The Cool Waters of St. Laurent

by Kyle Falls

25 Jul 2020 1055 readers Score 8.9 (49 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Authors Note:This is my first foray into a real romance story. I wanted to portray people I have met in real life and share their stories while also paying homage to all the chick flick romantic movies out there. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I did writing it.

Ethan Krumble started his day off always the same. Being a stay at home dad he had a very simple routine. Every day he would get the kids ready for school, do the laundry, take care of the dishes, he had to pick up his kids from the selective sport they were in, and before his wife got home he had to get dinner ready. Ethan’s life was a consistent routine daily. He rarely had time for himself.

Ethan was kind of happy. Sure, his wife, Lisa, of 10 years was the main breadwinner in the family, but he didn’t mind it. He appreciated the extra time he got to spend with his kids. Ethan liked doing chores around the house as it helped keep him in somewhat of a good physical shape. Ethan rarely worked out, but he did have muscles due to lifting heavy boxes and doing nonstop cleaning daily.

Ethan had two beautiful children. Sara, who was 13, and his son Boston, who was 9. He loved being a father. Something about cheering for his kids in the stands while they played their sports, going to dance recitals, and just being there for them was everything to him. Sadly, things with his wife were not as easy.

Lisa, Ethan’s wife, was a cold-hearted attorney for the state of Mississippi. She worked long grueling hours and had to deal with so much pressure from work. Sometimes she would take it out on Ethan. When Ethan would piss her off by doing something as simple as forgetting to do the laundry, she would overreact and scream at him. Nothing ever got physical, that was until recently.

“Kids! Moms home!” Ethan shouted as he had just finished setting the table for dinner. Tonight’s meal was chicken fried rice with green beans.

“Yay!” the children shouted in unison.

“Go sit at the table. I’m going to see if moms okay. She looks a little upset.” Ethan said as he slid his hand through his salt and pepper wavy hair. Lisa seemed upset.

Lisa walked into the house with a disconcerting look on her face. She was not in the mood for anything. Ethan walked near her and could see she was not ready for a conversation, so instead, he smiled at her and walked back to the kitchen.

Dinner was quiet. Lisa sat across from Ethan while the two children sat opposite each other. Ethan tried to grin at his wife, but she was unresponsive. The two children at the table giggled and laughed at each other and it seemed to agitate Lisa even more.

“Guys! Please just stop.” Lisa yelled as she began to massage her hand to her forehead.

“Lisa, are you alright?” Ethan asked as he stood up worried about her.

“I’m fine Ethan. Just enjoy your meal. I’m going to go upstairs.” Lisa quickly removed herself from the table and ran to the bedroom.

“I’m going to go check on mom. You two finish your meal and then go to bed.” Ethan commanded as he kissed both his kids on the top of their heads before heading upstairs.

Ethan and Lisa’s bedroom was dimly lit. The double door to their room was left wide open. As Ethan approached the room he could see his wife sitting on their king-sized bed. Ethan shut the double-breasted doors to their room and moved silently next to Lisa. He moved his hand across the silk pearlescent sheets and slightly touched the top of her hand.

“No!” Lisa yelled as she jumped off the bed, retracting her hand from his.

“Lisa, what is going on? You have never acted like this before.” Ethan asked again worried about his wife’s temperament.

“I just…I just..”, Lisa began to speak as she moved her hands into her long brown hair.

“You just what?” Ethan asked.

Lisa stopped in her tracks. She gave Ethan a look of dread. He could tell she was holding something in.

“I just don’t love you anymore Ethan.” Lisa said as she fell to the floor.

“What?” Ethan asked as he shook his head in disbelief.

“I don’t love you anymore. I tried to find a reason not to tell you but after seeing you today, I just couldn’t keep it in.” Lisa began to say as her throat choked up.

“I think you just had a bad day.”

“No, it wasn’t a bad day. In fact it was a good day. I made partner at my firm, I got a 6 figure salary.”

“That’s great Lisa. Maybe you are just unsure of how to react to the wonderful news.”

