The Life of Farm Boys

by Grant

23 May 2023 6882 readers Score 9.3 (166 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


Luke stood at the fence watching the tractor move across the neighboring field. Behind it a row planter dropping seeds into the freshly tilled ground. He knew it was soybeans because it was the time of the year to plant them. He also knew it was Xavier in the cab of the tractor, even though it was still too far away to see who was inside. Mr. Freling hated planting row crops for he could never get them straight, therefore it fell to Xavier to do the planting.


Six foot two, black wavy hair, dark brown eyes, and a lean muscular body that he had seen so often he knew every aspect of it…except how large Xavier’s cock got when hard. He wanted to know that too. Desperately, with such desire and lust, it drove him insane. He had seen Xavier grow and mature into a man. Something shared between them, the two of them the same age and having been friends since before starting school at Northview Elementary on the other side of Big Swamp. They were neighbors, their homes less than a quarter mile apart with farms that abutted each other. Their parents were friends, and it was only natural that Xavier and he would be too.


The tractor turned at the end of the field and started back across, the planter riding over the ground, the marker digging a small trench for the next pass. Inside the cab was Xavier. He watched the cab wondering if Xavier had noticed him at the fence. If so, would Xavier notice how he stared. He pictured him when they had been eight or nine and had been horsing around in the backyard with a garden hose. They were soon soaked, then they were quickly naked, still horsing around with the garden hose until his mother stormed out of the house furious with the two of them. But the severity of it had diminished when he had seen his father on the back porch laughing. It had meant nothing at the time, just two boys being mischievous.

Another scene, one years later, the two of them fourteen thinking they were already men. They had had a John boat in Big Swamp moving among the tall trees and calm slow-moving waters. They had fished, then just motored around exploring the swamp. Xavier had said it first, a need to piss, and it had made him realize how badly he needed to go. They had stood in the boat, Xavier’s poor balance rocking it far too much, as they took out their cocks and pissed over the side. He had looked over at Xavier’s cock then noticed Xavier look away. They had checked each other out, looked at the other’s flaccid cock pissing. It wasn’t the first time he had thought of Xavier in a sexual way, but it had been a long time since he had seen Xavier’s cock and seeing it then, he found himself thinking of Xavier in a very sexual way.

There had been three other guys in their little group, but it was Xavier he obsessed over. It was Xavier he saw nearly every day; it was Xavier he found himself with the most.

Jonah joined Xavier and him in play during the second grade after moving to the area. Jonah Faircloth was quiet, always the one to follow, never lead. That was Xavier’s job in the friendship. At the start of middle school, one that took in students from two elementary schools, the group went from three to five, adding Brody Patterson and Corey Hollins. Brody was like Xavier, too much so at times, and Corey was the group’s bookworm, the one who made the best grades and helped them when desperation to pass a subject forced them to ask.

No matter how much he had looked at the other three, imagined them in ways sexual, it was always Xavier he returned to with his fantasies and longings. It was Xavier that made him breathless. Every night spent thinking of him…of it. The tall lean body, the cock, and sexual situations that involved Xavier hovering over him, touching him, penetrating him.


The tractor turned at the other end, another round completed, and headed back across the field. Slowly, the tractor gets closer to the fence, the person within the cab coming into focus. He could see the bare arms and pictured Xavier in one of his sleeveless shirts, the arm hole frayed around its perimeter. Then he pictured him in jeans, the ass round and tantalizing, the crotch bulging, and the straight legs accentuating the long legs within.

Luke had played baseball in school because Xavier had joined the team. He found he enjoyed the slow pace of the game, innings lasting as long as necessary to get three outs. Xavier enjoyed the charge down the baseline, racing against the other team to get there before the ball. He would slide into a base colliding with the other player and climb to his feet knocking off the dirt with a smile on his face.

When Xavier had joined the basketball team, he had signed up too, knowing he would be on the bench most of the time. The school had a good team, one with guys taller than Xavier. For Xavier, it had become apparent he was just too uncoordinated for the rhythm of the dribble, the move to a basket for a layout, or the jumping up and shooting at the right moment. They had endured the season in tenth grade but come eleventh grade neither had brought up returning to the team. Watching the tractor move across the field he smiled at one instance where Xavier had gone up to do a layout and sailed the ball over the backboard.

