. What would you like …?”

“To be your toy …” Niall smiled, and raised his penis. Throwing caution to the winds, he slipped his arms around Erin and pulled him into a tight embrace, feeling their sexual needs surge, and wanting it to continue. “I had something retrieved from the Governor’s suite — a strait jacket they used on me. It’s completely inescapable, and the inside is textured. They kept me in it for a full day, perhaps longer. It drove me over the edge into the abyss and back again. Put me in it, my love, and then enjoy using me.”

Niall shuddered as Erin fitted him into the heavy silicon rubber strait jacket. The stimulation of the textured internal surface on his skin sent his libido soaring. Each adjustment of the material as Erin secured it and rendered him helpless, caused another orgasmic shudder. Erin contemplated his partner as he stepped back, admiring the web of straps over the thick jacket.

“Lower your penis, Eleven. It will not be needed at this time.” He watched as Niall lowered his organ, curling it over his huge scrotum. “You are not permitted to ejaculate until ordered to do so.”

“Yes, Master …”

“Good. Proceed to the special couch.”

Niall moved carefully to the indicated couch. The stimulation of the textured lining of the strait jacket made rational thought impossible, and each movement produced another mini-orgasm which rippled through his body. Erin carefully positioned him, and he sank down onto the reclined couch, raising and spreading his legs to be secured to the leg rests before his lover secured his torso to the reclined seat and backrest.

Stepping back, Erin looked down and smiled as he raised and positioned the couch. “Let go, my love. Relax, you’ve carried the responsibility for me and the rest of us since this started.” He raised his penis. “Now let me have complete control. Switch off, and just enjoy being my lover, my partner, my siliconised sex toy …”

He positioned himself, and carefully inserted his organ into his lover. 

“Now that feels really good.” Niall smiled, gently flexing his muscular anal tube, his voice hoarse with the sexual sensations gripping him. “Enjoy yourself, my darling. Dose me up with your cum — put me into hyperdrive!”

“By your command, Eleven!” Erin worked his organ, enjoying the intense sensations this produced inside Niall’s modified opening. He released his ejaculation valve, but held back until he’d developed his rhythm and they were both thoroughly ready, then he released his first massive cum shot, continuing his thrusting while he reloaded a further ejaculation, then fired a second load. “Satisfied, lover? I think a third will set you up …”

Niall moaned as his body ‘glowed’. He knew that this meant his latex skin was now hyper sensitised. That every touch now would induce an orgasmic response, and the textured surface of the strait jacket made sure he could not avoid, or mitigate, it. Erin would know, because, in this state, the black ‘skin’ adopted a reflective shine, a signal to those who knew, that the person was in a heightened sexual state … He surrendered all thought, focussed on giving Erin the pleasure he knew his lover was getting from him.   

The Latex Moon, as the new home of the siliconised men had dubbed it, had been perfectly adapted to their needs. Niall surveyed the rather luxurious accommodation assigned to him and his partner with a sense of happiness. The artificial moon was now entirely under the control of the latex-skinned former Danog sex slaves, and, by treaty with human governments, occupied an orbit around a distant former Earth colony degraded and destroyed by the Danog. 

It was, thanks to the original technology it ran on, self-sufficient enough to need no more than minimal contact and support from Earth. One of the most difficult issues had been visitors to the station. In the end it had been decreed that there would be none unless for official purposes, maintenance, or supply, and these would be confined to a special area around the dock, or escorted to where they were needed. Anyone else arriving at the station would do so on an ‘entry only’ arrangement, and then only if they had successfully applied to undergo the siliconisation process itself. 

“Our new home, my love.” Niall faced Erin. “It’s been a long, long road.”

“In every way, Niall.” Erin offered his hands, palm up, their signal for intimacy. “Still no regrets? Knowing we can’t go back to Earth …?”

“Return to Earth? Like this?” They both laughed. “I have no regrets, darling.” Niall took the offered hands in his own, feeling the stimulation a touch always triggered. “I chose to share your life and you chose to share mine. Then the Danog siliconised you. Did you think for one moment I would refuse to share that, and remain with you?”

“I hoped, but couldn’t ask it of you, beloved.” Erin smiled. “I was afraid I would lose you, that you’d reject what I’d been turned into …”

“I didn’t, and I wouldn’t.” Niall drew Erin closer, and their mouths met in a kiss as they enfolded each other in their arms, revelling in the rush of hormones as their bodies made contact. “So I made the decision to share being a siliconised mannequin like my beloved. And here we are, sharing an artificial world with eleven hundred and thirty five others like us.”

“Yes, and all thanks to my wonderful partner who persuaded the High Commend to allow him to recruit a team of freaks to pull off what must be the craziest operation to defeat an enemy everyone thought were impregnable. ‘Send in the Sextoys’ has to be the funniest military order ever!” Laughing, Erin added, “Who would have guessed that micro-units inserted into our nipples could disrupt their defences?”

“Probably only a sex fiend like me. Where’s the last place anyone would look for something like that?” Niall laughed. “The cyber boys and girls were shocked when I got them to try it and it worked.”

“Crazy — and the signal being boosted by our going sexually hyper …” Erin hesitated. “Why did you decline the role of Leader of the community?”

“You think I’m crazy?” Niall laughed. “If this madhouse is going to work at all, it has to be lead by a council, and, okay, you’re on that.” He grinned. “You’re a better politician than I am — remember.”

“Bullshit,” Erin retorted. “I’ll believe you if you insist, but thousands won’t. You had the Command and the politicians back on Earth twisted round your latex fingers, and we all know it. We know who spotted the ‘anti-freak’ narrative and decided we had to remove ourselves completely, and we watched you work the Command to get us this home away from it all.”

