The Cursed Doll

by PCLatex

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Chapter 14

Bryn found us, both in our ‘human’ bodies, in our apartment. In the days following our visit to the crypt and hearing Merthyn’s explanation, we’d continued the work we did for Meridion. The choice faced by Bryn and Marc hadn’t been raised, though we could see it was at the forefront of their minds whenever we were together.

“Can we talk?” He asked. “Marc’s here too …”

“Sure.” Trefor held the door wide. “What’s the problem?”

“Um, we’d like to, um, ask … I mean …” Bryn coloured up, clearly not sure how to continue.

“We think we’ll do what you … That is … but we’re both, um, a bit, you know, scared of the ‘doll’ thing … I mean, when we want to make love just between ourselves … do we ..?” Marc explained for him.

Taking Bryn’s hand, Trefor led him to a seat on the sofa. 

“Yes, we do become ‘dolls’ as soon as we get aroused, and yes, we do have sex like that.” He laughed. “You get used to it, and Aled tells me it’s way better than it used to be when he was in his flesh form.”

“It is now,” I chipped in, sitting next to Marc. “It took a while to get used to giving each other specific instructions before ‘going doll’ until … Well, anyway, we don’t have that restriction since Ceran and the others released us from that part.” I grinned. “Now I wouldn’t have it any other way …”

“Do you ..?” Bryn looked Trefor. “Can you cum?”

“Oh yes — when it’s not full moon. Then it sort of gets stored up somewhere inside us and … well you’ve seen it.” Trefor laughed. “At other times we get a really intense sort of orgasm, often more than one, and can shoot a load — but it’s something you have to tell yourself to release. We don’t know why that is and Ceran and Merthyr can’t explain it either.”

“If you go ‘Doll’ as soon as you’re get … excited … how do you avoid it?” Bryn asked.

“Meridion’s magic potion!” I laughed. “He mixes us an elixir. We take it in small doses and keep some handy just in case.” I grinned. “He makes it from our ‘Moon’ cum. I can tell you it’s delicious, and it works — except when we’re getting so much stimulation, like when we visited the club — that our desires overwhelm it.”

“What’s it like to …?” Marc asked. “I mean, are you rubber all through? Can you feel anything?”

“We’re rubber all through,” Trefor replied, a frown on his face. “And yes, we do feel everything. Especially the sex. It’s difficult to explain. We’re solid rubber dolls, built for sexual pleasure and the use of men for sexual pleasure, but we’re alive, and we feel their pleasure and, very intensely, our own …” Pausing, he added, “When we’re under the influence of the moon it’s incredibly intense. We are compelled to seek to give someone, anyone, sexual pleasure, and it’s frustrating since we can’t release any of our own until we revert when the moon sets …” Thoughtfully, he added, “When it’s not the full moon we can cum, but it’s … different. And we can cum multiple times.”

“At first it was a bit scary, and incredibly frustrating to feel it building up, to have all those trigger ‘orgasms’ and still not get that surge of release …” I told them. “But now it’s something I really look forward too.” I grinned. “Really mind blowing.”

I could see the question they wanted to ask, but didn’t know how to frame it. Grinning I signalled Trefor and he smiled, nodding.

“Look, we can’t actually explain,” I told them. “So let me ‘go doll’ and you can examine me as intimately as you like. Use me as well if you want to …” Standing, I transformed, letting my body adopt the crouched position of the full moon. 

“I thought you had …” Bryn began.

“Yes, we ‘go doll’ as soon as we’re aroused enough.” Trefor laughed. “But we’re almost on the edge of that most of the time. Now I’ll join him. Examine us properly … And make good use of us.”

Bryn’s examination of my ‘doll’ features was thorough and very intimate. His examination of both my oral and anal openings and the sheaths they gave access to was stimulating to say the least. He availed himself of the use of a range of butt plugs, penis gags and some large dildos Trefor and I liked to use on each other, and then examined my  rubber scrotum and finally my ‘dildo’ of a penis.

The transition from an ‘examination’ to his using me to satisfy his own lust was pretty close to seamless. He certainly made excellent use of my mouth and then my butt, and when he’d emptied his balls for the second time, he slipped a large butt plug into me, then knelt and whispered in my ear.

“Aled, if you can hear me, I want to suck you … if you can … cum in my mouth …”

Then he was under me, his own, now softened, cock beneath my chin as he applied his mouth to my rubber organ. I made him work for it, before finally releasing my pent-up ejaculation in several powerful jets he only just managed to capture and swallow. Even so, he had a lot on his face and even in his hair as he emerged licking his lips and grinning.

