The Other Bartender

by Slutty Texas Btm

25 Feb 2021 7938 readers Score 9.3 (237 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

When I graduated high school, I landed several grants and scholarships because of really good grades. They covered almost all my costs for college and my mom was thrilled. It’s just the two of us and my single mom was working all the time to make ends meet so she really couldn’t help much. So at eighteen, I’m pretty much on my own in a mid sized college town and needing a job for anything that might come up. I ended up working as a bar back in a little watering hole not to far from campus. Close enough I could ride my bike even. "Jacks Place" drew an eclectic crowd and not all college kids ether. At eighteen you can serve liquor, you just can’t drink it which was fine with me, never really liked the taste anyway. One night they were a bartender short and I filled in. I was kind of a natural and had a blast. I’d already learned a wide range of cocktails so that part was easy and as most people want beer it was easy as hell. I made a killing in tips and it wasn’t long and I was tending bar several nights a week. 

I worked hard at my studies and did my best to get any homework done before my shifts started. Everything was going great except I had no personal life at all. I’d hook up here and there but never anything long term. I’m okay in the looks department, I’m tall, just a little over six foot and I’m slim as I can’t seem to get any bigger. With all my biking around, I stay pretty fit. I’m blonde, almost white it’s so light. Girls ask me all the time who does my color and never believe me when I say it’s always been this way.  I get told I’m sexy but I think it has more to do with my look and the way I dress. You see, I’m very hot natured and no mater the time of year, I’m in shorts. Mom thinks it’s because of a really high metabolism burning up everything I eat that makes me feel hot all the time. Jack didn’t care what I wore as long as it wasn’t political or offensive. I wore really short cutoffs and old western shirts with the sleeves ripped off. I’d find them at thrift stores for next to nothing and I liked the feel of thin fabric on my skin. It was kinda slutty looking but it was good for tips. Straight guys would give me good natured shit and I'd have a funny come back so they tipped well, women tipped because I had a great ass looked hot and let’s face it, any gay guys did it for the same reason. Once in a while, someone would hang out until closing time and I’d get some dick but not often. 

This one night the big hot looking guy sat at the far end of the bar just watching us work and quietly drinking beer. When we called last call he discreetly laid a huge tip on me and thanked me as he walked out. I opened my hand and found two new one hundred dollar bills. I didn’t say a word, I wasn’t sharing that tip with anyone, the guy had already put plenty in my jar. So I’m cleaning up and I haul some trash out to the dumpster behind the bar and I spot him leaning against his truck. I walked over and said...

“Thanks man, you didn’t have to do that but I sure appreciate it”

“I like to see a hot guy in shorts like that, great legs and a totally fuckable ass. I’ve been hard all night looking at that”

He stepped closer and slipped his hand on my ass. He slid it down and slipped a finger up inside to cop a feel and found my sweaty hole then pushed in a bit. I grabbed his denim covered cock and found plenty of meat. That was the first time he fucked me. He turned me to face his truck, reached around and unfastened my shorts and they’d barely hit the ground and I hear him spit on his fingers and rubbed it in my ass. He opened his jeans and pulled out his cock then pulled my hips back, kicking my feet further apart and soon he was balls deep in me. I hadn’t had a cock up my ass in over two months and I was in need. It wasn’t romantic but it was damn good and five minutes later he’s dumping a massive load of cum in my ass. I could hardly speak, it was all so sudden.

“God damn fine cunt, tight as hell. I’m through here every month. If you’re around, I’d like another shot at that boy pussy”

I nodded, he pulled out and left. I still had to finish clean up in the bar so I pulled up my shorts and went back in. Never said a word. It would be a while before I ever even got his name but every month he would show up, hand me a bunch of money at closing time and I’d meet him in back. It’s not like was getting anything anywhere else.... 

At first I felt like a whore because he kept giving me money, isn’t that what prostitution is? But I never once asked him for it, didn’t need it, I was making great money just doing my job. My costumers just loved me and my personality was perfect for the job so I blew it off and looked forward to his next visit. He finally asked for my number and would text to tell me to be ready on whatever night. 

I was in my third year at school and work by this point. Classes were going great and my grades were more than acceptable so my mom was pleased. I’d moved from the dorms the year before and had a small studio that was halfway between campus and work so all was good as to be expected, then came Jake. 

