The Hotel Hunting of the Water Polo Team

by SauberFleisch

7 Jul 2020 2443 readers Score 9.2 (18 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

This was supposed to be a week dedicated to athletic perfection and unperturbed attention to shaping masculine bodies. The water polo team from the nearby college had rented a remote hotel with a pool and gym for a week after the exams to perfect their athletic skills. The key to success is teamwork. Guys working in harmony, perfectly aware of each other’s abilities and qualities, are a force multiplier of epic proportions.

The hotel was located in the old forrest, surrounded by massive pine trees that previous owners had neglected to maintain. The hotel was therefore always in shadows and dour. Add to that the many dimly lit corridors and dark wood interiors, and the reason why a team of young men of modest means could rent it for a week is clear. 

The current owner handed the keys to Jacob with a strange look, his large cold hands for a moment touching Jacob’s hand. A very ugly man, oddly shaped nose, wayward hair protruding from the ears, and a bit of frothy saliva at the corner of the mouth.

“The pool, gym, showers and rooms are ready, and the pantry is stocked. Enjoy your week of solitude”, he said. His mouth twisted into a faint smile, but it only made him look even more evil rather than polite or friendly. He soon drove off in his car followed by the rental bus that had transported Jacob and the fourteen other guys up that long narrow road from the city.

The hotel lobby was nice, in a kind of rough and gruesome way. The wooden walls were adorned with heads of hunted animals and paintings of men hunting or logging or engaged in some fighting.

“So guys, gather here”, Jacob shouted as a climbed up on a table bumping his head into a ghastly lamp made of moose antlers.

“Not an interior decorators dream. Or what do you say, Ken? Would you recommend pink curtains and perfumed satin cushions to be added?” Jacob liked to gently tease Ken for his major in interior architecture. Jacob felt good to be at the centre, standing on the table, his crotch at level with the other guys’ faces.

“And the owner… you saw him, right?” Jacob made a grimace and the guys laughed. “Not a pretty place, but hey, we’re not here for aesthetic reasons.”

“We are here to exercise, to become the best. The best of the best! One week of intense work and team building, and we will be ready for the next season of competition. But that means no text messages, no sexting, no Pornhub, no scantily dressed social media ‘influencers’. Your dicks should be in your speedos, and your focus on scoring, growing muscles and bodily prowess!”

The guys cheered. Dicks, scoring and muscles are topics any healthy young man relate to.

“That means it is time to hand over your phones and other fancy devices”, Jacob concluded, and on cue Neil took up a bag and began collecting. The guys were soon stripped of their electronic devices and the bag was locked in the hotel safe for the rest of the week.

“We have speedos, towels, our muscles and cocky attitude, and that is all that is allowed. So strip!” Jacob spoke confidently and let his shorts drop to the floor to reveal his tight speedos underneath. He enjoyed showing off. Soon he wore nothing but speedos with his towel in hand. Mathias this time collected all the clothes the guys removed with joy, and he locked them away as well.

There was an interesting smell in the lobby: a combination of sweat, cheap body spray, and whatever fumes the murky wooden walls and decaying trophies on the wall emitted. The fifteen young men inhaled the air while eyeing each other. The contrast between the young men with their groomed and sculpted bodies and the gruff and crude men depicted in the paintings was also adding to the strangeness. The hotel had lost the old established glory of men who work with their hands and kill for sport, now supplanted by a youthful intellectual masculine glory.

They were soon running towards the pool in which they planned to spend a great deal of time this coming week. They were swinging the towels at each other trying to hit the ass of another guy as hard as possible, while avoiding getting hit. They laughed as they were running and swinging towels and maneuvering their asses. 

Jonathan was hit hard and tripped over. Before he managed to turn over and run up, Paolo and Sven took full advantage of the situation, and held down Jonathan and landed several hard hits with their towels on Jonathan’s ass. Despite the polymer fabric, the hits stung and Jonathan yelped and laughed as he received what Paolo and Sven gleefully were handing out. They soon helped Jonathan back up on his feet and grabbed his sore butt.

“We got you good. So good. Keep up or we do it rougher still”, Sven said to a smiling Jonathan as he tried to twist away from Paolo’s grasp.

All the guys were soon in the perfectly heated water and they began their routine of exercise. Once in the water their minds were sharply focused on the exercise, throwing balls, pushing, shoving and grabbing to gain position. This was not play. Athletic perfection required effort and a tough attitude. Getting rough with each other, above and below the surface, when defending the team’s net was part of water polo. 

For a solid three hours they exercised. They concluded with one hundred pushups to really exhaust themselves. Hard and fun work, driven by a natural desire to be better and dominate other guys. A virtuous cycle, as Mister Firm, their coach, had described it some months ago. Mister Firm had suggested this hotel for a week of tough and rewarding exercise at a good discount, but unfortunately he had to cancel his involvement at the last minute because of a family emergency.

“Guys, you know your bodies and your needs well. Prove to me you take this seriously, that your desire to win is enough to motivate your efforts. Make me the proudest mentor of young men to have stepped onto this earth”, he had said and winked at them before he left. 

Mister Firm was a great caring man who never hesitated to help his team members. A hurting arm, no problem, he knew how to treat it. Anxiety over upcoming matches, he knew how to console and reinvigorate. Academic problems with annoying professors, he knew how to walk the line between intellectual ambition and defiance of crusty authority. Problems with love and secret crushes, he knew how to guide young men pumping with hormones such that they can both manage and embrace natural desires and urges.

“Now, like Mister Firm likes to say, we have earned the comfort and release of a soapy shower” Jacob said. The guys cheered, because just like a perfectly engineered race car needs that final touch of paint to make perfect, an intense purposeful athletic exercise needs that final touch of a butt-naked shower together to make bodies grow and team spirit settle. 

The showers were located in a nice clean room, though perhaps a bit smaller than the number of shower heads ideally would be matched with. All the guys could just fit in the place. However, as they bent over or stretched to one side to rub soap on their bodies, they inevitably bumped into each other. Cleaning and rubbing tired legs therefore meant pressing the ass against some other guys body. The hotel was of the most peculiar architecture.

However the guys could not let this opportunity go to waste. It started with Sven and Paolo touching the butt of Jonathan. They had after all dished out a bit too rough towel spanking, so when Jonathan’s butt was exposed as he was rubbing his calves with soap, Sven and Paolo reached out together and gently rubbed the butt. The touch was soothing and although mostly focused on the tender cheeks, their hands, for the briefest moments, touched the hole and balls. Since those moments were brief, the three guys, and those who observed them, could pretend those moments of special contact were accidental.

Efrem and Adam, together with Jacob, were known as the guys with the biggest dicks. Obviously competitive guys compare, that is just natural and healthy, as the anonymous online question boards had informed Jacob when he had tried to better understand his curiosity and wandering eyes. Was it the change of air, the especially demanding exercise, the constant rubbing against each other, or something entirely different, but for whatever reason Efrem and Adam had become fully erect. They stood next to each other and as Efrem turned to get some more soap, his protruding dick collided with Adam’s equally extended dick. 

“Sword fight”, the always playful, always observing George exclaimed. He was known among the guys as the one most likely to try to pull down another guy’s speedos during exercise or competition to create an embarrassing exposure of penis. Unusually, this time around, Efrem and Adam only felt pride and comfort when surrounding guys turned around to discover the two sizeable penises swinging no more than a centimetres from each other. The surrounding guys, George in particular, could not turn away their gaze from the motion of the two dicks. Their dance was an act of hypnosis.

Elsewhere in the sea of naked men, Mathias had positioned himself next to Rudi. It was no coincidence that Mathias was the one picking up the clothes in the lobby. He had an acute sense for smell. He had earned the nickname “doggy” when he was discovered on numerous occasion sniffing on the clothes of other guys in the locker room. Any man with extra amounts of testosterone pumping in his veins was instinctively detected by Mathias, and today Rudi was the one who reached peak values.

