The Meridian Street Neighbors

by LaidBackCoolGuy

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Nilson’s Butcher Shop, Wednesday, July 28th, 4:20 pm

Galli waited behind another housewife as she looked over the selection in the case. She was buying meat for the weekend. She chatted with Anne, the other woman in the shop waiting for her order, for a moment before Rasmus came over and handed Anne her completed order. Thinking that this was Galli’s first time in the shop, Anne introduces her to Rasmus, making polite conversation.

Galli smiled informing Anne, “Oh we’ve already met.” When Anne looks confused at her response, Galli touched her elbow and explained, “The Nilsons moved in next door to us. We know Rasmus’ wife, Kari, too. It been what... only a week ago, right?" Rasmus smiled and nodded. Galli smiled back, glad she hadn’t gotten things confused, then wished Anne a nice weekend.

Rasmus made small talk, chatting about his best cuts. Galli made her choices and Rasmus wrapped them up. As Galli turned to leave, Rasmus called out to her, “Say hello to your husband, Marshall, for me. Will you?”

“I sure will,” said Galli as she left and headed home.

That evening at dinner, Galli remembered what Rasmus said and casually said, between bites, “Oh, by the way, I went to that new butcher shop this afternoon. I didn’t realize it was our neighbor’s place. Rasmus said to tell you hello from him.”

“How nice,” said Marshall.

Galli wondered aloud, “How’d you two get to be friendly?”

Marshall responded casually, “We watched the game together the other Friday night, over at Pat’s.”

Galli scooped up another bite of dinner, secretly thrilled that her husband might have a friend nearby. ‘He’s not usually one to make many male friends,’ she thought. ‘Maybe that'll get him out from under my feet more often.’

Marshall interrupted her thoughts by asking, “What did you think of his shop?”

Little did he know that Jack just got another glorious wake-up call from his new friend, the red-headed young man, whose name he didn't know.

* * * *

Doyle’s Market, Wednesday evening, August 4th, 5:40 pm

A couple of weeks after their move-in, Marshall ran into Rasmus at Doyle’s Market. They bumped into each other as he was grabbing a loaf of white sandwich bread.

“Hiya, Marshall. What are you doing here?” asked Rasmus.

Marshall smiled and said, “Oh, you know, the wife called and asked me to pick up some bread for sandwiches. It’s on the way home so no big deal.”

“Well, as you know, my shop’s right next store. Kari was calling me so often to pick up this and that that I just started calling her every afternoon to see what she needed me to bring home. Makes it a whole lot easier.”

Marshall chuckled. “I’m sure it does.”

“By the way, what are you doing this Friday night? The Cards are playing and I’d like to listen to the game. You want to join me at Pat’s for a beer or two?” asked Rasmus.

“I’d be glad to join you.” He chuckled and added a warning, “As long as you don’t mind me rooting for Milwaukee.”

Rasmus laughed and slapped him on the back. “I won’t hold that against you. We can still drink their beer when they lose.”

“So, it’s going to be like that, is it?” Marshall pretended indignation, but said, “Well, I’ll be going anyway, so you can sit with me or sit at the other end of the bar.”

‘Finally,’ Rasmus thought, ‘I’m getting to know at least one guy in town.’

When Rasmus found out the guy was an eye doctor, he wasn’t so sure he and Marshall would hit it off. He didn’t think they’d have much in common. But Rasmus liked this guy’s humor. Getting to know each other was going to be a good time.

He reached out his hand to shake Marshall’s. “I’ll meet you there around 6:30. How’s that?”

“Fine. I’ll be there,” Marshall responded.

Marshall reached out to grab Rasmus’ hand for a handshake. The handshake was clearly the secret kind men used to let each other know they could be trusted with things. That surprised him a little. He wasn’t expecting that. Not here in the grocery store, anyway. But he smiled and returned the thumb cross gesture, signaling he understood and was cool too. He smiled and nodded in acknowledgment, while he put the loaf of bread under his arm and walked away. He stood in the short line by the cash register so Mrs. Doyle could cash him out.

‘Wasn’t sure I should try that,’ thought Rasmus as he walked away, ‘but boy I’m glad I did.’ He watched Marshall walk away with his bag under his arm. ‘Now there’s a man I’ll be really glad to get to know.’ He smiled at the thought and continued smiling while he pushed his shopping cart down the canned goods aisle. He knew he’d have a boner the rest of the evening.

* * * *

The Crooked Stool or, as most call it, Pat’s Bar, Friday night, August 6th, 7:40 pm

The Brewers, Cards game was on. Both teams were playing a good game, pretty equal on all fronts. For every great play, there was an error called, a catch missed, or an out called too fast, at least from the barroom bleachers. And the jibes flew back and forth as well as much good-humored ribbing. It was a fun afternoon enjoying the game as well as many a pint. 

