The Get-A-Way Weekend

by LittleBuddy

1 Aug 2020 27548 readers Score 9.3 (306 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

A vacation week at a cottage up north was just what I needed. There were a few of our friends that had booked a series of cottages on a private lake to escape the world and our kids. My wife and I were sharing one with another couple, and there were two other couples in the cottage next door that we knew. A weekend getaway, they called it.

At 40 I was the fittest one of our bunch. My 5’9” frame maintained it’s muscled and ripped physique still as I worked out hard every day. Coming up to a cottage would be no different, I had told my wife. Even though she wanted me to truly relax, there was no taking a break at my age from keeping my 155-pound body toned and cut. I still had that youthful look about me, cute and handsome, with a tight jock bubble butt and broad shoulders for my size. My blue-grey eyes pierced through anyone, and my clean shaven smile still melted a lot of hearts. I was a good husband to my wife, having never slept with another woman during our marriage. I couldn’t say the same thing for men though.

With all the new websites and Apps it was getting easier to hook up with like minded men. Perhaps this weekend away was exactly what I needed to escape the temptations and focus on relaxing.

We arrived early Friday evening to the cottage, which was a spectacular private area of about 10 cottages, all built like upscale log cabins. The couple we were staying with, Alex and Nicole, were friends of ours and the ones that organized everything. Alex was your typical married guy, a couple of years older than my wife and I, worked as a contractor, and had nothing in common with me. He was plain looking, a bit overweight now, and kind of a loud-mouth jerk mostly. His wife Nicole and my wife Allie were very good friends, working together for the past ten years or so. Therefore, it was a husband’s job to simply tolerate the spouses. Next door to us were two other friends of my wife and Nicole from work, with their husbands – Sue and her husband Rob, and Michelle and her husband Ed. I had never met Sue and Michelle’s husbands, and wasn’t expecting too much. I only heard their names through conversations but didn’t know too much about them as I often zoned out whenever the women were together around me, or when my wife talked about them. I drove the four of us up, with Alex sitting in the front seat with me while my wife gabbed in the back with Nicole. The conversation with Alex up front was stilted as we had little to talk about for the three-hour drive north. I was more than glad to see the cottage as Nicole pointed out the final turns from the back seat.

We parked in front of the two-story log cabin, the second one from the last in this private lake spot. As I got out to stretch, the cabin beside us on the other side opened and Sue and Michelle came bounding out to greet our wives while I headed to the trunk with Alex. I grabbed a few things while hearing Michelle, who owned the cottage she was in, hand Nicole the keys to our cottage having already picked up everything from at the main office. She knew the owners of our cottage and was thankful we could rent it this week to join them. I rolled my eyes listening to them as I followed her up the stairs to unlock our door. Alex trailed behind me carrying half what I was. The guy was taller than me and outweighed me by at least 50 pounds, but obviously wasn’t up for heavy lifting. Sue yelled to the husbands inside their cottage to come help us.

When I returned to the car, I was introduced to Sue’s husband Rob as he walked by me, a big burly bear type guy with a beard and beer gut. He nodded at me, already sweating across his forehead with this first trip. I nodded a hello in return and headed back to the trunk to grab the large cooler as Rob continued into the cottage. And then I heard a deep voice beside me.

“You must be Allie’s husband?”

I turned to face the man at the trunk of my SUV, holding out a large hand. He was a tall, solid guy, his bald shaved head glistening from the setting sun. He was clean shaven and had a chiseled face for a guy his age, maybe a few years older than myself, with dark brown eyes. He was about 6’1” or so, and very well built from what I could see. I grabbed his extended hand and shook it firmly.

“Yes, Brian.” I said looking into those brown eyes.

He smiled, showing off a pair of dimples that looked fucking sexy as hell on this middle-aged man. “Ed.” He said simply, giving my hand a strong shake. “Can I give you a hand?” He pointed at the cooler which was heavy and big for just one person. I noticed his bicep, big and bulging already in his blue t-shirt, and started to pull the cooler to the end of the trunk.

“Sure thing.” He grabbed the handle on the other end and lifted with me. Between the two of us, it was light.

“By the looks of you, you probably could’ve managed this on your own.” His deep voice said behind me as I led the way up the stairs.

I looked back, noticing that he was looking at my tricep muscle as I carried the heavy cooler. “I could say the same thing to you there, big guy.”

