The New Terrans

by PCLatex

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Chapter 12

A Fresh Challenge

Sirius stopped dead as he took in the sight of the still securely restrained Jens, the droid figures of Eugen and Franz almost colliding with his back. His vocaliser made several unintelligible sounds, then he began to move, stopping directly in front of his immobilised lover. His vocaliser appeared to be malfunctioning, but finally he succeed.

“Jens. Love. What have they ..?”

“Easy, Sirius. He won’t know you like this.” I put my arm round Sirius’ droid waist. “Jens. You don’t know me, I’m an — or was — Exiled Mutant. This,” I squeezed Sirius gently, “is your friend, companion … Sirius. He’s disguised as a Droid for now.” Hugging Sirius, I continued, “We’re all here to help you recover from … the Institute and hide you until we can be sure we are all safe and can go home …”

Jens eyes showed doubt as they flicked from me to the droid figure of Sirius, and back again. His penis, now stiffly erect, dribbled precum and now Sirius knelt down, and very tenderly, applied his rubber lips in a gentle kiss, sucking the clear fluid into his oral sleeve. 

“Jens. My darling. I’m here. You’re safe now. We’ll get you well again. I promise.” His vocaliser managed as he took that very large glans into his oral sleeve. There was a definite ‘choke’ in his words as he spoke.

The effect of the kiss and the contact on the restrained Jens was electric. A powerful tremor shook him, and a long low moan issued from behind the muzzle. Sirius the droid began to gently and lovingly give his restrained lover head as we watched.

“Master Felix,” Jorge was beside me. “Eugen has explained that Jens is only calm enough to be at least partially free of restraint when his penis is in use. We will fetch my equipment and start fitting the implants to him while Sirius is busy.”

“Do it, Jorge. I’ll take care of Sirius …” Kissing his rubber cheek, I said, “I think this is going to be very difficult.”

“My mother thinks she can at least moderate his hormone levels by adjusting our nutrition. She already does it for me and the others. Makes it easier to control our emotions.” His hand touched my buttock, the small token sign he used to tell me he loved me. “We won’t be long, Master.”

They weren’t, and as soon as they returned, set to work, partially releasing Jens from one restraint at a time so that Jorge could locate the nerve nexii he needed to insert the microchip implants. I carefully ‘mapped’ these as he worked, recording the positions he was marking with a type of marker. Having watched him do this several times now, I wondered who had done this on him, since some of the places were not accessible to someone doing it to himself. He’d never told me, and I didn’t like to press him on it. One thing I did know, was that when he finally emerged from his droid shell, these implants would remain …

“It is done, Master. I can now build the neural net into the base suit. Mother says she has a trial dose of his nutrition ready, and we should feed him now.” 

“Okay.” I stroked Sirius’ rubber head. His rubber face around his mouth was coated in cum. “Should one of us take over from Sirius? He must be drowning in cum by now.”

“Yes, Master.” Jorge paused. “But it should be one of the others. We are better adapted to deal with this.” 

I watched, amazed, appalled and angry as Sirius was gently coaxed into releasing his lover's now writhing and snake-like penis, and Franz took his place. Jens’ agitated member sprayed them both liberally with cum, and plunged itself into Franz’s oral sleeve as soon as he presented it.

“Now you see why this has been so difficult.” Guardian Erik was at my shoulder. “I just hope this works. Marietta — Jorge’s parent — is confident she can sort out the hormone imbalance the bastards have caused in him, and the droid system will help him control the rest while the shrinks sort out his head …” A bitter note crept into his voice. “This is what they did to my brother. Remember that harness I put on you during the storm?”

“I wondered.” Frowning, I thought about it. “But just tormenting a guy like that wouldn’t  do this to him. Raise his cum production and condition him to the torment, sure, but not the rest of this …”

“No, you’re right.” Studying me for a minute, he paused. “No, there’s an additional component to it. That harness has that helmet with the half face mask remember? There are chips built into it which, when activated, stimulate parts of the brain and alter your mental state. It’s a part of the programming — once you’re on that damned saddle, the helmet is linked to their damned system … after a couple of days, you’re near enough a vegetable. Just a sperm production unit on legs. They used the cum they milked to modify the genetic material, and fed the modified genes back to the victim … That’s going to be the tricky bit to reverse.”


