Thanksgiving Holiday

by Jack Patrick

8 Nov 2023 3965 readers Score 9.2 (37 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Reader discretion is adviced, this story contain graphic content depicting violence and rape which may not be suitable to all readers. This is a fictional story and do not portray real events or real persons.

Liam’s night was miserable.  He barely slept due to the fear, stress and uncomfortable position he had been placed in by the large man.  Shortly after the man had left Liam – wrists and ankles shackled behind a 4x4 beam – he had stood up, spread his legs as far as the steel restraints would allow and relieved his painfully full bladder.  He was then forced to stand or kneel in clumps of urine soaked sawdust for the remainder of the night.

He was able to doze off several times during the evening, but all those catnaps were short lived.  His knees protested all evening and his leg muscles cramped repeatedly forcing him to constantly stand up to alleviate the pain and discomfort.  The outside temperature was cold – probably dipping into the upper thirties – and even though the barn was properly insulated, Liam shivered all night.

He had no idea what time it was during the evening, but he did know that he had been there – the man’s prisoner, his captive – for many hours.  He had knelt back down on his knees, tried to put the cold out of his mind and hoped his thighs did not cramp up again, when his eyes popped open and it was daytime. Liam was confused for a second, but then his back cramped and he heard the metallic clinking of the handcuffs secured around his wrists.  He had no idea how long he had been asleep, but it had probably been at least a few hours.

Liam tried to rearrange the mass of socks and torn apart boxer briefs that filled his mouth, when he noticed movement from the window directly in front of him.  A vehicle was pulling past the barn and toward the house.  The car made Liam stiffen.  It was a Ford Explorer, but it was not the run of the mill SUV.  It was white in color, with a blue light bar on the roof, a star emblem on the door and stickers that said Pulaski County Sheriff.  It was a police car!

Liam began to howl into the gag, but even he knew not much noise – if any – could be heard from outside the barn’s walls.  As he continued to yell, he saw the SUV stop and a uniformed sheriff’s deputy exit the driver’s door.  He put a hat on his head and started walking toward the house.  The man who had raped and photographed him last night, walked onto the porch and started to talk with the deputy.

After less than a minute, the deputy turned around and walked back to the SUV.  Liam continued yelling but the gag the man had placed on him last night ensured he was kept relatively quiet.  Tears well up in his eyes again, as the deputy got into the vehicle and slowly backed out of the yard.

Liam was leaning forward, weeping, when the man entered the barn.  He grabbed the stool he had used last night and placed it in front of the kneeling and manacled young man.

“So, I’m assuming you saw the cop,” the man said.  “He wasn’t looking for you, if that’s what you were thinking.”

Liam looked at his captor, sniffed loudly and involuntarily and cursed at the man through the gag.

The man smiled.  “You see, I’m what you call a ‘sexual predator’, and part of my parole is that some local asshole cop needs to check on me once a month.  Deputy Dickhead decided that early on Thanksgiving morning would be the day this month.  The good news is that I probably won’t see his dumb ass until Christmas.”

Liam’s head dropped to his chest in defeat, his white gold crucifix pinned under his quivering chin.

“Let me tell you what’s going to happen here, little boy,” the man said.  

Liam raised his head up and looked the man in the face again.

The man gestured to the barn around them.  “I built this barn to help me in my chosen profession.  There are lights and cameras all over the ceiling beams and rafters.  I make movies as well as take pictures of people like you.  People I like to call, unwilling participants.  Believe it or not, there is a huge segment of people who pay me money – large sums of money to be honest – to provide these specific types of movies and pictures.”

For the one thousandth time since yesterday, Liam cussed himself for getting into that kid’s minivan.

“You are my latest star, so to speak,” he continued.  “Isaiah was able to retrieve your car from the road yesterday, while you and I had our first photo shoot.  It’s now well hidden and will not be found anytime soon if at all.”

Liam began to plead with the man to release him.

The man nodded at Liam’s strained guttural sounds.  Like he could read Liam’s mind, he said, “I can’t let you go, little boy, and I never will.  We are going to make lots of movies together.  The kind of movies where you are tied up in one fashion or another, and I fuck the shit out of you.  If you’re lucky, one of my clients will take a liking to you and offer to purchase you from me.  This happens more than you would thing.  If that doesn’t happen…well, you can imagine what happens then…”

Liam began pulling vainly at his handcuffed wrists and feet.

