Yes Sir

by LittleBuddy

8 Feb 2024 4378 readers Score 9.8 (38 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

“This is Brian.” I spoke into the line that afternoon, my private one, that only office people or my wife called me on.

“Hey. Sexy.” I heard his voice say quietly on the other end and my insides flipped.

And now, Dr. David Fox had the private line too. No more need to go through the office secretary. I gave him my direct number, as he had done the same, after our first night together last weekend. After we discussed terms and conditions, after he had fucked me roughly the first time, then I rode him to a second conclusion more slowly, after I had left his place feeling good about our arrangement, after I left his place wanting more.

“It’s only Wednesday,” I mumbled into the phone with a giant grin on my face, “you can’t need me already!”

I heard his soft voice chuckle seductively on the line. “Oh baby, you have no idea how badly I need you. You’re lucky I resisted and didn’t call you on Monday.” He growled into the phone before adding, “I need to see you.”

I actually blushed at the urgency to his voice, suddenly wondering if there was something wrong. But I calmed my brain down and took a deep breath as he continued in his chattering way when he was nervous on the phone.

“Any chance you can get away after work today? I have an idea and wanted to see if it would work with you.”

I glanced at my door, making sure no one was in the hallway as I got up to close it. “Tonight?” My heart was already racing, so my brain played catch up, trying to figure out what was happening at home after work.

“It can be a quick one, on your way home if you can swing it. I’m in clinic and my last patient is at 4, and everyone clears out by 5.”

I heard him take a quick breath in before he continued.

“I’m in between patients right now and thought you might be able to swing by and visit your doctor.” There was a deepening of his voice at the end, and it came out rather gravely and lustfully. I couldn’t help but laugh at the suggestion, as my cock responded in my pants.

“Fuck Dave. I’d love to visit my ‘doctor’ on my way home.” I felt the low grumble in my throat as I contemplated the logistics. “At the hospital?”

I already knew which hospital Dave worked at, including his title and the type of doctor he was, the department he covered, the various clinics he ran and how often he was on call during a month. We had gone over schedules pretty clearly. I felt I knew his better than I knew my own.

“Yeah. I’m in Outpatients running my clinic and everyone will be cleared out by 5. It’s deserted. But I can hang around for you, and keep a room ready for us. Once it’s closed and they know I’m still here no one will bother us. Trust me.” His voice was like a drug, even though he was talking fast, it was soothing me into a pull I couldn’t resist. “Doctor/patient confidentiality and all.”

I looked at my watch and calculated the time it would take me to get to the hospital, see him and be home without anyone worrying, adding some time for the clinic to make sure no one would be around. “I can do that. Want me there for 5?”

I heard him growl on the other end and there was a quick sucking in of air. “Oh baby you made me so happy right now. Come for 5:15 just to be safe. First floor, Outpatients. Just have a seat in the waiting room. It’ll be all empty and vacated. I’ll come get you.”

I grinned into the phone. He promised me when I left his place last weekend that we would see each other at least once a week, that we would be spontaneous and adventurous. Just a few days later and he was not disappointing me.

“I can’t wait to see you big guy.” I panted into the phone.

“Same here sexy. Gotta get back into that sweet hole…MY hole that is.” He breathed into the phone. “Okay, I’ll see you in a few hours. Just wait for me in the Outpatients waiting area and I’ll come get you. I promise.”

“Yes Sir.” I said into the phone before we ended the call quickly.

Just as I hung up the phone, there was a knock on my door and I spun around to see the large figure of my boss, Dennis Gibson on the other side, smiling tentatively at me.

FUCK. I thought, my cock still swollen from the sound of Dr. Dave Fox’s voice and the anticipation of seeing him, and now Dennis, my FORMER lover and boss, was finally here to see me. With a pit in my stomach, I pasted on a polite smile and opened the door.

“Hey.” He said quietly, his eyes darting to each side as he took a step inside my office and I instinctively took a few steps backwards as his massive muscular figure filled up the doorway. He turned away from me to shut the door and my eyes took him in: all 6 plus feet of him, filling out his suit perfectly, looking like a giant wrestler stuffed into his best clothes to attend a wedding. His face was stern, his beard trimmed short, his eyes everywhere but looking at me for a moment.

“I, uh, wanted to pop in to say hi. I got back earlier today and didn’t have much of a chance to get away till now.” He then turned to me finally, and looked at me with a big sigh, pursing his lips together and let the silence fill my office.

I crossed my arms, trying to hide my shakiness. It had been almost three weeks since I saw him, since I called Max, the man to whom he whored me out, so that I could whore myself out again and met the Doc - who was now planning on seeing me tonight.

