The City & the Night

by Brad Jensen

12 Mar 2021 1191 readers Score 9.5 (21 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

"Hard Rain"

Part 2

He said nothing, just knelt there, eyes shining as they registered the wide ‘V’ of my open crotch, then tracing the long outline of my prick which hung snug inside the denim of my left leg. “Lemme help you out there, buddy,” I said softly, sliding my jeans down carefully to just below the ass.

My cock lunged forward and thwacked him right in the face like a biting snake.

This seemed to get his full attention and he peered up at me with a gasp, green eyes brimming with envy. His tongue flickered over pouty lips as he brought them to the oozing slit of my cock and gently teased back the foreskin until they were gliding over the swollen head. I groaned like a Polish guy.

Inch by trembling inch I was taken into the softness of his pussy mouth until I could feel his nose pressing against me and his spit roping down my balls. The guy seemed to be missing a gag-reflex. Then gazing up at me, with a sinful look on his face, he swallowed. The walls of his throat closed around my meat almost sending me instantly over the edge. I groaned again and pulled out hurriedly. Fuck, not yet man, I told myself. You’ve waited too long.

There was also a more pressing need.

“Sorry dude,” I whispered, “but I really gotta pee first.”

I’ve blown it, I thought, and not in a good way, but I was still trying to twist my mind around the reality of this new Will. The much friendlier Will. The Will on his knees in front of me. The cocksucking one. I was half expecting the old Will to show up any minute and tell me I had my pants on backwards (it had happened).

“Do it,” he said flatly with a glint in his eyes.

“Say what now?” I asked, blindsided.

“Do it,” he repeated, “wherever you like,” and he pulled the front of his t-shirt up over the back of his head, showing me his smooth, ripped chest and dark red nipples.

Sweet Jesus, the new Will was a fucking pig.

I didn’t wait to be asked a third time. Placing a shaky hand on his shoulder, I eased him back, then took up position a step away, aimed my dick and let loose... A fountain of pent up piss rained down on him like a keg bursting, splashing across his beautiful upturned face and beading in his dark hair.

He followed the arching spray with his eager mouth, letting the shimmering liquid gurgle in his throat until it was spilling from his lips. The first mouthful tumbled on to his bare chest then he leaned into the warm torrent and bathed his whole face, dipping his head to let it pour down his back, drenching the crack of his awesome ass, before opening wide again to glug down another sweet draft of Tennessee’s finest vintage.

My rigid cock continued to shoot golden bullets of piss till he was frothing at the mouth like a lunatic. Taking a huge gulp he served it back at me, jetting a mouthful of funky liquid all over my gushing meat, then he swallowed my cock whole to guzzle down a final bellyful direct from the source as the stream eventually slowed to a drizzle and finally ran dry.

I steadied myself, sighing with deep relief, reached down and pulled him to his feet, then I deployed another of my life-strategies; if you're gonna have sex with a dude you may as well go the whole hog. I shoved myself onto him, licking my piss from his face, matching him pig for pig. It tasted like warm beer. My lips found his and I tongued him long and hard, then held open his cocksucking mouth and gave him my spit, repeating the motion until we were both dripping with each other's drool.

The warm breeze began to pick up strength and wound invisible fingers through our hair. We paused for a moment to look into each other, then by unspoken agreement began tearing at our clothes like animals. Off they went in all directions and I laid him face-up on the ground, pushing my shirt under his naked body -- ever the Southern gentleman. I was about to spread his legs and bury my tongue into that sweet round ass when something to the left of us caught my eye.

It was a third pair of legs; suited immaculately.


The beard from the car was standing over us, looking down handsomely with an unreadable steely gaze. O Superman, I thought.

“Hi there fellas,” he drawled, with an accent that flew me right back home. “Strange weather we’re having tonight. I hear there’s a further chance of rain.” He unzipped his pants and pulled out the biggest, veiniest prick I’d ever seen, then raised a quizzical eyebrow. “In fact,” he added, in a display of uncanny foresight, “I think it’s due to start right about... now...”

It poured.

Another cascade of steaming piss slapped against the side of Will's face but without missing a beat he turned and opened his lips to welcome the flood. It took roughly a full nanosecond for me to push aside the major what-the-fuck? forming in my head, and I joined him, pressing the scruff of my cheek to his so we were guzzling like two runts at a trough. The jet was turned directly on me and filled my face then I pushed my gurgling mouth to Will’s and chugged the guilty pleasure into his, half choking with a mischievous snigger.

