The Campsite

by Justin L

12 Dec 2023 8416 readers Score 8.9 (74 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Jimmy is your typical outdoorsman. Ever since he was a kid, he would go hiking, camping, go on nature walks, mountain climbing and fishing. He did it all. Growing up in a rural area, it was a way of life. Now at 27, Jimmy is living in the city and working a high stress job as a corporate lawyer. He moved to the city to attend law school. He is a junior attorney in the firm and hopes to one day make partner. Jimmy is also a ladies man. At 6 foot even, he is tall yet slim and muscular. His baby blue eyes mesmerizes all those that encounter him, including the many women he has dated. He had to take a break from dating due to law school and his constant studying but now has recently started dating a pretty paralegal in his firm named Megan. Her uncle is the head attorney at the firm so this is another way to one day make partner. Megan is your typical girly girl who prefers shopping and getting her nails done over doing any outdoor activities. He has offered to take her hiking and camping and even on nature walks but she refuses, saying it's too boring and she always winds up dirty and gross afterwards. Frustrated, Jimmy ends up always doing those things by himself. Yet he enjoys it, as it helps clear his mind and helps him relax and enjoy what nature has to offer..........


Mitch is currently serving 2 years in prison for armed robbery. The circumstances surrounding his arrest frustrate him as he was the only one of his 4 member crew to be caught. The other 3 got away safely with the money and he was the one who ended up being caught. It wasn't even his idea as he only got involved in order to get enough money to support his girlfriend and their 2 kids. He isn't a snitch but he still feels angry that he is the only one rotting away in prison. 3 months since the crime he has been locked up. He knows he has to find a way to escape. The last time his girlfriend came to visit she mentioned she couldn't last much longer on her current salary and may be forced to move to Houston with the kids and live with her parents. Mitch knew if that were to happen he would most likely never get to see them as her parents hate him and think he's a low life with nothing to offer. Mitch is 35 years old, tall at 6 foot 4 inches and bulky and muscular. He is bald with several tattoos and looks like your typical bad boy. His girlfriend's parents never liked him and took one look at him with disdain and urged her to leave him countless times. They were in love, however, and he knew he had to do what it took to escape......


Sex with Megan was always very vanilla. Jimmy always got off but quickly got bored with her. She just wanted conventional sex and didn't want to try new things. They would sleep together once a week and while they both would get off, Jimmy still wanted more. His past girlfriends were willing to do other positions and spice things up but Megan not like that. He had a friend who dated a girl who would tie him up and rode him while in bondage. He said their sex was always incredible and Jimmy wanted so bad to try stuff like that. He brought that up once to Megan and asked if she'd be willing to try that and she laughed in his face. "I want my man to dominate me while having sex, that is after all what a real man does," she says. "Anyone into that kinky stuff are weirdos." Frustrated, Jimmy knew this relationship was not built on mutal attraction or any deep connection but rather one of convenience.......

Jimmy had a major case coming up and wanted a relaxing weekend outdoors to clear his head and to prepare himself mentally for the busy week ahead. He plans on camping at his favorite spot near the lake. It is far away and secluded about an hour and a half drive from the city. He invited some of his friends to go with him but they were all busy with plans of their own. He then invited Megan but she too had plans to spend the weekend with her parents. She was annoyed Jimmy didn't want to go with her but reluctantly agreed to forgive him and he promised to make it up to her the following weekend. He packs a couple of bags of gear and clothes, enough to last him for the weekend. He brings a tent and a grill and everything you need to survive camping the outdoors. He is looking forward to a quiet relaxing weekend, free from the stresses of work and his nagging girlfriend. He took Friday off and wakes up early that morning for the long drive ahead.....


Mitch has a dominant reputation at the prison. He is straight overall, but he has on occasion had relationships with men. Growing up in rural Arkansas, he always had to keep these desires to himself. Prison presented a unique opportunity to act on many of his desires. He grew to become the head dom and made many prisoners his bitches. The guards would even look the other way when a dumb prisoner would drop the soap in the showers near Mitch as he made them his bitch soon after. He enjoyed it but also knew he couldn't do this forever.....