Uncoordinated Xavier.

Luke knew it didn’t matter, for he would let Xavier fuck him if given the opportunity.



Luke realized his father was calling him and turned to see him approaching.

“Yes, what is it?”

“I want to take the tractors to the Hopkins’ field so we can get an early start in the morning.”

“Okay,” Luke replied, turning to follow his dad back to the barn where the two tractors sat ready for the process of planting. One with a disk and the other with the planter. His mother was crossing the yard going to the pickup. She would follow them there to bring them back.

Rain tapped at the window and thunder rumbled in the distance. The bedroom was gloomy, the light so dim as to wash most color from everything and make the shadows dark. Luke stared at the ceiling lost in thought. His hair was still damp from a shower and the air-conditioned air cool against his bare skin as he lay in just boxers. Absentmindedly, he ran a hand down his stomach, over the boxers, letting two fingers slip through the gapping fly. He touched himself as he thought of last February. It had been Xavier’s birthday and the two of them went to the outer banks for a long weekend. Xavier had turned twenty.

Had it really been two years since they graduated high school? It seemed impossible, but he was nineteen, soon to be twenty in another month. There were already plans for a party with family and friends, then when Friday arrived, Xavier and he would take off for Asheville.

His phone chimed and he reached over to the nightstand where it lay with his wallet and keys. A text message, and he saw it was from Corey. Another year of college completed, and Corey would be home for a week before going to Charlotte where he would intern over the summer. Could they get together?

“Yes,” Luke typed back as he considered how their messages had gotten fewer and fewer over the last few months. He knew it would happen, that their time apart would make them grow apart. Corey would make new friends, those that he could call upon to go out for food, drink, or to listen to a band play. A routine so different from his own, most days spent at home around the farm.

The gang of five was down to two, like it had been until Jonah arrived in second grade. It was ironic how Jonah was the first to join Xavier and him, and he had been the first to leave. Jonah had never said much about it at the time, but during the summer before their senior year, his parents moved them to Richmond, Virginia where his paternal grandparents lived. There had been a couple of short text messages, then nothing. It was as if Jonah ceased to exist.

Brody had joined the Navy and shortly after graduation, he left. There had been a couple of visits since then when he had been home visiting family, but nothing since Christmas. He knew Brody was restless, desperate to leave this place, but didn’t have the grades for college. The last thing Brody had said last Christmas was how he was looking forward to shipping out from San Diego and heading west to open seas.

Luke wondered if Brody was happy. Brody had not been a happy person in high school, and he wondered what drove it. Even he had been a happy person despite being closeted and feeling lonely when he saw two classmates out on a date or making out or just huddled close together in a conversation meant only for them. But looking at Xavier and seeing some aspect that was like himself made everything seem okay. As if they were waiting for something, that the time wasn’t right yet, that they just had to wait a little longer.

Two years later, he was still waiting. It was beginning to wear him down, make him start to feel desperate. He had toyed with the idea of meeting someone from one of the online sites, but knew his heart wasn’t in it. He knew what he wanted. The question he kept asking himself was did he had the guts to approach Xavier and confess his attraction toward him. But the fear of how Xavier would respond, the chance he would lose the most important person in the world to him, kept him from doing so.


Xavier pulled the tractor into the barn. The planter was stowed away in another section of the barn, and he had washed and cleaned up the tractor before pulling it into its area. He climbed out, stretched his back again, then headed toward the house, closing the barn for the night. As he strolled across the yard, his long legs making fast work of the distance, he glanced toward the McCullough place wondering what Luke was up to. He had seen him standing at the fence watching him as he planted soybeans, and he wondered if Luke watched him in the same way he often found himself watching him.

He was twenty years old and had so many pushing him to date one woman or another, time and time and time again, until he felt like doing what he feared the most. Coming out as gay. He had concealed it ever since that moment he realized why he looked at guys the same way other guys looked at girls. He concealed it from family and from his friends. It was Luke he struggled with the most, for not only did he want to confess to Luke he was gay, but also his attraction toward him.

