The Queen's Pallbearer

by LondonBoy

21 Sep 2022 1279 readers Score 9.7 (32 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Notice: I’ve noticed many of you had preferences on the bearers, I also had my eyes on some on the other side, a few of the blondes stuck out to me too. If you would prefer to imagine another pallbearer within the story then of course feel free to swap them about in your minds as you read on.

Chapter 2

3 months later:

It has been three months since the country has been in national mourning and the holidays are nearby. I am working from home still and going into the office once per week. I have some large deadlines which I am almost finished with meeting and have of a friend of mine (you, I’m going to call you Felix) visiting from the US on Saturday. I am going into London and staying there for a week before we return back to Windsor for Christmas eve. Felix wants to see all the usual sites in the Capital and we split the cost of a nice hotel room in Central London. God knows I could do with this break too!

I receive a text on my phone from a Harry P:

“Hey, how are you doing?”

Now, I have four Harry’s on my phone and I am always networking, with this being a new and recent contact who I have not contacted I ask them politely to remind me who they are and use the excuse this is a recently new number to style it out.

“It’s Harry, the pallbearer?”

Me: Oh Harry! Sorry, I have you down as Harry P and could not think what your surname was, I guess the P is pallbearer, I kept saying Potter over and over again lol. I’m good thanks, how are you?

 Harry: Lool (laugh emoji) that’s funny! I’m good, I Just finished my tour in Iraq and I’m back in the UK.

Me: Oh wow, did you have to go back?

Harry: They gave us an option but me and the boys were deployed in late June and thought we might as well go back and finish our duty.

Me: I’m glad you are home safe now; your parents must be happy you are back for the holidays?

 Harry: Yeah, they are. Me and the Boys are in London over the weekend before we part ways, want to join us for a drink or dinner?

Me: I will be in London, but I have a friend who is visiting from America. 

Harry: That’s fine, bring your friend with you...

Me: Ok, I’ll ask him and let you know, ok?

Harry: Cool, it would be nice to see you again :)


Felix lands in the afternoon and we make our way to the hotel, we check in and are given a very large twin room with a cool view of the main street in busy central London.

“So, listen I need to tell you something…” I say.

“Uh oh – what is it?”

I begin to tell Felix about Harry and my encounter with him after the late Queens funeral, throughout the story he interrupts for details, bewildered by the situation.

“Fuck man that is HOT!!” he adds.

“Ok but there’s more…” I continue “He wants to meet me for a drink today an…”

Felix Interrupts - “Dude, say no more. Go and meet him, I’m fine chilling this evening.”

“His friends will be there and you were invited as well.” I now say, with a smile on my face.

“Whaaaaaaaaaatttt!” He says, I laugh as Felix is gobsmacked by hearing this.

“You’re telling me this stud wants to see you and he’s bringing his military friends and they want me to join??” he continues “Damn, it feels like I’m about to meet up with some frats from college, good thing I brought my douche!”

“Ok Felix, I’m not sure if its going to end up being that sort of meet up.” I say concerningly.

“Whatever, I’m still preparing. You find out the time and place and I’ll go grab a shower.”

Felix now enters the bathroom and I text Harry that we are down to chill, he gives me the time and name of the bar.


At 6pm we head over to a bar in Soho. Harry looks the same, he seems excited to see me as he pulls me in for a tight hug. He introduces me to his friends, Oliver, Jack and Luke (photos attached), I introduce Felix to them all and they all seem pleased to meet him, as does he. We grab a standing table and order a round of drinks.

“It’s on me boys, thank you for the service you have provided and welcome home.” I say proudly.

We all start to relax and enjoy drinking and talking. The boys have so many questions for Felix, being an American and all.

“Excuse me, are you guys the Queens guards?” a girl says.

“Uh yeah, we all were. We were pallbearers for the Queen at her funeral.” Jack says.

“Oh my god I thought so, can we please get a photo with you all?” she asks with her friend eagerly by her side.

I take the photo of them all and they are excited to have met them.

“Oh my gosh, I’m sorry I didn’t recognise you all, I knew about Harry but it’s hard to distinguish you all from TV and real life.” I say

“Yeah, it alright. Before redeploying ourselves, we didn’t often get this much attention, when we did it’s a mix of abuse about the royal family or praise for our hard work.” Oliver adds.