Thick bones, square jaw, and big heavy balls were the defining features of Rudi, along with being brutally competitive. Mathias was massaging Rudi’s muscular back with soap, inhaling the smell with joy that gave rise to a tingling sensation throughout the body. Rudi raised his arm, mumbled some excuse about muscle pain stopping him from washing his own arm pits, and Mathias was quick to stroke and probe the smelly crevice that was offered.

Every guy was engaged in some act of touching, rubbing, watching. Pure joy. Enthralled with each other, none of them noticed that they were being observed. In the dark doorway leading in to the locker room and showers, a man dressed in a dark robe was standing with a sinister gaze fixed on the naked young men. The man showed no other reaction, and was careful not to move into the light where he would be easily visible. 

In his hand he held the bag in which the young men’s phones had been collected and locked into the hotel safe. Minutes before the young men finally left the shower to dry up, wrap a towel around their waists and go for a meal, the robed man moved silently away. His facial expression remained as harsh and vengeful as before.

Meat, energy, and a zesty vitality. The fifteen guys were eating the stew that had been prepared for them as part of the price of renting the hotel. A simple reheating and the savoury delightful meal was providing the guys with the protein and minerals to further sculpt their bodies.

Nobody was surprised when George started ripping off the towels of more than half the other guys. At this point there were few attempts at preventing him, and most guys therefore were nude while eating. Adam made sure George was nude as well and then commanded him to go and fetch more stew, or else he would flogged with a towel. It seemed George enjoyed the punishment for disrobing other guys as much as the disrobing itself.

Youssef, Martin and Michael, students of nutritional science, human physiology and medicine, were engaged in a careful examination of the meal. They were the self-appointed supervisors of the bodily health of the guys of the team. They liked to prescribe what to eat and they kept careful records of the bodily dimensions of the guys in the team. It was all for the dispassionate pursuit of athletic and scientific excellence they liked to say as they quantified length and girth of various body parts. 

“Definitely a potent stimulant. Increased vascularization and boosted metabolism is quite evident”, Youssef noted about the stew. “Maybe a tropical spice or something herbal, absolutely something we need to integrate in our nutritional regimen”, he added.

“Yes, vascularization is both felt and seen”, Martin added and nodded in the direction of the nude Neil and Sven returning to the table with filled plates, rosy cheeks, and rock hard penises.  Martin recalled from the physical examination he had performed of Neil a few weeks ago that normally Neil’s erection was about two centimetres shorter than what he presently was showing off, so whatever the root cause of his joy, Neil was feeling it big time.

“I feel that too”, Youssef confessed with a laugh. George had not been able to disrobe Youssef, but now Youssef opened his towel, and up jumped his hard dick and slapped against his belly.

“Could you maybe estimate the vascularization”, Youssef said to Micheal, who recently had aced his exam in Male Endocrinology and Reproductive Health and therefore should know how to objectively and in the interest of science, assess penile conditions. Micheal applied his probing fingers at the head of Youssef’s dick and then moved downwards the shaft and concluded with a gentle cupping of the heavy balls.

“A very high degree of excitation. Highly suggestive we are in an optimal state for exercise and athletic performance, or frankly any type of performance”, Michael concluded dryly, though he instinctively licked his lips after the examination. Youssef and Martin nodded in agreement. So far this trip had been very rewarding to the team’s goal, and although the hotel owner was as ugly as the boar heads mounted on the walls, he knew how to cook.

“Let us try to coax that ugly geezer to reveal his secret ingredient when we see him end of the week”, Martin said.

Jacob, as the natural leader, climbed the table once more to make an announcement. As a gag he had placed his towel over his erect penis so it formed a little tent, and impressed on the other guys just how much upward force Jacob could muster through his thick manhood. Efrem had wrestled George to the ground, otherwise Jacob’s towel would have been yanked away in matter of seconds.

“Oh, most awesome men of the glorious water polo team, hear me now!” Jacob had political ambitions, and enjoyed to role play with rhetoric statements like some hunky Athenian trying to bring the populace in line. He felt so very at ease right now. “Time to rest, time for sleep. Several days are ahead of us to perfect our art and strengthen our powers through physical exhaustion. Go on my brothers, sweet slumber beckons.”

“We are fifteen guys, and to keep our returns as great as possible, we have only rented five bedrooms with one queen bed each. The mathematical geniuses among us can therefore conclude we need to be three guys per room and bed. Based on careful analysis and selection by yours truly, these are the groupings: Jonathan, Sven and Paolo you are in the western room. Efrem, Adam and George, you are in the southern room. Rudi, Mathias and Youssef, you are in the eastern room. Michael, Neil and Martin, you are in the northern room. Ken, Fredrico and I will be in the attic room.”

“Our rooms have been placed far apart. So this hotel owner is not just horrible to look at, his intellect is soft too. But too late to do something about that. So head to bed at this moment, and see you tomorrow for our first full day of tough exercise.”

The guys cheered, collected their keys and the five groups of men quickly went to their respective rooms.

Jacob had to admit to himself that he had been selfish when he selected Ken and Fredrico as his bed companions. Their nicknames were “pretty boy one” and “pretty boy two”. They were a bit shorter, had naturally smooth skin and were on the slender side. The guys had joked a few times that one way to get more cash for the team would be for Ken and Fredrico to sell their skin routine to the girls of the college because in comparison to the two pretty boys, the girls had sandpaper for skin.

So sharing bed with two shorter guys with nice skin would be great. If somebody accused him of doing gay stuff when tightly packed in bed with two guys, he could always say that Ken and Fredrico were like girls. Getting hard when feeling their perky butts against himself was a perfectly straight thing to do. Looking at their high symmetric cheekbones, long eyelashes and big lips and fantasize what it would feel like to force one’s dick down their throats was again nothing gay in principle. The anonymous online question board had reassured Jacob of this fact of nature.

Jacob unlocked the door to the attic room and threw his towel through the door onto the bed. He bend down slightly, placed his arms around Ken’s and Fredrico’s waists and hoisted them up and carried them into the bedroom. Their towels slipped open and fell off. Jacob threw the two guys onto the bed, showing off his strength again. Ken laughed, sat up quickly and almost bumped his face into Jacob dick, he grabbed Jacob’s arms and pulled him down onto the bed. Ken may be short, but he was strong as well, and Jacob landed face first in Fredrico’s ass.

“Haven’t you eaten already? Or you’re going for the dessert”, Fredrico teased Jacob as he wiggled his butt and Ken pressed Jacob’s face down on the firm buttocks. 

It took about ten seconds before Jacob gained a foothold and pushed against Ken’s pressing hands and away from Fredrico’s ass. It was such a nice ass, Jacob thought. The contrast between the soft skin and the coarse few millimetres of beard that had grown since Jacob’s last shaving just made the ass more desirable, like some innocent little creature at the mercy of Jacob’s cave man instincts.

But of course, these thoughts were perfectly within acceptable limits for a straight man, since Fredrico’s skin was so girlish, Jacob thought before giving the ass one playful spank.

“It is time we sleep now” Jacob said. “It is rather warm here, so I suggest we sleep without any cover and I’m in the middle with you Ken on my right, and you Fredrico on my left.”

The young men arranged themselves accordingly with Jacob on his back in the middle, the two other on their sides pressed against Jacob so they all fit in the bed. Jacob felt the heart beats from the other two men, and their hard penises were pressed against him.

This was very soothing and Jacob within a few minutes he fell asleep. Just before falling asleep, Jacob felt Ken’s hand placed on his dick. I guess Ken moves involuntarily when he falls asleep, so I would risk waking him if I moved his hand, Jacob thought and allowed Ken’s hand to remain where it was. 

