The Hapless Bartender (ch. 6)


24 Jan 2023 2936 readers Score 8.4 (18 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Authors note: If you haven't read the first 5 chapters, you can find them here.

Wayne woke with a shock as the Perspex bars were unlocked, and he felt himself yanked from his prison of filthy, sodden diapers and pushed onto the stage.  Still weak from his night of vile ordeals, he quickly collapsed, landing face first into the utterly loaded speedo of the debased police officer from earlier in the night.  He felt now the cold slimy mess spread even further over his face, much to Wayne’s disgust, though he barely had the energy to move after his body-wracking orgasm. His legs felt numb and his body was tingling, it was as if static coursed through his body.  Wayne heard a slow clap as he looked up and saw a pair of dress shoes slowly move towards him.

“Marvelous, simply marvelous my boy.  It’s as if you were made for show business.”  Wayne heard the Managers voice echoing in the club.  Wayne looked out to the tables and chairs where his degrading audience once sat, instead seeing only the Manager’s goons beginning to clean up for the night. Some goons were leading the broken, caged men out of their prisons, and back to their cells hidden under the building. 

He saw the second bearish cop who infiltrated the club being led out of a cage, leather straps binding his legs to his arms, being forced to waddle as a profusely loaded and lumpy diaper sagged between his legs, stained a clear yellow-brown as the contents must have been contained for a few hours by this point. The officer’s demeanor was broken as the only remnants of his dignity were his police badge, mockingly hanging from his leather collar like a dog tag, and his old police cap on his head, speckled with splotchy stains from his own ordeals.  Following him was the gagged blonde man being led by his leash, his diaper utterly swollen around his crotch, as filth was leaking from the sides, the garment unable to accommodate any more room.  Wayne guessed the patrons must have requested an encore from him as he was passed out. The blonde man returned his gaze, his eyes filled with pity for the defiled bartender.

Wayne heard the sound of the manager’s fingers snapping as he felt two men lift him up from the armpits.  He was sluggishly carried out of the overflow of diapers, returned to the rotating podium, and held up in front of the mirror which once relayed his diaper’s state to the entire crowd. Wayne weakly looked at the unrecognizable reflection in front of him.  He matched his own gaze through the eyes of the profusely stained speedo, as the unmistakable lump of the first policeman’s load spread over his face.  His body was splattered with filth, and a particularly sticky loaded diaper stuck to his shoulder which Wayne was too weak to try and shake off.  Finally, the once clear plastic pants ballooned out from his befouled crotch, the heft of the brown pool of waste testing the limits of the plastic.  A pool of silver coated the front of the cursed garments from the copious amount Wayne ejaculated into them, slowly becoming mixed with the rest of the vile contents as the goons slid him around.

“Quite a sight, isn’t it?” Wayne winced as the Managers hand gripped his head. “The prospective savior of the club brought to this. Now… cut off that speedo of his, I wish to talk business with our newest acquisition.” The Manager snapped his fingers as the poopy speedo was clipped off Wayne by a goon, hitting the floor with a sloppy squish.

“Please… Just fire me.  I promise I won’t tell anyone about what goes on here, you’ll never hear from me again.” Wayne begged.

“Oh, don’t worry, young man, you’ve quite literally been relieved out of your duties.” The manager mocked as he gestured to the bloated plastic pants. “We’ve already acquired a new bartender, who - after tonight - I’m sure won’t ever forget the consequences of breaking our non-disclosure agreement.  However, I was quite impressed with the show you put on today, so I’m sure I speak for all of my patrons when I say talent retention is our main priority here.”  Wayne felt his stomach sink.  “And after seeing how well you acclimated to working with the diapers of my other captives, I have the perfect position in mind as you pay off the damages.” Wayne opened his mouth to protest, but felt a cloth pressed against his face.  His head began to swim, and the last thing he saw was his head falling forward into the fetid speedo on the ground before him, hearing the audible splat as he cut to black.

