The Chemical Nature of Things

by Swallow Your Lightsaber

4 Jun 2023 882 readers Score 7.6 (11 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The Chemical Nature of Things 

*Note from the author,

There is a technology used in this story that is totally fictional as are all said events associated with this story. No one was coerced as they don’t exist and neither does the scientific knowhow to alter genes at th level that is done in the story. As we live long enough and they get better with genetic manipulation, I would not bet against something like this in the future. If that is so, let us just hope that the scientist that develops it, is a good man.

Bill Conner and Charlie Hendrix had had a nice dinner, though Bill had had his doubts. Himself and Charlie had not always seen eye to eye on many things. The two had competed against each other in school in various academic contests. They were even in the department; they worked in the competitive world of the military industrial complex. Another complication and Bill would have to excuse himself quickly to try and avoid that complication tonight. Charlie was already taking his jacket off him, hence the problem. Both men worked for the same set of laboratories and had known each other since they were kids. Charlie had, not only a liking for Bill, but he wanted even more. He had always wanted to play that game with Bill, but he was a bit more reserved.

Both men would be in their mid-twenties, perhaps Charlie Hendrix was a few years older. He had made them both a drink, hoping Bill would relax some. Bill was of medium build and average height. He seemed to be in pretty good shape so he must work out. He kept his hair cut close cropped up top, stunning green eyes, light brown hair, and the ability to smile or laugh faster than anyone in the room. Charlie on the other hand was a tall man that was also in really good shape. Charlie was in a weight class up from Bill, and it was not fat. He had dark hair, a darker complexion because of background, and would appear to most to be a reasonable man. He handed Bill his drink and sat down next to him on the small couch.

Charlie didn’t even wait and said, “So, perhaps since we got in a bit later than usual. I am not sure, maybe you spend the night tonight.”

Bill wanted to be nice so he would try, “No, I think I will head on home tonight, thank you for the offer.”

Charlie looked annoyed, “Bill I really don’t see the problem? We are the same, I just want you to go a bit further is all.”

Bill gave the same speech, and not for the first time, “Look Charlie, you want to feel like the big man in the bedroom, I can live with that. That does not seem to be enough for you, when you look at me, I feel like piece of furniture being appraised.”

Charlie said, “Instead of being insulted by this, I will just say it, I want to own you. It is just one of my things,”

“No one owns me Charlie, you are their friend, or you love them.”

Charlie thought, ‘I knew it would have to be this way, plus we need a test subject one. If it works, I will get what I want.’

He narrowed his eyes a bit and said, “Okay Bill, but it will not get you out of, is losing the bet on that ballgame.”

Bill knew he would get nailed on that one. “Okay for the bet, let me guess you want me to quote you some poetry?”

Charlie got up and walked over to him and said, “The poetry I want bitch is a blowjob and let’s get every drop of that cum down.” He unzipped and pulled a good-sized seven-and-a-half- inch dick and presented it to Bill. He took it into his mouth and began to suck it as hard as he could simultaneously running his tongue up and down the shaft and the head as he went. Charlie seemed to be more excited than usual, so he went to slow down, to make it last longer and extend his pleasure.

Charlie grabbed the back of Bill’s head and said heavily, “Don’t slow down cocksucker, keep going steady.”

Bill had done this more than once and he guessed at this rate there was no way Charlie could last, he guessed three more minutes.

Charlie yelled, “Oh fuck!”

Thick squirts of salty Charlie-Cum came spilling into Bill’s mouth, so he had been a bit off. Charlie must have really been horny. He did his duty, he locked eyes with Charlie and began to work on getting it all swallowed down. A few minutes later as Bill was putting his jacket back on, he was hit with an uncharacteristic wave of dizziness. He reached over and put his hand flat on a table. Charlie saw him away at the door and quietly thanked him for the blowjob. Bill had just said, he hoped that Charlie enjoyed it. Dr. Charles Hendrix assured him, that blowjob was a life-altering event.


