The Lost Boys Emporium

by Scott Sauce

28 Jul 2022 2104 readers Score 9.8 (39 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

This is the final part of the current Lost Boys Emporium story.

One month later…

Today was the day I was getting out of here.

I had been in the Memorial Hospital for about a month. My recovery to this point had been a long process. The first few days had been touch-and-go. That didn’t mean much to me as I was blacked out the whole time. I remember getting on the helicopter and I remember seeing blood on my hand, then my vision went weird and after that it’s all a blur.

The doctors and nurses treated me like a king here. They were great. They told me that I had been stabbed in the chest and the knife had pierced my lung and damaged some artery, or something like that. They had almost lost me a couple of times, but the chief lady here had managed to save me and patch me up. I had been left with a very sore and bruised chest, some broken ribs, and an angry wound that was turning into a neat but fierce looking scar.

I knew that Jonno was okay too. He was in here and he’d been to see me regularly. That man was as tough as old boots, but he he had a surprisingly soft centre and I found myself liking him. His stab wound had been worse than mine, I reckoned, and I heard someone say he’d lost an organ, I think maybe a kidney. It wasn’t stopping him terrorising the nurses and doctors relentlessly. Especially the male nurses. And me, come to think of it. But he was fun. I wish I felt like I could have asked him whether I would be able to stay at the Emporium, but it never seemed to be the right time and I picked up that he didn’t seem to know where he stood with Emporium anyway. It seemed that sending me back into the city had got him into trouble with Blue, and I assumed I was I trouble too.

The other guy, Connor, was making a full recovery. He’d been discharged, but he was here daily to look out for the boy who’d been…. I didn’t know a word for what they’d done to him. He was alive, but he wasn’t in good shape. Physically they had patched him up, but he was badly scarred and not surprisingly, his head was messed up. I hadn’t been to see him. They wouldn’t let me. I would have liked to tell him that I twisted a screwdriver into the heart of the bastard who did those things to him. It might not have done any good, but I wanted to say it anyway. I had zero remorse about that.

Some of my new Emporium friends had visited when they could. Mitch had been to see me every few days, which was great. My heart skipped a little when ever he came through that door. Apparently Blue had spent time by my bedside too, at least until he knew I was in the clear. The senior consultant who was in charge of my recovery had also told assured me that everything was covered. This was an all expenses paid stay in the VIP wing of the hospital. I was guessing I had the Emporium to thank for that. Well, Blue, anyway.

However, no amount of care and attention could mask where I found myself emotionally. I felt weak and damaged. I had barely escaped with my life and I knew that. I’d been abused, almost raped. And now here I was, broken ribs that would take many more weeks to heal fully and a wound that would show an angry scar for years to come. Yeah it would fade, sure, but all the boys and the Emporium were perfect specimens. I already felt inferior and like the place was doing me a favour. Now I felt like they wouldn’t want me. No-one wanted damaged goods, right? And I felt damaged.

I stood barefoot in front of the full length mirror dressed in my tight dark blue jeans, the white waistband of my underwear just visible. Clothing that had been left for me, I guessed by the crew at the Emporium. I was bare-chested. I wanted another look. I wanted to see if it had gone yet. Wanted to see the damage.

I opened my eyes and was disappointed to see that my scar was very much still there. I knew it would be, but you had to hope, right? It was around six inches long on my left side running between a couple of ribs that were bruised to a horrible blue-green colour, a hand span below my nipple. It was still red and angry, puffy where the skin was still growing back together. To my mind it looked horrendous.

I went through my usual self-indulgent routine. It started with frustration and annoyance and even anger that I was scarred and that my career as a Lost Boy was over before it had begun. Then I hit the realisation that I got off pretty lightly, that so many others walked away with far worse. Then the realisation that so many didn’t walk away at all. Then I hit guilt; guilt at being alive and guilt at being so damn selfish and vain.

As I got to the final part of that cycle there was a knock at the door and it opened immediately. I turned too quickly, which made me wince as I stretched my stitches and twisted my ribcage. I had forgotten to lock the door while I was changing and putting myself through my daily bullshit in front of the mirror.

The senior consultant stepped into the room. He took in the scene and smiled at me. This guy seemed to know everything, which was annoying, so it was no surprise when he said, “It’ll fade, Aiden. You just have to be patient and give it time.”

I nodded. I knew. I just didn’t know what I’d do now, that was all. Returning to the streets didn’t seem right after everything, but I had nothing else.

“I made you jump?” He asked. I nodded and he took another few steps into the room. He placed soft, warm hands on my torso around my scar and just gently felt the area with his fingertips. I started to breath more heavily. This guy wasn’t really my type, if I even knew what my type was, but his touch was something else. Every time. Soft, warm fingers that just traced over my skin. Maybe I was just too damn horny. I felt like I had started a sexual awakening only to have anything even vaguely sexual locked firmly away back in the closet. A couple of the nurses here was something else, too. One of them gave me a bed bath in the first few days and even with the pain and the drugs, I was rock hard. It was a mortifying experience until he finished up and winked at me as he was leaving. “Another time maybe?” He said. I had flushed bright red at that.

The consultant smiled again. “You’ll live, but young man you need to take it easy for a few more weeks.” He said. I knew what was coming. It as the same every time. “You know, those ribs will take time to heal. We broke a couple while we were fixing the rest of you. It’s what we call…..” I joined in with him. “….breaking a few eggs to make the omelet.”

We both smiled.

“I know you think I’m just a silly old man who repeats himself, but just so you know, repetition is how we learn.”

Okay, that was new. And I guess he had a point.

“So, Aiden. I’m here to say my goodbyes and hand you over into this other young man’s care…..” He gestured to the open door, where a gorgeous young guy was standing. His messy hair, slim frame, cute looks….all of that paled into nothing when compared to his sparkling azure eyes.

“Blue…?” I said. I was shocked. When they said someone from the Emporium was coming, I had no idea they meant Him!

The consultant chuckled. “Seems my young patient has important friends.” He winked at me. “You look after yourself Aiden. If you could try really hard to stay away from the pointy end of sharp knives, we’d all appreciate it.” He shook my hand and started to leave, patting Blue on the shoulder as he did so. “See at you for your check-ups.”

I stood in silence, red faced. I was sure I wasn’t important enough to bring senior management out here. I was equally sure this must mean I was getting canned before I’d even started. And I wasn’t even wearing a damn shirt!

“Errr……” I started, unsure what to do or say. “I….well…erm…..”

“Probably….” he said with a sweet smile and wink. He came into the room and closed the door behind him. He went over to my bed and sat himself on the end. “You want to sit up here, or shall I talk with you while you stand over there….?” He asked.

“Errrr…..” I repeated. I hurried to sit on the bed. I got a sudden bit of courage from somewhere and blurted out “Look you didn’t have to come. I understand, really. It was nice to have the opportunity and I understand. I can just….. you know…. Go back. It’s like you said when I thought you were the barman… you know, when we first met….. I haven’t really lost anything. I wonder if you can just….. if I can ask…..?”

Blue raised his eyebrow. He was totally unfazed by the bullshit I was spewing at him. “What’s that?” He asked.

“Well…..if….if you” I stammered. “I just wondered if you’d say good….goodbye to Mitch for me?” I said and I suddenly felt emotional and like I might cry. I so wanted to see him again and my chest felt tight at the thought of his silly grin, but I guess that wouldn’t be possible now. I’d just have to man up and get over over it, no matter how much that seemed to hurt.

Blue smiled at me, a warm, soft smile that seemed both sympathetic and amused all at once. “If you’re saying goodbye to Mitch then you can tell him yourself. I’m not getting in between the two you.” He looked at me and his expression was playful and amused. I didn’t get why. Was this some kind of cruelty that I didn’t expect from Blue?

“I imagine he’ll be quite upset as he does nothing but talk about you to anyone who wants to listen. And it’s gonna be tough when you guys run into each other around the house, but I guess it’s your call.” He tilted his head to one side, to look at me, waiting for what he was saying to sink in. He had a kind of serene patience about him, the patience of a guy who’d seen stuff, stuff beyond his years, you know?

I tried hard to comprehend his words. In my mind I was being told there was no place for me, so it took a while to understand that Blue wasn’t on the same page as me. And I blushed furiously when I finally realised he was playing with me. It took me way too long to figure that out.

“B..b…but….. Blue….?” I started, confused not willing to get my hopes up.

He laughed then, long and hard. I joined in because it was impossible not to, but it’s fair to say that I didn’t know what I was laughing about.

“Okay….” He said as he composed himself. He took a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his eyes. “Man, you’re so gullible. I shouldn’t poke fun at you, but you make it too easy.” He said.

I pouted a bit at that. What was actually going on here? I was so confused. I felt a bit stupid.

“First off, it’s Jaimie. I know they all call me Blue and I know you won’t pay any attention to this, but I’m Jaimie. And I’m just like you.” He shrugged and smiled again and it was the most genuine smile I’ve ever seen.

He placed a hand on my knee. “Listen Aiden, after what you’ve been through the last thing on my mind is to kick you out. I don’t know where you got that from, but put your doubts aside for me, okay?” I started to speak but he held up a finger, which stopped me in my tracks. “Just listen” he said. “Even if that scar meant you couldn’t work - and of course it doesn’t - I would find something for you to do. I owe you. We all do. You’re a bit of a hero back at the Emporium.” His beautiful blue eyes met mine and realisation slowly dawned on me that I was going to be okay after all.

Jaimie smiled again. His eyes sparkled a little when he did that and he got little creases under his eyes. It was really cute. He had a really wonderful smile.

“Why don’t we go back to the house. I have something I want to show you.” He said, and he stood. I groaned as I got off the bed, my scar and my ribs still sore every time I moved.

“You good?” Jaimie asked, genuine concern in his voice. He reached out to steady me.

“Yeah, I’m okay” I said. “Just…. You know. Hurts a bit when I move in certain ways. I need to….to get used to moving, I guess.”

Jaimie nodded like he knew. Maybe he did. I recalled some of the stories I had heard about him. Yeah, maybe he knew.

He tossed me my shirt and grabbed my little backpack full of gifts and small things that people from the Emporium had brought me, and he led me from the hospital to a car that was waiting out front. It was a very expensive two-seater sportscar in shining, sparkly blue. Jaimie looked over at me and grinned a little. “Well, I figured I deserved a small treat” he said and he winked. I giggled. Small…..? This thing was seriously high end. A millionaire’s car. At least!

He opened the door for me and I struggled to climb down into the bucket seats. “Yeah, with hindsight maybe the limousine would have been better” he said with a wry grin.

“No!” I said. “This is….. this is awesome!” I had seen cars like this back when I lived on the streets. Not often, but you’d see them drive past from time to time. I often wondered what kind of people drove around in these things. To me, they looked like they belonged on another planet. It was so cool to be sat in one, even if it hurt.

Before Jaimie could open his own door, a big guy in a black t-shirt and jeans opened it for him. “Sir” he said. Jaimie got it and the man closed it for him. I looked over at him. He rolled his eyes at me. “Security” he said. “They are sort-of all over me at the moment. They’re a little pissed at a stunt I pulled involving a small rubber dinghy with a tiny outboard motor. “

I nodded and grinned. Maybe that was a story for another time. Jaimie fired up the engine and his car roared to life. He winked at me again. “You strapped in? We should probably see how much they really want to stick to me…. You know, like a training exercise?” And he grinned. He drove like a maniac back to the house and we giggled and laughed all the way like kids behind the wheel of a stolen car. I had to hold on tight and even then I hurt myself several times. Each time I winced Jaimie looked concerned and asked me if I wanted him to slow down. Each time I told him no. I was having the time of my life.

The gate was already opening as we approached the big house and a whole host of people were there on the front steps waiting for him. He was the big boss, I thought. And it showed.

Jaimie jumped out and I fumbled with the door handle. He came around and opened it for me and he helped me to my feet, a whole troop of runners looking crestfallen that they hadn’t been quick enough to help. With mild irritation he addressed the assembled crowd. “I think I’ve got it from here. Thank you” he said. No-one moved until he rather pointedly said “Thank you!” again.

“Come on” he said. He took my hand in his and he pulled me along, up the main staircase and off into the heart of this vast house. His hand was cool and soft, smaller than mine, and his enthusiasm as we bounced along the corridors was infectious.

We got to the wing where I knew Mitch lived. The doors were all spaced further apart and in twos, as the rooms were bigger and a little more luxurious. This is where the Silver Tassels had their bedrooms, if I remembered correctly. These were some of the highest paid, most highly desired Lost Boys.

We got to a room at the end of one of the corridors, a room that had the number 16 in gold letters on the door. Jaimie stopped there and released my hand. “After you” he said, gesturing.

I grinned. I wondered whether this was a surprise party or something. I wondered whether Mitch and the others were all here waiting to welcome me. I got a little nervous. I turned the handle and walked in, but I was disappointed. I frowned. There was no-one here.

Jaimie was watching me intently. He was smiling still, my frown not troubling him one bit. “I always kept this room free” he said with a thoughtful expression on his face. “I always kinda knew that some day, someone would come along and, well… they’d be the right person to take it on.” He got a far away look for second and I was about to ask why he had kept room 16 free all this time. He snapped out of it almost immediately though.

“Take a look around and tell me what you see” he said.

I did. I wandered around the huge, richly appointed bedroom. It was bigger than Mitch’s, with a giant empty walk-in closet, an equally giant canopy bed, soft rugs and throws and a comfortable couch and a big TV on the wall. It was a wonderful room. I wondered who’s it was.

“Go through there…. What do you see in there?” He asked.

I walked through one of the two doors off the main bedroom. This was the bathroom. It was incredible, with a large double shower cubicle, twin basins… and my heart skipped a beat at the truly enormous, almost swimming pool sized bath that was half sunk into the floor right in the middle of the room. “Wow!” I said. “That’s one hell of a bath!”

Jaimie chuckled. “I heard you’d never had a bubble bath” he said. “I bet that one would be pretty awesome.” I wondered where he dug that piece of information up from. “What about this last room?” He prompted, so I left the bathroom and walked through the double doors into a large but totally empty space.

“It’s….there’s nothing in here” I said and I turned back to him, confused.

“Nothing in there….not yet!” He said. We stood looking at each other and eventually he rolled his eyes and went to sit on the bed. “You still don’t get it, do you?” He asked.

I frowned. Get what? Okay, so it was a nice room. The nicest I had ever seen actually. I had no idea what we were doing here though. I wondered if he was teasing me again. I was beginning to feel tired and a little silly.

Jaimie smiled at me warmly. “I remember being as naive as you, Aiden. I think it’s what I like about you. You have no expectations, not a selfish bone in your body.”

I smiled back at him. I had always thought that rich people were all assholes, but this guy was rich and he was just so nice. I really liked him. I could see why he had the respect of everyone here. But I still didn’t understand what the fuck he was on about.

“I guess you figured you’d come back here and go back to your old room?” He asked. I shrugged and I frowned. I had no expectations that I’d get to keep that room. I had always known it was a guest room. It was a bit grand for someone of my low station.

Jaimie’s expression changed. There was sympathy in his eyes, I think. “So, listen to me Aiden.” He said, all serious now. I took a breath.

“You did me a great service. You put your neck on the line for a bunch of people you barely knew. And yeah, I know you had your arm twisted. But you didn’t make a run for it, you did what you committed to do and you came very close to….well let’s just leave that there.” He paused and looked at me like he was studying me. Finally he just came out and said it. “This is your room, Aiden. You’re my new number 16. If you want it, that is. And I’m doing something that we’ve never done before: I’m starting you off as a Silver. You might not have earned that in the conventional way, but you earned it none-the-less.”

