The Jackal's Slave

by fantasiasupernaturae

17 Feb 2024 4332 readers Score 9.3 (31 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I stumbled down the dimly lit corridors of the temple, the chains binding my ankles and wrists echoing off the stone walls. As I seemingly reached the end of the hallway, one of the jackal-masked cultists flanking me pulled on a wall sconce and the wall lifted with the sound of stone scraping stone, revealing a staircase leading even deeper. One of the cultists urged me forward, slapping my bare ass exposed through the back of the golden jockstrap I was forced into after kidnapping me and bringing me here. 

"Onward, offering," he said, his deep voice slightly muffled behind the black rubber jackal mask, his dark bare chest glistening in the torchlight. I felt the icy touch of the flat edge of the curved blade of his khopesh caress my back. "Now."

I hesitated, took a deep breath of the cool, musty air coming up from the staircase, and slowly began my descent, careful not to trip over my chains. I reached the bottom and followed another long hallway until it opened up into a large dark room. One of the cultists snapped his fingers and the sconces around the perimeter of the circular room lit up, revealing a dais in the center of the room. As I looked closer at the walls, I saw they were lined with what appeared to be ancient paintings, all of them depicting the worship of a dark jackal-headed god -- Anubis.

The cultists pushed me forward onto the dais and forced me onto my knees. One bent down and fastened a heavy metal collar around my neck before chaining it to a small metal loop in the center of the dais. I pulled at the chain to no avail, the cultist's malicious laugh mixing with the clattering chain.

"It's no use," he said. "The ritual can now begin, and you will be made as an offering to the mighty Anubis."

He and the other four cultists made a circle around me. The one who chained me to the ground, presumably of higher status based on his more ornate gold jewelry, began to recite something in a language I didn't understand, presumably ancient Egyptian. The other four joined in, raising their hands. The torch flames on the walls began to glow brighter and I felt my heart rate accelerate in fear. I pulled harder at the chains, trying to free myself, but I couldn't do anything. I cried out in the blind hope that someone would hear me, knowing there was no one around for miles besides these cultists of Anubis. The chanting grew louder as the flames grew brighter and I thrashed harder against the chains. Suddenly the paintings on the wall began glowing, and I felt my head start to spin. The combined light of the torches and paintings compounded with the chanting and my newfound vertigo made it all too much to bear as I squeezed my eyes shut. The chanting crescendoed to a peak until...


It wasn't the gradual silence of someone finishing a sentence. It was completely abrupt, as if the chanters had suddenly disappeared. I slowly opened my eyes. I was now alone in what appeared to be the same room, still chained to the dais in the ceremonial gold jockstrap, but the cultists were gone, and the once orange light of the torches now glowed a deep purple. I rattled the chains again. Nothing. 

"H-hello?" I called out timidly, expecting perhaps I'd passed out during the ritual, allowing the cultists to replace the lights and leave. I called out again, receiving no response.

I knelt on the stone dais for what felt like hours, calling out every so often. After a while I heard the sound of a stone door down the hallway leading to the room open, followed by soft sandaled footsteps, getting louder as they came toward the room. I shifted to look toward the door and who would come through.

The stone door of the ritual room opened and in stepped an imposing figure, nearly eight feet tall. His skin appeared to be dark and covered in a thin layer of sleek black fur. His only clothing was his sandals, gold bands around his wrists and biceps, and a black shendyt trimmed with gold around his waist. My gaze continued upward, coming to rest on his face, that of a jackal with glowing orange eyes. I trembled as he spoke, his voice deep and rasping with a slight unfamiliar accent.

"You must be my offering," he said, slowly stepping toward me. "I thought I heard the chants. It's been some time since they've been able to capture a worthy specimen."

My breathing quickened as he stepped closer and knelt, tilting my chin up to meet his eyes with a cold metal claw. 

"Y-you're..." I stammered.

"Anubis," he said plainly. "And you're to be my new slave. I see my followers found quite the ideal one." He traced his golden claws lightly down my bare chest, sending a shiver through my body.

"Slave?" I asked. "I'll have to work for you? Build monuments and..."

"Silence!" Anubis shouted, and I felt my voice catch in my throat. "As my slave, you will speak only when it's asked of you. And no, you will not be working, building monuments and the like. What use have I for those sorts of things in my own domain? No, you will be a different kind of slave."

I gulped, now understanding what he meant. He teased my nipple between the claws on his thumb and index finger. 

"You will serve to pleasure me," he said. "As the last remaining old god of Egypt, it has become lonely here in the Duat. I find it unfit that a god must pleasure himself. As such, I have tasked my followers in your world to bring me young men for this purpose. Here you will remain visibly young for the rest of your mortal life, which will be in service to me. Do you understand?"

I stared into his eyes, mouth agape as he leaned in closer, his jackal head right next to my ear. "I said, do you understand, boy?" he hissed.

"Y-yes Anubis," I said.

"That's 'yes Master' to you," he said, crumbling one of the chain links binding me to the dais between his fingers. "Now come, I wish to try out my new slave."

Anubis grasped me by the neck, pulling me to my feet. He gripped my arm, leading me in front of him out of the ritual room. The halls were laid out differently from those in the temple I'd been taken to by the cultists, and the torches lining the walls were lit with that same purple flame. 