All that night Bill had some powerful erotic dreams about Charlie Hendrix, in fact that was all he dreamed about. The sound of the alarm clock going off the next morning, he woke up, but he was not feeling well. He felt almost as if he had the flu, and a persistent feeling that something was missing or not right. The first person he thought about was Charlie, true he was a medical doctor, but he did research. He got up to get some coffee and grab a shower and fell back into his seat. He fell back into his seat and drifted off to sleep.

Finally, he was shaken awake and there was no sunlight coming through the windows, and Charlie Hendrix was here standing above him holding some Chinese takeout. Bill felt terrible but was so very glad that Charlie was there. It was almost freakish how glad he was that Charlie was here.

Charlie was smiling down at him and took his right index finger and began to swirl it around Bill’s lips.

He looked Bill right in the eyes and said, “Open your mouth, Bill.”

Bill had never wanted to do anything more in his life then to open his mouth. He found himself opening his mouth and just sat there waiting to be told what to do. Plus, he felt sick to his stomach. This was much like the way he always felt he had to have medical care and what it feels like to be pulled slowly off pain medication.

He noticed that Charlie was doing something very odd considering their situation. He had unzipped his fly, taken his dick out and as slowly stroking it till finally a small amount of pre-cum came out on it.  He walked forward and put the head of his pre-cum covered dick into Bill’s open mouth.

Carlie sounded like he was suddenly very far away, “Close your mouth around that and lick it all nice and clean. Oh, and don’t forget to swallow it.”

Billy did this and he really was enthusiastic about it and seemed to enjoy it immensely. Him holding the dick of Charlies head in his mouth it was like he could not get enough of it. He had never felt a drive this powerful before ad he knew he was suddenly feeling so much better. It has not taken long before his flu like symptoms and stomach upset had rapidly cleared up. All he could seem to concentrate on was Charlie. Him licking the precum off from Charlie’s dick must have felt good cause he had a full erection now. He moved forward.

Having Charlie in such proximity to him and then having him begin to insert his hardening dick in Bill’s mouth, was about to drive him out of his mind. Bill was trying to think, he was still a younger guy, so he had quite a sex drive, but this was much more powerful.

Charlie said, “Suck my dick bitch.”

The way that Billy was feeling made him think of what he had heard individuals that he knows that use cocaine. They were forever talking about it increasing the sex drive and one’s potency. Bill though gad never even tried the stuff. He just knew that as far as he was concerned, he had one purpose in life right now and that was to suck Charlie Hendrix’s dick because it was if he had been programmed to do it. Maybe he was just not getting enough attention such as this, so Charlie’s attention just had him hot.

Charlie’s head had reached the back of his throat and Bill started to ease it into his throat. His body was like it was on automatic and his brain was acting like one of those crazy machines one sees on videos that are just basically fuck machines. Right now, he was a blowjob machine, and his only purpose was to deliver said blowjob to Charlie. Bill got another blast of a salty taste in his mouth. Charlie oozing more precum. Once again, Bill got hit with what most people would call a headrush and felt extremely good.

Charlie pulled away from him and said, “Get up and take off all your clothes. Get up on that chair facing the back of it and spread your legs.”

Bill could not seem to move fast enough to obey. He felt high, maybe like he had been in the weed or perhaps the Wild Turkey. Once he was in position, Charlie had taken his pants off and positioned himself to fuck Bill’s ass. As he walked up to get into position, he delivered several powerful smacks to both of Bill’s ass cheeks. He was being quite rough, and Bill knew that ass would be sore tomorrow. He spit on his dick several times and told Bill:

“Reach behind you and use one of your hands and get my dick good and slick.”

Bill did not even hesitate, he took his right hand and reached back and began to rub the saliva all over Charlie’s dick. He expertly played with it and reached down and lightly played with his big balls.