I blinked several times. I had heard him, but it was taking me a very long time to process what he said for the second time today. I thought he was saying that this grand, wonderful palatial suite was mine if I wanted it, but that couldn’t be right because it was even bigger than Mitch’s room and it was way too good for me. And then I thought he said something about being a Silver and I didn’t think that could be right either. I was confused and I genuinely wondered if I was having some weird reaction to the drugs I was taking.

As I stood there and realisation began to dawn on me, my bottom lip wobbled and I felt embarrassed and weird.

Jaimie chuckled. “Yeah, I understand” he said softly. He got off the bed and walked over to me and he put his arms around me and hugged me close and tight. From absolutely nowhere I burst into tears. A huge wave of emotion just crashed over me, engulfing me from nowhere. It was my mom, it was living on the street all my life, it was these people’s kindness and generosity. It was the certainly that I was going to be raped, to die horribly, and the relief that none of that happened. It was thinking I was dying, and it was the relief of getting well. And now, here in this room, it was the indescribable feeling that I had found a place in the world at long last.

Jaimie just hugged me in a warm embrace and let me spill my tears into his shirt. Eventually, as my sobbing subsided, he took my shoulders and pushed me away so he could look me in the eye.

“Aiden, you’re home now” he said and my bottom lip wobbled again. I told myself to give it rest. I was turning into such a pussy since I left the streets.

I tried to thank Jaimie, but my mouth had long since stopped working and that bit of your brain that locates words and lines them up in the right order? Yeah, that was mush too. He knew though. He nodded at me and he smiled a knowing smile.

“Mitch will be along soon. I figure you’d like some familiar company. But I have a few more things to tell you.” He said. I wiped my eyes with my fingers and drew my sleeve across my face. Jaimie smiled at that.

“So, there’s a dinner tomorrow night at my place and I shall expect you there. It’s something of a reunion and I think you deserve to hear the whole story and meet everybody.”

I nodded. Dinner with the bosses….? Me….? Okay…..

“Also, you have an appointment with the designers tomorrow. That room is empty now, but we need - no, not we… you need to decide what your room is going to be. When you entertain clients, what kind of space is going to make you comfortable? That’s your decision. We’ll help, sure….but it’s your space.”

I nodded again. My space? Like Mitch’s room for entertaining clients? And I could have what I wanted….?

Jaimie patted my arm and he turned to leave just as a grinning Mitch poked his head around the door. I grinned back at Mitch, but I called after Jaimie. “A few things….?” I said. He turned and smiled knowingly. “You said a few things? That was only two?”

“Ah yes” he said. “I offered this to you before but now I insist. I’m sending a couple of my friends to come to see you, to help you in any way they can. Sam and Elliott. They’re both good people, Aiden. Talk to them. Can you do that for me?”

I grinned. “Sure” I said. I reckoned could do that.

“Good” he said. “In that case, in your bedside drawer there’s a charge card. Next week I want you to go out and see how much you can spend. Don’t hold back. Don’t think to yourself, hey I better stop now. You go out to all the shops you can’t afford and always dreamed of visiting, to all the places where the rich, cool people hang out and you show them that Aiden, the new number 16 of the Emporium, needs a new wardrobe and new stuff and you’re gonna damn well buy it all. Now, can you do that?”

He was grinning, his eyes shining at me like the sky shines on the sea. I grinned back, beaming like a kid.

“Yeah, I think I can do that!” I said quietly.

“Great. Take Mitch. Take a Runner or two to carry your shit. Be the prince that you are, Aiden.”

Mitch was standing the doorway with his mouth hanging open, looking form me to Jaimie and back again.

“Mitch,” Jaimie said. “You still okay for tomorrow night, like we discussed?”

Mitchell flushed red in a way I’d never seen before. “I am, if…. If it’s okay?” He said.

Jaimie grinned broadly. “Yeah, just this once it’s okay” he replied. “But only to your limits, okay?” Mitch nodded emphatically.

Jaimie winked at me one last time. “Hey Aiden?” He said.

“Yeah….Jaimie?” I replied.

“Thank you.” He said. He turned, touched Mitch’s arm as he walked past, and then he was gone.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jaimie was back at the hospital. The Chief Executive met him personally in reception.

“I see your security detail is pissed at being told to wait outside” she said as she kissed Jaimie on both cheeks.

Jaimie grinned sheepishly. “My apologies for their sour look, Ellen” he replied, returning her embrace. “It seems I’m in trouble with my chief of security and these boys have been instructed not to leave my side under any circumstances ever again.” He chuckled. “They’ll get over it.”

Ellen took Jaimie’s arm. “I assume you want to see the boy first?” She asked.

“Yes. If he’s well enough, it’s time we spoke.” Jaimie’s expression had turned serious. “How is he?”

“Well….. I won’t sugar coat it. He’s been through things that no-one should ever have to experience, especially at his age. Physically he’ll recover with time, for the most part. Psychologically he’s a walking war zone. Outside of places like Iraq I know of only one other person who’s been through something similar.” She looked pointedly at Jaimie. “So I guess if anyone can help this kid, it’s you.”

Jaimie pursed his lips. He didn’t relish confronting this situation, but there was no way he was going to shirk what he figured was his responsibility.

They walked in silence to the VIP wing and the private room that was their destination. Ellen kissed Jaimie’s cheek again and said “I’ll leave it to you. Tread carefully, okay?”

Jaimie nodded. He took a deep breath and knocked, then entered.

A young lad lay on hospital bed staring off into the middle distance. He was no longer attached to the machinery that was still cluttering the room, but Jaimie knew he’d only been disconnected a few days ago. He was clearly still battered and bruised and Jaimie had already been informed that he had a lot of bad scarring from cuts, conventional burns, and chemical burns too. He also knew the boy was going to need some reconstructive surgery in delicate places and that his road to full recovery would be challenging.

But he was alive, and that fact filled Jaimie with hope.

Across the room from the boy was a familiar figure, slumped asleep in his chair, looking far older than he’d ever seen him. “Connor?” Jaimie said. Connor woke instantly and struggled to stand. Jamie waved him down with a “whoa whoa whoa!”.

“Take it easy, Connor” he said. “Don’t you dare stand on ceremony with me”

Connor nodded and sat back down.

“How are you getting on?” Jaimie asked.

“I’m okay” he said. “Pretty much all healed. A few aches and pains, you know, but I’ll live.” He said. There was a pause before he jumped back in. “Look, Jaimie….. I…I can’t….”

Jaimie held up a hand. “I know” he said simply. “I know.”

Connor looked at Jamie. He’d always had a soft spot for this wonderful boy. How was it he just seemed to read people the way he did, he thought.

Jaimie sat on the side of the boy’s bed. The boy flinched, glared at Jaimie, and his breathing started to get faster and he looked terrified.

“It’s okay. Andrew isn’t it? I’m Jaimie. I’ve been here a few times, but you’ve always been….asleep” he said.

Andrew seemed to calm down a little, to relax. He nodded.

“Listen, I work with Connor here. I guess you two have struck up a bit of a friendship since you were both held captive.” The boy nodded again, just slowly, cautiously.

“That’s great” Jaimie smiled. “Connor told me about your parents. I have been trying to find out what happened.”

The boy’s eyes lit up a little and for a second he looked hopeful. Jaimie hated himself for being the guy who would give this poor kid even more bad news. “I’m going to be honest with you, Andrew. It’s bad news. We’re sure your parents were killed when you were taken. I’m so, so sorry.”

The boy’s lip began to wobble and tears were forming in his eyes. Jaimie felt himself starting to well up too. This was all just a little bit too close to home. Connor sniffed off to the side.

Jaimie reached out and took Andrew’s hand. The boy tried to pull away but Jaimie clung on. “Listen to me now.” He said, invoking some authority. “You’ve been through a terrible ordeal. I know. I understand…..”

Suddenly the boy was in tears and shouting. “How can you know? How can any of you know what they did to me…..?” He screamed.

Jaimie took a deep breath. He shuffled forward and placed a hand on the boy’s forehead. “Sshhhhh” he said. “I know, okay. I lived through…..” the words stuck in his throat. “I lived through something…similar”. He said.

The boy stopped crying. This was new. His expression turned hopeful and he looked pleadingly at Jaimie.

“So I do understand. I really do. They did things to me, things I can’t even speak about.” He said. “And they killed my mom too, and my father, and my brother”. A tear dropped from his cheek, but he ploughed on regardless. There was no stopping now.

“You can get better. You need help. You need care. You need time.” Jaimie said. “And you need people to love you, Andrew, because that’s how I get through every day.”

Andrew’s eyes were wide. “Was it you?” He said.

Jaimie tilted his head to one side. The question really hit home for him. He knew what he was being asked instantly. “Yeah. Yeah, I shot him.” He replied. “He’s gone. Forever.”

The boy put out his arms to be hugged and Jaimie obliged. When Andrew released him, Jaimie sat back up and wiped his eyes. “I’m going to look after you, Andrew” he said. “I have a team standing by to take you to Switzerland. I know a wonderful man there. He’s one of the very best surgeons in the whole world and he’s going to fix you up. It’s where I went to get well. It’s the same man who fixed me.”

Andrew gave a sort of half smile. That was progress.

“It’s going to take time, Andrew. And you’re going to have to be brave one more time so you can get through it. Will you do that?”

The boy nodded, more tears in his eyes.

“I’m going to send my friend Connor with you. He’s going to be with you, and when you’re better and you feel like coming back here, I’m going to make sure you’re okay. I don’t care what it takes, but I’m going to make sue you’re okay and that you never want for anything again in your life. No-one will ever harm you again.”

Tears streaming down the side of Andrew’s face, but he nodded.

“Connor, go with him for me, okay?”

Connor nodded emphatically. He could do that.

“And Connor, when you come back, if you’ll do it, I have a job for you”

Connor looked less certain now. Maybe Jaimie had misunderstood after all. How could he tell this wonderful boy that he was finished. He wanted out. He couldn’t do this any more.

“It’s okay. It’s not the usual kind of job” Jaimie said with a warm smile. “I have bought St. Constantine’s Square and all the property around it. I’m regenerating it. The whole area. The old town hall is to become a shelter for the homeless. A safe haven for kids and adults with nowhere else to go. No questions asked. Nothing asked in return. Just a safe place. A good place. And I need a good man to run it.”

Connor’s eyes went wide.

“It won’t be attached to the Emporium, at least not in that way. But I’ll fund it for life. I’m not having some asshole take over down there again and use good people for his sick entertainment. Never again. I thought I’d sorted the problem out before, but I never went far enough. The Mayor agrees and he’s going to help.”

Connor nodded. He had no words. Yeah, he’d take that job. He’d do that for Blue.

“Okay, good” Jaimie said. “I’m going to leave you now, Andrew. But you’ll see me again when you get back. Say hello to Lucas for me. Remember, I trust Lucas completely, so you can trust him too. You’re going to be okay, Andrew. I promise.”

Andrew nodded slowly. It would take him a while to process everything, but for the first time in a long while he didn’t feel like he needed to end it all at the first opportunity.

Jamie left the room without any further words and sat in a chair in the corridors. He put his face in his hands and he cried a little, the emotion of that meeting a little overwhelming.

A big, meaty hand settled on his shoulder. He looked up. There was a familiar face. A muscled, tattooed older guy with a worried expression.

“You were next on my list” Jaimie said.

“You didn’t need to collect me, Jaimie” said Jonno. “You’ve been in to see the boy?”

Jaimie nodded. Jonno pulled his old charge to his feet and embraced him in a bear hug. “You okay?” He asked eventually.

Jamie nodded. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. It’s all just a bit raw, is all.”

Jonno nodded his understanding. “Hardly surprising.” There was a pause. “And…. Are we……?”

Jaimie smiled. “Of course we’re okay” he said. “How could I stay mad at you? I still get a thrill whenever I see you, you know?”

Jonno chuckled. “Lies, but thank you. An old guy like me needs to hear bullshit like that once in a while.”

Jaimie shook his head. “Not lies. I still love you, old man” he said. “Maybe not like I love Craig, but there’s always been something, hasn’t there?”

Jonno hugged Jaimie again. “Yes” he said simply. He broke the embrace and he looked Jaimie square in the eyes. “But listen to me. I made a bad judgement call. I was wrong. I pissed you off, and for that I am sorry.”

Jaimie smiled. “Wow, a heartfelt apology from the Enforcer!” He said, teasing.

“Time I hung up my Enforcer spurs, kid” Jonno replied. “I am too old for it. This latest run almost ended me.” He rubbed his side. “I’m still stiff and sore as hell and I don’t heal like I used to” he complained.

Jaimie chuckled. “Time to handover to Jenks then. But stick around. I’d hate it if you ran off with Pavel and I never had chance to see you again. I actually enjoy your company. You know, my old master….”

Jonno chuckled now. “I’ll stick around as long as you’ll have me. Pavel’s business bores the shit out of me anyway.”

They both laughed at that. “Come on then, let’s get you back to the house. You have a dinner to attend tomorrow night.” He glanced sideways at Jonno with an evil smile. “And for an ironic change, I’ve pimped you out. Just call me Master Jaimie.” Jaimie giggled in a naughty, impish way.

Jonno frowned. “I’m already in the dog house with Pavel……” he started.

“Uncle Pavel knows” Jaimie replied. “Thinks it’ll be good for you to get your rocks off. So be a good boy and do as you’re told”

“You were always the worst damn sex slave in history you know that?” Jonno said with a chuckle.

Jaimie nodded. “Yeah, I believe you mentioned that once or twice” he said.

* * * * * * * * * * *

There was a knock at the door. A man dressed in coat tails entered.

“Sirs, your guests have begun to arrive. We are serving drinks and canapés in the Orangery. As the weather has turned for the better, the Master of Ceremonies has instructed the doors to be opened to give guests access to the patio area and herb gardens.” He said.

“Very good, thank you” Craig said. “We’ll be down shortly”.

Craig finished tying Jaimie’s bow tie. “One of these days you’ll be able to do this yourself like a proper grown up boy” he said with a smirk.

Jaimie looked a little irritated. “It’s not like I haven’t tried!” He said. “I didn’t have any need for bow ties growing up. It’s difficult, okay?”

Craig rolled his eyes comically. “Spare me the poor kid from a broken home routine” he said, a twinkle in his eyes. “You just don’t want to wear one.”

Jaimie smirked at that. “Maybe. Or maybe I just want to make sure you feel useful for a change?

Craig’s eyes narrowed. “You know, it’s not hard to see why so many people wanted to spank you when you were crew…..”

Jaimie burst out laughing. “After a remark like that I’d usually suggest we stay here and try it out, and damn the party!” He said. “But tonight’s a party I actually want to attend so get on with it and stop teasing me. You can spank me later though, okay?”

It was Craig’s turn to laugh. “Unlike you to actually want to attend a party. I take it this is your moment of closure?”

He was kidding around and they were making light, but they both knew this was exactly what the party was about.

Jaimie smiled up at his lover. “So insightful” he said and he stood on tip-toes to kiss Craig lightly on the lips. Craig grinned as Jaimie said “I’ll have to tell your father that you’re not as thick-headed as he thinks.”

Craig’s eyes narrowed and he grabbed Jaimie’s buttocks and squeezed. “Always the smart mouth. You be careful young Master Sandu. Just remember I’m the top in this relationship!”

Jaimie giggled. “But Master St.John…..?” He said with mock innocence. “I thought you liked it when I went on top…..?”

