The Human Bearer

by Daemon D. Hart

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The Human Bearer


"That is a rather unusual companion you have, Xana," another snakelike creature hissed upon watching Riordan with unhidden disgust.

"Interesting point of view, Dinah," his owner replied in kind. "It's just another important difference between us. I have no interest in well behaved dolls with the last ounce of humanity in them most probably erased by the surgeon's knife. You may keep your artificial looking bearers. Mine," he added, pulling Riordan close to him, ignoring the slime from the bearer's body seeping into his clothes, "is flesh and blood. Hot-headed, but plenty of fun. Especially when it comes to more intimate matters. I can assure you that my life is no longer boring since he came here."

"Care to lend him then?" The alien gave Riordan a strange once over.

"Not in a million eons," Xana said with a smile and made Riordan move.

"Are you going to parade me in front of all your friends until it gets through my head that I'm a freak?" He mumbled under his breath.

"I just complimented you. Why are you so harsh?"

"Because you're making me take this walk of shame, and I haven't done that since... whatever, why can't I just wash?"

"Because it wouldn't matter," Xana said mysteriously and continued to push his bearer towards a destination only he knew.

In passing, he talked to others, some looking at Riordan in genuine surprise, some indifferent, but still curious. By the end of it, he was certain every Xeno and bearer on the planet knew he was a whore who needed to be fed that disgusting slime only to behave.

Xana pushed him inside a small room that suddenly felt stuffed and hot. There was some kind of moss on the ground and Riordan could hear the sound of water.

"What's this?" He asked.

"Something more like our natural environment. I want to copulate with you, since you expressed your desire to be matched with me so clearly."

"Sure thing." Riordan shrugged, but squealed when he was made to lie on his back on the mossy carpet.

"Don't beg me to stop," Xana cooed softly. "I will fill you up for hours now that I know you want it."

"Go ahead," he replied, but his heart was growing smaller and his cheeks were in flames.

The small pants were ripped from his body by impatience hands and the naughty tail was suddenly at his back entrance pumping that thing they called seth. He gasped as the tip pushed by his tight ring of muscles and began to work him. Xana unceremoniously pushed his cock inside him and he felt like dying. The short pain through his lower belly was real. But it went away just as fast as it came, only to be replaced by intense pleasure.

He arched his back off the ground and spread his legs as he moaned in pure bliss. There was no point in hiding he was enjoying it. After all, the sooner he got off the beast, the closer he was to his freedom.

"You're such a lewd creature, and you're mine," Xana growled as he began pumping a huge load inside him.

Riordan was lost in the realm of the senses, as he could feel his insides overflowing with the alien's cum. He touched his belly, in an unconscious gesture.

"Do not worry. By the time we're through, you'll walk home with a full belly. I will love watching you like that."

The way he rolled his hips to meet each thrust had to be ludicrously lewd, but it did not matter. He lost sense of time as Xana moved inside him, whispering strange words, splitting him in half, and putting him back together. The alien apparently had no need to stop and recharge; he just continued to pump Riordan’s insides with his own release until he could feel his belly bulge against Xana’s taut abdomen.

They must have gone at it for hours, because he could not remember anything, not even the most mundane things, like the last time he ate or drank. When the alien finally let him go to slide under the cascade falling nearby, he barely managed a small grunt. This time, when he touched his belly, he gasped in terror. He looked at himself in disbelief. His belly was distended, like it had never been in his life.

He felt ill. Rolling to one side, he crawled towards the water. The droplets were cool on his parched lips, staving off some of his thirst.

“Come into the water,” Xana cooed. “It will help you cool off.”

“Bastard,” Riordan hissed, pushing himself onto his hands, trying to avoid the discomfort of having his belly pressed against the granite ledge. “Will this go away?” he made a gesture towards his belly. “I look like I’m fucking pregnant.”

“Maybe,” Xana teased and used his strong tail to effortlessly grab Riordan and throw him into the water.

Riordan barely managed to draw a long intake of air into his lungs, as he sank to the bottom. But, just like that, he was made to resurface by the same tail now carefully sustaining him by the waist. When his eyes clashed with green ones, glinting with mischief, he groaned.

