The Kennel

by SnarfulBuddy

18 Oct 2021 3059 readers Score 9.3 (21 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Authors Comment & Warning: Usually it's the "Faggot" that serves the "Real Man", however, this story reverses that role-play scenario. Please don't take it too seriously, okay?

Disclaimer: All sexual participants are consenting adults and are of legal age and the words "kid", "kiddo" and "boy" are merely used for the purpose of demeaning the subject.

The Start of Hunter Kelly's Evening

My name is Hunter Bryan Kelly and yeah I know, I have three first names, trust me... it's been mentioned before (eye roll) and it's not the most unique thing about me.

So, uh, yeah, I work construction, as a full-time dry-waller for a small company that my older brother owns. I'm up bright and early and on-site like seven am most days and I usually end things just before three in the afternoon giving me a few hours where everyone else is still at their eight to five thirty jobs.

It was a few nights ago, and not my first time going to The Kennel, so I was not nervous at all about it. I can't tell you HOW I discovered The Kennel ---or I'd have to kill you. I can tell you however, and I know this for a fact, that I am NOT the only one working at our jobs site that also goes there.

So anyway, my girlfriend had already been out of town for a week on business and she had another two weeks to go, and I was nursing a serious case of the blue-balls. What better way to empty them than an evening serving at The Kennel?

I guess you could say that I'm what the gay guys call a bear-cub. I'm young, short, stocky (okay, okay, maybe slightly over-weight), with an average dick, some big nuts, and chunky body covered in shallow light brown fur.

I actually enjoy serving. It let's me totally unwind and relax and just be in someone else's control for a while. I know that most straight men might find the idea of serving offensive, but I learned a long time ago, that I was not most straight men. I'm fine with that. I don't judge what makes other people happy. I only know what makes me happy.

Every time I've been, so far anyway, there's this older man (maybe sixties?) that I only know as "B" sitting there by the slightly rusty-edged, hand-painted, navy green steel door. He sits on a torn up, duct-tape patched, old, red leather, bar-stool. Usually reading from a Kindle and smoking Marb Reds. His face is leathery and dark and he always shakes his head at me (disapprovingly), when I arrive.

Since he knows me from before, though, he unlocks the door and lets me inside. Once in, he closes and re-locks the door behind me without a word spoken between us.

As I said, I was not nervous, as it was not my first time. I knew what to expect and I was excited.

Blindfolded, Stripped and Caged

I expected to be (and was) blindfolded. I didn't expect that it would be a new guy that I'd never met or seen before doing it, though. Although I didn't object when he started the procedure. I was there to serve and that starts the minute the green door closes behind you.

My last six times there, it had been a tall, burly, very muscular black man who had a voice that was as deep as the Devil's who'd prepped me. I didn't know it at the time, but whomever is doing prep, is known as the Alpha for the night.

This time it was a white male about my age, maybe a little older, say within five years. Average build, average height, there didn't appear to be anything odd or special about him. Clean shaven, bright eyed and with a fairly even tone. He greeted me politely and I him without using our names. A simple "hey," can go a long way when doing these casual, anonymous, man-sex, kinds of things.

The blindfolds that they put you in at The Kennel are some wicked good ones. It's not just some loose leftover fabric tied around your head. No, sir. They have these small circular cotton filled pillow-pads that they place over your eyes so they rest just inside in your eye sockets and THEN they tie the black cotton cloth around your head holding them in place. Even if you open your eyes and try to look up or down for a peek under the edge you get nothing. And they always tie on the left side, so if you are placed on your back (happens a lot), you can rest your head on a pillow without having a big knot to contend with.

Trust me, once you have one on, you will not see a single fucking thing. It is totally black.

All that said, I think I could still do what I do, without the blindfold. I really do enjoy serving. I've yet to try that yet, though. To actually SEE a guy use me. Watch him take his pleasure. I think I could do it, but I have never actually done it.

