The Accidental Boyfriend

by Faerynail

25 Jan 2023 1739 readers Score 8.6 (24 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

It was an accident that led to a love so strange yet so true. They say life's all about fate, and it was my turn to be part of life's mysterious game.

There I was, walking quickly towards the lane. I was late for the company photoshoot with my boss, and I was mathematically thinking of a way to explain myself, but the thing is, I was never late. I was always on time, but today was different. I woke up later than usual because I was up all night trying hard to write my next article for the company blog. I was up past my bedtime, hence waking up late. I was a mess, and the cold morning air and fog didn't make things any easier as I picked up my pace, jogging a bit.

I was supposed to meet him at a warehouse where we could set up the photo shoot for the models who would be on our company's advertisement boards.

"He said 341 Long Street Store 003." I thought over and over again, unsure, till I reached the street and saw a row of warehouses, but I couldn't find store 003 because it started from 004. Maybe I was tired and it should've been store 005 instead. I was ten minutes late and thinking things wouldn't get me anywhere, and I couldn't call my boss to confirm or else he would think that I was not serious. That's when I heard the sound of a drill from store 005, and I knew it was the crew setting up the stage, so I pulled the door open and entered. It was a bit quieter than the usual setup, so I decided to follow the sound of the drill as I stepped over the debris to find the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen standing in front of me.

Standing at six feet three, he had straight black hair trimmed slightly at the sides, a prominent jaw that could be seen through his facial skin, which was hairless, and soft gray eyes with thick eyebrows that gave him that tough look. "You must be here for the private strip show," she said, and that snapped me out of my trance.

"What now?" I asked but was ignored, only to see him grab his boom box by the debris, which I hadn't noticed (I wondered why!). It was like he had been waiting for this, and he played those sexy stripper beats. My mouth couldn't speak as he started moving to the rhythm. He twisted his hips like a professional, grinding the air like it was someone's body. I was so jealous of that space at that moment. He turned around, and I was glad because that arse was hugging those jeans. I had completely forgotten that I was needed. He then turned around and took off his shirt, and my jaw dropped.

He was packing some serious muscle, and I mean real bodybuilder muscle. He had huge arms with lots of veins, and his chest was all muscle and sweaty with an eight-pack. Then he had his hands caress his hard muscles affectionately as he licked his huge biceps. His hands continued to slide down till he reached his zipper, turned it down, and winked at me. I was sure a lot of saliva was collecting in my mouth at the moment and really hoped I wouldn't let it out.

He turned around and pulled his pants down, bending over so slightly and revealing his jockstrap and firm arse that was calling my name imaginatively. He turned back to face me, and the jockstrap covering was the only thing stopping me from seeing his huge package, and that was when he reached out and took my hand. He used my hand to explore his chest muscles and biceps all while he quietly moaned, then he put my hand on his abs, taking it lower and lower. I was this close to touching his groin area when my phone rang, and I truly snapped out of it.

I quickly pulled my hand and went to check on my phone to see that my boss was calling, and I was twenty minutes late. I just ran out of there without saying a word and decided to double-check the address. Apparently it was 314 long street store 003. No wonder I couldn't find store 003, it was because I was on the wrong street. I quickly ran back to the correct street number and found the right warehouse. I was given an earful by my boss. I was lucky enough that he didn't fire me, but I walked out with a massive warning. Life was that cruel to me. Given food, you cannot eat or taste it. It was fun while it lasted though, right!? Or so I thought.

The next few weeks, I had grown out of it, and I thought that was a one-time accidental thing that happens to everyone, until life played its tricks on me again. I was walking to run another errand for my boss on a Friday afternoon. I was supposed to get a sample copy of the company's new banner for the billboard, but I found that an accident had taken place on the route I use, and since I was on foot, I had to take another route. It was the corridor route that hardly anyone used, and I had no choice.

I was walking, and that's when I saw him—more like he saw me before I saw him. Stripper guy! He came to me within a few strides or steps—I really don't know—and I was ready to run. I was so embarrassed by what happened last time that I prayed I couldn't meet him anytime soon.