“Are you going to leave me like this?” he complained.

“Your body will absorb it. Why are you so disturbed by it? There’s hardly a more erotic image,” Xana said with a studied sigh. “I must let your body adapt, though. I so much wished I could pump some more inside you.”

“Pervert,” Riordan murmured and blushed. And then he lied. “It hurts.”

“Hmm, really?” Xana began kissing him lazily. “I think you have enough seth inside you to alleviate any discomfort.”

“Maybe I’m not like others,” Riordan protested. “You cannot know.”

“Relax. It won’t have any repercussions on your beautiful physique. Your belly will go back to normal. And stop lying. I can tell.”

Xana returned to kissing him, and he rested his arms on the snakeman’s shoulders.

“Why did you make me walk with all that slime on me?” Riordan demanded to know. “I bet I’m the talk of the party.”

“They’re envious,” Xana chuckled. “Bearers are precious. They serve a noble purpose.”

“They are fucked until their bellies burst, and you’re all a bunch of perverts,” the human spat back, annoyed.

“But,” Xana continued, like he hadn’t just been interrupted, “bearers are not usually the recipients of public displays of affection.”

“Really?” Riordan’s voice was dry like the desert. “Was that affection, you say?”

“Even if you’re dense like this, the others know what that means.”

“Enlighten me. What does making me look like a used up whore mean?”

“It means that I like you, Riordan. I like you a lot.”

“Your logic is fucked up.”

“It’s different than yours, and humans who have spent enough time here know what that means. That’s all you have to know, too. I claimed you as mine in public.”

“Lucky me,” Riordan murmured and let his head cradled slowly by Xana’s hand.

The other was at his ass, kneading his buttocks.

“I’m spent, Xana,” he said. “Could we, like do it again another time?”

“Weren’t you the one who wanted the match to happen faster? That’s the surest way to make it so.”

“Yeah, I gathered that much,” Riordan replied. “But the thing is that I cannot anymore. Please,” he added, after hesitating for a moment.

“You don’t have to do anything, you know,” Xana ignored his pleading and began probing his back door again.

“Freak,” Riordan mumbled.

The alien entered him slowly this time, and it felt soothing. Riordan could not remember ever feeling like this, so full of emotion, so bursting, so used, so raw and so thoroughly satisfied. The strangest thing was that he wasn’t even sure that he had come while being fucked. Maybe he had, maybe he hadn’t. It didn’t matter. It still felt like he was full, nothing but a vessel waiting to be filled to the brim.

Xana Lei knew how to be a considerate lover, it seemed. Now he moved slowly, and he took his time to kiss Riordan and caress his body with lazy moves. He relaxed, and this time, he felt his master’s tail wrapped carefully around his sex, and getting him off.

It was like he was continuously cumming from one point forward. He spurted his own essence over and over again. And then, he was out like a light.


When he woke up, the Xenian sun was already down. He tried to get up from the bed, feeling thirsty, and wondering how he was going to find the domestic bot and make him bring some water.

Next to him, Xana moved in his sleep and his tail moved lazily to wrap around his waist and drag him back.

"Xana." He pushed against a naked shoulder, the color of alabaster.

The light in the room was soft and alluring. He wanted nothing but to grab a glass of water and head back to sleep. His body was aching for rest.

"I'm thirsty." He pushed against Xana again.

Lazy eyes opened and stared at him. Xana's lips moved and there was a short, slightly annoying sound. Riordan grimaced. What the fuck was the freak doing now? He was about to protest when he heard the bot wheeling around. The tail around him relaxed and he was allowed to get to his feet. The bot held an assortment of drinks on a chrome coated platter. He opted for the orange drink. There was no way of telling if it was made from Earth oranges, but its taste was cool and refreshing, not overly sweet.

"Thank you," he said, placing the glass back on the platter. It was an automatism, nothing more.

The bot beeped and then a humanoid voice replied.

"You're welcome."

He almost jumped off the bed.

"Is this thing talking?" he asked Xana.

"It adapts. I already programmed it to learn your language. It only needed the right opportunity to activate the module."