The Alpha did my blindfold up good and then (I FELT him doing all this) he removed the flannel shirt I had over my white tee, off me. I heard a pair of tight scissors cutting a small slit at the bottom of my tee shirt. He then ripped up the line and basically tore the thing off me. He had to cut the neck where the fabric was stronger but got it off me quickly. My shoes were removed, then my socks and then his expert fingers undid my belt and my jeans. I was guided out of those too. Left in just my red colored, long, cotton boxer briefs .

He then clamped his hand on my wrist with some serious force and he snarled into my left ear with a strong tug, and a disdainful sneer, "Come on, ...Breeder, I've got a nice cold cage all ready for you."

I was dragged out of that room and presumably down a hall where I was locked in a cage. Again, I saw none of this, just know what I heard and felt. I was happy that things had started nice and quickly and I hoped that I would be picked very soon.

The Selection

I may have dozed off slightly laying on the cold steel mesh of my cage, but I woke up when I heard the door swing open, the sound of footsteps, and then a mans very stern voice.

"I'm looking for a short, chubby kid... maybe twenty-ish, with some stink on him."

I rolled a hand on my furry belly and thanked God that I fucking loved cheeseburgers! I'd also worked my normal shift on the job site that day and I was slightly sweaty and stinky between the legs.

As I heard them approaching I sat up in my cage and I became very excited that I might get selected. I started to really hope for it. If I'd had a tail it would have been wagging.

Yes, yes, please, yes, pick me, pick me, mister! Pleeeeeease! I'll be a good server for you! I promise! Please pick me!

"And no fucking man-scapers neither. I like a natural bush on my boys."

"Yeah, okay, so... let's see. Ah here. Cage eleven. It's down here I think."

I heard them coming closer and closer! YAY!

"Oh, geeze, here it is. Seems this dumb-puke, little, screw arrived about... ten minutes ago. Says he's twenty, keeps a full bush and... he's fresh from a full days construction work... "

"Eh... he might do. Get him out. I wanna feel his dick before I decide."

I was about to get felt up! Yay!

The Alpha unlocked my cage and I heard the door creak open but I didn't move immediately as I couldn't see. I was grabbed by the shoulder and man-handled out of the cage.

"Come on, you stupid fuckin' pussy-fucker, git out. Out, I said!" He shouted at me.

I eagerly awaited the touch of what I hoped would be a warm hand but I didn't stand up as we aren't allowed to do that unless we are told to do it.

The Alpha barked at me, "Stand the fuck up, dummy, so the man here can fondle your junk, you - stupid - useless - little piece of shit!"

I stood up.

A large masculine hand groped me, roughly for a moment, before it dove down deep into my underpants and under me and it cupped and massaged my sweaty ball-sack. I got hard as fuck in seconds.

"I like his big balls. His pecker is... eh, adequate. Nothing special, but it's clean and cut. I'll take him."

My underpants were man handled off me and the man spoke again to the Alpha.

"Have these sent them to my home address."

I then felt his tight fist wrap around the shaft of my very eager boner and then a strong tug on it, "Come on, breeder-boy. I got us a room."

I was lead by my dick for a short while until I heard the soft beeping of someone punching in a key-code and then a door was opened and I was ushered inside a room. I heard the door close and relock itself with another final beep and a firm metallic click.

I was locked in with a man who was gonna use me! It was so exciting! I was so glad that I'd been picked and I really hoped that I was going to get seriously used. Maybe even, dare I hope, as hard as I dreamed of being used.

No Faggots

"You are one handsome little fuck," the man told me, "for a fat, dumb, straight-boy."

I didn't speak. You don't speak unless you are asked a direct question or you've been given permission to do so.

"Nice and quiet too. I like that. Only I hope when you shoot your fuck-load... scratch that. Fuck-loads Ssss. That's plural, as I intend to drain your fucking balls tonight, that I know you can feel it. You got me?"