He laughed as we headed inside to the kitchen and plopped the cooler down. He stood up straight, and I took him all in. His face was simple in a sort of good-looking dad way, but it was his muscular body that sealed the deal for him. Flat stomach, killer legs in his cargo shorts with a light dusting of blonde hair, and his perfectly formed wide smooth feet. I tried to match his stance, but standing about five inches shorter than he was, it wasn’t much of a contest.

“Look at you.” He said staring at me, seeing my very fit frame in my shirt and shorts, with my killer blue-green eyes and movie star looks. “You’re a fucking good-looking dude. Are you a model or something?”

I laughed out loud, blushing. “Hardly.”

“Seriously I’m used to hanging out with guys who think they’re good-looking but you’re damn hot.” Rob came in beside him and plopped another small cooler down, sweating more. Ed pointed at Rob. “See what I mean? Not hot.”

Rob frowned and punched Ed’s shoulder. “Fuck you.” Rob said, wiping his brow.

Ed put his arm around Rob’s shoulder. They were about the same size, but Rob clearly stopped working out years ago. “Look at this dude. No fair. Michelle said you were one hot dad, but we didn’t really believe her. But fuck she is right Brian, you’re so hot you’re damn near pretty.”

Where the fuck was I? I listened for the sound of the pig call from Deliverance to come out of these brutes at any moment.

“Uh, have you looked in a mirror there, Ed. You’re no slouch yourself.” I commented, grabbing a water bottle and twisting the top off.

Ed shook his head. “Nah I’m no hunk. I have to be in shape for work.”

“What do you do?” I asked, taking a swig and then moving to unpack all the freezer stuff from the cooler.

“I’m a Firefighter.”

I froze and looked at him again. Of course he was. This guy was calendar material, and here he was commenting on how hot I was.

“Really?” I said trying to play it cool.

“Yeah but all the young guys are making him feel old.” Rob said patting Ed’s stomach. “Just a few more beers and he can say goodbye to his abs.”

Ed pushed him off and lifted up his shirt, showing off a smooth flat stomach. “I used to have a 6 pack, but I lost it.” He said looking down. It was flat, but no definition in it. Still, I found myself staring at it thinking it looked pretty fucking good.

Rob pulled the six-pack of beer from the other cooler and laughed. “Found it!”

It was obvious that they had already been drinking, but the way these two talked was a little off-putting for having just met them. The women came bounding in at this point, having had the tour of Michelle’s cottage and started taking over the unpacking. My wife handed me our bags and Alex and I were directed to our respective rooms, ours on the first floor while Alex and Nicole had the room upstairs in the loft. The others left to let us get settled and invited us over for dinner that Rob was already starting to barbecue.

When we arrived a half hour later with our own drinks in hand, dinner was almost ready. The eight of us sat around Michelle’s large deck eating, drinking, and taking in the night cottage air. The lake was only a few feet from their deck, and I looked out at it a lot, picturing the start of the day in the morning as the weather was supposed to be magnificent.

After dinner, Ed plopped himself beside me. “Do you fish?” His big leg rubbed against me on the picnic table.

“Uh, not really no.” I was on my third drink and starting to loosen up. Ed was getting more and more closer to me as the night wore on. And his leg touching mine was helping with the electricity I was feeling once again. The thoughts in my head were spinning about this hot firefighter.

“I always head out in the morning if you want to tag along.” He pointed to the dock at the end of their property to a small fishing boat. “If it’s there I haven’t left yet, but if you wanna join me, I’ll take you out.”

I nodded, noticing how big and thick his arms were, blonde hair blowing on them from the night breeze. He smiled that dimpled smile and I finished my drink, moving away to grab another one from their cooler on the deck. As I went back to sit down, I noticed he was staring at me with a serious look on his face. Then his brown eyes caught my blue ones.

He sort of shook his head, and got up suddenly and disappeared inside as the conversation continued around us. Michelle suggested that we walk down to the water to get a look, so I grabbed my drink, and I followed Michelle, my wife and Alex and Nicole down to the water.

I waded in right up to my knees as the others stood on the shore only dipping their feet in, commenting on how warm the lake felt.

“It’s been so hot up here for the last few weeks that this is the warmest the lake has been.” Michelle commented. Then turned to look back up at her cottage. “Oh, now who’s he talking to now? I swear Ed can talk to anyone!” Then she waved up at someone. “Oh, that’s Dan from the other cottage beside you guys.”