Craig rolled his eyes, but he smiled at this familiar playful argument between them. “You know that’s not how it works!” He said with mock exasperation. “Being ON TOP is’s just not being the THE top!”

Jaimie knew what Craig really liked, and Craig knew exactly what was coming next. It was Jaimie’s way of playing with Craig and getting his own way. For Craig’s part, he was very happy to let his lover win every single time.

“So I won’t go on top any more…?” Said Jaimie, his big blue eyes looking sad.

“Okay…okay….. I concede. Again! You’re in charge. And that’s still a dirty trick.” Craig said with a huge grin. They kissed. It was time to get going. “You finally ready?” He said.

“Yeah, come on. Lets go get my closure, my handsome man.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

I stood in front of the mirror dressed in my new tux. It looked fucking awesome! It was made to measure and slim fitting and I felt like a movie star standing here. Or at least, I would have felt like a movie star if I had any idea how to tie my bow tie.

When the runner had handed me the package he’d asked if I knew what I was doing with the tie. I had told that I didn’t and to his credit he ran off to fetch me a leaflet with instructions. He had also asked if I wanted a clip-on. I had asked him if anyone else would be wearing one, and he just laughed and shook his head. On that basis I had declined. I figured it couldn’t be that hard if everyone else could do it.

How wrong I was.

The instructions might as well have been in Chinese. I had been standing here for what felt like hours, growing more and more impatient and stressed with every passing second. I was on the verge of frustrated tears when there was a knock at the door.

I threw the bow tie down on the floor and stomped on it with my new shiny shoes and then I went to answer. I was torn between feeling great and petulant.

I opened the door to find a dark haired guy leaning casually against the frame. He was a little older than me with a slim but athletic build. He looked at me from under his dark eyebrows, a kind of smirk on his face.

“I guess you’re our new hero? Aiden?” he asked. There was something about him which kind of nettled me, especially given the mood I was in. He didn’t even know me but he was casually sarcastic and seemed to be poking fun at me. But I couldn’t deny there was also something very sexual about him. A weird shudder started to build at the base of my spine.

“Yes. I’m Aiden. Who are you?” I asked, my irritation on full display.

He chuckled at me, raised an eyebrow in my direction, then barged past me. He went straight to the bow tie that was crumpled on the carpet and stooped to pick it up. “I figured” he said. He turned to me. “Get over here”.

I found myself complying with his instruction despite not really wanting to, the door closing behind me. There was just something about his silky-smooth voice that oozed a kind of authority. It drew me in and made me want to do as he asked. He was softly spoken and quiet, almost too quiet to hear so I found myself straining to make sure I didn’t miss anything. It was the sort of voice you dream about, kind of slick and oily and easy on the ear.

“So....who are you?” I asked again. I was more polite this time. I sort of felt like I should be. I didn’t know why. Maybe it was just that he seemed so authoritative.

He smiled at me but totally ignored me. “You look hot in that dinner suit” he said. There was a pause while he let that statement hang in the air, then: “Take off the jacket.”

For a second I wondered what he meant by ‘hot’, but I found myself taking off the jacket. He held out his hand and I passed it to him. Did he mean hot, or hot?

“Good” he said, that slick voice of his burrowing into my soul. Who the hell was this guy? Confidence seeped out of him like no one I had ever met and while he wasn’t stunningly attractive like a lot of the people around here, he had a direct sex appeal that was giving me goosebumps. And the way he was looking at me.... wow, I had never seen such an obvious display of one guy eyeing up another. It was like he hadn’t eaten for days and I was a juicy fresh meal.

“I was sent to make sure you got to the party. I’m sure Golden told you about me. Jaimie, that is. I suppose I’ll need to make sure you’re properly dressed, too, before we go anywhere.”

I gulped. Yeah, I thought. I don’t want to turn up as Jaimie’s guest and let the side down. And did he mention someone would collect me? I couldn’t remember.

“Turn and face the mirror” he instructed. Of course I complied and by the time I was there looking at myself once more, he was right behind me, tall and slim, his eyes locked on the reflection of mine. It was oddly captivating. My pulse started to race.

“You’re very pretty” he said casually as he touched my shoulder. He ran his hand around the front of my shirt and began to unbutton it. I didn’t understand how this would help me get ready or sort out my bow tie, but for some reason I found I couldn’t ask.

My shirt now fully open, he pulled it down over my shoulders, sliding the cuffs over my wrists. The shirt fell to the floor and my eyes flicked from this man’s eyes to the reflection of my scar in the mirror. Suddenly I felt very exposed and like I wanted to cover up.

He placed his hands on my hips and slowly drew them up my body, his fingers just delicately trailing over my skin. I had goosebumps now, his touch really thrilling me. I wanted to ask what he was doing but I was transfixed. He ran one finger around my scar, gently, almost not even touching me. He was watching his hand in the mirror as I watched his face, which was expressionless.

He moved his hands away, up to my shoulders, and then he slid his palms down my arms to my wrists. “So pretty” he said.

I smiled and I blushed. Was I pretty with this hole in my abdomen? I wasn’t sure. I was getting hot though. Maybe I needed to open a window or something? In a minute maybe...not just now.

The dark-haired man took my wrist and lifted my arm, placing my hand on the mirror. He used his own fingers to splay mine out on the glass surface and then did did the same with the other hand. I just let him. I was confused about what was happening but I didn’t want to argue. He was probably important. He seemed to know what he was doing, that was for sure.

“Make sure those hands stay right there, won’t you?” He said and I nodded emphatically. Of course I would. I wasn’t stupid! I seemed to be in a dream. Everything had slowed down. Everything except my pulse, which was racing. I was sure this smooth young man could hear my heart beating in my chest.

Then his hands were at my fly, unzipping me, undoing the button.

What was going on? Why did he need to unfasten my pants? I stood there, hands on the mirror, as the hot stranger stripped me.

“I’m Elliott” he said in a voice so quiet that it was almost a whisper. His mouth was right at my ear and I could feel his breath as he told me his name. His scent was in my nostrils now, musky and sexy and overwhelming.

The name Elliott echoed in my mind for a few moments. Jaimie had mentioned that name. Wasn’t he someone I was supposed to talk to....?

As if in answer, he said “Golden probably told you that you could talk with me? Or Sam?” I nodded. Yes, that was right. It was coming back to me now. It was coming back to me just as my suit pants fell down around my ankles and Elliott placed the flat of his hand on my belly. I could feel myself start to respond, my cock getting hard, my blood pumping.

“Thing is” he continued. “You’re better off talking with Sam. He’s a good listener. Better than me.”

I plucked up some courage from somewhere. “What are you then?” I asked. My voice came out quiet, lacking authority around this strange man.

Elliot seemed to be thinking. Then he said “We both help our people see their potential. Sam uses words. I use what I have...” and he pressed his body against mine. I could feel his dick. It was super hard. I could tell that even through all the fabric.

“B...b...but I......”

“That’s what they all say” he said with that same smirk.

He leaned in and kissed the side of my neck, his breath warming my ear. He brought both his hands around my waist, his hot skin on my skin. I felt so sexually alive! I hadn’t done anything like, you know.... not since I had been in the hospital. I was saving myself for Mitch, but this guy.....

I didn’t even know him!

My brain screamed at me. What are you doing? I looked up at his reflection in the mirror. He was staring back at me now, his eyes unblinking. I couldn’t look away. He dropped his hands under the waistband of my briefs and grabbed my cock. I took a sharp intake of breath and I flushed red all down my neck. How was he doing this?

His expression never changed. It was just hot, wanton lust. He was going to have me and I was going to let him, that’s what was written on his face. It was in his eyes. It was spectacular confidence.

“Wh.....what if I.... if I say......”

“If you say no?” He asked as both hands played with my hard dick, our eyes locked together in the reflection in the mirror. “Try. If you want.”

His eyes got a twinkle in them and I thought he almost imperceptibly raised one eyebrow. He didn’t stop. With his hands inside my underwear he pushed them down. He freed my cock and then started to stroke it with one hand while he played with my balls in the other.

My brain was foggy. So I could say no if I wanted? But did I want to? And did he actually say what would happen if I did say no? I couldn’t remember. His hands were distracting me and his touch was unlike anything I had yet experienced. And his eyes were there in the mirror, locked onto mine in a way that had me fixed in place.

I suddenly realised that I couldn’t say no, and he knew it. Was this magic? How was I so into this? My heart rate had doubled, my skin was tingling all over, and I couldn’t take my eyes away from the mirror. His face still said he was going to have me and I came to the realisation that he was right. I couldn’t say no. I couldn’t say anything.

Elliot slowly brought his hands around my waist. He touched my bare bottom, squeezing it just slightly. I found myself arching my back and pushing out with my hips. I’d never been this submissive. What was going on? Was I this desperate? I went to shake my head to wake myself up from this trance, but I couldn’t do that either. I had a voice in my head telling to let him go just a little further. Just to see what it was like.

His fingers played for too short a time, his touch graceful and always leaving me wanting so much more.

Then his hands were gone and all of a sudden his own pants were down and his cock was free. He brought his fingers to his mouth, never breaking eye contact, and he dribbled saliva into his fingers.

I wanted to close my eyes but I couldn’t. I was locked in place. My hands on the mirror where he had placed them, my naked ass sticking out in the way he wanted. Jesus, I was practically drooling. The voice in my head told me to wait just a little longer...

Then he was there. He guided his cock to the exact right spot and I could feel the pressure build as he flexed his hips and pushed forward. My eyes went wide. His remained unchanged. Lustful. Hungry.

My ring opened for him and the hot head of his cock slipped all the way into me. I made a sort of whimpering sound. I was his, totally and absolutely. Oh god, I thought, fuck me! The voice in my head was gone.

Eliot broke eye contact the moment his cock started to slide inside me. He buried his face into my neck and shoulder and began kissing me. He brought his hands back to the front of me and started to properly jerk me off. I didn’t know what to do or where to look. I was out of instructions. I was his toy. And I fucking loved it.

With his free hand, he covered my scar. He just placed a hand on it like he was protecting it. The heat from his palm felt oddly nice in an area that had felt only pain for weeks. But that sensation was soon lost as the feeling of being fucked by this confident magician’s cock washed over me.

Eliot’s cock wasn’t the biggest in the world, but it was a good size and it was hard, really rock hard. I felt every movement, every vein, and he could certainly move it. It was thrilling. It was like living out a rape fantasy, all of the good parts but with all of the consent.

And I was sure I had consented. Hadn’t it...? I hadn’t said no anyway.

His thrusts were deep and strong. I was nearing orgasm already. Surely it couldn’t be over so quickly? I wanted more!

He brought his mouth to my ear. “You’re doing this” he said. “It’s all you. Your sex. Your energy. You’re good, Aiden. It takes a very hot boy to make me do this. So beautiful. Beautiful all over. Now come for me, Aiden. Let’s come together.”

Who was this guy? He had total control over me, like I was his puppet. I wasn’t even questioning it any more.

A wave of sexual energy and emotion washed over me and through me. I physically cried out as my dick expanded in his hands. There was a moment when both of us were still, him behind me, inside me, both of our heartbeats raging in time..... and then we both released. I shot my cum up the mirror in four almighty splashes and Eliot painted my insides. He just kept coming! I felt it all, every throbbing ejaculation, his breath at my ear all through his release.

As we both recovered from our subsiding orgasms he smiled into the mirror at me. He kissed my neck as he slowly slid his cock from back passage. “You can move your hands whenever you want to” he said, and this time I was sure he raised one eyebrow.

I suddenly realised that I could move. I don’t know how he did it, but for a while there I just forgot that I could. It’s not like I was being held down, or was tied or anything. “How did you DO that?” I insisted.

He grinned at me. “You’re not my first number sixteen” he said with a satisfied smirk. “I knew you wanted that. I knew you needed it. I could smell it on you as soon as you opened the door. I just gave you what you wanted.” He held my gaze until I looked away, my admission that he was right. It was a fantastic fuck and it had made me feel less stressed and much better about myself.

“I’m glad you went along with it” he added. “With a hot cunt like that you won’t be in Silver for long. I’ll be calling you Golden Cunt in no time. Just so you know, I enjoyed it too.”

I flushed red again and smiled in an embarrassed sort of way. He was so direct! What did this guy do to me....? I glanced at myself in the mirror again. I touched my scar.

“It’s sexy” Elliot said. After a pause he continued. “Jaimie will offer to have it covered up. Don’t do it. Leave it. It adds something that I can’t describe. I’m going to want to see it again. It’s part of that pretty body now. Part of your story. You have to stop thinking about it as belonging to the guy who did it. It’s yours. It belongs to you. And it’s hot. I’m going to kiss it when I fuck you again……”

“When you fuck me again…..?” I said, my head snapping up.

He was grinning. “You’re a Lost Boy now. You’re not obligated to screw around with senior management, but I reckon I can teach you a thing or two if you let me.” His confidence was staggering. He smiled. “You can always say no”.

I thought about that for a second. His confidence was well deserved, I thought. Say no...? In my dreams.

“But what about Mitch…..?” I said. It sounded vaguely childish as I said it.

“I guess he can join in but I’ll want you to myself some times.” He said. He was joking in his dry way, or at least he was partly joking. “Aiden, here, in this place… you can do whatever you like. Be who you want. Fuck who you want to fuck. That’s what we do. Mitch knows that, so even if you guys strike up a relationship of the heart, it doesn’t have to stop either of you following these wherever they take you” he gently took hold of my scrotum.

“You know Mitch is on assignment tonight?” Elliot asked. I nodded. He couldn’t tell me the details, but he had told me he had an important client tonight, assigned to him by Jaimie.

Elliot turned me around to face him. He cupped my face with his hands and pulled me into a long, slow kiss. “Don’t be alone tonight” he whispered. “Stay with me and we’ll explore your body together.”

I nodded. I didn’t even consider saying no. Then I had a sudden pang of guilt for Mitch and I added, “Is it just…”

Elliot smiled and me. “Don’t worry Aiden. I’ll leave your heart for the blonde bombshell.”

My smile remained fixed in place while Elliot dressed and then dressed me. In no time I was standing in front of the mirror again, my bow tie neatly tied. Elliot stepped into me again and I felt his cock brushing against me. It took my breath away a little.

“Thinking about what I have in store for you later is going to make this party much more fun” he said. “But thinking about what you have under that tux for me... I’ll be fighting a hardon all night”.

I grinned. For the first time in weeks I wasn’t thinking about what I looked like under the clothes I was wearing. For the first time I wasn’t worried about getting naked with someone or about what they’d think. If anything, I was looking forward to him touching it again, to the warmth of his hand. I shook my head slightly before I got too lost in thoughts of sex. This was a tight fitting tux and blood started pumping down there, it would show!

Elliot turned all business like. “Come on then, golden cunt” he said with a grin. “My car is waiting to take us to the other house.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jaimie had struck exactly the right tone with his party. He somehow managed to make it both grand and intimate at the same time.

Most of the Emporium Board were there, Craig’s mother and father too. The strange man, Pasqual, was there with his toy boy lover, Chris. I wasn’t sure whether I should call him Chris, Christian or Christiano as everyone seemed to call him something different. What was clear is that he was always most likely to respond to “my little Prince”. From where I was sitting, he feigned irritation at that, but I could see from his eyes that he adored Pasqual and he loved nothing more than when the older man through his pet name from Chris into conversation.