"Great. At least I'll have someone to talk to." Riordan snorted.

"And why can't you talk to me?" Xana began to caress his shoulder and drag him down to the bed.

"Because this is not talking and I wouldn't sacrifice precious time to chit-chat."

"Would you rather fuck?" Xana asked, amused.

"I thought you hated that word." Riordan sighed, but let himself on his back, trying to ignore the small tremble of excitement growing inside him at being touched like that.

Everything about Xana Lei was sensual, luxurious. The fucker was a looker. But he was not some lifeless doll. He was all hotness and fire, and something akin to molten lava. He had expected the alien to be cold blooded, reptilian, but Xana's touch was warm and his lips were soft and full of life, as they brushed by Riordan's.

"It grew on me," Xana eventually replied.

The alien's fingers began to feel his belly.

"See? Completely returned to normal."

He touched his stomach gingerly. Yes, the bulge from before was gone. His stomach was flat just like before.

"You are a bit thin," Xana commented. "Don't you like food?"

"I do. But I need to keep my appetite in check. Trying to look young and pretty takes a lot of effort, you know?"

"I don't know," Xana replied, his voice serious. "Are you making yourself go hungry?"

"Not really. I just don't overdo it." He shrugged. "I cannot exercise too heavily, either. Because I don't want to end up looking like a gorilla."

And who would want him then? He thought with bitterness. His body was his livelihood, after all.

"You're sad," Xana commented, as he stroke his thigh slowly, with gentleness that hadn't been there before. "Now that you're here, you don't have to starve. The seth I give you regulates your metabolism. You'll not gain weight, if that is something you're worried about."

"Hmm, really? Interesting stuff this slime of yours," Riordan commented.

"I'd rather see you happy. Riordan, what did you use to do before coming here?"

None of your fucking business.

"What? Don't tell me you don't know. I was in the hospitality business."

"Yes, I remember. Some sort of... bus boy? Is that the term?"

"Yes," he exhaled.

"And why would thinking of that make you sad?" Xana continued to ask him uncomfortable questions.

"Are you reading my mind?"

"It's not exactly mind reading in the exact sense of the term. And, if it is something you won't think about or you try to repress, I won't be able to read it."

"That's nothing but the past. Nothing interesting. Aren't you asleep anymore? Do you want to get freaky?"

Xana laughed. "Is this just another creative alternative word for fucking?"

"Yeah, pretty much." Riordan moved to face Xana and began to kiss him slowly.

It wasn't unpleasant and it wasn't scaring him anymore. He felt much better now that he rested and he wanted nothing but to be in his owner's arms again. He straddled the muscular tail and began rubbing his crotch suggestively against the smooth scales. When Xana grabbed him to place him on his back, he stopped him.

"I can ride you," he offered and Xana nodded and relaxed.

He now knew where to find that thing that stood for the genitalia in the alien species. His languorous moves had the effect of making the hard member surface and soon his hands were full. The guy's cock was so long that he only needed to lean a bit to lick it and suck it. Xana grunted in appreciation.

He was a bit insane to ride that thing, but he could not go back on his word. So he stood up, with his feet planted by either side of the alien's body and he began rubbing the tip of the giant cock against his back entrance. There was instant wetness there and that just made everything easier.

He began the slow torturous descend, impaling himself inch by inch. He had no idea how that thing was completely inside him when his crotch rested against the strange half snake body. At this point, he was starting not to care much. The alien guided his tail straight to his mouth and he was now fed enough seth to have him going.

So he started moving slowly. Up and down, up and down, each move sending shivers of pleasure across his spine, right into his cortex, flooding his body with feel good hormones. Tasha was right. Xeno dick was the real thing. He began moving more vigorously, relishing in how Xana was twisting his nipples, the one with the ring now feeling all tingly from the short, impatient pulls.

He was cumming, no hands needed, and he could feel the pleasant flood filling him up now, as Xana voiced his pleasure, too. He collapsed on the perfect body underneath him.

"We should sleep now," he said and drifted off to sleep, in the loving arms of his owner.

In the morning, Xana was already gone and he could feel some sort of ache growing in his body. Even the seth wore off, eventually, it seemed.


