The Edge of Reason

by Swallow Your Lightsaber

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The Edge of Reason (I)

The Beginning

David Hendrix, as he laid beside the big man on the bed and was sucking his cock and was going at a nice pleasurable pace. The bigger guy receiving the blowjob, shifted his leg then moaned his approval a bit. David continued to suck the smooth 8” cut cock and by now he had had some practice, so he was good at it. He was at an odd angle because the master liked to use restraints, when it was possible, and it had been this time. The slave was having to rely on his mouth, tongue, and was getting ever better at letting it slide down his throat now without having gagging fits. He was sort of on automatic pilot and considered how he had gotten to here:

All stories begin somewhere and this one had been a tragic one in many ways. Two years ago, his father, Henry Hendricks, had been driving home from work and while driving on the interstate. Got clipped by a tractor and trailer, it had simply been an accident, but it had taken Henry from the world. That had left him and his mother, Barbara to fend for themselves. He had gone through the normal grieving process if anyone could ever call that normal. His mother too had to go through the same and then life resumed.

About a year later, his mother had met a man named Johnny Mayfield, who so far had been a decent man. He had a son that was pushing the boundary of turning twenty-three. Which the owner of the dick, the smaller David was currently sucking. It had taken about a year, after Barbara Hendrix and Johnny Mayfield, got married. The quiet David had just gotten swept along with his mother and they relocated and moved into his new stepfather’s house. It was in one of the larger suburbs north of Nashville, TN. After moving in, things had normalized for a year. Then, by technicality, stepbrother below him, moaning a bit every now and again had found what to him had been treasure.

He had just happened to have picked up one of the iPads in the house that belonged to David, as he was called, “Little John”, his dad was therefore, “Big John.”  It had been just sat down, so had not timed out and he started looking through it. He knew that looking through other people’s personal stuff was not right, some may say it was bad to do so. Little John was one of those people that kind of enjoyed being bad. He had deftly gone to the search browser history, and grinned, he had suspected. If there was a porn site you could get to via the internet, it was probably somewhere in his search history, and it was all gay stuff. He had put the iPad down, after getting the gist of it, and audibly and slowly said as he walked away, “Oh, yeah.”

Comparing David to John it was easy to tell there was not genetic ties or anyone would mistake them for blood related kin. They were both attractive yet in different ways and nowhere having the same body types. David who was the younger, was only three months away from turning 19. He was a modest five feet and eight inches tall, and weighed in at 142 lbs. He played young men’s community competitive soccer, so he was always running and in good shape. His hair was brown in color and medium in length. He had somehow been lucky enough to inherit the gene that your hair, so long as you kept it trim, always looked good. All he had to do was wash it and let it dry on its own. His best feature was startling blue clear eyes that taken in with the whole symmetry of his face; Most people never noticed this because he, like many people had developed myopia so had to wear golden framed glasses, His overall effect, had been enough to make more than one person in school, say, ‘wow he’s hot.’

School had started for him in a big way, he was a never say die student that had thrown himself at every academic challenge he had ever faced, and thought afterwards, ‘Is that the best you got?’ As a result of his hard work, he had been awarded a full scholarship at a private school in Nashville. He did not even have to live on campus, he could commute.

His master, or Little John, was also pushing a birthday soon, he would be 23 when midnight struck on that day. He was living at home because according to Big John, ‘He was a deadbeat, and the word job probably did not exist in his vocabulary.’

Little John, and yes, it was true, because his dad was 6’3”, little john was 6’1’” and both were hunks of muscle. The father and his people were just big people, and Little John had come by that as well. Also, he had played football in high school and got into weightlifting and had stayed with it. He was currently working part time as a mechanic, he seemed to have an aptitude for that as he took a few classes at a local community college. He had dark hair, which he kept cut short to almost being military style regulation. He had sparkling black eyes, that led one to believe there was more horsepower behind them than he acted at times. He had more than a few people that called him hot.

A week after finding his treasure chest of information, he had decided to see if, perhaps he might just extract what he wanted from his new stepbrother. Fuck all that incest shit, they did not share the kind of genes a blood related relative does. He had fucked both men and women probably would do a whole lot more of that in the future. So, had started to test the waters, and see if he could get that fish to bite. He was sure he had just exactly the right bait, and an irresistible technique he wanted to try. His stepbrother was quiet, reflective and studious who always seemed to be reading something. He had probably never even been in the same building with someone that was unclothed before. He was always so very silent and soft spoken, he did not leave a big footprint that several professions had termed.