“So, little boy, my advice to you is this,” he said as he stood up.  “Be a good unwilling participant in my movies, and maybe some person will find you appealing enough that they will gladly pay me for your services.”

The man left without another word.

Liam began to weep again.  His chest heaved as he sobbed openly.  Then, he could hear his father’s voice as if he was standing right next to him, Enough crying, Liam!  Get your shit together!!!

Liam was startled and the crying stopped.  He knew he had to get free, somehow, someway.  He thought about what the man had told him.  Liam knew he was going to be this man’s sex toy in his homemade porno films, that the man would then sell to other sickos like him.  The man all but said Liam would be killed when his usefulness was used up, unless someone would buy him in some fucked up sex trade.  Liam knew he was a survivor and this was not how his life would end.

Isaiah entered the barn.  He had a bucket in his right hand, a cooler in his left and a small gym bag slung over his right shoulder.  He placed everything down on the floor and looked at Liam.

“Happy Thanksgiving, Liam,” he said with a smile.  “I’m here to make your stay a little more comfortable.  Please stand up.”

Liam thought about being obstinate but realized that would not help his situation.  He begrudgingly stood up and looked the tall red headed boy in the face.  Isaiah walked behind Liam and returned with a broom and dustpan.  He swept the area where Liam has urinated last night and scooped it into the dustpan. Isaiah dumped the soiled sawdust outside and put the items back where he had retrieved them.  Finally, Isaiah spread a liberal amount of new sawdust on the swept area.

Isaiah then reached into the bucket, retrieved a wash cloth from the water inside, rung it out and approached the bound teenager.  Isaiah cleaned every part of Liam’s body with the wash cloth.  The water was surprisingly hot and the impromptu sponge bath actually felt refreshing to an extent.  Isaiah’s hands did linger on Liam’s chest and between his legs, but there was not a lot Liam could do about that situation.  Isaiah repeatedly told Liam how handsome he was, and that he thought he would be the best model yet.

When the bath was completed, Isaiah began to unwrap the duct tape from Liam’s face.  With the tape removed, he helped Liam remove the sodden socks and underwear from his mouth.  Liam took deep breaths through his mouth and flexed his jaw in attempt to work out the soreness and stiffness.

Isaiah wet the wash cloth in the hot water, rung it out and cleaned Liam’s face.  When completed, he opened the cooler and pulled out a plastic bottle of water and a straw.  Liam had not realized how hungry and thirsty he was until that exact moment.  Isaiah opened the bottle, inserted the straw and held it to Liam’s lips.  Liam greedily inhaled the water and wished there was more.

Isaiah, put the empty bottle back in the cooler and retrieved a small jar and a teaspoon.  Isaiah showed Liam the jar and chuckled.  It was a jar of Gerber baby food.  Turkey and gravy flavor.

“I’m supposed to eat that?” he snapped.

Isaiah nodded.  “It’s better than nothing, I guess.”

“Hardly,” Liam mumbled, more to himself.

Isaiah pulled the jar away and said, “I can always put it back in the cooler…”

“God damn it!  I’ll eat the shitty paste!” Liam snapped.  

Isaiah opened the jar and tenderly spooned it into Liam’s mouth.  Liam thought it was tasteless and chalky, and did nothing for his hunger pangs, but he also knew he would have to keep his strength up if he was ever going to exploit an opening and escape.  When the jar was empty, Isaiah wiped Liam’smouth off with the damp wash cloth and then opened the gym bag.  Isaiah removed several containers of makeup.

“What are you going to do, Isaiah?” Liam asked.

Isaiah smiled, almost an embarrassing smile, and replied, “I’m gonna put on your makeup.  Don’t worry.  Believe it or not, I’m really good at it.”

As he started applying base to his face, Liam asked, “Why, Isaiah?  Why did you do this to me?”

Isaiah never stopped working on Liam’s face when he said, “I’ve been with Daddy for several years.  He saved me from a bad situation.  Probably saved my life.  I owe his more than I can possibly give back.”

“So, you help him kidnap and assault people?” Liam exclaimed in an angry voice.

Isaiah shrugged his shoulders slightly.  “It helps pay the bills.”

Liam sighed in frustration.  “Did you see what he did to me last night?”

Isaiah smiled and nodded.  “Yeah.  It’s was pretty hot.”

