The New Years Bang

by ThatAussieGuy

1 Jan 2024 1950 readers Score 9.8 (52 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Hope everybody is doing well, I've been through a few issues personally which hasn't let me write and I've been struggling with some mental health issues again. My focus will be on short stories for the next little bit so hope you all enjoy them and leave plenty of feedback.

“So what are your plans for New Years Eve Jake?” Mum asks me as we have our weekly Sunday phone chat to keep up with each other even though I’d only just got back from spending Christmas with my family for the first time in two years.

“I’m not really sure, I mean I probably should do something because like we said during Covid we just can’t put it off until next year because we don’t know if there is a next year but again do I really want to deal with the people” I say thinking about things and all the hassle that we used to go through when I lived at home and as a kid we’d all go and sit in my the back of my Dad or Uncle’s ute and watch the fireworks over the river at home.

The past few years I’ve been living across on the other side of the country working for the newest and most exciting sports broadcasting network where I’ve been hosting a late-night Sports radio show from Wednesday to Sunday. The new job opportunity came out of nowhere after initially taking on a job in a different city from home but it has been something that I couldn’t have ever dreamed off getting just 18 months ago when I first took on the unexpected opportunity.

“Exactly Jake and I know that if you were back at home you’d probably go out and celebrate with Angus or Nick” Mum says as I know what she is referring to about me trying to find someone to date and look to have a relationship with because I’m 28 these days and still not into dating.

“I know what you’re getting at Mum but seriously, I’m happy with how things are and I will try to do something I promise you” I tell her as she is happy that I will but I know that there isn’t too many expectations that I will.

As I sit there finishing off the conversation with Mum, I think about what I could do tonight because as much as I don’t want to be going out but I know that at the same time I still haven’t really explored Edenhope as much as I probably should have but the late night show doesn’t let me have much of a social life.

Jumping back on my laptop for a bit, I have a scroll through of New Years Eve events which at 2pm in the afternoon is probably pretty late to find somewhere because people camp out for days to find the right spot along Prospect Bay for the fireworks and light show and then any sort of other events are all sold out or not really down my thing of loud dance music although the thought of sweaty people dancing is hot.

As I keep scrolling online trying to find something to do, I notice that the bar that I go to a few blocks down from the apartment is having their “NYE and Chill party” which is a quiet night with a pretty decent live band that they have regularly with drinks and food for $70. I think about it for a bit and wonder whether that I should do it and eventually book my ticket.

Part of me is excited for this sort of thing down at the gay bar but at the same time I know that it’s not really my scene and I don’t know whether I really want to or not. The hours go by and I think about what Mum said about being worried about me being lonely because I don’t have much of a social life and really the closest people that I’m with here are my work colleagues and the fact that I usually hit the gym at the same time as my downstairs neighbour Cody who lives with his girlfriend Laura.

It's about 9pm and with the time gap, it’s midnight back home so I sit there and watch the live stream of the Riverton fireworks which as always look amazing over the harbour and the main city that lights up with a mix of fireworks, light show and drones to celebrate everything in the city and does make me homesick. They last about 15 minutes before I have a shower and get ready to go out as I look through my clothes and struggle to come up with an idea of what I want to wear which I just decide on my rainbow CK t-shirt and denim shorts plus just a pair of cheap white shoes that I had got from H&M a few weeks ago.

Standing there and looking in the mirror, I actually feel pretty good about myself tonight and even though I know that nobody will take a second look at me but it’s not why I’m going out tonight and actually feel confident as my T-shirt clings to my fit body which whilst is not massively muscled, I’m still pretty fit.

Heading down to the bar, I walk past a few pubs that are full of people and start to have doubts whether I’m really up for this and stop for a minute but then decide that I can’t just keep myself isolated for so long. The words of mum go through my head about being lonely and I do know some of the bar staff at the club a bit so I could always strike up a chat because as everyone tells me, I could start a conversation with a brick wall and have it talk back to me.

I continue down to the club and stand outside as a few people are waiting to get in as there is a different security guy to the normal guys as he checks tickets and now I think that I’m going to have doubts that he’d let me in with what I’m wearing. Standing there, I get my phone out and show him my ticket as he gives me the wristband that everyone gets and I put it on and head into the club.

The atmosphere in the club is pretty perfect for me because there is a band playing and it’s not to loud with people just pretty chilled talking and although there are a few familiar faces I’ve seen before, it’s not anybody that I know so that I come and sit at the bar.