On the bedroom wall was another ugly and sloppily drawn painting, this depicting a group of men posing around a fallen moose which they presumably had captured and killed. What Jacob, Ken and Fredrico failed to notice was how one eye of the men in the painting was not drawn. A small circle had been cut out there and an actual human eye was behind the hole, fixed onto the three nude men tightly packed in the bed.

The eye revealed no emotion, it was simply fixed on the three bodies. The beholder soon noticed Jacob and Fredrico soundly asleep. Ken on the other hand began to slowly stroke Jacob’s very big dick resting on the belly. He was patting it like he was soothing a wild beast, and gently probing its curve and veins. 

The eye in the painting continued to observe.

Neil sat attentively in the dining area. He was always first. For example, after training or competition, Neil ran into the showers first and occupied some shower in the corner with a good view over the other showers. He had good eyes, a strong sense for punctuality, and he clearly feels a strong urge to do his duty, Jacob had concluded. 

Before the other guys came down from their rooms for breakfast, Neil had scrambled a huge number of eggs and fried savoury and firm sausages. So when Jacob came down in his speedos along with Ken and Fredrico, Neil and Martin were already present and serving up the protein-rich breakfast. They were both naked, because they had forgotten to put their speedos up to dry over night they explained.

The other guys joined the group and they were consuming the breakfast eagerly, replenishing their energy reserves. The only absent ones were Efrem, Adam and George. The southern room must be particularly sleep inducing, Jacob thought, or maybe running around pulling down speedos and ripping off towels is more exhausting than it seems.

“Fellow team members. I see you have eaten well, and rested I hope, and you are now ready for another day of exercise and team building” Jacob announced. “We seem to have three lazy guys among us. Therefore each of you have been granted the right to hand out three spankings per ass with your towels when they join us.” The other guys cheered. Spanking other guys was a natural part of what competitive men do, so nobody was sorry that Adam, Efrem and George were sleeping in.

“The plan is to do three hours in the gym and build our upper body strength. I understand some of you did not put your speedos to dry, so all I can say is you better be careful when you spot someone doing benchpresses so there isn’t an accidental tea-bagging. Especially you Rudi, you could suffocate people with those platinum balls of yours” Jacob said and nodded towards Rudi who sat naked, legs wide apart to give room for his hefty sack. 

Jokingly Rudi stood up and pushed down Fredrico on his back and lowered his balls towards Fredrico’s face. He stopped only centimetres from Fredrico’s lips. “Don’t worry, nobody has choked on my balls, not by accident, so you guys will be fine” Rudi said, and helped Fredrico back up.

“And save some energy for the spanking later” Sven called out as the avid spanker he was known to be. They headed over to the gym. It was time to convert this mixture of protein, testosterone and psychological drive to muscles, strength and camaraderie.

Once in the gym the guys focused on the task at hand and pushed and motivated each other to outstanding performance with the dumbbells, weights, bars and ropes. The room was filled with tense muscles coated in sweat, sounds of metal crashing into each other, and men grunting in chorus. 

Mathias leaned over towards the naked Youssef and caught a drop of sweat running down Youssef’s back just as it was about to disappear between the two muscular buttocks. He and his two bed companions from last night, Rudi and Youssef, were completely naked. 

Last night Mathias had been sandwiched between the two big men, who were so constituted that they sweated profusely no matter what they did. Being surrounded by so much masculine aroma had hardly helped Mathias sleep, and once he actually had fallen asleep, he soon woke up from the convulsions of a wet dream. He did not remember what the dream had been about, the only image Mathias could recall was of himself drowning under a pile of sweaty slippery speedos.

Maybe that was not the wet dream, but a subconscious reminder that they had forgotten to put their speedos up to dry over night, Mathias reasoned, while the taste of Youssef’s savoury sweat spread over the tongue.

“I am a true descendant of Pericles. Not some barbarian pretender. I know wrestling, it has been passed down in my genes” Youssef boasted loudly to Rudi. The two young men were sizing up each other after Rudi had bested Youssef in the number of dumbbell bicep curls. They stood close, arms crossed, and posing aggressively, dicks almost touching. 

“Steady guys, you are on the same team. We think you are both perfectly strong and muscular” Jacob interjected, placing his hands on their sweaty backs. “I am sure you both know how to wrestle like the Greeks.”

“I am clearly the strongest”, Rudi replied.

“I am clearly the most agile and smart”, Youssef retorted.

Jacob knew these two guys had a healthy dose of aggression pumping in their veins, so he tried to force them together and make them work together better. Mathias was a helpful ingredient, easily the most agreeable guy on the team, who nobody on the team did not love and enjoyed hugging.

“Go out in the yard, wrestle with each other, then jerk off each other, or let Mathias help you both, so you mellow a bit. God you can be annoying”, Jacob ordered half-seriously, half-jokingly, and pointed to the backdoor leading out to the hotel garden. The three guys left quickly. 

Jacob had noticed both Rudi and Youssef were semi-erect despite their hostility towards each other. Testosterone can have multiple effects, Jacob had learnt on anonymous online questions boards. Physical exercise plus tough and rough competition with other men can make testosterone build up in the body, which then leads to a healthy and sustained erection without that necessarily having any sexual implications.

The other guys returned to their grunting and pushing and sweating, hoisting chunks of metal up and down. Suddenly Sven came running with a startled expression waving Jacob and Michael closer.

“I think you need to come and see this. It is a bit odd. It’s about those guys, Adam and the others”, Sven whispered.

“What is? Man, speak up”, Jacob said.

“I explain on the way, come quick”, Sven said. He, Michael and Jacob began walking in a rapid pace towards the southern room.

“So, I decided to go up to their room. I thought that perhaps I could use my three times three spanking allotment for some extra good and fun… and obviously to wake them up as well” Sven explained. His skills in swinging towels and palms to create that stinging effect was known by all other guys on the team.

“But yeah, the room was empty. And not just that.” They stopped outside the door and Sven opened it and the three guys walked into the room where Adam, Efrem and George had been sleeping last night. The bed sheets were a mess, but no sign of the guys. 

“What is that? Is it…”, Jacob asked and pointed to a wet puddle on the floor by the bedside. “Did someone jerk off a horse in here?” Jacob exclaimed when it became clear to him the puddle consisted of cum, and lots of it. This was no product of a quick moment of release between lectures.

“Multiple orgasms”, Michael stated. He knew from his coursework how much volume a young man typically can shoot. This was plenty more, a lot more actually, though the fact that it had started to dry made exact volume estimates tough to do. 

“So they circle jerked on the floor last night, or what? Did they smuggle in some nude pics on girls despite being told not to” Jacob asked annoyed. 

Michael had received accolades for his outstanding academic achievements in male sexuality courses. The dean even had personally commended Michael. So few people were as capable of making sense of the observed facts of the room.

“Anal”, Micheal uttered. “This much cum can only come about from deep and expert whole-body stimulation of prostate, ass, balls and dick. They must have fucked, been fucked, been edged and exhaustively milked”, Michael added with confidence.

“Wait… you say they were… doing gay stuff? Efrem had a girlfriend didn’t he. I know he broke up with her, he said because he needed to concentrate on the many hours of water polo we do, but you’re saying he, Adam and George were in here last night and…” Jacob had a hard time to reconcile things. Sure, any man likes to admire a big penis, and Jacob and Efrem had for example a few weeks ago compared penises and explored each other’s organs to see if the other guy’s big tool felt different in the hand, or if it sort of was the same (Efrem had a very large shiny penis head and a slight bend to the left, while Jacob’s own one was a bit thicker and slightly arced downwards with pronounced veins). 

But to actually insert oneself into another man’s ass, or have another man play deep inside you, that was different, Jacob reasoned. After this hotel stay was over Jacob decided he had to submit a question to the anonymous online question board to see if these man-on-man activities could be explained.