I nodded as I was not told I could talk, but wasn't sure how I would be expressing my feelings during orgasms, with him, without talking. I didn't wonder long. I heard him moving about and eventually realized that he was undressing himself. It didn't matter to me as I couldn't see him anyway.

His tone became harsher as he spoke to me, standing there, blindfolded, hard and fully on show for his pleasures. "I'm gonna do a quick little test with you first tho, kiddo. I need to make sure your not a fucking faggot. I HATE faggots and little pussyboys and I refuse to have anything to do with anyone like them."

Aren'tchoo gay, though, mister? I thought for a moment, but would never say aloud, and again, it didn't matter because I wasn't gay. At all. And I knew this was all play anyway, here, for a few short hours, you could be anything you wanted to be. Even if it contradicts your normal logical, gender-shackled, life.

"I come here to work over real men. Straight men. Snatch-divers. Not trashy, dick-dreaming, cum-craving, little queer-boys and certainly not anyone who considers themselves a fucking ...bottom."

I was startled when he quickly hugged his large hairy arm back into my torso and he yanked my body back into his own. I could feel that he had on underpants, thank God, but I could still feel his large dick nestling between my butt cheeks and that was not fun for me; I was NOT there to get fucked.

I could smell his breath, too, as he leaned into my left ear and said, "For the next sixty seconds I give you permission to talk and answer me. Say, yes sir, if you understand." He'd clearly had a few whiskeys.

I gulped nervously but said as firmly as I could manage, "Yes, sir."

"How do you like my big, sweaty, hairy, man-dick pressed up against your tight little hole, boy? Do you fucking like it?"

"No, sir!"

He stroked my dick from behind me, "I don't know, you're still hard as a rock, now, aren'tchoo? It's not lookin' too good, kid!"

Oh no! I was blowing it!

"I'm sorry, sir!"

"Don't be sorry, you stupid shit, get soft, in my hand, right now, or so help me... If you don't, I'll call The Alpha and have him ban you from this place forever! You will never be allowed back here. ...Ever."

This was a huge challenge for me! Normally any kind of stimuli on my dick would make (and keep) me hard as hell. I was only twenty years old and my little guy was always eager to play, when he was played with.

I really struggled at first, but I managed to think of things that really turned me off. I won't state what those are, I'm sure if you're a man yourself, you have some things you use, so no need for me to tell you mine.

It started to work! Even though he was toying with my cock it was deflating and getting soft. I was very proud of myself.

"Very good, boy! You're doing it! Seems you're a real cunt-munch after all!"

I was proud to be, "Yes, sir! I am!"

"Nice and soft. Get him down and soft and small for me." I kept up my non-sexy thoughts until I was completely flaccid in his hand. "Good. Good. Now..." He let go of my dick and he held me by my upper arms from behind. I felt his crotch move off my butt and that calmed me back down. "Now, who does your cooter-fuckin', pathetic, little dick belong to?"

"You, sir!"

"Yeah, you bet it fucking does. I own it. I own your uselessly small dick. Who owns your little dick?"

"You do, sir!"

"Yeah, it's fucking mine now, to do anything I want with." He cupped my large sack and held on, "These balls are fucking mine as well. I OWN them. I own them and all of the little sperms inside them. Who owns your balls, boy?"

"You do, sir!"

"Yeah, I do." He started to rub my chest from behind me. "I actually own your entire, and I mean, every single delicious inch of, your chunky, sweaty, stinky little, twat-sucking, body for the next few hours."

I got really excited, "You OWN me, sir!"

I forgot to keep up the non-sexy thoughts, though, and my dick was going semi and starting to stand up a little.

"Calm down, boy, calm down." I felt his lips kiss the top of my left shoulder and then the side of my neck and I could tell that he was slinking himself around me from behind to in front. "So far you're doing great and I only have one more, quick, little test for you."