Back in the present, they had flipped, and John, was fucking David’s mouth, and was not holding back on the speed or power. The bound slave could not do much, but he enjoyed being under this powerful man’s control like this. He could also hear his master laboring to breathe, and he was moaning and groaning occasionally, so he must be liking it His slave enjoyed this as well and used the best thing he could now, his tongue. He ran it along the slick side of master’s big cock as it slid in and out of his mouth. Little John, the master, was feeling, are you kidding? He thought, oh my little project had produced some good fruits. His cock lit up with pleasure each time he drove it down into his slave’s throat, and slid it back up, then back down. It was an unstoppable process now that would lead to him emptying himself, inside of that mouth and then in turn all his delicious cum would be obediently swallowed down.  

It had started innocently enough, he had opened the door to David’s room who was lying on the bed, staring at a textbook, wondering who the hell could have been sadistic enough to come up with the concept of Calculus word problems. He had thought one of the right words in his thinking, he just didn’t know it yet. The muscled-up John, decided to go ahead and get the show started.

He sat down on the bed and the ripple just about toppled his younger stepbrother. He asked, “What’s you working on faggot?”

This stopped David’s mind almost completely for a moment and he slowly turned and locked eyes with Little Mike.

He said, “Odd, you have never called me that before.”

The big guy had a baseball he was tossing slightly up and catching. He replied, “My little stepbrother, after you left one of your iPads unlocked and walked away from it. I got on it and had a little look. Tell me is the website,, I bet those chat rooms are interesting. Just as I am sure the ones located on around, the dozen or other so of the gay websites I saw you really liked. I just figured out that someone that visited such sites, it seemed fitting to call you a faggot.”

The look on David’s face looked like a trainwreck happening in slow motion, which was primarily carrying a chemical freight and exploded.

Little John, in one place was not quite so little any longer, the delivery of this and the look on his face. Bingo!

He reached over and patted his stepbrother, quite stiffly on the shoulder a couple of times.

He grinned, “Take a breath, no reason to panic, I am not the, ‘Someone’s in the closet police,’ who is going to charge into one and sling you out into the light. You are an adult now, if that is your thing, it just is faggot. I see no reason to tell your mom or my dad about it, you will do that in your own time I suppose.” He waited on it.

David looked more relaxed and said, “I am glad we are good with that; you know I am quiet and private. You are okay man, thank you, that was stupid. No one knows and I don’t ever do anything but watch it”

John grinned evilly and said, “I would not bend over backwards quite yet thanking me, as I think I am doing right by you, I expect you to do a few things for me then the whole matter will sort of fade from my mind.”

This hit David Hendrix, in several ways at once and he was momentarily overwhelmed. He was angry about what was just implied, yet there was something, in his primitive brain that sort of grabbed the high ground. He was a little afraid of what his stepbrother might want and having someone leverage you this way, made him tingle. He had watched the videos online, with people all tied up, wearing airtight masks, or suspended by some kind of rope. When he was subjected to this type of stimuli, his mind always wondered how that felt to the person, being used that way. Apparently even just having someone hint that and his raging hardon answered that question for him.

John told him, “Pretty easy, from here on out when the parental units are not around, I am going to call you what you are a faggot. When you answer me, you will address me as sir. We are moving down into the basement over the weekend for the remodeling up here, so, you keep the fuck out of my way, and I am in charge. You will keep the room clean, do all my chores, and that is about it.” He grinned disarmingly.

David said, “That does not sound too bad, I can handle that, uhm, sir.”

The big guy added, “I said that was about it, one more thing, which works out well for you. There is a little game that I like to play, and you must play it as well, when I want to do it. You cannot interfere with what I do, and I am afraid I will need your word on that one. It’ the simplest thing in the world really.”

David let his head sink a bit and he said, “Let me guess, you are going to say something witty? Such as, ‘I can really perform magic, allow me to demonstrate by making my big cock suddenly disappear into your mouth or up your ass?”