It was crazy. Guys in urban areas all over the country came out, dated other boys, went to proms, and posted pictures online with no embarrassment. And he knew some guys in rural areas had been just as daring, with mixed results. It was what kept him closeted, that and the fact the object of his desire seemed out of reach. He had seen Luke check him out, but what guy didn’t check out another just to see? But there had never been any drunken advance, no touching in a manner that would encourage much more.

Stepping up on the porch, Xavier sat in the chair positioned by the rear door and took off his dirty boots. He set them next to his mother’s garden shoes and the space his father sat his boots. Sitting back and looking across the rear yard he tried to imagine it. The possibility of confessing to Luke and Luke replying in kind. It would be easier to confess to a guy he didn’t know that well, maybe someone from a community nearby that wasn’t part of his inner circle. Someone who could reject him, and he does not lose a friend as a result. His best friend.

Xavier finally went inside to clean up. He stripped off his clothes and stepped into the shower under the warm spray. It soothed his tired muscles as he soaped up. It also helped calm his mind. He thought about last winter when he slipped off to Raleigh and went to that gay bar. He smiled at how he had captured the attention of others, had a few guys hit on him, and at the end of the night, ended up at a guy’s place. He could picture the guy beneath him with legs resting on his shoulders while his cock sank into the guy’s depths. His first time, a random hookup that fulfilled his lusts and desire for sexual pleasure. It was afterward, lying next to the sleeping guy, he realized it was not what he really wanted.

The rest of the night and during the drive back home the next morning all he could think about was Luke, just as he was doing while rinsing the suds from his skin. He imagined it had been Luke beneath him. Luke’s legs resting on his shoulders. Luke’s ass taking his cock. He took his cock in hand and stroked it, getting it fully hard. He replayed the fuck in Raleigh replacing the guy with Luke, getting more and more aroused. It didn’t take long and cum shot into the spray and disappeared down the drain.

A Break Down

Xavier was slowly crossing the field, cultivating the small soybeans, shifting soil from the center of the row to around the base of the plants to create a deeper root set. He had made round after round until a third of the way across the field.

Music played over the radio and the air conditioning struggled to keep the glass cabin comfortable, as he kept the front wheel aligned with the center of the row. Glancing back from time to time, he made sure he was properly cultivating the rows. At the end of the rows, he swung the tractor around with a quick look over to the McCullough’s place looking for Luke.

About halfway out the tractor began to pull left. At first it was a minor tug, but it grew worse until he looked from the right side to the left and saw the front tire going flat.

“Fuck,” Xavier uttered as he brought the tractor to a stop, knowing it was too late to make a run to the edge of the field. He climbed out of the cab and jumped down to the ground seeing the tire was completely flat, air no longer leaking out. “Son of a bitch.”

It was the worst place to have a flat, but he knew he could get the truck to the tractor by driving along the rows. Without thinking about it any further, he started across the field heading to the barn where the old farm truck was parked. As he wiped the sweat from his brow and kept up his stride, he listed out what he needed to get the wheel off the tractor. The high lift jack and the wrench set with the sockets that fit the lug nuts. Breaking the lug nuts was going to be difficult, for they had been put on with an air wrench. It hit him that it could have been worse, much worse. It could have been the larger rear tire.

At the barn, he set the heavy metal case of the socket set and the high lift jack into the bed of the truck behind the diesel tank and toolbox, climbed in, and headed back to the field. He drove slowly, keeping the wheels in the middle of the row, until next to the tractor.


Luke came out of the barn after doing some maintenance on two of the tractors, changing the oil and filter, checking belts, and cleaning them up. He was wiping his hands clean as he crossed the rear yard. As was his habit, he looked toward the Freling place, searching for Xavier. He saw their old farm truck easing across the field heading toward the stopped tractor. He knew it wasn’t good, the tractor obviously broke down since it sat in the middle of the field.