We all turned back up to the cottage to see the outline of Ed, tall and wide, talking to another figure, equally big but wider at the side of the cottage. Then they moved down towards us.

As they came into view, I noticed the guy with Ed was even more muscular than he was, and a much better looking and handsome man. “Hey everyone, this is Dan. He’s in the cottage beside you guys.” He said pointing at Nicole.

Dan was a built guy. A couple inches taller than Ed, and bigger in every sense. Wider shoulders, bigger arms, thicker legs, and had that handsome tanned face, complete with a trimmed dark goatee and small blue eyes. His facial features gave him an older look, maybe mid to late 40s but fuck he was fit. Ed pointed to everyone as he named our names, ending with me. “And that in the water is Brian.”

Dan’s eyes lingered on me as we all said our hellos, and I noticed that both Ed and Dan were smiling at me.

“Don’t worry I already warned Dan about us this weekend, so he won’t call the cops on us if we behave.” Ed walked Dan towards us all, the women taking him in. I noticed my wife eyeing him up and down. Figures, I thought. The one thing my wife and I had in common – we both liked big men.

“Dan and his partner have been coming here for years.” I heard Michelle say to the others. Partner? I wondered.

Ed stood at the edge of the water talking more with Dan. Alex approached them, so I waded in a bit closer to them to be “one of the guys.”

“You still going fishin’ in the mornin’?” Dan was asking Ed. He talked fast, but his voice was deep.

Ed nodded. “That’s always the plan. I’m trying to entice Brian to join me, but I take off early!” He said more to me as I emerged onto the shore. I noticed Dan look down at my legs and feet.

“Do you fish much?” Dan asked me, looking up, his light blue eyes on me.

I shook my head. “Not much fishing to do in the city.”

Dan laughed. “Another city boy.” He backhanded Ed in the chest. “Looks like you’ll have to break him in Ed.”

Ed smiled. “Well one of us will have to.” And then he winked at me.

At least I thought he did. I was buzzed, and hopeful. Maybe I was reading too much into this. Ed was married to my wife’s work friend. And Dan had a partner, whatever that meant. Plus, I’m a married man. Doubtful that within the first few hours in an isolated place like this I could stumble upon two hot guys that were into me.

Ed noticed that Alex was empty, so he took that big arm of his and draped it over Alex’s puffy body and turned him toward the cottage. “C’mon bro. Looks like you need another.” As they walked off, I was left alone by the water with Dan as the women had wandered towards the dock where the boats were attached.

“Which one is yours?” Dan asked, stepping up closer to me and looking at the four women shuffling away from us.

I pointed to the one on the end. “The one on the left. Allie. She works with Michelle.”

“Ah.” Dan turned and smiled at me. “We’re in the cottage beside you, that last one there.” He pointed at the last log cabin to the left of ours. “Mitch is sleeping right now but you’ll meet him tomorrow.”

“Mitch is your partner?” I asked tentatively.

Dan’s blue eyes looked into mine again. “Yeah. We were both married to women not too long ago. He was my best friend. And then we decided to come out just a few years ago.”

Holy fuck. This guy is gay. I thought to myself.

I tried to contain myself. “That’s cool. So, you two are together now?”

Dan smiled and nodded. “Yeah. We’re all on good terms. This is my cottage, but all our families share it now, Mitch’s and mine. We’ve known Ed and Michelle for years too. Ed comes by a lot when he’s here.” He sort of raised an eyebrow at that statement.

I didn’t know what else to say, but I found myself looking at him standing next to me. I was staring at his legs, his feet hidden in his running shoes. His legs were big, muscled, lightly hairy if at all. His hands were in the pockets of his shorts, and his arms were solid and thick, matching his lightly hairy legs. I could see the mounds of his pecs under his t-shirt, his nipples sticking out underneath and the fall of his shirt over a flat stomach. His neck was thick, and all I could picture was how lucky Mitch was.

Dan cleared his throat as I got lost in looking at him. “You know, Ed texted me to come over to meet you.”

I looked up at him, confused. “What’s that supposed to mean?” I said defensively.

Dan shrugged his shoulders. “It’s okay buddy. It’s all cool here.” He looked at me again, his blue eyes peering deep into mine. “Just sayin’.” He added, waiting.