So one of our bartenders announced he was moving at the end of the month and the owner started looking for a replacement. He liked men behind the bar in case of trouble, the whole time I worked at Jack's, I’d never seen a fight at all. Worst thing we ever saw was the occasional argument which was easy to put an end to. Jack liked a comfortable place for his customers and he made sure they got it too. So back to Jake, he’s who was hired and my first shift with him was interesting to say the least. He was a good four or five inches taller than me and really hot looking in a gym bunny sort of way. Lots of tats and muscle but not too massive thankfully more long lean and ripped, huge bulky guys don’t fit well in tight spaces behind a bar but anyway, I thought he was hot. His dark hair and eyes looked sexy and he was always in hide tight jeans that showed off a big cock and a snug black T-shirt for showing for the ripped body. I walked in that first day in my raggedy jean shorts and ripped up western shirt and he took one look at me and glared like he smelled something bad. I just walked up and extended my hand....

“Hey, I’m Blue, welcome. Hope you like it here. Nice people and the tips are great”

He did one of those ass hole vice grip hand shakes then dropped it like it had something nasty on it. 

“What kind of fucked up name is Blue?”

This fucker wasn’t getting under my skin. I had seniority and I didn’t have to take shit from anyone. Jack liked me, he knew I was gay and didn’t give a shit because I brought in business. I looked at that ass hat and as calm and unflinching as could be, I smiled and said..

“It’s the kind of name my mom liked”

I smiled and walked back to my station and got set for the evening. I went about as usual, unfazed by his presence. I smiled and chatted with my customers as usual, flirting and teasing making them laugh. Hell, I was even pleasant to him. He hated it but I just acted as I did any other day. He got use to me but was never friendly. He was a good bartender and he brought in some new customers so Jack was happy. We just settled in and got into our routine. My monthly visitor, Ben, came in and as usual after closing I’m leaned up against his truck practically naked getting fucked up the ass. For the most part, it was always the same. Some times when he was really wired up he would do his usual hard fuck and dump then hold me on his cock to recover and then fuck me again. He was a way better fuck than what I was picking up on campus. Had to be twenty years older than me but he was fucking hot and that cock never failed to satisfy me. One time we were in one of those second fuck nights and unbeknownst to me, we were being watched. Jake had stepped out back for some air or something and saw Ben fucking me. He saw him pull that big cum slime covered cock out of my ass and watched as I turned and sucked it clean. He slipped back in the bar and he was standing inside the door when I walked in.

 “I saw that you fucking little faggot. What a fucking whore”

“Nah, I don’t charge for it. If you wanna try it out sometime, let me know. Probably the best pussy you’ll ever have”

I looked up at him, grabbed a handful of his denim covers box, gave it a healthy squeeze and went to finish up my work. He was stunned, that’s obviously not what he expected me to do. The following weeks I could feel his eyes on me and every time I turned to look he darted them away. This was getting funny and I was enjoying myself. One night, he’d been working this busty red head. She had come in with a couple of girlfriends and was ready to party. She started flirting with him as soon as she sat down at the bar. She was getting pretty raunchy and I could see it was having an effect on his cock. Looks like the horny bastard was pretty hung. I could see his cock snake down the leg of his jeans and she kept telling him how bad she wanted that monster up her pussy. He was eating it up and I’m about ready to start laughing. She getting so fucked up, I knew her drunk ass would be passed out in bed before he ever got ready to close down the bar. The dumb ass kept buying her drinks, fool. Anyway, about an hour before closing, she go’s to the restroom with one of the other girls and evidently passed out cold. They had to drag her to the car and she wasn’t looking so pretty. I wanted to bust out laughing but I’m no fool, he was just as likely to bust me in the mouth. He was pissed and wasn’t happy to be stuck behind the bar with blue balls and a fag named Blue. That night as we were cleaning up, he’s more quiet than usual. Once again I caught him staring at me, I just smiled and kept cleaning and talking with the bar back. The bar back walked away and I was near him as I cleaned and said....

“I can help you with your little problem”

“I ain’t gay you little faggot”

“Never said you were. I’m just saying, you could close your eyes and enjoy a blowjob and pretend I’m a certain redhead, that’s all”

I walked to the end of the bar and finished cleaning. I got finished and left to go home. I road my bike over to the little twenty four hour convenience store to pick up some milk and bread. When I walked out I see him parked by my bike.

“Hey fag, we’re you serious?”

“First of all, don’t call me a fag. You know my name. Secondly, I’m always serious about sucking cock”

I put my stuff in my backpack and got on my bike. I stopped before I took off and looked at him. He looked conflicted as hell. I smiled and road off. A few minutes later I hear his truck pull up beside me, I pull over and stop. 

“You won’t tell anybody will you?”

“Get real, what is this jr. high? Who am I gonna tell?”

He gets out and puts my bike in the back and asks were I live and we drive off. We walk in and I go to the kitchen and put my milk in the fridge, strip out of my clothes and come back in. He’s standing in the middle of the room looking out the window. I kneel down behind him in the floor and start stroking my cock.