I stared up at him, trying hard to ignore the delicious features on his face, trying to ignore the shelf that was his chest in front of me, trying to ignore the thickness of his thighs in his dress pants, or the massive hands that were clasped together in front of him. And I tried to divert my eyes from the package he was concealing that I knew oh so well. I pictured myself lunging for him, to kiss those thick lips again, to feel his big hands on my lower back, to hiss in pleasure as his thick cock plunged into me once again….

“Where’ve you been?” I said suddenly, sounding like a jealous wife, my crossed arms completing the picture perfectly.

He noticed the harsh tone, biting his bottom lip and looking down at his expensive brown shoes. His eyebrows lifted before he spoke, and he finally opened his mouth first before words came out. “I had to take care of some business in the States, and then ended up in Chicago for a little bit of an escape.” He looked up at me again, and held his gaze, trying to read me.

I wasn’t saying anything, just tried to hold his look, with those eyes that I knew so well at this point.

“I didn’t know where you went, or if you were coming back.” I said quietly.

I heard the sigh again and saw his big hands dig into his pant pockets, stretching the already strained fabric over his muscled legs. “I didn’t think you cared.” And like a wound opening up, the words flowed from us both.

“You left without saying anything.” I shot out.

“I didn’t think you wanted to talk to me.”

“I was mad at you.” I glared at him.

“No kidding.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving?”

“Why didn’t you reach out before I left?” He glared back at me, squinting at me with a new look of ferocity.

“Why did you pass me off to Max?!” I raged back at him, causing him to straighten up to his full height and put his hands on his hips with a look of ‘there it is.’

He turned sideways, as if he was going to leave, but then turned back to me and dropped his hands to his sides.

“Why are you still married?” He suddenly asked me, his face a contorted look of frustration as he pushed his lips together again as if what he said was the wrong thing to say after seeing my initial reaction.

“WHAT?!” I said loudly, before I realized how loud and turned away, fearful of drawing attention to others in our office beyond my closed door.

He took a step towards me and lowered his voice. “You heard me.”

There was a moment of silence again as I rested my fingertips on my desk and took a deep breath to calm myself. “That’s my business….” I started to say but he cut me off.

“Well, Max Semenov is my business, and sometimes we have to do things for different reasons don’t we?” His voice was cutting, almost cruel as he was making his point. But for some reason I couldn’t see my own fault in this.

“Do you think me being married is the same thing as you passing me around like a toy for someone else?”

He bit his lip and stared at me. “Do you think that maybe you are already passing yourself around like a toy because you are still married? Or am I the toy? Is that it? I’m the one who’s being used here, aren’t I?”

Wow, I thought. I took a step back at the accusation, letting his words hit me. I saw him raise his hands up as if he regretted what he said as soon as it came out and he started to shake his head as I began talking. “Are you comparing what you did to me to the fact that I’m married to a woman?”

He kept shaking his head. “Forget it Brian. Just forget it all right?” He turned to look back at the door, and went to open it up, but he stopped again. This time he didn’t turn to face me, just sort of looked over his right shoulder at me, staring down at the floor.

“I just figured you couldn’t belong to just one person, being married and all. And if I couldn’t have you all to myself, there was no harm in sharing you even more. I figured that was what you were into.” He didn’t wait for a response, just pulled the door open quickly and walked out of my office.

His words sunk in slowly, and I turned to look at the picture of my wife and kids on my desk. My door bounced off the wall, and I heard Dennis’ booming voice speaking to someone outside, giving them a hard time, taking out his anger on some unsuspecting employee. I held on to the edges of my desk, letting his biting words sink in further, trying to figure out what he meant. My initial reaction was what an asshole. I couldn’t even fathom that any of this was my fault. There was no way that this big brute, this powerhouse of a businessman was trying to pin this on me. Maybe that’s what these executives do to pass the blame?

But the more I thought about it, the more I started to believe what he said, and the more upset I became. Was he right? Was I using him? Did he want more?

My mind was not on my work for the rest of the afternoon. Dennis never came back, although a part of me was wondering if he would come back to apologize. Around 4:30 I went to freshen up a bit in the bathroom, still intent on stopping by the hospital on my way home, but something drew me to Dennis’ office afterwards.

Only he wasn’t there.

“He left early.” His admin assistant said with a smile at me, gathering her own things up and heading out early as well. “So I’m going to as well. My daughter has a recital this weekend so I’ve got a few things to pick up.” She walked with me back towards my own office on her way out, gabbing about what an amazing man Mr. Gibson was, and how kind he was, but today he just wasn’t himself.