After several more rounds, and about the time of the seventh-inning stretch, Rasmus told Marshall he needed the head. Marshall grinned and said, “Me too.” As they strolled to the rear of the bar, it was obvious that many other men were also headed to the Men’s Room to relieve themselves. Luckily, they found two side-by-side urinals and took them. Standing next to each other, the new friends casually chatted while they pissed, and checked each other out, stealing glances at the other’s equipment down below. They finished up and shook themselves dry. Marshall turned toward Rasmus to finish whatever he was talking about, while he hoisted his hose back into its place, confined by briefs and a zipper. Rasmus took notice and thought, ‘Nice one. Bigger than I expected.’

Back at the bar, Rasmus discreetly made several nonchalant glances down at Marshall’s crotch, while they listened closely to the game on the radio. He was astonished at the size of the massive mound hidden between Marshall’s legs. All he could think was, ‘How he keeps that monster under control, you got me!’ He was in awe.

Another man on his way back from the Men’s Room sidles up between them and joins them. It seems he’s a friend of Marshall’s. “Rasmus, Brodie. Brodie, Rasmus,” said Marshall introducing the two men. Brodie stood chatting with Marshall, with his legs spread shoulder-width apart and arms crossed over his chest. They chewed the fat about this and that, mostly things Rasmus knew nothing about.

At some point, Brodie noticed how Marshall’s tumescent bulge had grown. He casually shifted his stance and leaned in for a grope. Rasmus caught his movement and leaned against the bar trying to see more of what was going on. Noticing Rasmus’ interest in what he’s up to, Brodie shifted his stance again giving Rasmus more room to watch while still maintaining discretion. With a sly grin, Rasmus reached over to get a feel of what Marshall had between his legs too. 

For his part, Marshall ever the alpha, sat back, spreading his legs even wider letting these two explore and arouse him evermore. loving the attention he was getting. After a bit, Rasmus shifted his hand over to Brodie to give him a tap in the crotch as well. He felt a hard bone bent down his pants leg making him very excited. He stroked up and down his leg, making Brodie turn and grin at him. This whole thing felt so bold and naughty, here in a public place, with the bar full of men. But no one around them paid them any mind. They were all caught up in their own conversations while drinking with friends. Rasmus sat astounded as he freely explored these two men's crotches.

Having seen several men head down the back hallway past the Men’s Room from time to time, a curious Rasmus asked the other two men, “What’s back down there?”

Brodie smiled at Marshall and asked, “Shall we show him?” Marshall grinned a lecherous grin and nodded slowly up and down, making Brodie chuckle. “Come with us, Rasmus. Have a look-see.”

The three men finished their drinks and stood. Brodie called Vik over and ordered another round. He nodded toward the back and winked at Vik. Vik smiled and nodded. Then he picked up their empties and turned away. Brodie grabbed Rasmus’ bicep and lead him toward the darkened back hallway. Marshall lead the way past the Men’s Room door on their left to a dark green door further down the hallway on their right. Rasmus saw a deep red door just a little further down and at the end of the hallway, and facing them, the exit. He started to ask a question but Marshall darted into the dark green door and pulled Rasmus in behind him. Once all three men were inside the doorway, they crammed themselves into a very poorly lit hallway with only one dim light lit at the far end. Rasmus looked around and noticed all the walls were painted black. The only thing he could see were three silver doorknobs along their right side. Marshall tried the first door. It was locked. The second door was locked as well. He walked down to the last door and found it unlocked. He stepped in and waved at the other two motioning them to follow him inside.

Inside, it was pitch black. Rasmus was nervous, and he had to admit a little shaken by the sudden blackout. He froze just inside the door. Trying to figure out how big the room was he stretched out his arms but his fingers didn't touch anything. He took a step to his right and his fingers hit the wall. He did the same thing on the opposite side. ‘Must be about eight feet square,’ he figured.

As he came to that conclusion, something touched his crotch. He jumped. “Steady man,” Brodie said in a whispered voice. “It’s just us three in here.” The next thing Rasmus knew, that same hand unzipped his pants, letting them drop to the ground with a jingle of the coins in his pocket. Before he knew what was happening, there was a hot mouth surrounding his prick with its warmth and soothing, squishy softness. He leaned against the wall and sank into the lush sensuality of it.  Momentarily, new sensations were added. Then was a pair of hands that lifted his shirt and swept across his chest, combing its fingers through his matted chest hair. He’s jolted at the feel of teeth biting his aroused nipples, shooting surges of an erotic pain-pleasure down his chest right to his cock. He couldn't tell which man was doing what to him. He didn’t care. This was exactly what he’d been waiting for so desperately since he moved up here.