“Isaiah, look at me!” Liam ordered.  When their eyes met, Liam continued, “Let me loose.  Help me get away.  I promise, I won’t tell anyone what happened.”

Now working diligently on Liam’s lower eyes, Isaiah said, “They all say that, and they’re all lying.”

Ignoring Liam’s further pleading, Isaiah continued to dutifully apply the makeup.  Liam realized his begging was falling on deaf ears and decided to remain quiet.  After another fifteen minutes, Isaiah stepped back and admired his work.  He put the makeup back in the gym bag and removed a mirror.  He held to up so Liam could see his face.  What Liam saw in the reflection, truly shocked him.

His hair was a mess, but his face was radiant.  Any signs that he had shackled to a beam in a cold barn and with very little sleep was hidden by the expertly applied makeup.  His eyes had several earthen hues which matched his skin tone and the light blush on his cheeks was barely noticeable which gave him a healthy glow.  Liam hated to admit it, but Isaiah did masterful job of applying the makeup – Hollywood makeup artist type talent.  Liam actually thought he looked better than normal.

Isaiah put away the mirror and started brushing out Liam’shair.  After five minutes, he showed Liam the mirror again, and Liam was mesmerized by what he saw.  He looked like a movie star.

Liam decided on a different tactic.  “Isaiah, I don’t know what to say.  You made me so handsome…”

Isaiah almost blushed.  “Nah…you’re super hot.  I just help bring it out, is all.”

“Do you ever…you know…take part in the movies?” Liam asked shyly.

Isaiah cocked his head in confusion.  “He never used me as an unwilling participant.  I help him find new models.”

Liam tried to smile coyly.  “No, I mean do you ever participate in fucking the captives.”

Isaiah blinked.  “Ah…not usually…I did get a blowjob once because Daddy was so happy with my work.”

Liam made a face.  “That’s too bad.  I wouldn’t mind it so much if you were the one fucking me, Isaiah.”

Isaiah looked at Liam with a confused look on his face.  He put away the makeup, picked up all the items and said over his shoulder, “He’ll be here soon.”

Liam thought that maybe he was getting through to Isaiah and said, “Please, Isaiah!  Fuck me!  I want to fuck you!  Not that man!”

Isaiah froze in the doorway to the mudroom but did not look back or say anything.

“You’re closer to my age,” Liam said quickly.  “I think you’re cute, unlike him!  I love redheads and I want to enjoy sex with you!  Not get raped by his ugly old ass!”

Isaiah glanced back but put his head down and slowly left the barn.

Fuck!” Liam hissed.  He thought he had at least made Isaiah think about the prospect.  Liam knew if he could convince Isaiah that he wanted to be romantic with him, there was a chance the kid would let his guard down and possibly give Liam a chance to get loose and escape.  The kid obviously enjoyed being romantic with males.  That much was certain by the way Isaiah had fondled Liam when he was first secured to the beam yesterday afternoon.

Approximately thirty minutes later, the bright white lights from above came on and the man walked in.  He was dressed identically as he was this morning – flannel shirt, jeans and work boots – and had his nylon bag.

“Stand up, little boy,” the big man ordered.

It took Liam a while due to his stiff legs, but he was able to stand with his back against the post.

“Spread your legs and piss,” he ordered.  “You’re in for a long morning and there won’t be time to take any breaks.  Plus, I don’t want you to ruin my shots with you pissing all over yourself or, more importantly, me!”

Like standing up, making himself urinate while this monster stared at him took some time and effort, but Liam was able to empty his bladder onto the newly spread sawdust covering wooden floor.

The man rotated Liam around so he was facing the opposite direction while saying he did not want to stand in Liam’s puddle.  Liam could see a sturdy wooden desk pushed up against the far wall and a long beam leaned up next to it.  Other than those items and the stool the man had used, there was little in the big barn, expect for the broom and dustpan leaning against the same wall.

The man produced the little silver key and released Liam’s ankles from the steel restraints.  Next, he pulled a pair of black running tights from the bag and helped Liam get his feet into the tight spandex leggings.  The man pulled them up and retrieved a pair of black ankle high socks and black running shoes from the bag.  He put them on Liam’s feet without saying a word.  The shoes were a size or so too big, but he figured he would not be jogging in them regardless.