I didn’t say much back, just said goodbye and gathered my own things up and stormed out of the place, pushing his words to the back of my mind, driving fast towards the hospital, more determined than ever to see Dr. Fox. I had a permanent frown on my face as I drove, as I parked, and as I headed into the building, following the signs to OUTPATIENTS on the first floor. But as I stepped into the somewhat dim and empty reception area of the department, my frown eased as I awaited the burly muscular doctor. Something calmed me as the prospect of seeing this new man took over my thoughts, and how he had literally taken my breath away.

I plopped myself down in the corner, facing the dark desk area and towards the only door that went to the back, wondering if that was where Dave would be coming from. I had a leather brown bag over my shoulder across my body, with my laptop in it, so I clutched it to my stomach, trying to push Dennis Gibson from my mind, and waited to see what the built doctor would be wearing when he walked through the doors at any moment.

And when the door pushed open inquisitively, there he was: my hulk of a doctor, taking my mind off everything. His bearded face lit up immediately when he spotted me. I couldn’t help but smile back at him, seeing him with a long white lab coat on over his collared shirt and tie, black dress pants and shiny black shoes on the bottom. He had a clipboard in his big hand and he held the door ajar as he rested a foot on it as well.

“Uh, Brian? The doctor will see you now.” His voice was deep but quiet, and those grey eyes glared at me as his sexy grin spread across his face. I saw his bulge, and wondered if every patient got a view of that impressive package at every visit. “Follow me.” He said, holding the door open wider as I stood up, seeing his eyes move up and down my body and hearing the sounds from his throat as I neared him.

A wave of cologne went through me as I stepped up to him. “You look so fuckin’ hot right now.” I whispered as I brushed past his gallantry at holding the door open for me.

He just growled, his eyes following my ass as it passed him, a warm hand on my lower back as he guided me through the door. “Just down the hall there, last door on your right.” He pointed with the clipboard, pushing me gently with his hand, letting his large fingers trail down to my ass where he gave it a playful squeeze. “It’s so good to see you.” He whispered over my head as he steered me toward the door he had pointed at.

I turned to look up at him, realizing he was just as tall, just as muscular, just as handsome as Dennis. I gave my head an imperceptible shake as I tried to rid my thoughts of my boss, and smiled up at this massive doctor. “You have no idea how good it is to see you Dave.” I wanted to grab him right there in the hallway, reach out and take his hand, or squeeze his hunky butt that was bouncing beside me. I wanted to stop him and kiss him, to just let it all out. Because Dave got me, Dave understood this need. He was married, like me, and this was a good thing, us seeing each other now, exclusively. Right? At least that was what was going through my head as I followed his lead.

He hurried to the door first and opened it up for me, holding it open again to allow me to step inside first, before he followed suit and closed, and locked the door behind me.

It was a small examination room, with a paper-lined bed against the wall and a small desk in the opposite corner with a chair at it. Beside me to the right were two small chairs, and a swivel stool beside the examination table, a skinny sink between the desk and exam table, and a paper towel dispenser above that. There were cabinets and a scale, and it smelled clean.

I pulled off my bag over my head and turned to look at Dave as I dropped it onto the chair. But he was already at me, taking my head in his hands, and breathing into me as our mouths opened and we started to kiss.

I forgot all about Dennis, and the words he said. I got lost in the big hands of this doctor, and the way he was making me feel as he practically ate my face in hunger.

“Fuck I’ve missed you!” he groaned into me, backing me up towards the exam table. My hands went to his pecs immediately, feeling them squeezing together under his shirt as he held me face in his hands, not letting up on his animalistic kisses. My head was spinning now in a different way, a good way, and my cock was catching up to the butterflies in my stomach.

“I need this!” I moaned out, causing Dave to stop momentarily and smile into my mouth.

“I like to hear that,” he gave me a few quick kisses as my bum banged up against the table, “because I’ve been going crazy thinking the same thing.” He picked me up easily and propped me down on the table, the paper making that crinkling sound as he pushed my legs open and moved his body between me. His hands were still on the sides of my face, stroking my hair and playing with my ears as his tongue searched deep into my throat, moaning as we kissed. “I couldn’t wait another day.”

I ran my hands around his back, under his lab coat, squeezing his beefy ass. And before I could stop myself, my hands moved back around to the front and started to unbuckle his belt and hastily undo his pants.

Dave moaned into me as I fumbled with his pants, until my hand dove into the warmth and found my prize. There was a fury in my grip, a sudden need for this man as I pulled on his big shaft, feeling it harden in my hand. Dave laughed into my mouth before his tongue filled me once again and his hands moved to the back of my head. I wrapped my legs around him, freeing his meat between us, his voice muffled as we kissed.