Slowing to a stop, he watched the truck pull next to the tractor then Xavier climbing out.


“I should see if I can help,” Luke whispered to himself as he rushed to the house to properly wash his hands and forearms before going over.


“Fuck.” A frustrated tone from Xavier and Luke circled the truck to find him trying to loosen a lug nut.

“A flat? What did you run over?” asked Luke. It was a surprise to see a tire down for its thick tread usually prevented a puncture.

“I don’t know. Right now, I just want to get the wheel off so I can get it fixed.”

“Let’s see if the two of us can get them loose.”

Luke moved next to Xavier, their bodies against each other. They arranged their hands down the long handle, the four hands touching, pinky fingers overlapping the hand below it. Luke tried not to think of it. He tried to focus on the task at hand, but the feel of Xavier against his arm, the bump and grind of hip against hip, caused him to feel his sex. His sexuality, this desire for another…for Xavier.

“Goddamn it, loosen up,” Xavier uttered through gritted teeth as the two of them pulled on the handle. A squeak, then a slow turn. “It’s turning.”

Once loosened, Luke let go and stepped back as Xavier worked the lug nut off the wheel stud. The socket wrench was put on the next lug nut and Luke moved down next to Xavier to help loosen it.


Seven lug nuts lay on a rag as Xavier put the socket wrench on the last one. It was on the bottom, not as easily accessed. Luke moved up and took his normal position, feeling a little disappointed that it was the last one. They tugged on the handle, but sweat had made their hands slick, and Luke slipped off, falling back a step.

“Let me dry my hands again,” said Luke as he reached into the toolbox for the paper towels. Once he had dried them, he moved next to Xavier.

“Okay, let’s try this again,” said Xavier when Luke took the handle again.

“Fuck, it’s tight,” Xavier exclaimed as they pulled on the handle.

Suddenly the lug nut broke loose, spinning around the wheel stud causing the socket wrench to slip free sending Luke and Xavier to the ground. Xavier fell on top of Luke, his back over Luke’s crotch, his hips framed in by Luke’s raised knees. Luke tried to squirm free, then tried to push Xavier to sit up. But it was too late. Xavier felt it, Luke’s erection pressing into his back. It made him more aware of his own growing arousal, for he had been struggling with how Luke was against him from the first lug nut to the last.

Deliberately, unable to stop himself, Xavier pressed down on Luke’s cock. He leaned his head back until looking up at Luke.

“It’s okay.”

Luke froze then fell back on his elbows as he stared back.

“Is it just me…or do others wind you up?” Xavier asked after a long silence.

“Just you,” Luke nervously replied.

Xavier put a hand on Luke’s right leg, rubbing over the worn denim, feeling the form of the leg within.

“I’ve thought about it too…with you.”

Luke chuckled, but it sounded more from frustration than humor.

“Jesus…all this time,” Luke uttered as he pushed the bill of Xavier’s cap until it slipped off. He ran his fingers along the sweaty brow and through the damp black hair.

“It was scary to think what could happen if…” whispered Xavier.

“If we were wrong about the other.”


“Have you done it? Have you…”

Xavier started to lie, to pretend he had not hooked up with a guy one time out of frustration and lust.


“I thought about it. Even chatted with some guys online, but…”

They lay there with their minds racing. What they should do next, how to deal with this new realization, the excitement building at the thought of fulfilling their dream of a relationship between them.



“There is so much…I want to…”



“You need to get the tire fixed and dad is probably wondering where I’ve disappeared.”

“You’re probably right.”

“You want to go for dinner, maybe up in Raleigh and, and, stay overnight?”

 Xavier rolled over and looked up along Luke’s chest until they were staring at each other.

“Yes, I’d like that.”

That Night in Raleigh

Luke followed Xavier down the corridor. He was nervous, heart feeling like it was going to bust out of his chest. Unbeknownst to him, Xavier was the same. There had been dinner, then an anxious drive back to the hotel in his truck.