Reaching up he gripped my head, raised his own and kissed my oral opening, sliding his tongue into me.

“Wow,” he breathed, kneeling at my face. “I know this is how you respond at the full moon, but can you move now?”

I reformed my mouth, licked the cum he’d shared from my rubber lips and grinned.

“Yes, with some restrictions unless specifically instructed.” I knelt facing him. “Like what you see? Think you can hack being like this?” 

“I love the look, but, I’m not sure …” He stared at my still rigid penis, standing proud like a solid dildo. “What’s it like … I mean, what do you really feel when …?”

“What do you feel when someone fucks your butt? Or your mouth?” I smiled. “It’s not that different, but about ten times more intense.” Pausing I added, “And shooting a load doesn’t mean you’re done.” I indicated my rigid member. “As long as you’re rubber … You’re loaded for whatever your … partner wants you to do.”

“So if I …” He hesitated. “Told you to fuck me, you would?”

“If I’m told to, yes, I would, because that’s my purpose — to do what a partner wants.” 

On the other side of the room Trefor was having his beautiful cock sucked and enjoyed by Marc as Bryn considered. He licked his lips. Standing, he put out a hand.

“Then put me over the back of the couch and fuck me!”

Taking his hand, I obeyed, positioned him over the couch and pushed my rubber organ into him. He’d not told me to ejaculate, so the fuck went on for several minutes until finally he gasped, “Can … you … shoot … a … load? Pu … lea … se.”

I released my cumload, and he shivered in relief.

“Thank you,” he whispered. “O gods … my pussy feels …” He stared at me, still in doll form. “And you’re still … are you still …”

“Yes. I can’t change until you remove the plug you put into me earlier. As long as it is there, I can’t resume my human form, and I can’t remove it myself — only the person that inserted it can.” Pausing I watched this register with him. 

“So you … remain …”

“Yes. Until you remove it, I must remain a rubber doll.” I recalled the last time this had happened. “And the longer I remain like this, the harder it becomes to regain my full autonomy …”

“Wow.” He paused. “What’s the longest you’ve had to stay …?”

“The last time was almost three days.” Watching his reaction, I continued, “It was quite frightening as I could feel myself becoming more and more the doll, and less a person. Trefor was afraid I wouldn’t recover, and Meridion was furious with the person who caused it … If you remove it now, and give me some of my elixir, it’ll reverse pretty quickly.”

“Oh wow … Wait, bend down so I can …”

Bending I positioned myself so he could access the base of the plug. If I had attempted to access it, I knew the plug would be fused to me as if it had been moulded to my butt. Evidently it appeared that way to Bryn as I heard him gasp.

“It seems to be …” He touched it and I felt the change. “Oh. Oh fuck …” He extracted it quickly, sending a surge of sensation through me and causing my mouth to assume it’s fellatio form. “Whew. There, can you change now?”

“Give him some of this,” Trefor said, handing Bryn a drinking flask of the elixir. “You stimulated him with that and he’s going to need a little while to regain control and focus.”

Bryn fed me a generous dose of the elixir and I listened as he and Marc asked many more questions and Trefor answered. The elixir did it’s work and finally I was able to revert to my flesh and blood form. I grinned at Bryn’s obvious relief.

“I’m sorry …”

“Don’t be.” I kissed his cheek. “You didn’t know, and now you do.” Grinning I added, “And you get used to being a solid rubber doll. It has its advantages.” 

Two full moons passed before our friends made their decision, and we took care not to press them on it. It had to be their decision. Two days before the full moon Marc joined Trefor and I in the garden in the late evening.

“Bryn is in the crypt,” he announced, after greeting us. “Will you come with me and join him? We have made our decision, and want to announce it there.”

“Sure,” Trefor answered for us both. “Lead the way.” Taking my hand, he smiled. “Whatever you’ve decided, we’ll support you.”

“Thanks.” Marc grinned. “We know. You guys have been incredibly patient with us …” He closed the crypt door behind us and hurried to where Bryn waited. Taking his naked partner in his arms, he kissed him and turned to face us as we stood next to the rubber figures of Ceran and Merthyn. “We want you to take us as your lovers so we can embrace the curse …”

“It will be our privilege,” Trefor replied, transforming into his doll state as I did the same. “Thank you for trusting us …” he managed as he reformed his mouth. 

We heard the whisper of thanks and agreement from the twelve ‘statues’ as we moved forward to embrace the pair.