Wayne jolted awake with a shock, reeling from his nightmare of utter degradation.  His heart quickly sunk when he realized he was bound in a cell block once again on one of the benches which held him previously. His mouth was gagged by the large white plastic pacifier that blocked his attempts to shout for help. His hands were visibly strapped to the bench in front of him, still contained in the once white leather mittens which appeared to have been mostly cleaned off.  The remaining brown stains a humiliating reminder of his debasement the previous night.  Still weak from his punishment, Wayne tried to struggle against his binds, but quickly gave up in futility. The rest of his body was tightly strapped to the bench, though he was at least thankful that the goons must have cleaned him off.  He could feel the cool air against his skin, and his crotch was finally removed from the bloated garments which imprisoned them.  Although his skin was now washed from the combined filth of the club’s captives, Wayne could still smell the stench permeating his skin, and clouding his cell.

A sudden jolt of what felt like electricity shocked him awake, as his cock sprung to life once again.  Wayne groaned into his gag as he realized devilish cock ring still hung around his manhood, effectively rendering him helpless to anyone who held the remote.  A clanging of metal from his behind following by the snickering of the manager’s goons soon entered the room, no doubt enjoying the view of Wayne trying to dry hump the bench.  The smell of cologne wafted into the room, a scent once intimidating now a gracious reprieve from the stink of Wayne’s new body odor. The Goons once again turned Wayne around to face the man holding him captive, the Manager’s excited cock tenting the expensive suit that he was wearing.

“I do hope you’ve enjoyed your quiet reprieve, my young slave.  I’m sure the time spent here in the cell was spent lamenting on your mistakes and how you might rectify your… situation.” The manager spoke chidingly, as if Wayne was a toddler who was sent to time out. “I will note, that the previous night was one of the most successful in the club’s history – A feat no doubt caused by our three latest showmen.  You and those police himbos made for quite the entertainment.” Wayne felt himself shudder as the manager bent down to eye level. “But now I think it’s time we take you to your new position. We’ll need to keep such a naughty one busy when he’s not off performing, wont we?”

With a trademark gesture, the goons attached a leash to his leather collar, and began to loosen the bonds holding him to the bench.  His thighs, calves and forearms were still bound tightly together, forcing him into the squat of an un-potty trained four-year-old as he waddled along behind them. He passed by the cells of the various captives who looked at him with a dead look of pity in their eyes as they swallowed the fibrous slop in their IV bags.  Their hope for escape long dashed from the previous night, lest they too end up in the revolting diaper pail disguised as a baby crib and now paraded as a caricature of failure with a stench to match. As Wayne continued down the corridor, however, he slowly realized that the stench was no longer coming from himself – in fact it became quickly more pungent with each step. Finally, the goons stopped and turned to the last cell in the prison.

With a yank of his chain, Wayne toddled and turned towards the opened cell, his eyes widening as he took in the sights. The room was much larger than the holding cells of the other captives, with two large tables with metal shackles attached to the tops and down the sides and a massive metal trash receptacle in the middle, overflowing with loaded and swollen diapers colored with every shade from yellow to brown. One of the two tables present in the room was currently occupied by the policeman still wearing his large lumpy diaper filled with excrement, his arms shackled upwards to the table, his hairy armpits on display as much as the dreaded garment on his waist. His legs were instead hanging off the edge of the table, his ankles shackled to the side, leaving his defiled crotch teetering on the edge. What truly perplexed Wayne however, were the appearance of additional unused shackles along the outside of the legs of the once proud cop, who now lay utterly nauseated by the piercing stench of old, shitty diapers.

“It certainly is quite a sight, isn’t it.” The manager smiled as horror visibly crept over Wayne’s face. “With nightly performances we naturally need to… refresh our captives for each night.  It certainly detracts from the experience if our slaves’ diapers were already to capacity from their previous show.” The metal door to the cell clanged open as the manager and goons entered the room, Wayne being yanked in after.  The bartender gagged into his pacifier, only able to breathe in the stench through his nose. “Now as you can imagine, the work involved with cleaning every slave is frankly abhorrent, and my workers have been pestering me for a solution – which brings me to you, my dear boy. You’re the solution.”

Wayne was pushed towards the overflowing pail of diapers as his leash was tightly attached to it.  The squish of used diapers pressed against his skin as he fell into the pile, wincing as flashbacks of the previous night wracked his mind.  With a wave of the managers hand, the goons got to work untaping the utterly loaded padding of the burly officer.  A fresh stink of shit coated the air as the diaper was opened, the humiliated cop shedding a tear as his shame was exposed to the new audience.  Wayne saw his engorged cock covered in fetid slop, as the rest of his crotch was slathered in brown mess, his large hairy ass cheeks coated and matted with shit. The goons began to gag as the diaper was deposited on the table next to him with a loud ‘splort.’