Felix asks them questions about their duty on the day of the funeral and we begin to discuss this and hear their perspective of events. After, another group approach our table and ask for a picture, followed by another couple of girls.

“Fuck, if this goes on all night, I don’t think I can bear being here…” Harry mutters to us.

“If you guys prefer a peaceful night drinking, we can go back to our hotel room not far from here, grab some drinks to go from the bar?”

I notice Harry smiling at me. Felix’s eyes light up at the thought.

“Are you sure mate?” Jack asks.

“Yeah, it’s a twin room, large enough space to hang out and drink.”

We grab some drinks to take away from the bar and grab a black cab to the hotel. Everyone is slightly tipsy. I heard Oliver whisper something about Felix, something along the lines of: “I ….. …. to …. the yank!”

We get to the hotel and enter our room, one by one everyone visits the toilet to piss, probably all the drinks they have drunk so far. I connect my Bluetooth speaker to my apple music.

“That is a TUNNNEE!” Harry says waving his fingers into the air. Luke comes out of the bathroom and starts galloping down the room (almost Gangnam styling his way) goofily, irrelevantly to the music. We all begin to laugh. We open up a few cans and begin to have a mini rave in the room, Oliver and Felix rave in one corner as Good Feeling by Flo Rida plays next. I lay down against the headboard next to Harry and we get chatting.

“When I was out there, I kept thinking about you.” Harry says softly.

I now look over at him surprised to hear this, barley knowing one another.

“Me, why?” I ask.

“I don’t know, I just wanted to come back and see you, since leaving school eight years ago I haven’t had a a normal conversation with someone like the one I had with you that night, you made me feel relaxed, normal. Besides I missed those lips of yours.”

We both begin laughing, he continues “See even this, I hardly laugh, you make me smile.”

Harry brings his right hand and meets my left hand which is resting on the bed, his pinkie finger lightly rubbing mine. We slowly intertwine three of our fingers together and clasp down as we stare into each other’s eyes.

“Oy Oi, what’s all this then??” Luke says loudly. Everyone pauses and turns to us both. Harry detaches his hand away and looks ashamed, now sitting there quietly.

“Is there something going on between the two of you?” Jack asks.

“No.” Harry sharply responds.

There is an awkward silence in the room, with the sound of Maroon 5 now playing softly in the background.

“Mate, it’s alright if there is. We don’t have a problem with it. Besides I was wondering when this party was going to become more interesting, I’m horny as fuck!” Jack adds.

In shock, Felix spits out his drink onto Oliver and coughs continuously. Oliver who is now in shock by being spat at with beer, taps his back firmly.

“Wh…what?” Harry says, now surprised.

“Yeah, I mean let’s face it we have no birds here, in a nice hotel room and we just got back after months of being out there, I could do with some fun, can’t you?” Jack looks over at the boys and they smirk. “What do you say boys?” he asks, now looking over at me and Felix.

“Uhhh…” I say

“FUCK YES!” Felix responds eagerly at the same time. Jack and Luke laugh.

“Well alright, I call dibs on the Yank!” Oliver says as he pulls Felix in, feeling his butt cheeks. Felix exhales suddenly, surprised by his manoeuvre.

Harry looks over at me, “Are you ok with this, you can say no if you want?”

“It sounds fun, but I want you on my team.” I wink

Harry and I start kissing slowly, I can see Oliver push Felix towards the other bed, Luke joins them as he begins to unbutton his jeans. Jack goes into the bathroom.

Harry climbs on top of me and takes his jumper off as he does, I feel his biceps and give them a gently squeeze, we continue to make out as he grinds himself upon me. Jack now comes out of the bathroom, now in just his boxers and comes to lay down next to me, he is 6ft 1” and has biceps and firm pecs along with a well-defined stomach. He is clean shaven all over with only light hair on his forearms and hair across his legs and thighs. He pulls the waistband of his black Hugo Boss boxers down and hooks the waistband under his balls, his 8-inch uncut cock stands tall, it’s not as girthy as Harry’s but he has a nice trim bush going, his balls are firm and darker in colour against his white milky complexion. I take my right hand and place it on his dick and lightly rub on it, I can hear small moans and his warm breath as he turns his head my way, I look over at him and begin to kiss him, Harry gets off me and begins to undress, I take my left hand and cross it over to Jack’s cheek and jaw, it is broad and sharp. His lips are slightly thin but he knows how to use them – damn these soldiers sure know how to kiss – I think to myself.

