The Hidden Chateau

by PCLatex

16 Jun 2022 253 readers Score 8.8 (8 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The Brothers Emerge

Rod and I made our way down to the hybridisation chamber with mixed feelings. The three months JJ, Callum and Jay had spent in the hybridiser had seemed almost interminable, but today was the day they would emerge. Adam joined us, his excitement at seeing his brother’s emerge obvious.

“You are timeous,” Ameliorator greeted us. “Dr Tom is ready, and the device is ready to unseal. We will extract them, and then you may take them to the recovery chamber, and welcome them to their new form.”

“Tom says they’re ready,” Josh appeared at the door. “You should come now.”

We followed him into the large circular chamber with it’s circle of sarcophagi all connected at the foot to the central hub. There was a hiss as the lids unsealed and two of Ameliorator’ Ligaran assistants lifted the first one, swinging it upward to stand upright over the hub. There followed several minutes as various tubes were disconnected, then the latex ‘mummy’ shape was lifted out and placed on a gurney.

Tom opened the rubber sheath and smiled as Ameliorator withdrew the mouthpiece, and his assistants removed the device covering the figure’s genitals. He lifted one of the figure’s tentacles free and examined it, then ran several checks of the figure’s chest and other limbs. 

“Perfect. He’s starting to become aware.” He signalled me. “Come and say hallo to the new improved JJ, Jack.” He chuckled. “Looks like he had the same idea as Callum regarding his genitals …” He lifted the long tentacle crowned by its large and beautifully defined head. “Matches his scrotum though.”

I tried to recall my own ‘awakening’ and what it had taken to learn to use my new appendages effectively. The upper tentacles had been the hardest. Somehow the genital tentacles, including the primary penis, had been almost instinctive, as if I’d known from the outset how to manage them. Moving closer as my son was removed from the rubber sack, I tried to connect. “Hallo, JJ, can you hear me?”

“Hallo, Dad.” He drew a deep breath. “What a ride! Is Callum awake yet? Is Fulda here? I hope he likes me plus sized.”

“I am here, my beloved.” Fulda joined me quietly, and I signalled he should take over. He bent forward and locked his oral sphincter to JJ’s. I ‘heard’ him say, “I love you plus sized, JJ. Now relax, we’re going to move you to the recovery room.”

I moved to where Callum was now being removed from his rubber cocoon. His penis tentacle, like JJ’s, reached below his knees. I knew mine was knee length when I extended it, but the boys had gone overboard obviously. I greeted him, aware that Adam and a young Ligaran was hovering, waiting to greet him, and joined Rod and Sennet as Jay emerged from his cocoon.

Following them into the recovery chamber, I asked Adam, “Who’s that with Callum?”

“Trier.” Adam turned a big smile toward me. “He’s kept him secret, but they’ve been going out for a while. He’s a biological geneticist, like Cal — and boy, are they a pair.”

I studied Adam for a moment. “And you, Adam? Have you got someone? Someone you’re keeping quiet about?” I felt the surprise — and the uncertainty. “An outworlder?”  

“Not really.” His answer was evasive. “I’ve a good friend, yes. We have a lot of fun, clubbing and, of course, some bondage and plenty of rubber …” He walked to greet Callum and his Ligaran lover, adding over his shoulder, “No worries, Dad. Another twelve months and I’ll be here to join JJ and Cal in the tentacle department.

“Dad, I need to talk something over with you.” Adam slipped into a chair opposite me. “I’m in love — with an outworlder.”

“An outworlder?” I felt alarm. In less than six months he was due to complete his training and return to Hevea. I’d raised his mention of a friend with his brothers, and sensed their unease, but beyond saying ‘Oh, is he still seeing Bryce’ I got nothing more from them. Di had been far more forthcoming, and from her I learned that the boys had known Bryce, the effeminate son of a single mother since their teens. She’d told me the boy worship the triplets, especially Adam, and they’d taken him into their care, protecting him from bullies. “Adam, you know that risks wrecking everything here — and endangers us all.”

“I know, Dad, and I didn’t mean this to happen, but he’s been a friend since school and before I knew … he’s a fellow medic, and we’ve been working together, and, well, he’s been there for me, and I’ve … Dad, he’s special. Really special, we’ve been lovers since …” He looked awkward. “Well since we discovered sex, and my cock being, well, muscular, my huge cum shots — they don’t faze him. He loves wearing rubber, and … dammit, he’s just fantastic to be around. And I’m afraid that if I’m not there for him any longer …” He met my eyes, his expression appealing. “Will you help me? I don’t want to be separated from him. I don’t want to have to return to Hevea without him …”

“Is this the man you mentioned when we were getting JJ and Cal out of the hybridiser?”

“Yeah. Dad.” He looked miserable. “I’ve tried everything I can think of to break it to him that I have to leave him, but it just makes me miserable and feel like shit, and it hurts him … But I know I have no choice. I know I have to return here …”

“Okay.” I walked round to where he sat, and placed my hands on his shoulders. “I’ll talk to Sardar, but don’t get your hopes up. You know the history, and you know why we have to protect our community from the Outworlders.” I felt his despair. “There may be a way, but it won’t be easy. In the meantime, talk to Josh and to Tom, and I’ll see what I can do to persuade the Council.”

Adam’s revelation created a problem. His lover was a fellow medical intern completing his doctoral internship. As I expected, Sardar was less than enthusiastic, but at least not outright obstructive. He reminded me that it was exactly this sort of situation that had caused the original rift and problems between his people and the human community. 

“I will await your proposal for dealing with this my friend. Has Adam discussed with Josh what he is asking?”