“Oh no that’s not it. Do you want to know how I reacted? I fucked my boss twice before coming home.”

Ethan’s eyes widened.

“You what?”

“I fucked my boss Ethan! I fucked him good!”, Lisa said as she began to smile.

“That’s okay. We can work through this.” Ethan tried to say as he went to try to comfort his wife.

“You fucking idiot! That’s not why I did it! I did it because I wanted to!”

“We can work through it.” Ethan tried again, this time making Lisa more upset.

“Get mad you fucking idiot! You always try to resolve anything! Are you not mad!?”

“I am a little, but I love you and we can work everything out.” Ethan said as his eyes began to water.

“God! You fucking idiot! I fucked my boss twice and you don’t even get upset about it. You are such a pussy man. I married a FUCKING PUSSY!”

“Lower your voice Lisa, our kids are downstairs.” Ethan said as he changed the tone of his voice.

“There we go! Finally, I get a reaction out of you. You are too fucking safe Ethan! All you do is play it safe! You are a lousy fuck! And old as fuck!” Lisa said cheerfully.

“Now you’re being hateful.” Ethan said as he tried to leave the room.

Lisa quickly moved in front of the door and slapped him across his face. Ethan’s pale face was now imprinted with his wife’s handprint.

“Get mad fucker! Get mad you old fucker!”

“I’m not going to hit you Lisa. If that’s what you want I’m not going to do it.”

“Get mad you old fucker!” Lisa said as she pushed Ethan back towards the bed.

“You need to stop Lisa. The kids are downstairs.”

“Let them see how much of a pussy their father is. Their old fat, ugly grandpa. Hahahaha!” Lisa gleefully shouted out loud.

“I’m leaving. And by the way, I’m 46. If memory serves me correctly you are the one who always gets the senior discount at restaurants babe. Those eye wrinkles ain't fooling nobody.” Ethan said as he walked towards the door.

Before he could leave the room, Ethan was whacked on top of the head with Lisa’s shoe. He hit the ground so hard his kids came running upstairs. Lisa turned Ethan over and began to slap at his face harder. Behind the bedroom door, the kids began to push it open.

“I always loved you.” Ethan said quietly as Lisa began to slap the left side of his face.

“Fuck you!” Lisa screamed!

Lisa raised her right hand getting ready for a smack and stopped dead in her tracks. There in the doorway stood her two children with fear stuck in their eyes. Ethan got himself off the floor, holding the back of his head where he was hit, and moved towards his children.

“We are leaving Lisa. Say good-bye to our kids.” Ethan said as tears flooded his green eyes.

“Good-bye.” Lisa said with a whimper realizing exactly the damage she had done.

6 months had passed since that fateful night and Ethan was ready to celebrate. He rushed as fast as he could to his 3-room apartment to let his children know the wonderful news. Ethan was now divorced, richer than before, and now had full custody of his children, with small visitation rights for their mother.

That night the Krumble family, Ethan, Sara, Boston, and their new nanny Inga, all ate a large cheese pizza from a local pizza place and celebrated. The kids were so happy to see their dad happy that they didn’t care too much about their mom. Inga, the 55-year-old nanny from Spain, was equally excited because she knew she was going to get a raise and a permeant job being a nanny.

As night approached and the kids slept in their rooms, Ethan wanted to do something special. Since he had the funds for the very first time he wanted to do something special for his kids. He looked online at a few vacation hotspots and could not find any that were interesting. As the search continued, he noticed a small ad for the Eiffel tower. With a click of his mouse, Ethan was hit with a large web page adverting Paris, France.

“France it is.” Ethan said as he purchased his tickets to travel.

Ethan lay on his bed that night thinking about how his life was turning around.

“Welcome to Paris.” Said a French flight attendant as Ethan and his family exited the aircraft.

The Krumble family got their luggage and were met by quite a few people who were more than willing to take them to their hotel. Ethan didn’t know who to pick but noticed a much younger person holding a sign saying “American?”

“We are American.” Ethan said as he approached the much younger gentleman in front of him.