I felt one of his fists on my semi and then... his lips met mine. He was trying to get his tongue into my mouth but I wouldn't part my lips for him. His attempt at a kiss made it easy to lose my semi in his hand, which I promptly did, without the need for any non-sexual thoughts.

He pulled back and let go of my dick which was fully soft once more. He said aloud, "Looks like I picked a good one, tonight. I can't tell you the number of so-called straight men that part their lips and take my tongue in the their mouths. It's disgusting. For me, that is an instant deal-breaker for the night, and its straight back to the fucking cage for them but you did well. I'm starting to like you."

He sounded pleased with himself. I was glad that he said that. It helped me relax a little more. I stood there wondering what he was doing next and feeling more and more eager around, what was to me, still a perfect stranger.

Expert Techniques

Even though things had not gone as I'd have really loved, I was still excited to be with this man and to be owned by him for the next few hours. I hoped I'd have some serious mother-fucking orgasms at his demand; real nut-drainers.

At The kennel, no matter who picked me, I always did. One guy made me cum four times, well, I say, made me, but it was more like, coaxed me. The things he did, just pressed ALL of my buttons and there was nothing I could do. My body was a jizz machine-gun and whenever he pressed the trigger I went off like a cum-cannon; shooting vast hard flung ropes of white heat all over him and myself. It was very enjoyable and very liberating.

I really enjoyed being used for their pleasure. I enjoyed the challenges they presented and the soul-shaking ejaculations I often had with these masters in control of me and my body. When I use the term master, I don't mean master and slave, I mean it more like master and... pet. I became their beloved pet. Ever loyal and always eager to please and remember, its called The Kennel, not The Dungeon.

I heard the sound of a TV next and then a girl moaning as she was presumably being fucked. "There. I put on some bitch-porn for you. I know you can't see it, but I find that you useless, little, pussy-sniffers only need to hear the sounds of a bitch in heat to make up your own fantasies and keep your little peckers nice and hard, and drippy, ...for me."

"Yes, s..."

"Shht!" He put a hand over my mouth. "The minute is up, beaver-breath, you don't get to talk any more. Take two steps back and sit the fuck down." He pressed on my chest commandingly and I stepped back and when I sat down I was on the edge of a bed. He pressed my chest again, "Back to the mattress."

I fell back to the mattress. I heard him shifting about and he told me to raise my head and I did, under which he placed a cushy pillow, "Good? Comfortable?", he asked me, and I nodded in the affirmative.

"Okay." He took my knees and said, "Let's spread these open so I can get a good look and a good sniff on at the crotch, dick and balls, that I now OWN. Mmm, yes, that aroma is nice and strong and pungent and masculine. It's a warm smell and it has the delicate notes of man-sweat and dust with just a faint hint of piss. It starts out delicately snaking into my nose and down my throat where it burns a little and tingles me inside."

This guy's not a wine connoisseur he's a fucking dick sommelier!

It made me happy to know that the scent of my body pleased him. To what my girlfriend would have been a total fucking sex-ender (go git your ass in the God-damned shower you smelly screw!), to him, was a delicate and complex sexual aperitif to be savored and swallowed slowly and repeatedly for full effect.

Pleasing him was making me hard. I was worried that he might not want me hard, but was relieved when he saw it and said, "I love watching a guy get hard." He tugged it a few times and went back to sniffing me. It wasn't long before his hot wet tongue was raking up and down the insides of my legs and crotch. A tongue that was slick and wet and between two held-firm slick and wet lips making saliva stripes up and down my inner, upper thighs. Each time he came up to my sack my dick jumped for him. He took hold of it in a fist and kept doing his trick, until my cock was pulsing strongly in his tight hand.

He told me, "If you feel like you're gonna cum, two things. One, you say the word, 'here', I give you permission to say that word and two you make sure that my mouth is on your prick when you shoot. I want to be fed all of your breeder-juice. I want all the baby-making, spunk-loads you can fucking spew. Never spill any. Ever. Got me?"

