The Great Warlock

by Ganteng

29 Jun 2022 839 readers Score 7.9 (10 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

This is a work of fiction written by me, set in a fantasy modern world setting. The story is purely a creation from the author’s imagination and does not depict the author’s moral values nor does it try to promote a certain value/s. The story depicted the same-sex relations between two men, as such, if you find any themes in this story uncomfortable, please head out.

Characters List:

  • Phillipe “Lip” Cocksure: An average-height slim guy. Pale white skin. Ear-long blonde hair. Blue eyes. 6” cut cock with small balls. Smooth body with a bit of pubic hair. He has a prepper look with his neatly combed hair with hair gel and smooth face.
  • Tyler “Ty” Hardwell:An average-height slim guy. Black skin. Short-black hair. Black eyes. 12” Black uncut cock with chicken eggs for balls, He has a naughty/rebellious demeanor with an attitude. He has thick lips and a very confident smile that almost looks like a smirk.
  • Mark Cocksure:Lip’s father. A tall well-toned guy with massive pecs in his mid-forties. Pale white skin. Ear-long blonde hair. Blue eyes. 7” cut cock with small balls. Although he isn’t a muscular man, his body was well-toned. Unlike his smooth son, he has a little bit of hair growing every inch of his body. Though his face shows his age, he doesn’t look old and instead looks like a mature daddy. Ty’s breeding mare.
  • Marcus Hardwell:Ty’s Father. An average height thin man in his thirties. Black skin. Short-black hair. Black eyes. 12” uncut cock. He’s a dashing man and looks younger than his age. He’s a businessman through and through and he shows that by always wearing a three-piece suit. He always walks with a cane.
  • Jake Williams:Mark’s former friend and a councilman. A short fat man in his early thirties. White skin. Red hair. 4” cock. Not only he’s the youngest member of the council, but he also looks younger than his age with an attitude even younger.
  • Blake Smith:Mark’s former student. An average-height muscular American-looking guy with a huge muscular ass. Tanned skin. Blonde. Blue eyes. 8” cut cock and massive balls. He’s a sophomore and an Omega in APA. A member of the Wrestling team as well as Ty’s Main House. He’s Kirk’s best friend and the more dominant bully between the two.
  • Kirk Winchester:Mark’s former student. An average-height muscular American-looking guy. Pale white skin. Short-black hair. black eyes. 5” cut cock and small balls. He’s Blake’s best friend and the troublemaker between the two.
  • Nick:The president of APA Fraternity and Student Union. A tall and handsome hunk of a guy. White skin. Curly black hair. Green eyes. 8” cut cock. He’s the hottest hot shot in town as well as the most important student in the whole university.
  • Josh:Nick’s best friend. A tall and muscular American-Korean man. Pale yellowish skin. Short black hair. Black eyes. 4” cut cock. He has a never-aging baby face. Although he isn’t as handsome as nick, he definitely comes as a close second.
  • Carlos Guerra:Nick’s Best friend. An average-height lump of muscle Latino. Brown skin. Black curly hair. Black eyes. 8” uncut cock. He was the least handsome with a more cute feature. His best assets are his muscular V shape body with massive tits. He has well-toned calves as well as a muscular bubble butt.
  • Damian Guerra:Carlos’s Father. A tall hunk Latino. Brown skin. Black short hair. Black eyes. 8” uncut cock. Despite looking more proper than his son, he still has the same bad-boy demeanor as his son.
  • William Guerra:Damian’s husband. A tall nerdy-looking guy. White skin. Long curly blonde hair. Blue eyes. He’s originally a hairy guy, but he keeps himself well-shaven for Damian. He’s also vasectomized
  • Kappa Sigma President:A short muscular man. White skin. Blonde hair. 4” cock with small balls and muscular ass.
  • KS President’s brother:An average-height slim man. White skin. Wavy shoulder-length blonde hair. 5” cock and small butt.

Marcus Hardwell wasted no time in monetizing the fortune that had suddenly befallen his family. Tyler, despite saying he didn’t care about the business proposal, drove a hard bargain up his father’s ass making sure he got what he wanted, and those were money, power, and protection. So now, his father not only have no control over Ty as he would permanently move to Cocksure’s mansion, but he also has to protect him from whatever repercussion might occur, besides making him a shareholder in his company. Marcus begrudgingly agreed to the terms Ty provided.

Now, both Lip’s parents were officially part of the breeding program with shared ownership between Tyler and Marcus. Lip’s mom, after giving birth to Ty’s son and Lip’s half-brother, would give her womb for service to produce babies for the customers. She was a prestigious bloodline, though not as much magically gifted as Lip’s father, so many customers wanted her to sire a brood for them. Marcus not only found interest in fruitless married men but also in powerful men who wanted their lineage to have a stronger bloodline by forcing their heirs to have a new baby or even planning to replace their current heirs with a new one by Lip’s mother. Jake was the first one to join and sponsor the program with his newfound fortune as a councilman and got two twin babies.

The noble females also find a prospect in Lip’s dad. The Cocksures were, after all, a very exclusive bloodline dated to the Roman Empire, and had been keeping their bloodline magically strong and only choosing from the best since then. The family always had a small number of family members; two parents and a son. Many would jump to take this opportunity to snatch some of that well-pruned bloodline into their own blood.

The noble would make sure their daughter with a less favorable marriage would end up pregnant by Mark, or even convince the current powerful less fertile husband to suck it up and get a baby from Mark. Some even let their daughters get pregnant and produced magically gifted babies while remaining unmarried so they could run the family business without fearing it would fall into outsiders' hands. Of course, Ty would find a way to profit from this as well since Mark could no longer get hard from women. So Ty would be the one doing the fucking, both Mark and the customer before Mark did the filling. Sometimes, Ty would sneakily do the filling himself. When Ty wasn’t around, it would be required for the customer to provide a male to fuck Mark while he pumped his seed into the women. Some of the husbands and fathers “begrudgingly” took it upon themselves to pound Mark with a grudge fuck. Of course, if Tyler were present, he would fill the husbands'/fathers’ asses as well so long he found them attractive, or if they were an entitled one, Ty would share the ass with his “frat” brothers.

It wasn’t exactly a fraternity. Using the connection he gained when he was Mark’s student, the house he gained from Mark was turned into his basecamp/hangout for those people who wanted to suck up to him, some of them sucked his cock quite literally. They partied hard and fucked harder. Most of the time, Ty would be the one bringing the guest of honor, but if one of the guys were lucky to score a girl, he’d bring the girl into the house for a gangbang or two. Of course, there were girl members as well, most of them had experienced the gangbang and were so hooked they stayed at the house while some never left, some other girls heard of the wild party at the house and they wanted some of those wild experiences once before they became the house regulars. In cases where the girls ended up pregnant, Ty would come to the girls’ parents’ house and brainfucked them into taking the unborn children’s custody, before fucking everyone within the household.

The breastmilk from Lip’s mother was not let waste by Ty. Since his father had no idea of what to use with the breastmilk, Ty created his own site and a brand of breastmilk that he would illegally distribute among the students. There was no reason for it to be illegal except the word “illegal” was a great marketing strategy among the students. Learning well from his father's business design, he also required the students to upload a video of them jacking off to the site to buy the breastmilk, and the next orders after, a video of them jerking off while drinking the breastmilk. Ty couldn’t guess some of the students who ordered the breastmilk, but he knew he hit the jackpot. Luckily, nobody knew Ty was behind the breastmilk except his peers. With the addition of the pregnant college girls who he hired as well, he never had an empty stock.

The price was only affordable to high-ranking members of the society of the mages, though Marcus would occasionally give a discount to certain people he needed in exchange for a favor. That wasn’t the only price, however. The breeding program would require the “session” to be recorded for research, though everyone knew it was for future blackmail. Yet, many still find themselves drawn to one of the purest bloodlines in the known world.

Ty did have access to these recordings as well, and he often watched them together with his friends at one of the parties especially the ones with his professors in them. Sometimes, he would “accidentally” play the recording when he gave a presentation if the professor participated in the breeding program. Some other times, he would invite the professor to one of his parties, and have him ride his cock as the rest of them watched the recordings. You would think they came in fear of blackmail, but they didn’t. They were hooked on Ty’s cock the first time around those husbands, wives, fathers, professors, and college girls begged for a second chance at the huge cock so much that they were willing to be tattoed on their pubic with “Ty’s cunt” around runic lines shaped like a heart. Lip and Mark already had that.

Once, he told a famous prodigal college magician to be shaved and tattoed at the party, to which the young man agreed. The next morning, not only the recording of him and his newly-wed wife spending their wedding night on Ty’s cock, which revealed Ty was the one who filled the wife’s cunt instead of Mark, but also a video where the man swung on every single cock available at the party ending in a scene where he was screaming mercy from being forced to smoke a joint from his asshole. Marcus was obviously furious when the man’s family sued for a refund. Ty, however, managed to make the man admit that he was the one who asked for a black baby so he could suck his cock when he grew up in a press conference. He even apologized to Ty on camera, begged to be fucked again, degrading himself by saying how empty his hole was, how he was such a slut for his cock, and his father could fuck himself, all on captured camera. Not long after, another video of the famous prodigy was leaked, a video of him fucking himself with his quite sizeable cock. He also had a nose ring, pierced nipples, a cock ring, and a pierced piss slit, while he kept asking for his “daddy” to forgive him.