“I can zee zat. Welcome to Paris. Follow me American, I’ll take you wherever you need to go, hmm.”, the younger gentleman said as he turned around to escort the Krumble family out of the main airport hub.

Ethan continued to look at their new escort. He was very young in the face, his skin was a soft caramel color, his hair was jet black, and he has very minimal stubble on the bottom of his chin. He had hazel eyes which were hard not to notice, as well as a matching stud earing the complimented his eye color.

“Here we are. Place your bags in zee back and I vill take you wherever you are headed.” The young man said again as they approached his large black van.

“Thank you so much. I’m Ethan by the way. This is my family. This is Sara, Boston, and this is their full-time nanny Inga.” Ethan said as he stuck his hand out waiting for a handshake.

“Pleasure to meet you. I am Tomas. Welcome to France Krumbelle family.”

Tomas started up his van and began his journey around the beautiful city of Paris.

Ethan and his family acted exactly like tourists. They took pictures of everything and everyone. Ethan almost gasped when they drove past the Louvre. Tomas looked in the rearview mirror at the awestruck family and shook his head with a grin.

“Tourists.” He said silently to himself.

They drove around for 45 minutes before making it to their designated destination.

“Welcome to the Realis Christine Krumbelle family.” Tomas said as he pulled the van into the main entrance.

“Thank you so much Tomas. We really appreciated the drive.” Ethan said as he helped his family exit the van with the cargo in tow and gave Tomas his fee for driving them there.

“Anytime. Prends soin de toi”, Tomas said as he waved goodbye to the American family.

As Tomas drove off, The Krumble family made their way into the exquisite hotel lobby and found themselves quickly checked into their hotel room. Ethan was happy they had made it and immediately found himself laying on the comfortable bed.

The hotel room was huge. The suite they were in was a pastel blue in color. They had a big living area, with a nice table for dining. They each had their own bedroom; the kids did have to share a room. They also had an amazing balcony view of the city below them.

“This is awesome!” Sara, Ethan’s daughter, stated.

Ethan put his stuff away and quickly switched out of his tourist’s clothes. Ethan put on a grey suit with a blue undershirt, an outfit he bought just for this trip, and headed to check on his kids. As he approached their room, he found them both asleep and jet-lagged on their beds.

“They are asleep Mr. Krumble.” Inga said as she read a book in one of the recliners in the room.

“Ethan please call me Ethan. And that’s fine. I’ll go out a little bit by myself tonight. That way we have all day tomorrow with the kids.”

“Yes, Mr.Krumble…I mean yes Ethan.” Inga said with a smile.

“See you later Inga. If the kids wake up to make sure they watch some cartoons or something.”

With that said Ethan took a deep breath and headed out of his hotel room and out onto the streets of Paris, France.

Ethan’s single guys day out was not as fun as he thought. He was stuck in the longest line of his life at the Louvre. He tried to see the Eiffel tower but the closer he got the more he realized it was not so special in the daytime. He tried to eat at a local French bakery, but it was not the same doing things alone. Ethan felt like a tourist and was regretting coming all this way for a lame experience.

The sun was now set upon the beautiful city of Paris. Ethan stopped at another local shop and bought a small cookie. He didn’t know what it was, but he ate it anyway. He sat on a nearby park bench and pulled out his cellphone. He looked at his wallpaper and saw an image of him and his now ex-wife. Was he really all those things that she had said about him? Was he really lame and old?

“American!” a familiar voice shouted in the distance.

Ethan turned around and spotted Tomas on a black bicycle coming quickly from behind him.

“Hi, Tomas. A bike now?” he asked trying to spark a conversation.

“Ah yes. Work iz over. I ride zee bike to stay fit and keep up my stamina. I see you are fit az well. You look in good shape.” Tomas said as he parked his bike next to the bench.

“Well I do lift a lot of boxes all day and I just started working out at a gym back home.” Ethan said trying not to brag about his weight loss and muscle gain.

“Congratulations are in order. Why are you here on zis bench? You should be out exploring Paris.” Tomas said jubilantly.

“Well I tried too, but I think I might be boring. Too boring for a city like Paris.”