The Cavill clone continued to pour it out, up and down the length of our naked bodies, spraying his golden gift impartially and drenching us until eventually it too trickled to a halt. He shook the remaining drops from the head of his mighty dick, then calmly took out a white, folded handkerchief, dabbed at his piss slit, and balled it in his pocket.

“I’d love to stay and play boys,” he said, zipping away the beast while looking down with a wry smile like a Tom of Finland uber-hunk come to life, “but I have a prior engagement.” As if to illustrate the point he fished out a ring from the other pocket of his pants and slipped it unambiguously over a thick finger on his left hand. I saw a glint of gold.

Next he reached down and lifted the large, black briefcase by his feet, clicked it open, took something from it and bent down to place it across us, before patting me lightly on the thigh. After pausing to adjust his tie, he slid out his cell phone, tapped at the glass panel then showed it to us.

My jaw nearly hit the floor.

It was a video clip taken of this very spot. The lighting was far from perfect and my breath was misting up the screen but it was clear enough to make out Will on all fours being furiously spit-roasted by the three guys who'd been here before me.

Satisfied we’d seen enough he tapped the screen again, took aim, and casually snapped a picture.

Then he was gone.

I turned to Will who remained almost supernaturally unconcerned, then I eyeballed the thing lying across us as my eyes adjusted. It looked like something designed by H R Giger; black and double-headed and as thick as my arm. It was a huge fucking dildo. My previous and disregarded what-the-fuck? made a swift if not unexpected comeback -- it was hands-down the weirdest thank you present I’d ever been given. Turning my head to look at Will again I could see he had that glint in his eye.

“No fucking way!” I blurted. “Maybe later,” and I tossed the double-headed ass invader over my shoulder. The sight of him being screwed on all fours had brought out the manimal in me. “Time to get fucked, porn star,” I growled.


I pressed my body onto his, warm and wet and naked in the dark, as he coiled his legs smoothly around mine. I placed my hands either side of his head and he lapped at the fuzz of my pits, then bringing my face close to him we marveled at one another and snickered conspiratorially. I kissed him gently on the lips and down to his neck, nuzzling into his ear.

“Tell me you want me, Will,” I breathed. “Tell me.”

“Oh God, Billy. YES,” he groaned.

“Tell me where, Will. Tell me where you want me,” I persisted.

“In me,” he said simply.

I stiffened and pressed the head of my cock against his pink rosebud. Here we go, I thought. I penetrated him slowly, sighing all the way to the hilt, and buried my face into the warmth of his neck while I steadied my breathing and took a moment to get the full feel of his fuck chute as his fingers dug into the flesh of my ass. We were a perfect fit. 

I silently praised the Almighty.

By now the breeze was gaining real momentum, rushing through the park with a sudden vigor, and the branches of the trees above us began to sway riotously as the warm night air was transformed into a squall.

My eager dick quivered as I felt the snug of his fuckhole envelope it and I had to fight hard not to rail the sexy little fucker straight into next week. Our foreheads touched as we locked eyes and I began by giving him a few slow, deep strokes. He whimpered.

"Such a hungry ass," I murmured. "Such a juicy, needy, greedy little whore ass. You're gonna get just what you’ve been begging for you little pricktease."

His lips flashed a smile in the dark. Lightning lit up the sky.

"Yeah, you want that big cock don't you. You're gonna take everything I got and you're gonna beg for more. Beg for it, Will. Beg for my big fucking cock," I commanded as the gale whipped at my hair.

"Fuck me Billy," he pleaded. "Make me take it. Make me take your big, beautiful cock."

A long low rumble of thunder huddled overhead.

I began to pound him steadily, holding him firm, my breath hot and urgent in his mouth. Nothing was going to stop me. Not even a Holy storm. I was finally gonna get my little piece of heavenly ass.

Our tongues lashed as the rain came down, hard and heavy like hot stones, and I kissed him deep. I skewered him more and more as he gasped and clenched under me, the welcoming gape of his freshly cunted hole responding to my deep thrusts. I drilled him harder, giving him every last inch until his butt was jiggling against the onslaught, my eyes never leaving his so that all he could see was me and would forever know exactly what he'd been missing.

"More, Billy," he gulped. "Don't stop. Please don't stop."

Lightning illuminated our immediate world.

His ass-lips slurped on my throbbing dick, refusing to let up, milking it for pre-cum like a pro and electrifying my rod until we were shunting like a well-oiled machine as the storm raged around us. The world might’ve been about to end and we wouldn't have noticed. Time crawled on all fours.