“Now then, I think it’s about time we fitted you to your new uniform.” The manager smiled as the strong arms of a goon effortlessly lifted the former linebacker’s frame as Wayne cried out into the gag. The sight of the cop’s shit-packed diaper was spread open in full view on top of the second changing table. “Mmmmph, hmpppph!!” was all Wayne could muster as he was turned around and laid down onto his new uniform. Wayne winced and cried out as his tight end was eased into the loaded diaper seat, slowly sinking down about an inch into the muck, the filth bubbling and squishing into every crevice of his ass. A jolt of electricity brought the babbling captive’s cock to life, quickly hardening despite the horrid sensations quickly surrounding more of his crotch.  Wayne began to thrust the air as the goon began to wrap the front of the garment around his taint and balls, the sloppy load quickly smothering his member, until the top of the diaper met Wayne’s bellybutton with a muffled splat. Wayne was hysterical, in a mix of sudden horniness and disgust, the tapes of the diaper well secured to his waist by the goon with an extra strength adhesive.

“Why, a perfect fit.  You’re about as handsome as they day you were born, my boy.  In fact, I doubt you smelled much different back then either.” The manager taunted as Wayne was lifted off the table, the officer’s excrement working its way into every crack of Wayne’s crotch as the was moved around. “Go ahead and hose that one off, I think we may have him take center stage again tonight with his partner – and bring in the next slave.” The manager ordered, gesturing to the broken and stinking cop bound to the table. The metal clanging of the door was heard once more as a splotchy dripping noise mixed with footsteps echoed around the halls as the cop was escorted to another cell, and the next prisoner was led inside.  Wayne turned his head and saw the hunky blond captive trying his best to waddle without his at-capacity diaper leaking further down the sides of his legs as another goon yanked his leash along.

“Quite a performance you put on tonight, Brandon.  The audience absolutely loved your encore.” The Manager told the bound blond man. “You know Brandon here was once the promising prospect of a professional football team, though he fell out of the public eye after a disappointing season.  After a few years he found himself owing a lot of money to one of my biggest patrons, and well…” Brandon wore a blank look in his eyes as the Manager taunted his fate, his hand pushing against his smelly load in the back of his diaper, spreading it around.  “Now you could say he’s slowly paying off his debts in… lump sum deposits.” A couple tears shed down Brandon’s eyes as the manager’s intimidating stare pierced them. “Do you still see the flicker of hope still in his eyes, my boy?” The manager called out to Wayne, who just blankly looked towards the ground. The manager smiled. “Me neither.”

“Get our new diaper changer into position.” The Manager commanded sternly.  Before Wayne knew it, he was brought up to the side of the table and his wrists were clamped into the extra shackles outside of the leg shackles. The goons led Brandon to the station and quickly pinned him to it, his mitted hands offered no mobility as he was trapped on the diaper end of the changing table, he could only move his head up and around the edge of the table, as if it were built with the intention of giving oral pleasure, now repurposed for the Manager’s needs.

Brandon was plopped into position shortly after, his legs and wrists shackled to the table. Wayne cried in disgust into his gag as Brandon’s putrid diaper was positioned right in front of his face, only able to move a few inches away from the noxious garment. Suddenly, Wayne felt a release on the back of his head as the pacifier gag was released.  “Since we can’t seem to trust our nosy little bartender with his hands, I’m sure you can figure out how to untape a diaper with that loudmouth of yours.” The manager chided.

“Please let me go… I’m begging you; I’ll do anything, anything at all!” Wayne pleaded; finally glad he could at least breathe through his mouth. The manager however, was less than enthused. Wayne took a deep breath in, and began to undo the first of four tapes.  He was able to grip the top of the plastic with his teeth, and rip it off after pulling for a few seconds. Though with the diaper slightly loosened, an abhorrent stink began to assault Wayne’s nostrils, working so close to the mess only intensified the smell, and before Wayne knew it, he was gagging uncontrollably.

“Please…. I…. I can’t do this…” Wayne choked out between breaths, gasping for clean air which wouldn’t be able to reach him in this prison of dirty diapers. He slumped back into his bonds utterly defeated, trying extensively to hold down his dinner of nutrient paste. The manager sighed and performed a final gesture to his thugs.