I nodded.

"Good, boy. Are you even close?"

I nodded rapidly.

"Really? Cool! I love a kid that doesn't take much to get worked up. Means I can usually go for rounds two and three right away."

Little did he know that no one had ever done this long, wet, striping thing he did with his tongue and lips on me, before. It was fucking amazing and I never wanted it to stop. It was all I could do to stay still and quiet while he did it.

He released my dick from his hand and I realized a moment later he'd moved away from me and was doing something. "I'm gonna suck the jizz outta you in just a second, but there is something I forgot to do, first." I soon felt a slightly cold felt-tip marker being used on my upper chest and then my bulging belly. I had no idea if he was drawing something or writing something on me, but I wasn't there to protest. After all he owned me. I'd find out when I went home later and looked in the mirror. I'd probably have to keep it secret from my girlfriend until it came off, but again, I wasn't thinking about her at the time. I was enjoying myself with my new master and if he wanted me labeled or inked up, in some way, then he could have me that way with my blessing.

"There," he said and once more I could tell he was pleased with himself. "That... is perfect."

I felt him getting my chunky legs lifted up and then placing them over his shoulders and his head was in my lap just over my hard little, aching to fucking cream, pecker. He commanded, "I'm gonna suck and you're gonna cum - in my mouth. Just before you cum you say the word, 'here' and I wanna FEEL your hands on my head pressing me down on it as you shoot off. I wanna FEEL your heels dig into my back and know that your toes are fucking crunched down as you paste my mouth full of your sticky, delicious, snatch-sauce. Got it?"

Draining My Resources

I nodded.

Oh man, this was gonna feel so good!

I hadn't cum in a week.

He wanted to belittle me some and I didn't mind, "You're a useless little hetero-fuck and this is the only thing your good for - making and shooting sperm in the mouths of men like me. You're a pathetic little fucking jizz-factory to me. That's all you are. A fucking cum-supply to be trained and drained. A spunk-feeder. You're whole life is totally fucking meaningless unless you're doing what you are about to do, squirt your nut-load, in my hungry mouth."

Using his hand on my shaft, his other hand on my balls and his mouth engulfing my dick to the hilt he MADE me cum real quick.

I said quickly, "Here!"

I got both of my hands tightly latched onto the head in my lap, and holding it still and firmly in place on my dick, I fucking unloaded massive volleys of fresh cum. Hot fluid from deep in my balls raced up, pulsed through and squirted from the tip of my dick into his sucking mouth. My heels dug into his back and my toes curled and the unloading of my large wad went on for a good long time. I was panting slightly and he was humming softly on my cock as I was feeding him.

He was right, in that moment, my life did have meaning. I existed to feed him cum. I was happy to do what I was made for and born to do.

I released him as it ended and he came off my cock. I felt him kiss my sack and I could have sworn that I heard him whisper, ever so quietly, to my balls, "Thank you."

There was no rest for the wicked, however, as he wasn't done with me in the slightest. Using just his hand and lips and a good deep cock-sucker spittle on my dick he pumped and sucked me off two more times in just a few minutes.

"Holy-fuck, you really can shoot like no tomorrow, can'tcha, boy?"

I nodded while panting and feeling my heart racing in my chest. Those last two felt a little forced to start with, but each time the orgasm crested I was bathed in super-sexual pleasure through my entire body. Getting there, two more times, back to back, was hard, but worth it and I was glad this master had picked me to be his pet that evening.

When he slicked my crotch up with lube and played with my ever-hard little dick with one hand and used the other to guide and eat the toes on my left foot I was in fucking heaven. No one had ever given me this much or this kind of all at once stimuli. I felt his squishy tongue snaking between my pudgy, smelly, dirty toes. Toes that had spent an entire day toiling in socks and work-boots.

I felt his very tight fist sliding up and down on my cock at the same time. It was all so tingly and new to me. Everything he did felt so good and I always wanted, no craved, more and more.