Needless to say, the family retracted their lawsuit, which the Hardwell totally fight back with another lawsuit that ended in the Hardwell earning some extra cash. That didn’t end there, however. The dad requesting for another breeding service in which the Hardwells rubbed it as hard as they could to his face. They demanded extra cash and an extra article on the contract, and a video of the dad clearly stating his reason for requesting the service. The video, where he stated he need a new heir for his house as the current heir was too much of a cunt to continue his legacy, was to be released in public, and Marcus made sure everyone in the wizarding communities knew. Including the video of the dad swinging on Ty’s cock while fucking Lip’s mom and another video of him sucking Ty’s ass as the younger boy fill his wife with cum. Ty screwed them further by making sure the family hold a press conference to announce the newly coming babies and how they came to be. Ty and his college friends laughed at the tv as it broadcasted live the famous celebrity family holding three kids, one girl from the dad and Lip’s mom, one boy from Ty and his in-law, and one boy from Ty and his wife. The dad and the son wore one size too small white suit without an undershirt, nothing but a bright pink thong covering their lower body, and Ty made sure everyone could see the father-son had a matching tattoo of Ty’s slave on their pubic, while the women wore one transparent white one-piece dress that barely covered their pussy which had the matching tattoo as well. All of them were smiling as the sounds of vibrators filled up the room throughout the press conference. Everyone could see a dildo handle sticking out of their asses and the vibrator’s cable extended to the remote set on max tied on the back of their thighs. Of course, Marcus made the sight viral as well.

Lip? Soon, Lip would find himself having many unknown half-siblings, besides the 10 he knew. Right after the convention, he asked Marcus to accept him to study magic at the Uni, but Marcus laughed and asked how he could pay the tuition. Ty told his father that Lip was his property so he could enter the study hall and attend courses as his bitch alongside his father when the man wasn’t busy breeding. Marcus agreed, and since then, Lip had been able to study as Ty’s servant enrolled majoring in Enchantment, taking his notes, sometimes while taking his dick as well in front of everyone when his dad wasn’t around. If he was, Mark would be the one riding Ty’s cock while his son took notes. Lip excelled at his study, hence making Ty pass with flying colors as well. While the test was more of a practical evaluation, Ty made sure Lip was given a chance at the test and evaluation like a proper student as well. Though for enchantment classes, he didn’t need to take any notes since Ty would take over the course and berated the professors on how stupid they were. If the professors rebutted, they would soon find themselves clucking and posing like a chicken with their cocks out of their pants while cumming. Then they would go home, and Ty would continue lecturing Lip in Enchantment if he was in a good mood while Lip rode his cock.

In one course, he took control of the class for the whole semester and he made the professor, a nerdy lanky man, be their entertainment. The professor tried to kick him from his course, change his course, or even resign from the uni, but all that did was make Ty angrier. Ty decided to show everyone and the professor what a mindfucked truly meant by overloading the professor with enchantment spells, enchanted piss, brainwashing, and eventually frying the professor’s brain, the man could only smile with a hard-on. He turned his former professor into a statue, or at least the professor believed him to be, posing on a pedestal on a pond as he pissed into it. Of course, Ty provided a plaque just in front of the fountain filled with the professor’s identity.

Marcus was furious as he was one of the known members of UM (Union of Mages) though not a high-ranking one. When the professor’s eldest son came to rescue his father with brute force since the law couldn’t, Ty found himself a new live-in muscular butler statue with a muscular cunt alongside a few other of his high school bullies and sports stars, some totally mind-fucked, while others still retained their consciousness trapped within their own body. Then the youngest son came, just as muscular as his brother and fresh from college, begging on his knees just, only to be just like his brother. The professor’s dad also came. A foul old yet in a good shape man with a foul mouth who was clearly from a lower stratum in society. Ty installed him at the pond on a lower pedestal as the man’s muscular body leaned back posing with his mouth being poured pissed straight from the professor’s cock. The man would constantly drink the piss as he let out his own in tandem. When midnight clock straight, the statues would rise, have dinner in the backyard, and have a family conversation as if nothing ever happened to them. Though he did wonder how the professor had a lanky body when his whole family members were hunks.

When the annual ranking came at the end of the semester, Ty was always in the first spot. He then crossed the name under him and replaced it with Lip’s full name. They would also make out and fuck in front of the announcement board. Ty was grateful, after all, he was too busy with having those college life experiences. While Lip was busy taking notes, Ty was busy “pledging” to a frat house. A very famous one in the uni. The president of the frat house was also the president of the student union and a quarterback star on the football team, the hottest hotshot in the uni. A junior coming from the lower class, he was so charismatic everyone believed him when he said he was going to take care of everyone as the president that he was proclaimed the protector of the students when the transition of leadership between Lip’s dad to Ty’s dad happened. He was muscular, blonde, and had a pair of blue eyes filled with confidence and cockiness. Although Mark was an academician through and through, he was American enough to have fully funded the football team. Football was still a prestigious sport even amongst the Magisterium members. Nick was majoring in Evocation, a subject in which magic was used to manipulate raw elements. Though it can be used as a source of energy and manipulating physics, many used this field of study as a learning medium for combat. Everyone knew Nick was aiming to be one of the Justicars, an elite militant of the Magisterium. He was praised by Mark a lot.

Even though he spoke against Marcus and highly of Mark, he barely did anything to support Mark. Ty even saw Nick playing darts with the target being a picture of Mark’s asshole in one of the frat parties Ty managed to sneak in thanks to his connection with Mark’s now sophomore students as some of them was a member of the frat house. He would act reluctant to play at first as he said it was inappropriate for such an outstanding member of the Magisterium, but everyone knew he was bullshitting every good thing he said about Mark. He was only trying to save his face in front of the Magisterium. Case in point, he bullseye the picture of Mark’s asshole using a special dart that looked like a cock, had the house and the beer cup decorated with a picture of Mark spreading his asshole, have every single praise that Mark had given him written on toilet papers, personally encouraging people to fuck the magical sex doll that looked exactly like Mark, and had all of his badge of accomplishment given by Mark pinned on his crotch. He even had Mark’s trademark gift, a handkerchief, with a sign with a picture of Mark ordering them to wipe their pits, cocks, pussies, and assholes before entering. Everyone knew Mark only gave those handkerchiefs to his allies as a sign of trust.

That night, Nick went up to his master bedroom with two girls who weren’t his girlfriend, and then, his best friends, Carlos and Josh, bring up one other girl. Nick and Carlos were footballers while Josh was a wrestler, the only wrestler in their house, with Carlos being a smaller muscular Latino stud than Nick, he had a very beautiful body and a handsome naughty face with his curly hair. Nick was definitely the most handsome of the two with his curly black hair and green eyes. He was tall and muscular and was packing a huge set of balls. What Carlos lacked in height, he made up in the perfectly V shape of his body, his massive pecs, and bubbly asscheeks. Josh, on the other hand, was an American-Korean mixed who was as big as Nick but had a much smaller dick. He has short black hair and a square baby face with small black eyes and cute dimples. He had a muscular body as well, but not as thick as Nick or as toned as Carlos. Nick was 8”, Carlos was 8” as well, while Josh was only 4”. Being an Arcanist, Josh was the only one who wasn’t evokers between the three. Both Carlos and Nick always thought Josh’s slow and steady pounding was to accommodate his own small cock, but Ty knew better.

Josh was pissing in the bathroom when the shower curtain beside him opened. Ty walked out of the shower and stood beside Josh pissing as the Korean man gawked at Ty’s cock then looked at the slumping man on the floor ass up with cum flooding out of the hole, a beta of the frat house, a second caste in the hierarchy. He looked back at the slimy cock, still in shock, when Ty finally said something, “Knew him from Mark’s class, has a tight ass on him too. Well, had.” He laughed. “Well, all of them from Mark’s class had a tight ass, both boys and girls. Girls had been cunted for a while, we just had the boys' cherry popping party a while ago. You should see this bad boy opened them up and filled them like a turkey for Thanksgiving, we still had the video if you want to watch.” He shook his cock.

Josh looked at the cock and then looked at the kid shocked at his cockiness to an alpha member of the house nonetheless. But when he saw the black face with a cocky smile, a low fade black hair, and piercing black eyes, he knew exactly who the kid was. Josh’s cock lurched in response, and it leaked precums when he saw Ty smirking at him.

“Yeah, you would like that, wouldn't you? Tell you what, send me a picture of you nude, and we’ll see if you’re good enough for our parties.” He said slapping the older and bigger man on the butt, sticking his middle finger up Josh’s ass, then feeding it to the man. Josh, as if entranced, sucked the finger diligently. “Don’t worry, it won’t be as tight when we’re done with you. Don’t look so shocked, I share all of my cunts.” Including Lip’s, but Ty was being a little bit stricter for him.