Mitch knew if he were ever to get out of here he'd have to devise a plan. He took a night job as a janitor in his cell ward and he has done a good job scoping the area. He found out that the guards forget to patrol a certain section of the prison wall at night as their limited resources prevents them from covering the whole prison walls. He sees tonight as his opportunity. He does his nightly janitorial rounds so he doesn't arouse suspicion and then waits for the last guard patrol to go by. He then lunges for the exit and darts out the door. He scales fence and then climbs the unattended wall. No one has seen him as he jumps over the wall and races into the woods. He runs and runs and doesn't hear the prison alarms. "It worked!" He thought to himself. He spends the night walking the unknown wilderness and knows he needs to get to the main road and hitchhike out far away from here. He decided to rest after walking several miles. He finds a cave and sleeps there for the night, hoping this is enough to evade capture.......


After spending a few hours in traffic, Jimmy finally arrives at the campsite around 10 AM, a bit later than he wanted. He quickly unloads his truck and begins to pitch his tent and set up his gear. He brought a large family size tent due to him wanting a large king size blow up mattress in his tent as well as wanting more room to stand and move around. After blowing up the bed, he sets up his sleeping bag and blankets and then goes outside to set up his cooking gear. He sets up his portable grill and then puts on his swimming gear so he can canoe and fish for lunch and dinner in the lake. He leaves behind some gear in the truck bed and hopes to unload it later.......

After fishing for a few hours, Jimmy catches enough fish for the weekend. It was a nice sunny day and perfect fishing weather and the fish were biting like crazy. He canoes back to his campsite and begins gutting and cleaning the fish and begins to cook his lunch. After eating his hard earned meal, he changes into his hiking gear wearing cargo shorts and a long sleeve shirt and a hat. He brings water and protein bars for the long hike ahead as he wants to break his record of reaching the top of the mountain and back. He knows if he doesn't leave soon, he will end up being back at the campsite after dark so he prolongs unloading the rest of the gear until later. He then begins his journey up the mountain and enjoying all that nature has in store..........


Mitch wakes up out of his cave and begins his continued journey of escape. He runs through the wilderness and then all of a sudden sees a trail of smoke come from the clearing of the tree tops. He knows what that means: a campsite. He runs towards the smoke for another half hour and finally arrives to the campsite by the lake. He looks around and it doesn't seem like anyone is there. Just a canoe, a truck and a large tent. He is gleeful as he knows he can overpower and rob this camper and take over his site so he can the flee the next morning. He looks around into the truck and sees two bags in the bed of the truck. One bag has ropes for which it seems to be mountain climbing gear. The other bag has tools and inside it is black duct tape. Now he has everything he needs for not just to subdue the dumb camper but maybe even have some fun with him. He thinks to himself "it's as if he is asking for it." He notices it getting dark and then all of a sudden he notices the camper returning as a flashlight glows in the near distance. He can't believe his eyes: this guy is super hot! "Not only is he alone but hes hot too, fuck! Today is my lucky day!" He sees Jimmy in his tight cargo shorts, revealing a big bulge. "Damn, this guy has a much bigger cock than those small dicked inmates in prison. Fuck, now I know I will have some fun tonight." As Jimmy gets closer, Mitch finds a clearing of brush and trees and runs toward it and decides to hide out there until nightfall when the camper falls asleep.......