Charlie said, “Hmmm, improvisation, good. Put your hands back up on the seat and don’t interfere with what I do, and keep that pretty mouth shut.”

Bill turned around and Charlie was running his dick in and out of him, in no time.

Charlie was excited as he fucked Bill, “After all this time, after I tried and tried, now you are mine. Bill, look at me.”

Bill did and Charlie said, “Listen to me, as of now you belong to me. So, tell me, who do you belong to?”

Bill never flinched, “I belong to you of course.”

What Charlie had done, and deployed, and the kind of power it gave him over this man. Charlie was thinking of it all and he got hotter and hotter and began to pick up the pace. When he was ready, he went all the way in and began to shoot his ass full of cum.

Charlie said, “Oh-My fucking, that was intense, I just got you though, that load was really loaded. You should be good for some time now.”

Bill was feeling extremely good and all he could think about was making Charlie happy, no matter what. Still?

He asked, “Charlie what are you talking about and why do I feel so fantastic?”

Charlie said, “Well don’t get angry, and no worries because I know now you can’t, not at me anyway. That project I have been assigned to at work, Bill had a huge breakthrough. I guess you could say that we have kind of an MK-Ultra we have been working on, and ours works. You are the first test subject, I really had to have you.”

Bill was much calmer than he would have thought possible, still he managed, “What did you do?”

Charlie said, “Turn around here and come over here and sit on the floor and put your back up against the wall.”

Bill just did it his mind never even considered that there was any other possibility. Once he was in place, Charlie got on his knees in front of him and was soon throat fucking him, the stuff was helping with his recovery power as well.

Charlie talked to Bill as he shoved his dick in and out of his throat. “You see Bill, my project finally perfected a compound we have been working on for some time. This is how it works Bill; now keep in mind we combine two technologies and combine them which we use to accomplish this. But if we want to control someone with this technology, and that is what is it about Bill. Control. So, about twelve hours before or anytime in that time range we come up with a solution a person could take, in a liquid or an injection. The liquid contains a retrovirus that carries a genetic alteration that has a rather interesting application. It codes directly to the person’s DNA so it is specific to them. It leeches onto some sugar in the semen, like that big old load of cum I watched you choke down last night. And that is how it is delivered so I needed you to swallow it, so now your DNA has been altered in just a few ways that will always make you obey me.”

Bill went, “Eek- uh.”

Charlie went, “Shh, no need to make yourself gag more than you already are. See I gave you an order, which was to suck my dick, you cannot stop until I tell you that you can. As I said though, it is coded only to me, so I am the only one that can control you like this. Oh fuck, that feels good, I know I don’t have to tell you to keep up the good work. What is better, the other component we added to it was another compound that has kind a euphoric effect in the subject under certain conditions. For instance, when I give you an order, say to do as you are, to suck my dick. You will not be able to not do it, furthermore, you will instantly want to. When you accomplish your task, you will get an almost narcotic effect just from having obeyed me. Just through Pavlovian Conditioning, you will learn to obey me more and more.

Charlie grabbed the back of Bill’s head and pulled down sort of out of habit as he began to shoot off all over inside his mouth again. Bill downed every drop and sort of curled up in the floor in a fetal position.

Charlie put his dick away and zipped up. “Feels good, doesn’t it? Now before you do something stupid like try and run off or some such. Realize there is another side of that coin. You have the physical need now to be controlled by me and to please me. When I withhold either, you will get terribly sick, and it is persistent. Oh, it is also in urine, so time to get into that. Unfortunately, it is irreversible, and we do have a form you can take should something happen to me. However, it will not be released, like ever and the supply is in a guarded safe. So, I will just continue to give you the amount you need by letting you get it secondary from being my, cum dump. Of course, you will obey me because it will make you feel good. Now I will really be able to do to you all the things I have ever even thought about to you.

"Tomorrow you will be moving in with me and I am really going to play hard."