The bot was moving around him, seemingly anxious to be at his beck and call. Riordan lay in bed, staring at the ceiling and meditating at what his life meant at the moment. It seemed crazy enough, and he had no idea what that meant, but he was willing to negotiate with the whirlwind of thoughts in his head. So, he was going to carry the guy's egg and gave it birth. And then? Then he was going to get himself excused, and go back to Earth.

He turned on his belly and sighed. His life was nothing but a dead end. When did that happen? When had his dreams ended in the gutter? He could not even remember them. Shifting from one side to the other, he grew increasingly frustrated. Had he always been a quitter?

Chances were that Xana was going to pay him handsomely. With that kind of money, he was going to live just as he wanted.

The thought suddenly lost its shine. Alone, he was just going to be alone, with no one to call family. But wasn't this the reason why he had come here in the first place? Because there were no strings he would have had to cut? And it had been kind of like the last train for him, anyway. He wasn't getting any younger and soon enough he was going to lose his appeal.

Going under the knife was going to help him look beautiful and young for years, with the new technologies, but he was growing tired on the inside, and, for that, no surgery had yet been invented.

"May I help you with something, young master?" The bot stopped by him.

"No," he said shortly.

It was like the bot was growing tired with his fidgeting, and just wanted Riordan out of his hair.

"You haven't yet had the first meal of the day, young master," the bot remained stubbornly by the foot of the bed.

"It's called breakfast," Riordan mumbled. "I never eat breakfast."

"Master Xana insists that you should eat well," the bot continued.

"Fine." Riordan rolled his eyes. "What's on the menu?"

The bot didn't reply, but disappeared for a few seconds, only to return with a silver platter, on which, nicely, various foods were placed. He chose only one item.

“Master Xana insists that you should eat more.” The bot stood with the plate stretched in front of him.

“Okay,” he agreed and grabbed a second item, this time something that looked like filled with calories and superb taste.

He was right. The croissant like thing tasted like heaven. Was Xana right? He was not going to get fat? Maybe he should ask Tasha.

“Is there any possibility to contact someone?”

“Off world?” the bot asked dutifully.

“No, here.”

“Who? I’ll make the contact right away.”

“Ah, I only know his first name. Never mind, I guess it’s not enough.”

“I can identify the person, young master.”

“Are you making fun of me? I’m not young.”

“You are 29 years old. You are not yet middle aged.”

“You’re such a good bot, aren’t you?” Riordan laughed.

“I am pleased to serve. Please, young master, the name of the person you want to contact.”

“Oh, it’s Tasha, but I don’t think...”

“Tasha O’Brien, bearer, property of His Royal Chancellor Marn Savier. Is this the person?”

“Yeah, and that was awesome!” Riordan didn’t hide his excitement.

“I will leave a message,” the bot replied. “At the moment, His Royal Chancellor is engaged in coitus with his bearer.”

Riordan sputtered the food in his mouth all over the plate.

“TMI, mister robot.” He snickered. “So, if someone calls here, you will just casually say that me and Xana are fucking?”

“I am not authorized to give such details.”

“You just told me Tasha gets railed by his owner!”

“Human bearers have a natural curiosity towards the sexual schedule of their counterparts. I found it fitting to let you know. Anyone else would not have had that kind of clearance.”

“Good to know,” Riordan murmured.

“What message should I leave, young master?”

“Just... To call me when he’s free.”

“Done,” the bot confirmed. “May I ask you a question, young master?”


“Where? And what?”


“You gave me the order to shoot.”

“Are you armed?”

“Only with basic non-lethal weaponry.”

“Wow. Oh, sorry, what I wanted to say was to ask away, whatever you wanted to ask.”

“What does TMI mean?”

“Too much information. Don’t tell me you don’t have all the lingo already installed.”

“I learn. This is how I gain knowledge. And master Xana considered that I only needed a few basic phrases to start. He told me that you might not be very comfortable around me, so there had to be no need to add an extensive vocabulary to my database. I can extend it, if you will.”

“Hey, I feel like I’m going to get bored a lot, while Xana is not around to drill me. And by that, I mean fucking, not actually using a drilling machine, okay?”