Josh knew when Ty said “we”, he meant some of his underclassmen, the sophomores from Evocation major, including the stoners, preppers, and whatever heck Enchantment major had. Most of the Enchantment students in Ty’s “frat house” were freshmen, though he wouldn’t be surprised if Ty got some of the older students into his peers. Nick didn’t think much of Ty and his ever-growing “club”, as he put it, when Josh mentioned them a while ago. For the president, they were only a group of asslickers being led by a privileged spoiled brat. Josh rolled his eyes in irony, but Nick didn’t bother with Ty since the Student Union never truly received a report despite Ty’s notorious reputation. Once the three of them checked in on a sophomore, a girl, who lost her virginity to Ty in Mark’s classes and was pregnant but had to take custody alone. It ended with the three of them crossing pregnant women and breastmilk from their sex wishlist. Both Carlos and Josh weren’t aware of their best friend's newfound interest, however.

Ty was smiling like a maniac when he premiered a video of Nick jacking off to the breastmilk at his party which became some sort of regular event to “officially” begin the party. Nick’s frathouse member in his parties said Nick seemed didn’t want anyone to know his interest and seemed didn’t know Ty was the one distributing the goods. Nick had become one of the regulars ordering packs and packs of breastmilk one of the omegas of Nick’s frathouse said he was probably using his scholarship money to smuggle breastmilk at one of Ty’s parties. He knew all he needed was an opportunity to strike at the president guy at uni, and Josh would be that opportunity.

The fact that his house wasn’t technically a frat house made it easier for Ty to join other frat houses since he had no loyalty to other houses, to begin with. Besides, he was an important son of the new dean and basically a leader of a club/house, who wouldn’t want that as their subordinate? The thought of having control over such an important person was indeed quite tempting. Most houses even allowed Ty to just join their house, only for Ty to influence the president to add “cock testing” as a trial for the pledges. Some houses did require him to pledge, but only one house has the president of the Studen Union as their president.

He wasn’t surprised at all when his phone received a few pictures of Josh. One was a full-body picture of the man naked from above. Ty licked his lips as he saw the more Korean feature on Josh's body, with his yellowish-white skin, black eyes, black short hair, full dark pink lips, and a sharp nose and bone structure. His body was jacked and his small cock standing at attention. One picture of his small cock on the full frame, and three pictures of his ass. One with him showing his ass from behind, one with him pulling his legs up showing his hole on a bed, and the last one was a close-up of his hole. All were shown on a big TV screen to everyone available at the Cocksure Mansion at the time, including some of the breeding program clients, a dad, and two of his sons, while Ty was fingering Lip’s cunt and Mark was being railed by one of his students.

“That’s one piece of a hungry college cunt.”

“More like famished.”

“And that man is our alpha? What a joke.”

“Yeah, the house is a circus now that we got a thirsty momma’s boy and a hungry Asian cunt leading us. Fuck, I bet I can take both of them and make them scream when I fuck their cunts.”

“Bitch, if you dare, you wouldn’t be a fucking house slave!”

“Shut up or I’ll make both of your ride two-sided dildoes!” Ty was finally done with the bickering. These college cunts really were all barks and no bite.

Everyone could see Ty was typing on the big screen. “That’s good enough, cunt. Come in this afternoon, at 5 p.m. wearing a long raincoat and nothing, not even a single cloth, inside. If you agree, in no more than 5 minutes, stuff Nick’s toothbrush inside your cunt, and trust me, I’ll know if it wasn’t Nick’s. And I want the brush inside, not the fucking handle.” Everyone was dying of laughter.

Almost 5 minutes passed, and they thought Josh had chickened out and Ty was going too strong. Ty told them to shut up, and a second after, a new picture appeared on the big screen. A full round ass with a yellow glassy stick sticking out. On the handle was written “Nick” with a star beside it.

“Oh yeah, I’ve seen his toothbrush, that’s his.”

“Rub it around cunt, make sure he tasted your ass next time he brushed his teeth,” Ty replied.


“Good, you better not be lying. I’ll know.”

The next picture appeared with the ass now having a few more colorful sticks. “These are his traveling toothbrushes.”

“What a fucking eager cunt. Blake Smith, your omega, says you need to send a nude picture of your girlfriend for him to jack off.”

Not even a second later, a couple of pictures of a nude blonde girl in various sexual poses appeared.

“Yeah, he’s a fucking fag, doesn’t even like his girlfriend.” Ty said, “Don’t be late.” He sent.

Josh wasn’t late, in fact, he was early. They were watching the next episode of Nick the Momma Boy when Josh came in. He was shocked looking at the big flat screen where his best friend was jacking off, and worse yet, a bunch of freshmen, sophomores, and the lower rank frat members cussing and jerking, clearly enjoying their time watching Nick humiliate himself.

“Like what you see, cunt?” Ty approached Josh, then slapped Josh’s face lightly.

“What is this? How did you get this?”

“Doesn’t matter cunt. What matters is, you won’t embarrass your best friend by telling him everyone on campus know he’s a momma boy, right?”

Josh looked bewildered, but once the shock passed, he looked at Ty nervously and said, “I-I can’t say anything you don’t want anyway.”

Tyler raised an eyebrow.

“I-I know you. I know what you can do. What you did to me. That’s why I have no power to refuse your order. Why I am here, looking like an exhibitionist slut on a catwalk.” Josh stammered.

Ty laughed at his face, “Is that what you’ve been telling yourself? To think that you aren’t fag enough I need to use magic on you? What a joke. You’re a fucking faggot, I don’t need to use my magic on you.”

“Lie! You lie! It’s just one of your tricks, isn’t it? To make your magic effective against me? Once Nick figured out what’s going on, he’ll have your ass, punk!”

Ty slapped him square on the face, then he grabbed him by the face, “To be a fag is one thing, a fucking coward is another. You can’t even accept who you are, and you called yourself an alpha. Fucking faggot. Drop your fucking raincoat.”

Josh hesitated for a moment, once he dropped his raincoat, everyone knew why he hesitated. Even then, despite being embarrassed, Josh didn’t try to cover his 4” hard leaking dick.

“I don’t know if you truly believe I enchanted you or roleplay is your thing, but I guess I’d be a coward too if I had a dick that small.” Ty pulled on the hard dick.

“He had a great ass, so at least he has something going.” Blake came from behind slapping Josh’s ass cheek and watched it jiggle. He pulled the cheeks apart and looked at the wet tight hole like he was assessing some delivery goods. “Fuck, he came well-lubed too.”

Ty shook his head in disbelief, “Fucking faggot. Listen up, fag. I don’t like when a fag says I need to enchant them to make them hooked on my cock as if my cock wasn’t good enough, so here’s the deal. You’ll stand here and watch as I railed every ass in here except yours. Once you stop lying to yourself and admit that you’re a bottom faggot slut, you’ll ask Blake there to take your cherry. So you’ll know a fag slut who can’t accept who he is worth nothing to me. Of course, if I am wrong and you’re not a faggot slut. You’re free to go anytime. As I said, nobody’s enchanting you.”

Not even a second after Ty finished his sentences, Josh had already kneeled, “I am sorry! I am a dumb cunt! A fag slut! I lied! You didn’t enchant me! I want this, to get fucked, so much I am ashamed to admit it! I am sorry I insulted you! I didn’t mean it, please! I am sorry, please forgive me! Don’t kick me out! Please show me my place!” Josh bent over to kiss Ty’s feet. Ty kicked him square in the face.

Everyone was openly laughing at Josh, calling him names, as Ty smiled at him. “You’re a dumb cunt. Too late to ask me now, cunt. I told you what to do, I am not going to repeat myself.” Ty turned toward Lip who had been reading a book, threw away the book, ripped open Lip’s pants, folded the smaller man in half, and rammed his cock up to the hilt without any resistance whatsoever. Lip had lubed and his asshole had expected the intrusion, after all. However, Ty was clearly affected by Josh, in some way, that he pumped his cock more vigorously than he usually would. He pulled his cock up to the head, then slammed it back home so hard the sofa was squeaking. Then he literally sawed the entirety of his cock into Lip’s asshole rapidly while making out with Mark’s client, a dilf who was covered in hair top to bottom, who Lip just realized had been fucking his dad beside him. Lip also noticed Ty’s fingers were wrecking the client’s ass. The client’s two sons, two nerdy businessmen, were spit-roasted by the much younger college students side by side, while some other students filled Lip’s mom’s rented pussy. Marcus would certainly be furious if this client sued for a refund.

Josh, on the other hand, was doing his best not to droll. He looked at Blake who had been looking at him like a wolf waiting for his prey to deliver himself. Without a doubt, Josh was the prey. He was sitting on another sofa alongside his best friend, Kirk, and two other sophomores who weren’t members of their frathouse. He was about to stand up when Blake told him to crawl. An Omega telling him, an Alpha, to crawl. Any other day, Josh would’ve punched him on the face and wiped the floor with him. Now that his façade was broken, Josh’s cock was happily swinging and leaking as he crawled to the sofa, kneeling in front of the Omega. When Josh was about to say something, Blake quickly slapped him.