Some other people were there too, people who had played a part in the strange events on that night a month ago. A big, handsome, well spoken man named deSanto seemed to be Pasqual’s right hand man and I could see why. DeSanto was always alert, always listening intently, although as the night progressed he seemed to be preoccupied with Juliano, who seemed to be working as one of the waiting staff for the night. I had gone to say hello to him as the evening started, but he winked at me and ushered me away. He gave me the sign we use to tell each other when we’re working. It seemed odd to me, but it wasn’t something I was about to question.

The man who owned the helicopters that had rescued us from the rooftop and flown me to the hospital was also there. He was the Vice President of some country, the name of which I didn’t catch. Marcus, they called him. He had a nice enough way about him, but I knew enough about people that I could tell, under that carefully presented exterior, Marcus held something of a predator in check. I caught him eying me across the table several times, checking me out. I wondered what he could do to a boy like me. I had to stop wondering because it was making me hard to think of it!

It turned out that Jaimie and Chris had orchestrated almost everything on that night a month ago. Chris had contacted Marcus and used some bond between them to coax him to help out. Jaimie had used his local contacts, and those of his aunt, too. The final piece of the jigsaw was Chris convincing Jaimie to speak with Master Jonno. Between them all they hatched a plan.

They secretly took the buildings around St. Constantine’s square. Arina’s people did that, all ex-special forces from around the world, apparently. Then, as Jonno moved in on the base of that bastard’s operation, Pasqual would make a show of landing at the new marina in town. DeSanto was already in play, a distraction for Papachka to get that old bastard out of the way.

As Papachka brought his force to bear on DeSanto, Jonno went full Enforcer in the old part of town, and Pasqual was joined by a hidden force of troops leant to him by Marcus. Between Jonno and Pasqual, the base and the marina were cleared, although not without much bloodshed. From the sound of things, the marina was even more of a war zone than where I had been. Pasqual was very casual about it, but I could tell it was a hard fight and that Pasqual himself had come close to death.

That left Papachka for Jaimie. The agreement was that he could exit his vehicle only when it was confirmed that the surrounding area was clear. I wondered why Jaimie and deSanto didn’t know that already, but they explained that they had to do everything secret to make sure Papachka didn’t catch on. So, on the night they were acting in good faith that everything was going to plan. DeSanto said that he’d never been so nervous!

Chris’s back-up plan was to swoop down in helicopter gunships, another loan from Vice President Marcus. Jonno and Pavel had told him to protect Jaimie at all costs, but I got the sense that Chris already knew he needed to do that.

The evening was full of stories of daring action as the plan unfolded. I was embarrassed when Jaimie insisted that I join in and tell my story. I had originally tried to skip over the bad parts, but some well placed questions from those around the room had me sharing details that I thought I’d left behind.

When I finished the people around the table were shocked, and I blushed at the the comments aimed at me. I didn’t feel particularly heroic, but that’s how Jaimie and Pasqual seemed to see me, and Jonno was vocal about the part I played. The small part, in my mind, but they wouldn’t let me say that. It felt good, if a little embarrassing.

Elliot made me show off my scar. I really didn’t want to, but I was coerced into it. I certainly felt a lot better about it after my time with Elliot earlier in the evening, but I wasn’t sure I was quite ready to show lots of people, especially people I had never even met.

I need not have worried. At worst the interest in the wound and scar was fascination, while at best I was told it was hot. Pasqual in particular seemed to like it.

“I love a sweet young thing with a scar or two. Makes the old man feel horny, yes” he said. Chris made some remark about Pasqual always being horny, but I decided to take his remarks as a compliment.

Elliot winked at me as I covered up and the focus of the talk moved away from me. I blushed. I realised he knew exactly what he was doing and it was working. Slowly, bit by bit, he was building up my confidence and getting me to the point where I was less concerned about my appearance.

Dinner came to a close and people started to drift away. Marcus disappeared before dessert, saying he already had something sweet lined up. Jonno seemed to vanish, and I lost track of Chris. Craig’s parents left too, as did most of the board members.

Elliot grabbed my hand and stood. “Jaimie, thank you for a wonderful evening but it’s time I got young Aiden here to bed. He’s still recovering and I’m sure he’s very sleepy....”

I was about to protest. I wasn’t tired at all, and I was actually enjoying my first party with wealthy people.

“....or at least he will be when I’ve finished.” he concluded. I blushed furiously but his openness didn’t seem to bother him or anyone else for that matter. I shrugged off my embarrassment, stood, and went with him.

He was kissing me and undressing me before we even reached his suite. I don’t know how he did it and I was beginning to think he had hypnotised me or something, but I’d have done anything for him that night.

We made love twice. The first time was fast, full of unbridled passion and lust. We were half undressed before the door to his suite clicked shut and it only escalated from that point. It was amazing, hot and sweaty sex that was even better than earlier that evening. It left us both exhausted and spent, so much so that I barely even felt the dull ache in my chest from the wound. Then, half way through the night he woke me, his mouth around my cock as he circled my sticky hole with his thumb.

Our second session was slow, sensuous, erotic sex that was better than anything I had experienced. Elliot was awesome, beyond a good fuck: he was a true professional. He was attentive and gentle and I orgasmed twice, both powerful enough to make my legs shudder. After the second, my muscles felt like jelly and I was, as predicted, very sleepy.

“How do you do that?” I asked as I lay naked on his bed, my eyes closing as I began to drift off to sleep.

Elliot kissed my cheek and snuggled into me. “Practice makes perfect, golden boy” he said to me. “Practice makes perfect”.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jonno looked down with lust at Chris’s naked body. It hadn’t taken long to strip this young man and then throw him onto the bed, naked. Jonno was reminded of Jaimie from those days when they enjoyed a special relationship. The two young men had a similar build, a similar twinkle in their eyes, and both were utterly gorgeous twink boys. Both had asses to die for.

“You like?” Chris asked as he writhed around on the sheets.

“You’ll do for a quick fuck” Jonno said with a chuckle. Chris was about to protest but he was caught by the ankle and strong hands pulled him close and flipped him on his front. Jonno administered a few light slaps to the boy’s buttocks.

“Don’t let your smart mouth get you into trouble” he said. “Tonight I’m Master and you’re Boy. Now have you taken a cock before....?” Of course Jonno knew full well that Chris had some experience under his belt, but if he knew anything about guys like Chris, he knew a little play acting would fit the moment.

“How dare you slap my bottom!” Chris protested. He had instantly caught the cues and jumped in with both feet.

Jonno grabbed the boy and put him over his knee. He administered several hard slaps, enough to sting. As he finished, he rubbed Chris’s naked bottom, allowing a single finger to trail into his crack.

“I said, has anything been in here before, boy?” He pushed a finger against Chris’s anus for emphasis.

“Yes Master” Chris replied. “But I heard you were very big and I don’t know if you’ll fit....” he pouted and wriggled.

Jonno chuckled deep in his chest. “I heard that you’re a very naughty boy who enjoys large cocks. We’ll see.”

Chris wriggled some more as Jonno picked him up, stood him against the bed, and pushed him so he fell backwards onto it. “Stay” instructed Master Johns. Chris remained still as Jonno peeled off his jacket, shirt, and pants, but he sat up to examine the big man’s scar.

He traced his fingers under it. “Does it hurt?” He asked.

“Not really. I’ll live” Jonno replied. That wasn’t strictly true, and Jonno knew he would feel tonight’s exertion and probably regret all this by the time tomorrow came, but for tonight he was taking this gift that Jaimie had lined up for him, pain or no pain.

Chris took hold of Jonno’s underwear and pulled them down. He gasped. “My, you are a big boy.....” he said.

Jonno clipped Chris around the side of his head. “Master” he said. “Or I’ll punish you.”

Chris was surprised at how much that turned him on. “Yes, master. Sorry, master” he said, turned his attention back to Jonno’s dick. He was used to big. Pasqual was a well endowed man by any standards, but Jonno was bigger. It was a magnificent cock, and Chris wanted it.

Chris looked up, his big eyes begging for permission to do something. Jonno looked down. He couldn’t wait to get inside this cute guy. “Suck it” he instructed.

Chris went to work right away and it took only seconds for Jonno to get fully hard. As his cock grew and pulsated in Chris’s mouth, the boy’s eyes went wide. Jaimie hadn’t exaggerated. This was a big one!

Jonno took hold of Chris’s hair and fucked himself into the boy’s mouth and throat. Chris took it well before it suddenly became too much and he had to back off, gagging. “Again” Jonno demanded, and Chris willingly complied.

Each time Chris was able to take Master Jonno’s large dick in his throat for longer, and each time Jonno fucked his face harder. Then he’d need to pull away to stop himself from gagging and choking. Even Pasqual had never throat-fucked him this way before, leaving Chris feeling unusually inexperienced and like the slave boy he was role-playing. It left his balls tight and his own cock shrivelled.

Master Johns pulled back Chris’s head and slid his cock from the boy’s throat and mouth. “Good” he said. “Now get on your hands and knees on the edge of the bed. Let’s see what you have back there.”

Chris stood on weak legs and turned, suddenly feeling shy and vulnerable beyond the play-acting. Pasqual was a highly experienced, amazing fuck, but this guy was a professional and his control and mastery seeped from his pores. Chris climbed onto the bed and got on all fours.

Master Johns whacked the boy’s ass with an open hand and Chris flinched and cried out. Jonno grabbed his hips and pulled him back into position and slapped him hard again, and then again, and again.

“When I give you an instruction, boy, you’ll say ‘Yes, Master’”. Jonno growled. “Failure to do so will displease me and I’ll be forced to punish you.”

Chris whimpered quietly to himself. Jonno wasn’t messing around with those slaps and his ass cheeks were red and sore. He found himself feeling out of his depth for the first time in a long while, but feeling amazingly submissive and sexual. He knew that Jonno wasn’t going to hurt him, not for real, but this taste of what he must have been like when he was a true Master was intoxicating. Suddenly Jaimie’s stories seemed so much more real, and so much more thrilling.

“I am sorry Master” Chris said, and he was surprised that it came out as barely a whisper.

Jonno’s hands explored the boy’s body, tracing his back, his thighs, his buttocks, and finally pulling his cheeks apart and touching his hole. It was like an examination, like Chris was some farm animal. But the review of his ass and pussy was making him rock hard. Jonno knew how to use his hands and fingers.

Suddenly Jonno’s face was between Chris’s cheeks and Chris’s eyes rolled back in his head. Jonno’s tongue was licking him slowly, all around his hole, and then he would dart right for the centre and apply incredible pressure. The boy was sure that Jonno’s tongue was going to break through and he’d be tongue-fucked, but it never quite came to that. It was, however, an amazing feeling.

As Jonno pulled away Chris was left disappointed. He wanted more of that. It felt so damn good and he had to admit, Master Johns ate his ass better than anyone. Better even than Pasqual.

Then hands took hold of his hips, a tight grip that left no room to move. Those hands pulled his ass back and Jonno’s voice instructed him. “Arch your back, boy. Push out your pussy.”

Chris rotated his hips and pushed his ass up and out, pushing his belly button down. At the last second he remembered to say “Yes, Master”. The anticipation of what was about to happen had given him butterflies in his belly in a way that he hadn’t had for ages. He realised he was breathing in shallow gasps and his heart was pounding.

Jonno’s large, purple head touched Chris’s tight, pink hole. The difference in scale was apparent to both of them. Chris gasped quietly, unsure how he was going to take this monster cock, uncertain for the first time since Pasqual first fucked him in the kitchen of some forgotten house where a guy he thought might have made good boyfriend material lived. That seemed like a lifetime ago. For Jonno’s part, he knew he’d have to go slow, but there was no backing off now.

Jonno pushed, never releasing his grip on the boy’s hips, pulling Chris back and holding him still. Chris took a deep breath as the pressure built, that familiar, constant pushing in the centre of his entrance, but this time so much bigger than usual. He felt himself begin to open as Jonno kept moving forward millimetre by millimetre. Chris moaned softly as his anus stretched out, as Jonno’s cock head began to penetrate. He breathed deeply through the awesome stinging sensation that the boy loved so much, a sure sign that he was being stretched to the max. He arched and wiggled as much as he could with Jonno’s hands gripping him, pulling him back. He moaned loudly as the largest part the head was right there, keeping him on the edge.

And then the whole thing popped inside along with a couple of inches of Jonno’s shaft, and Chris whimpered. Long strands of pre-cum drooled from his cock and he exhaled a long, ragged breath.

Jonno made a throaty noise. It was tight in here, the tightest thing he’d been in since Jaimie. Chris’s passage gripped him as he continued to push further in, further up. The boy was tense at first, but he’d relaxed now and was almost floppy, letting it happen, taking it all.

Chris closed his eyes in ecstasy as Jonno’s huge, hard, fat cock filled him up. He could feel it throbbing, feel every vein as more of it slid inside. It wasn’t so much that this was better than Pasqual, it was just different, and big, and new. It had been a while since Chris had taken a new cock and this one was a beauty.

Jonno reached some barrier and Chis felt it too. Jonno growled and instructed the boy to relax. Chris was transported back to that kitchen, back to when Pasqual had bottomed out inside him, had given him poppers to loosen things up. There were no poppers here tonight, just inexorable pressure from Master Johns.

Chris took deep breaths and willed himself to relax. Jonno pulled back just a small amount, and then he surged forward. He thrust the remainder of his cock inside Chris’s tight opening. Chris squealed as his guts were rearranged. He’d never felt so full, so slutty, so submissive.

Then Jonno fucked. He started with shallow stroked to get the boy used to his size and then he went for it, fucking into Chris with long, powerful, deep strokes that filled the boy up and then emptied him out. Chris moaned loudly with every thrust, his cock leaking, the muscles in his shoulders and legs trembling. It was fucking fantastic!

Jonno pulled out, flipped the boy onto his back and hooked his legs over his muscled shoulders. Then he was inside again, rampant, almost aggressive, pushing down on the boy and forcing his mouth onto Chris’s.

Chris was on another plane. Sex with Pasqual was almost wonderful and sometime the old man was rough and that always turned Chris on. But he’d never been with a pro like this. Never been just utterly screwed by someone with this level of experience and who really knew whet they were doing. He could barely catch his breath. He felt wonderfully detached and yet still very much in the moment.

Jonno manoeuvred Chris into every position imaginable, fucking him, slapping him, kissing and touching him. Twenty minutes in and the boy was barely coherent, making small animal sounds and whimpering noises every time Jonno thrust his cock deep inside that tight boy pussy. He was panting, sweating, and loving every minute.

Jonno’s stamina was incredible, but he was still in recovery and he’d endured almost a month of abstinence. He’d have to finish soon, if only so he could walk tomorrow!

Jonno climbed up onto the bed and pulled Chris in close. He lay the boy on his side, pushing his knees up. With one hand on the boy’s shoulder and one on his thigh, he slid inside him again and they continued to fuck, now in long, slow strokes. Chris moaned as Jonno’s head popped through again. It was going in easier by now, but it was still a stretch.

Finally Jonno manoeuvred Chris to a position where he could access the boy’s cock. It was only fair that he be allowed to finish too. He lifted one of Chris’s legs over his muscular shoulder and positioned himself on his knees so that he could fuck into the boy while playing with his pretty little dick. Chris’s head hung over the edge of the bed. He no longer had enough energy to support it. Chris’s eyes rolled back in his head and Jonno grasped the head of his cock. He was so ready, so sensitive.

Jonno jerked the boy off, touched him in all the right places, all while his screwing into the boy. Chris gave out a little cry as he realised he was there, on the brink. Almost immediately he shot wads of cum over them both, white juices arcing high into the air. That was Jonno’s cue. He let himself go, surging forward and filling the boy with hot, salty man-cum. It had been a while and he had a lot to pump out.