“You ready?”

I ask. He turns and kinda jumps back a little, startled to see me naked before him.

“Jesus fag, you’re naked!”

“Look, you can call me Blue and get your cock sucked or you and keep calling me a fag and go home with blue balls. Your choice”

He’s looking down at me stroking my cock. I’m not hung but I’m above average and I keep it all shaved smooth so on my slim tight body it looks a little bigger than it is. 

“Sorry, Blue. Suck my cock?”

“My pleasure. You wanna pull it out or you want me to do it?”

He just opened his jeans and pushed them down his hot looking thighs. He’s commando as I suspected and I wasn’t wrong about him being hung. The thing is fucking long and pretty thick. I reach out and take it in hand and it started growing. I quickly scooted forward and popped it in my mouth and sucked it down. I feel it harden in my throat and soon he’s fucking my face. I never shut my eyes, I’m looking up, straight into his as he holds my head. He pulls almost all the way out and I realized how long he is. I’d been holding his hips as I sucked him but I was so turned on I let go and grabbed my cock and was stroking to the time of his fucking and with the other hand I’m working my nipple. He’s looking down on all this and getting an eye full as I’m getting off on him. I feel a drop of sweat hit my face and realize how hard he’s sweating as more falls on me. He let go of me long enough to pull his shirt off and mop his face and chest then dropped it and grabbed my head again, picking up speed. I know he’s getting off on me being so into him, I figured he would close his eyes and forget a man was sucking him off. I could feel him getting close and he slowed down, that’s a good sign, he was loving this but it wasn’t long and he smashed my head to his neatly trimmed bush and pumped a load down my throat. As the last of it pumped into me, he pushed me back and that big cock slipped from my lips. I fell back and continued working my nipple and beating my cock, seconds later I was covered in my own cum. He just stood looking down at me, almost in shock. Then he snapped back to reality and put that beautiful hunk of cock back in his jeans and put his shirt on and headed for the door.

“Good night, I had a great time. Let me know when I can help out again. See ya at work”

He was out the door in a flash and I got up and got ready for bed. Our next three shifts together, he never spoke a word to me but I acted like nothing had changed. I was my usual fun loving self and I think it drove him crazy. I don’t know what he thought I was going to do, I already told him I wasn’t gonna say anything. 

Oh well. Things got back to normal and it wasn’t long until Ben was back to visit. This time when we fucked out back, I was watching to see if Jake would come watch again and sure enough, he was standing in the door groping himself so I put on quite a show. When we finished I went back in, this time he was busy cleaning up. He did look up at me and I gave him the sweetest smile and kept on working. The next day when I came in, I had to piss like crazy and ran to the restroom. I barge in and who do I find but Jake standing pissing too. I took the one next to him and leaned over saying...

“If you wanna watch I’m cool with it but I’d gladly suck that baby off anytime you want. Better yet, you could be like my friend and fuck me sometimes”

“I’m not gay”

“No one thinks you are and I never said that. Look, you fucked my face and it didn’t make you gay. What’s the difference if you do me in the ass. You can think of it as pussy if that helps. I’m just interested in your cock”

He zipped up and walked out. I just smiled to myself, I’ve planted a seed. I just need to tend it a little and I bet he’s planting his seed in me before long. That night as we were closing up, I drug a huge can out to the dumpster but couldn’t lift it so I yelled for help at the back door and low and behold Jake showed up to help me. Actually, he did it for me.

“Thank you sir! I appreciate the help, it was just a little more than my skinny ass could do. I owe you one”

“No problem....ah I’m almost done, can I give you a lift home?”

“You sure can! Thanks”

We finished up and he walked out first, I followed shortly and unlocked my bike and he put in back. We drove in silence to my place and he pulled the bike out again and followed me to the door. I let us in and took off my clothes. 

“Another blowjob big boy?”


“Take your clothes off, I want look at you”

He didn’t say a word but did as I asked. This time I sat on the edge of my bed as he stripped. The man was fucking hot as hell. He spends a lot a time in a gym working on this masterpiece. He knows he’s got a hot body and he likes the attention but I’m sure he wishes it was a naked girl sitting here wanting to suck his cock and not a skinny boy stroking a cock and looking at him with hungry eyes. He comes over to me but this time, I take charge. The last time was a power throat fuck and I loved it but this one was gonna be slower and way better. I took the big shaft in hand and started stroking it as I licked the head. He started to grab my head but I stopped him. I just kept working that cock. I flipped on my back with my head off the side and told him to fuck my throat. I’d let him pump it in deep a little then push him back so just the head was in my mouth. I’d work the precum out and let it drip in my open mouth. He’s moaning and grunting but still hasn’t said anything. He wants to be more involved in this but I’m calling the shots. I had him get on the bed and I went down on him again then I was sucking his balls and slipping lower to his taint. When my tongue slid over his his ass he jumped back...