“Okay,” the bot replied, and Riordan felt like the machine sounded a tiny beer cheerful when saying that.

“Do you know the term fucking?” Riordan wondered out loud.

“I heard you and master using it. I understand the meaning. It is copulation.”

“Yeap,” Riordan agreed. “Hey, do you think I can ask you some things?”

“Of course, I am here to help you and assist you in all aspects of your daily life.”

“What happens with human bearers once, you know, deliver the egg and all that?”

“They retire.”

“Alright, but what does that mean?”

“They are given accommodations, a monthly expenditure, and anything else they may require.”

“Some may still want to get back to Earth, right?”


“What do you mean, no?”

He was starting to have a bad feeling about this.

“Human bearers cannot return to Earth. They are too precious.”

“Oh, shit,” Riordan murmured to himself.

“Do you need to relieve yourself, young master?”

“What? No! Tell me more about why I cannot go back to Earth.”

“From the moment your body enters in contact with seth, your internal chemistry modifies. You will need it regularly, for your entire lifespan.”

“What? So do I have to live with this fucker until I die?”

“Just to confirm. The fucker is master Xana?”

“Yeah, he’s the fucker, because apparently he just screwed me over.”


“I’ll explain it later. So I have to suck on Xana’s tail or otherwise I kick the bucket?”

“Why would you kick the bucket? What bucket?”

“Oh, fuck! No, don’t ask me now if I’m in the mood for fucking. Do I need to eat that thing every day?”

“Not every day, and it doesn’t have to be master’s. Seth is sold in most regular shopping venues. For human bearers, it is free.”

Riordan held his head in his hands and groaned.

“What did I get myself into?”

“I don’t know how to answer that question.”

“I don’t hold it against you… How should I call you?”

“My model number is XZT-5490.”

“Too difficult. I’ll call you Kyle.”

“What does Kyle mean?” the bot asked.

“It’s a human name. It’s just easier for me.”

“Okay,” the bot agreed.

“Do you hate it? I can think up of other names,” Riordan offered.

“No, I love it.” This time the bot sounded a tad excited.

“Good. So, Kyle, it looks like I’m stuck here. What do retired bearers usually do?”

“They usually get involved with the entertainment business.”

“Do they fuck for cash?”

“Yes, some of them. Others, those with a decent IQ, are included in the local administration, for basic tasks.”

“Not many career paths available. Either I become a prostitute or a clerk.”

“You can teach other bearers about what they should do when they first come here,” the bot offered.

“That means I only have to tell them to suck cock well and prepare their asses for the fucking of their lives.”

“A bearer’s role is more complex than just getting fucked,” the bot replied in his even, no nonsense voice.

“How so?”

“You can use this time spent with master Xana to create a connection. This could last a lifetime.”

“What do you mean? Like marriage?”

“I don’t know the term.”

“Do I get to stay with him forever?”

“That doesn’t happen.”


“Masters have no need for a bearer beyond the point of delivering the egg.”

“I thought so, too.”

“But master Xana can help you identify what you may like to do after. He will provide for everything.”

“That’s good to know,” Riordan mumbled, his head now filled with new information.

“Young master Tasha coming through,” the bot said.

The redhead’s face appeared on display. He looked a bit disheveled, but his eyes were shining.

“Look who got fucked first thing in the morning,” Riordan joked.

Tasha grinned. “Yeah. Marn likes it best when he wakes up.”

“Mine is apparently an earlier riser.”

“So, how are you?”

“Heeding your advice. Now, Tasha, Kyle here tells me some interesting stuff.”

“Who’s Kyle?” Tasha asked, confused.

“Mister robot over here,” Riordan joked. “Really, he needed a name.”

“He? It’s a machine.” Tasha shrugged, but smiled.

“Kyle, buddy, don’t worry, mate.” Riordan looked up, where the bot’s sensor was supposed to be located. The lights blinked in sympathy. “Allow me to educate this ignorant fool.”

The bot’s lights flicked and looked like it wanted to ask something, but politely remained silent.

“So, Tasha, Kyle here tells me that we won’t be able to leave this planet after we’re done with carrying the egg.”