Jonno leaned down and kissed the boy, his mouth open and hot, his tongue exploring even as Chris panted for breath. The older man took hold of his cock and slid it from the boy’s passage. They were both spent, exhausted, and deeply satisfied. Jonno grabbed Chris by the ankle and with the last of his strength he pulled the boy fully onto the bed, cum trailing from his gaping hole.

“Fucking hell” the youngster said in a whisper of a voice. He was already drifting off to sleep, almost unconscious. It had been a long time since he’d been this exhausted from a sex session and he’d never been fucked like that. He wondered what this big guy would be like when he wasn’t in recovery from almost having died. The thought of that made him groan and he drifted away to a peaceful sleep.

Jonno lay down beside him. He trailed his hand across the young boy’s abdomen, but he couldn’t keep his eyes open either. They both slept the night away.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

The wine cellars of the main house was dark. It was a series of rooms and tunnels kept cool and dry. The cellar was split into four wings and each room had its own iron gate. Tonight, ‘B’ wing was off limits to household staff.

Mitch struggled slightly, adjusting his weight and position to get a little more comfortable. It had been a long time since he had been bound in this way. It was exciting. He was impatient for what could be one of the most thrilling nights of his life.

Mitch was in one of the furthest flung rooms in this cellar complex, at the far end of B wing. A wooden horse had been placed here, it’s old padded leather top well worn and smooth. Mitch was standing at one end of it, pulled over it, his arms reaching out in front of him and suspended from chains in the ceiling. His torso wasn’t quite low enough to touch the leather, his chained arms keeping him just an inch or two above it but stretched over it.

His thighs were bound individually to the wooden horse, keeping him pulled in close to it, keeping him upright. His ankles were attached to a spreader bar, keeping them apart. His cock was locked away in a tiny nub of a cage and his hole had been stuffed with a lockable plug.

Finally, they had blinded him with a black cloth tied around his head. It let in some light when there was any, but not enough to see properly.

He was uncomfortable. Deliciously, wonderfully uncomfortable. It sent a thrill of excitement up his spine. Tonight he was the slave and that was always what gave him the biggest thrill.

In the distance Mitch heard footsteps, the unmistakable click-clack of expensive shoes on the hard stone floor. They grew closer. Mitch heard an iron gate swing open, then closed, then another, much nearer. Finally the footsteps were at the gate to this room. There was a pause as shoes scuffed on the stone, a clang and then the squeal of iron as the gate opened, and another resounding clang as it closed again.

Mitch’s senses were on fire. The man was in the room now. In here with Mitch. He shuffled a little, the chains holding his arms out jangled.

A match was struck and lit and slowly the room started to light up with a a soft glow. He was lighting candles. Several of them. Mitch knew what that meant…

Another match, and then a quiet crackling sound, then the smell of cigar tobacco. Mitch took a deep breath. It was a manly scent that turned him on.

A hand touched his naked body and trailed from shoulder to buttocks. The man touched the plug, just gently, then reach around to touch the tiny, flat cage. The hand moved on and inspected the rope work around Mitch’s thighs, then the cuffs at Mitch’s ankles.

Mitch had goosebumps all over. His heart was racing and he was flushed red.

“Exquisite” a voice said. It was a well spoken man, a British accent perhaps. There was a pause, a long period where Mitch knew the man was in the room, but he didn’t speak or move. It was thrilling. Mitch knew the man was taking in his body, considering what to do first. Just looking. The anticipation was both delightful and murder at the same time.

“You’re lucky. Since a boy defeated me a couple of years ago, my appetite for young bodies like yours is more....let’s say more playful. Before him, I’d have made you… suffer.” Mitch’s heart rate went through the roof at the way the man said that word. There was another long pause. “Maybe I’ll make you suffer just a little, for old time’s sake.” He said.

“Yes, Master” Mitch replied. He hadn’t been asked a question or instructed to speak, but he was feeling daring. Maybe he’d be spanked for his overly forward behaviour. Oh god, he thought, please spank me!

The man chuckled low in his chest, a quiet but masterful sound. They both knew Mitch had walked into that with both eyes open. The man took the cigar and placed in gently between Mitch’s teeth. “Hold that for me. Be very careful not to drop it. You’re in quite enough trouble for speaking out of turn, aren’t you, boy?”

Clever, Mitch thought. He tried to respond around the cigar in his mouth. “Master” he said as clearly as he could manage.

The man chuckled again. He went behind Mitch. There was the sound of keys and Mitch felt something slide into the lock in his plug. It sent a wave of sensation up inside him, right up his back. The plug was unlocked and the man toyed with it, tugging at it, turning it, moving it slowly but deliberately to create sensation.

Mitch moaned a little, desperately trying to hold onto the cigar. He swallowed, trying hard not to drool with this thing in his mouth. The smoke was starting to sting his eyes even with the blindfold.

After long minutes of toying with him, the man placed one hand on the small of Mitch’s back and with the other he grasped the plug firmly. He pulled, sliding the device from Mitch’s hole.

“Such a lovely opening” he said. “I will enjoy that later”.

Again, Mitch was thrilled. He shuffled a little, his shoulders aching now. He could feel the air around his now vacant hole. That aways gave him a thrill and heightened his sex drive.

The man walked to the edge of the cellar room, took some items that had been left there for him, and returned. He took some oils and massaged them into Mitch’s bottom, taking great care to slide his lubricated fingers into Mitch’s anus at every opportunity. He massaged and lubricated until he was satisfied. All the while, Mitch gripped the cigar between his teeth, his eyes squeezed tightly shut against the tendrils of smoke.

The man picked up something heavy. Mitch felt a large, round, cold ball being placed at his entrance. He wondered what it might be. It seemed quite large, larger than anything he’d had back there in a long while.

“This is a ball hook” the man said, keen to add commentary. “Now relax while I insert it. Better that you do, because it’s going in regardless”.

The man pushed and twisted while Mitch desperately tried to relax and make himself ready to take this thing. He’d had a ball hook used on him before, but nothing of this size. It took a long while, even having had his ass stretched out from the plug, to get to the point where the ball was almost inside. The man pushed it and twisted it, until suddenly it popped into him, sending a short-lived wave of stinging pain as his hole opened wide momentarily to allow the ball to pass inside. He flinched, but then it was in him and he felt full, could feel the weight of it and the coolness of the metal. He took a breath and a lungful of smoke, making him cough slightly. He managed to keep the cigar between his teeth though. He swallowed again.

The man moved quickly now. He expertly tied soft rope to the eye of the hook and trailed it up to Mitch’s head. He wound the rope around Mitch’s neck several times in a way that would keep his head pulled back. Then he pulled and took the slack from the rope, adjusted his knot, and stepped back.

Mitch’s head was pulled back at an odd angle, attached by rope to the hook in his ass, his back arching to accommodate the tension. He could breath, but his movement was heavily restricted. If he flinched, he’d pull on his own neck and choke himself.

The man took his cigar from between Mitch’s teeth and took a long draw on it. “That’s better” he said. He ran his hand down Mitch’s spine and let his fingers play around where the hook disappeared inside the boy. Mitch was breathing heavily now. He was hot and starting to sweat. It had been a long time since someone had used him properly, invoked a sense of real danger while triggering his sexuality.

Suddenly a hot stinging sensation flashed from the base of the boy’s spine, and another, and another. The man had taken a candle and was dripping hot wax onto each of Mitch’s straining vertebrae. Each time hat wax splashed down onto his skin, the boy flinched pulling his hole, pulling his neck. The man must have been holding the candles low, so the wax had no time to cool as it dripped onto his skin. He had to focus to remain in position so that he wouldn’t choke or pull too hard on his anus. The little spikes of pain were amazing, sharp and hot, sending fizzing sensations all through Mitch’s body.

The man dripped wax all up the boy’s back. He worked slowly, methodically, stopping every now and then to allow the flame to recover, to take a pull on his cigar, or simply to run his hand over a part of the boy’s body.

“I think a little whipping, don’t you?” He said as the last drops of wax burned Mitch’s lower neck.

“Yes, master” Mitch replied. His shoulders, legs and hips ached from having been in this position so long. His neck was half-strangled from the rope and any movement pulled the hook in his behind. The wax had burned his skin. He was sore and in pain, but it was exactly what he wanted.

Mitch squealed a little as the first strike with the leather paddle slapped his bottom. It left his buttock feeling hot and red. Then another, then the other side, and then more. These weren’t the playful strikes form his usual client base. These were firm strikes designed to cause pain.

“You must count them, boy” the man said. “Tut tut, we shall have to start all over again.”

Mitch counted out ten slaps per side. They were hard slaps. Stinging with rawness. This man wasn’t playing around. Mitch would be sore tomorrow.

“Now young man, what do you say?”

Mitch thought carefully. This wasn’t his first time with such a man, although in recent years he’d been forced to tone things down in the Emporium. Men like this wanted to catch you out, to give them an excuse for more punishment. The challenge was to be submissive, not to let them get too carried away. Not unless you wanted the resulting punishment, anyway.

“I am sorry for my insolence master, and I thank you for teaching me. Master is kind.” Mitch smiled to himself.

The man smiled too. Here was a wonderful specimen. A beautiful blonde boy, not an ounce of fat on him, a little muscle showing, but mostly a slim young thing. He was taking these small abuses well for a boy of his age. It made him ache to have Chris back here with him. There’s a boy he could fuck again! Pasqual was one lucky bastard!

The man moved down to Mitch’s bottom. He caressed the boy, his fingers exploring the tight hole where the steel rod had impaled him. He pushed with his index finger, pressing hard enough to burry inside that tight hole. First one knuckle, then another. He moved his finger around, feeling the steel ball that was lodged here. It was a hot hole, and a tight passage. Beautiful.

He withdrew his fingers and moved to the chain that hung down from the pulley in the ceiling. He released some slack, allowing Mitch to lower his arms a little until his torso was touching the leather surface of the wooden horse. He moved into position directly in front of Mitch. He removed his pants and underwear and got between the boy’s arms.

“Take me in your mouth” he instructed. Mitch obeyed, opening wide and allowing the man to slide his cock along the boy’s tongue, right to the back of his throat. Mitch gagged a little before he got control. It had been a while since he was deep-throated and this guy wasn’t going to wait while Mitch figured it out. He was going for it, no delays.

Mitch relaxed and let it happen. The cock, a good sized specimen, touched the back of his throat and kept on pushing. The boy took deep breaths through his nose as the man built a rhythm of fucking his face. Mind over matter, Mitch reminded himself. And deep breaths through the nose.

Suddenly there was a crack as the man used the paddle and slapped Mitch’s ass. The boy flinched and choked and the man had to withdraw his cock.

“Oh dear” the man said with sarcasm. “And you were doing so very well. Now I shall have to fuck your mouth and smack your bottom several times as punishment.”

Quickly Mitch uttered “yes master” before that hard member was there again, pushing past his lips and sliding in. Mitch sucked the gooey saliva away and made ready. He’d be okay now he knew what was coming.

As he sucked, the man spanked each buttock in turn with the paddle. The slaps were hard and they stung like crazy, making Mitch’s balls tingle. Being spanked always did this to Mitch. Always made him leak from his cock. He strained at the cage, unable to get hard. It was cruel torture. Cruel, but unbelievably good.

After ten or fifteen more slaps per cheek, the man stopped and withdrew his cock. Mitch sucked and licked until he could reach no more and it was gone. The man inserted a finger into Mitch’s mouth, then two, and he explored the boy’s teeth, cheeks, and tongue.

“You have a sublime mouth. You suck well. That has earned you some respect. One of the finest mouths I have used. We’ll done boy.”

Mitch beamed. “Thank you master!” He said. “I would be pleased to suck some more if it pleases my master?” Truth was he enjoyed a cock in his mouth almost as much as he enjoyed being pounded by a guy who knew what he was doing. Almost...

“Open wide” the man said and Mitch obliged. The boy was disappointed though, when a rubber ball was shoved between his teeth and a strap fastened around the back of his head. A ball gag. That was unfair!

“Good. You will now remain silent.” The man said. There was a tug on the chain as the man pulled down. Mitch was raised up again, his shoulders burning as his joints were stretched even further than before. The rope around his neck became tighter and he had to fight to adjust his position so that he wouldn’t choke. He could feel the hook in his bowels, pulling at his anus.

“I will need to loosen your muscles before I take you.” The man said. Mitch had been instructed to be silent, so there was nothing he could do but wait.

The next thirty or forty minutes were intense. Mitch remained strung up, remained caged and gagged with his neck pulled back and the hook in his ass. The man circled around him, applying more hot wax and attaching crocodile clips where the wax had stung the skin. The pain was an intense hot stinging that remained while the clips were attached.

After an unknowable amount of time Mitch had many clips attached all over his body, his thighs, his calves, his sides and back and even his buttocks.

The man stroked Mitch’s hair. “Good boy” he said softly, his voice soothing. Mitch breathed deeply through the pain sensations. His cock was dripping through the cage and every time he was praised or touched like this, it just made things worse.

“I hope you’re ready for the grand finale” the man said as he trailed his fingernails down Mitch’s back, scratching deeply all the way to the boy’s bottom. He fingered the boy again, touching the ball hook and moving it around inside while Mitch moaned and shuddered.

“In three.....two......”

Mitch wondered what was coming. The crocodile clips attached to his flesh felt hot and the anticipation was intense.

“One.....” the man withdrew his fingers and pressed a button. A searing flash ripped through Mitch’s body. His muscles tensed all at once, everywhere. His ring closed around the hook, his neck went into spasm and pulled at his hole, his arms and shoulders went rigid, as did his legs, and his entire back and torso arched. There was a moment when every sinew was locked, and then it was gone.

Mitch moaned and coughed around the ball gag, trying hard not to let the rope choke him. What the fuck was that? As the sensation subsided, the last aftershocks rippling through him still, he realised it was an electric shock. He’d never been shocked before. He wondered if he ever wanted to be shocked again when suddenly there it was. Every muscle in spasm, his jaw locked around the gag. He made a kind of “nngggngnn” noise, and then it was gone. He breathed heavily, recovering,

“Good boy” the man said as Mitch panted.

The man loosened the rope tied around Mitch’s neck. He unfastened it, untied it from the hook. Then he stood back and shocked the boy again.

Mitch moaned. He’d ache like fuck tomorrow.

The man gave out some slack on the chain, lowering the boy’s torso back onto the wooden horse. Then another shock. This time the boy had slack to writhe around a little and the man chuckled.

As Mitch fought to regain control of his muscles and breathing, the man dug his fingers into the boy’s hole. He gripped and grappled with the hook, twisting it and turning it, pulling it free. It took every bit as long to come out as it had to go in. Eventually it popped out leaving Mitch gaping. He longed to be fucked now.

To Mitch’s surprise, the man unlocked the cage next. His touch was surprisingly gentle as he removed the device. Mitch’s dick was hard and erect in seconds and again the man chuckled.

“That’s a nice penis” he said, admiring it from behind. “I’ll bet you use that whenever you can. You like to slide it inside another boy’s bottom.... nod if I am correct.” He said.

Mitch nodded several times.

The man chuckled again as he caressed Mitch’s cock, scrotum, and around to his wet hole. “I bet you do. You like to push inside a tight hole. Do you like to take a cock too?”

Mitch nodded again. Oh god yes, he did!

“Perhaps we shall reach an agreement. You want me to fuck you, don’t you?”

