The Extra Holes

by GreatBallzNCock

5 May 2022 1130 readers Score 6.4 (9 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

It was a fantastic night for me, The Snatch, a small time crook who doesn’t know when to stop robbing. Why do I do this? No idea. I guess it just comes naturally. You know like when you can’t stop listening to music or collect figures or trophies or even stop jerking off to your favourite porn scenarios. Well I just can’t stop robbing and especially when I’m so damn good at it. Never once have I been caught. Too smart I am. Was never good at anything else. Not love, not holding down a job and never being good at sports. But what I am about to tell you I wish I had been good at least at sports.

So, it all started on a nice warm summer day. I had made good with well over a kilo of jewels, diamonds, couple of necklaces and a stash full of money. The victims never saw me coming. Each one was left gagged and tied naked in all sorts of places.

I left an old man tied and gagged naked and spread on his neat lawn. Another I left tied and gagged in her pink wardrobe all oiled and naked. Perfect tits. Mmmmm love perfect tits. At least I did love tits. Not so much now.

Anyway as I was heading back home with my loot I saw a distant light coming from over what must have been a field.

That damn addictive sense for robbing. I would come to regret having, sort of, later.

Stealth and a good pair of ninja shoes helped me across the field, stride along the brick wall and jump lightly up onto the balcony. Obviously this was someone’s mansion house. The voice saying “jackpot.”

As I crept closer to the large bay windows I peeped into the brightly lit up room. What I saw was a sight to behold.

Apart from the furnishings and ornate ornaments there were tons of trophies placed on a huge fireplace. “Bingo” the voice whispered. Sunny Miami here I come.

Along with all these glamorous trophies was a long neat snooker table. Like I said I was no good at sports so the table never bothered me in the slightest. I wish to god it did.

As I was pondering how to acquire these items the door to the left opened and In walked two men, dressed smartly and laughing. I quickly hid in the dark but something pulled me to look a little at these men. One was of a huge fat appearance and the other was of a lean appearance.

They had two cues and immediately began playing snooker.

I should have left and gone home with my loot as these two kept playing for a good two and half hours. But yet again the voice in my head kept on saying “Jackpot, Bingo, Miami here I come!”

It was too much of an opportunity to turn back on.

A little later the two men left the room. It was three o clock. Time to collect and run.

But wait. They had not switched the light off. Bugger. Turn back. Turn back or your in trouble.

How I wished I had turned but no my greedy mind overtook me. So there I was about to risk it all to get these damn trophies.

I took out my trusty lock pick and began to quietly pick the lock. God it was a bugger of a lock. I went through about three picks before I succeeded in unlocking the door. No alarm. How strange.

In I went. I slid along the walls trying not to be seen by anyone who may have been looking in through this balcony from the outside. But then I thought what nonsense. No one would be looking. The nearest village was a fare bit away. So I did the next best thing. I strode quietly across the room, turned the light off and used my torch to look for the trophies. Reaching out to collect them my mind raced of Miami, sun, riches, babes and so on. Although now babes are far from my mind.

I collected them all, carefully placed them into my now heaving bad and turned towards the balcony windows.

Just then my torch went out. Damn batteries. With no time to sort it out as I feared the men would be returning I hastily made my getaway. However in my rush I forgot to turn the main light back on. If I didn’t then it would look like I had been here.

As I made my way back towards the lights a sudden thought came to me. Why would it matter if the light wasn’t on. They would know someone was here because of the obvious missing trophies.

What to do? Escape? Yes escape. I have the loot now go. Come on.

Suddenly I had the most overwhelming feeling that the two men were coming back. Listening I could hear slight footsteps.

A feeling of panic set in. I had never had panic set in but now I was frozen to the spot.

The footsteps got louder. The voices were audible. Suddenly I had an idea. The footsteps were not that fast. It seemed the men were strolling back, taking their time. After all they were not to know I was here and I sure didn’t want them to know. They were going to know but not yet.

As soundlessly as I could I switched the light back on hoping they wouldn’t see. Nope, I was safe. Then I crept over to the fireplace and replaced the valuable trophies. I could hear the men slowly coming up the stairs. I had replaced ever last one and had slipped under the snooker table just as the men re entered.

They continued to play without a whiff that anything was wrong. That is until the lean one reached under to get another cue that had a funny X shape on the end. Instead of grabbing the cue he grabbed my arm and let out a yelp of surprise with some choice words to follow.

As quick as a bolt I headed for the windows but tripped over by my stupid ninja shoes. One of the laces had come undone. Knew I should have bought slip ons.

As I made an effort to get up I felt a fat, strong hand grip my collar and I was flung straight onto the table.

In a gruff voice the fat man asked what I was doing here. In a cocky attitude I told him I took a wrong turn on the way to school.

He did not like that one bit.

He proceeded to choke me as he kept the interrogation up.

Soon I gave a grumble and told him I was here for the trophies and then ended it with “… fat bastard!”

Instead of an angry reply I was shocked to see both men grin. They then laughed heartily to each other.

What was going on?

With a grip like a python the fat man lifted me off the table and held me in position. His lean friend came up to me and said that if I wanted the trophies I would have to earn them.

What the hell was he talking about? I don’t earn anything. I take it.

All that was about to change.