“They fucked a lot. I know it. I helped them once”, Sven stated. 

Michael and Jacob turned their interested gaze away from the puddle to Sven, who started his story, so far only told to Jonathan and Paolo.

“You recall a few months ago after we had won the provincial tournament. We dominated the other teams. Adam and George were asked to go up on stage and receive the prize. They only wore speedos. Well, I am sure you recall what happened.”

Jacob and Michael certainly recalled. The story had circulated on campus for many weeks and Adam had received a lot of unwanted attention from ugly girls as well as a few evening calls to go to the dean’s office for talking about it.

“While Adam held the cup to the cheering audience, George reached down and pulled off his speedos. Naturally, having ended on top in a tough tournament, Adam was already semi-erect, and now when he was exposed his boner shot all the way up in less than a second. And yeah, Adam is a big boy. George held down the speedos and Adam was too polite to drop the cup, so he remained exposed and flustered for at least ten or fifteen seconds before he resorted to using the cup to barely cover up his now throbbing meat.”

“Yes yes yes, we know all this, stop the anatomy descriptions, get to the fucking”, Jacob interrupted what otherwise seemed to turn into a lengthy story about Adam’s genitals.

“Sure. The fucking is what happened next in a remote room at the swimming pool. Adam wanted revenge, and Efrem had had his speedos ripped off during a visit by the dean the week before, so he was in the mood to exact revenge as well. I had been asked to trick George to head over to the remote room using some lame excuse. Once there Adam, Efrem and I wrestled George to the ground, ripped off his speedos and… well.” Sven stopped for a moment and adjusted his penis inside the speedos.

“Adam and Efrem were already naked and hard. I held down George on his back, Efrem pulled George’s legs up towards the torso, such that George’s butt cheeks spread apart and revealed his hole. Adam quickly applied some lubricant he had brought. He grabbed George balls and said something that it was time for George to reap what he had sowed. Adam pressed his dick against the hole and with both guys soon making one loud synchronized moan, the dick was inside George.”

“Rape? That’s horrible. And you helped?” Jacob was shocked.

“Not rape. George wanted it. I stopped holding him down and there was no resistance. He was so happy, he was finally feeling whole and in less than a minute of Adam’s deep instinctual thrusts, George had a hands-free orgasm. A big one that he felt throughout judging by how loud he squealed. When it was Efrem’s turn to pound away, George seemed overwhelmed with joy and hormones.”

“Indeed, that is known to happen”, Michael added while recalling the latest published science on complete male satisfaction through bodily exertion and deep bonding.

“What is that supposed to mean? Why would George feel like that, and allow to be handled like that?” Jacob’s confusion was evident. Sure, any man feel a degree of solidarity and joy when told about another man’s sexual conquest and stimulation, so it was not strange Jacob felt the speedos getting tighter, but is Michael excusing this?

“Hasn’t Ken or Fredrico told you when you have mounted them? I thought they would have described that wonderful feeling a man can feel when he receives the man he craves, when he lets his man’s thrusts, strength and cravings take command”, Micheal said.

“What the fuck? I am 99% straight, maybe 1% bicurious”, Jacob said. He soon added as the engineer he was: “Ok, maybe 90% straight, 10% bicurious is the correct precision one can have on these matters, or whatever, if you must look so skeptical of the numerical details, we can agree on two-thirds straight and one-third bicurious. I mean this is not an exact science, and confidence estimates are really needed with replication studies, so…”

Michael and Sven exchanged looks as Jacob started to blush. Sven pointed again at the puddle of cum to relieve Jacob of his embarrassment a bit, and Sven concluded.

“So yeah, those three did fuck a lot. I was invited a few times, but I am sure they have produced puddles like this before. That is not the weird part. The weird part is why they are missing? I see no trace of them, and I have this odd feeling they didn’t even exit through the door. I think something has happened, something against their will maybe.”

Jacob was flustered by the earlier revelations and the suggestion that he had banged Ken and Fredrico… sure, who hadn’t thought about it when seeing their smooth asses, but that was because they were sort of girl-like, nothing else. Jacob was not in the mood to really hear and see what Sven just had noted.

“Whatever. My guess is that they feel a bit ashamed and are hiding. Give it a few hours and they will join us and we can pretend we never came in here to see the result of their activity.” Jacob had lost his bearings for the moment, and demanded to return to the gym for some tough heavy benchpresses in order to direct his mind elsewhere.

After the guys had concluded their gym session, it was time for another effort in the pool. Bodies had to be honed, teamwork perfected. However with Efrem, Adam and George absent after a night of voluminous ejaculations, and Rudi, Youssef and Mathias outdoors wrestling or otherwise releasing some of their natural aggressions, the remaining nine guys had to exercise their game more selectively.

Despite Jacob’s conclusions, Sven had described to Jonathan and Paolo what had been discovered in the southern room. Jonathan and Paolo were privy to the information about the pleasures Adam, Efrem and George enjoyed exploring together. No way Adam, Efrem and George were hiding in shame, they agreed.

Sven had once brought his smartphone during one of the events to which he was invited, and through a discrete placement of the phone, he was able to film some of the loudest and juiciest moments. When he later showed the fucking session to Jonathan and Paolo, they had been impressed and felt that special tingle in the groin area. Despite that the video lacked closeups of the penetration and was limited by dim lighting, the muscular gyrations and thrusts were possibly even more arousing since they left the details to be imagined. 

Jonathan had especially expressed his admiration of George. He had even felt a bit envious, because if there was one thing Jonathan was very proud of, that was his ass, and the things he could do with it. Obsessive number of crunches, running up hills, and swimming had made Jonathan the most explosive player in the game. He could propel himself high above the water surface and catch balls. His ass muscles had made him a most valued player.

Another effect of course was that Jonathan had a bubble butt that was difficult to fit inside normal trousers, and which had become a veritable play toy for the other guys on the team. It usually starts with slaps that are short and firm joined with some encouraging comment of an athletic achievement. Not long after and the guys went from slapping to extended durations of groping vaguely justified by team building, positive reinforcement, or the always convenient just guys-being-guys. Even Jacob had been down there with his powerful grip exploring, while mumbling something about that according to online question boards male athletic perfection required the development of comfort with each other’s bodies.

But with George making Adam and Efrem excited to such an extreme degree, and Sven and Paolo clearly drooling over the action on display, Jonathan felt he had to up is game if he was going to keep the title of the premium ass on the team. Crunches and tight-fitted trousers were not going to be enough going forward.

Paolo had come to Jonathan’s rescue. He was training to become a designer. His passion project had been the redesign of the team’s speedo to be more dynamic, thinner and comfortable to the genitals. The team and audience were all delighted with the result. In short, Paolo was a creative guy.

He had noted that Adam, Efrem and George felt mutual satisfaction by having one dick in the butt, the other in the mouth of George, but they did not seem to explore other options. He concluded there must be so many more satisfying and creative arrangements three guys together could choose to join their bodies. So in order to satisfy his design interests, Paolo recruited Jonathan and Sven to try out positions he invented. First with speedos on. Within a week without speedos, purely in the interest to be more authentic, the three guys agreed.

Last night the position they had tried out was also designed to sooth Jonathan’s spanked ass: Jonathan on his back, legs pulled up, butt cheeks spread wide, and Sven and Paolo eagerly licking and tongue fucking Jonathan’s sweet butt, while stroking each other’s penises, but just below the threshold for orgasm for at least ninety minutes.

“And guess what. Jacob claims he hasn’t fucked Ken or Fredrico”, Sven whispered to Jonathan and Paolo as they were treading water between exercises. 

“No way! He must be lying, or does he have some weird engineering definition of fucking?”, Paolo said.

“Ken is obsessed you know. He has several close-ups of Jacob’s fat erection, probably taken covertly, and nine out of ten times Ken is staring and stroking the screen of his phone, I bet he is playing with those photos”, Jonathan added.