“Stay out of my ass, fucker!”

He yelled

“Look, your ass is safe here. As you already know, I like it up my ass. Most you’re getting is what you just had, a little tongue”

He relaxed and lay back, I just kept working everything from his nipples to his ass and he was loving it but other than his hands on my head, he'd never touch me. Finally, I’m getting tired and need to get to bed and polished him off. I’d edged him so long, he came like a high pressure hose going off. Lots of cum that tasted like roasted pecans. I didn’t even bother to get myself off, I was done, I just told him he could let himself out, the door would lock behind him. I flipped off the bedside lamp and pulled the covers over myself and said good night. Should have seen the look on his face. If I wasn’t so tired, I’d have laughed. I watched him dress in the dark and go to the door. He stopped and looked back like he wanted to say something then changed his mind and walked out. I’m laying there thinking that man will be fucking my ass before another week goes by, he’s got a lotta cock hanging between his legs and I’m determined to have it up my ass. As usual, he was standoffish our next few shifts, I knew he’d relax soon enough. This straight boy didn’t know what to think, a gay guy had sucked his cock twice and obviously he liked it but he didn’t know what that means about him, he just knew I was doing it better than any woman he’d ever been with. It wasn’t long and he’s looking at me again, I’d catch him staring at my ass in the mirror behind the bar all the time and his hard cock was difficult to miss. Yep he’s thinking about it. One night I decided to push the envelope a little, I pulled out some really ragged older shorts that normally never leave the house because the bottom of my ass shows, it’s really too much for work but what the hell. He couldn’t get his eyes off my ass and I pretty much ignored him all night. At closing time, I paid our bar back to do most of closing work and snuck out before he was finished. About forty five minutes later, I hear a knock on my door. I’d already stripped and gone to bed. I didn’t turn on any lights and when I saw it was him through the peephole, I smiled. I opened the door a little and he asked...

“You okay? You ditched out so fast”

I stepped further into the dim light, enough for him to see my naked body clearly. 

“I’m fine, just wanted to get to bed a little earlier. Wanna come in?”

I stepped back, opening the door wide. His eyes flicking from one part to another. I turned leaving him standing there. My cock started to harden. He follows me in, locking to door. I never turned around, just got back in bed. I could hear his clothes coming off behind me as I lay down on my side. He got on the bed and his hand touched my ass, cupping it gently, a finger slipped in and probed my pucker and I pushed back on it. His hands were warm and rough and felt fantastic. I pulled one leg up to give him better access and he went for it. He would occasionally slip a finger into my puckered opening and rub around. Finally I whispered...

“Fuck me”

He hesitated a bit, He'd seen the jar of lube on the bedside table because he stuck a slick finger up inside me and started moving in and out. I felt him getting in closer as he slipped another finger in. I start moaning as he goes in deeper. He’s laying behind me, getting closer. His cock is bumped up next to my hole as his fingers moved out, my hole is nice and relaxed and opened. The big head of his cock breached my hole and I gasped as it popped in. He held on when I gasped but he couldn’t hold back any longer and he grabbed my hips and yanked me back as he rammed in causing me to yell out in surprise. He’s yet to say anything. It took a bit but he managed to get all that cock inside me. I swear I saw stars when he bottomed out so hard. He finally spoke...


And that was the last he spoke for a long time, he’s slamming into my hole like a pile driver, taking my breath with each plunge. It was painful yet fantastic all at the same time. He never changed it up, he stayed behind me fucking like crazy, almost punishing me for something. He never took his hands off my hips and he never pulled all the way out, he just kept slamming it in me. Eventually I felt him fucking harder then the head of his cock seemed to get bigger and he called out...

“Oh fucking take my load”

He yanked me in tight as he filled me with cum. We lay panting in the dark and shortly we were asleep. He jolted awake, shocking me from mine. 

“What’s wrong?”

“I gotta get out of here”

“Go back to sleep. My morning class was canceled, we can go another round in the morning if you like”

Nothing doing, he was dressed and out the door in a flash. I just rolled back over and fell asleep. Next morning, I woke up because something was wet in my bed. I lifted the covers and found the biggest damn puddle of cum that drained from my relaxed hole. Fuck, not only hung but shoots huge loads, what a fucking turn on but now I had to change the sheets. Oh well, I finally got that bastard to fuck me, too bad he’s got so many hang ups. I wondered what he’d act like at the bar. I got to the bar before him and he walked in with one of the other guys, all laughing and having a good time. He didn’t see me right off and I walked up behind him and said as I slapped him on the back....