I wanted him like no one before.

“I need you inside me.” I moaned at him, stroking his big cock outside of his pants, seeing the white coat draped around him as his bare skin appeared. I pushed his pants down, using my shoes to make them go down farther along his muscular legs. I could see the shirt tails around the base of his cock and he suddenly looked sexier than ever with his big legs on display and his cock already sticking straight out in anticipation. I pushed him back and slid off the paper lined table and crouched to my knees to take him.

Hungrily, I opened my lips and wrapped them around that leaking cock head, swallowing the entire shaft in one go, feeling it hit the back of my throat, making me gag just once. Dave shuddered above me, beginning to open the bottom of his shirt for me, loosening his tie as he watched me at his shiny black shoes sucking his thick cock.

“Yeah? You hungry boy? Need my cock that bad?” He was talking low, his voice dripping with lust. “Get it wet and I’ll fuck that hole of yours right now.” He said, reaching the top button around his neck and spreading open his shirt. My eyes looked up at the mountain of his hairy chest, my hands sliding upwards to feel his muscular body. I groaned around the thick warm flesh in my mouth and I sucked him deep, his hands moving to my head to hold me still as he slowly worked his cock back and forth for me with a lecherous grin.

Then he bent down and lifted me up, turning me around and forcefully bending me over in front of him onto the exam table. He shoved my head into the paper, the crinkling sound just as loud as my sudden gasp of pleasure. His hands joined together in front of me, sliding around my waist as I felt his cock grinding against my covered ass, until those large fingers were hastily undoing my belt and button and zipper. Before I moved a muscle, my pants were roughly pulled down over my jock butt.

“Oh YES!” I groaned, looking over my shoulder at the hulking doctor, his shirt completely open, his tie loose around his neck hanging down in front of the bubbled hairy muscles of his amazing body, his lab coat still hanging down around him, and his big cock fully erect and aiming at me. “C’mon Doc. FUCK ME!” I growled at him, gripping the further edge of the table, making the paper bunch up under me as I pushed my ass backwards at him.

He bent down and spit fiercely into my ass twice, rubbing it in before he simply grabbed his cock and pointed it directly at my spread cheeks, before he stepped up purposefully and pushed it between my bubbled ass. I felt the heat from the head of his slick cock as it found its target, and I held my breath, waiting for the pressure to subside as he forced his way in.

My hole gave way and he shoved his cock into me all the way, his hairy hips at my smooth ass that I was pushing right back against him. We both moaned, my eyes shut, my teeth gritted together as I felt the swift invasion. He adjust his feet and his hands slid up my shirt covered back to my shoulders where he gripped them firmly.

“There you go boy. The doctor is in! Time for your examination.” He chuckled behind me. With a loud smack his first thrust took me surprise. One hard shove forced me into the table and I groaned in delight. I stared at him over my shoulder, leaning over to lick his big fingers gripping me, as he held himself still, before he gave me another quick pump.

My eyes widened as I watched him, his eyes were on me and a side grin was on his face. I could feel his cock throbbing in me as he didn’t move, giving me quick deep thrusts, letting the sensation wash over us both. My legs were practically together as my pants strained around my legs, Dave’s thick thighs surrounding me as he moved in closer.

He leaned over me, his tie tickling the top of my ass as I felt his heavy chest press down on me. I strained my neck around and found his lips as he gave me a soft kiss. “You ready baby?” He said so softly I shuddered.

I lowered my head and nodded. “Yes Sir. Fuck me.” I could barely speak, but he heard me, standing up to his full height. And just like that, he started to plow my ass from behind. Hard. Deep. Loud.

I bounced on the paper, trying to figure out what was making the most noise: the table banging against the wall, the paper crinkling underneath me, the sound of his body slapping against mine, my own grunts with each thrust, or his growling over me.

It was a sight to see as I turned back to look at him: his hairy pecs bouncing with each pull of my body towards him, his hips working fast into me, his hands gripping my shoulders, his neck thickening as he looked upwards, lost in the feeling of my ass. His eyes were closed and his mouth hung open as he began to mutter various words.

“You feel so good boy.”

I lowered my head onto the paper, reaching down to my pants to lower them, to free my hard cock.

“I want to live in this fucking ass.”

I put a hand on the wall above me to steady myself as he continued his deep assault.

“This my hole again? Eh? MY hole! Fuck!”

His hands moved down my back to grab my waist, Dave stepping into me closer and giving me a faster pumping motion which forced me to hold myself even stiller against the wall.

“God I could fuck you every day and night!”

I groaned at that thought.