I paused, not sure what to do or say. I looked over at the ladies, who were laughing loudly on the dock still drinking. “Is it that obvious?” I asked him quietly.

He laughed a little and peered out over the water, kicking at the sand. “No don’t worry. But I’ve seen that look before. I had it for the longest time too. Thought no one would ever guess. Mitch used to get it.”

I shot a glance over at him.

“That’s why Ed texted me. Said you were pretty hot.” I blushed as Dan smiled at me. “And he’s not wrong. Ed thought I might be interested.”

I turned away, feeling my cock growing at this hulk standing beside me talking so nonchalantly about all this. “Ed thought you might be interested in me? I don’t get it.”

Dan laughed. “We’ve had some pretty open conversations with Ed over the years. Mitch and I are in an open relationship I guess you could say. Ed’s always trying to find bottom guys for us.”

I found myself relaxing a bit, but still trying to figure all this out. “Us? You mean you and Mitch. Not Ed…I mean he’s not…”

Dan paused for a moment, obviously wondering what he could say. “I won’t say anything about Ed. That’s his business. But Michelle doesn’t know anything. Not even much about me and Mitch. Ed sort of just watches out for us.” He paused again. “Ed’s a really good guy.” Dan sort of smiled at me when he said it.

I raised my eyebrows at him. “So…Ed sent you over to test me out? To see if I was…into guys?”

Dan nodded. “Yeah. Sort of. Ed’s too scared to do it himself.”

I looked over at the women, then up to the cottage where Ed went. “You mean Ed is…?”

Dan shrugged his shoulders up. “I’m not saying anything. But if he was, would you be into him?”

I let out a “Fuck yes!” before I realized it, causing Dan to laugh out loud.

“Does your wife know?” He asked, taking a step closer to me.

I shook my head. “No. Not at all. No one does.”

“Well, don’t worry.” He leaned over to me, practically whispering in my ear. “I won’t tell.”

I looked at him, realizing he was coming on to me. This was coming on all too fast, but I was definitely interested in this man. “So…does your partner know you’re down here talking to me?”

Again, he smiled at me, like a calm, kind predator. “Yes. We’re together but we play with others. As long as the other knows. Mitch and I discovered we are both top men. We like to fuck but don’t like to bottom, so it’s sort of an interesting relationship.” He dug his hands further into his pockets, looking around.

“Interesting?” I couldn’t believe I was having this conversation.

“Mitch and I love to fuck but neither of us want to bottom. So, we love to find a bottom to share. Or to sort of fuck on a regular basis.” Dan raised his eyebrow at me. “I am hoping by the looks of you and that sweet little ass that you are a bottom…and possibly interested.”

I was trying not to shake. I was standing at the edge of a lake in the middle of nowhere with my wife and her friends, only to find out that the hot firefighter could be into guys, and the neighbors on the other side were a male couple looking for a bottom. This was like a porno being played out. Now if Mitch was a cop and Dan was a football star, I’d be all set with my fantasies!

“If you want to go fishing in the morning, forget Ed. I can take you out and go to that little island.” He pointed to the middle of the lake where there was a small island full of only trees. “There’s a nice little spot we can go to let off some steam if you know what I mean.” He moved closer to me, so that I could smell the bug spray on him. “If you want, I can take you there tomorrow morning and break you in as Ed suggested. If you’re interested.” He had suddenly gone quieter, as if he was afraid of my reaction.

But he had judged me spot on so far. I looked over at his handsome face. I was hoping Mitch was just as hot. “Yeah. I’m interested.”

He blinked at me in surprise. “You sure?”

I nodded. “And by the way,” I leaned into him. “I’m all bottom.”

He took a step back and let out a howl in the night air, causing everyone to turn and look at us. The women waved at us from the dock and I waved back, smiling a little too wide. Must have been the fourth drink that was relaxing me. I noticed Dan backing up a bit, and I turned to catch him staring at my ass.

“You sure you can take it?” He whispered to me.

I took in a deep breath. “Yes.” I remembered some of the cocks I’ve had, and how big and thick they were. It had been a while, but I’m sure it was just like riding a bike. Or riding a thick shaft. “How big?” I suddenly asked.

Dan chuckled. “I’m a good thick 8 inches. Mitch is an even fatter 9. He’s hung like a horse.”