“Tsk. Untrue American. You need to go someplace that is not a tourist trap. Zis is not the real Paris. Come. I show you real Paris.” Tomas motioned as he got back on his bike.

“You want me to ride on your bike? You don’t even know me?” Ethan asked confused by Tomas’ request.

“Come American! Do not be scared.” Tomas said with a grin.

Ethan, with nothing to lose, obliged and put his feet on to steel rods on the back of Tomas’ bike. Tomas smiled as Ethan had to place his hands on his shoulders. Ethan was quite surprised that Tomas could peddle a full-grown man around the streets of Paris.

The night was cool as the air-swept through Ethan’s salt and pepper colored hair. Ethan could see the city come alive with lights. Tomas was taking him around all the small little hidden corners of the city that Ethan and many tourists would pass right over. The bike ride took nearly an hour and Tomas had no signs of slowing down.

“One more spot American and then we can head back.” Tomas said as he took Ethan down a small dirt path near the edge of the city.

The road was dimly lit with lamp posts that lay out the path before them. Tomas peddled much slower as he did not want to tear up the brush that covered most of the path. Tomas slowed down again this time motioning to Ethan to hop off. Ethan hopped off the bike and looked around. Nothing but woods, lighting bugs, and the dimly lit lampposts to show them the path out of the woods.

“We are almost there American. Just a little way up zis path.” Tomas said as he parked his bike next to a tree.

“You aren’t going to mug me are you?” Ethan asked immediately feeling stupid.

“Depends.” Tomas said as he grinned at Ethan.

“Depends on what?” Ethan chuckled.

“On if you order American food in Paris.” Tomas said jokingly as he lightly tapped Ethan’s right shoulder.

“You’re a funny kid.” Ethan said as he followed Tomas down a smaller much darker path.

The walk didn’t take long but Ethan could tell this path was rarely walked upon. After a few more steps his green eyes widened with delight. He saw a small brook which had led into a medium-size water pool. It was something out of a fairytale. The water lit up a teal blue, almost like someone had placed a light under the water. The trees that surrounded this spring were willow trees and their branches gently caressed the water that they lay upon. The stars in the sky were bright and Ethan could see everything around them including Tomas who was now removing his black leather jacket.

“What are you doing?” Ethan asked as he noticed Tomas starting to undress.

“I am going to enter za spring.” Tomas spoke as he now removed his white shirt exposing his skinny toned lightly furry torso.

“I see that but why are you undressing?” Ethan asked as he tried to look away.

“I do not have a swimzuit. I do not want to get my clothez wet.” Tomas replied now removing his blue jeans and now just standing in his white boxer trunks.

“Oh okay. So, we will just go in with our underwear on.” Ethan said now trying to calm down.

“Silly American.” Tomas said as he lowered his boxer trunks and put them on his neatly placed clothes.

Ethan stood frozen unable to move or look away. In front of him stood a younger naked French man. His black hair glistening from the illuminance of the water and he had a full bush to match. Ethan tried not to look but noticed how well-endowed Tomas was. His tan uncut cock was just dangling between his legs. Tomas quickly jumped in the spring and let the cool waters removed the sweat from his body.

“Nice.” Ethan said unsure of what to do.

“Come on American. Do not be embarrassed. We are both men.” Tomas said as he splashed a little water towards Ethan.

“Yeah I am a man. How old are you kid?”

“18 my friend. 18. Now come on and get in. Zeeze waters will changed your life.” Tomas said as he dove under the illuminated water.

Ethan quickly undressed, hoping to be done before Tomas resurfaced. He took off his suit jacket and his blue dress shirt. He looked at his hairy chest and thought he should have shaved. Then he took off his brown loafers and undid his black belt. Tomas was still under the water. As Ethan began to remove his pants, Tomas resurfaced again.

“Damn.” Ethan said quietly to himself as he stood above the water in his black briefs.

“What is zee problem American? Can you swim?” Tomas asked.

“I can..its just that…its just that..” Ethan began to stutter.

“You just don’t what?” Tomas asked again as he began to tread in the water.