Erik was right, but the work to get the whimpering Jens into the droid disguise was completed in record time thanks to us all working round the clock. Jorge gave Sirius the final task of inserting the mouthpiece and oral sleeve, finally revealing that the people who’d held him had removed his teeth completely. They’d also attempted to modify his jaw to limit movement. As he’d done the fitting of Jens’ dildo sleeve penis, scrotal containment and anal sleeve, we all felt this was his right. The changed nutrition seemed to be working, as our patient was calmer and becoming far more co-operative.

We all surveyed the droid figure now fixed to the substantial frame in which we’d placed him while completing his ‘casing’. His serial number now decorated his left thigh — A44-J-66. We’d been working in the same workshop in which Jorge had constructed the droid body that now encased him, and once again I wondered who had helped him. 

“The face piece has now sealed,” Jorge announced, checking the joint. “The droid system will now activate, but we will still need to wait an hour before we can give his sleeve inserts the final bonding treatment.” Resuming his droid ‘stand by’ posture, he added, “I suggest, Master Felix, that Droid Sirius be one, and another Droid do the other sleeve simultaneously. We will know by then if the system is working and helping him.”

“Good idea.” Glancing at Erik, I grinned. “And while that happens, perhaps the others can make use of this sex starved mutant … A Club sandwich perhaps?”

“What do you think, Jorge?” our Guardian companion asked. “Should we give him what he’s asking for?”

Jorge walked to me, and took my hands in his droid hands. “If it is what my Master wishes, I will prepare him for the sandwich, sir.”

“It’s exactly what I wish, Jorge,” I replied, entwining my penis with his. “With you as the first in my pussy.”

“As you wish, Master. Come, and I shall secure you in readiness.”

Taking his hand, I pecked his rubber cheek. “Lead me to it, Jorge, my beautiful, clever, amazing lover.” Walking with him to another workroom, I added, “And I live in the hope that one day I will be able to hold the real Jorge in my arms …”

“It will come, beloved Felix. My father says so.”

He fitted the restraining straps over me carefully, and fastened me firmly and as lovingly as his droid ‘body’ allowed, to the padded worktop. Fitting upright supports at my hips, he raised my legs and cuffed them to the uprights.

“I shall summon the others, beloved Master.” He announced moving to the door. 

“Kiss me first, my darling Jorge. Kiss me, tell me you love me, and when everyone has finished enjoying me, I want you, my darling, to fuck again before you release me …”

“As you wish, beloved Felix,” his vocaliser even sounded tender as he applied his rubber mouth to mine, and delivered a very gentle kiss. “When the sandwich round is complete, it will be a pleasure to deliver my Master’s instruction.”

With a gentle stroke of my face with his droid hand, he walked to the door, and invited Erik to bring the others.

A few minutes later Erik entered with Jorge, Eugen and Franz. Erik moved into place above me, his erection slipping into my mouth as he took my raised organ, Eugen slipped his penis into Erik’s opening, and Jorge placed himself at my pussy, his beautiful dildo penis slipping straight into me as Franz took his place behind him … I focussed on the sensations in my overloaded sex organs as they set to work. By the second change round I was in a trance and a sort of sexual heaven.

They worked through the agreed rotation until finally, Erik, Eugen and Franz withdrew. Drunk on the hormonal surge and the cum filling my stomach and my butt, I welcomed Jorge as he positioned himself once again at my butt.

“Give me your cum, my love.” My head felt fuzzy. “Fuck this Mutant Master of yours, and finish him off …”

I came to my senses coated in cum, my body glowing with the hormonal overload, to find Jorge locking me into the quarantine chastity belt. Then with Erik’s help, he put me into the tight Quarantine suit, locked the triple cuff mutant restraint onto me and escorted me to where Sirius was performing the final bonding the sleeves in Jens’ mouth and anus with Eugen as a partner. It was beautiful to watch. 

When Sirius led a now calmer Jens, Droid A44-J-66, to a double charging station attended by a pair of psycho-medics, Jorge took my hand and led me away to our suite where he made to remove the restraints and the suit.

“No, my love. Leave me like this. Exiled Mutant Fifty again. Stay with me on the bed, hold me in your arms and remind me how much we have seen and done since those days when you first disguised yourself as the Quarantine Droid.”

He obliged, surprisingly tenderly with his droid restrictions, positioning his gorgeous dildo penis between my thighs. “Rest, my beloved. One day — soon perhaps — you will lock me into chastity and we will walk, hand in hand, through this town celebrating our love and our mutant bodies.”

Drunk on the cum filling my stomach and my anal sheath, I pictured it, and giggled. 

“I can’t wait, my beloved …”