“What can I get you tonight bro? Oh it’s you Jake, the usual?” the usual barman Mateo is here as he always seems to be as his Latin charm is fully on show tonight which is his biggest asset especially on nights like this where he can get plenty of sales although drinks are already paid for by the entry ticket.

“Nah, it’s a special occasion so why not surprise me with one of your specials” he has a cheeky grin on his face and winks at me like the flirt he is. The tight white buttoned up shirt he is wearing seems exceptionally small tonight on his tanned muscled body which I can’t help but stare at every time I come in to the bar. “You sure about that Jake? I can make a mean cocktail that will get you hooked?” he says with another wink as we flirt together.

The flirting with Mateo is always fun because it’s all harmless fun because I’m about the only person that knows Mateo’s real story about the fact that he is 100% straight and has a girlfriend and son back in Guatemala where he comes from originally.

Mateo puts a drink in front of me as I look at it and he smiles “Try it, it’s an Apple Vodka Martini… my special creation” he says as I smile and take a mouthful and it’s surprisingly good considering how different it is to what I normally have. “Damn, please tell me you’ve got this on your specials menu” I ask as he shakes his head.

“Nah not yet, I’m trying to get it on the specials when I’m on but you know how tough it is” he says as I nod and smile but encourage him. The night is pretty busy so Mateo and I don’t get much of a chance to chat with Mateo which is expected because I didn’t think to see the muscled Guatemalan tonight.

The conversations between me and Mateo sort of came out of the blue one day when I was in here during the day when the club acts as an ordinary bar focusing on the regular everyday clients and ironically acts as the main lunch spot for all the different seniors bus trips during the day in the middle of the week.

Mateo and I chatted about our mutual love of Soccer because he came here to play but that fell through and although he couldn’t do it professionally, he got a semi-professional contract with Sorrento FC and then needed another job to send money to his family so worked here.

The impression that he likes to give everyone is that he is gay because it’s better for sales and it gets him more attention so there are very few people that actually know his true story. I sit there and check Mateo out and I can’t deny that I’ve pictured him naked many times and when I’ve needed inspiration to jerk off to, I’ve thought about his muscled Latin American body pounding me hard with his smooth muscled thighs, using all their power.

I close my eyes for a moment and just think about it when I feel a hand go on my shoulder “Jake? That you?” I say jumping back to reality as I turn around and see Cody standing there as I’m surprised to see him because I thought he’d be spending New Years Eve with Laura.

“Cody man, what are you doing in a place like this?” I ask him as he sits down at the bar next to me as he just smiles at me. “Probably the same thing you’re doing here, celebrating New Years Eve” he says as I nod my head still having no idea why on earth he would be here and not with Laura.

Mateo walks over towards both of us “Another one Cody?” he says as Cody nods and Mateo nods putting another drink in front of him and gives me a look of disapproval that I’m still on the first Apple Vodka Martini. “What’s Jakey drinking?” Cody asks Mateo as he looks at us “You two friends?” he says with a smirk as I just shake my head at him.

“We just live in the same apartment building up the road and go to the gym together” Cody says as I look at Cody’s cute face with his blonde hair tied up tonight as he wears a zebra print tank top and jeans in a way that I’ve never seen him look before.

“One of my Apple Martinis… you finally want to have a go?” Mateo looks at Cody who laughs and nods his head. “If you haven’t knocked out Jake yet then it must be fine” he says with a smile as Mateo looks proud of his drink as we sit there.

Cody looks hot tonight as he sits there and although I’ve seen him in the gym right down to a pair of White CK briefs, something about the way he looks tonight is just amazing. “Got your New Years kiss all worked out yet?” Mateo says coming back taking a quick break to talk to us while it’s quietened down for a few minutes.

I shake my head “Nah, I mean it’s not something that I’ve really gotten into or ever done before” as Cody looks at me with great shock on his face. “Seriously? A guy like you hasn’t got his New Years kiss” I shake my head as the surprise on Cody’s face turns to a grin.

“Well guess we’ve gotta fix that then for you” he says as I look intrigued about it all as he smiles. “I don’t need to be set up with anyone just for the sake of a kiss, I’ve got through all this time without it” I say as Cody shakes his head.

“Nah, I’m fixing that tonight and giving you your first New Years Kiss, it’d be the best way to bring in the New Year” he says as I’m so confused about the situation. “I thought that you would want to do that with Laura?” I ask as Cody starts laughing hard.

My confusion is obvious “Sorry bro… I didn’t mean to laugh that hard but we’re not Tasmanian, I’m not kissing my sister on New Years Eve” he says as I don’t think I’ve ever been so embarrassed in my life.