Xavier held the keycard to the door, and it clicked, changing the red light to green. With the door held open, he let Luke move past him. As so often in the past, he looked at the physical person in front of him. Slightly shorter, leaner, one that the white shirt fit loosely around the upper body, but the jeans were tight revealing the round ass, and he thought of touching it, of feeling the body within those clothes.

Luke went to the bed and sat down. He looked nervous but the smile showed it was a giddy nervousness, one excited about being with him.

He went to him, stood between the knees and ran a hand through the dirty blonde hair, the hair on top long enough for him to comb his fingers through it. He felt hands hold his legs, the fingers digging in. Then he gasped as Luke leaned forward pressing his mouth to his crotch.


Luke looked at the hard cock, a full erection that hovered in his face. The head flared wide, the shaft slightly curved and lined with veins. He took it at the base realizing more than half was still visible. He licked the head, then put his lips over the head and pushed forward. After working his mouth on it, he felt it flex against the roof of his mouth. Hands held his head as Xavier began to move his hips. The slow push and pull, working the cock over his tongue. He loosened his lips and let Xavier fuck his mouth with an ever-increasing pace as he clung to the legs and closed his eyes.

“Fuck…Luke…I’m going-“

Luke almost choked on the first thick wad as it hit the back of his throat. He closed his lips around the flexing cock as it spurts wad after wad filling his mouth with cum.

Suddenly he found himself on his back, legs stretched out as Xavier tugged on his jeans to get them off. The jeans were tossed on the floor and fingers were working to grasp his boxers, taking the waistband, then working them off. He layout back naked, cock half hard, as Xavier went down on knees between his legs. Hands slid up his thighs. Tongue touched his sac, then slowly dragged up along his cock until the head was captured between lips.

He pushed upward, feeling his cock sink into the warm mouth.

He ran the fingers of his right hand through the thick black hair. A closed fist and he held Xavier over his cock as tongue tortured the head of it. He bucked upward and shuddered with the feel of it. He loosened his grip allowing Xavier to set his own pace. Luke felt the mouth sink down on his cock until Xavier’s nose pressed into his abdomen. He worked his hips slowly, pushing up as Xavier pushed down, over and over, until his cock ached for release.

Luke felt a hand rub up his thigh, slip down between them. Fingers encircled his sac and tugged on it. His cock flexed with the pleasure/pain of the tug.


Sac released; the fingers raked down the dark line of flesh until rubbing over his tight opening. The thought flashed in his mind how it wasn’t his finger touching him there. Xavier rubbed over his tightness until he was moaning and pushing upward with greater need. A finger bore through his tightness, penetrating him. Again, the realization it was another who penetrated him. It was Xavier. Xavier.

Two fingers, and Luke shivered with the stretch of his opening.

Three fingers, and Luke shoved upward and came. He shuddered and jerked with every ejaculation. The mouth sucked on the head of his cock drawing out his cum.

Then he fell still, spent, and breathing hard.

“Can I?” Xavier asked.

Luke knew what he wanted, and he lay with eyes closed as he felt Xavier move between his legs.

“Yes,” he uttered in reply.

“Slide up on the bed,” said Xavier.

Luke backed up on the bed until his head rested on a pillow. He watched Xavier follow until once again between his legs. He held them up, letting each come to rest in the crook of Xavier’s arms. He lay back and felt the folding of his body as Xavier moved over him. Cock touched his ass, slide along the side of his own cock, leaving a wet slick trail over his skin. He reached for it, feeling its girth within his hand. He guided it to his opening, rubbed the leaking head over it until moving slickly over it.

“Xavier, put it in me.”

A push, then another, then the stretch of his opening to take something thicker than three fingers. The blunt round head finally penetrated him, then inch after inch of cock sank into his hole. He clutched at the bed as Xavier kept pushing into his depths.


Xavier sank his cock into Luke and shivered with the sexual pleasure of it. Then he began to fuck.

Initially, a slow deliberate pace, one that allowed the two of them to feel every inch of cock sliding through the tight opening. The way it worked through the tightness, stretching it until it loosened. Luke moaned and clutched at the bed and pushed upward as Xavier pushed down.