Then, the man pulled out several coils of tan, rough-looking, twisted, three-strand rope.  He quickly and expertly bound Liam’s ankles together and then repeated the process just below Liam’s knees.  When the rope was tightly cinched, he walked behind Liam where he could not see what the man was doing.  Liam tested the bondage to his legs and knew the man was not a novice at binding people with rope.  Liam’s legs were inescapably bound.

The man returned with the nasty damp mass of socks and ruined undergarments which had been part of Liam’s gag.  He rung out some of the saliva and brushed away several pieces of sawdust which had clung to the damp clothing and held it to Liam’s mouth.  Liam knew he was in no position to be stubborn, so Liam opened his mouth wide and the man shoved in the mass.  Next, he applied the duct tape to complete the gag.

Producing the key, the man said, “I know you’re not in much a position to resist, but you’re not planning to do anything stupid when I removed the handcuffs, are you, little boy?”

Liam shook his head side to side.

Without another word, the man moved to the back of the 4x4 and removed the handcuffs from Liam’s wrists.  Liam pulled his arms around to the front of his body and tried to rub the kinks and soreness from his shoulders and arm muscles.  The man pulled Liam away from the wooden beam and turned him to face where the nylon bag was resting on the floor.

He pulled a matching black spandex long sleeve shirt from the bag and helped get in over Liam’s head and arms.  He smoothed out the shirt, stepped back and looked his captive up and down.

“God fucking damn it, little boy!” he said with a huge grin.  “You have such a smoking hot body and those running clothes look amazing on you!”

He fluffed Liam’s hair on top of his head, nodded at his work and spun Liam around to face away from him.  Then, the man pulled Liam’s arms behind his back and began wrapping the coarse rope around his wrists.  After cinching them tight, he repeated the process on Liam’s elbows.  When that was completed, he picked up the bag and moved it to the far wall near the desk and plank of wood.

While the man was away, Liam pulled at the ropes encircling his wrists and elbows, but they did not give an inch.  He was undeniably bound tight and was not getting free without assistance.

The man returned and stood close to Liam.  Leaning in toward him, the man said, “Here’s what’s gonna happen, little boy.  We’re gonna do a scene.  You are the hot kidnapping victim and I’m the terrible kidnapper – kind of life imitating art, right?”

Liam tried to control his breathing and remain calm.  No more fucking tears, Liam!

The man continued.  “Picture this in your mind’s eye.  You’re out for a jog on this beautiful Thanksgiving morning, minding your own business and just trying to stay sexy.  Then, unfortunately for you, you run into me.  I grab you, drag you into my panel van, tie you up, gag you and take you here!

“I’m gonna carry you in,” he explained.  “I want you screaming into the gag and struggling.  I’ll place you down on the floor and I want you to continue to struggle.  I mean struggle like if you don’t get loose, I’m gonna cut your fucking throat!  Do you understand what I want, little boy?”

Liam tried to swallow past the huge lump in his throat and nodded slightly.

“Here’s some additional motivation – as if me slitting your throat wasn’t enough motivation, right?” the large man said with a grin.  “If you get free, I’ll let you run.”

Liam stared at his captor in complete disbelief.

The man nodded and raised his right hand up like he was taking an oath.  “Hand to god, or whatever silliness you believe in.  Sure, I’ll probably catch you again, but there’s always a chance.  You get free, start running.”

With that, the man picked Liam up and placed him over his broad shoulder.  He held Liam secure by wrapping one arm over the back of his bound knees, turned and walked out of the barn.  He immediately turned around and reentered.

As they reentered the barn, the man whispered, “Action…and make it fucking good or else!”

Liam howled into the gag and began to buck wildly in the man’s grasp.  The man placed his free hand over Liam’s fanny and lovingly caressed his bottom.  He carried Liam’s squirming, bound body to the area farthest away from the loft and placed him down on the floor.  The sawdust was nowhere near as prevalent in this area and Liam was lying on varnished wooden planks which covered the floor.

Once the man placed Liam down, he walked away leaving Liam alone, and Liam went wild trying to get free.  He did this not because he wanted to make this monster’s movie any good, but Liam truly believed the man’s threat about his captor cutting his throat.  Liam tried to get his fingers to the knot on the ropes around his ankles and knees, but he could not locate them.  The same was for the rope binding his wrists together.  