“First lesson Alpha, nobody’s interested in your face or your mouth except when you use it to suck cocks. You might have a pretty face, and everyone knows girls flocks to you for the face and not your small clit, but us studs are only interested in your cunt. So turn around and spread your cheeks Alpha. Let us see if your cunt is as pretty as your face.”

Josh’s face was crimson, not from anger but from the newly found excitement as he turned around, laid his head on the floor and reached behind to spread his ass for inspection from his inferiors. With that thought, he couldn’t stop his asshole from winking and his cock from getting absolutely rock hard in front of Blake and his friends.

“That is indeed one hungry slut hole.” Josh heard Kirk say. He then felt a couple of fingers playing with his asshole, then roughly pushing in, fucking him, and sometimes stretching his hole.

“Tell me, cunt. Did you ever imagine me fucking you?” Blake said with a slap on Josh’s ass.


“Really? When?” Another spank.

“Whenever you somehow got to beat me up when we wrestle. Well, I wanted you to beat me up so I went easy on you.” Josh and Blake were members of a wrestling club at the university and they often had matches against each other. Often, Blake would end up on the losing side at the end.

“Yeah? Do you want me to fuck you in front of everyone? Showing them what a hungry pussy you have?” Blake and several other guys were fingerfucking Josh in earnest making the Korean man writhe in pleasure.


“Be careful with what you wish for cunt! I might just do it! I’m going to destroy you, wreck your cunt, and your image as an alpha. I’ll make you shit my cum in front of everyone after I beat you on the ring!”

“You need to beat me first!” Josh said forgetting his predicament for a second. He was shrieking when Blake pulled his balls and turned him over so he now laid on his back to Blake smiling cruelly.

“I don’t need to. You’re going to give me what I want. I am going to fuck you before the match. You’re going to let me beat you up. You’re going to let me wreck your balls. You’re going to let me stinkface you. You’re going to let me strip you and stretch you in front of everyone. Then you’re going to let me put your head inside my trunk, face to cock, before I’ll piledrive you. Then I’ll tell you to shit my cum. Then I’ll tie you on the ropes, and add a new load inside. Then I’ll whore you out to the rest of the team.”

Josh looked at Blake’s determined face. He knew it was no longer a question of whether he would let Blake do that or not, it was when Blake would make him do that. Not only that, if Blake had the match recorded and told him to upload the recording himself, Josh would do it.

Blake pulled out his hard cock, “Pull your legs, cunt. And I want that eyes on me all the time. I want you to see me claiming my well-deserved victory after I generously gave it up to you on the ring so many times. I am going to show you your place now, cunt. Watch closely.”

Josh did watch closely as Blake rammed his cock up his ass, and as the others rammed their cocks up his newly minted cunt. Josh was passed around to many freshmen, sophomores, and his frat members that night, and not once to Ty.

Josh was a changed man who can’t live without cocks, but he didn’t show that whenever he was with Nick or at the frat house, as per Ty’s instructions. He did, however, sneak some members’ cocks up his cunt whenever he got the chance. He still had his girlfriend, but everyone in Ty’s group knew his girlfriend belong to Blake and Kirk. It wasn’t rare for Josh to clean up both of their cocks after they double penetrated his girlfriend’s pussy. They said it was to make sure Josh stayed loyal to Ty’s cock, despite never tasting it, so they stretched his girlfriend’s pussy so much it could no longer feel Josh’s cock. Not that Josh ever fucked his girlfriend. You see, Josh’s girlfriend and Nick’s girlfriend were best friends, and both are sluts. So why would she stay as Josh’s girlfriend? Josh didn’t know either until she revealed, in one of Ty’s parties while getting railed, that she stayed as Josh’s girlfriend since it was a perfect cover for her and Nick to fuck on the side hidden from Nick’s girlfriend. Blake and Kirk did seem fucking Josh’s girlfriend extra hard that night.

There was still one more member of Nick’s closest friends, but Ty wasn’t worried about Carlos at all. He knew the guy was an opportunist instead of a loyalist just like his father, the vice dean of the academic affair, Damian Guerra, who kiss Marcus’s asshole in front of everyone, literally, on Marcus’s inauguration day as the new dean. Carlos’s dad was a muscular hairy hunk Latino man married to the other vice dean of the university, William White, a much smaller nerdish looking English man with a blonde bang covering his blue eyes under those glasses. William was hairy, but the husband kept himself well-shaved especially around the pussy for Damian, as Damian himself said when Marcus prompted about William in front of the media. It wasn’t weird for a man to marry another man in mage society. Though male pregnancy hadn’t been found, yet, the notion of the selective bloodline was pretty much an important subject. Being gay could also simply mean preserving the bloodline, and it even said the practice of surrogacy was popular amongst the mages before anywhere else. Damian managed to snatch a fairly well-bred surrogate mother for Carlos.

The marriage wasn’t for love, however, it was a dynastic rivalry between the two small but old dynasties, Guerra and White. They weren’t a huge or famous family at all, but they did have some influence in business producing magic books and tools for society. The war was ended with the Guerra being driven to bankruptcy, then at the last minute Damian, the sole heir of the Guerra, begged Harald White, the dynastic head of the White, for his sole heir’s hand in marriage, William’s hand who Harald trusted with the family business. Harald was, of course, laughed it off and mocked the man. Damian, however, lowered himself so much by saying he didn’t care about his family and didn’t want to starve and appeal to Harald’s arrogancy by saying that marrying William to him, would mean Harald totally beat the Guerra as he could make sure Damian would never be able to produce an heir, severing the Guerra bloodline. Harald was intrigued, so much so that he accepted Damian’s offer. Damian, however, would not change his name to White, as Harald didn’t want the low man to even be considered as a White, and not even join their name. This way, the Guerra line would stop at Damian while his family would flourish through William. Or so he thought.

Damian wasted no time kissing the reluctant William’s ass and then beating him into submission with his cock. William was so hooked on Damian that he literally revived the Guerra business within a few months and subtly drove his own family’s business to a cliff thanks to Harald entrusting William with everything the White had. William didn’t even ask his father's counsel when Damian told him to get a vasectomy and changed his family name to Guerra under the threat of divorce. Then it was Harald’s time to kneel in front of the Guerra, having nothing in his name, in the new Guerra mansion as William was serving the Guerras tea in lingerie while carrying the newborn Carlos. The sexy and eloquent silver fox was sweet at the words even as he submit to the Guerra, doing his best to hold to the last bit of dignity he had. Of course, Damian stripped that dignity away by telling him to strip and show his body. Harald stood there posing in every way Damian wanted, then being offered a contract. Harald would get a vasectomy as well and he would be employed as a full-time tester for their product in Guerra’s Sexual Magic Tools department, testing all of the new sex toys and outfits produced 24/7. The last time Damian saw him, Harald was suspended in the air through magic devices as a tentacle machine wrecked his ass while his cock was rode by a figurine who kept changing appearance riding, wireless electric pins hooked on each nipple, a ventilator hooked on the mouth constantly pumping him with untested aphrodisiac, a headphone that amplify the sound of the employers degrading him, which sometimes Damian also used to send a live recording of him fucking with William or someone else, and a visor that showed Harald’s own body and condition while forcing him to be conscious about his state all the time, which Damian also used to show Harald how he fucked Harald’s only son or others.

It was not a surprise for everyone when they saw the vice dean show his allegiance to Marcus right from the start even though Damian was one of Mark’s trusted peers. The two vice deans kissed Marcus’s asshole as symbolism for the transfer of power while Mark, the actual dean, was ass up on the ground beside them preparing to shoot his “fireworks”. Damian even volunteered to help the “firework cannon” by roughly spreading Mark’s ass to its limit and making sure the cameras captured the moment Mark’s asshole was about to shoot the fireworks. In the end, Damian pulled a handkerchief, a gift from Mark for Damian when he rose as Mark’s vice dean that Damian always showed to signify his relation with the prestigious council member, then shoved it right up Mark’s ass.

They moved to the dean’s office and were seated on the sofa where they would have a live interview broadcast to the whole university. To be precise, Marcus and Damian sat on the sofa, William Guerra on Marcus’s lap, and Mark showed the camera his stuffed asshole on the coffee table. Marcus made his interest in William well-known, but Damian wasn’t jealous at all. If anything, he seemed to encourage Marcus to cuckold him live by saying William’s weak spots, which Marcus always confirmed right after. The interview would also turn into Marcus asking Damian about his sex life. When the conversation turned to William’s asshole, Damian himself lowered his husband’s khakis and showed the camera William’s pink hole side by side with Mark’s puffed one. Marcus quickly excused himself and William as he wanted to confirm the tightness of the hole. The broadcast continued with Damian bullshitting his way by saying promises, work ethics, better service, and other shits as his husband was loudly moaning praising Marcus’s cock, and berating Damian’s cock. When they were finished, William came carried by Marcus before being thrown on Damian’s lap. The shirt that he wore had lost all of its buttons so he had his chest filled with hickeys and his protruding nipples were open for the live broadcast. He also looked like he wet himself as his pants had a visible trail of liquid at the front, his hair was messy and his face was red and gloss. William was still breathless like he had been running miles. Marcus, on the other hand, was as neat as he was before, nothing changed. After a couple of boring academic conversations, Damian suddenly lifted William and showed the camera a small wet spot on the ass. Marcus told Damian to lower the pants, which he obeyed, showing William’s leaking ass as the man tried to keep his ass closed. Marcus suddenly took off his pants, then his underwear, and then stuff it into William while showing the camera his 10” glistening half-hard uncut black cock still leaking. Damian took the initiative to clean and polish it with his tie, which made Marcus pat him on the head like a dog. They ended the interview with a picture, of Marcus standing pantsless, Damian and William humping and kissing each of Marcus’s legs respectively, and Mark’s asshole just under Marcus’s cock.