“Wait… your sister? I thought you two were?” Cody just smiles and shakes his head at me as I can’t help but want to just crawl behind the bar and out the back way never having been so embarrassed in my life.

Cody puts his arm around me “Nah, it’s nothing like that we’re just brother and sister, she came out of a messy relationship about a year ago and we live together while she saves up some more money to get her own place” he says as I nod my head and smile.

“I’m sorry… I thought…” Cody with his muscled arm around me just smiles “It’s cool, I suppose the way I talk about her probably gives that idea off but hypothetically even if she was my sister, she definitely doesn’t have the factors I want” he says winking at me.

As we sit there drinking the drink I look at him “If you aren’t straight then why did you never hit on me at the gym?” I say as he as a smirk on his face. “Do you really think that I’m going to hit on a guy that’s straight? Plus I could ask you the same thing” he says putting it back on me.

“What do you mean?” he says as I look at him. “Well your question could apply to you doing the same thing to me if you’re gay as well” he says as I laugh and smile realising how much of a dumb situation we were in.

I look across “I probably wouldn’t have hit on you even if I knew you were gay as well because I didn’t want to make things so awkward between us.” Cody laughs and pulls me in for a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Nothing could be that awkward between us, I mean we’ve both been at the gym late at night together and well in the next cubicle I’ve know that tight fit body of yours was wet and naked and we were talking” I laugh and realise that it’s true although I’ve never thought of that being awkward more than just chatting together but then in my head, thinking about it we were both completely naked just chatting normally.

As we sit there and chat for a bit, it gets closer to midnight as Cody looks at me “You never gave me an answer on the midnight kiss” he says as I look at him and think about things for a moment not trying to look to eager. “I mean a New Years kiss is meant to be special and am I that special?” I say trying to play hard to get for a few moments.

Cody takes his hair out for a minute as it falls to his shoulders and the blonde hair down to his shoulders actually makes him look hotter. “You know playing hard to get is just dragging this out because we both know at midnight, we’re gonna be kissing” he says as I wink at him and smile.

The fact that I’m going to kiss Cody actually makes me feel good because I would always try to get out of the shower before he did so I could sneak a peek at his toned smooth ass knowing how much I wanted it but he was always one step ahead of me.

As the clock gets closer to midnight, Cody holds my hand as now the idea to come out tonight is the right idea especially getting to know Cody even better. We keep sitting there as I have another drink and it gets to a few minutes from midnight.

“You sure there isn’t someone else here you want to kiss?” I say to Cody who smiles and shakes his head as we both smile. “Nobody else on the planet right now I want to share how special a midnight kiss could be” he says as I push his hair back on his face behind his ear.

I move in to kiss Cody who puts his finger on my lips for a minute “Wait a minute” he says as the countdown clock on the TV goes under 60 seconds as we count down as it gets to the final ten seconds.

“10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…” Everybody counts down to zero and as the shouts of Happy New Year, I feel Cody’s soft lips hit me and even though I’ve thought about this before, the kiss feels better than anything I could have imagined.

I kiss Cody back and when I think that he is going to pull away, the kiss goes deeper as our lips lock and tongues start wrestling in my mouth as we both moan quite loudly before Mateo reaches over and taps us on the shoulder. “You two probably need to get a room pretty quickly” he says laughing as we look embarrassed right now.

“Guess we really got into that kiss” he says right now as I laugh and feel embarrassed that what I thought was just going to be a quick peck quickly became a full on embrace and make-out. “Sorry…” I go to say as Cody just laughs as he was about to say the same thing.

“I thought I was the one who had to apologise but just when we kissed…” I nod my head not knowing how to express the feelings because whilst I’m far from being a virgin, I’ve never really had that sort of level of passion before especially in a kiss.

We sit at the bar as Mateo has a smile on his face “Another happy couple set up by Mateo.” Cody and I sit there both looking at Mateo with a curious look on his face. “Don’t you dare claim credit for anything, it was just a kiss” he says as we both laugh saying that’s all it as he shakes his head.

“You two go to the gym together and live in the same building? Oh you two are having sex” he says as we shake our heads though I can’t deny the thought really crossed my mind after that kiss with the night.

Mateo gets called away to start cleaning up some of the areas now that it’s after midnight as Cody sits there “Any more plans for the night?” he says with a smirk on his face. “Not really, I might just head home, it’s lucky New Years is a Sunday so I don’t go back to work until Wednesday night” I say as he smiles.

“Well then can a boy walk another boy home tonight?” he says as I stand up and look across at him and smile. “I mean it’s not like it’s taking you out of your way because you need to go to the same building… and does home just mean the building or to my bedroom door?” I laugh as I can see how impressed Cody is with me.