Mitch nodded furiously. Stop teasing me already!

“I thought so. It’s a nice hole. Tight. Hot. And look how ready it is....” the man gently slid his thumb inside, moving it around the inner rim as his fingers played with Mitch’s scrotum. The boy moaned.

“You have taken your punishments well today and I am pleased with you. If you can take five more shocks without making any sound, I’ll remove your gag and the clips, and I’ll fuck you senseless while grasping your beautiful hard penis. How does that sound, you wonderful boy?”

Mitch thought for a moment. Could he take five more shocks? Could he do it in silence? He badly wanted cock now. His knees were shaking with the anticipation of this man, this guy who knew exactly what he was doing. He swallowed and nodded again, his eyes closed tightly shut.

Without any further warning or any delay, Mitch was shocked again. And then again, and again. Three times. Three times when Mitch’s entire body went into uncontrollable spasm, his muscles taught and locked. It was exhausting. A feeling like he’d never had before. But it was exquisite, the pain and the lack of control and the anticipation of being fucked.

The fourth came after a delay and took the boy by surprise. It last longer than the others. Just when he believed he’d have to cry out, when there was no option but to release the pent up energy with a yell, it was gone.

Mitch lay face down on the horse, his entire body twitching. He wondered whether his flesh was smoking. It felt like it should be, even if his logical brain knew it wasn’t. He was breathing heavily, almost panting.

The man grabbed a handful of Mitch’s ass and squeezed tightly, but Mitch took a deep breath, forced himself to calm his breathing and remained silent, his eyes still tightly closed. Then the hand was gone and the thrilling, spiking current flashed through him once more. It was hotter this time, more intense, a higher setting. He arched back, his buttocks clenched more tightly then ever before, and his legs were locked behind him.

Again Mitch felt the need to cry out, to release something. He locked his jaw tight against any sound. He dare not make a noise. He tried to breath but he could not. In his head he counted, a technique to distract himself from what was happening externally.

Then it was gone.

Mitch felt like a rag doll. His muscles might never work again, he thought. He could barely move.

The man tugged at a cord which ripped every crocodile clip off Mitch’s body, scraping and scratching his already sore skin. Now he did cry out, but this was familiar pain and it was the kind of sensation that he loved. His cock was like a rock. God, he needed to be fucked like never before. He wanted so much to come.

The man was there suddenly. He was standing between Mitch’s legs. Then he was pushing, sliding inside the boy. Mitch moaned. God, it felt so damn good!

As he fucked deeper, he reached over and removed the gag, letting it fall to the floor.

“You may be vocal” he said softly as he built speed and rhythm.

Mitch begged for it. “Please, master, fuck me! Harder master! Harder!”

And Master obliged. He raped his cock into the boy, hard, fast, rampant. Mitch whimpered. He moaned as that cock touched places that hadn’t seen action in too long.

“Please touch me, master” Mitch begged. “Please, you promised and I was a good boy for Master…!”

“Touch what, boy?” The man asked. His hands were on Mitch’s hips, holding handfuls of flesh tightly, digging in his fingernails.

“Please touch my cock, master!” Mitch cried out. “I beg you! Please let me come!”

The man chuckled and fucked and dug his fingers in harder.

Mitch was practically sobbing. His muscled ached, he had spikes of glorious pain all over, and this guy was masterfully fucking him. It was hard, brutal, but amazing. That cock was ramming into him with real vigour. It was so good!

“Please.....” he whimpered. “Pleaseee........”

The man reached around and grasped Mitch’s dick. It was rock hard and super sensitive. Mitch gasped at the new sensation. His eyes rolled back in his head as an overwhelming orgasm started to build.

The man was moaning now, almost there. Mitch was whimpering softly, no longer in control, barely conscious.

A wave started to build in them both. It started in the groin like a spreading warm sensation. It grew, it got hotter and more intense. Mitch cried out loudly. The man shoved forward, every inch of his cock buried in Mitch’s hot, wet passage. There was a pause as time seemed to stand still. Then wave after wave after wave of pulsating pleasure ripped through them both. The man ejaculated, filling Mitch up until cum began to leak from his hole. Mitch came too sending wads of his boyish cream over the wooden horse.

Mitch slumped down, utterly spent. The man crumpled on top of him, his cock sliding slowly from the boy.

“My god, you were good” the man said through heavy breathing.

Mitch couldn’t speak yet. He made what he hoped was an affirmative noise.

Long minutes ticked by and eventually the man stood. He released the chains, removed Mitch’s blindfold, and untied him. “Remain where you are” he said softly. “I will tend to you.”

Mitch lay splayed out over the wooden horse. He could barely move anyway, not yet, so he was content to just lie here in a kind of semi conscious state.

The man cleared away the remaining wax and washed Mitch’s skin. He carefully applied some ointment to the sore areas. It was numbing and Mitch knew it was healing too. The sensations of this man, the guy who’d just abused him and fucked him harder than he’d ever been fucked, now softly tending to was wonderful.

The man applied creams to Mitch’s gaping hole, gently fingering it into the boy. It wasn’t long before his was hard again.

The man carefully and gently helped Mitch to stand. He cupped the boy’s face and kissed him. “Thank you, Mitch” he said. “Jaimie told me you’d be an excellent choice for my....sexual desires. He was right. You excelled this evening. Such a beautiful young man.”

Mitch smiled. He was exhausted but that was some of the best sex he’d ever had. He knew he’d be sore for a few days, but it would be worth it.

The man reached down and touched Mitch’s hard penis. He slowly moved his hand up and down, building a gentle rhythm as he jerked the boy off. He placed his lips on Mitch’s and they kissed.

Once more Mitch felt the familiar sensation of an orgasm. It was lesser this time. He hadn’t much more to give. He came, shooting what was left over the man’s hand and wrist. The man embraced him.

“Do I call you Mister Vice President?” Asked Mitch as he got his breath back.

The man chuckled. “You can call me whatever you like Mitch” he said with a broad grin. “But Marcus is just fine. Come on, let me help you. Share my bed tonight, if you will? Perhaps later we can play again. Maybe less vigorously. I’m getting old! But I think I might enjoy simply laying with you, making love with you, if that’s not too tame for a young thing like you?”

Mitch laughed. “I think I’d like that, sir.” He said. “I enjoyed tonight. You were awesome. I don’t get to do this nearly often enough.”

“I used to be….tougher than this” Marcus said. “But I find my tastes have calmed over the years. I have to admit, though.... that was remarkably good. You were remarkably good. I’ll remember you.”

Marcus helped Mitch cover up with a robe that had been laid out for him. Mitch leaned on Marcus as they slowly, tentatively, walked out of the cellar together.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

deSanto’s eyes had been fixed on one of the team serving them all through the evening. Occasionally Jaimie would catch the older man following the server with his eyes, a look of open appreciation on his face.

Jaimie was delighted. Everything was going to plan and his uncanny ability to match his people to appropriate customers was working out especially well tonight. Not that these people were paying customers, not tonight anyway, but he was ensuring that everyone had the kind of thank-you that only his Emporium could provide.

He was sure that deSanto would go for Juliano and he was relieved to be right. deSanto had been the hardest to judge, the man with the fewest clues to go on. In the end it came down to what he hadn’t taken advantage of more than anything else. In Chris’s stories, deSanto was the perfect gentlemen and apparently not interested. He was clearly not interested in older guys, either, as the love of his life had most definitely been a younger man, a boy.

Jaimie had a hunch that Juliano dressed in feminine clothing would be deSanto’s personal vice. And Juliano loved to dress effeminately, too. Juli was exceptionally pretty. And it was obvious that Juli had spotted the attention. There had been open flirting between the two of them for well over an hour, since desert had been cleared away.

Marcus had already left to collect his gift. Chris has skipped desert and disappeared with Jonno. Unsurprisingly Elliot had recently excused himself and had taken young Aiden with him and that left Jaimie and Craig, Pasqual and deSanto.

“Let’s retire to the gardens” Jaimie suggested. “It’s a warm night and I figure you’ll want a cigar, Pasqual?”

Pasquai grinned. “Aye let us do that. I hate to smoke in another man’s house, but there’s little I like more than sitting out under the moon with an expensive brandy, a fine cigar, and good company.”

They all rose and began to make their way out onto the patio where they could sit and relax. Jaimie hung back and cornered deSanto.

“Juliano” he said simply.

deSanto looked confused for a second, then realised what Jaimie meant. “Quite lovely” he responded.

“Yes, they are quite beautiful. Go to them” Jaimie said with a warm smile.

deSanto raised an eyebrow. “Really….?” He said. In his mind he was wondering whether Jaimie was playing a joke on him. Surely the serving staff weren’t up for grabs in this wonderful place?

Jaimie knew what he meant instantly and he grinned. “Juliano is here at my request. They don’t usually perform serving duties. I figured you’d like them. And I know Juliano likes you. So….go to them.”

deSanto looked pained for a moment and Jaimie wondered if he’d kept himself chaste since his lover was taken and killed all those years ago. He decided to leave deSanto, that more talk wouldn’t help in this case.

“I’ll tell Pasqual you retired for the night. He’ll understand” Jaimie said, and he turned and followed Craig outside.

deSanto stood, fixed in place. He was confused, anxious, in two minds. He had been undressing Juliano in his mind all night. He’d thought about little other than holding them, touching that pale, soft skin. But it had been so long….

Juliano returned through the large double doors into the main dining hall. Their eyes locked onto deSanto’s and slowly a smile spread across his face. They held a hand out from where they stood. Come with me, they were saying.

That was just enough for deSanto. He placed one foot in front of the other and he went to Juliano. He took the hand that was on offer and went with them.

Hand in hand they made their way through corridors and hallways back to deSanto’s suite. Juliano went in first, pulling deSanto behind. As the door closed behind them, Juliano said softly, “Unzip me”.

deSanto reached out with hands that were tumbling. He took the zip of the dress and dragged it down, ever so slowly, ever so delicately. It stopped just below Juliano’s bottom. They shrugged, and the dress fell from their shoulders and slid noiselessly to the floor revealing only a pair of white lace panties.

deSanto placed his hands on Juliano’s shoulders. Their skin was soft, pale pink, and smooth like butter. He gently ran his fingertips down their arms, to their wrists, and then to their hips.

“Jaimie referred to you as ‘they’” deSanto said, his voice low and gruff and full of sex. “What should I call you?”

Juliano turned, deSanto’s hands sliding over their waist but not letting go. They stood on tip-toe and kissed deSanto lightly on the lips. “I’m Juliano. I prefer they or them, but I’m not really bothered if you call me he, or boy, or whatever. Most people call me Juli. Client’s don’t, but you can. Just….just be gentle with me?”

Juli stood on tiptoes again and this time deSanto pulled them in and they kissed deeply. “I’ll be gentle, Juli” he said as they separated.

Juli looked at this big man’s face. It had obviously been a while since he had….done anything. Juli cupped his face and took in his sad eyes, eyes that were filled with lust and passion that was kept in check. Guilt, Juli thought to himself. He feels guilty, poor man.

“I don’t know how you were hurt” Juli said. “But I won’t hurt you. Will you make love with me tonight? Will you allow me to please you?”

deSanto took a ragged breath, emotion flooding through him like it hadn’t for a long time. No-one had tempted him like this beautiful creature, no-one since…. He tried to push that from his mind, but it was difficult.

“Please. I want to. But only if you can get past what’s holding you back” Juli said softly. They moved their body closer, naked but for the underwear, and snuggled into deSanto’s neck and shoulder.

Tentatively, deSanto hugged Juli tighter, his hands flat against their skin and holding on tight. For the first time in so long, he wanted it. And this past month had been a month of healing and moving on. Pasqual and he had rekindled their friendship with Marcus. It would never be what it once was, but they had forgiven one another for past misdeeds and moved on. Dmitri had a lot to answer for, but he’d answer in hell.

Something clicked in deSanto. He gave himself permission. He squeezed Juli hard, feeling that wonderful body close to his.

“Yes” he said.

Juli untangled himself from deSanto’s powerful arms. They stepped back a little way and took hold of their panties. Slowly, seductively, Juli bent forward and removed them, sliding the lace fabric down their thighs, past their knees. The panties dropped to the floor and Juli stepped out of them. Now naked, deSanto took in Juli in full.

Soft pink flesh, a small but beautiful cock, a small, tight scrotum, and a delightfully cute belly button. Juli was smooth all over, smooth and soft and pink and delightfully feminine.

deSanto took Juli’s hand and twirled them around so he could see their back. They had a small, round bottom like two soft peaches pushed together. This was a true beauty, for sure.

deSanto sank to his knees. He shuffled forward and grasped Juli by the hips and kissed their belly button, using his tongue to tickle them. Juli giggled.

Juli started to form an erection, a perfect but small specimen. deSanto took it in his mouth and sucked eagerly while he grasped Juli’s buttocks and played with that ass with both hands.

Juli looked down at this big man with the sad eyes. They were desperate to please him, to show him that it was okay to love again, or at least have sex again. Juli watched him, felt him as he ate up their cock, licking, sucking, taking it all. He seemed eager but out of practice, good but someone who could be better.

Juli made a decision. Their experience as a Lost Boy took over. They took deSanto’s head in their hands, pushing him away and withdrawing by a step. deSanto looked up with those same sad but hungry eyes. He seemed about to ask a question, to ask why Juli had stepped away.

Juli spoke first, their voice soft, submissive. “The first time” they said. “Please….. just have me. There is plenty of time for… other things.” Juli turned toward their big bed in the centre of the room. It was high off the ground, with a thick, soft mattress and fluffy pink and powder blue throws all over. They stood at the edge and leaned forward, legs straight, bent at the hips, their hands resting on the mattress. They parted their legs, arched their back, and waited.

From his position on his knees deSanto watched Juli. They moved with feline grace and poise. Their legs were long and slender, with delicate ankles and feet. The arch of their back was glorious and it showed off their bottom and beautiful pink pussy beautifully.

Just have me, they had said.

And there they were, waiting patiently, in a position that could only say “fuck me”.

deSanto stood and removed every item of clothing, his eyes not leaving that wonderful ass. It had been a while since he felt even remotely like fucking someone, but the night of friendship and laughter, maybe the reconciliation with Marcus and the death of that bastard Dmitri, those things all contributed to sense of wellbeing he realised he hadn’t had for too long. And then there was Juli, just about the most perfect, beautiful, sensual young thing he’d seen in forever.

How does Jaimie do it? He thought to himself.

He looked down, surprised at his own rock solid erection. Animal instinct took over and he took the few steps to Juli. He reach out and touched them, traced fingers down their back and over their bottom. A tube of lube caught his eye, right there on the edge of the bed. deSanto smiled. These Lost Boys think of everything, come prepared for everything, he thought. They’re like the Boy Scouts of sex!

He snatched the lube from the bed and poured a little onto Juli, between their buttocks. He used two fingers to massage it into their anus. He pushed, sliding his middle finger inside Juli’s hole. It was still wonderfully tight, and warm, and soft. deSanto sighed to himself.

He smeared lube over the head of his throbbing cock and along the shaft and then tossed the bottle back onto the bed.

“Ready?” deSanto asked, but there was no reply. Juli knew what they were doing, knew not to prolong this moment in case deSanto with the sad eyes found an excuse to stop.

No, they thought. Let him get his rocks off first, then we have all night to play and fuck, and lay together.

deSanto took a deep breath. He lined up his dick, one hand on himself and the other on Juli’s hip. He pushed, tentatively at first, not wanting to hurt Juli or go too fast. As he felt that tight ring begin to give, the heat of this wonderful Lost Boy’s anal passage at the tip of his cock, the tightness begin to roll down the head of his cock, he could wait no longer.