"It's you again," he said to me in a deep baritone voice. and I just smiled and nodded. I had to get away fast, or else my hands would get handsy on him. The truth is, I fell in love with him that day, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forget Mr. Stripper.

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry for what happened the other day," he continued to say, but all I was looking at were his soft, kissable lips that turned pink when he licked them, showing his slightly crooked lower teeth. He was gorgeous.

"...was someone else, and I mistook them for you," he said, and he stopped, and I just nodded. I was drooling, and he chuckled.

"Liked what you saw?" he closed in on me, I was paralyzed as he was too close, he bent down and whispered in my ear,

"We can arrange something," she said, and that was it. I stepped back and looked at him. I was all for his body, but I couldn't let myself become one of his clients. I was looking for love, not hookups. My look must have said it all, because he also stepped back and frowned more, like he was surprised by my reaction.

"Excuse me," was all I said, and I walked straight without looking back at him. I would never let my body have mere hookups. I was old-fashioned and into romance, not dirty games.

A month passed, and I didn't meet Mr. Stripper anywhere again. I couldn't stop thinking about him, so I used the hookup card to suppress those feelings of wanting to have a relationship with him. It was my sister's bachelorette party, and I was invited. I was this close to saying no, but she was as hot-headed as a bull, so I just went along with it. It was held at some beautiful villa where we could get enough privacy. I gave her a lingerie set—I mean, who wouldn't?—and an expensive perfume she used to talk about when we were young.

"It's time," one of her friends announced.

and I was excited to see the next event. Surprise, surprise, it was a stripper, and not just any stripper. My Mr. Stripper (I was getting possessive) was on the stage wearing plumbing overalls. I tried to hide through the numerous screams of the wild and drunk girls, hating that our eyes would meet.

He held my gaze for a while while acting out his performance, then he looked away and smiled at the bride. He then tore off his suit and revealed the skimpy silk underwear that tightly hugged that package I was once about to hold in my hands. Was it jealousy or something else I felt when he swooped my sister, the bride, into his arms and danced with her? I couldn't take this any longer, so I excused myself.

I could feel his gaze burning a hole in my back, but I couldn't afford to look back or else I'd cry.

I needed fresh air, so I chose the gazebo by the lake at the far corner of the yard. It was well lit by the glowing full moon. My eyes decided it was time to tear up as I looked at the happy moon casting its bright glow on the still waters of the pond. The koi fish were happily swimming about without a care. I wish I were those koi fish. They had no worries about love or anything except death.

"Can I join you?" a so familiar voice asked, and I couldn't dare myself to turn as I used the back of my hand to wipe away the silly tears that rolled down freely on my cheeks till I felt someone sit besides me, warming things up a bit. It was getting cold, and I can't say I didn't enjoy that warmth.

He had started, but I raised my hand as I turned to face him. I stopped him there as I landed my lips on his. Why did I do it, you say? I needed to be sure that he was the one. The moment our lips met, I felt a jolt of liveliness hit me; it was right; at that moment, I felt like we were made for each other, like I was some lock who needed a key to be opened, and I bet he felt the same. It was so magical that I wished it could last forever and wished it could turn into something more, but he broke it apart.

"What was that for?" he asked, quite amazed.

I replied that I had to be sure. I admitted to him that I fell for him from day one, but when he told me that he had many hookups, I had second thoughts.

He asked me what I thought about the kiss, and I was afraid that if I said yes, I'd be entering something I didn't think I was ready for.

"So I guess I just need time," I said, but he wouldn't let me finish.

He told me that he was not proud of what he'd done and that he never had sex with his clients; he'd only done muscle worships and strip shows. He said that I was the second person he loved truthfully after his ex hooked up with his brother and they eloped.

His eyes were soft and full of honesty, but I was still not ready.

I understand,' he sighed and stood up to exit the gazebo, but before he left, he turned back and told me these words that would open a wider door to a crazy next month,

"Know this, I will fight for your love even if it takes me my whole lifetime," and he left me utterly speechless.