I see the look on his face “You look all nice and innocent but you’re really just a naughty little man aren’t you Jake” he says as I shrug and even though it’s probably a fair bit of the three Vodka martini’s talking but the feelings around Cody are nothing like I’ve felt before.

We kiss each other again as he looks at me “As long as we don’t tell Mateo that he’s right” I nod and agree as we head off back to the apartment waving to Mateo.

“Damn, that was a good night… I was really just going to stay at home tonight but Mum pushed me into going on when we chatted on the phone today, she is always at me to be more social especially since I’ve been here for 18 month and pretty much just know work people… and you” he says as I laugh.

Cody smiles and takes my hand “Well then I’m glad that I helped and the night is still pretty damn early you know” he says as we walk back to the apartment and catch the lift up to my apartment.

As we get there I unlock the door and Cody follows me in as he looks around “Can I get you anything?” I say as he looks at me. “Well you already owe me more of that kiss” he says as I smile and stand there across from him and put my arms over his shoulders and start to kiss him deeply.

As we kiss, we are picking up from where we left off in the club before Mateo had to stop us from tearing each others clothes off there and exploring the bodies. Cody kisses me and although nervous I push my hand up he chest feeling his firm muscled body and I lift up his shirt as I do with my hand exploring his smooth six pack before he pulls his shirt off and even without the lights on, I can feel everything of his body and see the smooth outlines of his abs and pecs plus tonight he has his nipple rings in that make it even better.

We moan loudly as we continue to make out as I can feel my huge bulge growing even more as Cody starts to take my shirt off and explore my not as ripped or smooth body that had I known that I was going to have sex tonight, I would’ve shaved down.

I lead Cody to my bedroom and throw him down and climb over the top of him, as my hands explore his body and I kiss down his neck as he moans “Fuck you are so hot Jake” he says as I smile and let my mouth do the work flicking his pierced nipples as it’s all so tender before moving down his abs and unbuckling his belt and lowering his tight jeans.

Cody’s thighs have always been where I had so much jealously because they are so firm and muscled and I’ve just wanted to rub my hands on them and lick them even. As we lay there I move down and see that he is wearing a jock strap underneath “Damn you are so fucking hot” I say as Cody moans and rubs his hand through my hand before his 8 inch thick cut cock springs out and I run my hand over it as he moans.

I spread Cody’s legs apart and the urge comes over the top of me as I start to lick up his thighs which I worry that he is going to hate but straight away the moan “Oh fuck that is amazing… how did you know…” he says as I keep licking up now straight to his balls and start licking his full ball sac.

“Mmmm fuck yeah baby, just like that” he says as I’m running my tongue over his balls and my hands run up his extremely smooth thighs and he holds my head. As I go further up his balls, I start to lick his shaft and swirl my tongue around it.

The two of us are moaning as Cody pulls me up so that we can kiss again and he wants to pull my shorts off because he wants to get me naked and explore my body. My hairy legs are in contrast to his smooth legs but the air hits them and his soft finger tips make me shudder but feel so amazed and in a sense of ecstasy right now.

Cody rolls me over so that now he is on top as we stay making out for a bit as laying on top of each other with how similar heights meaning that our cocks are grinding together and I can feel him pulsating underneath me.

“I need to suck you so badly” he says as I smile and whisper to him “As long as I’m sucking you too” I say as I feel him get over me so that we can 69 with each other. Cody lays on top of me as I’m waiting for him to feed me all 8 inches of his cock.

Cody puts his leaking cock into my mouth and words can’t describe how good it feels right now to have this hot long hair blonde studs cock in my mouth. The two of us start sucking each other and I realise that this is the first time I’ve ever actually 69’ed anyone.

The feeling of his leaking cock in my throat is one of the best feelings that I’ve ever had in my life and I keep sucking it deeply as all I can hear is a mix of slurping and moaning between the two of us as we continue to suck each other.

I can feel my cock almost climaxing right now as I feel Cody pull out of my mouth as he looks at me “Fuck me” I blurt out as Cody looks at me with a big smile on his face as I don’t know what I was thinking because now he is going to think that I’m a slut.

Cody looks at me and kisses me “Then you can fuck me back” he says as I smile as he kisses me and then gets up and pulls me towards the edge of the bed and then throws my legs up in the air. The cool air hits my hole which is twitching right now and I feel Cody start to run his tongue on my pink hole which hasn’t been fucked in years.