Little John’s smile was sort of sly now, “I believe I could, however I am not quite bad as all that.” ‘Not yet at least’, he thought. “I want to hear you swear to me that you will agree to all of this, oh there is one more thing. It is not inconsequential so it should be mentioned.”

David had raised his head back up, “That would be?”

His big step brother’s face looked almost evil, yet again, as he said, “You must agree to never jerk your willy, my game will take care of that. This will simply be backed up by your word and the honor code, you will love it.”

Lying on the bed, the younger of the two stepbrothers thought about this. He could deflate this with a two-minute conversation with his mother, she was a good and reasonable woman. Who would then subsequently, reduce his stepbrother to carbon. There was another part of him, and it wanted to see where this went.

“Well, I am waiting, so sometime today would be preferable, one-time offer.”

The felt like a nuclear blast of peer pressure. He found himself saying, “I agree, I swear I will do what it is you have in mind.”

There it was, it was out there, and both had raging boners, Little John had found that to be as much fun as he had thought it would be. Now let’s find out if all those advice articles he had been reading on the internet were worth a shit.

He told his stepbrother, “Break out your fucking lube, and I know you have some and take your clothes off. Then lay down on your back as if you are going to take a nap right there on the bed.”

He watched as David, got up went over to a dresser and grabbed a squeeze bottle of lube, then threw it on the bed. He paused for a second, before undressing in front of his stepbrother. They had seen each other naked numerous times, this was a bit different. David took, his shirt and tee shirt off, then undid his jeans and slipped out of those. He was wearing a blue Calvin Kline pair of blue bikini style underwear and off they came as well. Finally, he was nude and sporting a beautiful 6” cut cock which was at attention. He went over and laid down on his back on the bed.

The big guy pulled a chair that was over in the corner of the room and set it beside the bed. He sat down and got the bottle of lube then positioned himself to have comfortable access to use his hand on David’s cock. He snapped the bottle open and held it just over his hardness and was grinning as he squirted a liberal amount of it out down the length of the shaft of David’s cock. He shivered all over at the cold, and just the stimulation in general, and it felt fucking good.

Sir used his big right hand and gripped the younger man’s cock and slid his hand up and down to spread the lube out.

He watched his face as his head was lying on the pillow. He said, “Now this is a game that has rules, and your cooperation has a great deal to do with it. Do you think that you can do that?”

His momentary captive, managed, “Yes, uh, sir. Rules are good.”

The big hand with its firm grip on David’s dick began to slowly slide up and down the length of him. It was very slowly at first, and he did not get in a hurry.

He said, “This is an easy game, because I do most of the work. The rule is, you do not get to cum till I allow it. When you even begin to start to feel that burn signaling to you it’s going to happen, tell me immediately. Do not interfere, or touch your dick, I control this.”

He began to slide that hand up and down a little faster and soon enough.

“Uhm-Now, sir.”

Little John immediately stopped the stimulation and sit for a second drinking in the site of his new project. He knew it would not be too long before he got what he wanted and over time he would be able to edge him all fucking day. At which time he would also coincidentally, get what he wanted then as well. It was going to take some time to build up his stamina, so he started this way.

“I am going to keep doing you like this, but I want you to make me cum before I will finish. We have several hours before bedtime, and I quite enjoy this. So, to get there, you just simply must beg me to allow you to make me cum, in some way I think is impressive enough. Then make that happen, and I will allow release, which I know you want so badly. Otherwise, we will just be here for quite a bit…. Should you have a hard time deciding, as soon as mom and dad are in their bedroom I am back here, at work. You may beg at will faggot.”

David Hendrix was a slave already he had just not figured it out yet, his stepbrother’s approach was just, well fuck. He tried to think, and that big hand just kept a good steady pace, and if he were to flinch, or say, “Now,” it stopped immediately. He wanted to cut loose so very badly, but that hand was skilled, and Sir seemed to know the perfect amount of time to wait.

I guess, supposedly the faggot tried, “Sir, that feels good, would you please allow me to do the same for. Uh-gosh, sir.”

Little John was pouring some fresh lube onto his hypnotized stepbrother’s dick. He just got another good grip and slowly started working it again.