After Rasmus’ eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw it was Marshall who stood, squished next to him in this tiny room. Marshal stood there with his chest bared and his pants open wide while he pleasured himself. His eyes were glued to the sight of Brodie working over Rasmus's cock. Rasmus felt his chest expand, and his breaths quicken, knowing Marshall enjoyed the view. He always was a showoff. He felt incredible heat rising from his toes, spreading swiftly throughout his entire body which was now covered with a sheen of sweat. He couldn't believe how Brodie was making him feel. 

Rasmus caught Marshall's eye and motioned for him to come closer. Marshall smiled and leaned in, getting so close his chest rubbed up against Rasmus’ sweating body. Marshall let go of his own cock and began to run his hands along Rasmus’ backside, marveling at his muscled back and the concave curve at his waist. He leaned in and gently kissed Rasmus’ neck, leaving his lips there longer than expected. He slipped his tongue out and licked up Rasmus’ neck to his ear lobes. At the same time, sliding his hand lower caressing that rock-solid backside. He pinched those rocks of muscled ass-cheeks then gave Rasmus a hard slap, jolting him. He switched gears now and slowly reached between those mounds and pressed his fingers in between them. They burned from the scorching heat in that cavern.

Marshall continued to explore Rasmus' ass and backside, much to Rasmus' pleasure. But before either man got beyond the point of no return, Brodie pulled off Rasmus’ prick and swung around to get a taste of Marshall’s meat. Rasmus gasped in disappointment. He had been so close. He was more than a bit disappointed at the loss of the heat that surrounded and pleasured his cock. ‘Why’d he stop?’ he wondered. He looked down and saw why. It was Marshall's turn. 

Rasmus immediately got turned on again, even more so if that were possible, as he watched Brodie slide all of Marshall’s cock into his mouth and down his throat. He gaped in amazement at the feat. Marshall had to be at least two inches longer than Rasmus had even thicker. ‘He took that monster cock in like it was nothing,’ thought an amazed Rasmus. He grabbed for his own boner and madly stroked himself as Marshall’s prick glided in and out of Brodie’s mouth with ease. 

That’s when he saw Marshall’s gesture. Marshall stretched out his arms and pulled Rasmus in tight, wrapping his arm around his shoulder. Rasmus was careful not to disrupt Brodie still on his knees working Marshall over. Marshall leaned into Rasmus’ ear and whispered, “He loves to do two guys at once. Gets him all excited.”

At that, Brodie pulled off Marshall and plunged his mouth down on Rasmus again. For the next several minutes he went back and forth, from one to the other. When he was sucking Marshall, Marshall reached over and stroked Rasmus’ saliva slick dick, sliding his hand down and up, teasing his nob, until that mouth pulled off him and switched back. When Brodie’s mouth was back on Rasmus’ prick, Marshall pulled Rasmus’ hand over, showing Rasmus he should do the same. Marshall needed his dick jacked while he waited for another turn in that hot mouth.

After one more time, back and forth, Brodie got to business on Rasmus. There’d be no more pulling off till this time. No. Not till he tasted what he craved. It was all the more exciting for him because he had never met Rasmus before. He lost his mind when he explored a new cock. He got lost in his own world of servitude. Relinquishing his will, his body, his pleasure to his Alpha.

Rasmus didn’t disappoint either. Since this was the first mouth Rasmus had on his cock since he moved up several months ago, his explosive load was thick, creamy, and abundant. Brodie marveled as the column of flesh kept erupting again and again, even after he thought Rasmus had to be empty. His abundant ejaculation was so much larger than most, which is saying a lot, as far as Brodie was concerned.

Marshall was next. Rasmus stood behind him running his hands over his chest and, finding those hard nipples, pinched them firmly just as Marshall let loose. Marshall sure made more noise than Rasmus was comfortable with, especially since this was a public place. But then he thought, ‘Guys have to know what’s going on back here. They must.’ Marshall chuckled knowing Rasmus’ caution. He whispered, "They’re used to hearing random moans or groans from time to time, doncha know.”

Pulling off Marshall's spent cock, Brodie stood quickly and exited into the black hallway. Then out toward the back exit. Rasmus and Marshall followed. But as they entered the back hallway, Rasmus turned his head to the right and saw the Exit Door slowly closing. “Crap,” he said. “I wanted to talk to him.” Rasmus turned the other way and walked over to the Men’s Room door. He always had to take a piss after an orgasm.

When he finished up in the Men’s Room, Rasmus headed back to the bar. There he saw Marshall sitting there with a fresh beer in front of him. He sidled up to the stool next to him and sat. “What’d I miss?” he asked innocently.

Vik spoke up as he swiped down the bartop, “Tie score. Top of the ninth.”

Surprised by another voice answering his question Rasmus turned to see Vik grinning back at him. When they made eye contact, Vik gave him a wink, then moseyed down the bar to pull more beers.

* * * *