Ah yes! Like I said, the next month was crazy. It all began with flowers on my doorstep. I wondered how he got my number until my crazy sister blurted out that she gave it to him after she had eavesdropped on our conversation in the gazebo. Crazy woman! Then it was chocolate! Apparently someone was as old-fashioned as me. Then one time at work, he sent me a bouquet of sunflowers, my favorite, and all eyes were on me as I read the card with heartfelt messages. Even my boss asked me what this was all about, and I said it was some fan showing their love. Then the mother of all craziness hit the next Friday at work.

Ever heard of that movie where the man sings in public to win the girl's heart? Well, this was to win a man's heart, and it was all arranged with the help of my crazy sister. There I was sitting down at my desk, trying to write another article for the company's blog, when I heard people gasp and murmur. I stood up to look and see, and there he was, Mr. Stripper, or should I say Raymond, in a suit that looked good on him, that familiar boom box, and a red rose. I quickly ran up to him, held him by the hand, and tried to take him somewhere where people wouldn't see, but it was too late for that. He gently slipped his hand from mine, took some steps back, and turned on the boom box to a karaoke song I loved so much. Lady in Red by Chris DeBurge (curse you, Samantha). My sister was definitely in on it.

He started to sing the lyrics, and boy did he try. His voice was worse than two turtles going at it, and when the chorus hit, he kneeled down, and the people around him awed. I was growing embarrassed, so I ran and switched off the boom box. I turned to Ray, who was still kneeling down, and I urged him to stand.

"I love you, Jim. I said I'd fight for you, and I will... I didn't let him finish as I kissed him there and then. Everybody clapped, and the shyness rose again as I tried to pull away, but he held me in place. This time, I let the kiss grow into something more. The outside world was now but a distant voice. It was me and Ray until I heard someone clear their throat, and the spell broke. It was my boss.

I was in for it; this was it! My boss was strictly work and no play. He was going to fire me, but I was ready for it. I had gotten something good out of this.

"About time you got some," he said, and I was dumbfounded.

"What? "You thought I was an emotionless bastard," he added with a bit of a smile.

"Well, think again," he said, and he gave me the weekend off to enjoy with my new boyfriend and told me that I was expected to report early on Monday.

"The rest of you, go back to work unless you are as lucky as this guy," he snapped at the onlookers, who quickly went back to work. I went to my desk to grab my stuff, and we exited the building hand in hand.

We talked and talked that night and got to know each other better, yet it was like we already knew each other. Ray was living with his brother, who was in high school, and he would introduce me. I told him about my nosy sister, whom he had already met and who was a handful.

On Saturday, he woke me up with breakfast in the morning and promised me dinner at his place tonight. We did share a kiss before he left, and I felt my body tingle.

It was around 7 p.m. when I arrived at his apartment. I was nervous even after I shaved thoroughly and cleaned up well. blowing through my mouth, I rang the doorbell and waited for an answer. The answer came as soon as I called. It seems like he was also nervous and worried that I might not come.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world," I told him as he leaned in for a kiss and stepped back to let me in. He had a cozy three-bedroom apartment, and his brother was sleeping over at his friends'. The house was ours for the night.

He wore tight jeans just to taunt me with his huge thighs and arse and a khaki-colored polo shirt that showed his huge chest. He had also cleaned up. I was no fancy dresser, but at five feet nine, I wore my khaki trousers, a short-sleeved shirt, and my cashmere vest to complement my nerdy look.

Dinner was good, with homemade lasagna and chocolate cake (he knew chocolate was my favorite). I was stuffed, and then we got to talking, and that was when I decided to reveal my big secret.

"I've never had sex in my entire life." I quickly blurted out and turned away, shy, but he placed his hand on my face, turning me to look towards him and placing a kiss on my lips. It was gentle and soft, and then he whispered in my ear.

"Then let's do something about it, shall we?"