I still couldn’t believe we were talking like this. Matter of fact. Talking casually about sex with men. Dan’s hand was on my ass lightly, feeling it under my shorts as he looked to see where the others were. It felt good to have a man’s hand on me again. “How about you?”

“I’m 8 inches. Cut. Thick.” I said quietly.

“Nice.” He said, squeezing my ass a little bit, looking over at the women. “We’re both cut too.”

I stepped away from his hand, fearing someone would notice. “What time tomorrow morning?”

Dan smiled. Fuck he was hot. No question about it. I was ready to try him out now. “7 too early?”

“No, I’m usually awake by 6.”

“Good. Wear your suit.” Dan winked at me. He backed up towards his cottage as the women started making their way back, and we headed up to the cottages to settle in.

I couldn’t sleep that night. I lay in the strange bed, my cock hard, thinking about this big man next door to me who was going to take me out to this island to break me in. Not only that, his partner was okay with it. Where the fuck was I?!

My internal alarm had me awake at 5:58am. I laid there for a bit, my morning wood already poking my underwear. Allie was sound asleep, and I couldn’t hear any movement in the cottage. I grabbed my suit and a tee that I had placed aside last night and slid into them silently, before slipping out the door to the bathroom beside us.

After a morning piss and a brushing of my teeth, I grabbed my baseball hat and headed out the cottage door to walk the short way to the beach in front. It was already sunny and hot, the week’s humidity still hanging on even in cottage country. The lake was still and peaceful. I wandered down to it, noting that Ed’s boat was still tied to the dock. There was a small square dock with a ladder in the middle of the lake. I waded in again in the water, noting it was still warm as hell. I peeled my t-shirt off and threw it onto the chair on the beach and started to go in.

The water was beautiful, and I found myself swimming out to the dock in the middle, covering the distance quickly and easily. I pulled myself up on to the floating dock using the ladder and sprawled out across it, laying in the morning sun. It was so peaceful and quiet. Not a single boat out yet that I could hear.

I flipped over onto my stomach and faced the cottages, my mind turning to the men that were ready to take me on. Ed’s cottage to the right of ours was quiet, as was from what I could tell, Dan and Mitch’s to the left. I was hoping Mitch looked like his partner, or at least like Ed. Dan alone could fulfill plenty of my needs by the looks of him clothed. I couldn’t wait to see him naked.

Movement to the left of our cottage caught my eye, and I could see the large figure of Dan heading towards the water. It must be close to 7, I thought, and I stood up on the dock. As he got closer, I could see clearly that it was Dan even from my distance on the dock, dressed in a short trunk style black swimsuit with a muscle t-shirt, showing off those big round pecs and massive shoulders. I held up a hand and waved at him in response to his as he stared at me.

I stood there for a moment, my physique on display for him on top of the dock in the lake. As I felt my cock growing already, I figured it best to just dive in the water to conceal my excitement and I swam towards the beach. I noticed he was standing at the edge, waiting for me as I got shallow enough to stand up. As I emerged, he took in the sight of my smooth muscled body.

“Fuck.” He said as I was ankle deep and almost out of the water. “You are hot.” He smiled at me, handing me a towel he had. “I am definitely going to break you in.”

I laughed, drying myself off with his towel. “Easy now. You need to leave me in one piece.” I said, noticing up close how muscular he really was, clearly seeing those shoulders and biceps up close. He looked like he worked out every day for hours.

He stood there watching me towel off, and I could feel his eyes boring into me. “Why?” He suddenly said. “Who says I have to share?” His evil grin melted me. It was about time someone wanted me again.

He pointed to the other boat on the dock to the right of Ed’s. “Get in.” Dan started throwing his knapsack, a couple of life jackets and a fishing rod into it and took a step into it, steadying it for me as I approached. I didn’t even bother putting my shirt on as it was already hot.

“Aren’t we waiting for Mitch?” I asked, looking back up at his cottage.

“I’m not waiting. He can find us if he ever gets up. He’s not a morning guy. He knows where I’m going. And what I’ll be doing. I’d rather have you all to myself first if that’s okay?” He looked up at me, holding the boat still waiting for me to step down into it.

I smiled and stepped down. “Sounds like a plan.” He followed me in, his big wide bare feet stepping in behind me. I stared at them, watching him move and settle into the seat at the back.