It was pretty clear whose Carlos’s dad swore his allegiance to since the first day, so Ty knew Damian wouldn’t let his son mess with him. It was pretty clear during the pledging. Once they were told to look for an item at midnight scattered around the town, naked, and wore the item back to the house. The loser would have to wear the item all week. If it was a piece of clothing, then it was all they got to wear to classes. The item was different for each pledge and they would be overseen by a house member. Nick entrusted Ty to Carlos while Lip to someone else. That someone else was also a member of Ty’s house so he didn’t say anything when Ty told him to scram. Carlos also didn’t say anything, but Nick did tell him to take the challenge as hard as possible for Ty by misdirecting him, which he intended to do until Ty showed him a video of his parents swinging on Ty’s cock. In the end, the video showed his dad’s asshole leaking Ty’s cum as he said, “My son will do everything you said. Everything. I hope with this you know the Guerra’s were loyal to you, and not your dad.” Carlos knew his dad’s loyalty mean nothing at all, but when he said Carlos was to do anything Ty asked, his dad truly meant everything. So he spilled his guts about the items being a thong and a replica of Nick’s 7” cock and Nick’s plan to make him the loser so he had to wear it for a week. Ty then had Carlos made out with his asshole since he wanted to find out whose the better asskisser was between him and his dad, all while Lip sucked his cock. When they had retrieved the item and it was time to go back to the house, Ty did come back the last which made Nick smile wide. The smile disappeared when he saw Carlos was the one wearing nothing but a pink glittering thong which looked even sexier on his muscular caramel thighs covering quite a sizeable bulge. As they passed through the line of pledges, they could hear a vibrating sound coming from him, and once they got a good look at Carlos's ass, they could see a long handle with “Nick’s cock” written on it. Nick whispered through gritted teeth asking him what happened, Carlos announced that he had lost a bet with Ty and would be the one taking the punishment from him. Nick was at a loss for words. The plan to humiliate Ty failed, and now he was getting teased by his friends for having his name written on the loud vibrating dildo inside Carlos’s ass.

That wasn’t the only time Carlos saved Ty’s ass. Once they had to play soggy biscuit to decide who will spend their night as a pledge inside the dog house. Nick knew from a girl he fucked Ty loved to take his time before cumming, so he was confident Ty would be the loser in the game. Then Carlos decided to join in the fun which made Nick speechless. Carlos reasoned it by saying he also wanted to get back at Ty by having him eat his cum, which Nick approved of. Ty, of course, knew Carlos was trying to cover for him, but that only made him take his time even more. Carlos had to summon the willpower of a monk to hold his cum for 10 freaking minutes. Once Ty came, Carlos’s cock sprayed the biscuit like a firehose as he squealed like a pig inciting laughter from the pledges. Much to Nick’s dismay, Carlos had to eat the biscuit drenched in the pledges’ cum.

Once Ty got bored with the pledging, he went back to his house, leaving Lip alone there with a duty to cast a transformation spell on Carlos to turn him into Ty when needed. Of course, as a gift, Lip would service Carlos in any way he wanted. Carlos quickly took his gift by officially moving Lip’s bed into his room, which Nick took as Carlos's power move to humiliate Ty by taking Ty’s bitch. That allowed Lip to bypass all of the trials since a pledge who wanted to be the house bitch would be accepted immediately. Although Lip was technically Carlos’s bitch, once Carlos graduated or Carlos got demoted, Lip would be at the mercy of the house members, unless, of course, the president intervenes. Nick had never liked a man or a sloppy second, but the thought of railing Ty’s bitch and using him as his cumdump turned him on so much he came second after sticking his cock inside Lip’s sloppy ass. He even told Lip he could come to him if Carlos was too tired or stayed in his room as his cumdump. When he heard about this, Ty told Lip to take the offer and had him place cameras on every side of Nick’s room, including inside Nick’s toilet. Ty’s intuition never went wrong, he knew he could make money off the rich old pervs who wanted to see a recording of the private life of a young hotshot college stud including the shape of his asshole when he shit. He wasn’t wrong. Of course, the members of his house got access to these recordings including live broadcasting and they had a good laugh watching Nick flexing while complimenting himself in front of his mirror and watching Nick shitting just for the giggles.

Using his string within Nick’s house, Ty had Nick take aphrodisiac as his diet whenever he was eating at home. As a result, Nick was getting extra frisky. He would fuck any hole available, even abandoning his duty, when he needed to oversee pledge trial for example. There was even a video that went viral soon after of Nick sneaking off the Student Union meeting to slamming his girlfriend hard in the boys' bathroom before quickly going back to the meeting leaving her breathless and disoriented. He didn’t realize everything was caught on camera from below the stall, or that he forgot to close the door. The cameraman quickly went to Nick’s stall, filming Nick’s girlfriend with her breast exposed and her legs opened showing her overflowing cunt. After showing the girl’s student ID, the cameraman fucked Nick’s girlfriend and dump his loads inside her before running outside, running to a guy, a handsome lean brunette guy with a cocky smile and pretty blue eyes. The guy looked inside the stall and asked the cameraman if that was Nick’s girlfriend. The cameraman affirmed, and the second guy announced he was going to wreck Nick’s girlfriend’s cunt so much she would feel nothing when Nick fucked her.

Nick couldn’t find the cameraman, but he did find the second guy. He was the baby brother of the baseball club president, a much more toned guy though not as handsome as his baby brother. They were in the same frat house as the baby brother was also joining the baseball club. Later that night, the video of Nick’s house, Alpha Phi Alpha, raiding the baseball team’s house, Kappa Sigma broadcasted live. Although APA had many rivaling houses, KS was the most vocal one. Despite all of this, Nick had never taken KS's badmouthing seriously since the football team had always managed to bring home many trophies, which couldn’t be said the same for the baseball team. This was their first confrontation, and it was a slaughter. The house was small, and there wasn’t anyone guarding the house as they were busy watching the recording of the president’s brother marking Nick’s girlfriend’s cunt with his piss. They have no time to react when APA members blasted them with a ball of violent kinetic energy, throwing them around. Those who still had the strength to stand back were quickly subdued by the much stronger APA. Within minutes, the camera showed the KS members being lined up all bruised and naked in their courtyard. Nick and the president faced off, and then Nick kneed him in the balls hard 10 times. Then he turned to the brother.

“Tell you what. I’ll give you a choice,” Nick showed the brother his hand sparking with electricity, “It’s either your balls or your brother’s, you choose.”

“My brother’s balls! Please! I am sorry! Ugh!”

Nick kneed him in the balls as well, then turned to the president. “Well, what do you say, cunt? It seems your brother fucked you over.”

The president trembled when he saw Nick’s electric hand, “Please! Please! No! It’s my brother! It’s not my fault! It’s my brother! You saw the video!” He babbled as he was turned over on all four facing the camera.

“Yeah, I much rather hear you beg for mercy, cunt!” He said as he crushed the KS president’s big balls making the president scream for mercy.

“I can’t hear you! Squeal, pig! Squeal!” Nick crushed the balls harder as he used his other hand to pull the president’s nostril up making him look like a pig as he squeal. Not long after, the squeal quickly turned into a moan which made the camera quickly dive under him and captured the president’s 4” cock hosing the grass under him with his cum. “Fucking perv! Did I fucking tell you to cum!?” Nick let go of the balls and kick them hard.

Nick got a good look at the president’s tight hole. He usually had no interest in assholes, but somehow, seeing the tight pink hole and the thought of subduing the president of a house with his cock made the hole look tasty for his cock. Nick ripped his jeans showing his hard 8” cut cock then spit on it. He flexed in front of the terrified KS president as he tugged on his cock. Then the KS president’s eyes looked like it was about to burst out of their sockets when he saw the cock sparked with electricity.

As Nick teased his cock head on the opening of the tight hole, looking at the terrified president’s face, he said, “You’d hope your brother screwed you regularly. When I am done with you, you won’t feel a thing when your baby brother sticks his cock in you!” He said slamming his entire length inside KS President’s asshole.

The KS President’s eyes rolled up as his mouth howled. When an APA frat member came, pulling his nose upwards like a pig, the KS President squealed without even needing an order. The camera captured how the cock that went soft after cumming, sparked to full hard within a second Nick’s cock slammed home.

