The Naive Sailor

by Habu

12 Feb 2022 2342 readers Score 7.3 (28 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

[This was written for a 750-word exactly short story contest.]

Upstairs at Honeypot, a trans bar in Bangkok’s Patpong tenderloin district, Cory was nearly asleep on the massage table under the magical hands of the fully transformed T-girl, Lek, when his mates from the freighter being unloaded at the Khlongtoey docks took over. The hulking Spaniard, Xavier, saddled up behind Lek and mounted her cunt. The tall, rangy black Sudanese with the godawful long cock, Joseph, pulled Lek over twenty-two-year-young and lots-to-learn Cory’s body and forced his shaft down Lek’s throat.

Embarrassed, aroused, and concerned about Lek at the same time, all of which he knew Xavier and Joseph would haze him about, Cory lay there, trying not to think of his hard shaft rubbing between Lek’s tits—trying not to come. But he did.

Xavier moved Lek to the nearby bed. Cory turned his head toward the bed to see Xavier stripping off, bending the T-girl over the side of the bed, and mounting and penetrating her lady bits from behind. Then Joseph, impossibly tall, thin, and black, his erection projecting out a good foot, stripped and climbed up on the bed, positioning himself over the T-girl, saddled high up on her back. Cory watched as Joseph’s shaft joined Xavier’s in whimpering Lek’s cunt for shared stroking before changing to fucking her in the ass, while, behind him, Xavier continued fucking her in the cunt.

Shocked, concerned, but aroused, never having seen or done this before, although his two mates, while the freighter churned across the Indian Ocean, had regaled him of delights to come in Bangkok, Cory couldn’t watch. But he also couldn’t look away.

“That’s what we can share in Bangkok,” Xavier had said when holding Cory between him and Joseph on the freighter, while both stroked the young man off. “If you see us doubling a small T-girl, then you won’t be scared letting us double you too.”

Cory had been scared. They shared stroking and blow jobs—sailing across the Indian Ocean was quite boring—and he’d let each fuck him separately. But he’d balked at a double. He doubted it could be done, didn’t believe his mates actually did it.

Here, upstairs at the Honeypot, they were doing it.

With a groan, he rolled off the table, pulled on his clothes, and left. Pumping away inside Lek, his mates didn’t see him go.

* * * *

“How you donin’, big boy?” Cory was sitting at a table downstairs, nuzzling beer and waiting for Xavier and Joseph to return. They must have been finished, because it was Lek, in a halter top and minishorts, who spoke.

“You OK?” Cory asked, genuinely concerned.

“Never better, honey. My, you a shy one, khun mi—aren’t you? Such a hunk, great body, nice cock. I unhappy when you leave. You waiting for me?”

“I’m waiting for my mates,” Cory said, embarrassed, looking down at the hand on his knee.

“They go already. You come with me.” Lek took Cory in hand and led him out of the Honeypot.

* * * *

On a pallet in a small, sparsely furnished, but immaculately maintained Soi Silom flat, Lek pulled Cory over on top of her, both of them naked. She reached down, taking Cory’s erection in hand, positioning it, and thrusting her hips up, impaling her surgically supplied cunt with a shared groan. The first fucking. She’d worked hard to overcome his shyness.

The first time was the charm, though. They fucked for three days, taking time off only to eat, cuddle, and giggle and for Lek to walk the awestruck young man around the city, showing Cory the delights of Bangkok. And then back in the sack for Cory to enjoy the delights of Lek and Lek to enjoy her beautiful, fresh, naïve young hunk.

Three days later, Cory told Lek he loved her. He would jump ship and find work in Bangkok to be with her. She said it was time for her to go to work.

* * * *

Lek was nowhere to be found. Cory went to the flat to find someone else there. He went to the Honeypot bar to be told Lek had moved up country. The T-girl he talked to didn’t have the heart to tell him that Lek liked her life the way it was before Cory.

Outside the bar, Xavier and Joseph embraced Cory.

“Time to go back to the ship,” Xavier said.

“Time for a good time on the return passage on the Indian Ocean,” Joseph added.

by Habu

Email: [email protected]

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