He opened the door to our destination, revealing a large room lit entirely in red. At the back wall of the room directly across from the door was a massive bed with four golden posts at the corners. Around the rest of the room were various contraptions: a black leather sling, an x-shaped structure with attached leather cuffs, what appeared to be a golden sawhorse, and many others. I continued looking around and saw one of the walls was completely lined with various ropes, whips, gags, and the like. Anubis must have felt the fear at seeing all this in the sudden change in my breathing.

"Don't worry," he said. "You have the rest of your life to experience everything in this room and more." He pushed me forward and onto my knees.

"First I want to see how well you can use that pretty mouth of yours," he said. He pulled the shendyt from his waist, revealing his giant black cock, still soft but no less than eleven inches long, framed by two large testicles hanging below. He placed his hand on the back of my head, shaved to a buzzcut by the cultists, and guided it to his crotch, the smell of his musk hitting my nostrils. "I'll start you off easy. Now open up."

I looked up into his glowing eyes, his intensity palpable. I had no idea what this god could do to me if I refused his orders. I opened my mouth and he slid his flaccid cock into it. He pulled my head back and forth, sliding his flaccid length in and out of my throat. I began to cough and gag at the sheer size of the god's cock in my throat. In response, he slammed my mouth to the base of his cock and leaned down to whisper into my ear.

"You better learn to handle this, boy," he whispered sensually. "It only gets harder from here on out." He pulled his now-stiffening cock out of my throat and flung me to the ground. He pulled up a golden chair, decorated like an ornate throne, and sat in it, stroking himself as I returned to my knees. I gazed at his cock, now easily fifteen inches and rock hard. He beckoned me forward with his clawed finger, and I walked forward on my knees, hands still chained behind me. 

"Get on it, boy," he said, pointing his cock at my mouth.

"I don't know that I can, master," I said, panting. "I could hardly take it soft, I've never seen a dick this big."

"Whether you can or not, you will," he said. "You're in the Duat. You don't need to breathe here, so I'm not concerned about your gagging and gasping. Now start sucking my cock or there will be consequences, and I'm sure you're intelligent enough not to evoke the ire of a god."

I let out a shaky breath. Whether I needed to or not, it still felt uncomfortable to be unable to breathe. But I didn't have a choice, so I leaned forward and began tonguing the head of his dick as I felt his clawed hand rest on the back of my head. He let out a deep moan and leaned back in the chair as I slid him further into my mouth. I continued like this, gradually taking him further and further and he continued moaning, every now and then pushing my head further onto his divine cock. After what felt like an eternity of this, I felt his dick pulse in my mouth. He put both his hands on my head and began rapidly facefucking me as I began to gag. 

He began thrusting my head down faster and deeper onto his cock, bringing tears to my eyes. His moans got louder until he finally thrust my head down to the hilt, my chin resting against his giant furry balls. He let out one final moan as I felt his cock begin to release and his cum begin to shoot down my throat. After what felt like nearly a quart of the god's cum ran down my throat, he pulled himself out of me and leaned back in the chair, his chest rising and falling quickly as I panted on my knees. After a while he sat back up and used his claw to tilt my face to look him in the eyes.

"They chose well, boy," he said leaning in close to my face so I could feel his hot breath on my neck. "With a performance like that, you'll make a fine slave for a god. Now stand. And don't try anything, I am stronger, faster, and smarter than you. It won't work."

I obeyed as Anubis stood in front of me and wrapped his muscular arms around me, reaching to the chains binding my wrists. He crushed the links directly attached to the cuffs, letting the chain fall to the floor. I brought my hands in front of me as he did the same to the links attaching my ankle cuffs. He gripped my bicep and hip, leading me toward the wall of gags and other bondage gear.

"Put out your hands," he growled as he took a pair of leather mitts off the wall. I obeyed, and he placed them one by one over my hands. He muttered something in ancient Egyptian and the opening of the mitts around my hands began to glow before fusing with the metal of the wrist cuffs, securely locking them on, preventing me from using my hands. I looked up as his hand hovered over the section of the wall with the gags as he selected a black leather one with a rubber bit that would go in my mouth. He stepped behind me and placed the bit between my lips, pushing the flat muzzle of the gag firmly against my face, and fastened the straps around my head. 

"When I am not using you, this is what you'll be wearing," he said, leading me back toward the large bed. He said another ancient incantation and the bed began to rise, revealing its lower half to be a cage. He flicked his wrist and the cage door at the foot of the bed swung open.

"This is your place of rest, right beneath mine," he said. "I suggest you keep yourself quiet in there. You wouldn't like to see the punishment for those who awake a sleeping god. Now get in."

I got onto my knees and crawled into the cage beneath my new divine master's bed. Once inside, with no room to go above being on my hands and knees, Anubis shut the door, and I heard it lock with whatever ancient and divine magic he'd used to open it. He knelt down to look at me, helpless and gagged in the cage beneath his bed. 

"Sweet dreams, slave," he chuckled. "Be sure to get some rest. I'll be needing you again when I wake."

I heard Anubis crawl onto the bed above me, and shortly after heard his breathing slow to a steady sleeping rhythm. Now alone in the silence of my cage in the Duat, mouth gagged, still able to feel the warmth of the god's cum in my stomach, I had the space to assess my fate. I looked down at my hands, useless in their leather mitts, and began to feel my eyes well with tears as I realized I could do nothing, and would spend the rest of my life in service to Anubis.