I close my eyes as Cody is an expert rimmer because straight away he hits all the spots and instead of rushing around, he actually takes it very slowly as my body tenses up and just feels so good right now as his tongue goes into my hole. I moan loudly as Cody pulls off for a moment “You like my tongue fucking your hole? You want my cock don’t you” he says getting all cocky and dominating which I love right now.

I just nod my head “Yeah baby… lube is in my bottom drawer of the basket shelves” I tell Cody who opens up and has a look as I forget that it’s not just my lube that’s in there but some other stuff I bought but haven’t used yet.

“Ooh, you’re a real dirty boy aren’t you Jake” he says as I hear him opening the lube and then feel him rubbing it on my hole before he lubes up his cock.

My hole is tight so he starts off with just a finger which feels so good before quickly expanding to two fingers so that I’m stretching out tonight in preparation for his thick cock. As I lay there, Cody slaps his cock on my crack teasing me about putting his thick cock in as I’m now moaning and begging to be fucked hard.

Cody finally pushes the head of his cock into my hole as even though I’ve been expecting it, it feels so different to what I was expecting “OH FUCK” I moan as he holds his head in my hole for a moment because it’s so tight that he wants to make sure that he can get it in.

I lay there feeling his cock stretching my hole right now as his thick cock is starting to go in and right now I don’t know whether it feels good or painful right now but it feels both good and painful in a weird mix. Cody starts to push in “FUCK YOU ARE SO TIGHT”  he says as I moan “OH FUCK YEAH” I say as in my head I’m worried that he is thinking that it’s a bad thing but I don’t want to say anything.

As I’m bent over the edge of my bed, there’s a huge wet spot laying underneath right now as my cock is like a river leaking right now onto my quilt as Cody is starting to pick up the speed. I can’t believe how good it feels as I feel his muscled body putting all it’s strength through my body right now as he fucks me hard as I hear his cock going in and out as he hits my prostate.

The slamming continues as my bed is banging against the wall which lucky for me the only neighbour on that side of the wall is away on holiday so they aren’t copping everything coming through the wall or how loud that my moaning is right now.

“FUCK ME HARDER” I say as Cody has my arms pinned back and is slamming into me hard as I moan loudly and he just does that because it feels so good right now as I can feel the warmth of his pre-cum lining my tight hole right now as I keep my eyes closed.

Cody picks up the speed again and fucks me harder as I moan before he pulls out of my ass and then pulls me up to kiss me as I get worried but then he lays on the bed and throws his legs up “Your turn baby”.

I grab the lube and lube up my cock which is already leaking it’s own pre cum and then lube his hole up and I push my cock into his tight hole. “FUCK THAT’S THICK” he says as my cock spreads pushes open his hole as I can see on his face that even for him this hurts.

I smirk as his moans loudly “Damn that hurts” he says as I start to pull out for a moment “Don’t fucking stop Jake” he says as I pick up the speed and start pounding against his prostate again. I keep fucking him hard as he moans loudly as he lays there and all the work that I’ve done in the gym is really coming out.

All the power in my body is coming out as even though there are still some major fireworks outside, there is plenty of fireworks right now in my bedroom as I keep fucking Cody hard right now. “I don’t know how long I can hold off cumming bro” I say loudly as he nods. “I wanna swallow that load” he says as I nod and pull out of his hole and climb over the top of him and he sucks on my cock pushing it to the limits as I finally blow a massive load down his throat and my balls drain completely.

I can’t believe how much cum is flying out of my cock as Cody takes it all down his throat without gagging as I finish blowing my huge load over his face and he now pushes me down onto the bed and feeds me his cock. As he feeds me his cock, I can feel all the pressure in it as I know there is going to be a heap of cum down my throat in seconds.

Trying to get myself prepared for all the cum doesn’t work where out of nowhere Cody starts busting his load and I can feel the warm and surprisingly sweet tasting cum hitting me at the back of my throat just repeatedly as one hand is on his balls that I can feel draining.

Unlike Cody, I can’t keep myself from gagging on all the cum as he finally finishes blowing his load as I’m panting hard not able to believe what just happened as Cody comes down and kisses me. This kiss feels longer than any of our others tonight.

He gets up and pulls me up “Finally get to shower with you tonight” he says as we go into my small shower as our cocks are both really hard still as they rub against each other as the water runs down our bodies.

We get out of the showers as Cody looks at me “Do you mind if I spend the night? I don’t wanna disturb Laura” I smile and nod and just tell him that I expected that.

The next morning, it’s like 10am before Cody and I wake up and lay there as I check my phone and see a text from Mum.

“Hope you had a good night last night and did something” she says as I text back.

“I definitely did some… one”