He placed both of my feet on his mouth and licked the underside of my toes while both his hands rolled over and tweaked my large pink nipples. "Jack yourself," he told me. I obediently took over working my slippery dick so that I could cum again for him, because I wanted to cum again, for him. I wanted to drain my own balls for his pleasure. I knew it would make him happy for my nuts to be bone-dry. Together we would make that happen. I was fucking committed to serving him. I wouldn't let him down! As I felt the slime rising in the pipe I quickly blurted out, "Here!"

With the speed of an eagle pouncing on a field-mouse my toes left his face and his head and mouth sank down onto my prick all the way and I held him in place and I shot off again. I felt every pulse of juice in my throbbing dick and then I felt a swallow. Grunt, pulse... hum, swallow. Grunt, pulse... hum, swallow. Repeat. I finished that load and felt lighter than air. I felt alive all over.

He'd put so much lube on me that some of it had dribbled down under my big sack and I felt his hand start to rub some on my cherry. As I said, I wasn't there to be fucked, but a finger or a vibrator can do amazing things to a prostate. As long as it wasn't a meaty, nasty, man-dick up me, I was okay with toys, ones that at least would do what he required me to do, to cum for him, over and over until my nuts were empty. We both had the same goal.

Not long after my fourth, heavenly, unloading in his trap, and with him using his slick finger, gently plucking in side me, he triggered my cum-gun again.

His mouth had never left my dick and he was in place already. All I had to do was hold his head, say the word, "Here," and let go. I was proud of myself that I'd managed a fifth strong boy-gasm for him. It erupted and blasted into his sucking mouth and it was eagerly swallowed.

If my body was an instrument that he owned and cherished then he was playing me like a virtuoso.

Fluid Dynamics

I'd cum five times and I wasn't even tired or bored in the slightest. I was getting soft though and there was one huge problem that came upon me all of a sudden and what to do about it terrified me. I had to piss. Bad.

I knew I couldn't talk, so I sort of mumble/moaned loudly which did the trick and caught his attention. "What? You can talk."

"I really have to piss!"

His voice tone was even and somewhat sly, "Oh. Ok. Just a second and then go."

What I felt next was very unexpected and sort of killed the moment for me.

I felt his mouth engulf my softness and hold still. He was waiting and ready for it.

Of course I couldn't go.

I'd never peed in someone's mouth before. I had to go really bad, but I couldn't start a stream. I wanted to ask to use the bathroom that I knew was somewhere in this room we were in, but I also knew that he wanted my piss. He wanted something from his pet and I had to do it. He owned me. He owned my dick. He owned... my piss, too. This was a real challenge but I told myself that I could do it.

I would do it!

He came off my dick angry and shouted at me. "What? You piss-shy you useless little, cooter-eating, puke!" He put his mouth back in place and waited and I really tried. Once more he came off it. "Listen to me, you useless, fat, fucking cum-dispenser, you piss in my mouth right now. I own you and I command you. Do it. Now."

I was trying.


With his mouth once more in place I managed a really small dribble. I really forced it and managed to dribble and dribble until I heard something I'd never heard before. I heard a human being swallowing a mouthful of my piss. No, not swallow it, more like, ...gulp it. Gulping a full mouthful of my hot, golden piss. Wow! That was something to experience and he was thirsty and humming for more of it. This helped me increase the flow slightly. I was still not a steady torrential stream like I am at the urinal, but I was managing to go and please my master at the same time.

Actually it all worked out in the end because the longer it took to do, the more of that moment, we shared.

When I shivered out the last of it he removed his mouth and licked my dick holding it in his fingers. "Good, boy!"

I smiled and was glad that I pleased him. I also felt way better being relieved of that pressing need.

Then the bad news.