But it was impossible to maintain such a slow pace. It stroked Xavier’s arousal, pushed him to increase his pace, to feel the tightness grip his cock and stroke it like his hand late at night. And then there was Luke’s urgent pleadings.

“Faster…fuck me faster. Harder,” came the low breathless utterances. Then the same voice, but more desperate, more urgent.  “Don’t stop.”

Xavier leaned over Luke, folded him in half angling the ass up for his fuck. He drove into Luke’s depths, hard, hips smacking against ass, as he built up a brutal pace. Moans, then grunts uttered in rhythm with every shove inward. The only thing louder, the smack of flesh against flesh. He felt fingers dig into his thighs, then hands on his sides then back, rubbing over the sweating skin, then the fingers digging into the flesh desperate to hold on to him.

Then he felt it, his growing need for release. It threw off his rhythm, then made him breathless. He slammed into Luke’s depths and shuddered and jerked, then he tried to push deeper as he came.


“Let’s take a shower,” said Luke from beneath Xavier, the two of them finally getting their breathing back to normal.

Xavier climbed off the bed and saw the naked body before him. He had seen it so many times in the past, but this time it was different. So very different. The hard leaking cock, the skin flush from their exertions, and the look on the face staring up. One he had tried to picture before when this was just a dream, a fantasy, something that could never be real. He held his hand out to help Luke off the bed, and he was once again amazed at the realness of it, that Luke’s hand was in his hand. That warm flesh was against warm flesh, blood rushing through it, the nerves feeling everything.

“Come on, let’s go,” Xavier playfully exclaimed, as he tugged Luke up and to his feet.


Luke walked in front of Xavier, smiling at what they had finally done. He looked at the tall masculine body, the dark hair, and fair skin. And the cock hanging heavy over its sac, wet and slick from their fuck. Flipping the switch for the bathroom light, he slid the glass door to the side and turned on the faucet. Xavier pressed against his ass, then leaned over his back kissing his neck. A hand moved around his waist and took his cock, stroking it to renewed hardness.

Luke stayed bent over as the water warmed, lost to the feel of cock pressed between his ass cheeks. He fumbled with the lever until the water came out of the shower head.

“Let’s get in,” he whispered, standing up and stepping in under the warm spray.

Xavier followed and pushed him against the wall kissing him. There had been quick stolen kisses and a couple that lingered with their passion, but this one was different. It was hungry, desperate, and Luke was soon pinned against the wall as Xavier’s kisses moved from his mouth, along the jaw, and down the neck.

Luke knew what Xavier wanted. He wanted it too. He turned to face the wall, bracing himself with his hands as he moved his feet back and spread apart.

“Xavier,” he whispered as he looked over his right shoulder. Brown eyes turned upward and stared back. “One more time?” Xavier smiled as he stood straight and moved into place.

Luke held his head down seeing his own cock flex and thicken as he felt Xavier spread his cheeks and touch him with a persistent push. He moaned when Xavier penetrated him again, pushing into his depths until pressed against his ass. He felt him against his back, then lips kissing his neck.

“Fuck…you feel so good,” Xavier uttered.

Xavier worked his hips, just ground them against Luke’s ass as he kissed along the shoulder then up the neck until nipping the earlobe. Luke felt a hand work its way around his waist until it was stroking his cock. He grew erect with an increased arousal that caused him to work his hips, pushing his cock through the fist, then backing his ass up taking Luke’s cock.

Xavier stood, releasing Luke’s cock. Then hands held him by the waist as Xavier increased the pace of their fuck. The drive into his depths, faster and harder, until his own cock flopped between his thighs.

The shower felt like a sauna, far too hot, as Xavier hammered his ass. He took his own cock in hand and stroked with a furious rhythm, one aligned with Xavier’s pace. Their moans and grunts echoed in the shower, at times drowned out by the sound of flesh smacking against flesh.

Luke soon felt the surge of release. He shuddered, threw his head back and cried out. As cock piston in his hole, he came, spraying the tile wall with cum. He was nearly spent, his cock flexing with the last dribble of cum when Xavier pushed him against the wall. The tile felt impossibly cool against his skin as the heat of Xavier’s body pressed against his back. He felt the shuddering and jerking, the hard exhales on his neck, as Xavier came again, filling his hole with cum.