Tasha looked away. Riordan’s eyes thinned.

“You knew.”

“Well, there was no need to piss you off even more,” Tasha mumbled. “I suppose it’s not good news for you. If it makes you feel better, I had no idea about this until I got here.”

Both remained quiet for a little while.

“So, what’s your plan after you’re done?” Riordan asked.

“Not sure. Marn says I should run a local business.”

The redhead was clearly unhappy.

“Ah, and what could that local business may be?” Riordan asked.

“You know.” Tasha unconsciously began biting his fingernails.

“A whorehouse?” Riordan chose to be blunt.

Tasha’s eyes flicked over to him, with hurt. “Yeah. He says I’m too much of a natural to let such talents go to waste.”

“What a bastard.” Riordan grimaced.

“No!” Tasha protested. “You see, they have a different... Moral compass so to speak. He’s complimenting me, actually.”

“Kyle,” Riordan called sternly.

“Yes, young master,” the bot dutifully replied.

“Are you recording this conversation?”


“Ah, I see.”

“Riordan,” Tasha intervened. “Maybe you should keep your rebellious streak in check.”

The redhead’s warm eyes were warning him.

“I won’t get you into trouble. So let’s just talk again when we meet,” Riordan chose to say.

“I’m telling you the truth. There’s no reason for me to hide. I know my place,” Tasha said.

“C’mon, I can tell you’re unhappy.”

“I am, but that doesn’t change anything.”

“Crap,” Riordan murmured. “Now I have no idea which place is shittier: Earth or this?”

“I don’t have that many regrets if you’re asking me,” Tasha replied. “I was a good for nothing back home, anyway. At least now I have a purpose.”

Riordan seemed to ponder for a few seconds. “Then I suppose I need some career counseling.”

“Isn’t it a bit too early for that?” Tasha smiled.

“Well, seeing how much of an idiot I was when I got here, I should compensate and have a bulletproof plan. I might choose to become a whore, too,” he said.

“You must be joking.” Tasha pursed his lips.

“Well, seeing that humans around here are good for only one thing...” Riordan retorted.

“If you’re not brain dead, you could pick some administrative work.”

“Nah, too boring. At least, being a whore has its perks. Never a dull moment.”

“I thought you hated to be fucked.”

“One gets used to it.” Riordan shrugged. “I’m being practical here, nothing else. Anyways, I won’t keep you. You must have stuff to do.”

“Not at all. You know what? Let’s go shopping!” Tasha slapped his hands together.

It was not like he had anything else to do, either.

“Kyle, is it okay for me to go out?”

“Of course, young master. Master Xana will be happy to hear that you didn’t spend the entire day cooped up in here. I am accompanying you. No harm would come your way.”

“Wow, I even get a chaperone.”

“You won’t even know I’m there,” Kyle promised.

“Did you almost make a joke, Kyle?” Riordan frowned.

“No. I will move behind you, at exactly 2.3 feet. You will not see me most of the time. Anytime you need me, for purchases, or anything else, I will help you.”

“Convenient,” Riordan agreed. “So, Tasha, let’s do it. I’m not crazy about shopping, but at least I won’t get busy counting bed bugs.”

“We don’t have bed bugs, young master. I see. It was a joke.”

“Good job, Kyle.” Riordan gave the robot a thumbs up and smiled.

“You’re killimg me with all this talk you do with your bot. Mine is completely silent. It just flicks and buzzes. I think,” Tasha complained. “Marn never thought about upgrading it with a speech module.”

“Well, maybe it can be trained. Kyle, can we train another bot?”

“Only with clearance from its master.”

“See, Tasha?” Riordan grinned. “Next time you rock your boyfriend’s world, maybe you could ask for that.”

Tasha laughed. “I’m so glad you’re here, Riordan. You’re tons of fun.”

“How do we meet, then?”

“Have Kyle deliver you two by my door in twenty. I need to freshen up a little. It won’t do to walk around looking like this.” Tasha stretched and yawned.

“Your fuck hair is not that bad,” Riordan joked.