“I’m just a bit embarrassed okay! I haven’t been naked in front of anyone in a

long time. Especially another guy.” Ethan said as he kept looking away.

“I will not judge you. You are safe here American. Come in the water. You must see for yourself.”

Ethan looked at the seriousness in Tomas’ face. He knew this young man was not lying. Ethan slowly pulled his black briefs down all the way to his ankles and then tossed them over to his clothes that sat near the water. Tomas stared at the now naked American man whose hair illuminated from the water and his husky chest and stomach which were hairy, glistening in the light and his body hair extended all the way to his dark full bush. Tomas took notice of Ethan’s circumcised cock which was average in size but a huge pair of balls that accompanied it. Tomas smiled at Ethan and waved for him to come into the waters.

“Here goes nothing.” Ethan said as he slowly dipped into the cool illuminated waters.

Ethan was quite shocked by the water. It was cool but not cold. It felt good, almost too good. His muscles did not ache, his body was not in pain, and he seemed to be happier than before.

“Magic.” Tomas said as he swam a bit closer to Ethan.

“You say that as a joke but I actually believe you.” Ethan said as he stared at a fully wet Tomas.

“It’s true. These are known as the cool waters of St. Laurent. Zeeze waters have a history of having healing properties as well as some other benefits.” Tomas said as he dipped his head back under the water.

“What kind of other benefits Tomas? Like the fountain of youth?” Ethan asked jokingly.

“Like zis.” Tomas said as he quickly moved his arms around Ethan’s shoulders and placed a wet kissed on Ethan’s pink wet lips.

“Whaa?” Ethan said as he back away after the kiss.

“I am sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

“It’s okay Tomas but I’m not gay. You are a good-looking guy no doubt about that but I am 46 years old. I just got divorced. I have never even looked at guys before.”

“But you looked at me.”, Tomas said as he got closer to Ethan.

“What do you mean?” Ethan asked as he tried to assess the situation.

“In zee airport. You saw me. You looked at me with interest. I’m not asking you to fall in love with me Ethan. I’m asking you to let go and enjoy your time here. Right now, in this spring, it’s just you and me. There iz no one judging us. Nobody to judge you. Let go Ethan. Let go with me.” Tomas said as he closed the gap between them, both their flaccid penis’ touching each other under the water.

Ethan looked at the beautiful man in front of him. Ethan was confused. Everything about this felt so wrong, but something about it felt so right. Ethan looked into Tomas’ hazel eyes. Damn did they look beautiful from the reflection of the water.

“Just don’t move.” Ethan said as he moved Tomas’ closer to him.

Below the water he could feel Tomas’ huge member running up against his. Something about Tomas’ flaccid cock was making Ethan’s grow. Ethan moved Tomas head and made him bend his neck. Ethan started with a wet kiss on Tomas’ shoulder and worked his lips upwards getting closer and closer towards Tomas’ wet mouth.

“Don’t move okay?” Ethan asked as he looked at Tomas again.

“I won’t. Take it at your pace.” Tomas said with a smile as his neck was put back in its regular position.

Ethan closed his eyes and placed a kiss on Tomas’ wet lips. The moment they touched something inside of Ethan sparked. Something was beginning to take over Ethan, a feeling he had never felt. He quickly moved his tongue inside of Tomas’ mouth and the two tongues met. Ethan began to wiggle his over Tomas’.

“Mmm.” Tomas moaned and he tried his best not to move his arms.

Ethan continued to kiss inside of Tomas’ mouth and found his hand grabbing onto the back of Tomas’ wet jet black hair. Ethan could feel his other hand slowly moving down the front of Tomas lightly furry chest. The water had seemed to get warmer.

“Open your mouth.” Ethan whispered to Tomas.

Tomas did what he was told. He quickly opened his mouth and could feel Ethan’s warm tongue moving deeper into his mouth. Ethan didn’t stop there. His hand finally made its way down to Tomas’ pubic area. Ethan began to play with Tomas’ pubes. Twirling them, pulling ever so lightly, and massaging his pubic region.

“Ahh.” Tomas moaned aloud.