Fully restrained in Rod’s favourite way, my arms and tentacles spread out and fastened to the sides of the huge bedframe, and with my legs raised and drawn wide, I lay back as he emptied his sperm bladder into my butt for the second time. Taking my penis tentacle in his tentacle ‘hands’ he released a dose of his stimulant into me, then gently drew my swelling ‘head’ upward until he could insert it into his mouth.

“Now, my darling Jack, relax and enjoy. We cannot change Adam, so we must find a way to help him and his lover.” His oral papillae began to work on my sensitised ‘head’ and I had difficulty focusing on what he was saying. “This Bryce sounds like a similar case to Josh. We need to find out more about him, and what the similarities are.” He entwined his secondary penises with mine. “But that’s for later. Right now you’re going to relax and let me feast on your cum …”

He set to work on me with his usual expertise until Adam and his lover slipped from my mind and my need to empty my semen bladder took all my attention. Rod was an expert, and knew exactly how to keep me right on the edge, but deny me that release — just as I knew his. He played me to perfection, and when he finally allowed me to cum he got a very large dose of spunk.

“Perfect, beloved,” he thought-spoke, draining my penis with a combination of powerful suction and a firm massage of my now stretched tentacle. Leaving his tentacle inside me, he changed position and applied his oral sphincter to mine while a pair of his arm tentacles played with my penis, maintaining the stimulus. “We’ll talk to Josh in the morning, and remember, Adam is ‘our’ son. We’ll find a solution for this. Together.” He moved my penis tentacle and pressed the head to his butthole. “Go on, push it in. I want to keep us joined tonight.”

“If you insist, Sir.” I used my muscles, and gently inserted myself into his ready opening, working the head deep. “Satisfied, my love?”

“Satisfied? Oh yes.” His prehensile tongue wrapped itself into mine. “Now remember, this is ‘our’ problem. Promise me that you’ll remember that. We are going to solve it. All of us.”

We talked it over with Tom and Josh at length, then I took my son to see Sardar. Adam had photos of his lover, and of them together. Most of these were evidently taken at a beach, but some clearly in the privacy of a flat, and some showed him in latex, or in bondage and clearly enjoying it. Bryce was a willowy young man, and in the photos clearly in love with Adam. He had an androgynous appearance, tending to the feminine.

“There is danger in this. History repeats itself — especially in your ancestry,” Sardar said. “It was a situation like this that almost destroyed the agreement. Do you wish to undo all the good we have done since your arrival?”

“No.” I hesitated. “There have been big changes in the Outworld since those years, Sardar. It may be that Adam’s lover is willing to join us as Josh did.”

“How can this be tested?” He demanded. “I cannot allow anyone to endanger our community — even for you, my friend.”

“Can’t we bring Bryce here, and I’ll persuade him to do the Ritual.” Adam glanced at our faces. “He’s really into rubber bondage — that’s how we met — and Ameliorator and Cal could check his responses …”

“And if he proves unsuitable? What then, Adam?” Sardar asked, his thoughts sympathetic at least.

“We could return him to the city and make him think he dreamed the whole thing.” Adam looked from me to Sardar, his appeal obvious. “Then I’d have to ask you to release me from whatever calls me back here … Dad, Sardar, I really can’t live without him. I know the danger, and I’d have to persuade him to follow Josh, but I need to work out how …” His posture showed his desperation. “I can’t just dump him, I love him. He’s had it rough, and he’s helped me get through these last years on my own in the outworld. He’s the kindest, most loving person outside of our people I’ve met …”

I shut Adam from my thought-speak. “Sardar there may be a way, but both Rod and I are restricted and cannot leave the protected zone. It needs someone like Tom and Josh, or perhaps Rod — one of us hybrids — to meet this Bryce and see what reaction he has. But it must be far from here.”

“It may be possible.” Sardar considered. “We must consult the Council, but your idea has merit.” I sensed his hesitation, then felt him connect us again to Adam. “We will consider your request carefully, Adam, but, as you know, it is no small thing to be hybridised, and the subject must be not just willing, but desire it. If your lover does not, we cannot and will not force him to accept it.” He paused. “Do you still wish to follow your father and your brothers — even if your friend refuses? You are already partly developed in that direction as you well know. It is not possible to reverse it, and in the outworld you will be at risk of exposure, and of exposing us.”

Adam went back to complete his studies aware of our sympathy, but not much more. Then Di and Harri had a stroke of genius.

“Look, we know Bryce. We’ve known him from the start. We could go back and he wouldn’t suspect why, it would be a normal family visit.” Diana looked at us. “Perhaps Bruce, or Tom for preference could come with us, and we can check his responses to us in a roundabout way.”

“Good plan,” Rod agreed. He’d grilled Jay, JJ and Callum and learned a great deal more about the relationship. “JJ thinks Bryce and Adam have been in love since they first started … The complication is Adam really wants to go hybrid, and, after he almost drowned Bryce in his cum when he lost control, knows — or thinks he does — that Bryce won’t accept it.”

“That would probably be the easiest solution,” mused Harri. “But how do we test it?”

“That’s probably easy,” Di cut in. “You know how much gay and fetish porn is circulating out there at present. Well, we’ve got all the porn models we need right here. We mock up some ‘cartoon’ type drawings of you guys, and add a few actual photos. We can ‘shop them to look old or something, and gauge his reaction to them.”

“You know,” I began, “that could just work. If Tom were with you, he could do a ‘medical’ on him and see his response to openly being invited to engage in some strict bondage play, or to being milked …”

“Okay, so we’ll run this past Sardar and Tom and see what they think.” Rod wrapped a tentacle round my waist and playfully gripped my codpiece. “I think he’ll buy it. My bet is that this Bryce kid will be in the hybridiser almost as soon as he gets here.”