“I’m going to flood this ass!” His voice grew louder and when I looked back over my shoulder his eyes were open, focused on my face, a serious frown now on his handsome bearded mug.

“Come on big guy. Breed me.” I reached behind me with my right hand and grabbed his right cheek, digging my fingers into his fleshy ass to join in the movements.

His fingers tightened around my slim hips, and the sounds of our bodies slamming together intensified. Just the thought of him rising to his climax made me tingle inside, and I could feel my own cumming.

“You’re going to fuck the cum right out of me!” I moaned, seemingly pulling his ass with my one hand into me harder. His eyes widened and his grin grew.

“Yeah boy? Cum for Daddy!” He snarled at me and his face began to change as he neared his conclusion.

“Yeah do it Dave! Fuck me Dave! C’mon, cum inside me!” I growled, feeling my cock rubbing against the side of the table to help it along. I was in a frenzy, spurred on in anger and getting exactly what I needed.

And watching him was all I needed. I was going to cum with him.

And with a hard stab into me, he grunted and I watched everything tighten on him as he began to shake his load into me, holding himself still for just a second, before he quivered and rocked his cock in and out of me to complete his transaction. I let go of his ass as cum spilled from my dick at the same time, gripping the base of my cock in shock as he FUCKED the cum out of me with every lunge inside me. I looked down, my mouth agape, as I stroked my dick with his pumping motions, spilling my load all over the side of the table as he unloaded into me.

Moaning, panting and sighs filled the room from behind me as Dave slowed down, releasing his vice like grip around my waist, and slowly but tenderly backing out of my hole. With moans from both of us, he removed himself and I pushed myself upright and turned to watch him over my shoulder.

“Fuck!” I moaned, seeing his still huge cock emerge from me, as if I couldn’t believe that was just buried into me. He lifted his pants up to his waist before he turned to the dispenser and began to pull at the paper towels.

“Don’t move.” He said with a sheepish grin, grabbing a crumpled few brown towels and proceeded to wipe my legs to catch the cum dribbling down them. The paper was rough as he moved it upwards, brushing against my used hole to clean me, before he smacked my ass with his free hand and told me it was okay now.

I looked down at my own spilled seed dripping down the side of the table. “Do you think they’ll know someone got fucked in here?” I snickered, sliding my pants back over my ass and taking the handouts of new paper towels from him to clean up my mess as he wiped himself off.

We silently got ourselves back together, and satisfied with the state of the room, finally faced each other. Dave’s eyes were still smiling at me as he pulled me into his body and wrapped me up in him. My face pressed against his hard pecs as I hugged him back.

“Thank you for coming by.” He kissed the top of my head and squeezed me tightly, showing off his power. “When can I see you again?”

I smiled into his body, as I was already wondering the same thing. I had forgotten Dennis’ words until now, as I remembered the need to check in with our respective families before we could figure out our next rendezvous. As much as I wanted to see this big doctor as soon as possible, I also knew it was going to be an effort.

“Is tomorrow too soon?” I giggled, burying my face between his pecs, which he squeezed together.

“Uh, NO!” He laughed over me, pulling me away from his big body to look at me. “I’d gladly make it work to see you tomorrow!”

I scrunched my face up and stared up into his beard. “Probably won’t work. I think I have to take Josh to soccer.” I went back into his body, wrapping my arms around his thicker waist, feeling the muscles underneath his clothes. “Was this a fantasy of yours? Doing me in your exam room?”

He giggled and I felt his stomach shaking against me. “Yeah. Just a bit.” He kissed my head again and put those big arms around me again. I felt so good, hugging this man, nothing else seemed to matter. “You should pick the next one. Live out one of your fantasies for me. I’ll do my best to make it work.”

“Okay then.” I pushed myself off him and moved to the chair to pick up my brown bag. He watched me put it over my head and land on my shoulder, the bag now hanging in front of my body. I raised an eyebrow at him, looking just as sexy in his shirt and tie and lab coat as when he walked in. “I’ll have a little think and give you a call.”

He leaned against the exam table and just looked at me for a moment, before he spoke. He looked down suddenly, and folded his arms over his chest. “You know, I’m hooked. I’ll do anything you want. You’ve got me that crazy.”

I nodded, meeting his gaze. “I know the feeling.”

He moved towards me again, pulling me firmly against his body and lowered his face to mine. “Don’t make me wait too long. I need you again already.”

He kissed me, slowly, passionately, leaving me thickening in my pants again already. As our lips pulled apart slowly, I could barely catch my breath, suddenly wanting him to fuck me again. “Yes. Sir.” I added with a grin.

by LittleBuddy

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024