He started the motor and asked me to untie the boat, which I did easily, lifting the loop off the dock. I sat on the ledge in the middle of the boat and we headed off straight towards the little island. It didn’t take us long, but allowed us to chat casually as we moved slowly towards it. Dan told me that he currently owned a few gyms after a stint as a Sports Therapist, followed by Personal Trainer. He DID play football in high school and university and has always been big and built. The sports therapy just sort of evolved from the game, and soon he was running a gym where he serviced athletes. Then he bought it. He met Mitch a while back as one of his clients. Mitch was a former hockey player. They messed around together for about ten years before leaving their wives and moving in together about four years ago. They both have kids and their families are still connected.

“You must have very understanding wives.” I said as we neared the middle of the island.

“Yeah, well, they both moved on quickly. Still love them honestly. We just had to be true to ourselves, I guess. Our kids were old enough to understand and accept it all.”

“How old were your kids?” I asked, thinking about my own.

“Ah, they were 20 and 18 at the time. Mitch’s were about the same actually.”

I looked at him, trying to picture him with a 20-year old kid, and that was four years ago. “Can I ask how old you guys are?”

He laughed out loud, the wrinkles forming around his eyes as he squinted in the sun. “I usually don’t tell. But I’m 49. Mitch is 48. What about you?” He asked, eyeing my legs.

“40.” I looked at his big legs stretched out behind me. They were solid and thick, hardly hairy. “You look pretty fucking good for 49, big guy.”

He smiled. “It’s getting harder and harder to keep it that way!” He leaned forward and slapped a big hand on my back. “I don’t think you have too much to worry about. There aren’t many hot 40-year old guys around. Mitch is going to love you.”

I could feel my cock hardening. Right now, I was hoping Dan was going to love me too.

The boat slipped up to the shore, which wasn’t much of a shore really. It was obvious he’s done this a lot, as he expertly flung the loop of rope over a post, and then pulled the boat sideways to a rock jut out to tighten it, telling me to step out onto it. He passed me his knapsack before stepping out onto it as well, leaving the rest of the stuff on the boat.

“Follow me.” He said, leading the way through the trees.

It wasn’t a big island, and there was certainly no cottages or life on it. As we exited the pathway we stepped out onto a giant slab of rock in a small clearing, surrounded by grass and trees. It was completely cut off from the view of the lake and anyone passing by.

“Wow. Nice spot.” I said stopping as Dan pulled out a blanket from his knapsack and spread it out over the rock. I started to wonder why they would need to come out to this island when they had a cottage all to themselves.

“Best part?” he asked, breaking me out of my thoughts. He stood up straight and removed his shirt. “It’s totally isolated. The few years we’ve been up here, no one else ever explores this island.”

I stared at his upper body. It was completely smooth, and very ripped. He was well defined, his muscles outlined perfectly in the sun. Shoulders round and wide, pecs firm and big. He had a washboard stomach, his abs clearly showing. A few small dark freckles peppered his torso. Standing on top of the smooth rock, he looked like a carved statue. I suddenly remembered how much I craved a man like this.

He walked towards me. “Now let’s see if you taste as good as you look.” When he got to me, he pulled me into him, my bare smooth chest meeting his. He leaned down towards me, his eyes on mine as his lips made their way to me. I closed my eyes as this big hunk brought his lips onto mine.

It had been a long time since I felt that rush of emotions from a kiss. Immediately I felt the sensation of dizziness, and I grabbed onto his arms as his tongue slid into my mouth, finding my own and twirling it around. Our mouths opened wider, taking each other in more as I breathed deeply, feeling light-headed in his grasp.

He pulled back and looked at me. “Well holy fuck, you sure know how to kiss.” He mumbled quietly.

I stood there, still clinging to him, steadying myself after that intense explosion of feelings. “Yeah.” I mumbled back, my eyes gazing into his. “You too.”

He studied me for another minute before coming in again, this kiss more intense and with passion as I heard him breathing deeply, grabbing me harder, forcing his tongue deeper into me. I flung my arms around him, grabbing at him as we kissed deeply, before he stepped back again, looking at me with wonder. “Jesus.” He muttered, smiling.

I was on him again, moving to his face to kiss him again. My insides were on fire. My passion reignited. I could kiss this man all day long.