Soon I could feel a tremor rising all the way from my ass-slapping balls to the hot-wired tip of my raw cock.

I knew I was close.

"Gonna cum in you Will. Gonna flood your sweet ass with my DNA," I promised, thrusting my cock into him for as long as I could. Taking me right to the edge. "Here it comes, man," I warned him, my voice cracking. "Here it comes... uh, here it comes... uh-nnnnn..."

My hips jerked wildly and the head of my pulverizing cock opened and began to churn out hot spurts of gloopy fuck juice deep inside him.

“There ya go, Will. There ya go...” I told him, the words getting lost as thunder drummed into the ground around us. His body shuddered and I buried my face in the haven of his neck to share the ecstatic release of my orgasm, while my cock spewed it out over and over. The friction of our tangled bodies caused his rigid meat to shoot its load between us, hot and slick against my taut abdomen, until finally I collapsed into his arms and he moaned in satisfied affirmation.

My hair was soaked and matted and I could feel the rain splashing at my back. I slid the scruff of my chin down his body, kissing him hungrily from nipples to treasure-trail and licking up his cum, then lifted his legs and buried my tongue in his ass, slurping up a mouthful and feeding our combined spooge right into his mouth, as the rain ran in rivulets to pour from my naked flesh to his.


Now that the stuff of countless sticky fantasies had finally been deposited deep inside him, and his cum was frosting our bodies together like glue, we clung to each other, hot and wet and happy in the dark.

The downpour departed as suddenly as it had arrived, transfiguring into a warm night breeze once more. I kissed the storm from his lips.

“Jeez, man,” I sighed, pushing the hair from my eyes, "you've got an ass like a subway tunnel."

Why oh why do I say these things, I instantly thought, only to hear him stifle a laugh.

"You are such a dick!" he threw back.

"Lucky for some, huh?" I countered. I kissed his forehead. “Come on, better head back and get us cleaned up. I’ll let ya play with my loofah.” I raised an eyebrow.

He tugged at my earlobe. “Well if you insist,” he teased, then he fixed me with his green eyes. “I haven’t been so friendly to you have I, Billy?”

“Safe to say you’ve more than made up for it,” I replied.

“Sometimes it takes a stranger to show you who you are,” he reasoned.

“Okaaay,” I said, pausing to look at him. “Is this the start of a beautifully filthy friendship, would ya say?”

“Could be. Hope so. Really glad you found me,” he whispered.

“Dude, you have no idea,” I chuckled, stroking his dark hair.

He grinned, “Well yeah, there’s that, but, uh, there’s also something else...”

I looked at him curiously as his hand groped around in the grass.

He held up his ruined, sodden shorts.

“Think I might need to borrow your shirt,” he said.



Storm clouds drifted away from the city and a pale moon sank slowly in the sky. High up on the roof of the looming Arts Tower a dark figure stood silently surveying the scene. Landmarks which were once so familiar had been transformed by the stealthy onset of time. Sensing something in the air, it stepped towards the edge and swooped down to land lightly in the park far below.

Soundlessly it began to move between the trees, shifting in appearance; at first clad in denim, booted, with a shaven head; now lean and track-suited, hands forever fumbling; then in combat gear, trouble bruising the line of its jaw; now broad-shouldered and immaculate with a mind of metal; then a gym-honed boy, cocky but easily led; a streetwise redhead looking over his shoulder; a focused athlete, looking into himself; until at last, it was just an ordinary guy, incomplete and looking for love.

It had been a busy night so far.

The ripening of the season had brought it back stronger than it had felt in decades, but now there were other landmarks here; persecution, prosecution, plague and.... the ghost of a mouth formed to sound around the word... progress? For better or worse and throughout, men had still responded to the instinctive lure.

At least there is symmetry, it thought.

In the shadows under the trees it paused, a gleaming boot finding something in the dark. It reached down and held it up; black and sculpted and as big as an arm.

At least they are still animals, it thought, and with the rumour of a laugh it was thrown to the roof of the redbrick shed as a totem, a beacon, a hidden landmark.

The sleight of a hand pulled up a stiff collar as it ventured along the path that had first been laid down over a century ago. Light as a breeze it rustled through the leaves, sensing the air. Searching for hidden landmarks. Then turning on a quiet heel and rising from the dark it spread its form wide and vanished into the city and the night.....

by Brad Jensen

Email: [email protected]

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