“So yeah, for all his alpha power, he is blind to some things”, Sven said and added: “I am genuinely worried about Adam, Efrem and George. If we cannot get the team to pursue a search, we have to. Are you with me if I invent a reason for us three to head out for a while?”

The other guys nodded in agreement. Sven headed over to Jacob.

“Hey Jacob. Jonathan stretched his gluteus. Paolo and I should just take an hour or two to massage them so it does not create permanent damage. You know how useful Jonathan is in the water thanks to his muscular ass” Sven said.

“I see, that’s too bad”, Jacob said. “Let me just take a closer look to assess the damage”, Jacob said and moved over to Jonathan. Jacob reached down under the surface and made contact with Jonathan’s butt and he felt it closely, nodding intently while Jonathan faked some grimaces of pain.

“Indeed, seems like your careful attention is required” Jacob concluded after a rather lengthy examination. Soon Sven, Paolo and Jonathan left the pool to go searching in the unexplored areas of the hotel to see if Adam, Efrem and George might have gotten lost or mistakenly locked themselves in to some room.

Dressed only in towels around their waists, speedos hung up to dry, the three guys soon noticed a door in the corner of the lobby slightly ajar. Above the door hung a large head of a bear looking particularly vicious. Behind the door were stairs leading down. Sven pointed to the door and the faint traces of wet feet walking to that door. The three guys, with some trepidation, opened the door and walked down.

The remaining six guys soon left the pool as well, exhausted and satisfied. They recharged with protein drinks and then decided to relax in the jacuzzi, such that any tension would be relaxed. That way they could work harder later without muscle pain.

“This jacuzzi is only intended for four persons, but if we squeeze in a bit, we will be fine”, said Fredrico as he removed his speedos for drying. The six nude guys walked into the hot water and arranged themselves carefully. Jacob spread his legs wide, such that Ken could take a seat on the jacuzzi floor between Jacob’s legs. Martin and Fredrico arranged themselves similarly, with Fredrico leaning his back against Martin’s spread legs. Seen from above the water surface it was not clear if Fredrico’s back reached all the way to Martin’s dick or not.

Neil and Michael sat next to each other with Michael turning his attention to Neil’s pectoral muscles and nipples. The protruding nipples of Neil were quite fascinating to Michael who always tried to better understand how the male body responded to stimuli. Neil always agreed to be the passive test subject to Michael’s experimentations. Michael’s academic success had been greatly aided by Neil. 

To help your fellow men succeed in life is a duty, Neil usually reasoned. There was a long tradition in his family of military service, or in general, to serve commanding men and to be a part of a collective of men, helping all fellow men attain excellence. Neil’s father usually spent the weekends with his military friends in the forest enacting some battles, or at least that was what he said. Soon Neil would be allowed to join, he had been told. 

Letting Michael explore prostate, anus, testicles, penis, nipples, pretty much any part of the male anatomy for hours and hours was therefore sacred duty to Neil. Michael was a student of medical science, and his academic excellence was of paramount importance. To do one’s duty was the root of all pleasure. That’s the most likely explanation, Neil had concluded, after the first of several evenings of multiple throbbing hands-free ejaculations thanks to Michaels probing fingers.

“My God look! Who is that! Someone is there, look!” screamed Fredrico all of a sudden. He pointed to a large man in dark robes exiting the locker room with the speedos and towels in hand. In the man’s other hand a long shiny object flashed for a brief moment. “He has a knife”, Fredrico screamed.

The other guys just saw the man exit the locker room out in the dark corridor. Neil’s nipples stiffened, Michael noted. Jacob jumped up, he was the leader, he tried to pursue the man, but the floor was slippery and he fell over. Ken rushed out of the jacuzzi to help the dazed Jacob who was lying on his back, legs spread wide, his dripping erection now fully in the open from before being hidden under the surface.

The other guys got up from the jacuzzi. Fredrico hugged Martin firmly with a scared expression on his face. Martin’s penis pressed against the belly of Fredrico, which calmed both men. “There, there, do not worry, we are together”, Martin said to Fredrico and stroked the back of his head and down his back all the way until it started to crest outward near the buttocks.

Jacob realized action had to be taken, so he assumed command. An intruder has taken speedos and towels, and at the present moment the team was dispersed. The men had to gather to figure out the situation and confront the thief and intruder with force.

“We need to regroup with Rudi, Youssef and Mathias. We know where they are, and by now they must have concluded their competition. Unfortunately Jonathan is hurt, so he may not be able to help as much, let us therefore regroup with him, Sven and Paolo later.” 

“Hey Jacob” Michael interjected, “Neil and I should remain here in case any of the other guys return in the meantime. We wait here for however many minutes it will take you to find Mathias and his two companions. No rush, but return here once you are ready.” 

Jacob agreed, leaving Neil and Michael behind would work fine. They were a well synchronized duo who in all matters in and out of the pool worked very efficiently. This week was planned to include an evening with Michael and Neil showing the rest of the team how they had become so good together, but with speedos and towels stolen, what can the team really accomplish when butt naked together, Jacob thought. 

“Very well, Ken, Martin, Fredrico, come with me. Let us find our team mates, and then we deal with this intruder.”

Outside the sun was still in the sky, but because of the surrounding mountains and forest, it was already getting darker. Rudi, Youssef and Mathias did most likely head over to the open area near the entrance to the hotel and around that area they presumably wrestled to settle their score. Jacob was leading the three guys in that direction.

The weather was still warm so despite their complete nudity they did not freeze. Rather their recent stay in the jacuzzi and their quick movements meant they sweated a bit, their heart rates high. Jacob felt a bit bothered by his erection that would not go down. For some reason having Ken sit as close to him, just centimetres away from the crotch, and having those pretty eyes look up at him from down there had made Jacob loose some of his control.

Ken was undeniably cute, and with lips like that it was just natural that thoughts of oral sex would emerge. Especially the fact that Jacob had not jerked off in three days meant he was going to be less in command of the subconscious urges. Normally Jacob jerked off after the water polo exercises and competitions. He sometimes fantasized about Ken’s sister and what it would be like to penetrate her. To be honest, Jacob only assumed Ken had a sister, though he did not know for sure. But assuming Ken had a sister, then Jacob had already in his mind fucked her doggy style and given her plenty of meat to deep-throat.

Jacob could not help but note that the three other guys were also erect. Maybe the excitation of pursuing an intruder was the explanation. Pre-historic male ancestors have hunted naked together for millennia, so male bodies should have some natural reaction to the sensation of hunting. Jacob decided another question had to be posted to the anonymous question board next week to settle the matter.

“Where are they? How hard can it be to find two aggressive guys trying to dominate the other along with their cheerleader sniffing their aroma”, Martin asked rhetorically. There were no signs of the three guys. They had been away for a long time by now. They had been without any clothes when they got out here, so surely they would be smart enough to not wander off, Jacob thought.

“Is that a smartphone?” Ken asked and pointed to the edge of the forest. “It looks like Adam’s phone, he always have the biggest and fanciest stuff”, Ken noted as the approached it.

“But we locked these into the safe. I am certain Adam handed over his phone”, Jacob said.

Martin reached down and picked up the phone. The screen unlocked, the passcode had been deactivated. This was strange. Adam wouldn’t normally be so unsafe that he would let just anyone access the content of his phone.

Martin immediately looked what apps had been used recently, and at the very top was the video app. The other guys gathered around Martin as he pressed on the most recent video in the gallery. The video started to play.

The video begins with a brief moment of shaking, then whoever operated the device zooms in as if from some distance in the forest. The three guys Rudi, Youssef and Mathias were at the centre of the action that was being covertly filmed. They were nude. Mathias was on his knees, his dick rock hard pointing upwards, and in each hand he held a penis, which he was sucking on. For one or two seconds the one in the right hand, while massaging the one in the left hand, then for the next one or two seconds he switched to sucking on the one in the left hand. Then he opened his mouth wide, and placed both dicks in his mouth, letting his tongue move over them both simultaneously.