Luke woke to find Xavier propped on one elbow staring at him.

“What are you doing?” Luke asked, giggling at the foolishness of it.

“Watching you sleep,” Xavier replied in all seriousness.



“What time is it?”

“About nine.”

“We have to check out by ten, right?”

“I called down and got the room for another night.”

Luke smiled, then sat up, giving Xavier a quick kiss.

Xavier looked surprised at first, then smiled as he leaned down to kiss Luke. This time it wasn’t a quick touch of the lips. They kissed with passion, one newly awakened.

“We should get dressed and find breakfast,” said Xavier when he finally pulled back.

“Yes. I’m starving.”


They spent the day roaming around Raleigh, then back in their hotel room. There was dinner at a nice restaurant, then back to their room for another night of sex that lasted until the early A.M. hours.

On the drive back, they grinned at each other, Luke blushing from time to time with his thoughts, but they didn’t really talk until nearly home.

“What are we going to do?” asked Xavier.

“Let’s see how it goes for now.”

“I agree, and if we think this is something permanent, then…we…”

“I know; eventually we have to tell them.”


“You think it’ll be bad?”

“I don’t think so, but it’ll be difficult for them for a while, especially mom. She keeps hinting at me getting serious with a girl and settling down.”

“I think dad will have the hardest time with it. His whole notion of what it means to be a man, and all.”

“Don’t matter what they think if we get a place of our own.”

Luke considered what Xavier suggested. It was something he had fantasized about when thinking of a life with Xavier. A place of their own, sharing a bed and all other aspects of life. It seemed impossible until now. Now, it seemed like something not only feasible, but necessary.

Nine Months Later

Luke came in the back door to the smell of food. He took off his dirty boots, setting them next to Xavier’s, and eased into the kitchen. He expected to see Xavier at the range stirring a boiler or at the island cutting up some vegetables or fruits, but the kitchen was empty. He saw a large pot on the stove, lid covering it, and knew the beef stew he smelled was done and it was left on the range to keep it warm.

“Where is he?” Luke uttered to himself as he crossed the sitting room and entered the hall. Once in the hall, he could hear the shower in the bathroom. The door was cracked open, and he eased it open seeing Xavier under the spray rinsing shampoo from his hair. Stepping in, he quietly began removing his clothes.

“You finally finished planting?” asked Xavier without turning.

Luke smiled at how he could never slip up on him. “Yes; all done.”

“Well, hurry up and get in before the hot water runs out.


Luke pushed Xavier on the bed. Water droplets still clung to their skin from their rush to dry themselves. Both were erect from their manipulations. The kissing and groping and pressing of bodies together.

“You want it?” Xavier uttered in a low tempting tone as he held his cock up, waving it back and forth.

“Damn straight, I want it,” Luke replied as he moved over him, straddling his waist. He raised his ass over the cock then lowered himself down to it. It pressed against his tightness, then stretched him open. He moaned as he slid his ass down on it, inch after inch until over half was inside him. Then he moved in the familiar up and down movement, fucking his ass on Xavier’s cock.

Luke kept up a steady pace as hands came down on each thigh. He felt the tight hold, fingers digging into flexing muscle. He increased his pace, moving faster and faster, until his cock slapped down on Xavier’s abdomen. The harder it slapped down, the more aroused he felt and the faster he fucked himself.

The bed squeaked and rocked beneath them. Xavier reached for Luke’s cock and toyed with it, manipulated the leaking head until Luke shuddered and moaned. Luke leaned back resting on his hands, body stretched out feeling so alive, his heart racing as it pumped blood through his system. He began to move on Xavier aware of how every sense seemed exaggerated.

“Fuck,” Luke uttered loudly, unconcerned about how loud, for they were in their bedroom within their own home. It was their private residence, a place they could do as they pleased. And with his ass on Xavier’s cock, he worked it up and down, faster and faster, until his muscles burned with his exertions. He took his own cock in hand, stroking as furiously as he moved his ass.