This was Nick's secret. Once he found out a little bit of electricity in the cock made his girls scream harder, he had been doing it ever since. Once he had been spending time inside Lip’s ass, he also found out the electricity in his cock always pulling him to a specific spot, which Lip later explained as his prostate. With the KS President, Nick increased the voltage of his cock as it drove its entire length straight on the prostate.

“Oh, I am only starting.” He said when Nick's whole body sparked with lightning. The KS President moaned on top of his long as the cameraman noted his cock now pissing cum. Nick then ordered the KS members to line up for a shower.

“You better don’t stop cumming or this will be the last time you cum.” He whispered as Nick pulled KS President up by the legs with his cock still sparking inside the ass.

The president didn’t stop cumming until every member of his frat had been thoroughly showered in his cum. His brother was saved for the last, and Nick made him drink his brother’s cum. He then ordered the brother to kneel with his ass up opening his asshole while Nick practiced target shooting using the President’s cock. He finished up by breeding him in front of all of the KS members.

As they had a game the next day, Nick quickly wrapped things up, quite literally. When they entered the stadium the next day, each footballer carried a tied-up naked body like a turkey with a baseball bat deep inside the ass and the handle had the small APA’s flag tied to them. Then, they carried them over their head giving a clear view to the audience as they told the tied body to smile. Those who had also attended baseballs game would recognize those gagged faces, red from humiliation as the veins in their neck bulged from trying to scream. After that, all of the members were returned with a condition, that they’ll keep paying for the one day they got to use the campus gymnasium for practice, but the football team would be the one using it. Everyone except the president and his brother now become target practice for paintball snipers in the APA house, and Nick made sure to shoot both of their balls every morning from his bedroom. Besides target practice, they’ve also become outdoor toilets and fleshlights. He even allowed the pledges to use them. Nick then stationed Carlos as their acting president whose duty was to make sure the KS paid for APA’s expenses. He also had all of the membered tattoed APA’S BITCH on their chest. After the ordeal, Nick’s name became well-known not only to the campus but also to other campuses. He still broke up with his girlfriend.

Ty further deepened his influence on Nick, which made it easier since Lip had been Nick's regular cumdump, far more regular than before at least. Nothing serious, just making Nick scream and squeal extra hard in the video he needed to make to get the milk, fucking his sock wet with the milk, fucking a hole in a pumpkin filled with the milk, and when Ty got Nick to “feed his lower mouth” with milk then had him pulled his legs behind his head, and watched as the president of the student union squirted the milk out while his tongue trying to catch it, Ty knew the president was ready.

The president’s resentment for Ty, however, was only deepened. He always found a way to punish Ty, he had every member spend a minute spanking his ass, then he had him wear Nick’s sweaty brief on his head for a day, had him eat dog food, had him carry a beer bottle with his ass then forced him to drink it straight from the bottle with lips sucking the bottle’s mouth. He thought he was winning over Ty only to find out, after he pissed inside Ty’s ass thinking he had popped his cherry, that it was Carlos all along saying he lost a bet, again. Nick always fashioned himself as a loyal person, so he had no thought of questioning Carlos’s side.

It was at the end of the rush week when Nick, the president, started their acceptance party by announcing who got accepted into their fraternity. They were told to line up in a specific order outside the house, naked. Ty was ordered to stand right in front of Nick as he gave an announcement. Everyone watched as everyone around Ty got accepted leaving only him in the front rows.

“That’s it. Congrats to our new fraters. The rest of you wimps can fuck off.” Nick said looking directly at Ty.

“You sure you aren’t going to accept me?” Ty challenged cockily.

Nick turned to him with a nasty smirk, “Yeah, I am sure. What are you going to do about it? Go and cry to your daddy? Kissing his ass and asking for a new house?” Everyone laughed, “Listen, kid, fuck off.”

“Yeah? What if I said I want to challenge you? Beer pong, if I win, I decide who go in, if I lose, I’ll give you my house and everything inside, including Lip 'cause everyone knows you’ve been sniffing his ass like a dog in heat.”

Nick wasn’t prepared for this standoff, but his surprise turned into a cocky smile, “What’s make you think he wasn’t mine, already?”

Ty gave Nick an equally confident smile as he whipped out his cock and swung it around, “What are you waiting for, dog? C’mon, get your big and better bone.”

The dog in question went on all four as he crawled towards Ty’s cock and then sucked it.

“Yeah, you think you win? I think it’s pretty clear who has the better cock!” If he was ordered to choose who’s the better fucker, Lip would choose Nick. But it wasn’t about that at all, it was about power, and Nick knew nothing about it. The whole humiliation of KS, no matter how much Nick refused to admit it, was Ty’s idea.

“You all bark and no bite. Protector of the students my ass, you’ll be kissing my dad’s stinking asshole in no time.” Ty said, adding more salt to Nick’s wounded confidence.

Nick grabbed Ty’s smaller frame by the neck, “Your house, your bitches, including Mark and his wife, and your asshole. I’m going to rip your cunt open on our house flagpole every Monday and you’ll bet your ass everyone will use it every other time including the housebitches. I hope you’re not going to cunt away now.” Nick offered his hand.

“Deal.” Ty showed him a devious smile, showing no fear whatsoever. The weird thing was Ty didn’t even make a counteroffer to up his deal.

Suddenly, Nick could feel his body wanted to tremble. Nick was so afraid he started to piss himself in front of everyone including the failed fraters. Weirdly, it made him harder and he took off his pants. He beat his meat in front of everyone while drinking the delicious mother’s milk as they cheered him calling him Momma’s boy, or at least that’s what appeared on Nick’s mind before he shrugged it off.

His eyes looked at Ty menacingly and smirked, “If that’s all you got, you better think of some other way cunt. That doesn’t work for me. The evokers are trained to be mentally fortified as well for our spells, aren’t like your useless cunty spells. What are you going to do on the battlefield? Making your opponent cum? What a fucking joke.”

Everyone laughed as he quickly turned away from Ty, straight to the bathroom. He wasn’t even managed to undo his pants when his cock burst like a fucking hose. Somehow, Ty’s assault didn’t disappear when he repelled the magic like he used to train. Was he that strong? He couldn’t be. Nick did imagine the milk so that must be the case. The milk stock was empty because some prick decided to buy a fucking celebration for a new slave so Nick was deprived of it for almost a week. He needed the milk or Ty might get the upper hand again. In desperation, Nick turned toward his secret stash, an empty pocket dimension made by his faithful Arcanist Josh, and pulled out an empty bottle container for the milk. He pushed his mouth into the bottle as far as he could, licking the glass trying to get the faint taste of the milk. It wasn’t enough, all it did was make Nick’s cock harder. When Josh knocked on the door saying everything was prepared, Nick told him to go. He composed himself as best as he could and changed his clothes. When he went downstairs, he saw the fraters were split into two groups, one siding with Ty, and one on the opposite waiting for him. All holding a cup of beer, whiskey, or whatever they thought it was. Only Ty’s group knew they were drinking Ty’s piss, and had been drinking it for months at every party held. They showed no hesitation in drinking Ty’s piss, Blake even tried to get some fresh from the tap beforehand.

As he made his way to the table he realized the cups were filled with beer but a white liquid instead. “What’s this Josh?”

Instead of Josh, Ty answered, “I heard some of you like it, one in particular worship it, so I give you the latest batch of the hot shit, Momma’s milkers milked straight from Lip’s mother’s tits.”

Nick looked at Ty quizzically, “But it was,” he stopped himself from revealing his secret fetish, then he realized the last part of Ty’s sentence as he looked at Ty shocked as the kid’s smile got wider.

“Yeah, I’m the owner of Momma’s milker.”

And then suddenly, Nick was on top of the flagpole suspended in the air with Josh's magic mechanism pissing as he impaled himself on the pole as the sun rose. Then he was pulled back to Ty’s black eyes. His cock was about to burst again even though he just pissed himself earlier. That was when he realized he never repelled Ty’s magic. Ty was the one who stopped him from pissing himself in the courtyard and now as well. His blue eyes flickered in fear as his body went pale. Ty's control over his body was so strong he couldn’t even piss himself even though he was scared shitless right now.

Nick was pulled into another illusion, of him fucking himself on Ty’s cock on the student union round table they used for meeting in front of cameras. He heard two other moans on his sides and noticed his new girlfriend and his affair were riding omega’s cocks. He was pulled back to reality, and then he realized both his and Josh’s girlfriend was at Ty’s side. They smiled like a slut before being hoisted from behind by the legs spread apart as they showed Nick’s group cum leaking out of their pussy. Blake and Kirk let their dick out and swung it at Nick’s and Josh’s girlfriend’s pussy respectively shouting, “That’s my cum in there.”

“Shit! Thank god I didn’t have a girlfriend.” Carlos quickly shut his mouth.

Suddenly, Nick was pulled into a scene again where the two omegas made an Eiffel tower as they spit roast him. Then he was suddenly thrown lying on someone’s body as Blake approached him while smiling widely. When he noticed a nudge on his stuffed hole, he knew what Blake was about to do. He heard himself begging for mercy as the cock pushed in, then he was back to a smiling Ty.

Ty threw him the ball, “You go first.”