“Damn you’re in a good mood for a change. Musta got some really good pussy last night”

You should have seen his face. He’s looking around to see what the reaction was but the other guy thought it funny as well so he chilled and laughed as well. He did shoot me a look as he went past, I just smiled and went back to work. A little later we are setting up our stations and he said under his breath...

“What the fuck, I nearly shit my pants when you said that”

“Well, did you enjoy the pussy or not?”

Total loss for words but you know me, all smiles. I whisper back...

“You can have that pussy anytime you want it. No strings attached”

“I shouldn’t have done it. I’m not gay”

“Don’t you get it? I don’t care”

“I can’t talk about this”

And walked off. Gotta tell ya, I liked messing with his head. This has blown this straight boys mind, he’s questioning everything he thinks he knows about himself. I understand he’s from a really small town and getting to this mid-sized college town was a big deal. I thought that was kinda funny as I’m actually from a large city so this place was a really a step back, I mean I used a bicycle to get around so it can’t be that big. Obviously, not an educated sort of guy and I’m betting he’s a bartender for years not that that’s a bad thing, hell I’m a bartender but I won’t be doing this all my life, I promise you that. Anyway, I’m just fucking with this guy so I could get in his pants. I don’t want him for anything but sex. So latter on that night, once again I catch him watching but this time he keeping his distance. It was a busy Friday night but I still managed to have a good time messing with him. I’d gotten a text at some point from Ben that he would be by the next night so I had that to look forward too. I didn’t sleep in so I could get a jump on my homework and some things around the house. I’m in the middle of laundry when Jake shows up. I’m in a little black micro short and nothing else when I open the door for him. His eyes are drawn straight to my little shorts and I just smile and welcome him in. 

“So what is it this time? Another blowjob or maybe some of that pussy you liked so much”

He blushed beet red, I just wanted to laugh. 

“I just wanna talk. That’s all”

I flop down on the bed and wait. He’s trying to meet my eyes and not look down but I’m not making it easy. He turns me on and I’m hard as a rock in a heartbeat and those little tight shorts don’t hide a thing. 

“What’s on your mind stud”

“Will you give it a rest? It’s not like that. I was just horny and it got out of hand. It should a never happened. I like women, I want a girlfriend and get married someday. Don’t need to be doing a bunch of fag shit”

“Look, we talked about this. Stop saying FAG! It’s like saying the “N” word. It’s derogatory and it pisses me off”

“Okay, okay, I get it”

“You’re a hot looking guy, some girl is gonna go ape shit for you and I bet you make some pretty babies someday, but I don’t care about that and you know it. I think it turns you on that I’m into you. You’ve worked hard to get that hot fucking ripped body and every man I’ve ever met with a body like that wants to be worshiped. I know you like it because you always get hard when I do it. Gotta be honest here Jake, I wanna be your pussy as long as you want it or I get tired of you. I got another year before I graduate, don’t have time to date or keep a boyfriend but I have a few needs and your big cock can take care of it. I don’t wanna hang out and be buddies and things at work don’t have to change ether. I do me and you do you and every once in a while, you throw me some dick. I told you before you can have it anytime you want it and I mean it”

He sat thinking a minute.

“What about that guy?”

“Who, Ben?”

“I guess, I don’t know. The guy in the alley, you know”

“I don’t even really know him. He told me his name is Ben and he comes to town once a month. I don’t know if any of that’s true, he likes fucking me behind the bar and I like his big cock. Besides you, he’s the only action I’ve had in nearly a year. Why do you ask?”

“I don’t know, curious I guess”

“Just so ya know, he’s coming in tonight if you wanna watch again”

“Shit man, I just caught you a couple of times”

“I’m not blind, you’ve watched every time since you caught me the first time. It’s cool, I get off on it. I know it turns you on but if you want a special treat, come fuck me after he finishes”

“I think that would seriously be too gay”

“Come on now. You’re as hard as a rock right now. I bet if I dropped my shorts you’d fuck me”

He looked stunned but it was true. I slipped the shorts off and spread my legs wide and smiled. 

“Damn Dude, it’s the middle of the day!”

“Yeah, we’ve never messed around in the bright light of day. Now you can really see what we’re doing”

Being so incredibly blonde, what little hair I had on my body was really fine if any at all. I’d never had any on my ass and my pucker was as smooth as could be so he was seeing me in all my glory. He didn’t move but he didn’t look away, his cock is throbbing in his jeans. I’d beat off when I woke up and the tub of lube was still open on the table beside me. I reached over and scooped some out and started fingering my hole for him, a wet spot was forming on his jeans at the tip of that pulsing cock.