He stood up and picked me up bride style and led me to his bedroom. He had a four-poster bed with a cream and gray duvet. He gently laid me down on the bed and started stripping me. from the vest to my trousers. With only my boxers on, he leaned closer and started kissing me passionately. My member rose at a speed I never knew existed, and I felt his own trying to rip through his jeans. He moved on to my neck; his warm breath sent jingles all over my body, kissing my chest. He serviced each nipple equally, and he went lower to my abdomen. He took his time toying with my navel until he reached the groin area.

Using his teeth, he pulled down my boxers, and my cock sprung out, ready to poke at something. Standing tall at five inches, it was hurtfully throbbing. He disposed of my boxers and went on to kiss my cock. A steady stream of precum  oozed out, and he licked it. It felt so good when his tongue touched my tip that he repeated the process of licking my shaft up and down. A moan escaped my lips, and that was when he swallowed me whole. It was the most incredible feeling when my cock was enveloped in his warm mouth. He was a professional at this. I could feel his tongue circling my shaft while inside his mouth. I was ready to cough, but I had to hold it in.

He opened his mouth to let me out, and he put me back in with a bit of force, and another moan escaped me. He was really enjoying this as he picked up the pace and started stroking me. I grabbed a handful of his duvet for support. It was pure joy until he stopped.

"Won't have you release before the good part" He said and I groaned; this was fun already, but he just winked and lifted up my legs. He spread them, exposing my arsehole. He had that hungry look to him that made me more horny.

And boy was he hungry; he dug right in, and the moment his tongue touched my hole, I moaned loudly. It was like a new experience; my body had discovered this new kind of feeling; his tongue was circulating around my hole, and then I felt it enter me; he was tongue-fucking me, and I couldn't hold it much longer. I released all over my stomach with an even louder moan, but he didn't stop. He continued to eat me while I panted like a dog after a run.

He stopped, and I immediately missed his tongue down there. He stood back and began to strip. First he removed his shirt, exposing those muscles; then he removed his jeans, and he was in full commando mode. His cock flew out, and I was immediately hard again; he was maybe six or seven inches long, and he had a huge bulbous head. I began to drool, and my cock was throbbing hard once more.

He went to the drawer and picked out a condom and some sweet-smelling lube. I swallowed. This was it! My first time having sex, he quickly sensed this, and he leaned down for a kiss and assured me that I would be okay. I nodded as he adorned the rubber and lubed it well. He then lubricated a few of his fingers, and one of them found its way into my tight arse. It was unbearable at first, but I took it like a champ; then he added a second one, and it hurt a bit; then he added a third one, and I winced. He assured me gently that it was to stretch me out, and I obeyed.

He withdrew his hands, and he then positioned at my entrance. It was time to launch the missile. The head was huge, so fighting its way in was a bit of a challenge. He calmly forced it in while urging me to breathe until I swallowed it whole. Then he slowly pushed himself into the shaft till I swallowed him whole. He could rest between the pushes to let me get used to it. Then he pulled out and pushed back in gently. It was a slow and steady pace, as it was painful for me at the beginning, until I began to feel something other than pain. It was pleasure instead of pain whenever he pushed in and out. I was starting to enjoy this, and on realizing this, he picked up the pace. He looked down at me, all hungry and wild, and I loved it. The only sound filling the room was my moans and his balls slapping against my arse.

He pulled me out and turned me over on all fours. He launched once again and gently pushed his cock at my exposed arse, then he held me around my hips and pounded me crazy. It was sweat and sex, and he went wild. I could feel his groin hitting my arse, and this time the pleasure was incredible. It was like he was hitting some sweet spot inside me, and I released without stroking myself all over his sheets before he also withdrew, removed the rubber, and spewed the long strips of white goo on my arse. My hole was on fire with pleasure.

I collapsed onto the bed, and he followed suit on top of me. We were both breathing hard. He was kissing my back at the same time, and he thanked me, but there was no need since we both enjoyed it.

We were too drained to walk, so he just pulled up the covers, and we slept like that. Cumful, sweaty, and happy

I slept, looking back at how an accident gave me a boyfriend.

The end

by Faerynail

Email: [email protected]

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