Ethan listened to Tomas moans and wanted to hear him make them again. He moved his hand further to Tomas’ uncut cock and began to pull and tug on his foreskin. With a sudden lift, Tomas found himself sitting outside the cool waters, with his legs still submerged in the pool. Tomas’ lengthy member was fully erect and had cast a tall silhouette over Ethan’s pale face.

Ethan couldn’t stop. He grabbed the foreskin on Tomas’ hairy cock and began to pull it up, encasing his erect penis. Ethan slowly placed his mouth around the foreskin and began to suck the little droplets of water off of Tomas’ penis.

“Fuck!” Tomas moaned as he leaned back on to the dewy grass.

Ethan’s wet tongue licked all over the foreskin, making sure to lick and suck up every drop of water. Ethan found his tongue over the slit of Tomas’ penis. Without saying anything, he began to lick the slit slowly, making sure to lick up any droplets of pre-cum.

“Fuck man! I don’t think I can hold zis in..”, Tomas declared as his body started to twitch.

Ethan stopped licking the slit and began to suck on Tomas’ cock, encasing his whole mouth on it. Ethan bobbed his head vigorously back and forth, almost like he was testing himself to see how far he could take Tomas’ cock. His movements sped up and Ethan was taking the lengthy member all the way down to the shaft.

“Fuck, Here I cum!” Tomas moaned.

With a twitch of his body, Tomas erupted a fountain of cum deep inside of Ethan’s mouth. Ethan to his surprise did not remove his mouth. The jets of semen that were shooting down his throat did not bother him, in fact he quite enjoyed it. He could feel warms streams hit the back of his throat and make its way down inside of his stomach. Ethan continued to suck on the now shrinking cock, making sure to gobble up each drop.

“Fuck American, I was not expecting zat.” Tomas said with a smile.

“I don’t think I’m done yet.” Ethan said swallowing the last drops of cum down his throat.

“What do you mean?” Tomas asked as he soon found himself turned around with his hairy ass directly in front of Ethan’s face.

Ethan spread the soft tanned cheeks in front of him and was met with an equally hairy hole. Ethan didn’t wait. He dug his face right in and began to eat out the French boy who lay on his stomach, feet still dangling in the pool.

“Oh god.” Tomas whispered as he could feel Ethan’s warm tongue massaging deep inside his tight hairy hole.

Ethan gave Tomas a soft tap on his right ass cheek.

“Is that okay to do that?” Ethan asked.

“Yes, of course, don’t stop.” Tomas said as he panted, waiting for Ethan to continue eating him out.

Ethan’s tongue began to poke and probe the lining of Tomas’ hole. Tomas could feel Ethan’s warm saliva begin to coat the outside of his hole. Tomas closed his eyes and moaned. He was not expecting this to happen at all.

“Fu…..mmm..right there……ah!” Tomas moaned.

Ethan didn’t stop there. With his face buried deep inside of Tomas’ ass, he began to move his right hand down to Tomas’ sagging ballsack. Ethan could feel his saliva had made it way down to his ball sack and began to use it as a lubricant to massage the French boy's testicles.

“Oh..Ah!” Tomas moaned again, tightening up his sphincter.

“Does it feel good?” Ethan asked as he continued to pleasure Tomas, massaging his testicles with his hand.

“Yes, keep going. I think I’m going to……ah!” Tomas said.

Before he could finish what he was saying Tomas had shot another load straight into the cool waters below them. Ethan could feel Tomas’ body spasm and reached for the head of Tomas's penis. He could feel the stream of warm cum hitting his index finger. Ethan took a step back and removed his tongue from the hairy hole. He placed his finger in his mouth and tasted the sweet cum that had just been produced by Tomas.

“Fuck man. I had no idea you could be so good.” Tomas said as he turned back around and reentered the cool water.

“I think I surprised myself.” Ethan said with a smile.

“My turn.” Tomas said as he reached for Ethan.

“Wait!,” Ethan shouted as he held up his left arm in protest, “I think I need to go now.”