He would have quipped back at him if he didn’t know that man literally had him by the balls. As he was throwing the first ball, his ass suddenly spasmed as if a drill had gone inside him and sucked itself like it was so hungry it tried to eat itself. As the result, the ball dropped onto the table as his hands grabbed his own ass.

“What’s wrong?” Carlos asked.

“You didn’t feel anything?” Nick asked, referring to the magic wards they prepared in case somebody was cheating using magic.

“No, it doesn’t trigger. Why? Do you think he’s using magic? Should I call this off?”

Nick wanted to. He knew it was the best thing to do. But his pride got the best of him, he was the president of the house and the university. How could he back away from a challenge he already accepted in his own home?

“No. Nevermind.”

When he turned back, composing himself, he saw Ty still smirking at him. He knew Ty wasn’t playing fair, so he started running his brain to cheat him as well. Of course, the gear stopped turning when Ty’s ball dropped into his cup, and he saw the milk. His hand could have never been faster as he reached the cup and chugged the content down. As he drank, he felt a shot of electricity jolting through his dick. The milk was different. It was far more creamy and there were these small bumps that taste so good. Although it was smellier, somehow the smell made it taste better like it was pleasuring two of Nick’s senses at the same time. It was so pleasant that Nick had to hold his hips from humping in front of everyone. As he dropped the cup, he watched Ty’s smile grow wider.

“Taste better, right? I added something special just for this occasion.”

Nick was suddenly thrown into someone’s bedroom, a huge one, and it didn’t need long for him to figure out whose bedroom was. On a huge king-sized bed, Nick could clearly see Ty was fucking Lip piledriver. Lip then changed into Lip’s dad, Mark, then to Lip’s mom, Nick’s girlfriend, Josh’s girlfriend, even Blake and Kirk, and many other faces, some of which he knew were the lower rank members of his frat. Then all of them, one by one, emptied Ty’s cum churned inside them and stored it in them a huge tank. Nick knew those were the secret ingredient.

Nick thought he was about to throw up, but instead, his stomach growled in hunger. He was starving, no, he was famished. He couldn’t believe what he was feeling right now.

“C’mon, what are you waiting for, Mr. President? Throw the fucking ball.”

Nick threw again, and although he had braced himself for the sensation in his ass, he still dropped the ball flat. Everyone laughed again. This time, as if there was any doubt, everyone knew Ty got his way again. So they stayed to watch as the mighty Nick fell from his grace.

When the second ball went into his cup, Nick thought he wouldn’t be able to drink the content, but once his eyes saw it again, he seemed to lose his mind as he drank it like a wild animal. The pleasure on his cock was stronger than the last one he swore he could feel it inside his cock he began giving a small hump at the end.

By the third ball, he felt the pleasure reach through his prostate and he no longer cared. He grunted like a pig as he drank the cum-filled cup and openly gyrated his crotch on the table as a wet spot spread on it. Once he finished, Ty told him to drink the rest of the cups, and Nick didn’t even hesitate. He didn’t care that behind him, a huge screen was magically conjured showing all of his masturbating tapes while drinking the milk. He didn’t even care when Blake and Kirk ripped his pants, carried him by each leg, and hosed the guest with his cumming cock. When the cups were all empty, Nick leaped right in front of Ty and begged on his knees for more milk.

“Milk my ass!” He slapped Nick on the face, “You know what it is, c’mon, say it properly.”

Nick hesitated.

“Stop wasting my time cunt, I am going to cut you off from now on.”

“No! No! Please! I beg you! I’ll let you join the house! You can be the alpha! No, you can be the president! Please, just give me more!” Nick said as he held Ty’s feet.

“Give you what, cunt?”

“Cum.” He whispered.

“I can’t hear you!”

“CUM! Please give me your cum! Please!” Nick shouted at top of his lungs, he no longer cared where he was or the eyes that sneered at him. Although, He was surprised when Ty suddenly pulled out his huge black cock.

“What? You don’t expect to get it for free, do you?”

“I-I can pay you, Don’t worry.”

Ty scoffed as he slapped Nick’s face with his meat slab. “I don’t need your money, you fucking scholarship student. If you want my cum, you need to work for it.” Ty let his black cock stay on Nick’s face, covering half of his white face. “I’ll let you know if you refuse, I won’t even let you taste the fucking milk anymore.”

“Fine! I’ll accept! Let’s go to my room.” Nick was about to stand up when Ty pushed his head back down and gave him a loud cock-smack.

“Suck me, right here, right now. Say another word, and the deal is off.”

Nick got a few more cock-slapped on his face before the cock head finally knocked on his lips.

“Open up, baby. Let Daddy feed you some milk.”

He should have punched him in the face, and incinerated him after, but instead, he opened his mouth slowly. Something he instantly regretted as Ty quickly stuffed him full of cock.

“Breathe in through your nose.” He followed Ty’s advice and breathe in the smell of Ty’s pubes. He also noticed the guests all had their phones pointed at him, he even saw Josh’s magical drones flying around. He swore he was going to beat the shit out of that traitor when he got the chance.

Then he felt something hot streaming down his throat. At first, he thought it was cum, but when he looked up and saw Ty, he suddenly saw a vision again. This time, he was in a small stinky room that smelled like piss. He couldn’t move his head as it was held by something, and could only look up. Then Ty entered the room and pissed on his face, when he was done, another came in, and then another, and then he was back.

“Spill any, and the deal is off, Momma boy.” Nick felt Ty retract the still-streaming cock until the head remained.

If Nick still had any doubt about the vision Ty showed him, he no longer had those as more and more pissed filled his mouth. When he could no longer hold more, yet Ty hadn’t stopped pissing, Nick had no choice but to drink the piss. It was foul, but the thought of the milk and Ty’s cum carried him on. Then, Ty suddenly pulled out and quickly stuffed the still pissing slit into Nick’s unsuspecting nostril. Nick pulled away in shock, which resulted in the piss spraying his face, but Ty pulled him back while laughing Everyone, too, laughed at Nick’s struggling face. Once Ty let him go, Nick was coughing uncontrollably. He couldn’t rest for long since Blake and Kirk once again manhandled him into bending over the table.

“Wait, what are you doing? It wasn’t part of the deal.”

“The deal was, I fed you milk. I didn’t say which mouth I’ll feed you through.”

Nick was starting to thrash around when he felt Ty’s cock head nudge his hole. Even with Blake and Kirk, they still couldn’t hold Nick down. Then Ty bashed Nick’s head to the table and pulled it up facing the widescreen showing him with both feet over his shoulders, his hole was gaping as he fed it with a bottle of milk.

“How’s it taste?” Someone on the screen asked.

“Amazing.” Nick heard him on the tape answer.

“Do you believe me now?”

“Yeah.” He heard himself answer as well.

Once he felt Nick’s ass soften, Ty wasted no time pummeling his way through. Nick was screaming so much he didn’t care hands began turning his face around to face the cameras. One lucky camera managed to capture the change in Nick’s expression as he gasped when he felt Ty’s cock touch something inside his ass.

Ty quickly pulled his cock until the head remained, and just as quick, rammed it back down. When Ty jackhammered his entire length into Nick’s ass, the president could only let stuttered moans as his eyes rolled back.

He didn’t care when everyone began taking pictures with his fucked face. Or the fact that the screen had changed from showing his jerked-off tape into his shitting tape. Or when everyone laughed when the sound of his fart and his cuss after a huge log of shit filled the entire room. But when Ty told him to smile, he did. When Ty told him to pose, he made a peace sign, which Ty changed into an “O” while Ty held his middle finger. Ty later had one of the pictures tattoed on Nick’s left pec, it was the one where there were only two of them in the frame with Nick sticking his tongue out drooling with both eyes rolled up while holding his “O” and Ty sticking his tongue out as well while giving a winning smile while his middle finger went through Nick’s “O” and into Nick’s nose. As if on cue or probably Ty made sure all of his length impaled Nick’s prostate, he came and his cum got caught as it was blasting off.

Once he was near, Ty literary pound the fuck out of Nick like he was trying to turn the man’s ass inside out. He slammed the ass so hard Nick could feel his feet were off the ground a few times.

When Nick felt heat spread in his ass, he knew Ty had cum. The heat soon replaced with a surge of electricity that pleasured his prostate. As if his ass had a tongue, he swore he could taste the cum in his ass, and it taste heavenly. Even better than the milk. So much better he came for the second time.

Nick’s mind was out of the earth, but he kept smiling while letting out satisfied soft moans. Once he was back, he realized he was now rolled ass up facing Blake with his phone at him. Ty was behind holding him in place. Then Nick was forced to make an “Ok” sign over his stuffed and puffed hole, and after, Ty hooked his middle finger on it.

“Smile, cunt. And push the cums out when he says cheese.”

It was such a waste to push the cums out, but when Blake gave the cue, Nick pushed out hard he basically farted the cum. Nick did give the camera his best smile though, those charming smiles gave those girls he wanted to hook for the night. The smile was almost perfect if he wasn’t trying to hold the pain from pushing out the cum. Ty, on the other hand, was perfect. He had his naughty smile with his tongue out as he used one of his hands to hook Nick’s “O” sign to make a fucking sign while his other hand cupped Nick’s hole but parted his middle finger and forefinger so the camera could still capture Nick’s ruined hole as it let out a thick bubbly stream of cums. Ty had that picture tattooed on Nick’s right pec.