“You ever had a girl spread out like this offering you some pussy before? Just think how much money you’ll save, no dinner out, no movie you didn’t wanna see anyway, no talking her into sex. I bet they complain about how big your cock is and to slow down and not so hard, don’t they?”

He leaned over, mesmerized by what I was doing, I’d added a second finger and slowly kept going, he can’t take his eyes off my ass. Softly, I told him to take his cloths off, never says a word as if in a trance as he took off his clothes. He’s standing beside the bed as he pulled off the jeans. His ripped body looked amazing and now it’s my turn to admire him. He looks at me kinda uncomfortable...


“You really are a fucking hot looking man. Come here”

He blushed again but did as I said. He got on his knees on the bed and walked toward me. I scooted down in the bed and pulled my legs back. He reached for the lube and I stopped him. 

“Fuck me dry, I got enough already”

He’s over top of me and starts to push in. I told him to lean back so he could watch his big cock sink in me. I liked the look on his face as he fucked. Mostly he concentrated on how his cock looked sliding inside my ass but eventually he started looking up my body to my eyes. He’s keeping a steady pace as he pumps into me. 

“It feels good, doesn’t it?”

He just nods and then moves up over me, he presses my legs up over my head and his face is just about touching mine and he fucking me harder.

“Tell me what you’re thinking”

“God I fucking hate you”

“Probably, but you fucking love ramming that big raw cock up me. Say it”

“You’re such a fucking cunt”

“That’s it, make me your fucking cunt. Give me that huge fucking cock , I don’t care if you hate me as long as you keep fucking and breed that cunt”

Now he’s power fucking me harder and harder, sweat is dripping in my face. I grab his hips and urge him to do it harder.

“Oh fuck, you’re fucking the cum right out of me. Oh GOD! BREED ME JAKE!”

My cock exploded between us in a huge mess but he kept going. Minutes later, he rammed in as deep as he could and unloaded deep inside and fell down on me. He’d tried to not really touch my body much, mostly he just wanted his cock in me but he’s all over me now. Panting and heaving as his seed fills me up. He mouth is by my ear and he said

“Oh god I hate you so much”

I have my arms wrapped around him holding him close, gently stroking his back....

“You don’t really hate me do you”

“I don’t know what I know anymore. I’m so fucking messed up”

“Why, because you’re fucking me now? It’s just sex, it feels good, do it”

“But I’m fucking a god damned guy for fuck sake! Tell me that’s not gay?”

“Okay, do you feel the need to kiss me?”

“Hell no”

“What about a blowjob, you wanna suck my cock?”

“Oh my god no”

“Then I seriously doubt you’re gay”

He rolled off and lay beside me thinking.

“So what does it mean then?”

“It means you’re horny and I gave you what you needed. So what did you think?”

“I liked it, so tight”

“Thanks, glad you approve”

I noticed he was getting hard again so I moved down and started to go down on him but he stopped me

“Dude! That’s been up your ass!”

“You got a lot to learn about fucking guys. My ass is always clean”

I went back to sucking him. I got him hard and then got up on him and slid my ass down on his cock. He slammed his head back on the bed moaning and grabbed the covers. I’m riding his cock again and working my ass muscles on it. I tell him...

“Just say it, you like fucking boy pussy, don’t you?”

“Oh god.... fuck yes....I...ah.. it”

“You gonna be a bitch about it or ya just gonna give in and fuck me when I want it”

“Anything, just keep going”

That’s what I wanted to hear. I had him where I wanted him now, the big dumb jock. I’m banging my ass on him like mad and he’s fallen way to be like so many guys both straight and gay. He can be lead by the head of his dick and I’m taking full advantage. I’ll have this handsome idiot eating my ass before he knows it and he’s gonna think it’s his idea. His big cock feels incredible up my ass and from his reaction, he’s about to cum.

“Slow down big boy, make it last”

“I can’t, gotta cum”

I stopped and slapped him hard  in the face, his eyes sparked with anger. He was gonna say something but I stopped him with a finger on his lips.

“Just cool off a little. Hold back it’s called edging, I promise it’ll be worth it”

He looked like he was gonna punch me, even his fists are clenched.