Mitch watches Jimmy cook his dinner and hang around the firepit as the night gets darker. Hours go by and it seems to be late enough for Jimmy to fall asleep. Jimmy knows he has to leave early the next day and he starts lightly packing for his journey home. He decides to go to bed early and turns off his lantern and goes to bed. Mitch sees the hot camper's light go off. He then immediately comes out of his hiding place and heads towards the truck. He must be as quiet as possible as the only way for his devious plan to work the element of surprise must be maintained. He goes to the truck bed and see the two open bags are still there. "This hot dumb idiot still left them there all exposed and ready to be taken," Mitch thinks to himself. He takes the bag with the mountain climbing ropes and puts the black duct tape in that bag. He then sees the hand towels in the truck and puts those in the bag as well. "These can be useful," he thinks. He tip toes with the bag over to the tent, knowing how quiet he has to be. The sounds of the outdoors like crickets chirping help mask the sound of him slowing unzipping the tent door. He carefully sets the bag down and carefully and slowly rezips the door shut. He is now inside the tent, face to face with the sleeping camper. The camper has just a blanket over him and he is sleeping in just a shirt and his boxer briefs. Lucky for Mitch, it was summer time still and the days and nights could get hot and humid. He grabs the bag and creeps slowly over to the camper. Now he is inches away from him and that's when suddenly, he wakes up. "What the fuck!! Who the fuck are you!!! Get the fuck out of here!!!" Mitch quickly takes the rope out of the bag and jumps on top of Jimmy. Even though Jimmy is tall, his slim figure is no match for the buff tough Mitch as he puts all his weight on top of him. Mitch begins to tie Jimmy's arms behind his back and then moves on down to his legs tightly securing them with the rope as well. He then ties both of them together almost hog tying him. "HELLLPPPPP!!! SOMEBODY HELPPPPPP!!! HEELLLLPPPPPP!!" Jimmy yells as he is aggressively pulling at his bindings trying to get free. Mitch then puts his hand over Jimmy's mouth and says "Shut the fuck up! No one can here you out here so it's pointless to yell and scream!" Still, Jimmy continues to yell and scream even while handgagged. Mitch realizes that if there are police and guard patrols looking for him, Jimmy's yelling will tip them off. "I guess we have to do this the hard way," he says. "I was hoping to use your pretty little mouth for other things but oh well, I guess I'll have to wait till you get past this resistance phase," Mitch snarkingly says. He takes the cloth out of the bag and releases his hand over Jimmy's mouth and stuffs it almost fully in his mouth as about half of it is still puffing out. He then takes the black duct tape and wraps it aggressively over the cloth gagged mouth. "Four.... five...... six.... seven...that should do the trick,"  Mitch says as he counts the tightly wrapped layers he tapes over Jimmy's mouth. "Now where were we?!" Mitch says. "Mmmmmpppfffllpp!! Mmmpppffflllppppp mmppphhhh!!!! (Help! Help me!!) Jimmy tries to utter but the tight gag does its job as it comes out quietly jarbled muffled nonsense. "Ha! I can't understand you, keep trying but that's useless boy!" Mitch says. He then goes back to his bag and grabs the hunting knife he found in the tool bag. He puts it to Jimmy's throat and says "You know I was only planning on tying you up and robbing you and taking your truck but when I discovered you were cute, I couldn't resist! Now if you move, you'll get hurt so stay still!" Jimmy grunts and growls in his gag but doesn't move as Mitch cuts away at his shirt, ripping it off until his athletic chest and abs are revealed. "Fuck! You are not only cute but fit as well, we are definitely going to have some fun boy!" Mitch says. "MMMMMUPPPPCCHHH MHPPPHHHHUUUU!!!!" (FUCK YOU!!!) Jimmy yells through his gag but to no avail. "Hmm, your mouth is saying no but look at your big cock boy, it is hard as a rock! It clearly likes this and wants me to keep going!" Mitch says. Jimmy violently and angrily shakes his head but it's no use. Mitch grabs Jimmy's hard cock through his briefs and it swells up even more as it is wet with precum. "Hold still, I don't want to cut your pretty dick boy!" Mitch says. He cuts away at the briefs revealing Jimmy's hard cock. "Fuck, that is at least 8 inches, and I thought my cock was big! How is a hottie like you straight haha? You'd be a huge prize in prison boy! Look at those balls wow! Big and plump ready to unleash their load I'm sure hehe." He then grabs Jimmy's hard cock. At this point, Jimmy goes nuts struggling and squirming and shaking his head rapidly and violently "MMMMMPPPFFFNNNOOOOPPHH!!! MMMPPLLLLLEEPPHHH MMMPPGHHHGGOOHHMMMPPPH MPPHHH PPPPUUUKKK!!! MMPPPHHHHLLPPPH!!!! (NO! LET GO OF MY COCK! HELP!) Jimmy tried to yell but it was no use the gag was too strong. Mitch strokes that big cock and pumps up and down slowly at first then faster and faster. Jimmy's muffled yells and screams slowly turn to moans of pleasure. "Do you want me to suck it straight boy?" Mitch says. Jimmy continues to moan loudly ignoring Mitch's question. Mitch stops stroking and asks again, "Do you want me to suck it? I know you want me to now you ain't getting any more strokes until you answer me!" Now wanting to cum, Jimmy reluctantly nods his head and makes muffled grunts. "Good bitch, that's what I thought! Your cock surely wants it." He flips hin on his back and then goes down on Jimmy's cock and stares into his eyes as he sucks away at that big dick. "MMMMMPPPFFFSSSSSSSS mfffpppopuuuukkkkpphh!!!" (YESSSSSS Fuckkkkkk!) Jimmy tries to say as the feeling of Mitch's mouth on his cock is amazing. The sounds of Mitch sucking and Jimmy's loud muffled moans as well as the night sounds of crickets are music to Mitch's ears........


by Justin L

Email: [email protected]

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