After several long minutes, he realized two things.  First, the rope had been applied expertly and extremely tight.  Second, he could not possibly get himself out of the rope bondage.  The man’s claims about letting Liam run if he freed himself were fantasy.

The man returned slowly pushing the desk that had been against the wall.  He stopped, positioning the desk near Liam’s prone figure, and walked next to Liam’s still writhing body.  He grabbed Liam and forced his into a standing position, and then he made him sit on the top of the sturdy wooden desk.

The man reached out roughly, grabbed Liam tightly by the throat and pulled his face close to his.  “You fucking slut!  You fucking whore!  Running past my house for weeks on end, just teasing me and the neighbors.  Today, I’m gonna teach your pussy ass a lesson you won’t soon forget!”

The man pulled the tight black spandex shirt over Liam’s chest.  He grabbed Liam roughly by the nipples and violently twisted.  “Of course, you’re chest and abs are shredded, you vain fucking slut!”

Liam screamed in pain and fear into the gag.  His scream was cut short when the man slapped him hard across the face with an open palm.  The strike almost knocked Liam off the desk, but the man grabbed Liam by the hair and pulled him close to his face.  He violently kissed Liam on his mouth through the gag.  He could feel the man’s tongue wiggling just beyond his duct tape covered lips.

The man then pushed Liam onto his back on the desktop.  Keeping his hand tightly around Liam’s slender neck, the man began biting Liam’s chest and nipples.  The bites were not hard enough to break the skin, but they hurt nonetheless.  Liam's screamed involuntarily again, but his cries were cut off when the man squeezed his neck and cut off most of the air supply.

Liam quickly became light-headed and thought that the big man was going to strangle him to death, but the man relented just as Liam was about to lose consciousness.  The man released Liam’s neck and rolled his captive over on the desktop.  He then pulled the running tights down to the ropes encircling Liam’s lower knees and arched Liam’s rump upward.

The man spat loudly on the head of his dick and clamped his engorged member between Liam’s ass cheeks.  Without any fanfare, the man began humping the outside of Liam’s ass.  Liam continued hollering into the effective gag while he was being dry-humped doggie-style.  

After a long while, the man stopped suddenly, angled Liam’s butt downward slightly, lined his cock up with Liam’s rosebud and entered him violently.

“How you liking this, you fucking whore!” the big man yelled cruelly.  “This is what you get for being a fucking cock tease!  Admit it, bitch!  You’re enjoying this shit!  You’re about to cum!”

Liam screamed in agony.  He had had sex several times since his senior year in high school, but never with a man and had never experience anal.  The pain was unbearable, and the tears Liam promised would not come again now flowed freely down his face.  The amazing work that Isaiah had down with the makeup was now running all over Liam’s flushed red cheeks.

The man thrusted harder and grunted loudly, just as he grabbed Liam by the top of the hair and pulled himself even deeper into Liam’s virgin ass.  The pain was so intense, that Liam almost lost consciousness, but the man inexplicitly pulled out.  It took him a second to realize why his captor had pulled out, when he began jizzing all over Liam’s lower back and his bound hands.

The man wiped his still hard dick between the cheeks of Liam’s ass and then pulled up the running tights.  He pulled Liam’s shirt down and gingerly pulled him off the desk top and laid Liam on the floor.  He pushed the desk back where it had been and returned with another piece of rope.  The man bent Liam’s ankles back to his agonizing rump and secured his bound feet to Liam’s trussed up wrists.

The man stood up and admired his hogtied captive.  “You take a break slut!  I’ll be back later for round two!”

He then strolled out of the barn and the lights went out. Liam tried to get control of his swirling emotions, tried to calm himself down and stop crying.  The lights came back on and the man reentered.  He walked over to the gym bag and grabbed the camera.  He then walked over to Liam’s hogtied body and began snapping pictures from every conceivable angle.

“The fear!” he muttered as he took pictures.  “The raw emotion!  Good lord, little boy, you’re a fucking gold mine.”

After twenty minutes of snapping still photos, the man retrieved the bag and the stool and returned to Liam’s bound figure.  Placing the bag at his feet, he sat on the stool, looked down at Liam and said, “For your first time, I must admit, you were great.”

Liam closed his eyes and tried to slow his breathing.  His heart still thudded in his chest and ears.

“Okay, technically it wasn’t the first time,” he admitted.  “I captured everything from yesterday on video.  I edited most of it last night and it’s gonna be great.  But, today was the first time you had to roleplay and you were convincing to say the least.  Hot as fuck!”