“Luke,” Xavier uttered as he held each ankle while watching him move on his cock.

Luke didn’t slow, kept working his ass up and down. At times, his ass smacked down on Xavier’s abdomen. Then he was on the brink of release. His movements became rough, then he was swinging his hips upward as hard as he did downward, thrusting his cock through his fist.

“Fuck!” Luke cried out, thrusting his cock up through his fist and coming. Cum erupted from his cock, thick wads that rained down on his chest and stomach. He felt the hands on his ankles tighten their hold and he knew Xavier was about to cum. He slammed his ass down on him, over and over, until Xavier shoved upward.

And Xavier came, pushing up with every ejaculation.


Luke sat across from Xavier, each a bowl of stew before them. They ate slowly, talking about their day, the work on the farm to be accomplished and what the markets were like for each crop.

“When the beans come in, you should trade your truck,” said Luke.

“My truck is fine. Let’s spend the money on the kitchen getting it remodeled.”

“And maybe a vacation?”

“A vacation? Yes, we should plan one.”


“And Glacier National Park. I’ve always wanted to go there.”


“No, Montana.”

“Oh, that would be feasible.”

Once finished, they cleaned up the kitchen and went out onto the back porch. They sat side by side in the swing. As they slowly rocked back and forth, they watched the sunset, how the sky changed colors as the sun slowly dipped below the horizon. They sat silent for a long time, then talked softly of nothing of importance as another day came to an end.


Jack McCullough went into the tractor dealership for sweeps. He moved through the small showroom with a few lawn and garden tractors on one side and a couple of shelves down the middle with small parts, caps, and t-shirts on display. He got in the short line, behind Hank Miller and Brian Stevens while a third man he didn’t know was being waited on by Jason, the owner’s nephew.

“Hey Jack,” said Hank.

“Hank…Brian. You guys getting ready to cultivate your beans?”

“Yep. You?”

“I’m here for some new sweeps.”

“How do your beans look?” asked Brian.

“Good, although I think Luke’s fields over in Clayton are some of the best-looking fields I’ve seen. His beans are a foot high already.”

“Really?” asked Hank.

“Yep. What about your beans?” asked Jack.

“They look good, although if it gets dry, I might regret planting that field at the Brown place,” Hank replied, referring to one that was sandy along the back section.

Jack noticed how Brian turned toward him, leaning in closer, and he knew something was going to be said he didn’t like.

“Hey, your boy still shacked up with that Freling boy?”

“What about it?” Jack replied.

“Well, you know it’s wrong. Just wrong. The preacher at our church…”

“I don’t care what your preacher says. There ain’t nothing wrong with it. You should just let people be,” Jack uttered with a tone that spoke to his building anger.

Suddenly someone was standing next to him, a tall powerful presence, and he turned to see it was Xavier next to him.

“Is there a problem?” asked Xavier.

“NO, no, not at all,” Brian replied, turning to face forward. Hank smiled at Jack and Xavier then he nodded his head, a small gesture that said everything was alright.

Once the man at the counter stepped away, Brian moved up asking for parts in a voice too low for the others to hear. Jack and Xavier didn’t move forward when Hank moved up, instead keeping some distance from the others.

“Thanks, Mr. McCullough,” said Xavier.

“Don’t mention it. Pisses me off, these busy bodies worrying about how others live. He should be worrying about his own children.”

Xavier knew the gossip, how Brian’s son left to join the military, refusing to help on the farm, and the daughter ran off with someone when she was just seventeen and still in high school. He knew it was tough on Brian and his wife, but it didn’t give reason to be hateful toward others. He glanced over at Jack McCullough, Luke’s father, and saw someone still working out the relationship that existed between them. Someone trying to do what was right.

“Hey, I’m meeting Luke at that burger place on Second. You want to join us?”

“Mac’s? I love that place, yes, I’d like that,” Jack replied. “I’d like that a lot.”

“I’ll call Luke and tell him to pick up Mrs. McCullough.”

“Good idea. Otherwise, I’ll never hear the end of it.”

by Grant

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024