He thrust hard, all self-control gone. Juli whimpered, but they pushed back. deSanto gripped Juli’s hips and as he slid himself deep into Juli’s guts, he moved his hands further up their body until he had hold of their waist.

deSanto started a rolling motion with his hips, fucking in, out, and in again. Juli moaned softly, enjoying the moment of being filled up by this gorgeous man’s dick. It was so hard, so in need of this, and Juli was delighted to oblige.

deSanto watched as his penis shoved into Juli’s hole. He was mesmerised by the sight, by the exquisite heat and tightness and softness that gripped him. Juli was wonderful. He leaned over, pulling himself against Juli’s body with every deep, throbbing thrust.

It had been a while and deSanto knew he couldn’t last long, not when fucking something this special. His thrusts became faster but more shallow. The muscles in his legs began to tremble. Ordinarily he would have changed position, thought of something else, but he had Juli’s words ringing in his ears.

Just have me.

Plenty of time of other things.

Juli pushed back, thrusting his ass out in time with deSanto. They wanted it badly, more so than usual, more so than with any client for a very long time. This man was something special and they felt more submissive, more feminine, more desirable than ever.

deSanto grunted several times, his thrust slower, more robotic, deeper again.

“Yes…” said Juli. “Yes… yes….”

He grunted one final time, then exploded. His dick throbbed as he pumped years of cum into Juli and Juli felt every hot drop as their insides were coated. “Oh…” Juli moaned.

deSanto held on tight, the last aftershocks of a powerful orgasm fading away and his cock beginning to lose its hardness. It was a wonderful feeling. Everything felt so warm and sensitive.

Juli made to stand and deSanto’s cock slipped from his hole, leaving a trail of sticky cum running down their inner thigh. Juli turned and kissed the big man deeply while deSanto hugged them close, his big, warm hands on their back.

Juli pulled back and looked into deSanto’s eyes. All trace of sadness and loss were gone. “That’s better” they said with a smile.

deSanto grinned. “Yes, that’s better” he said.

Juli took his hand. “I’m going to shower. Come on. We have the whole night ahead and I want to see what you can do when your mind’s properly on the job.” They said.

deSanto raised an eyebrow. “I’m keen to see what I can do, too” he said. Before Juli could lead him to the bathroom, deSanto stopped them. “Juli, thank you. You can’t know how much that meant - means - to me. And I know you could have any man you chose….”

Juli placed a finger on his lips. “When Jaimie told me about you, I wanted the assignment. When I saw you in Jaimie’s dining room, I was thrilled to be there, to be watched by you. Now…” they paused, unsure quite what to say. After a moment they continued, “Let’s just say this isn’t an assignment any more. Now come along. I have your babies dripping down my legs and I am still horny for my big man’s touch!”

deSanto swept Juli up into his arms and carried them into the bathroom.

They made love several times that night, each time getting slower, taking longer, more loving. deSanto and Juli were both exhausted by they time they finally fell asleep, Juli’s head resting on deSanto’s broad chest.

They woke late the next morning. deSanto stirred and Juli changed position so they could kiss him good morning.

“Do you have to leave right away?” Juli asked.

deSanto had plans. There were deals to be done, problems to resolve for the old man, heads to knock together. He thought of Pasqual. The two men knew one another better than the closest of brothers. deSanto knew how Pasqual would react in just about any situation.

He turned to Juli, hugged them in close and kissed them.

“No” he said. “I’m taking a break. You know anywhere I could stay for a few days?”

Juli smiled. They ran their hands down to the big man’s cock and touched it. “Only if you fuck me like you did last night” they said, a huge grin on their face.

deSanto smiled, embarrassed for the first time in years. “I’ll see what I can do” he said.

* * * * *

Pasqual sat back in the very comfortable armchair on the patio. He took a long draw on his cigar as he stared off into the middle distance. The fire from the pit danced in his eyes. He was lost in thought, remembering his history, remembering the event of the last weeks.

He thought about Dmitri and how time had changed him. They were such good friends when the four of them ran around together, little more than kids. Pasqual didn’t recognise the Papachka character he had become. The atrocities carried out in his name were obscene. He should have been pleased that finally, with the help of good people, they had removed him from the face of the Earth… but he couldn’t bring himself to feel happy about about it. Nothing about his dealings with Dmitri made him happy. It was a failing, end to end.

As Craig dozed in the corner, too much rich food and wine making his lover sleepy, Jaimie studied Pasqual, his new and unlikely friend. He was beginning to see what Chris found so attractive. Underneath all that bravado was a loving man, and a man with a lot of sexual energy. He reminded Jaimie of Jonno in a lot of ways, and just like Jonno would walk over hot coals for Jaimie, it was clear Pasqual would do just about anything for Chris.

Pasqual snapped out of his reverie and glanced over at Jaimie. “You have a wonderful place here, blue eyes” he said with a grin.

“Thank you. I’m glad you like it, old man!” Jaimie replied with a cheeky smile.

Pasqual laughed. “Don’t you start, okay? I have enough with my little Prince making me feel old.”

Jaimie laughed too. “I’m pretty sure Chris makes you feel young” he said. Pasqual nodded and took another long draw on his fat cigar. Jaimie was, as usual, most insightful.

“Aye, he does that” he said. He thought for a moment. “I want to thank you, Jaimie. You have looked after my people, my friends, beyond anything you needed to do. You act like we did you a favour with this business, that maybe you are in our debt, but actually I think you did us a favour, yes?”

Jaimie smiled and shook his head. “Let’s say we helped each other out. I like it better that way. And we’ll all the better for making new acquaintances. Besides, this situation seems to have closed an open door for me. Given my closure, in some strange way. I haven’t had nightmare since that night.”

Pasqual nodded and tipped his cigar at Jaimie. He seemed suddenly serious. “Not acquaintances, Jaimie. New friends, I think” Pasqual said with a sincerity that surprised Jaimie.

Jaimie raised his glass. “New friends” he echoed.

They sat in silence for a few minutes before Jaimie spoke again. “I guess if we’re going to be friends, I had better get you a gift” Jaimie said, an impish grin on his face.

Pasqual looked over at Jaimie. It was his turn to be insightful. “So you hooked up my friends and my lover, and now you’re hooking me up?” He asked. “Maybe I wanted a night off from pretty boys…..?”

Jaimie laughed. “I tell you what. I have had a package left in your room. If you want it, it’s yours for the night. I am confident that my gift won’t disappoint….” He paused theatrically, smiling. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at Pasqual. “But if you’re feeling your age, perhaps in need of a nap and some hot milk….well, we’ll all understand….old man.” He said.

Pasqual tipped his head back and laughed. “I walked into that.” He said. “And I am banning my little Prince from spending any more time with you. It does neither of you any good! But okay….okay…. I shall retire to my beautiful suite in your wonderful house and unpack your gracious gift. It looks like you need to get your husband into bed anyway. I will see you both tomorrow morning.” He stood and nodded at Jaimie.

Jaimie snuggled into Craig as he watched Pasqual walk back indoors. It was a beautiful night with clear skies and he was content to sit out here a while longer. He rested his head in Craig’s lap and looked up to watch the stars. The dying fire crackled and sent sparks up into the sky.

Jaimie smiled inwardly. Things had worked out pretty well.

* * * * *

Pasqual closed the door of his suite and tossed his jacket onto the bed. There, in the middle of the room, was a large wooden packing crate with a pry bar laid out on top. There was a white sticker on the side with red writing. “This Way Up”. He chuckled. Jaimie had quite the way with theatrics and Pasqual admired the effort.

“I guess I should open my gift” he said loudly, already guessing that some boy was waiting for him inside. He was rewarded with a childish giggle that was stifled almost immediately. Something about that made the old man quite horny.

Pasqual took the pry bar in strong hands and got to work breaking open the top of the crate. In seconds he had loosened the lid enough that he was able to wrench it off and let it fall to one side. He peered into the crate. It had a layer of packing straw, which he collected in both hands and deposited on the floor. There was a false top under the straw, which he lifted to peak at what was hidden underneath.

There, totally naked, sitting on his bottom with his heels drawn up close and his knees spread wide, was a young looking boy with dirty blonde hair. His cock was standing to attention, looking under-developed but ready for action. The boy’s face was grinning up at Pasqual like this was the best joke in the world, like he was having the time of his life. He was certainly cute. Young, cute, and very fuckable. Pasqual smiled. Jaimie was a clever young man indeed.

Pasqual took the cigar from between his teeth. It wasn’t lit, but he liked to chew on it especially after a night of fine food and wine. “I am thinking you are my little present, yes?” Pasqual said as he peered down at this hot young thing.

The boy continued to look up. He tilted his head to one side and said “Blue said you had a massive cock”. He paused for a second, and then: “Will you fuck me hard?”

Pasqual was slightly taken aback. This was not some demure working boy, this was a forward, highly charged little sex addict. How wonderful! He enjoyed taming a naughty little sex imp. It reminded him of Chris.

“Do you like massive cocks? And more importantly, my little gift, do you like to be fucked hard?”

The boy’s grin spread even wider. “Yes. And yes!” He said without missing a beat.

“Aye, in that case I think I can show you a thing or two, my little gift” Pasqual replied.

The boy got to his feet. He wasn’t going to wait any more. “Oh good. I’ve been sitting here ages thinking about what you might be like. I was just getting ready to jerk off while I waited. Now you’re here you can do me first. Come on daddy, help me outta here and stick it in me!” He said.

Pasqual chuckled. He picked up the boy up easily and lifted him clear of the crate. The boy went to speak, but Pasqual placed a finger on his lips. “Now, now” he said. “My little gift must learn not to speak unless I say, yes?”

The boy pouted, but Pasqual ignored him. This was not the first ill-disciplined young man he’d had to fuck into submission. He was going to enjoy the challenge.

“You stand there and look pretty for me and say shush” He said as he began to undress. He kicked off his shoes and pants. He turned to the boy. “Ou can unbutton the shift, yes?” He said. The boy rolled his eyes, which made Pasqual smile, but he complied. He small hands unbuttoned the shirt and pushed it over Pasqual’s shoulders, pulling it down his ams and allowing it to fall to the floor. His hands immediately strayed to the bulge in Pascal’s black briefs.

“Uh-uh-uh” Pasqual said, wagging his finger at the boy. “I did not say so.” The boy just stood there with big eyes and a twitching hardon looking impatient. Pasqual found him adorable.

Pasqual reached out and touched the boy’s face, squeezing his jaw so his would open his mouth. He inserted a thumb, pushing along the boy’s tongue, feeling the inside of his mouth, his teeth and gums and cheek. The boy opened wide, willing to take any kind of action of this point.

Pasqual finished exploring the boy’s mouth and moved on to touch the boy’s neck, his shoulders and chest. He run rough hands down the boy’s torso and took hold of his little penis and scrotum. It was wet at the end, leaking already. Pasqual chuckled again. Once more the boy went to speak, but once more Pasqual put a finger on his lips.

“Down on your knees and take these socks off, I think” Pasqual said. The boy sank down to a crouch and one by one he removed the older man’s dress socks. He got down on his knees and without asking, he engulfed Pasqual’s big toe with his soft mouth. Pasqual remained standing and allowed the boy to lick and suck his toes one by one. It was warm, wet, and quite delightful. He felt his cock twitch in his underwear. The view was nice too, with the boy’s smooth young ass sticking up in the air behind him.

As the boy reached the last toe having sucked each in turn, Pasqual said, “That is a very sweet little bottom you have there, my young friend.”

“Are you gonna fuck it now?” The boy asked impatiently, looking at at the older man with big, hopeful eyes.

Pasqual laughed. “I like it when boys are eager. I think maybe we need to teach you how to behave though, yes? The boys here in this place are all so polite, but you… you perhaps need to learn the manners?”

The boy looked decidedly grumpy about that. “That’s what management says about me” he said. “But I just want it all the time and I forget to do do all the little things I’m supposed to do.”

“What should I call you, my little gift?”

“My name’s Billy” he replied.

“Well, Billy. Why don’t you take my cock out and have a suck on it? While you do that, I will think about our little predicament. If you’re a good boy for me, I will fuck you until you can’t walk. Is that a deal, yes?”

Billy’s eyes brightened immediately. “Yes, sir!” He said. He got up on his knees, his head level with Pasqual’s briefs. He took the waistband in both hands and pulled the elastic out and down. Pasqual’s cock sprang up, thick, veiny, with a large purple head. Billy’s eyes went wide. “Whoa!” He said softly. “That is a big one!”

Pasqual chuckled softly to himself. “Now that’s naughty, isn’t it, my little gift? There’s no talking unless I give you the permission, eh?” He paused and Billy looked up, slightly crestfallen that he’d slipped up already. “Now take it in your mouth while I think, you naughty little boy.”

Billy did as he was told. He opened his mouth as wide as he could and engulfed the head of Pasqual’s big dick. He made every effort to swirl his tongue around as he licked and sucked. He brought his hand up and played with Pasqual’s scrotum, too, his small, cool fingers creating a wonderful sensation for the older man.

After several minutes of Billy salivating over his cock, Pasqual asked “Hey Billy, you ever taken a big cock in your throat?”

Billy looked up, Pasqual’s dick still in his mouth. He shook him head ‘no’ and got back to sucking.

Pasqual let him continue for another couple of minutes. Billy was good with his mouth, and the older man couldn’t get enough of watching that little bottom wiggling as the boy bobbed up and down. He reached down and took hold of the boy’s shoulders and lifted him to a standing position.

“On the bed now, my little gift. Let’s fill up that mouth so you can’t speak and get into trouble, eh?”

Billy rushed to the bed and jumped onto it. Pasqual smiled, walked over and grabbed the boy roughly, dragged him closer while he sat on the edge. He pulled the boy over his knee and administered several stinging slaps to his bottom, making the soft flesh red and sore.

“Hey!” The boy cried out. He didn’t mind some light slapping, but that had hurt!

Pasquai tutted, pushed the boy back down with his arms held securely behind his back and he spanked the boy again. Again Billy cried out.

Pasqual laughed. “If you keep speaking when I have not said to speak, you’ll have a very sore bottom by the time I get to stuff you full of Pasqual’s cock, yes?” and he grabbed the boy again, and spanked him even harder.

The boy was silent, suddenly grasping what he needed to do in order for the spanking to stop, suddenly realising he was the one driving this punishment.

Pasqual paused and, hearing no more from the boy, he deftly tossed him onto the bed onto his back. He grabbed his arms and pulled him to the edge, so his head was over the side of the mattress.

“Now my little gift, what do you say when Pasqual teaches a lesson?”

“Thank you, sir” Billy said without hesitation. He was slowly beginning to realise that he wasn’t going to get away with forgetting his place tonight. Equally, he was beginning to realise that he got a little thrill whenever he said something submissive. Maybe doing as you’re told isn’t such a bad thing, Billy thought.

“That’s good, yes? Much better. Now…” Pasqual said, folding the boy’s arms over his chest and holding them there with one hand. “Open that pretty little mouth of yours. You are going to take my cock again but this time there’s no stopping, eh? We go all the way, Billy, so take the deep breaths through the nose and relax.”

Pasqual stood over the boy’s head, crouched down so he could push his dick into Billy’s mouth. Billy slurped and sucked and Pasqual manoeuvred into the boy’s mouth. He reach the back of his throat and instead of stopping or pulling out, he pushed forward some more. Billy sucked and swallowed several times until he felt the head of his cock slide further in. The older man felt the slight change in direction as the boy took his member into his throat.