Liam could only think that there was no damn roleplaying from his end!

“I’m telling you, little boy,” he said.  “You keep performing like this, and one of these dudes is gonna buy you from me.  Granted, I’m not sure if that’s much better, but you have to admit.  It’s better than ending up in a six-foot hole in my backyard, right?”

The man stood up.  “Little boy, I’m going to run into town and do a supply run.  I know having you here, I’m not gonna want to leave anytime soon.  Too many movies to make and photo sessions to shoot.  I’ll be back in a couple hours.  You stay here like this for a while.  Isaiah will be here shortly to clean you up and get you ready for another session later tonight.”

The man grabbed the gym bag and walked out of the barn.  The lights stayed on this time and Liam contemplated what the man had told him.

Liam figured he had a few hours to get free and escape, and he was bound by ropes instead of steel handcuffs attached to a 4x4 pole.  This might be his best chance of getting free.  He began to pull at the hogtie and tried to find where the knot was located.  It took at least fifteen minutes of struggling and blindly feeling around, but he finally located a knot on the rope that attached his ankles to his wrists.  Liam painstakingly worked at the ridiculously tight tie and it finally started to come loose.  Liam grunted in relief and frustration at the progress he was making, when his ankles pulled away from his rump and thumped to the floor.

He knew he was nowhere close to being free, but one problem at a time.  Liam rolled on his side and bent his knees toward his hands again.  As he rooted around the rope encompassing his ankles, hoping upon hope to find a knot he could work to loosen, Liam heard footsteps approaching from the mudroom doorway.

He screamed in exasperation as Isaiah squatted next to him.

“You were able to get more rope off than I thought you would be able to get,” Isaiah said.  “Daddy’s normally very good a securing his models.”

Liam cussed the teenage accomplice, as Isaiah helped him into a standing position.  He had Liam sit on the stool that the man had left and gingerly removed the duct tape that surrounded Liam’s lower face.  When it was painfully removed, Isaiah helped Liam get the sodden clothing out of his mouth.  Next, he gave Liam water and more baby food – this time a large jar of apples and apricots.  

When Isaiah began to clean off Liam’s face with the hot water soaked wash cloth, Liam said, “Please, Isaiah, untie me and let me go.  I’ll do anything…”

After Liam’s face was cleaned of all the makeup which had run all over from the tears and sweat, Isaiah cleaned off the dried cum from Liam’s back and hands.  Finally, Isaiah cleaned off Liam’s tender sphincter and pulled the running tights back up.

Isaiah sat Liam back on the stool, took out his makeup kit and began going to work on Liam’s face again.  Halfway through his applying the makeup to Liam, Isaiah finally said, “You’d do anything?”

Liam was so taken aback that Isaiah said anything that it took him several seconds to formulate a response.  “Yeah…Isaiah.  I’d do anything if you would let me go.  I’d even make sure you never got into trouble.  I swear.”

Isaiah finished with Liam’s eyes and started on his cheeks.  “Would you take me with you?  Let me be your boyfriend?”

“Of course I’d take you with me,” Liam said excitedly.  “We could live together and everything.”

Isaiah finished with Liam’s cheeks and started brushing his hair straight back.  As he was putting the brush away, Isaiah said, “You’re not lying, are you, Liam?”

Liam shook his head.  “No!  I swear to God!  I’ll do anything to prove my sincerity, but we don’t have much time.  He’ll be back any minute.”

Isaiah shook his head.  “No, he’ll be gone for hours.  We have time, trust me.”

Liam sighed in frustration.  “Fine, but what do I have to do prove it to you?”

Isaiah smiled shyly.  “I want to fuck you.  Like boyfriends fucking.  And I want a blowjob.”

Liam nodded.  “Yes, that’s fine.  I mean if we’re going to live together, we’re going to be doing a lot of that stuff, right?”

Isaiah nodded.  “I sure hope so.”

“But can we go to the house first and call the police?” Liam implored.  “I’m so scared he’s coming back, regardless of your reassurances, that I’ll never be able to get into it like you want.  You know, like boyfriends fucking.”

Isaiah seemed to contemplate this for several seconds before nodding and saying, “We can fuck in his bed.  It’s a big king size!”

Liam exhaled in relief.  “Will you untie me now, Isaiah?”