Ethan quickly got up out of the cool waters of St. Laurent and went racing for his clothes.

“Did I do something wrong?” Tomas asked confusingly.

“No it’s not you Tomas..I think…I think…I just think…I’m scared.” Ethan said as he was now halfway dressed.

“I’m sorry if we went too fast. I wanted to take zings slow, but then you kind of just took control. I didn’t mind it at all.” Tomas said trying to put Ethan at ease.

“I know. I’m not sure what came over me. I just need to get back Tomas. Please?” Ethan said in desperation.

“Ok American. Okay.” Tomas slowly made his way out of the water and got dressed.

The night was still dark, no life anywhere, and the cool waters of St. Laurent were just as beautiful as ever. Tomas finished dressing and started to walk towards the path where his bike was parked. Ethan followed behind him and took one last glance at the water behind him. He could see that the further they walked away, the less the water illuminated and the less the waters looked magical. Saddened he turned his head and followed Tomas down the dark path.

30 minutes later, Tomas and Ethan had found themselves in front of the hotel where Ethan and his family were staying. Ethan waited for the bike to stop and then slowly got off the bike. He turned to look at Tomas who was looking a bit sour in the face.

“I hope you're not angry with me?” Ethan asked as he placed his hand on Tomas’ shoulder.

“I’m not mad. I think I’m just frustrated. I really had a good time and zings were going well. What happened back there? Was it me?” Tomas asked this time his eyes watering.

“No Tomas, it was not you. This time it is all me. I have never done this before.” Ethan started to say.

“What do you mean this?” Tomas asked

“I’ve never been with anyone other than my wife. Ex-wife, I should say. I’ve never been with a man or had any thoughts of being with one. I don’t know if it was the waters, the city, or if it is just you, but something took over me tonight and I couldn’t stop myself.” Ethan said as he began to rub Tomas’ shoulder in comfort.

“I didn’t know all that. I’m sorry if I pressured you. I swear all I wanted to do was kiss you.” Tomas said with a smile.

“In a way, I’m glad it did go that far, but I’m still scared to go further. I’m not sure what that will mean.”

“I understand now American. Maybe next time we will take things much slower hmm?” Tomas said as he got into a position to pedal away.

“See you around kid.” Ethan said as he tapped Tomas's shoulder before walking towards the entrance of the hotel.

As Ethan turned away all these other thoughts started to flood his head. What was he truly scared of? Did he like Tomas? Did he enjoy sex with a man more than a woman? All these questions came to him in a second. Ethan quickly turned around and ran towards Tomas, who was now a little ways down the street.

“Tomas wait!” Ethan shouted.

Tomas stopped dead in his tracks. He turned around towards Ethan and made his way back to the hotel entrance.

“Did you forget something American?” Tomas asked jokingly.

“Yes I did. You.” Ethan said as he placed his lips upon Tomas’. The warm kiss was enough to send chills down Ethan’s back.

Morning came. Sara and Boston had woken up early to start their day touring the city. Their nanny was still asleep, and they were unsure if their dad had come back.

“Let’s check on dad.” Sara said as she moved towards Ethan’s bedroom door.

As soon as she opened her dad’s door she quickly noticed something different. Boston came trailing behind her and saw his dad as well. But their dad was not alone.

“Dad!?” Sara asked loudly.

Ethan still in slumber quickly shot straight up. His vision was blurry, but he had noticed someone was sleeping right next to him.

“Hey kids.” Ethan said with a guilty look on his face.

“Who’s that?” they asked, pointing to the sleeping body next to Ethan.

“That’s my friend Tomas,” he said as he nudged Tomas awake, “he was just spending the night.”

Tomas sat with his eyes wide open. He just half smiled and waved.

“Okay!” they said as they made their way back to the main living room area.

“Shit.” Was all Ethan could say as he realized he had invited Tomas to stay the night. His biggest worry was going to be where to go from here.

“Coffee?” Tomas asked, understanding the seriousness of the situation.

“Yes please.” Ethan said as the 2 of them got dressed and got ready to face their toughest challenge yet; the morning after.

by Kyle Falls

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024