“So now you wanna hit me? That how you wanna play this? Think about it” 

I clamped down on his cock with my ass, 

“This is the only pussy you’re getting lately, you wanna hurt me and lose that? This pussy never go’s on the rag, let’s you fuck bareback and breed never makes you pull out”

I’m riding again as I talk and his eyes are rolling back in his head but I got his attention, he’s hearing me. I managed to make him hold off four more times before I leaned forward and whispered in his ear....

“Breed me baby”

He screamed out as he let go and shot his load deep in me. 

“Fuck, Blue! You’re gonna drive me fucking out of my mind. I don’t think I’ve ever cum so hard in my life”

“See, I didn’t think you hated me. You might even like me a little”

“All I know is that I’ve never had such mind blowing sex in my life. I can’t believe I’m fucking a fa.... dudes ass and likening it too”

“Good save”

“I’m trying”

I smile and call him..

“Good boy. You wanna hang out and recover? Think you got another load for me in those big pretty balls?”

“Damn, you can’t get enough, can you?”

“What can I say, you turn me on. Physically, you’re exactly the kind of guy I want. Hot body, good looking as hell and a huge cock. Why do you think I worked so hard to get in your pants? You’re a fucking wet dream come to life”

I know what to say to keep him coming back. He’s proud of his body, he should be, he looks like he stepped off the cover of Men’s Health and he’s got a porn stars cock. If he was smart, he’d be working those looks and body to his advantage instead of poring drinks for a bunch of drunks but I’m going to use him for my own pleasures. 

“You really think I’m hot?”

“Jake, come on. You know I do. I bet you even turn yourself on, don’t ya pretty boy? I bet you’ve shot gallons of cum on a mirror looking at that killer body. You’re beautiful”

He kinda blushed. Nailed it, he’s done it a million times I bet. I just let it go. I run my finders over his body, testing the waters for any negative reaction. His head is so swelled from all my flattering, he’s near putty in my hands. 

“Thanks dude”

“So ya want some more pussy or not?”

“I don’t think I could get hard again, you drained me. I guess I should go and do some shit before I gotta get ready for work. Thanks Blue”

“For what?”

“You’re way nicer to me then I’ve ever been to you. Sorry I’ve been a dick, I just never met a fa.. shit, a gay guy before”

I smiled and winked at him...

“Don’t mention it, I just want you for your body and big dick”

He laughed as he started putting his clothes back on

“You’re a little shit, you know that?”

“I think you like me that way, pretty boy”

He just shook his head as he looked at me. Still naked I waked him to the door. I could feel the wetness of his cum leaking from my ass. When I started to open the door he stopped me and took me in his arms hugging me, his hands running down my body to my ass and a finger slipped in me. I thought he was gonna kiss me but he held back. 

“I’ve always been an ass man and I think you got a fucking hot one. First time I saw you in those fucking shorts you prance around the bar in, though about fucking it”

“To bad you waisted so much time being a dick. You could have taken me right then. Think of all the pussy you missed out on”

“Guess I’m a little slow”

“Baby, if you don’t stop fingering my hole, I’m gonna lose it. I need fucking again”

“You’ve fucked me out. I got nothing left”

“You started this, you need to finish it”

He turned me around and put my hands on the front door and pulled my hips back. He got down behind me and did it, he jammed his tongue up my cum filled ass. I yelled out in ecstasy as he’s going to town on my ass. I reach down and start beating my hard cock, I needed to cum again. He took each globe of my ass in a hand and pulled them as far apart as he could and went even deeper up my ass with his tongue, seconds later I was blasting a load all over the floor. He took one big lick and stood up, slapping me on the ass. I turned and looked at him in total surprise...

“Are you ever full of surprises. Never thought you would ever do that”

He grinned at me sheepishly...

“What, I’ve eaten pussy before. I just thought, how different could it be?”

“Yeah, but this one was full of cum”

“I’ve eaten my cum out of a girl before, it’s no big deal”

“Well, thanks, I loved it and it got me off. I needed that”

He just grinned, wiped his face off and walked out the door. I got my chores done, got a work out and a nap before my shift at the bar. I was one really satisfied gay boy and I sill had Ben coming in tonight. The night was busy but every Saturday was, Ben showed up a couple of hours before closing and waited in back after we shut down. As usual, I went out to see him. 

“So your stalker gonna watch me plow that ass again?”

“He hasn’t missed one since he discovered us at it. I’m sure he will”

“Good, I like to be watched. Drop your shorts boy”

He spits in my ass and is soon balls deep in me and fucking away. 

“Boy, that cunt isn’t as tight as usual. Been getting some action lately?”