Felix, Oliver and Luke are now all completely naked, Felix is laying on his stomach in-between Luke’s legs (who is laying back against the headboard), he is playing with his dick with his hands and teases him with his tongue, all whilst getting rimmed by Oliver who is bent over behind him, leaning down on his hole, eating him up.

Luke is thinner out of the boys, he stands tall at 6ft and has long, lightly hairy legs, he has a six pack and small pecs, he has biceps but they are not as visible unless he flexes them. His dick is around the same size as Harry’s (7-7.5 inches), he has large balls and a good bush going, I can see Felix enjoying it as he keeps burying himself in it.

Oliver comes across as a shy, polite and a timid lad which we seen throughout the night but a whole new side of him has come out to play as he ravages Felix’s asshole, making him squirm. Oliver is not as muscular as the other boys, he has biceps and a well-defined body and you can tell he works out, he’s about 5ft 11, almost 6ft. He has large thighs and a seven-inch girthy cock with two large balls that hang low from it, his foreskin naturally retracts back as he is ragingly erect.

“That looks fun.” Harry says to me and Jack, pointing at the other bed. “I’ll tell you what boys, let’s have a race, first team that all cums wins!”

“Oh, you’re going down!” Oliver says.

“Alright, well you have to let us prep Jay first, seems like you already got this one ready.” Harry adds, pointing to Felix’s ass.

“Can I fuck him?” Jack eagerly asks.

Harry looks at me for my approval and I give a slight nod.

“Yeah, but go easy on him at first, your cock is a monster mate!” Harry laughs.

“I can’t make promises, I’m all about winning.” Jacks says with a grin on his face.

Jack and Harry swap places, as Harry lays back and I begin to suck on his cock, which is now familiar to me, Jack kneels behind me, lifts my waist up into the air and grabs a fistful of my ass cheeks, he pulls them apart and begins to assertively take control of my ass hole with his mouth. “Mmmmhhhhhhh” I moan gently with Harry’s cock in my mouth, Harry lets out a moan at the same time from the pleasure of my vibrating sound.

I can feel Jack as he licks my hole with his wide tongue, he penetrates me and I can feel it almost one inch deep inside of me. He flicks his tongue up and down in a fast motion, like he is licking out pussy, he must have experience doing this. He does this for a while, I feel my rock-hard dick oozing out precum onto the bed and to my surprise Jack reaches one hand down and begins to stoke me as if he is milking a cow.

“Uuuhhhhhhh fuck.” I say as I retract my mouth away from Harry’s cock.

“Damn what’s going on over there?” Luke says.

Felix brings over some lube for Oliver and he uses it to lube up his fingers and Felix’s hole. Oliver places the tips of his index and middle finger over Felix’s hole and begins to massage him, slowly he pushes his finger-tips into his ass hole and Felix lets out a little whimper. He twists his fingers from left to right as he enters and pushes again, now half way in and then he shoves his remaining finger length into his ass hole and begins to thrust Felix’s hole with his fingers. “Ooohh that feels good” Felix moans as he lifts his head into the air, Luke grabs his head and shoves it back down onto his cock. The boys pleasure and prepare us for several more minutes and then Jack says:

“Bearer Party, are you ready?” Jokingly with a serious tone.

“Oh yeah!” Oliver says excitingly.

Jack spits into my asshole and I feel his cold saliva enter my hole, he then rubs saliva onto his shaft. Both him and Oliver are knelt behind me and Felix in the centre of the bed, with Harry and Luke laying up at a 45-degree angle against the headboard, we are in a sort of spit roast position.

Felix and Oliver use lube, as Oliver enters slowly into Felix, he moans and whimpers with a mouthful of Luke’s cock. “Ahh you are so tight!!” Oliver says as he enters him.