“You see Wayne, the reason you ended up in this predicament, and what’s still afflicting you now, is that you can’t seem to stop learning the hard way. I’m sure in due time you’ll wish you have reconsidered and done your job the first time around.” With a last echo of the managers voice, a goon entered the room carrying a syringe filled with the dreaded golden liquid, and swiftly injected Brandon in the arm. The bound man cried out against his gag, as the drug began to course through him.  He began to sweat, and struggled in his bindings.  Wayne felt a slimy filth dripping down on him from the man’s profusely filled diaper as he struggled. Brandon began to grunt as a telltale gurgling ran through his gut. The need to shit becoming stronger by the second. 

On the other side of the coin, Wayne felt his cock jolt to life.  He looked towards the manger, a sadistic grin on his face, pressing the remote which activated the hated contraption around his quickly hardening cock.

“In this establishment, we’ve specially made these diapers so that they could hold up an extreme capacity of human waste, it’s an incredibly erotic sight.  They begin to stretch in order to accommodate more and more effluent.” The manager lectured.  A loud, thundering fart bubbled out of Brandon’s ass, causing the entire diaper to begin to jiggle and vibrate.  The captive man desperately trying to hold on. “Have you ever considered what happens to elastic when it stretches too far, my boy?”

Wayne looked on in horror Brandon strained in front of him, another fart rumbling through the already massive load in the back of his diaper. His eyes looking down to Wayne pleadingly, looking for some relief. Wayne looked back with lust in his eyes, the contraption taking away any semblance of logic. He once again began to thrust in the filthy padding surrounding his own cock, trying desperately to find any friction to stimulate himself.

“Mmmphhh, Hmmmpppph...” Brandon screamed into his gag, futility holding his sphincter closed, trying to spare the young bartender as he felt a log pushing against his anus.  Brandon felt his gut convulse, and with another gurgling fart, felt his body push out a long log into the seat of his pants.  The diaper began to stretch, and he felt more and more hot mush forcing its way out of him, his cock rock hard from the stimulation combined with the golden liquid’s effects. 

“Please, I’m sorry! I’ll change him, I’ll… mpphhhh...!” Wayne began to plead as the stretching garment quickly began to smother his face, Wayne could feel the diaper expand further, as Brandon cried out into his gag, another long coil forcing its way into the fetid sewage below.

“Well, that’s that I suppose. I’ll be sure to check on you boys in the morning. Ta-ta!” The manager said as he turned and left the two helpless men bound to the table. Wayne felt the lumps of the multiple deposited loads pressing over his face as the elastic began to tighten, suddenly becoming very thin.  Wayne felt sticky drips of urine mixed with feces leaking down over his face and body, unable to find any more room to stay inside the diaper.  Brandon suddenly felt a violent convulsion in his guts, as he knew the rest of his vile load was about to evacuate… just as Wayne could hear a slight ripping sound.

“Huuuuunnnnghhhhhhh” Brandon moaned into his gag as a stream of hot, slimy shit spouted from his exhausted asshole.  His diaper suddenly ran rigid, the plastic completely at capacity, no longer able to stretch any further.  Brandon was unable to stop the mess however, as he felt his body bear down once more. The sensations of Brandons diaper pressing against his face, combined with his dick sliding in the slimy mess of the officer was quickly bring Wayne to orgasm.  As the manager walked out of the cell, he lifted the remote once more and pressed the button. Brandon’s eyes went wide as he felt a completely new sensation.


Wayne felt his entire body convulse as he orgasmed into the fetid padding surrounding his cock.  At the same time, the diaper which once contained Brandons excrement was no more, the plastic tearing profusely, the entire garment falling off of his body and onto Wayne. The Manager heard the sound of sloppy shit splattering over Wayne’s entire body, as if a giant water balloon of sewage had just been dropped onto the poor bartender and was now painted a horrid light brown.  Wayne sat in his binds in shock, still dazed from his orgasm, as he felt specks of hot cum dripping on him, as Brandon began to orgasm, haphazardly shooting a web of semen over the room.

The two men lay in their binds gasping for air, utterly exhausted, as the two began to drift to unconsciousness, the manager smiling as he began to plan a reenactment of the scene before him for the following night’s center stage act.  In his last moments before he fainted, Wayne saw the cell door slide closed as the Manager locked the two hapless men in, permanently sealing their fate to a life of humiliation and degradation as slaves of Club Diaper.


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