Rudi and Youssef are in frame as well, and they stand to the sides of Mathias thoroughly enjoying the oral art that is applied to their erect organs. Rudi’s big balls are swinging back and forth as Mathias is switching which dick he services. Youssef leans over towards Rudi, and the two big men start to kiss passionately. One hand they hold on Mathias head, caressing him, the other hand they hold at the back of the head of the man across and presses him closer into an even more forceful kiss.

The video shakes for a second, and the intensity in Rudi’s and Youssef’s motion indicate that they are just seconds away from orgasm. More or less within the same second, the two guys have orgasm and they began to pump a generous volume of their seed into the mouth of Mathias and onto his face.

Martin fumbles and drops the phone on the ground.

“What happens next”, Fredrico shouted and quickly leaned down and picked up the phone. The video is still rolling and the image has been zoomed in on Mathias smiling face, looking up towards the two men who had given him two big loads. Rudi’s and Youssef’s dripping penises are just showing at the edge of the frame and their hands stroking Mathias. The two standing men kneel down next to Mathias and began to fondle his hard dick and balls.

At that instance the video stoped. Fredrico scrolled back the video and reviews it in careful detail a second and third time.

“What was that? I mean who filmed it, and why were they doing that stuff? I thought they were wrestling, or fighting, or whatever?” Jacob was confused. More team members having massive orgasms together, it just seemed strange. Rudi and Youssef were such aggressive guys that always seemed at odds, and on this video they were joined in a loving embrace. Well, more than that even. The anonymous question board had not prepared Jacob for these behaviours.

“So I must confess, I know what they are doing” Martin said. He grabbed the phone from Fredrico who was just about to watch the video a fourth time. Martin scrolled to a frame with Mathias mouth wide open, both dicks pressed inside, his tongue rubbing the moist heads. He showed the image to the other three guys, though he held it a bit longer in front of Fredrico’s wide eyes.

“Rudi and Youssef liked to compete with each other physically, wrestle, grapple, fight, and such. They both agreed Mathias was to be the judge of who won. The winner would then be rewarded by oral sex, where Mathias sucked the dick. Diffuse the manly hormones they called it. To continue to compete, the loser would have to jerk off watching and perfectly time his orgasm with the orgasm of the winner. In those cases Mathias ruled there was a tie, he would suck both of the guys. Then as a competition for Mathias, he was trying to balance his stimulations such that both Youssef and Rudi shot their loads at the same time.”

“Mathias isn’t just good with his nose. Youssef has described to me the outstanding sensations  this mouth can create”, Martin concluded and pointed to the still image on the phone.

“Some studies have shown that it helps with the athletic performance and psychological balance to have another team member cuddle your penis”, Martin said and quickly added, “that is what the underground sports medicine literature says”, before he looked at Fredrico.

“Ok, whatever, I need to research that you know” said Jacob still perturbed by what he had seen on the video. His dick involuntarily throbbed as well, which further added to his consternation. “But who filmed this then, and how did they have the smartphone? I locked the safe.”

Martin and Fredrico broke off their eye-contact and returned their focus to the issue at hand: an intruder in the hotel who stole speedos and towels, and a covertly filmed video, where the phone had been left to be easily discovered, and of course, several guys now missing.

“That intruder must know the hotel. Think about it, he entered and left the locker room easily. We have not seen any trace of him, and could he maybe have access to the hotel safe?” Ken said.

“But why are the other guys missing? Is it the intruder maybe…” Fredrico’s voice trembled and he again hugged Martin close and felt Martin’s penis pressed hard against the belly. This was very soothing to both guys.

“That’s it! Where Rudi, Youssef and Mathias went after they did their… thing, well we do not know. We need to act on what we know, and that is to regroup with Michael and Neil, then collect our phones and call Mister Firm” Jacob said. Their options were running out, they needed assistance.

“Not again!” Jacob shouted when they returned to the showers where Michael and Neil had stayed. The cause of Jacob’s outcry was that both guys were absent, while a generous puddle of fresh cum was clearly evident on the floor. As in the earlier examination of the southern room, the volume was impressive. In other words, not just the result of quick wank, but something far more thorough and satisfying.

The four guys looked at each other with concern. Every time some guys went off to squirt one load, or more often it seemed, multiple loads, they then disappeared. 

“So when will be discover the results of Sven’s, Paolo’s and Jonathan’s playtime, but fail to discover those three guys? Or is spanking something one doesn’t cum from?” Jacob asked laconically as he referenced the three other guys currently missing, but who had not yet left any sign of sexual stimulation behind.

“We are being hunted. I told you” said Martin and again he grabbed Fredrico and pulled his warm naked body close. “And you need to stop being so full of judgement”, Martin added and looked at Jacob disapprovingly.

“What do you mean? I am not judgemental”, Jacob responded defensively.

“Oh yeah? Every time we see or learn about some guys on our team enjoying each other, exploring their natural and powerful and manly urges, you make some dumb comment. Team building means knowing each other through and through. And don’t get me started on the hypocrisy of it all!” Martin was clearly annoyed.

“Hypocrisy? Have you lost it?” Jacob responded, as he was feeling the stings of the accusations coming his way.

“Yes, last night, in bed with Ken and Fredrico at your side. I watched you. I was sharing bed with Michael and Neil, and they are great guys, creative and fun-loving. We started our session in bed with Michael fingering Neil, and I was sucking Neil’s and Michael’s hard cocks. It was great fun, steaming with testosterone you know. But the fact is that Michael and Neil are perfect for each other, so I was soon just a third wheel.” 

“The guy who’s naked body I really wanted to lick and bite in my bed was Fredrico”, Martin said and turned his gaze down to Fredrico. Martin placed both his hands on Fredrico’s perky butt, squeezed and kissed him on the mouth.

“So I snuck up to your room and I peaked in. You were sleeping, Fredrico too, his beautiful body exposed. He needed to be hugged closer, caressed and cared for. But Ken was not asleep. No, he was down between your legs Jacob, and he was doing things to you.”

Jacob looked with confusion at Ken who looked down at his toes, sheepishly avoiding Jacob’s stare. Ken held his hands around his back, letting Jacob see his arousal.

“Ken was massaging your big fat dick with such precision and attention I knew it was not the first time. He kissed it, those beautiful lips you see, they were pressing against your shaft and munching on your head. Your dick was polished like a mirror, and you seemed to be dreaming very happy dreams. I wished Fredrico could be doing that to me. I would be so happy. And you Jacob, you have it already, a beautiful muscular smooth young man ready and willing to make you so happy and satisfied. Instead of embracing it, you are making these snarky remarks whenever some guys on the team are having their moments of masculine fun.”

Martin felt a shortness of breath after putting it all out there. He had confessed his feelings, and he had revealed some harsh truths. This had to be said, and if some idiot in a robe was hunting them, why not put the truth out there since what else was there to loose.

Fredrico looked up with happiness at Martin. It made so much sense. During Fredrico’s most recent bodily examination, Martin had ‘volunteered’ to do it all by himself, letting Youssef and Michael leave. After all Fredrico’s examination was the last one for the day, and the other guys in the team had mostly left. Martin had been very diligent, and while Martin had measured Fredrico’s body in all kinds of ways, they had chatted and it was all feeling so friendly and cozy.

When Martin had been down on his knees measuring the circumference around Fredrico’s butt, he had suddenly suggested he perform a prostate examination. Although they were young men, it was never wrong to start early, Martin had argued. Fredrico had nodded, and in less than a second, Martin had forcefully pushed Fredrico to bend over, and a tactically placed bottle of lubricant was deployed by Martin, and very soon he had a finger inside Fredrico. The examination had started quick, but it took Martin at least five minutes before he concluded it with an encouraging slap on Fredrico’s buttocks. 