“Yeah, well it seemed a good idea, and to be fair the High Command didn’t need a lot of persuading. Our admiral did the persuading on the politicians, convincing them that giving us this place and allowing us to move it to a place out of the Earth’s control would solve the hassle they were getting from some religious and populist nutters.” He shrugged and smiled. “A nice neat solution all round.”

“If you say so, beloved.” Erin got a wicked smile. “Now, I know where there’s a a really intense straitjacket that I need to try, and we’ve a new home to celebrate …”

“Minx,” Niall hugged Erin and kissed him with an intensity they reserved for intercourse. Releasing him, he ordered, “Fetch it.”

“By your command, sir.” Erin danced away, and returned carrying the heavy garment. “Secure me, sir. Please? Then take me to the playroom and …” He slipped his arms into the jacket as Niall held it open. His expression changed to shocked surprise, his latex covered eyes widening. “Ye gods? How long did they keep you in this?”

“I’ve no idea. Now ‘park’ your penis, Forty-six. I’ll tell you when I want it raised.” Niall replied. “The textured lining intense, love?”

“Intense doesn’t describe it,” gasped Erin as his partner closed the heavy zip up his back, and began to secure the over harness. “It’s excruciating. O gods, I’m going hypersex already …” His tongue extended and his mouth opened as he moaned. “But it’s unbelievably …” He swallowed heavily, then gasped as Niall adjusted the final straps. “I wouldn’t have thought it could get this … good.” He moaned, his tongue extending. “O gods …”

“Wait, my love, until I have you helpless on the couch and can really give you what you gave me.” Niall pulled his lover into an embrace that sent them both orgasmic, and applied his mouth to Erin’s, his long prehensile tongue demanding entry into the eager mouth. “And now we can begin, my darling.” Niall grinned as Erin shuddered in the grip of an intense orgasm. “Now you know why I have no idea how long they kept me in this, love.”

Erin’s reply was barely coherent.

Niall placed him carefully in their special couch, secured him, then adjusted the angle and moved to where he could give Erin his now raised and rigid organ to him to enjoy orally. In a trance-like state, Erin accepted the flared glans, his modified tongue extending to grip his lover’s member and draw it into his oral cavity. Niall found himself enjoying the most intense and loving fellatio he could recall. Erin was an artist at it, and really knew how to give his lover, even in this state, the most exquisite experience — enhanced in a way only they could know by the modifications to the oral cavity they both possessed.

Releasing his cum, Niall watched as his lover swallowed the copious issue, then gently extracted his penis and lowered his face to kiss the now sperm coated lips, and entwine tongues to savour the taste of his issue. 

Changing position, he ordered, “Raise your penis, Forty-six.” He watched the gorgeous organ rise, straightening and stiffening until it was rigid. “You are not to release your cum until I order it.”

“Yes, Master.” Erin’s voice was taut, showing how intense the sensations now rippling through him were.

Niall moved between the raised legs, and inserted his huge cock into Erin’s eager anus, triggering another orgasm in him. Niall waited for this to subside, then began a slow and steady fuck, feeling his own rising sexual ecstasy as Erin used his anal musculature to intensify the sensations in Niall’s organ. Judging Erin’s state of hyper arousal, he released his cum again, then a minute or so later, shot a third load.

Erin was now incoherent, so Niall withdrew, made sure his lover ingested some nutrient fluid, and then turned his attention to his lover’s rigid penis. Straddling the figure, Niall lowered himself carefully, and slipped the gorgeous tool into his anal cavity. Joined like this, he rested his hands on the straitjacketed shoulders beneath him and for a long moment used only his anal muscles the tease his lover’s member as he studied his partner’s latex face, and the expressions of ecstasy that kept changing as he remained in position.

“I love you, Erin,” he whispered. “I loved you as a human, and I love you as you are now.” Leaning forward carefully, he lowered his face to Erin’s, his tongue extending to caress the slightly parted lips. “Now, my love, Unit Forty-six. Multi-cum!” His mouth engulfed Erin’s as the first eruption of cum filling his anus. Their tongues entwined as the second burst followed, and the kiss continued as cum after cum erupted into him. He could feel his own libido, already high, surging. He could feel his lover’s cum leaking around his sphincter, and he felt his skin begin to shine as it continued. He broke the kiss, and gasped, “Forty-six, cease ejaculation!”

It was a long time before Niall could move, but then he slowly lifted himself off Erin’s still rigid organ, giving them both several powerful orgasms in the process. He waited until he had sufficient command of his limbs to move, then began the process of releasing his lover from the couch, and then, with difficulty, from the straitjacket.

“Thank you,” whispered, Erin, the shine of his black latex skin as bright as Niall’s. He smiled weakly, “How did you survive in that thing and still did your part …?”

“Determination, I think. That and knowing that if we failed …” Niall offered his hand, leaned close, and used his long tongue to caress his lover’s lips. “We better get some nutrient, and a cleanse!” 

“True.” Erin accepted the hand, entwining his long modified fingers with Niall’s. “Have I told you, my love, that I love you this way, and that I love what you do to me?”

“Not in so many words,” Niall laughed. “But it’s reciprocal I think.” He grinned. “You ask me if I regret being this sex mad latex mannequin often enough, so now I’ll ask you. Do you regret it?”

“Touche!” Erin laughed. “No, my love, no regrets now.” He paused. “I was terrified t first when I was rescued, that you would reject me, but you didn’t.” Squeezing his lover’s hand, he continued, “I think, if I had the choice now.” He kissed Niall. “I’d choose to be this way. Your sex mad latex mannequin.”

Laughing they made their way to their feeding and cleansing station, inserted themselves and enjoyed the process of feeding and waste removal and cleansing holding hands across the armrest. Life, Niall thought, was going to be very different here, and he was realist enough to know there would be difficulties, but they could face those when they came, and they’d face them together.