“My stalker over there banged two loads of cum in me before we came in tonight”

“Thought he was supposed to be straight”

“He is but I talked him into fucking me when I discovered how big his cock is. Don’t worry about him, just keep fucking”

He pulled me away from the truck and shadows and fuck walked me closer to where Jake was standing in the shadow of the doorway and proceeded to fuck the shit out of me in front of him. Surprisingly, Jake didn’t duck back inside he just stood and watched. After Ben finished and I went back in, Jake told me he was taking me home again. We were barley in the door and he jerked my shorts down as well as his jeans, got me on my knees and rammed his hard cock straight up my ass. He didn’t hesitate a second, he was balls deep in me so fast I hardly had time to think. Like always, he never said a word, just grunting like a pig as he shot his load in with Ben’s. Before I could blink an eye, he was eating my ass out again, I could feel him sucking his and Ben’s cum out of me and chewing on my puffy used cunt until he got his fill.

“Well, that was a surprise. I guess it turns you on to see me get fucked”

He didn’t answer and he couldn’t look at me ether, he just pulled his jeans up and plopped down on the couch. I got up out of the floor and took my clothes completely off and made my way to the bed. I lay back and picked up my phone and started looking at Grindr. I had just gotten fucked twice and hadn’t cum yet. I was on edge and needed to get off so I thought I’d maybe find a guy to come get me off, Jake could stay and watch or not. I didn’t say anything about it, just kept looking. Finally he asked what I was doing. 

“Just looking. You gonna stay the night or what?”

“Looking for what?”

“Someone to come over and fuck me”

“God Damn! You just got fucked, twice!”

“Well, Ben was turned on fucking in front of you and I never got off and you were in such a hurry to get yours that I’m left hanging. I could do it myself but I want a cock in me when I cum. Maybe you can hang out and watch some dude get me off, your choice"

He’s looking at me dumbfounded, he couldn’t believe it. I found a guy pretty quickly, he asked for a selfie to make sure I was real. I did one of me so he could see everything and soon he was on his way over. Not long and he was knocking at the door. When he walked in, he saw Jake standing there and stopped. 

“Don’t worry about him, he’s just a friend from work. He fucked me but I didn’t get off. Wanna help me with that?”

“He just gonna watch?”

“I don’t know. Jake, you just watching again?”

He blushed and nodded then sat back on the bed against the headboard, fully dressed. The guy was in his 30’s, just shorter than me, nice looking with a decent thick cock. He’d said he just needed to fuck, no blowjob just pump n dump. Worked for me, I was already on edge so a quickie was fine with me. He dropped his sweat pants and shirt and got on top of me. He reached for the lube and just smeared some on his meat and dove in. It was hard and fast, no working it in just a fuck. My cock responded and I was leaking pretty good and I’m beating it as hard as hell. I need to cum and I wanted a hard cock in my hole when I did it. It wasn’t the best I’d ever had but it was filling the need and within ten minutes, I was blowing my load and he was right behind me, filling my needy hole. He pulled out, dressed and thanked me as he walked out the door. Over all, I don’t think he was in my place more than 20 minutes. Jake was amazed.

“I can’t believe you did that. You just let him use you”

“Not the way I look at it. You used me, so did Ben. You guys got your rocks off and left me high and dry. That guy was a cock to help me cum. I got mine first and if he hadn’t cum when he did, I’d have run him off. I was done”

“Fuck, you’re hard core man”

“Look you and me, we use each other to get off. What’s the difference. You don’t even like me, you just like fucking my ass and face. I’m cool with that. I told you in the beginning, it’s just sex. When I graduate next year, I’m gone. I’ll probably never see you again. I doubt I ever forget about you, you’re a fucking hot hunk of manhood with a huge fucking cock”

“I guess I just never met someone like you before. I should be use to you but you keep surprising me”

“Just being me. You gonna spend the night or are you out of here as usual? Offer still stands for early morning pussy if you want it”

“You really want me to stay? I thought you didn’t like me”

“No, I said you don’t like me. I like your hot fucking body and huge cock and I'd like waking up next to someone like you everyday if I could. I’m into you or should I say I’m in to your body. I just think it’d be hot to sleep with you and pretend a little. At this point. I’m a little lonely. All I do is work and school. Ben comes around once a month and throws me a fuck and now you're using me. Just do me a favor, get naked, get in bed and hold me tonight. I’m not asking for romance and I’m not wanting to kiss and make out, just sleep next to me, okay?”

He did as I asked, he stayed the night and he ended up doing that a lot. He became much nicer at work and no one ever knew he was fucking me all the time. It’s not going anywhere and I have no delusions about us as a couple. That’s not gonna happen. I’ll be gone at the end of the next school year and that will be that. As for now, I got the hottest guy around as a fuck buddy and that’s good enough for me.

by Slutty Texas Btm

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024