He was not happy at all, "That was thee most deeees-gusting, acrid and nasty, bitter piss I've ever fucking tasted. Jesus-fucking-Christ, you fucking little shit, put some sugar in your fucking coffee once in a while! Or have a fucking beer! Isn't that what all of you stupid, breeder-men do anyway, stand around back-yard barbeques and drink beer all day and fuck stinky, slimy snapper all night?"

I did love my coffee strong and black. I'd have to reconsider that if I was gonna do this piss-thing with more masters in the future. I was sorry about it but had no way to convey that emotion to him.

"If you have to piss again, tap me three times on my head, or shoulders, or something. Okay?"

I nodded.

"Good. Now stand the fuck up."

I got up and stood where I was at the end of the bed. He was on his knees and he kissed the tip of my dick head repeatedly until I was rock-solid. "Now hold my head still with both hands and fuck your pathetic little boy-pecker into and out of my mouth until you paste off another wad of your muff-juice for me to savor and swallow."

I did as I was asked and in not time at all I was planting more seed in his mouth and coating his tongue and cheeks with hot fresh blasts. He worked my nipples as I shot off and it felt really good.

It would take a few more hours, some more lube and a small vibrating dildo inside me, but I'd manage to cum for him four more times, ten in all before my cock tried one last time, and it went through the motions of orgasm, but nothing came out.

My Performance Review

He had me stand and he cleaned me up with towels and hand sanitizer and he called for The Alpha to get me. The Alpha asked, "Was he everything you required?"

My master scoffed, "Hardly! Ten lousy fucking times? Are you fucking kidding me? What a waste of my time! A never-ending jizz factory he is not. I've had more loads out of guys twice his age. I guess they just want it more. He's useless to me. A total fucking waste! Put him on my never-again list!"

Hearing that made my heart sink in my chest. It was devastating. I thought I'd done good and fed him well and did everything he asked of me. I started to cry under the blindfold and even sniffled.

"Oh - my - fucking God," he said. "Are you fucking crying now, breeder-boy? Really? You little pussy!"

I really sniffled then and could feel the wetness of my tears being absorbed into the fabric of the blindfold. I felt just terrible inside. Like I was hollow. Like only a shell of me was standing there.

Then I felt something else. I felt someone behind me hugging me back to them. This person had jeans on so there was no dick at my ass. The hold was firm but gentle. Manly. I felt a breath at my ear as the man squeezed me tightly, "I'm kidding. No one has ever cum ten times for me. No one."

I hummed a "Hmm?"

"You can talk."

I spoke up, "Really? You're not lying? You really had a good time and you liked me?"

"I had the time of my life, kiddo!"

I had to ask, "Then... why say all those mean things about me?"

"I wanted to make you FEEL something so you'd never ever forget me."

"Oh, I won't."

"I seriously hope not! I'll be back next week and I'm requesting you every single time from now on."


"Really! My very own cute, little, chunky, big balled, small dicked, breeder-boy."

"You own me."

"Yes I do. I am proud to own you. I can't wait to drain your balls again next week! Now git! I'm done with you for tonight!" He patted my ass.

I was lead by the Alpha back to the prep room where my blindfold was removed and I was able to look at what my unseen owner had written on my body in a full length mirror in there. I looked down at my chest and saw that he'd written these words in huge capital letters:


And he'd drawn a long arrow down and over my belly and belly-button, to just over my dick.

For a fast moment I was scared that my girlfriend would see it, but then I remembered she would be gone for two more weeks. There would be time to wash it off and for it to wear off.

I picked up and got on what was left of my clothes, less my underpants of course, which were already in the post to my new owners house (for sniffing on later), and my tee shirt which had been cut up and thrown out when I'd arrived.

I reflected on the night and how light my sack was and I realized that, all in all, I was very happy and I had, had, a wicked great time.

I was really looking forward to another session with my new owner at The Kennel, next week!


...Oh, and by the way, the most unique thing about me, is not my three names, it's that, when I am really pressed to do so, I can cum ten times. Yay me!

by SnarfulBuddy

Email: [email protected]

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