The Apartment Complex

by HornyBoi

12 Jul 2022 3462 readers Score 8.7 (91 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The Apartment Complex

My name is Alex and I’ve just turned 19 and I’m about to start my first year in college. Unfortunately, there was some administration error with the number of dorm rooms they had free and I was the unlucky one. This means that I’d have to stay with my parents and that is something I didn’t want, it’d be too hard to have someone over with my parents breathing down my neck. Luckily for me, the college said they’ll pay for me to stay in an apartment complex close to them as an apology. I accepted straight away.

I packed up all my things and, one by one loaded them all into my dad’s car. My mom was happy but sad that her eldest child was leaving the nest. My dad however was a bit reluctant to see me go. We got in the car on we were on the way.

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay with us while you’re going to college?” My dad said breaking the silence in our long car journey.

“We’ve talked about this already.” I snapped back. “The college had some error with the dorm housing but they paid for me to stay at the nearby apartment complex.”

While I did like the idea that I would be living away from home. The thoughts of living alone in an apartment complex I never heard of before gave me a strange ache in my stomach.

“Ok, I get it.” He sighed. “I was young once too you know.”

“Then why the third degree?”

“Alex, I’m your dad. It’s my job.” He laughed. “Hey look I think we’re here.”

He was right. The apartment complex was coming into view. The college told me it was near the beach but didn’t say it was right across the street from it! My dad parked the car and I got my luggage from the trunk. Before I could grab my bags, I heard someone walking up behind me, they put their hand on my shoulder.

“You must be Alex!” The deep voice chuckled. “I’m Lorenzo, your landlord.”

I turned around to see a hulking tan-skinned man. He was wearing a loose shirt with a few buttons undone and tight cut-off jeans. I couldn’t help myself but marvel at this Latino god. He grinned at me and my stomach ached again.

“You must be Lorenzo.” My dad said shaking his hand. “We spoke on the phone earlier.”

“Please let me show you around.” He grabbed my bags from the trunk and motioned us to follow him but before I could follow him I felt an embrace.

“This is where I leave you kiddo.” My dad gave me one of his infamous bear hugs. “You be careful ok! You contact me if you have any trouble.”

“I’ll be fine dad.” I looked up at his teary eyes. “You don’t need to worry about me.”

“Don’t worry Mr. Alex is in good hands here.” Lorenzo said gripping one of the bags over his back showing his sweat-stained armpit.

I followed Lorenzo in as I waved my dad goodbye. Leaving the nest is an unusual feeling. It’s like feeling homesick, nervous, and excited all at the same time. Is that what I am feeling in my stomach? Lorenzo showed me into the lobby area and there was another well-toned Latino behind the reception desk.

“This is Eduardo. He hates the bell.” Lorenzo laughed as he dinged the bell. “This is Alex our new resident. Come say hi.”

He must’ve been the same height as Lorenzo because the two-towered over me. He gripped my hand in his big calloused hand. He and Lorenzo had big grins on their faces.

“My my my.” He chuckled. “It is nice to meet you. I’m Lorenzo’s second in command.”

“He’s an overpaid receptionist, don’t mind him.” Lorenzo sighed as he grabbed something behind the counter. “You’ll need this.” He handed me a card key. “This is your room key please do not lose this. You have one and I have one in case of emergencies.”

“Emergencies?” I asked.

“Don’t worry.” Eduardo added. “You’ll be safe in our hands here.”

“Yes yes, big strong Eduardo going to save the day.” Lorenzo joked as he grabbed onto my shoulder. “This way.”

He led me to the elevators. I turned around to see Eduardo looking at me. He gave me a cheeky grin as the elevator’s door closed. There were three floors to this apartment complex. Lorenzo told me there are about 20 residential rooms on each floor. He said there were also other rooms but didn’t go into detail about them. I assumed it was storerooms or something like that.

The elevator dinged on the third floor and I followed him to the room I’ll be staying in, apartment number 317. He showed me the mechanism for using the key card and handed it to me as he opened the door. He put my bags on the bed and showed me around.

“This is your bedroom, not too shabby, eh? There’s a small kitchen area, well a fridge, a microwave, and some counters, we usually eat in the food hall downstairs anyway.” He opened a door beside the kitchen. “And this is your bathroom. It’s small, I know, but you’re a small kid.”

“I’m 19, I’m not a kid anymore.” A blurted out.

“I’m sorry. I mean small man.” He chuckled and patted my back. “Now let me show you how the shower works. They can be a bit finicky on the third floor.” As he turned on the shower he wiggled the handle, it looked like he was stroking it. “You’ve got to move it around a little-”

Just then the water turned on and he was instantly drenched in water. He quickly turned it off and grabbed one of the towels on the counter. He patted his face before trying to and failing in removing his shirt. The shirt looked like it was glued to his body. His huge arms constricting trying to grab onto the fabric.

“Could you help me kid?” He firmly asked. “Just grip the back and pull.”

I grabbed onto his back. God, his back was hard and tight. I pulled the wet shirt and it slowly started to come loose. Once it was off, he turned around and I got to see this man’s upper body. Huge hairy chest and a well-toned stomach. It was as if he was flexing as he faced me.

“Like I said finicky.” He sighed, drying himself off. “If you ever have trouble, just give me a call.”

I stood there admiring this man’s body, and that pain in my stomach came back. He waved his hand in front of my face.

“Hello Mr. Alex!” He chimed. “Are you in there?”

“Yes, sorry.” I came back to reality. “If I ever have any trouble I’ll call you dad… Lorenzo!”

God, what the hell did I just call him!? I had the same conversation with my dad just before he left and my mind wasn’t all there. I left the bathroom I was so embarrassed. He laughed as he continued to dry himself off.

I started to unpack and put some clothes away. He was in the bathroom for a long time for someone who’s just drying off. I was unpacking my last bag when I heard Lorenzo coming out of the bathroom.

“I’ll let you unpack.” He handed me the towel. “As I said we usually eat together in the food hall. Might be a nice ice breaker for you to meet the other guys that live here. If you’re interested?”

“Guys?” I looked at him confused.

“Did the college not tell you.” He looked somewhat excited. “This complex is for men only. So, what do you say? Will I see you down there later?”

“Thanks, but I think I’m going to finish unpacking and maybe meet up with some friends instead. Maybe next time.”

He smiled and just like that I was alone in my room. I stood there for a few minutes to take everything in. I looked around the room and smiled, I finally had my own place.

I was still holding the towel he used. I don’t know what came over me but I put my head in it and smelled it. The towel was so damp and some parts were wetter than other parts. It’s like a could smell Lorenzo’s sweat in the towel. I looked down at the shorts and I was tenting pretty hard. My mind started racing, the sight of Lorenzo’s chest and the smell of him was making me hard.

What the hell is happening to me?