He grabbed at my swimsuit, still damp from my early morning swim and undid the string. I fumbled with his to do the same. He pulled mine down first, but his followed immediately after. We stepped out of them and I realized that we were both standing naked now in this remote place as the morning sun cascaded down our bodies. I looked down at his cock, shaved smooth and sticking straight up, the same size as mine in every aspect, right down to the smoothness of them.

“Fuck you weren’t lying.” He groaned as his big hand grabbed my shaft. “And I love another shaved cock.” He moaned in my mouth. I gasped and returned the favor, taking hold of his. We stood there stroking each other as we stared at each other. “It’s about fucking time I found a hot bottom boy.” And he was kissing me again, bringing my head to his with his free hand as his other squeezed my cock.

It was like we had been lovers for years the way we kissed, moving in sync with each other as our tongues invaded our mouths. I was in heaven once again.

He pushed me back and then guided me down. It was time to taste this man’s cock. He was obviously in control. I bent over and came face to face with his cock. Truth be told it looked slightly bigger than mine, but it was sure similar. I grabbed his shaved smooth big balls in my hand and used them to point his cock up as I opened my mouth and shoved it in. He was hard as a rock and his cock felt like a steel pole as I took him straight down to the base. I heard him groan as he held my head on him, his hips starting to thrust ever so slightly as I began my expert skills.

“Oh FUCK!” He yelled out loud. “You even know how to suck cock!” He growled, his fist on my head and grabbing my hair to hold me still as he fucked my face gently. He started grunting steadily as I feasted on his dick, savoring this moment for as long as I could. My hands were on his whopping thighs, feeling his powerful legs as he slid his cock in and out of my mouth.

I sucked him a long time, enjoying his cock as if it was the last one I would ever suck again. Even when he pulled away, I still tried to stick it back in my mouth. “Easy boy. I’m getting too close.” He backed away from me, looking at my cock pointing straight up. “I still have to break you in.”

He grabbed my cock and knelt in front of me, swallowing me. I grabbed his shoulders and leaned back, that sensation of my cock slipping into a warm mouth once again washing over me. My wife never sucked my cock. What a waste of my cock! This was making up for it.

He pulled off to stroke it, looking at it closely. “Fuck you even have a nice cock!” He groaned, slapping it against his cheek before going down on it again.

When he had his fill, he stood up to kiss me again. I could taste my own cock on his tongue, turning me on even more as we kissed fiercely. Then he spun me around and pulled me backwards to him, wrapping his enormous arms around me and squeezing me tight. I could feel his cock grinding my ass behind me. “You wanna get fucked?” He moaned in my ear as he licked it.

I nodded. “Yes.” I moaned back, reaching behind me to grab his hard ass.

“I brought condoms.” His tongue was licking up and down my neck as his hands were massaging my pecs. “Unless you want it raw.”

I arched back, moving my arms up to the back of his head. “Are you safe?” I moaned as he sent shivers down my body with his tongue on me.

“Just tested. All good. You?”

His big hands were all over me and I couldn’t help myself. “A while ago. But I’ve only been with my wife since.”

He turned my head around sideways and kissed me deep, shoving his tongue in me hard, opening my mouth wide to kiss his. “You’re so fucking hot, I wanna break you in alright. What do you want?”

I moaned. “Give it to me raw.”

He snarled in my ear and pushed me forward, so I was bent in half in front of him, my hands now resting on the solid rock. He stepped back and I saw him fish out a bottle of lube from his bag, which he squirted onto his cock and his fingers. He returned to my upturned ass and pasted some lube on my hole quickly, before stepping up behind me and positioning the bulbous head of his thick cock at my ass. He grabbed my hips and started to press forward.

I tensed, feeling the head trying to invade me. It had been a while, but I suddenly wanted this man. I tried to relax and breathe, and I pushed backwards to show him just how much I wanted his dick.

He gently pushed forward, groaning as he watched the head of his cock slowly open me up and inch forward. I squeezed my eyes and tried to relax even more as the pressure hit me.

And then it popped in, followed by a loud cry from Dan and a release of air from me.

He held me still, just letting his cock head open me. I breathed out trying to let the sensation cease. He pulled back, letting his cock rub against my crack before positioning it at my hole again and slowly pressing in. This time the head went in easily and as I took a breath in he pushed his cock in more.

All the way in to be exact.