“Will you kiss me first?” Isaiah asked.  “Like boyfriends kissing before fucking?”

Trying to keep his fear, frustration and anger in check, Liam nodded and said, “Of course…”

Before Liam could say another word, Isaiah’s mouth was on his and Isaiah’s tongue greedily invaded Liam’s mouth.  Isaiah wrapped his thin arms around Liam tightly – almost like he did yesterday when he abducted Liam – and pulled his body close to Liam’s.  Isaiah reached down and grabbed Liam’s running tights covered rump and squeezed, as he pressed his erection into Liam’s pelvis.  

Liam started to moan along with Isaiah -  Isaiah’s was out of pleasure, Liam’s was so Isaiah thought Liam was as much into this as he was – and Isaiah bit Liam’s lip painfully.  Liam ignored the discomfort and continued playing along with Isaiah, until he finally disengaged from the kiss and looked down into Liam’s eyes.

“I love your ass, Liam,” he said.  “It’s the prettiest ass I’ve ever seen.  I can’t wait to fuck you and for you to give me that blowjob you promised.”

Liam smiled his best smile and nodded.  “Me too, Isaiah.  Now, can you untie me?”

Isaiah untied the rope around Liam’s knees first.  Then he spun Liam around and removed the restrictive bondage around Liam’s elbows.  He knelt down and untied the rope around Liam’s ankles.  

When his ankles were finally free, Liam thought about kicking Isaiah in the face, but figured he would need his hands free before this day was over.

Isaiah stood up and moved behind Liam again, but before he untied the last rope around Liam’s wrists, he said, “You promise you’re not lying, Liam?”

“I would never lie to you,” Liam lied.  “You’re my boyfriend now and my soon-to-be roommate!”

“One more kiss,” Isaiah said, as he spun Liam to face himand encircled Liam’s mouth with his again.

Liam pulled away this time and said, “I want this, too, but we need to get to the house and call the cops.  After that, we will have plenty of time for fucking and sucking…”

Isaiah smiled.  “Okay…but remember…you promised.”

“Hand to God,” Liam lied.

Isaiah spun him around and untied the rope securing Liam’s wrists together.  For the first time since yesterday afternoon, Liam Callahan was free of any restraint.  Isaiah tried to hug Liam, but he rebuffed Isaiah’s advance and started toward the door.

“Isaiah, there’ll be time for that after we call the cops,” Liam said.

Isaiah started following Liam with a mischievous smile of his face.  Liam ran ahead, entered the mudroom and opened the door leading to the outside.  The door opened and Liam was greeted with a bright sunny day.

Best Thanksgiving ever! Liam thought.

He stepped outside, turned toward the house and ran into the man waiting for him.  The big man scooped Liam in a bearhug and pulled him close to his large body.

“Hello, little boy,” the man said tenderly.  “Decided to go for a stroll?  Or maybe you wanted to go for that jog for real, so that I could snatch you up, tie you up and take you back here for Act Two?”

Liam struggled mightily against the huge man, but his thrashing was in vain.  The man was too big and strong for Liam.  The man held Liam tightly to his chest in the powerful bearhug, with Liam’s feet about a foot off the ground.  The man had even wrapped one of his legs around Liam’s lower legs to prevent Liam from kicking him in the balls and gut.

“Let me go,” Liam screamed angrily at his captor, “you fat fucking pervert!”

“You were right, Daddy,” Isaiah said from behind his.  “He’s a lying whore just like all of them.  He’s by far the prettiest but a lying whore all the same.”

“What did he promise you, Isaiah?” the man asked.

“He promised to fuck and suck me,” Isaiah said.  “promised to be my boyfriend and said we could live together.  Stupid, lying whore…”

Liam turned his head so he could see Isaiah.  “No, Isaiah!  I was telling the truth!  Please go call the cops and we can be together…”

The man and Isaiah both laughed.

“Isaiah, please,” Liam barked out angrily.  “Just do what I fucking said, you little fucking degenerate!”

Liam saw Isaiah smile and shake his head.  Then Isaiah pulled something from the back of his jeans.  It was a small aerosol canister and a rag.  Isaiah sprayed a liberal amount of the chemical onto the rag and walked up close to Liam and the man.  He placed the wet rag over Liam’s mouth and nose and pressed it tight against Liam’s face.