Billy’s eyes went wide and he lost his focus. He started to gag and choke, so Pasqual withdrew and gave him a few seconds to recover. Then he pushed forward again. He repeated the action over and over until his cock and Billy’s face were both covered with thick strands of sticky goo and saliva. The relentless practice meant that, despite the mess, Billy was getting the hang of it.

Pasqual pushed in again and Billy took a deep breath through his nose. He closed his eyes and counted, trying to get to 60 this time. The boy felt the familiar sensation of that huge cock head hitting the back of his throat. He took another big breath, nice and slow, as the older man flexed his hips some more and pushed further and further in. Billy breathed, forced himself to relax. He’d never done this before, not very successfully anyway, and he felt he was learning a new and important skill. He got to 60 seconds and was delighted, and he wondered how much further he could go.

Pasqual was delighted too and he began to fuck the boy’s throat. They went another minute like this before Billy lost his focus again and needed the big man to give him a break. Almost immediately Pasqual was back onto him and they went again. This time he took it well and allowed Pasqual plenty of time to fuck into his throat.

As Pasqual finally withdrew, Billy was pleased with himself. he looked up from his prone position over the end of the bed. “Thank you, sir!” He said with real delight.

Pasqual smiled down at him. He grabbed his shirt from the floor and wiped the boy’s face and his own cock with it, cleaning off the saliva and gunk.

“You did well, my little gift. And you remembered to be polite, too. I like this new Billy. Maybe he wants this cock in his little hole now?”

Billy didn’t move, but he really wanted it now. He’d had that monster thing in his mouth and throat and he really wanted to be held down and fucked now. He thought for a moment, a new experience for him, before he spoke.

“Yes, please sir!” He said “I would like that very much, sir!”

Pasqual grinned. “Now you are getting it, eh?” He said. “Get onto your hands and your knees and face that wall over there.”

The boy moved quickly, only remembering to say “yes, sir” as he got into position. Pasqual decided to cut the boy some slack. With that cute little ass wiggling at him and Billy’s tiny pink hole winking at him form the bed, all he could think about now was pushing himself inside the boy and fucking him senseless.

“It is good, my little gift. So good. Now tell me…. You like me to go slow, or…..?”

Billy looked back over his shoulder. No he fucking didn’t want slow!! But for a change he realised he shouldn’t just blurt that out. He took a breath and said “If it pleases sir, I would like it hard and fast, sir!” He desperately hoped that by being polite, the older man would give him what he wanted.

Pasqual got on onto the bed and buried his face between the boy’s ass cheeks. He ate Billy’s hole like crazy, sucking and licking and tonguing, squeezing those smooth buttocks with his hands and caressing every part that he could reach. Billy wiggled and whimpered, desperately trying to stay quiet. Pasqual’s tongue action was wonderful and his hands were everywhere.

Then the man’s face was gone and two fingers were shoved roughly inside him. Billy let out an “ahhhh” sound, a breathy, sighing sound of surprise and sexual delight. Pasqual fingered him, exploring his hole and stretching his ring. He wasn’t exactly rough, but he wasn’t soft and gentle either. Billy loved it.

And then the fingers were gone too. Billy might have broken his well-behaved streak at that point, if it weren’t for the fact that Pasqual was already rubbing his meaty cock in between Billy’s cheeks. The boy took a deep breath as Pasqual started to push.

Billy’s sphincter was forced open, a quick, powerful thrust shoving half that big cock inside him in one go. Billy let out a moan as the pain, the stinging sensation and the feeing of being stretched wider than he’d ever been stretched overtook him. It started to pass in mere seconds and Pasqual pushed, and pushed, and pushed. He stopped for nothing. He moved past the point where he bottomed out, gripping the boys hips and just powering on.

Within a short minute Pasqual’s pubic hair was bristling against Billy’s hole. The boy had never felt so full up, so under someone else’s control, so utterly skewered by cock.

Pasquai studied this young man, this adorable little thing that began where he cock ended. There was something furiously sexy about him. A man who looked like a boy, addicted to sex, who needed to be broken. Jaimie was a clever man indeed, a friend who gave wonderful gifts. He took a handful of the boy’s hair and he began to flex his hips, fucking his hard dick in and out of his tight, hot passage.

Billy’s eyes rolled back in his head and he moaned loudly. His man was fucking him well, holding onto his hair and yanking his head back while he thrust and thrust and thrust. He remained on all fours as Pasqual raped that massive thing into his anal canal.
Billy realised he was moaning loudly. He hadn’t meant to, it was just happening. He hole felt stretched out to breaking point and he felt so full, like nothing else could possibly get in there. He reached back with one hand to feel Pasqual’s cock disappearing into his hole.

Pasqual took hold on the boy’s shoulders and thrust with his hips. He rearranged Billy’s guts in a way that had never happened before. Billy moaned and whimpered as Pasqual’s large, hard dick penetrated deep into his bowels. He’d never felt so invaded, so taken. It was shocking and worrying at the same time as it was glorious and wonderful. Billy had never felt like this before.

“Now, do you like big cock, yes?” Pasqual asked as he slapped Billy’s ass.

Billy mostly just answered, shooting from the hip, worrying about consequences later. But something about this man, about the massive cock inside him, about the punishments already administered…. those things made him think twice. He wanted it, but for the first time ever he would have liked a bit of time to get used to it. He wanted this big tattooed man, a real danger man…. But maybe not too rough.

“Yes, sir” Billy said. He shocked himself with that. “I do like big dicks. But please don’t hurt me, sir… I’m only little.” Billy sighed. Maybe this guy was his match.

Pasqual chuckled and he began fuck the boy even harder.

Pasqual pushed down on Billy hard, one hand on the back of the boy’s head and another on his shoulder. He pushed him into the mattress as he thrust relentlessly with his hips. The boy whimpered and moaned and as the pace quickened he repeated “please…. please…..” over and over.

Pasqual was near to coming. He leaned down and whispered to the boy “You are going to swallow my cum now. If you do it well I think maybe you earned to come, too, yes?”

There was no answer. Billy couldn’t speak or even nod any longer.

Pasqual took his cock from the boy’s hole, a feeling Billy would never forget. The old man grabbed his hair again and brought his face level with his cock as he jerked it. “Open” Pasqual commanded, and Billy obeyed. Pasqual slid that big head of his along Billy’s tongue as he shot huge wads of cum down the boy’s throat.

Billy swallowed, taking almost all of it down before closing his lips on Pasqual’s member and sucking him dry.

“Good boy, my little gift” Pasqual said, patting his head. He pulled him up and threw him on the bed, pouncing after him.

“Now, have we learned a valuable lesson in how to be a good little Lost Boy, yes? Or shall we go again, but maybe harder this time?”

Billy’s eyes wen wide with fear. He could go harder?

“N…n…no….er….I mean yes, sir. I have learned a valuable lesson.” There was a slight pause. “Thank you for teaching me, sir.”

Pasqual was pleased. He dropped down the boy’s body and began to suck his little cock. It took less than a minute for Billy to shoot, and Pasqual took every single drop in his mouth before moving to kiss the boy, to share the cum with him.

Billy kissed furiously. God, this man was good. His cock, his cum, his kisses….

Pasqual pulled back. “Young Billy, in the morning you can call me Pasqual. Until then, I’ll be Sir. Let’s see if you can keep up with me tonight. See how many times and how many ways you can spread your legs and take me inside you. You want that, boy?”

Billy paused. For the first time ever he actually felt quite satisfied, but the way this man spoke, so sure of himself, so ready to take what he wanted in the knowledge that nothing could possibly stand in his way…. It was intoxicating. But this man reeked of danger, too. He’d seen and done things, all the boys knew that and were taking about it. He didn’t dare be too rude. He reached back and touched his hole which was still gaping from being held down and fucked so hard.

“I will be good, Sir” Billy said. “I will try to keep up with sir and I will do whatever sir tell me to do”.

“That is good” said Pasqual. He pushed the boy down onto the mattress, on his back, and he raised those sweet hairless legs. “It will be easier the second time, my little gift. And as you have been such a good boy, I will go easy, yes?”
Billy’s eyes went wide as he realised Pasqual was rock hard again. Usually he’d be up for it again, but that was a lot of cock to take. It was too late though as he found his ankles resting next to Pasqual’s ears, that massive head pushing against his pussy that still hadn’t closed up from the first time.

This time Pasqual was more gentle, slower, allowing the boy time to take it all and enjoy it.
When he’d finished for a second time, Billy giggled. “Thank you, sir” he said as he embraced Pasqual. And he meant it. That had been wonderful.

Pasqual laughed. “It was my pleasure, my little gift” he said. Now we snooze, and then maybe shower, and then I let you sit on my knee. Don’t worry Billy… I am not finished with you yet, eh?”

“Yes sir!” Billy said. He’d never had any client go three times before but he never doubted Pasqual’s word. He cuddled in close and they snoozed for a while.

By the time the sun had lit up the morning sky, Billy was utterly exhausted. His joints were sore from having been held down and moved and stretched in every possible way, and he little pink hole was hot, sticky, and sore from being very well fucked. It had been a night to remember, with a guy who seemingly had inexhaustible stamina. He knew he’d have to rest up for a couple of days, something else he had never had to do before now.

Pasqual was snoring next to him, laying on his back, his cock engorged and swollen from so much sex. Billy was fascinated by that dick, but he had to admit the thought of having to take it inside him again right now made him feel bad. Maybe I have been cured of my sex obsession, he thought with a lop-sided smile.

He closed his eyes and was asleep again in a few minutes.

* * * * *

I sat on the edge of my bed waiting for Mitch. The party two days again had been awesome, but I barely remembered anything except the after-party attended only by Elliot and me.

We had fucked a lot that night. Fucked until I couldn’t fuck any more, actually. And from the conversations over lunch the next day it seemed like there had been a lot of fucking that night.

I had rubbed ointment on Mitch’s back the next evening. I didn’t know whether I should ask about the grazes, burns and marks, but I did anyway. He delighted in telling about his evening and then I shared what I had been up to. We were both horny by the time we’d finished our stories, but neither of us wanted to fuck. We were just too sore, still too exhausted.

It didn’t stop us from kissing, touching, and sucking each other off though.

That was the beauty of the Lost Boys Emporium. We could do what we wanted, in glorious surroundings, with wonderful people.

I clutched the charge card in my hands. I’d never had the opportunity to go out and buy whatever I wanted before, with unlimited funds. It was a new and daunting experience.

Mitch appeared at my bedroom door, which I had left propped open. “You ready?” He said, his tone cheery.

The banging and drilling and all sorts of noise started up again in my client entertainment room.

“Wow, that’s noisy!” Mitch commented.

I looked over at him, standing there in the doorway and looking hot. “It was worse earlier” I said. “But I can’t complain. I still can’t really believe all this is for me, so I guess I should be grateful.”

Mitch came into the room and grabbed my hand. “Come on. Let’s get going.” He said. “I have a car waiting for us, and three runners who want to spend the day with Aiden, Hero of the Emporium!” He winked at me and hauled me to my feet.

I got to the doorway and looked back at my luxurious room. I thought back to the grotty place that my mom had before I run away. I thought about some of the places I had slept when I was growing up on the streets. The contrast was so stark that it was almost unbelievable.

Mitch kissed me on the cheek. “Hey, loverboy” he said. “I know what you’re thinking. You know what? You deserve it, and more.”

I wiped a tear from the corner of my eye before it had a chance to fall and he kissed me on my lips. He seemed to crackle with electricity when he kissed me.

“Thanks, Mitch” I said. “I mean thanks for everything. You have looked after me so much more than you had to. I just…well, I appreciate it. Really appreciate it.”

“I looked after you because I was asked to, remember?” He said. He winked at me. “But I stuck around because I fancy you.” He smiled and ran his hand through his blonde hair.

I looked into his eyes, framed as they were with green eyeshadow with an intricate curl on either side.

“Yeah…. I fancy you too” I said. He grinned at me, took my hand again, and we walked down the hallway to find our car.

“Hey!” I said with a sudden thought. “I still haven’t had a bubble bath! When we get back, you want to try out my bath tub with me….?” I asked.

“I’d like that” Mitch said. “Let’s shop until we’re hot, sweaty, and we need a bath. There’s an objective I can work to!”

“Come on then!” I said, a sudden sense of urgency coming over me. “I wanna try every kind of underwear….let’s go!” And I ran.

We giggled as we pelted down the hallways of the Lost Boys Emporium.

* * * * *


Jaimie knocked on the door and a voice called for him to enter. He turned the handle, stepped into the room, and closed the door behind him. He crossed the room and sat in a comfortable armchair.

“So should I called you Mikey?” He asked. “Calling you ‘the shadow’ seems a bit silly when you’re sitting here in broad daylight in my house.”

“I don’t care what you call me as long as I can leave” the boy said. He was feeling irritable, having been prevented from leaving for over a month. Even an attempt to exit via the window had been foiled by armed security.

“You can go at any time….” Jaimie started to say. Mikey was already up and walking toward the door.

“…..but you might want to hear what I have to say first?”

The boy paused, thought for the briefest of seconds, then continued towards the door.

“Okay then. Go back to the street. It’s summer, so you’ll be hot during the day and cold at night. Then it’ll be autumn and you’ll be cold and wet. And then winter, and you’ll be freezing cold, and wet. And you’re at that age when you’ll have to start looking out for yourself. People will start to take an interest. You’re a handsome guy, Mikey.”

Mikey had his hand on the door handle but he was frozen in time. It was harder than he thought to give up these soft luxuries. And this blue-eyed man was right. He’d made a name for himself on the streets but his confidence had been knocked and he’d spent over a month living in this place, with food and soap and running water and everything.

“You lose nothing by hearing me out.” Jaimie said. He knew he’d got the boy now. If he’d been set on leaving, he’d have gone already.

“Fine” the boy said. He returned to the bed and sat on the edge of the mattress with a huff. “Make it quick though.” He paused for a few moments. He wondered who this guy was, anyway. He’d seen him around and everyone was utterly differential to him, but Mikey could see that irritated him. And he didn’t fit the usual character types, either. He looked soft and rich, but up close there was a hardness about him. He’d seen some shit, or Mikey wasn’t the Shadow of the Streets. “Who are you, anyway?” He added, his surly tone giving way to curiosity.

Jaimie grinned. “I’m Jaimie.” He said. “I own this place.”

Mikey raised an eyebrow. He’d heard stories about the guy who owned this place. That might explain the hard edge. If even half the stories were true, this guy had definitely seen some shit.

“I don’t wanna sell my asshole to old blokes for money” Mikey said.

“Good” Jaimie replied.

Mikey wasn’t expecting that. He narrowed his eyes and looked confused. That other guy, the muscle dude, he’d said something similar. But he hadn’t fully trusted the other guy. This man, with his bright blue eyes…. He might be different.

“So… what do you want, then?” Mikey asked.

“I have a job for you…. If you want it.” Jaimie said.

Mikey looked Jaimie in the eye. Jaime looked back, never blinking, never looking away. Eventually Mikey looked down. He studied his fingernails.

“You don’t strike me as the type who makes the job offers around here.” Mike said, looking back up at Jaimie and wondering what was going on.

“That’s probably true” said Jaimie. “I have lots and lots of people to do things like that. But this job… well, it’s kinda special”.


The next Lost Boys Emporium story will be coming later in the year.

by Scott Sauce

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024