As the big man held me in a vice like grip the lean man started stripping me of my clothes. In no time I was naked and cold. The pair of them dragged me over to the snooker table but I wasn’t having this so I tried to bolt but the fat man was very strong and held firm. The lean man smacked my arse cheeks and held me bent over.

The fat man held my waist whilst the lean man looked at my arse. He gave it a few taps and spanks and then he went to work pulling my arse apart and tutting.

What was this and who were these pervs?

Suddenly the lean man tells me my arse needs widening before play can begin.


was the only response from my lips.

I could see the lean man come round the table and reach under it. What he brought out next made me shudder like never before.

In his hand was a normal cue stick but wobbling on the top was an 8” dildo that had been lubed or oiled.

Oh gosh. I need not tell you where that ended up. In and out that dildo went. Sliding up my arse and out over and over. Slowly and slowly the lean man pushed and pulled.

Then he stopped and the fat man pushed me onto the table and began binding my arms and legs to the table corners so that I was spread eagled looking up at the light.

The lean man then went to the windows and drew the curtains.

Both men stared menacingly at me.


For the next few minutes the men explained that I could win all the trophies and leave without another word.

How was I going to win tied down I asked.

They giggled and told me that I was able to win with the use of my arse hole.

Puzzled I ask how.

I was soon to find out.

The lean man told the fat man to go easy as they had all night and I wasn’t going anywhere.

So now they picked up the cues and began to rack the balls up.

They told me to not let the black ball go into my ass as I needed to stop it by squeezing my ass cheeks together.

Every game they played ended up with me struggling to clench myself to stop the black ball going in. With luck more than skill I stopped the black ball entering every game they played.

By now the grins left and we’re replaced by utter annoyance.

A big grin plastered my face as I knew they would have to let me go soon with their trophies. Who knew I was so good at ass clenching. Maybe after this I should do this for a living. Maybe not.

Just as I was thinking these twats we’re done with me I was told that I had not yet played the champion game.

The trophy for that was encrusted with diamonds and jewels.

My eyes lit up as I heard this. However what I had to do to earn it made my eyes go wide in fear.

I was told that to not only win that trophy and my freedom I was to become wider so as to make it harder for me to stop the black ball entering my ass.

The lean man came round and opened a cupboard.

I could see a little of what was inside but I wished I had not seen. Within the cupboard were a selection of cues that had various sized dildos on the ends ranging from a 9” all the way to what looked like a big whopping 11”.

The lean man came back with the 9” and without hesitation jammed it up my hole. Like before he let it slowly in then slowly out. In out in out.

God it was an itchy feeling at first but then it became pleasurable. My god how pleasurable it felt. The lube slicking my hole and oh gosh this was something new. Wow!

Then the fat man told me that for the next three games I was to not let the black ball in as they would stick all three dildos in me one for each start of a game.

The lean man toon out the dildo and both played again. This time I clenched so tightly that I almost passed out. But again the black ball refused to enter.

The fat man was almost hell bent with rage. The lean man told him not to worry and that I would soon lose. The fat man composed himself and wiped his brow. His piggy eyes fixed on my hole.

The lean man then gave the fat man the next dildo which was the 10” one. I braced myself and writhed when he jammed it up me. Still it wasn’t pain that caused me to writh but pleasure.

Soon the table was clear of balls all except the black one. The fat man lined the shot up. I couldn’t see. All I could see was the light above.

Suddenly I jolted as I felt the black ball pummelled into my hole. I could not breathe. The ball made me feel full. The fat man laughed. The lean man was watching me. Suddenly he let out a cry of agony as I gasped and the black ball popped out and rolled straight into the corner pocket.

Both men were stunned.

Apparently the ball had to stay in my hole longer than it did but thanks to my gasp I somehow managed to spring the ball into the corner pocket which meant I had also won that game on a fluke.

This was a very strange game indeed.

Next was the 11” dildo.

The cue ball was lined and they were off potting this ball and that ball all whilst I was strapped to the table stark bollock naked and oddly every time a ball knocked against my skin my dick stood proud in anticipation.

It was finally time to shoot the black ball. I was prepared to block. But as I tried to squeeze my cheeks I found they couldn’t close at all.

Shit. This was it. I was doomed.

By the way I was writhing in frustration on the table both men knew I couldn’t do anything to stop them winning.

With all my might I tried to will my bum cheeks to respond.

Not a single clench. They had ruined my hole for good.

The black ball was hit. It ran right up to my hole and I felt it reach right into my hole. Nothing would budge that out now. As much as I tried nothing happened. They had won.

The police were called, the black ball pulled ever so carefully from my bum, my clothes given back and I was soon handcuffed and sent to prison.

I am writing this to whoever will listen from inside H.M.Willybone.

At least one good thing is I can now take any cock or dildo offered without pain. I am well and truly snookered. Now I have to go and play pool with the fellas. They feel my naked body up as I lay down on the cum soaked cigarette tarnished greenish ripped velvet of the pool table and commence to feel any type of ball go straight into my pleasure tunnel as my cock spurts multiple loads.

I don’t do this to win. I do this to lose over and over again and again as I please these guys with my cum soaked cock ready to slurp it off any time they make me lose.

Robbery? Far from my mind these days.


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\——/      Hope you liked!