My head came up in a gasp as he held my ass in his hands, his cock stuffed into me, not moving. “Fuck you are tight.” I heard him groan behind me.

All I could do was breathe. It had been a while since I had a cock this thick and big in me.

He was inside me to the root, and he held my ass against him, slightly pressing into me more and wiggling a bit. “How’s it feel, buddy? You good?” His voice was calm, kind.

I still couldn’t speak as I adjusted. My eyes were still closed, waiting for my body to respond to this giant invasion.

His one hand moved lightly up my back, running his fingers up and down to relax me. He moved his feet apart a bit to steady himself and reached around with his other hand to find my hard cock. I walked my hands towards my feet and stretched down to grab my ankles. I heard him growl behind me as his cock moved deeper into me.

“Oh my God.” I moaned.

Dan rubbed both hands along my back and sort of gave me a small thrust, making me grunt loud. “You little gymnast.”

I was bent forward in half, knees bent slightly, holding my own ankles as I felt his hands return to my hips to hold me steady as he pulled his cock backwards slowly.

“Fuck you are SO TIGHT.” He yelled behind me. And then he pushed forward hard to show me he was all the way in.

“Just fuck me!” I moaned, pushing my ass backwards to him.

“Mmmmmm. Yes sir.” He snarled. He widened his feet again and found his rhythm, starting to fuck me slowly but forcefully.

I opened my eyes and could see his feet beside mine, his legs slightly rocking as his hips drove against me, slamming my ass with a nice slapping sound.

“Jesus Brian you are one fucking sweet assed bottom boy.” He was moaning as he fucked me, holding me firmly in his grip as he rocked back and forth in me.

I stretched my self upwards, standing up as he continued to fuck me. His one arm found its way to my left leg, lifting it up and bending his knees as if he could fuck me upwards to get in me deeper. My arm came up behind his head and I turned slightly, inviting him to kiss me. He took the bait, his mouth meeting mine, forcing him to fuck me harder. He was so strong that I was barely standing on my toes as he was lifting me up in one arm, holding me and fucking me deep. I was pushing back down on his cock as much as he was drilling up.

And then my foot was off the ground and wrapped around his calf muscle. I was like a pretzel wrapped around him as he fucked me from behind, holding me up in the air and driving his thick cock up into me. He was holding me off the ground, his big arms wrapped around me tight fucking me hard. I was grunting with every thrust as his mouth moved from my own down my neck as he groaned and grunted as well.

“Where do you want my cum?” he suddenly asked me, not stopping a beat, continuing his drilling into me.

“My ass!” I moaned loud. “Cum in my ass!” I grabbed my cock as he held me like a superhero, his cock like a piston ramming inside me. He was slamming me hard now, against his hips, easily lifting me up and down on him as I jerked my dick hard.

My mouth opened as he hit my spot, causing me to shudder. I had nothing to hang on to as he assaulted me from behind, my feet off the ground, my body being held up by him. I turned my head sideways to see his bicep curled and flexed, so big, before his face covered me again and his mouth clamped over mine. And then his mouth opened, and his breath was shooting down my throat.

“Oh my God.” He moaned, his mouth relaxed and hanging open with mine, our foreheads touching. This was all so familiar and erotic to me. I matched his moans and brought my left arm up to wrap around his neck as he fucked me deep and hard.

“Fuck!” I grunted out as he fucked the first blast of cum out of my cock as I jerked it intensely. As soon as he looked down to see me spraying cum from my dick, he let out a deep groan and announced he was cumming too.

He didn’t slow down, didn’t change positions, just kept fucking me hard as he unloaded what felt like a bucket of cum inside my ass. I could feel his cock getting slicker, could hear the squishing sounds of his cum leaking out of me and covering his own cock, but he continued to pummel my ass until I stopped cumming as well. I felt like a twine attached to him, my leg curled around his, his arm holding my other leg up, my back arched back against him while my arm curled around his thick neck.

When his mouth closed around mine again, he stopped thrusting, and just held me close to him from behind, kissing me deeply, his cock still hard inside my hole. I don’t know how long we stayed like that, kissing in that position. It felt like forever. His cock wasn’t going down, and his intense kissing wasn’t stopping.

It was the voice that made me look up.

“Looks like you broke him in.”

I broke the kiss to look over to the entrance of the path, and there stood Ed.

by LittleBuddy

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024