“Guys, you can fuck anyone who sided with this bitch.” Ty said pointing at Nick’s group of losers, all hunks and could throw flame balls at them, but losers nonetheless.

“Wait, we didn’t agree to this!” Said one of them.

“You think you had any choice? Why don’t we start with you then?”

“Fuck no, I wo—”

The guy didn’t even finish his sentence when he felt his body turning around on its own, ripping the back of his pants, and spreading his cheeks open. He swore and kept swearing even after one of the house bitch mounted him, so another house bitch stuffed his cock into the mouth as well.

After that, Ty let Nick go as Blake came and fed Nick Ty’s cums. Nick accepted compliantly even when Blake dug his ass roughly for more cums to feed him. Once his ass run out of the cum, Blake fed him his girlfriend’s cunt which had been filled with more cums, then Josh’s girlfriend, and then Josh’s freshly fucked sloppy cunt. Then he was fucked side by side with Josh and being swapped around between Blake and Kirk while everyone gathered around them. They made both of them do all sorts of humiliating things, like riding the cock, kissing each other, or eating each other sloppy cunt.

Carlos gulped his own spit when he saw Ty approach him with his glistening black cock hanging out.

“Clean it out,” Ty said when he was in front of Carlos.

Carlos wasn’t a dumb man. He knew Ty didn’t mean with a tissue. He had seen his dad make that mistake when Marcus fucked William in their house. His dad got thoroughly cock-slapped until Marcus hard again and coated his dad’s face with pre then fucked William again, then when he was done, he stuffed his cock into his dad’s mouth.

This time, Carlos quickly kneeled, then slowly brought the cock to his mouth. When his tongue touch the wet head, he thought he’d puke. Surprisingly, it didn’t taste that bad. Sure, it wasn’t as heavenly as William made it sound, but it’s not that horrible. Carlos ended up suckling the head until Ty pulled it out.

“Have you taken anything in the ass yet?”

“No, but—”

“But you’re grateful I’m your first man right?” Ty grabbed Carlos’s back neck.

Carlos gulped again, but said, “Y-yeah, man. Totally. I am honored.”

“Heh, you know how to sweet-talk just like your dad. I wonder if your ass will just be as tight.”

Carlos ended up in Nick’s room his cock deep in Lip, while his ass was pummeled by Ty’s cock. Although it looked like Carlos moved his hips to fuck Lips, in actuality, it was Ty who did all of the heavy lifting. He was fucking the cums out of both of them at the same time, even Carlos who was known hard to cum was milked like a cow as Ty’s cock massaged his prostate with his entire length. By morning, Carlos and Lip were slick with cums inside out.

The next day, Nick realized the vision Ty showed him wasn’t just a tool for him to win the game, it was a promise. When he opened his eyes, he realized he was in front of a flagpole, just not his frathouse’s flagpole, it was the university flagpole in front of the main gate and on the main way into the university ground. People coming from their dorms would have to pass the flagpole as well. Blake pulled his head up to see the tip of the pole.

“Yeah, that’s where you’ll spend the rest of your college life until Ty graduates, and then at the house, you’ll spend in on the tip of our meatpoles.” Then Blake turned him around facing Ty who smirked at him. Behind Ty were the rest of Ty’s house members, and then some of his house members, and besides them, on their own line, the rest of his house members, the ones who were loyal to Nick, fucking themselves on a dildo, he could also see their bodies were all had something written on them, like a drawing of a cock or “free highway”.

When Blake clicked a red button on his remote, Nick could feel his legs being pulled upwards. His body rose slowly up the flagpole facing the crowd showing his asshole. That’s when he noticed something was attached to his asshole. A banner that said, “The Student Union President Says Hello!”. He could also see translucent screens appearing around the pole broadcasting his full body. All of them were saluting him like soldiers as he ascended. He could see traffic start to flood in as well. Some of the cars and students stopped to see him.

When he arrived at the tip, he thought the invisible device would slowly plant the pole inside him, but instead, it impaled him hard on the hard pole making him howl. All of which were broadcasted on the screens. He began to cry, but he heard a voice inside his head, telling him it was but a start to his descent.

Nick remained the president of the frat house, only, the new members now were screened by Ty instead. His duty was changed as well, to be only a ceremonial president. The only ceremony he’d be doing was taking cocks up his ass.

Ty also took the KS as his puppet frat house as well since those baseballers do be having juicy asses. As a gift for their loyalty, during every game they had, Nick would be present to cheer them up as a cheerleader on his own special stage with his own special huge ass monitor. Nick didn’t need to practice any cheerleading moves, however, as he only stood watching baseball players do all the work. How, you might wonder. Well, Josh had enchanted every ball used in the game with a device that connect it to Nick’s balls. So whenever the bat hit the ball, Nick was also hit in his balls. Whenever the ball was clutched, Nick’s balls were also crushed. This made the baseball players more focused to hit the balls accurately and hard as well as clutching the ball as hard as they can. This method did improve the team’s play and it could be seen by their increasing numbers of trophies and celebratory pictures. All of the pictures had similar poses, the baseballs player all naked smiling proudly with their chest puffed out as the tattoo “APA’S BITCH” was written clearly on every single one of them, and now, they also had their pubic hair replaced with Ty’s bitch tattoo. In the center, they suspended Nick by his legs spread open while he carried the trophy and a baseball bat implanted in his ass. Then in the next picture, they’d turned Nick upside down while the man spread his cheeks open, and everyone stuck their middle finger in Nick’s ass, which prompted a new tradition of tattooing their name on the back of their hand.

Josh? He began streaming his own nudes for pay. At first, it was only masturbating and self-play, but then it escalated into inviting fans into making a video together if they were willing to pay, the price depended on what they wanted to do on the video. Most of them were either nerds or old farts. If they did well, and they knew it, they could persuade Josh into making a second video, or even a third and more, for free. Some of them managed to persuade Josh into doing a stream where they fucked him live, then it became a regular thing. Then Josh was convinced to come to one of the parties for one of his streams. He wasn’t convinced at first because first, all of them were a bunch of nerds and he didn’t want to end up in a tabletop RP games party, and second, he didn’t know if the party was a streaming material and these people were not mages. Since the one who invited him was one of his regulars he accepted with a promise the party would be hot and his stream would be a hit. Only Josh couldn’t remember the guy had only tipped him once and subscribed at the lowest tier, and yet the guy somehow always managed to get free sex tapes and free sex steams. He wasn’t lying though, the party which consisted of 5 nerds with varying weights and sizes of glasses, was a hit even when the stream lasted for a week. He wasn’t planning to stay that long. However, Josh was drugged and thoroughly fucked the entire week, so he basically had no say. In the next morning and mornings after, he would give all of them morning blowjobs totally conscious. Then he would suck them for breakfast as they fed him through their cocks. Then they would play a game while he serviced them. If it was online he would crawl around under their desk to suck their cocks. If they were playing against each other, then he’d be the prize. He was fed lunch and dinner the same way he was fed breakfast. Sometimes some of them would get tired any time of the day and they’d instead cuddle with Josh before fucked him. At night, they managed to persuade Josh into their RP sessions at first as an NPC slut who they needed to get information from or an enemy they would fuck after defeating or while fighting. Then they managed to convince him to be part of the players. In one game, they played this dating RP where he played as the hottest guy in school while everyone trying to get into his pants. Each of them had their own quirks as well, once was his childhood best friend who loved to stick his cock into Josh’s character for “practice”, and the other was a stalker. There were also the flying colors students who were a pervert, which was close to the person who played it, or a hunk of a guy with no fat and only muscle, which was the opposite of the player. Then in a fantasy RP, he played a bard who was the party’s bitch and they basically sold his ass whenever they got the chance. After all of that, he would be gangbanged until he was asleep. This kind of stream had become Josh’s regular as well, for enough price of course.

Carlos was the only one who didn’t turn completely into a slut. Completely was the keyword. He was entrusted with managing both APA and KS as well as Student Union. His job was mainly to collect holes for Ty’s main house while keeping the houses in order. Of course, when Ty wanted a taste of that Latino brownie or just wanted to motorboat that massive chocolate mounds, Carlos would be there to provide. He didn’t know if he had been mind fucked by Ty’s piss or not, but since he had seen his dad also drink both Ty and Marcus’s piss at once, he knew it was okay when he unloaded the tank filled with main house monthly piss into the frat house. If it could improve the baseball team, it would definitely make his house members join the professional team.

I know, I know, I said it was going to be a short and “free-time” series that I won’t be spending too much time on, but… once I write this, I just can’t stop and I don’t want to stop lol. So that is why this chapter is quite long, longer than I expected at least. And I also have to redo some of the parts because I just didn’t feel like it quite capture the “college” experience, I hope I make it better this time. But don’t worry, it won’t be the last college chapter cause the next chapter will focus on Lip. Anyway, I hope you’ll like this chapter!

by Ganteng

Email: [email protected]

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