As Jack enters me, I manage well, but as he gets four inches into me, I yell “Aaaugh” – his spit isn’t enough of a lube for me now, he’s going in dry. Jack pulls out as he can feel some resistance and then enters again, now forcefully penetrating my hole. “Ah Jack go slow!” I beg.

“Fuck man, your hole feels tight just like a pussy!” he says.

Jack enters his entire eight inches into my hole as I panted and moaned in between blowing Harry, who kept rubbing my head to reassure me as I was in pleasurable pain. He stayed in me for a moment and then pulled back, slowly re-entering me, he kept pulling back an inch at a time as he done this finally pulling his entire cock out and slamming it back inside of me. I felt his cock head rattle against my man cherry. After moments Jack and Oliver were now pace-fully fucking me and Felix, the room is filled with the sounds of double balls slapping against our ass cheeks.

Jack Groans “Arrgh” as does Oliver “Ffuckk yeah, argh!”

Felix takes in Luke’s dick deep into his mouth to the back of his throat, he’s good at deep throating. Luke breathes deeply and heavily in disbelief as he follows his head up and down with his right hand on the back of his head. Harry also enjoys his blowjob, the musk of his balls and cock are the same as before, although not as sweaty. His precum is sweeter in my mouth.

Jack now picks up the pace as he thrusts me harder and faster, I stroke my dick with my right hand as he does so. I take a breath in between sucking Harry and let out short and quick moans that I try to contain. Jack’s dick begins to expand in me “Uuuuugh, Jay I don’t think I can hold it in any longer...” He says to me.

Harry swiftly gets up and out of position, he kneels on the bed in front of me and grabs my head as he did last time and begins to skull fuck me “Let’s all try and cum together.” He grins. Luke notices this and begins to do the same.

There the six of us were. Me and Felix were being spit-roasted by four of the hot muscular pallbearers, four young British soldiers. I gagged as Harry skull fucked me which overtook my harsh moaning for the way I was being fucked hard and deep by Jack. The room was filled with the slapping sounds of balls, the slimy sound of thrusting and the sloppy sound of sucking and gagging. Jacks cock felt like a fire rod in my ass, he smashed hard against my prostate which made me quiver with each thrust.

“Uhhh…im.. im gonna shoot!” Jack said, Harry pumped extra hard when he heard this and then suddenly:

“Aaarghhhhhhhhhhhh Uh Uh Uh Uh!!” I felt Jack’s warm load shoot deep into my hole, breeding me with several loads of thick creamy cum. I came at the same time hands free which felt amazing, my cum hit up against my stomach and went far as Harry’s knees. Harry then shot his hot load into my mouth – “Mmmmmmhhmmm” he moaned as he thrusted into my mouth slowly now, I swallowed half of it before he pulled out and aimed for my face, his cum hit my hair, around my eyes and lips, I looked up at him as he began wiping his cock around my lips, now smiling. Jack lay upon my back for a short while panting, before collapsed to his left into the bed.

Shortly after Oliver began quivering and he had his teeth clenched with pure concentration in his eyes as he roughly impaled Felix. Me and Harry watched on as he let out a roar of relief.

“Aaauuuuggghhhh!” He panted as he shot out each pump full of cum into Felix, Felix let out a rod of cum fly across onto the mattress at the same time. Luke then began to lose control as he skull fucked Felix whist looking up at the ceiling. “Ah Ah Aaaaahhhh” he heavily let out now Cumming into his cheeks. Felix began to swallow his cum and licked his cock head as if he was cleaning up his wounds.

“We won…” Jack said

“I don’t give a fuck, that was fucking amazing!” Oliver said breathing heavily.

“Yeah” Jack replied. We all adjusted ourselves and lay on the pillows. I was in the middle and I had Harry to the left of me and Jack on the right, I turned to face Harry and laid my head on his chest, he stroked my hair whilst I stroked his chest with my fingers, Jack untucked the duvet with one strong arm and covered us with it, he shuffled up to my back and spooned me with one leg over mine and his cock resting in between my ass cheeks, his arms awkwardly laying across both my arms and Harry’s chest.

The six of us all ended up drifting off and slept.

by LondonBoy

Email: [email protected]

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