It had all felt so good, the careful examination, the friendly chat, the smiles, and now Fredrico knew why.

Before Jacob had time to respond to Martin’s accusations, Fredrico dropped to his knees and began sucking eagerly on Martin’s penis. My man needs me, he needs encouragement and strength and release and only I can give it, Fredrico thought as he proceeded to suck even harder.

Jacob was now truly upset. He was the leader of the group, the role-model of manly virtues and honesty and care for his fellow men, and here Martin was saying these things. And now the beautiful Fredrico was showing his love and affection so strongly, it just hurt a bit extra for Jacob.

“Well then, it is up to us to find the intruder and beat him to pulp” Jacob said. “Come now Ken, we are not wanted here”, Jacob added before taking a firm grip around Ken’s arm and then dragged in up to the hotel lobby away from the loudly moaning Martin and the wet slobbering sound of Fredrico’s lips locked onto Martin’s dick.

Jacob and Ken soon found themselves in the lobby. Ken looked at Jacob somewhat worried, and stopped.

“Jacob, I am sorry… what Martin said is true. I have done things to you when you have been asleep. Every time you and I have slept under the same roof, I have found a way to pleasure you while you have been sleeping. I know I should not have, immoral stuff is bad, but you were so… you know, tempting.”

Jacob was silent. He was not sure if it really was news or not. He often had very pleasurable dreams, mostly about Ken’s sister (if she now existed), but Jacob also remembered a few times where he had woken up and Ken’s hand had been on or near the dick. In those instances where Ken had been touching Jacob’s genitals, Jacob had never bothered to stop him. So he kind of knew.

Jacob was trying to formulate his conflicting thoughts, he opened his mouth to try to say something from the heart to Ken, who looked so sad, afraid, and cute. His naked body was so fit and delicious. He needs my force, Jacob thought.

But just then Jacob saw in the corner of his eye the mounted head of a vicious bear, and in the jaws of the bear were a pair of shredded speedos. The bear was mounted above a door that was ajar. That door had definitely been closed when they arrived here, Jacob thought, and obviously the shredded speedo had been added recently.

Jacob put on halt his thought of making sense of his peculiar feelings for Ken, and instead he pointed to the bear and door. Ken turned and noticed the speedos and froze. 

“Don’t go down there. Stay here” Ken pleaded. 

“We must do what we can for the team. Come with me. I am strong. That intruder doesn’t stand a chance”, Jacob said, and pulled Ken along to the door and began walking down the stairs behind the door.

Slowly and methodically they moved down the stairs, which went down and unexpected depth, maybe five or six metres even. The space was dimly lit by light bulbs, and the space was rather temperate, not as cold as one would expect. The walls were made of dark stone, and once at the bottom, more of the same type of ghastly paintings were hanging. Proud hunters around dead animals, iron ore being mined by dirty men dressed in jeans, Roman soldiers charging a group of inferior soldiers, and so on.

Suddenly a loud moan of pleasure was heard to the left of Jacob and Ken. They turned and looked down a corridor and there discovered a few metres down a dimly lit room. Inside was Jonathan facing away, his naked unmistakable bubble butt in the direction of Jacob and Ken. Jonathan’s hands were tied to a hook in the ceiling. And kneeling next to Jonathan was a man dressed in a robe inserting a glistening cylindric object into Jonathan’s ass.

Jonathan moaned loudly one more time as the robed man moved the object back out and then all the way back in again to Jonathan’s lubricated ass.

“Jonathan!” Ken shouted. The robed man turned and looked, his ugly face mostly covered in shadows. The door to the room slammed shut without the object leaving Jonathan’s ass.

Jacob charged against the door. He pushed against it with his shoulder, but the door was both locked and far too heavy to give way to just one person pushing. Jacob beat his fist against the cold door, but nothing changed. Jonathan was still held captive, his ass probably still being violated. Another tactic was required.

Jacob turned around. Behind Ken, who stands naked and afraid a few metres back up the corridor, stands another robed man, big, fat and ugly. Before Jacob can warn Ken, the man reaches around Ken, puts one arm around his chest, the other arm between the legs from behind. With his big hand he grabs hold of Ken’s genitals and lifts Ken off the ground. Ken yelps, and the surprisingly quick movements by the robed man means Ken has no time to resist. He is hoisted through another door that was closed just a minute ago.

“Stop you greasy fucker, come at me, fight me, let Ken go!” Jacob screams with his aggression pumping at the maximum. He runs towards the man and the captured Ken, but before he reaches the door it closes and locks. He can hear Ken yelp again behind the door, plus another loud moan from Jonathan. But then nothing but silence.

Jacob pulls and kicks at the door. Again it does not yield. Jacob feels anger welling up. They took Ken. There must be at least two of them. Two really nasty ugly persons.

Jacob started running through the corridors. He notices the stairs leading up to the lobby have been closed off by a locked gate. So he has been trapped down here with men in robes and their shitty paintings. Fine with me, Jacob thinks. I am ready to fight until the death. They took Ken, my Ken. They better not do things to his ass. Ken’s ass is mine, Jacob thinks as he feels a possessive urge emerge.

For a moment Jacob stops and thinks about the situation. These robed men have been able to surprise and sneak up on us a few times too many for it to be coincidence or just knowledge of the hotel. They must have access to a means to observe us, cameras or such. If I could position myself in a blind spot, then I can hunt them, Jacob thought and began looking into the ceiling or other areas where a hidden camera would be placed.

Moving through the maze of corridors, Jacob indeed notices a few tiny spot on a wall that reflect a bit of light. Upon closer inspection, these were small lenses over some type of optics. There are a lot of cameras here. If only I could… Jacob jumps up and smashes the nearby light bulbs. The corridor goes dark. Jacob traces his steps backwards while keeping in the dark. Jacob crunches down, back against the wall and waits.

Sure enough, a nearby door is opened and two robed men emerges. They start moving towards the dark part of the corridor. One of them looked to carry a net. How very gladiatorial, Jacob thinks, while visualizing his next few moves to incapacitate these two big ugly men.

Now! Jacob jumped up from his hidden position and landed one major punch in the face of this ugly guy. The second man with the net steps back and throws the net at Jacob. But too slow, because Jacob dodges it and is able to move in behind the man. Jacob pulls off the hood of the robe, and places the man in a chokehold. 

The hotel owner! This ugly fucker is the hotel owner, Jacob notices. “Where is Ken? Tell me! Where is my team, you speak now or it is your ugly head that will be mounted on the wall next!” Jacob squeezes harder and the owner start waving his hand.

Suddenly all light bulbs dial up to a high intensity and the corridor becomes well illuminated.

“Jacob, my dear Jacob, let go. You have won, you have made me so proud.” 

That voice, that is… Jacob turns around and he sees Mister Firm. He is smiling. Standing behind Mister Firm are all the guys of the team. They are naked and observing, some of them smiling looking happy and excited. And there is Ken as well, biting his lower lip.

“What is this? Why are you here? How?” Jacob utters, and releases the chokehold.

“I know this is confusing to all of you. But trust me, it can all be explained and the reasons are good ones”, said Mister Firm after he had guided the naked team through a door into a large well-lit room. The two ugly men in robes had followed, and inside the room were another two men in front of a large number of screen and control board.

“Short story is, you have been part of a reality show, where we simulated twenty-four hours of being hunted in a desolate hotel. With the latest in digital optics, we have filmed your every move and action in the hotel. Small but precise cameras are installed throughout this old hotel, which has allowed us to record you in high resolution, and when appropriate in close-up. The two men hunting you have acted according to a script. When they grabbed you, they used their detailed knowledge of the male anatomy such that they would not to hurt you, at most scare you, or even pleasure you” Mister Firm said.

