The Prince and Me

by Faerynail

9 Oct 2022 447 readers Score 7.8 (10 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

At an age of five, my mother got a job at the palace as a maid and life seemed to take a new turn as she had just gotten a divorce from my father who decided to run away with a harem because apparently, he was never one woman kind of person. Of course she was hurt but she had to be strong for me. The divorce was the one and only solution for her since she couldn't lose another son over the man's foolishness and insufferable sexual appetite, she had lost her first son to his silly ways and on seeing that history would repeat it's self with her second born, she had to act fast and run away as far as she could with her son.

Two years passed and she immediately climbed the employment ladder to assistant head of stuff, she was loved by both the stuff and the royals. The king and queen had a son who was ten years by that time and a daughter who was the same age as I am. Being kids, we spent time together and the king decided to sponsor my education and life was perfect. I was very good friends with princess Miranda we were practically siblings unlike with prince Norton who was basically on the friendship level or not, it depended on his mood. Time came when they had to go to boarding school to study being proper royalty and I was extremely disheartened at that but I was also glad, Miranda's dream of being a proper princess was yet to be realised. 

One day, at the age of seventeen, they came back for holidays and I was overjoyed to see Miranda and Norton in forever, but Norton was surely not happy to see me. We hugged with Miranda and had to catch up, the letters we exchanged were not enough and when I tried to hug Norton, he turned away and proudly walked. I was hurt and on seeing this, Miranda tried to distract me from it all, I was blessed to have her but it still hurt so much inside. The truth is, I was gay and I had a crush on Norton, only two people knew of this, My mom and Miranda so she knew how much I hurt that she took me by the hand and we went straight to her room. 

Her jolly character made me forget the incidence and we talked till it was late in the evening, it was time for dinner and I was on washing the utensils duty that night, so we left her room and got separated as she went to the dining area while I proceeded to the kitchen. I decided to take the long route since I the incident came crushing back as soon as Miranda had gone, I used the route by the palace garden. That earthy smell soothed me but to no avail, it continued to hit me with a full force of heartache, who knew it would hurt, is this how my mom felt?! Loving someone who doesn't and probably will never love you back, indeed she was a strong person.

I was so immersed in thoughts that I didn't see whatever or whoever was before me till I heard a sound that definitely sounded human, I quickly collected myself from the scattered thoughts I was swimming in,took a few steps back and decided to utter my apologies to whoever that was till I saw who it was!


He stood up and I was in awe, he had changed a lot and he was the most gorgeous thing I had ever seen. Standing at six foot four, he was tall and had definitely been working out, he was muscular and had attained a slash scar above his left eye, probably from knight studies, his purple lips full and plump begging me for a drink, his gray eyes narrowed down at my five foot nine height bringing his busy eyebrows together, he folded his arms together showing his hairy chest through the very low V neck tee-shirt, the moon was so bright in illuminating his well groomed ginger hair that was well combed with gel and lying calmly on his head, I was drooling on the inside and praying it wasn't the same on the outside.  

In a deep baritone, he slightly coughed to get my attention and I took few more steps back as I bowed low and uttered out my apologies.

It was never like this with him but since he treated me like a servant, I was not going to taste the waters again by being his friend. I 'im'-patiently waited for him to dismiss me but he just stood there. I got a good look at the tight jeans that hugged his trunky thighs and thought about the way they had hugged his muscle butt, thoughts that would lead me nowhere but trouble. My back was seriously aching from the low bow plus I was going to be late for my shift so I slowly looked up to him and found him, SMILING?!  

Yes, he was smiling and now I was baffled. What was wrong with this guy?, First he treats me like hell, and now he smiles at me. So I rose up and I definitely felt a crack in my tailbone but that was irrelevant at the moment, I had decided there and then to dismiss myself before I could do something stupid as I was fuming at the moment. After a few words to excuse myself, I turned to take my leave but what it all happened fast, next thing I knew, those purple lips were fiercely on mine.

Eyes wide and in shock, at what was happening, I tried to pull back but his grip on me was strong, I was melting at the heat, more like heat from different sources, heat from pleasure and heat from shock, was this really happening!?! This was not how I imagined my first kiss with Norton. Thought after thought but it was all shattered when I felt his tongue begging rather demanding for entrance and pleasure got the best of me, I opened up and felt his tongue fighting mine for dominance in my own mouth, the nerve!?!

the taste of his grape breath hit me and my knees buckled, using his free arm, he held me in place as he scooted closer till our bodies touched, it was heaven feeling myself engulfed by his big body, he was warm and smelled like roses, I felt his package throbbing on my stomach, as he subtly grinded me and I guess it was no use hiding my own hard-on, I felt his stubble brush against me and his hooked nose pricked my short stout one, I forgot I had chores to do. One could say it was a few minutes but to me, it was forever, I closed my eyes as we shared this passionate kiss. We slowly parted as he let go of me. I neither moved nor spoke,I just stood there full of emotions I wondered which was which. I recollected myself but before I could say a word, he walked past me without a word and through the door and then it all came crushing back at me. 

by Faerynail

Email: [email protected]

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