The Gardener

by just imagine

4 Sep 2023 5284 readers Score 8.5 (61 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

David had been working for himself as a landscape gardener for a few years ,since the job he had in the city got to intense and he had had enough of the day to day mondane routine ,he did have a background in gardening as his family had owned a garden centre and landscape firm while he was growing up and he had taken several exams on the subject and had deplomas to prove it . But tings were getting bad , a lot of his customers were retiring and now had the time to do thier own gardens with maybe his help a couple hours a week or month and this wasn´t enogh to get by on . he was looking through a gardening magazine a spotted an add for an experianced landscape gardener to manage the gardens and grounds of a large property way out in the country , live in and depending on experiance and an interview wages may be negotiable . He rang the number and was give the location of the propeerty and was told to be there on Friday at noon, and be prepared to stay there weekend  . This was fine as it gave him a couple of days to get sorted in town and time to locate the house .

He got lost on the way but luckily he had given himself plenty of time and still arrived at the huge wrought iron gates at around eleven am . He spoke into the intercom by the gate and was told to follow the drive to the house and someone would meet him . The drive way was maybe a mile or more long and meandered past a lake and woods and then the house came into sight , he had only ever seen anything like it in magazines in on the tv , it was more than a house more a castle or stately home . as he drew up at the door , it opened a man in a military type uniform . which he did not look comfortable in , came out and came toward him , David Hughs I guess , I´m George sort of door man and guest greeter for today , Hi said David  good to meet you, if you don´t mine me saying to don´t look to comfortable in that uniform , I don´t said George but its necessary at this time if you get the job you will see that none of the staff wear a uniform when there are no out siders here aand left it at that even when David said whats the usual dress code , will I have to wear something specific .

George took him to a large room and told him to wait and to help himself to drinks of food there was plenty laid out . David was admiring the view of the garden and didn´t hear the door open then a voice said in broken english would you come with me please , David turned to face a man of gigantic proportions dressed David thought in a get up from Ali Baba , big baggy pants and a jacket all open that showed off a hairy chest that was as broad as the man was tall , he  most have been well over six feet . David was taken up the grand stairs and into a room that was nothing like the house he had seen so far , it was full of amazing rugs and cushions and drapes and had the smell of insense ,  at the far end sat a man , he called David to come , good afternoon David I am your interviewer and if sucsessful your boss, The guy was maybe in his early fifties but so handsome , he stood as David approached and wore the same type of pants the other guy had but nothing else , David felt him cock throb this guy was an adonnis built very much like the other but mucular as well as hairy and the colour of his skin was olive , he had a full beard and shoulder length jet black hair . 

Come sit he said I am Amir , so tell me about yourself, David relayed his work experiance all the time trying not to look at this guys body . he was asked several questions , some work related some more personal . After about an hour Amir said right Ido want to offer you the position but Ihave one more question and it is a make or break one , how do you feel about nudity , this through David , how the fuck did he answer that if he said he was against it that may be right or the other way which he was , he loved being naked and always went to nudist beaches at home and on holidays , He thought to hell with it its only a job and said Iam ok with it and spend as much time naked as I can , Amir smiled , that is the answer I was hoping for , you see here within the house and estate we never wear clothes unless out siders are here as you today , David thought , no wonder George was so uncomfortable . Amir pressed a botton and the big guy came in , now you will start on the first of the month that is three weeks away that should give time to sort stuff out as you will be here on the property full time from then on .

David left happy but still a bit warey , but also intrigued and a little horny wondering what his new boss and the rest of the staff would look like naked . 

Start day arrived he had his own room in the house , this time George met him at the doors naked and showed him to the kitchen where he meet the rest of the staff , there was George , then two cooks an odd job man and a guy that was to work with David , all blokes I see said David , sure said George Amir the Turk is gay and so are we and if you aren´t you soon will be and he laughed , Amir is very good at reading people he knew a lot about you before you even had that interview so he knew you were gay . Now one thing although we don,t wear clothes there are times we wear jockstraps that is meal times and if we are doing a job where your cock may get in the way or hurt. Now I will show you your room and then Amir wants to see you , do I wear a jock to see him , oh no,never said George , just at the times I stated.  

David dropped his bag and went to meet Amir in the garden , Amir stood as he approached , Davids cock stood to attention he went red with embarrassment , Amir smile and laughing said no need to salute . Sorry said David but I have to say and I hope you wont be afended you have a spectactular body , Amir smiled , as he stood there over six foot of hairy hunk plus he was very well hung tis is what got David in the state he was in he had had plenty of cock but this man was something else , David wished he had visited Turkey , but never had if he knew the men were like this he would have holidayed there every year, From head to toe Amir was sex on legs the dark blue eyes the thick full beard the broad shoulders and his nipples that were hugh the size of thumbs and stuck out a good inch from the thick hairy chest , his belly flat and firm , still hair but not as much and the legs like hairy tree trunks , his but large and firm and covered in fine black hair but to icing on the cake his cock and balls , his cock was flaccid but still David guessed nine maybe ten inches long and thicker than a coke can and below swinging as he moved his balls , David had seen smaller on bulls . Now sit said Amir we will discuse the garden Iam not here that often as I work all over the world , so he related his ideas for the garden plan and told David he could alter as he thought fit if it needed to be . Then he got up and left leaving david with his hard on .

by just imagine

Email: [email protected]

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