“The show played out far better than imagined, with plenty stimulations for our exclusive, high-value audience” Mister Firm explained and winked at a fully erect Adam, who had spent the last few hours with Efrem and George observing and betting on which sexual acts shown on the screens would earn the most views and revenue, and Adam could currently focus on nothing else than his plans on how to exploit his recently acquired knowledge of the other guy’s sexual urges.

“And money have been made. Lots of it. You all know our financial situation has been challenging. The water polo team, frankly all sports teams of our college, has received less capital when the dean has diverted money to his lavish lifestyle. The deal that was made means the revenue from the paying viewers is split in three. One third goes to the hotel owner as his brother.”

The two ugly men stood behind Mister Firm, their dumb eyes observing every centimetre of firm attractive penis in view, drooling and breathing with mouths open, their sexual instincts numbing the pain from the punches Jacob had just inflicted.

“Hunting wild animals is not as popular as it used to be. Hunting sexy well-groomed boys in tiny speedos at the beach hotels has taken over as the thing to do” Mister Firm said and winked at Fredrico who cared about nothing else at this moment but when he could resume the post-orgasmic spooning with Martin, and feeling the dick pressed against his backside harden again in search of another orifice to penetrate.

“The second third of the revenue belongs to the wealthy investor we have. State of the art optics requires financing. But thankfully there are discrete men of extreme wealth willing to put their cash to work to record and display handsome men in their prime doing things to each other. You have not disappointed”, Mister Firm said and winked at Rudi who had many wealthy and powerful relatives, though presently he was preoccupied with grabbing as much of Mathias’ ass as possible, at least more than what Youssef’s big hand was trying to grab.

“The last third of the revenue goes to us, the water polo team. Well, technically it goes to me, since you are student athletes who cannot earn money. But after I have dealt with my own various investments and expenses, the rest will be spent on our team. Just think what even better speedos Paolo can design with a few extra thousand dollars in hand” Mister Firm said and winked at Paolo who’s creative mind was overwhelmed by an eruption of inspiration after the few hours he experienced with Sven and Jonathan in the basement following their rough capture and expert bondage by the perverted hotel owner and his brother.

“And oh my, you did not disappoint. This has been team building on a whole different level. I expected a bit of play and circle jerks, but with your natural masculine urges unleashed, with fucking all around, you have proven what truly strong men are comfortable and willing to do together. True solidarity and power” Mister Firm said and winked at Neil who felt a great deal of satisfaction as he learned his actions this last day had been in service of the community of strong men, nearly as much pleasure as Michael’s probing index finger in the butthole was creating in the present moment.

Mister Firm could not stop smiling as he watched the team of exquisite young men at his command. He felt even happier as he contemplated the top-of-the-line Ferrari he would buy with some of the cash he earned these last twenty-four hours. That car will be a boy magnet along the beach, so there were even more ass to look forward to Mister Firm thought and his mind started to drift.

“Whatever Mister Firm”, Efrem interjected. “The most pressing matter is that there are two guys on our team that have not experienced the bliss of acting on their urges in the last twenty four hours. Before anything else can happen, Jacob and Ken must, in the juiciest way possible, consummate their love and affection.”

The other guys cheered, and Jacob and Ken looked at each other. Jacob felt a need to both care for the beautiful innocent Ken, and to totally corrupt and use every hole on his body for selfish pleasure. Ken was precious. Ken had to be protected. Ken had to be ravished and transformed into a moaning heap for my penis to be inserted deep into however I desire, Jacob thought as his primal instincts assumed command.

Jacob walked over to Ken. Efrem, Youssef, Adam, and Rudi lifted Ken off the ground, holding him horizontally on his back in their strong arms, grabbing his legs and pushing them back up the torso. Ken’s cute little butthole becoming fully exposed and in level with Jacob’s hard dick. 

Sven and Paolo kneeled down in front of Ken’s butt and they licked and kissed the hole, making sure it became generously lubricated with saliva. Michael found some room too and he inserted the tip of his index finger into Ken in order to help him relax before the major insertion to come.

Jonathan and George kneeled down in front of Jacob’s dick and licked and kissed the head and shaft, making sure it became generously lubricated with saliva. Fredrico also kneeled down and sucked gently on Jacob’s balls with his pretty lips, so Jacob became fully cocked and loaded and ready to seed Ken.

Mathias and Neil kiss and lick the torsos, nipples, neck, armpits and all the body parts of Jacob and Ken that conceivably can elicit feelings of joy and satisfaction.

Martin steps up to Jacob and kisses him with open mouth, their tongues slithering together. “I was wrong to accuse you. We all have to discover our own paths to walk to true love. Now go fuck him silly, he needs you”, Martin said. 

The guys moved aside, and Jacob approached the sweet body presented to him. George directed Jacob’s dick to Ken’s butt, and for a brief moment Jacob held the dick pressed against the lubricated butt. Eyes meet and the two young men smile. 

Jacob pressed forward, and Ken is opened up and began to receive the wide and long penis. The grip of the ass around the dick is simply heaven, and Ken moaned, pushing his head backwards. This arouses Jacob even more and he pressed harder and deeper into Ken. The ancestral urge to conquer and penetrate took over and Jacob began to thrust. 

Ken’s desire to form a bond with his man, to prove his abilities and eagerness to please, all makes Ken want to take even more despite moments of pain as Jacob’s big dick opens up Ken deeper and wider. The desire to become one with something bigger, to merge with a greater powerful body took over and Ken felt raw pleasure in every cell of his body.

The two male bodies fucked furiously and passionately, aided by the team who pushed, stroked, kissed, pinched, and shouted words of encouragement. Because neither Jacob or Ken had cum in the last day, and because so much arousal had built up, they both reached orgasm not long after the wild thrusting had begun. Jacob felt his balls tighten and he started seeding Ken, who upon feeling Jacob’s power flow into him, could not hold back his own orgasm, and in three powerful squirts, Ken shot his cum high above his body, spreading it wide over the surrounding men.

The guys collapse in one relaxed, aroused heap of slippery man meat. They kiss and fondle. 

Mister Firm wiped some sweat from his forehead, the hotel owner and his brother wiped drool from their mouths. Thanks to the discrete filming and broadcast of that short but awesome fuck, the three men had added several thousands of dollars to their net-worths.

“Amazing guys. Just amazing” Mister Firm said. “However, you have plenty of work ahead of you. We rented this place for exercising and team building. We still need to perfect your athletic abilities. The rest of the week will proceed as planned, with training and lots of athletic and team fun. Three key differences from today, however: First, the hotel owner, his brother and I will no longer be hiding, but we assist you in your training and prepare your meals. Second, rather than you sleeping in separate rooms, we will join five beds together into one very large bed on which you all can sleep and get to know each other’s bodies better. Third, because speedos and towels were destroyed during this last day, for the remaining time at this hotel you will have to be nude.”

Mister Firm noted no objections. The guys were so satisfied and relieved now that their worries of being hunted in a remote hotel were gone. There would be so much amazing content filmed and broadcast in the coming days, Mister Firm concluded.

“Alright, back up to the pool. You’re going to spend two hours swimming before dinner and bedtime” Mister Firm said and pointed the way towards the stairs leading back up to the lobby.

The hotel owner started to follow the guys. He was not going to miss the opportunity to walk behind naked guys up steep stairs, maybe catching a glimpse of pendulum balls between the legs in front, picturing all the fun a pair of balls could make in this world.

Mister Firm stopped him and whispered: “Just to be sure some guy doesn’t get shy, modest and uptight now that he knows he is filmed, double the dose of aphrodisiac in the meal this dinner. I want this night to be an explosion of male sexuality.” The hotel owner grinned his evil smile and nodded, before jogging off to catch up with the firm buttocks and precious swinging meat as they ascended the stairs.