The smell that hit Liam immediately was unrecognizable but strong.  Then his vision began to darken at the edges and tunneled in very quickly.  Liam knew if he did not get the rag off his face he would be out in seconds.

“Breath it in, little boy,” the man whispered.

As the swirling darkness closed in rapidly, he felt Isaiah’s hand lovingly caress his running tights cover ass cheek and then there was only blackness.

As Liam came to, the first thing noticed was the distinctive sound of a camera shutter snapping pictures.  Before he opened his eyes, Liam thought about what had happened and the last things he remembered before he was incapacitated with that strange pungent chemical socked rag.

He took stock of his position.  Liam was upright and his arms were held straight out away from his body at a slight upward angle.  His ankles were secured together and he was unable to move them in the slightest, but he could tell his feet were not on the floor.  His back, neck, shoulders and wrists were in agony, and there was something unyielding across his back and spine.

Liam opened his eyes and moaned as the bright light assaulted him and a headache began pounding in his temples.  Liam saw that he was back in the barn and naked again.  The first thing he saw were his ankles.  They were bound tightly together with several coils of that coarse tan rope and secured to the 4x4 beam he had spent the first night handcuffed to.  

Liam lifted his throbbing head and saw the man diligently snapping picture after picture.  He looked to his right and saw that his arm was outstretched and secured to a wooden crossbeam with many coils of the same rope that was securing his ankles.  He looked left and the other arm was similarly bound.

He surmised he was tied to the same 4x4 he had been the night before, but a wooden crossbeam had been somehow bolted on from behind.  Making some kind of…

“It’s a crucifix,” the man laughingly said.  “Just like that asinine neckless you stupidly wear pronouncing your absurdity to the world.”

Liam pulled his arms but they did not budge.  He looked closer and saw that the crossbeam has cutaway indentations where the rope encircled his wrists to the wood.  It caused the rope to tighten down more and left no wiggle room.  This beam had been constructed with this positioning in mind.

“I may keep you here, in this position,” he said smugly.  “Until you denounce your silly mythical deity!  And you might want to do that sooner rather than later.  The main cause of death for those people who were crucified by the Romans was suffocation.”  

Liam knew this to be true.  He had heard it all the time in religion classes and catechism when he was a kid.  

“All that weight pulling down on your chest and shoulders with no relief,” he said while shaking his head.  “Pretty soon you’re so tired you just hang there until you can’t breathe.  Terrible way to go, little boy.”

“Fuck you!  You depraved fucking deviant!” Liam hollered so loud that it surprised even him.

The man looked surprised by his outburst as well.  He snapped three more pictured and put the camera away into the gym bag.

He stood up, approached Liam and said, “You got spirit, little boy, but I will break you…sooner rather than later…”

Past caring at this point, Liam spit in the man’s face.  “Fuck off and die, asshole!  I’m going to fucking kill you!  I swear to God I am!”

The big man looked angry for the briefest of seconds but then smiled and stepped back.  He wiped the spittle off his face and grabbed an item from the gym bag.  He walked back to Liam quickly.  Liam started to spit at the man again, but the man grabbed Liam by the throat and squeezed tightly.  Liam immediately could not breath and his mouth opened involuntarily.  

The man shoved something that felt and tasted like a think rubber balloon.  It was attached to a hard, wide, leather plate which was attached to a leather belt-like item.  He secured the odd gag behind Liam’s head and began attaching something to the front, right near Liam’s mouth.

Liam figured it was a gag, but the flaccid balloon thing in his mouth, though odd and uncomfortable, would not keep him from making noise or even communicating effectively.  Then, the man began pumping his fist, and the bladder in his mouth inflated.  It filled his mouth completely and successfully pinned Liam’s tongue to the bottom of his mouth.  The thick air bladder filled the entirety of Liam’s mouth, effectively gagging him – even more effectively than the socks, underwear and duct tape combination.

The man removed the pump from valve and smiled victoriously.  “You wanna spit?  You’re gonna drool all over yourself tonight.  I hope it was worth it, you little cunt.”

He took several more pictures, including many as Liam began to drool on to his chest, and then put the camera away again.  The man looked one last time, with a smug smile on his face, before he left for the evening.  The lights all went out and Liam was engulfed in darkness.

Unlike the night before, instead of crying, Liam prayed for strength for what was to come.

by Jack Patrick

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024