“Now let me be the one to educate you, darling.” Tasha leaned in to get closer to the screen. “When in public, a bearer needs a little decorum. If we happen to meet Xenos, especially the younger crowd, we must not entice them by any means.”

“What are you saying?” Riordan quirked an eyebrow. “At that party, we all looked like nothing but whores.”

“That was a party. In public, without the masters, we need to be much more decent.”

“Eh, and I thought their moral compass was way fucked up.”

“It is. That is why we need to avoid risks.”

“C’mon, man. Spit it out. How should I dress, and why are you making such a fuss?”

“Kyle knows how to dress you up. Let me tell you just this. That there were cases of bearers getting gangbanged when unattended. Of course, laws have been getting tighter since then, but it’s not like Xenos could be punished too dearly if they were to fuck a bearer who doesn’t belong to them.”

“What the fuck? You say we’re going to get jumped while buying bread and cigarettes or something?”

Tasha sighed. “It’s so complicated, my head hurts just trying to explain it to you. It’s like this. You’re some Xeno’s property. That’s fine. But Xenos are worse than horny teenagers. Before they get to their so called adulthood, they are allowed a bit too much leeway. Marn and Xana are highly educated, well behaved and all that.”

“Tell it to my ass,” Riordan said dryly.

“Young Xenos are not entitled to bearers. But they are part of their species, and their attraction to humans is no different. So they ogle a lot. Also, they are the number one clients of human populated brothels.”

“Aren’t they like minors or something?”

“They are considered young adults as soon as their first sexual instincts kick in. But, since their hormonal upheaval is so powerful, they are not allowed to perform more than low entry tasks and they occupy insignificant positions. In a few years, they become adults with full rights. That’s when they are entitled to their own bearers. By the way, your Xana is one of the youngest counselors right now. He’s smart, your guy.”

“I’m not sure that the hormonal surge is over in his case,” Riordan mumbled.

Tasha laughed. “Marn says he used to run wild. But he also studied hard, whatever it is they study.”

“So he was your usual brothel hopper or something?” Riordan began fishing for info.

“I should not say this, but, pretty much, he did his part of partying wildly.”

“So these young Xenos, where do they hang out? Just to stay clear of them.”

“They have a bit too much free time on their hands. So they’re pretty much everywhere. And don’t be fooled by their innocent looks. They are so angelic they could sell you crack and make you think it’s vitamins.”

“Alright, now you’re spooking me. How young do they look?”

“Oh, it’s not their physical appearance. They look pretty much like 18-year old humans. But they will come close to you and look at you with begging eyes, and try to mind read you and use everything so they can cup a feel.”

“Now that’s pretty scary,” Riordan said. “So what’s the etiquette if something like this happens?”

“You just ignore them. Don’t get lured anywhere with them. Don’t encourage them. And, most of all, don’t entice them by answering, talking, and looking sexy.”

“That’s kind of hard. You know, I wake up like this,” Riordan joked.

“I am already well known. So we won’t be bothered,” Tasha assured him.

“Just for the record, what happened with the bearers that were gangraped?”

“Sent to some brothels, I think. Owners do not take kindly to used property.”

“Ah, shit. What a bunch of douchebags. Oh, you were raped? So sorry, let’s make you a whore, so you can get raped daily.”

Tasha frowned. “I won’t say you’re not right. But it’s none of your business. We just need to wipe our own asses, and everything will work out fine.”

“I like your positive outlook on life,” Riordan said. “So, let’s get to some shopping, with hopes of not getting raped while at it.”

Tasha chuckled. “See ya,” he chuckled and cut the conversation.

“So Kyle, dress me up for my shopping spree. And, please, choose something that clearly says that I don’t like getting raped.”

“I think you’ll be pleased with the attire, young master.”

“You know what, Kyle? Call me by my name. Even better, call me Rio.”

“Master Rio?”

“No, just Rio.”

“I cannot remove the honorific. It is hard coded.”

“Hmm, you make me so curious about your software.” Riordan pursed his lips. “One day, I’ll definitely want to have a look.”

“Do you have training in technology, master Rio?”

“No, but it’s not like I need it,” Riordan said cheerfully.


by Daemon D. Hart

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024