He answered rather dismissively, “That was okay, but I think after going to all the trouble that I have. The very nice way I am touching you right now should be just a little bit better than me getting to spurt on my tummy. I don’t need you for that, try again.”

The moaning David was in a sensual kind of pleasure prison, he was making that feel so good.


He upped the ante just a bit as Sir began to work him again. “Will you please let me jerk you off into my mouth Sir, please.”

The big, not so little John slid his hand up and down the shaft of that slick cock. He looked down and his little trainees’ balls had really increased in size. Just a few of these sessions, and some after jacking him off first then doing this just a couple of hours later. He would be able to do this to him for quite some time if he liked. He was ready to cum but pushed a bit more.

He said in an almost mocking tone, “If you can put an incentive, and answer what you think it is I want you to do with my cum as I shoot it into your mouth.”

David was sweating it, of course he wanted to blast away, but also knew that when he finally did; it would generate a shockwave.

He stammered, “Will you please allow me to jerk you off and shoot your cum in my mouth, so that I may swallow it sir.?”

John smiled, stopped working on the faggot’s cock, and stood up and put the chair aside. He dropped his shorts and pulled his underwear down; little step brother might have the perfect GPA, be witty and whatever else. Though he did think David’s cock was nice, it was on the average side. Perfect for what he was doing and would be doing to him some more soon. But his big 8” cut and thick cock easily ruled the day here.

He backed up a little and said, “Get on your knees like you are going to suck my cock and bring that lube.”

The trainee got on his knees right right in front of John’s big cock and looked up at him.

Little John was surprised at exactly how excited he was, he had many different tastes, but this was one he was glad he had decided to indulge. It was a water-based gel lube that was marked non-toxic.

He loved making people do this one, “Squirt a good amount of that in your mouth and hold it for a few, to let it warm up. Then just as the directions say, apply.”

The smaller David could see why a dominant person might like that, or at least the portion of his brain that was not still burning down could. He popped it open and squirted a good amount into his mouth. He kneeled there and patiently held it looking up at Sir. It didn’t have much of a taste, good, bad it was just gooey.

The big man watched him as he held it, and his dick was throbbing. ‘Shit, he had actually done it, he had a few that would not.’ He was getting that ache now, that was warm enough.

“Get it on there and get to work faggot.”

David leaned forward, took his step brother’s big dick in his hand at the head and held it flat. He then moved down the length of it leaving a trail of lubricant mixed with a bit of his spit. He reached up and put his hand solidly around the shaft of it and begin to get it nice and lubed up. This was like the greatest and most rare bottle of a rare wine of feelings that it gave the big guy. Oh, it felt so fucking good, and he involuntarily leaned forward a bit. The trainee began to stroke his dick at a medium pace and looked up at him as he did so.

Mike said, “Yeah, just like that faggot, just make your grip a bit tighter and go a little faster. I want to give your mouth its first shot of my fine vintage cum. When I tell you to pull back, hold the head of my cock on your tongue, with your head tilted back a little.”

“Yes, sir.”

The kneeling young man began to pick up the pace and it was a handful to be sure. He did the best he could do, and that seemed to be good enough as Sir, was doing a bit of moaning. It did not take terribly long, and he began to shuffle around a little bit.

He told David, “Lay it on your tongue and keep right on working it until I tell you to stop.”

“Gee fucking WI lickers and fuck of that feels good.!,” Sir began to spurt large strings of cum that shot out of the end of his cock into his new play-thing's mouth. He had gotten rather hot, so shot a big load. When he was done, he started to put his clothes back on.  He told David, “Finish yourself and let your cum lust land on the hardwood flooring in front of you. I am going to sit here and make sure you lick it all up. After I leave, mop the floor in here good and you have some time to attack the gordian knot that my laundry has become.

It did not take long, and the big guy started to stir again as he watched the young man lick it all up until he was satisfied. He was quite methodical and thorough he had never felt quite this way before. 

David almost had an attack of Deja’ Vu because he had been thinking of the first time his master had done that to him. He was now doing it again, but this time he was coming at it from above. He instinctively pushed down all the way to the root of the shaft. He could feel that big dick as it sort of jerked around in his throat to the sound of Sir’s moans.

They laid there for a few moments, and John thought, ‘This one is training well, took quite a bit to get him here.’ But that is for another time.